A Study On Women Entrepreneurs in Nagpur (Rajashree Kale 23) Final

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“A study on Women Entrepreneurs in Nagpur”

Rajashree kale, Assistance Prof. Priti Rai

MBA student of Department of Management Studies, G.H.Raisoni College of
Assistance Professor, Department of Management Studies, G.H.Raisoni College of

“You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women”-
Jawaharlal Nehru
In today’s scenario, Women entrepreneurs has taken an important place in the development of
the nation. Women are the most powerful source in development of any nation. They can bring
change by finding solutions to the problems. In traditional Indian society, they were confined to
four walls. In modern society, they come out four walls to participate in all types of activities
including entrepreneurship. The study mainly focus on the problems faced by the women
entrepreneurs to start their own business.
I. Introduction
Entrepreneurship is the act of setting up a new business or receiving an existing business so as to
take advantages from new opportunities. An entrepreneur is a person who take initiative to make
a change in society. He/She searches for a problems and tries to bring the change in the society
by finding solutions to the problems. Entrepreneurs shape the economy by creating new wealth
and new jobs and by inventing new products and services. Entrepreneurship has been a male-
dominated phenomenon from the very early age but time has changed the situation and brought
women today’s most memorable and inspirational entrepreneurs.
The emergence of women entrepreneurs and their contribution to the national economy is quite
visible in India. The number of women entrepreneurs has grown over a period, especially in
the 1990s. Women entrepreneurs have been designated as the new engines for growth and rising
stars of the economies in developing countries to bring prosperity and welfare. Indian women
business owners are changing the face of businesses of today, both literally and figuratively. The
dynamic growth and expansion of women-owned businesses is one the defining trends of the
past decade and all indications are that it will continue unabated.

II. Objective of the study

 To study women entrepreneurship in Nagpur city.
 To study the benefits of women entrepreneurship.
 To understand the problems faced by the women entrepreneurs in starting up the
III. Review of Literature
The research paper studies the Women Entrepreneurship in the Nagpur city and the various
obstacles faced by them. Women have to face various barriers such as family responsibilities,
socio cultural and so on so as to have some opportunities as men. As there is increased in the
number of women entrepreneurs, it becomes essential to improve the position of women in
society and self-employed women. Today's scenario is different from previous years. Nowadays
women takes the initiative to bring a change in the society.
The primary concern for many women is the combined responsibility of work and family. By
becoming entrepreneur, women can enjoy freedom in terms of location, often working at home
or close to the home.

IV. Research Methodology

 Sources of data
Primary data as well as secondary data is used in the study. The questionnaire were filled by the

 Sample size
Sample size taken in this study is from 53 women entrepreneurs in Nagpur.

 Study areas
The area of the research study will be confined to Nagpur city.

 Sample Techniques
The study adopted both exploratory and descriptive research methods. A structured questionnaire
is used in collecting the data.

 Respondents of study
The data in the study is taken from the 53 respondents. The questionnaire were filled by the
women entrepreneurs of Nagpur city.
Factor Category Number of Percentage
respondents %
Age 20-30 42 79.25
30-40 10 18.87
40-50 1 1.89
Above 50 0 0.00
Marital status Single 38 71.70
Married 15 28.30
Educational Primary 0 0.00
qualification Secondary 0 0.00
Ug 28 52.83
Pg 25 47.17
Age of business Less than 5 years 46 86.79
More than 5 years 5 9.43
Now answered 2 3.77
Size of business Micro (1-9 employees) 48 90.57
Small (10-49 employees) 3 5.66
Medium (50-249 employees) 0 0.00
Large (250+ employees) 0 0.00
Not answered 2 3.77
Problems/obstacles No obstacles. 12 22.64
faced by them A question of self confidence. 4 7.55
Start-up finance. 11 20.75
Lack of information/advice on how 20 37.74
to start an enterprise. 1 1.89
Awareness/access to business 1 1.89
support. 4 7.55
Management skills.
Entrepreneurial skills.
Reason for starting Profit/making money. 10 18.87
business Did now want to work for others. 32 60.38
To make own decisions. 7 13.21
Self-achievement. 4 7.55
Awareness of Yes 23 43.40
government No 30 56.60

 Statistical tools
Questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. The data was collected from the women
entrepreneurs in Nagpur.
V. Challenges Associated with Women Entrepreneurs
 Problem of Finances arrangement.
 Family responsibilities, ties as well as commitment.
 Lack of education and prevalent levels of illiteracy amongst women.
 Lack of self-confidence and optimistic amongst women.
 Lack of information/advice on how to start an enterprise.
 Domination by male and ideology of male dominated society.
 Scarcity of raw material required for productive capacity.

VI. New Government Schemes for Women Entrepreneurs in India.

There are several schemes which was introduced by the Indian Government for Women
Entrepreneurs. They are as follows:-
 Mudra Yojana Scheme
 Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development Scheme. (TREAD)
 Mahila Udyam Nidhi Scheme.
 Annapurna Scheme.
 Stree Shakti package of women entrepreneurs.
 Bhartiya Mahila Business Bank Loan.
 Deva Shakti Scheme.
 Udyogini Scheme.
 Cent Kalyani Scheme.

VII. Conclusion
From the data collected from the survey of women entrepreneurs in Nagpur region, it is
concluded that the women entrepreneurs are of very young age. Most of the women faced the
problem of lacking of information on how to start an enterprise. There has been a steady increase
in the participation of women in small business indicating immense potential for entrepreneurial
development among them. Also it has been observed from the survey that most of the women
entrepreneurs started their business because they did not want to work for others.

VIII. References

 Shodhganga.com
 Yourstory.com
 Full Name:-

 Age:-
 20-30
 30-40
 40-50
 Above 50

 Education qualification
 Primary
 Secondary
 Ug
 Pg

 Marital Status
 Single
 Married
 Other (please specify)


 How old your business is?

 Less than 5 years
 More than 5 years

 What is the size of your business?

 Micro (1-9 employees)
 Small (10-49 employees)
 Medium (50-249 employees)
 Large (250+ employees)

 What is your present labour situation?

 I am business owner
 I am self employed/ freelancer
 Other (please specify)

 When did you establish your own business? (please specify)


 Is your present business the first company that you own?

 Yes
 No

 When you started your business, what were the main obstacles/problems you faced?
 No obstacles
 A question of self-confidence (believing in your ability)
 Start up finance
 Lack of information/ advice on how to start an enterprise
 Awareness/ access to business support
 Management skills
 Entrepreneurial skills

 What made you start your own business?

 Profit/ making money
 Did not want to work for others
 To make my own decisions
 Self achievement

 Are you aware about the new government schemes for women entrepreneurs?
 Yes
 No

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