Mechanisms of Insulin Action and Insulin Resistance (Petersen y Shulman, 2018)

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Physiol Rev 98: 2133–2223, 2018

Published August 1, 2018; doi:10.1152/physrev.00063.2017


Max C. Petersen and Gerald I. Shulman

Departments of Internal Medicine and Cellular & Molecular Physiology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale
University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

Petersen MC, Shulman GI. Mechanisms of Insulin Action and Insulin Resistance. Physiol

Rev 98: 2133–2223, 2018. Published August 1, 2018; doi:10.1152/physrev.
00063.2017.—The 1921 discovery of insulin was a Big Bang from which a vast and
expanding universe of research into insulin action and resistance has issued. In the inter-
vening century, some discoveries have matured, coalescing into solid and fertile ground for
clinical application; others remain incompletely investigated and scientifically controversial. Here, we
attempt to synthesize this work to guide further mechanistic investigation and to inform the develop-
ment of novel therapies for type 2 diabetes (T2D). The rational development of such therapies
necessitates detailed knowledge of one of the key pathophysiological processes involved in T2D:
insulin resistance. Understanding insulin resistance, in turn, requires knowledge of normal insulin
action. In this review, both the physiology of insulin action and the pathophysiology of insulin
resistance are described, focusing on three key insulin target tissues: skeletal muscle, liver, and
white adipose tissue. We aim to develop an integrated physiological perspective, placing the
intricate signaling effectors that carry out the cell-autonomous response to insulin in the context of
the tissue-specific functions that generate the coordinated organismal response. First, in section
II, the effectors and effects of direct, cell-autonomous insulin action in muscle, liver, and white
adipose tissue are reviewed, beginning at the insulin receptor and working downstream. Section III
considers the critical and underappreciated role of tissue crosstalk in whole body insulin action,
especially the essential interaction between adipose lipolysis and hepatic gluconeogenesis. The
pathophysiology of insulin resistance is then described in section IV. Special attention is given to
which signaling pathways and functions become insulin resistant in the setting of chronic overnu-
trition, and an alternative explanation for the phenomenon of “selective hepatic insulin resistance”
is presented. Sections V, VI, and VII critically examine the evidence for and against several putative
mediators of insulin resistance. Section V reviews work linking the bioactive lipids diacylglycerol,
ceramide, and acylcarnitine to insulin resistance; section VI considers the impact of nutrient
stresses in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria on insulin resistance; and section VII
discusses non-cell autonomous factors proposed to induce insulin resistance, including inflamma-
tory mediators, branched-chain amino acids, adipokines, and hepatokines. Finally, in section VIII, we
propose an integrated model of insulin resistance that links these mediators to final common
pathways of metabolite-driven gluconeogenesis and ectopic lipid accumulation.

I. INTRODUCTION 2133 led to unprecedented increases in obesity. In the United

II. DIRECT INSULIN ACTION 2135 States, the combined prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes
III. INDIRECT INSULIN ACTION 2149 is over 50% (538). Although only a subset of obese people
IV. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF INSULIN... 2153 develops T2D, obesity is a major risk factor for T2D, and
V. LIPID-INDUCED INSULIN RESISTANCE 2166 rates of T2D prevalence have paralleled those of obesity
VI. CELLULAR NUTRIENT STRESS AND... 2183 (381). The fasting hyperglycemia that defines T2D is
VII. INTEGRATED PHYSIOLOGICAL... 2188 largely secondary to inadequate action of the major glu-
VIII. SUMMARY 2193 cose-lowering hormone: insulin. Understanding the
mechanisms of insulin action is therefore essential for the
I. INTRODUCTION continued development of effective therapeutic strategies to
combat T2D.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is one of the defining med-
ical challenges of the 21st century (960). Overconsumption Insulin is an endocrine peptide hormone that binds plasma
of relatively inexpensive, calorically dense, inadequately sa- membrane-bound receptors in target cells to orchestrate an
tiating, highly palatable food in industrialized nations has integrated anabolic response to nutrient availability. In all

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animals, insulin or insulin-like peptides (ILPs) have been lin action in the central nervous system (CNS) represent
identified (120). In invertebrates, ILPs provide mitogenic other important pathways of indirect insulin action. These
signaling input, but their effects on metabolic processes and physiological processes will be examined in section III.
fuel selection are less significant (917). Leveraging gene du-
plication events through evolutionary time, mammals de- When higher circulating insulin levels are necessary to
veloped specialized functions for the related peptide hor- achieve the integrated glucose-lowering response described
mones insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and IGF-2 above, a subject is considered insulin resistant. A variety of
(120). IGF-1 and IGF-2 promote cell growth and differen- clinical entities–prediabetes, lipodystrophy (642), polycys-
tiation in mammals; in contrast, insulin primarily controls tic ovarian syndrome (202), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
metabolic fluxes (204). However, the blurriness of these (520)–are accompanied by increased fasting plasma insulin
functional distinctions is highlighted by the high homology concentrations. This increased work load for the endocrine
between the insulin and IGF-1 receptors, which form hybrid pancreas, and consequent ␤-cell decompensation, is a major
heterodimers in many cell types and share many down- mechanism for the development of overt T2D (380, 389,
stream effectors (41, 770). The overlap in signaling func- 750). However, the importance of insulin resistance in the
tions between insulin and IGF-1 likely also contributes to pathogenesis of T2D is highlighted by prospective human
the well-established relationship between hyperinsulinemia studies that have revealed insulin resistance as the best pre-
and several cancers (631). In this review, we focus on phys- dictor of future T2D diagnosis (481, 884). Because insulin
iological effects of mammalian insulin binding to the insulin action serves different functions in different cell types, insu-
receptor and molecular mechanisms by which insulin’s ef- lin resistance has diverse functional ramifications in the var-
fects are attenuated in the insulin-resistant state that heralds ious insulin target tissues. The cellular and molecular phys-
and accompanies T2D. iology of insulin resistance will be explored in section IV,
with special attention to specific molecular sites of block-
Although many somatic cell types express insulin receptors,
ade, contributions of indirect insulin action, and the pro-
the role of insulin in glucose homeostasis is typified by in-
posed entity of pathway-selective hepatic insulin resistance,
sulin’s direct effects on skeletal muscle, liver, and white
wherein some signaling pathways downstream of the insu-
adipocytes. These tissues perform distinct roles in metabolic
lin receptor appear to retain insulin responsiveness while
homeostasis, necessitating tissue-specific insulin signal
others manifest insulin resistance (99, 921).
transduction pathways. For example, in skeletal muscle,
insulin promotes glucose utilization and storage by increas-
Having described the phenomenon of insulin resistance in
ing glucose transport and net glycogen synthesis. In liver,
section IV, we proceed to examine its mechanistic basis.
insulin activates glycogen synthesis, increases lipogenic
Mechanisms of insulin resistance are most helpfully catego-
gene expression, and decreases gluconeogenic gene expres-
rized using the molecular mediators, pathways, and net-
sion. In white adipocyte tissue (WAT), insulin suppresses
lipolysis and increases glucose transport and lipogenesis. works involved. The remainder of this review examines the
Despite these diverse effects, the proximal components in- experimental support for several proposed mechanisms of
volved in insulin signal transduction are remarkably similar cellular insulin resistance using this paradigm.
in all insulin-responsive cells. The diversity of physiological
insulin responses in different cell types largely owes to dis- Several lipid moieties, including diacylglycerol (DAG), cer-
tinct distal effectors. The cell-autonomous effects of insulin amides, and acylcarnitines, have been implicated in the
in skeletal muscle, liver, and WAT, with an emphasis on pathogenesis of liver and skeletal muscle insulin resistance
signal transduction events linked to physiological regula- (127, 561, 724). The mechanistic pathways elucidated,
tion of metabolic fluxes, will be explored in section II. with varying levels of experimental support, largely run
parallel to one another such that the involvement of one
In addition to these direct effects, insulin also exerts impor- mediator does not preclude the involvement of another. The
tant indirect effects on target tissues. Because of the inte- putative mediators, pathways, and networks involved in
grated, context-specific nature of these indirect effects, they lipid-induced liver and muscle insulin resistance are dis-
are difficult to model in cultured cells and are consequently cussed in section V.
less well understood than direct, cell-autonomous effects of
insulin. An example of indirect insulin action is the effect of A substantial literature describes cellular mechanisms for
insulin suppression of WAT lipolysis to decrease hepatic insulin resistance that are thought to be independent of
acetyl-CoA content, in turn allosterically decreasing pyru- lipotoxicity. These include endoplasmic reticulum stress
vate carboxylase activity. This mechanism, together with and the unfolded protein response (481), reactive oxygen
suppression of glycerol turnover, enables insulin suppres- intermediates acting in various subcellular compartments
sion of WAT lipolysis to suppress hepatic gluconeogenesis (37), and substrate competition between glucose and fatty
(684, 903). Insulin suppression of glucagon secretion acids (397, 677). Section VI examines the experimental ev-
through paracrine signaling in the pancreatic islet and insu- idence for involvement of each of these pathways in typical

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obesity-associated insulin resistance, with consideration of (186, 343). The induced conformational change in the ␤
their role in an integrated physiological framework. subunit relieves cis-autoinhibition in the kinase activation
loop and permits trans-autophosphorylation of the activa-
Finally, increasing recognition of the integrated nature of tion loop tyrosines Tyr1162, Tyr1158, and Tyr1163, in that
metabolic physiology has sparked investigation of mecha- order (344, 889). The ␤ subunit, thus activated by tris-
nisms of insulin resistance that involve crosstalk between phosphorylation, undergoes further tyrosine phosphoryla-
insulin-responsive tissues. Inflammatory signaling has tion on residues including Tyr972 in the juxtamembrane
emerged as a key paracrine/endocrine driver of insulin re- region; these additional events are important for recruit-
sistance; for example, activated adipose tissue macrophages ment of INSR substrates (941). Signaling events down-
have been strongly linked to metabolic dysfunction (331, stream of INSR activation can be grossly functionally di-
446, 594). The mechanisms by which inflammation pro- vided into mitogenic and metabolic signals. The mitogenic
motes insulin resistance are under intense investigation. Ad- signals primarily involve activation of the mitogen-acti-
ditionally, the last two decades have yielded the identifica-
vated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway common to many
tion of dozens of endogenous circulating bioactive peptide
receptor tyrosine kinases; this signaling axis has been re-
hormones with putative effects on insulin sensitivity and
viewed extensively (41, 400, 535, 616). The insulin concen-
have also revealed that circulating branched-chain amino
trations necessary to stimulate metabolic responses are
acids may be a predictive biomarker of insulin resistance
(577). Rather than providing a catalog entry for each of lower than those needed for mitogenic responses; this rela-
these circulating factors, section VII focuses on those with tionship is reversed for the IGF-1 receptor (41). This review
established mechanistic links to cellular mechanisms of in- focuses on the INSR-activated pathways that regulate me-
sulin action and resistance: retinol binding protein-4 tabolism.
(RBP4), adiponectin, fetuin-A, and fibroblast growth factor
21 (FGF21). In all cell types, activated INSR initiates downstream met-
abolic signaling by first recruiting phosphotyrosine-binding
In offering this review, we hope that our comprehensive scaffold proteins, which in turn activate downstream effec-
treatment of both insulin action and inaction presents a tors (FIGURE 1) (826). This is in contrast to many other
unified framework for understanding the physiology of this receptor tyrosine kinases, which phosphorylate cytoplasmic
critically important signaling axis in health and disease and substrates directly. The recruitment of diverse phosphoty-
that it provides context for future discoveries that will fa- rosine-binding proteins to INSR permits early ramification
cilitate the prevention and treatment of T2D. We attempt to of insulin signaling to activate multiple functional modules.
develop such a unified summary in section VIII. INSR can engage several phosphotyrosine-binding pro-
teins. SHC interacts through its phosphotyrosine-binding
(PTB) domain with INSR pTyr972 (343). SH2B1, SH2B2/
II. DIRECT INSULIN ACTION APS, GRB10, and GRB14 interact through their Src homol-
ogy 2 (SH2) domains with the activated, tris-phosphory-
A. Proximal Insulin Signaling: The Insulin lated INSR activation loop (190, 343). These substrates can
serve critical regulatory functions (190, 343). For example,
Receptor and Its Direct Substrates
GRB10 phosphorylation and stabilization by mTORC1,
which is itself activated by insulin signaling, provides feed-
Insulin exerts all of its known physiological effects by bind-
back inhibition of INSR activity (339). Other INSR sub-
ing to the insulin receptor (INSR) on the plasma membrane
strates, such as GRB2 and SHC, are involved in the mito-
of target cells (297). INSR is a heterotetrameric receptor
genic arm of insulin signaling (41), while SH2B2/APS helps
tyrosine kinase formed from two extracellular ␣ subunits,
to initiate the metabolic insulin response, at least in some
which bind insulin, and two membrane-spanning ␤ sub-
cell types (471). Attenuation of this proximal phosphoty-
units, each of which contains a tyrosine kinase domain
(343). There are two INSR isoforms, A and B, but the B rosine-based insulin signaling is carried out in part by re-
isoform is much more specific for insulin; is the primary ceptor internalization and dephosphorylation. One key reg-
isoform expressed in differentiated liver, muscle, and WAT; ulator of INSR internalization is CEACAM1, which is itself
and is thus thought to mediate most metabolic effects of an INSR substrate (568, 660). INSR dephosphorylation is
insulin (44). The A isoform, differentiated by the splicing performed by protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases), es-
out of exon 11, is expressed highly in fetal development, pecially PTP1B. However, this attenuation likely occurs
when its high affinity for IGF-2 is particularly useful (44). with a time delay, after INSR internalization (808). Imme-
INSR has two insulin binding sites but exhibits negative diately after activation, INSR inhibits PTP1B activity by
cooperativity, meaning that insulin binding at one site de- activating NAD(P)H oxidase 4 (NOX4). NOX4-derived
creases insulin binding affinity in the other site (186). Thus H2O2 in turn inhibits PTP1B activity, providing feedfor-
available evidence indicates that at physiological concentra- ward amplification in the early phase of insulin signaling
tions, one insulin molecule binds and activates one INSR (515, 921).

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Internalization Insulin


IRS Feedforward
pY972 pY972 PI3K AKT amplification

S6K1 Feedback H2O2

pY1158 inhibition
Mitogenic pY1158
signaling mTORC1

pY1162 pY1163


FIGURE 1. Proximal insulin signaling. Upon insulin binding, the insulin receptor (INSR) autophosphorylates
and recruits diverse substrates. The two major arms of insulin signaling are mitogenic (initiated by GRB2 and
SHC) and metabolic [initiated by insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins and SH2B2/APS]. Insulin signaling is
also characterized by feedback mechanisms, both positive [GIV potentiation of phosphoinositide-3-kinase
(PI3K)-AKT signaling, and phosphatase inhibition by NAD(P)H oxidase 4 (NOX4)-derived H2O2] and negative
(stabilization and recruitment of GRB10 to the INSR, and activation of S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) to phosphorylate and
inhibit IRS proteins). Green circles and arrows represent activating events; red circles and arrows represent
inhibitory events.

Although the aforementioned INSR substrates play impor- the insulin response (343). The many (⬎70) COOH-termi-
tant and incompletely understood roles, the best-described nal serine/threonine phosphorylation sites of IRS proteins
class of INSR scaffolds is the insulin receptor substrate affect IRS activity and protein stability, allowing them to
(IRS) family. Although there are six IRS isoforms (IRS1– 6), mediate feedback inhibition of insulin signaling, most
IRS1 and IRS2 are thought to mediate most of the meta- prominently by S6 kinase (S6K) (169, 554, 899). As we will
bolic effects of INSR activation; either muscle-specific or consider in later sections, IRS phosphorylation is also a
liver-specific deletion of both Irs1 and Irs2 in mice pheno- major mechanism by which several stimuli are thought to
copies Insr deletion in those tissues (83, 196, 498). IRS cause insulin resistance.
proteins have NH2-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) and
PTB domains that target them to activated INSR, and their Tyrosine-phosphorylated IRS proteins then recruit phos-
long COOH-terminal tails are replete with tyrosine and phoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) heterodimers containing a
serine/threonine phosphorylation sites (900). After binding regulatory p85 subunit and a catalytic p110 subunit. Spe-
of the IRS PTB domain to INSR pTyr972, INSR phosphor- cifically, tyrosine-phosphorylated IRS YXXM motifs re-
ylates multiple IRS tyrosine residues, which in turn recruit cruit the SH2 domain of the PI3K regulatory subunit (826).
downstream signaling effectors to propagate and amplify The five distinct PI3K regulatory subunit isoforms are en-

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coded by three genes (Pik3r1, Pik3r2, and Pik3r3); there B. Skeletal Muscle Insulin Signaling:
are three PI3K catalytic subunit isoforms encoded by three Effectors and Effects
genes (Pik3ca, Pik3cb, Pik3cd). Not surprisingly, the com-
binations of PI3K heterodimer composition have compli- Skeletal muscle is an energy-consuming tissue; any energy
cated investigations of isoform-specific functions. How- the myocyte stores is mostly for its own later use with the
ever, the critical importance of PI3K activity in insulin ac- exception of 3-carbon units (lactate, alanine) generated by
tion is well-established: pharmacological PI3K inhibition glycolysis that are released by skeletal muscle and mostly
abolishes insulin stimulation of glucose transport and DNA cycled to the liver. Insulin signals to skeletal muscle that
synthesis, and various PI3K subunit knockout models gen- glucose is abundant; accordingly, the myocyte insulin sig-
erally support the classification of PI3K as an essential node naling cascade is specialized to promote glucose uptake and
in insulin signaling (88, 128, 150, 240, 790, 826). PI3K net glycogen synthesis. The absolute requirement of the
catalyzes the production of phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-tris- myocellular insulin receptor for these processes was dem-
phosphate (PIP3) from phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphos- onstrated by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies of
phate (PIP2). The reverse reaction is catalyzed by phospha- muscle-specific INSR knockout (MIRKO) mice, which dis-
tase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 played impairments in insulin-stimulated muscle glucose
(PTEN), and PTEN activity is inhibited by insulin through uptake and muscle glycogen synthesis (407). Muscle-spe-
incompletely understood mechanisms that may involve cific knockout of Grb10 in mice, which results in loss of its
PTEN interaction with the PIP3-Rac exchanger 2 (P-REX2) feedback inhibition on INSR as discussed previously, en-
(319). This coordinated activation of PI3K and inhibition of hances myocellular insulin sensitivity and increases muscle
PTEN enables net accumulation of PIP3 to propagate and size (329). Although both IRS1 and IRS2 are expressed in
skeletal muscle, the primary INSR substrate in muscle ap-
amplify insulin signaling. PIP3 then recruits proteins with
pears to be IRS1. IRS1 knockdown, but not IRS2 knock-
PH domains to the plasma membrane, helping to colocalize
down, causes defective insulin-stimulated glucose transport
downstream signaling effectors. Two such effectors are the
in L6 rat myotubes and human primary myotubes (87, 340,
phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1) and AKT.
837). Additionally, isolated soleus muscles from Irs2⫺/⫺
After binding to PIP3, AKT is activated by phosphorylation
mice have normal dose-dependent insulin stimulation of
in its activation loop (Thr308 in AKT1) by PDK1 (16, 800),
glucose uptake (316). Irs2 may be important for insulin
and in its hydrophobic motif (Ser473 in AKT1) by mecha-
control of lipid metabolism in the myocyte (87). Both of the
nistic target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) (729).
major isoforms of the PI3K catalytic subunit, p110␣ and
Importantly, although AKT Ser473 phosphorylation is per-
p110␤, are expressed in skeletal muscle. Of the five PI3K
haps the most commonly used readout of cellular insulin
regulatory subunit splice isoforms, p85␣, p85␤, and p55␣
action, the precise signaling cascade linking INSR activa- are thought to be most relevant in skeletal muscle (826), as
tion to AKT Ser473 phosphorylation is unknown. mTORC2 mice with muscle-specific deletion of these isoforms have
phosphorylation of AKT Ser473 is partially IRS-indepen- impaired (although not abolished) insulin-stimulated glu-
dent; insulin still stimulates AKT Ser473 phosphorylation in cose uptake and glycogen synthesis (505). Increases in
mice lacking both IRS1 and IRS2, although to a lesser ex- membrane PIP3 content cause the membrane recruitment of
tent than normal (195). Activated AKT phosphorylates the PH domain-containing kinases PDK1 and AKT (471).
many downstream substrates in diverse functional path- Both AKT1 and AKT2 are present in skeletal muscle, but
ways, making it a key node in the ramification of insulin AKT2 appears to be more important for insulin-stimulated
signaling. The importance of AKT for normal insulin action glucose metabolism. RNA interference of Akt2 in primary
is highlighted by the identification of a partial loss-of-func- human myotubes abrogated insulin stimulation of glucose
tion mutation in AKT2 in ~1% of the Finnish population uptake and glycogen synthesis, while Akt1 knockdown had
that impairs insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in muscle no effect on these parameters (87). In support of this para-
and adipose tissue and increases endogenous glucose pro- digm, Akt2⫺/⫺ mice are severely glucose intolerant (141),
duction (454). PI3K-AKT signaling is potentiated by INSR- while Akt1⫺/⫺ mice display normal glucose tolerance, al-
mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of the guanine ex- though a severe growth defect complicates metabolic phe-
change factor GIV/Girdin, providing feedforward amplifi- notyping in Akt1⫺/⫺ mice (142).
cation to proximal insulin action (500, 514).
Perhaps the best studied functional effect of the myocellular
These proximal insulin signaling events–insulin receptor ac- insulin signaling cascade is increased glucose transport ac-
tivation and recruitment/phosphorylation of signaling pro- tivity. This is accomplished through highly coordinated
teins, most prominently IRS, PI3K, and AKT isoforms–are translocation and fusion of the glucose transporter GLUT4,
largely conserved in insulin target tissues and initiate the packaged in GLUT4 storage vesicles (GSVs), to the plasma
insulin response at the plasma membrane. We now consider membrane (471). Current understanding of this process in
key insulin-responsive cell types individually to better de- muscle stands somewhat in contrast to that in adipocytes,
scribe how specific downstream effectors produce tissue- for which PI3K-dependent and PI3K-independent path-
specific physiological responses. ways have been described. Future research may identify

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essential PI3K-independent mechanisms for insulin-stimu- TBC1D1/TBC1D4 can be thought of as insulin “releasing
lated muscle glucose uptake, but current evidence primarily the brakes” on GLUT4 translocation (413).
implicates PI3K-dependent control (505, 818). Unexpect-
edly, Pik3r1⫺/⫺ mice displayed paradoxical increases in in- The Rho GTPase RAC1 coordinates a second PI3K-depen-
sulin-stimulated glucose transport, but this effect likely dent signaling mechanism for insulin-stimulated glucose
owed to compensation from other PI3K regulatory subunits uptake in skeletal muscle. RAC1 signaling promotes
(833). Mice lacking both Pik3r1 and Pik3r2 in skeletal GLUT4 translocation by inducing cortical actin reorganiza-
muscle (Pik3r1 mKO Pik3r2⫺/⫺ mice) exhibited impaired tion (47, 140, 818). Direct RAC1 targets include the p21-
insulin-stimulated glucose transport (505). The magnitude associated kinase (PAK); insulin promotes the GTP-bound
of this impairment in Pik3r1 mKO Pik3r2⫺/⫺ mice was form of RAC1, which stimulates PAK phosphorylation by
smaller than what would be expected if insulin-stimulated relieving PAK autoinhibition (140, 818). Muscle-specific
glucose transport was entirely PI3K-dependent, and PI3K knockout of RAC1 severely impairs insulin-stimulated glu-
activation per se may not be sufficient to cause GLUT4 cose uptake despite preserved AKT activation (817), and
translocation in L6 myotubes, suggesting that PI3K-inde- forced overexpression of constitutively active RAC1 in
pendent mechanisms may be operative (352, 471, 505). muscle causes GLUT4 translocation even in the absence of
However, the (incompletely specific) PI3K inhibitor wort- insulin stimulation (858). The specific mechanisms by
mannin can completely abolish insulin-stimulated muscle which RAC1-mediated cortical actin reorganization pro-
glucose uptake (274, 818). PI3K control of GLUT4 trans- motes GLUT4 translocation are an area of continued inves-
location is mediated through parallel signaling through tigation but may involve tethering of GSVs beneath the
AKT and the Rho GTPase RAC1 and involves the coordi- plasma membrane and changes in membrane tension (413).
nated action of many proteins involved in GSV trafficking
The glucose that enters the myocyte upon insulin stimula-
and fusion (140, 471, 818).
tion has two major possible fates: glycolysis or glycogen
synthesis. The principal pathway of insulin-stimulated glu-
AKT phosphorylates several proteins involved in myocellu-
cose disposal in both healthy and type 2 diabetic human
lar glucose uptake. The best characterized of these AKT
muscle is glycogen synthesis (~75%), consistent with the
substrates are the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) AKT
general teleological role of insulin as an energy storage hor-
substrate of 160 kDa (AS160), also known as TBC1D4, and
mone (182, 768). However, glucose oxidation also in-
the related GAP TBC1D1 (384, 727, 831). Phosphorylation
creases as increased substrate availability drives glycolytic
by AKT blocks TBC1D4/TBC1D1 inactivation of small
flux; in fasting rat soleus muscle, insulin per se increases
Rab GTPase protein switches that control vesicle traffick-
relative glucose oxidation (VPDH/VTCA) from ~5 to ~60%,
ing; the net effect is to promote GSV translocation (413).
the remainder reflecting fatty acid oxidation (D. Song, T.
RAB8, RAB10, and RAB14 have variously been implicated
Alves, R. Perry, and G. Shulman, unpublished data). Al-
as targets of TBC1D4/TBC1D1 (471). TBC1D4 Thr649 is a
though acute insulin-stimulated increases in skeletal muscle
physiologically important AKT substrate; mice homozy- glycolytic flux and glycogen synthesis are primarily a con-
gous for a Thr649Ala knock-in mutation have impaired sequence of increased glucose transport activity and subse-
insulin-stimulated myocellular GLUT4 translocation and quent allosteric regulation by glucose metabolites, insulin
are glucose intolerant (131). The physiological relevance of independently regulates both glycolysis and glycogen syn-
AS160 was further confirmed by the identification of a fam- thesis (152, 689, 769). Insulin positively regulates the tran-
ily carrying a truncating mutation in TBC1D4 that resulted scription of hexokinase II, the primary skeletal muscle iso-
in profound insulin resistance (178). Although TBC1D1 is form of the first glycolytic enzyme, thus providing relatively
better characterized as an AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) slow, coarse control of glycolytic capacity (589).
target than as an AKT target (831), mice with muscle-spe-
cific TBC1D1 deletion also have impaired insulin-stimu- In contrast, glycogen synthesis is subject to acute regulation
lated muscle glucose uptake (194). The relative physiologi- by insulin of both anabolic [glycogen synthase (GS)] and
cal importance of TBC1D4 versus TBC1D1 for insulin- catabolic [glycogen phosphorylase (GP)] fluxes (158). This
stimulated GSV translocation in human muscle remains acute regulation occurs through both covalent modification
unclear and may vary by muscle fiber type (118, 540). (insulin promotes the dephosphorylation of both GS and
Germline deletion of both Tbc1d1 and Tbc1d4 in mice GP) and allostery (by glucose-6-phosphate). We first con-
totally abrogates insulin-stimulated muscle glucose uptake, sider glycogen synthase, in 1960 the first enzyme shown to
resulting in glucose intolerance more severe than in either be regulated by insulin (872). Phosphorylation-based GS
Tbc1d1⫺/⫺ or Tbc1d4⫺/⫺ single knockout mice (118). AKT regulation by insulin occurs in part through AKT phosphor-
also phosphorylates target proteins involved in GSV mem- ylation and inactivation of glycogen synthase kinase 3
brane targeting and fusion, but these processes are better (GSK3) at Ser21 and Ser9 on the ␣ and ␤ isoforms, respec-
understood in adipocytes than myocytes and thus will be tively, of GSK3 (157, 171, 172, 214, 813). Thus inacti-
discussed later. In general, AKT phosphorylation of vated, GSK3 kinase activity toward GS is diminished; de-

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phosphorylated GS is in turn more active. Simultaneously, ture studies perturbing insulin regulation of glycogen phos-
insulin activation of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) promotes phorylase, analogous to those that have been performed for
dephosphorylation of GS (578, 613). Because cells harness glycogen synthase, are needed to provide a fuller under-
the phosphatase activity of PP1 for many targets in diverse standing of muscle glycogen metabolism in vivo.
pathways, specificity for GS is conferred by four glycogen-
targeting regulatory subunits of PP1 (578). These regula- Muscle insulin action is thus a tightly coordinated relay that
tory subunits contain binding domains for PP1, GS, and serves to promote glucose utilization and storage (FIGURE
glycogen and thus serve as metabolic scaffolds (374). In 2). While these physiological outcomes– glucose uptake and
skeletal muscle, GM is the most highly expressed regulatory glycogen synthesis– have long been appreciated, their mo-
subunit; mice lacking GM display decreased muscle glyco- lecular basis is still being elucidated. A bewildering array of
gen stores (90, 185, 815). Insulin promotes PP1 targeting to protein mediators have been implicated in insulin-stimu-
glycogen particles and increases PP1 activity towards GS, lated glucose uptake in particular, and so only a primer is
but the specific molecular mechanisms responsible for this offered above. The study of muscle glycogen metabolism
activity are incompletely understood (374). Canonically, has a storied history reaching back to the origins of bio-
the combination of inactive GSK3 and active PP1 promotes chemistry; those investigators using modern tools to yield
the formation of active, dephosphorylated muscle GS, thus new and surprising insights about its regulation are indeed
facilitating glycogen synthesis (159). However, studies of standing on the shoulders of giants.
knock-in mice with GSK3␣/␤ Ser21/Ser9 mutated to alanine,
thus rendering GSK3 insensitive to insulin, have cast serious C. Hepatic Insulin Signaling: Effectors and
doubts on the importance of GSK3 in glycogen synthesis
(84, 85). These mice have normal insulin-stimulated glyco-
gen synthesis and normal muscle glycogen content (84).
Insulin from the endocrine pancreas is secreted into the
Interestingly, mice with muscle glycogen synthase engi-
portal vein, so the liver is exposed to insulin concentrations
neered to be insensitive to allosteric activation by glucose-
two- to threefold higher than those in the general circula-
6-phosphate displayed severely impaired insulin-stimulated
tion (136). Portal venous insulin measurements, especially
glycogen synthesis and lower muscle glycogen content (85).
in rodents, are difficult and infrequently performed, but
These data suggest that the acute regulation of GS by insulin
investigators studying hepatic insulin action by infusing in-
occurs primarily through allosteric glucose-6-phosphate
sulin peripherally must keep in mind that the increment in
control, thus functionally coupling insulin-stimulated glu-
plasma insulin concentration measured from a peripheral
cose uptake to insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis. The
site is not equal to the increment in portal vein insulin
phosphorylation status of GS, then, serves to modulate the concentration “seen” by the liver.
enzyme’s affinity for glucose-6-phosphate. Dephosphory-
lated GS is more sensitive to glucose-6-phosphate allostery, The diverse anabolic ramifications of insulin action are ex-
facilitating activation of insulin-stimulated glycogen syn- emplified by the hepatic insulin signaling cascade. Insulin
thesis (85, 769). promotes the synthesis of all major classes of metabolic
macromolecules: glycogen, lipids, and proteins. Addition-
However, increasing GS activity alone is insufficient for ally, insulin rapidly and potently reduces hepatic glucose
insulin to promote net glycogenesis. Glycogen phosphory- production (HGP) (136). Because increased fasting HGP
lase activity must simultaneously be reduced to prevent gly- and insensitivity of this parameter to insulin are hallmarks
cogen cycling (640). On the catabolic side of glycogen me- of T2D, measurement of insulin suppression of HGP is a
tabolism, glycogen phosphorylase activity is regulated by commonly reported physiological readout of hepatic insu-
insulin by largely similar mechanisms as GS: phosphoryla- lin sensitivity. However, insulin’s immediate suppression of
tion and allostery (97). In a classic mechanism, active phos- HGP has both direct and indirect components, as we will
phorylase kinase activates glycogen phosphorylase through explore here and in section III (105, 136, 504, 661, 704).
phosphorylation of Ser15; insulin promotes the dephos- Because extrahepatic control of HGP is quantitatively sig-
phorylation and inactivation of phosphorylase kinase, and nificant, the purest experimental readouts of direct hepato-
consequently the dephosphorylation and inactivation of cellular insulin action are insulin-stimulated glycogen syn-
glycogen phosphorylase (433, 949). In addition, insulin tar- thesis, insulin-regulated transcripts, and phosphorylation
geting of PP1 to the glycogen particle increases its activity events within the insulin signaling cascade. It is with this
towards glycogen phosphorylase, dephosphorylating Ser15 latter aspect of hepatic insulin action that we begin our
and thereby decreasing phosphorylase activity (949, 951). discussion, for it is these phosphorylation events that enable
Both mechanisms thus enable insulin to decrease glycogen- insulin regulation of physiological processes such as gene
olysis and promote net glycogen synthesis. And just as with transcription and glycogen metabolism.
glycogen synthase, allosteric control of phosphorylase
through inhibition by glucose-6-phosphate is a critical Hepatic insulin signaling begins, as in all cell types, with
mechanism for insulin control of glycogenolysis (97). Fu- INSR trans-autophosphorylation, activation, and recruit-

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pSer473 Cortical actin

pY RAC1 Glucose
GDP GSV fusion
AS160/ GLUT4 insertion
pY TBC1D4 Glucose uptake

pY pSer21/9 Rab



kinase GSV



GM Glycogen

Glycogen +
pSer15 synthesis


FIGURE 2. The insulin signaling cascade in skeletal muscle. Insulin receptor (INSR) activation has two major
metabolic functions in the skeletal myocyte: glucose uptake and glycogen storage. Insulin stimulation of glucose
uptake occurs through translocation of GLUT4-containing storage vesicles (GSVs) to the plasma membrane.
The resultant increase in intracellular glucose-6-phosphate production, together with a coordinated dephos-
phorylation of glycogen metabolic proteins, enables net glycogen synthesis. Green circles and arrows repre-
sent activating events; red circles and arrows represent inhibitory events. GSK3, glycogen synthase kinase 3;
PI3K, phosphoinositide-3-kinase; PP1, protein phosphatase 1.

ment of scaffold signaling proteins. The major IRS isoforms Irs2 deletion, and liver-specific Irs2 deletion alone pro-
expressed in hepatocytes are IRS1 and IRS2 (196). Various duced only mild glucose intolerance with preserved hepato-
genetic perturbations of hepatic Irs1 and Irs2 expression cellular insulin signaling; absence of both isoforms was nec-
have not clearly defined distinct roles for either isoform; essary to produce a severe metabolic phenotype with
rather, available evidence suggests that Irs1 and Irs2 serve blunted insulin stimulation of PI3K and AKT activity and
functionally similar roles in liver (195, 196, 662, 827, 907). marked fasting hyperglycemia (196). Similarly, acute short
Irs1 may play a larger role than Irs2 in normal glucose hairpin RNA-mediated 70 – 80% knockdown of either Irs1
homeostasis: liver-specific Irs1⫺/⫺ mice have more pro- or Irs2 in mouse liver produced mild phenotypes, with no
nounced glucose intolerance than liver-specific Irs2⫺/⫺ mice impairment in downstream PI3K or AKT activity (827).
(195) The mildly defective insulin signaling of Irs1⫺/⫺ mice Only after co-deletion of Irs1 and Irs2 did mice manifest
was worsened considerably by concomitant liver-specific impaired glucose tolerance and blunted insulin stimulation

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of PI3K and AKT activity (827). Attempts to assign prefer- lin control in liver, insulin still regulates glycogen synthase
ential pathway control to hepatic IRS1 or IRS2 have yielded (GYS2) allostery by G6P. GYS2 Arg582 is necessary for its
inconsistent results (195, 827). However, it remains quite allosteric activation by G6P, and mice heterozygous for a
possible that IRS1 and IRS2 perform at least partially dis- GYS2 R582A mutation displayed reduced hepatic glycogen
tinct functions in hepatic insulin signaling; this hypothesis is deposition in fasting-refeeding experiments (872a). Glu-
supported by 1) potent insulin regulation of Irs2, but not cokinase translocation is facilitated by insulin, and the Gck
Irs1, transcription in liver; and 2) the unique KRLB motif of gene is also under rapid and potent positive transcriptional
IRS2, which binds to the INSR tyrosine kinase domain and control by insulin (9, 295, 359, 360, 451, 504). Increased
may limit its activity (915, 950). The major PI3K catalytic glucokinase expression is critical for hepatic insulin action
subunit in hepatocellular insulin signaling is p110␣; liver- not only because it increases G6P allostery at GYS2, but
specific deletion of this isoform severely impairs insulin- because it controls hepatic glucose utilization and storage.
stimulated PIP3 generation, AKT activation, and suppres- Metabolic control analysis has demonstrated that glucoki-
sion of glucose production in liver (790). nase expression is a major site of rate control for glycogen
synthetic flux (9), and glucokinase activity also drives de
The pathway diversification of hepatic insulin signaling ap- novo lipogenesis through substrate push (295). Interest-
pears to occur largely distal to AKT activation. AKT sub- ingly, humans with T2D have been reported to display de-
strates include GSK3 (regulating glycogen synthesis), the creased glucokinase expression; the extent of this transcrip-
transcription factor forkhead box O1 (FOXO1, regulating tional repression was correlated with fasting glycemia
gluconeogenic gene transcription), and multiple regulators (294). AKT phosphorylation and inactivation of GSK3,
of mTORC1 activity, which in turn control a large anabolic which favors dephosphorylation of GYS2, may also con-
program upregulating lipogenic gene expression and pro- tribute to insulin stimulation of GYS2 activity. However, in
tein synthesis (141, 504, 604). Although direct hepatocel- mice lacking Akt1 and Akt2 in liver (AKT DLKO mice),
lular insulin signaling for metabolic control may not be fasting-refeeding failed to stimulate net glycogen synthesis
entirely AKT-dependent, alternative pathways are yet to be despite paradoxically preserved stimulation of GSK3 phos-
described (504). The considerable functional redundancy phorylation, indicating that AKT is necessary and GSK3
between insulin signaling and nutrient sensing pathways, phosphorylation is insufficient to drive net hepatic glycogen
especially mTOR signaling, has challenged attempts to synthesis (504). Interestingly, glucokinase expression was
prove the existence of alternative insulin signaling path- minimal in AKT DLKO mice and unresponsive to insulin;
ways in hepatocytes (339, 504). With this in mind, we now AKT DLKO mice also displayed decreased glucose-G6P
consider the aforementioned physiological branches of hep- cycling (504). Insulin activation of GYS2 also involves ac-
atocellular insulin signaling in turn. tivation of PP1 activity; the critical regulatory phosphory-
lation site on GYS2 is Ser7 (90, 702). Mice overexpressing
The stimulation of net glycogen synthesis is a major, direct GYS2 with S7A and S644A mutations had increased liver
physiological function of postprandial insulin on the hepa- glycogen in both fed and fasted conditions (703). Taken
tocyte. In humans, half-maximal stimulation of net hepatic together, these data point to the primacy of allosteric and
glycogen synthetic rate under hyperglycemic, hypogluca- substrate control of net hepatic glycogen synthesis by glu-
gonemic conditions occurs at portal vein insulin concentra- cose metabolites, through both insulin-dependent and insu-
tions of 20 –25 ␮U/ml (697). As in skeletal muscle, liver lin-independent mechanisms.
glycogen synthesis is regulated through both phosphoryla-
tion and allostery, with allostery of critical importance Insulin control of hepatic glycogen metabolism also in-
(702). Glucose transport in the hepatocyte is not insulin- volves suppression of glycogenolytic flux. The mechanisms
regulated, and therefore, insulin exerts less complete con- involved are similar to those described above for muscle.
trol over glycogen synthetic rates than in skeletal muscle Liver phosphorylase is 79% sequence identical to muscle
(440, 640). For example, hyperglycemia is sufficient to in- phosphorylase in humans, and some modes of its regulation
activate liver glycogen phosphorylase by glucose allostery are therefore similar. For example, phosphorylation of the
and thereby promote net hepatic glycogen synthesis (109, NH2-terminal Ser15 strongly activates phosphorylase activ-
440, 640). Hyperglycemia also causes the translocation of ity, and insulin inhibition of phosphorylase kinase and ac-
glucokinase from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, enabling tivation of protein phosphatase-1 are therefore key mecha-
glucose-G6P flux (359). However, hepatic insulin signaling nisms for insulin suppression of glycogenolysis (579, 682).
through the INSR is required for normal glycogen synthesis; Insulin inactivation of phosphorylase can be mimicked by
rats with acute antisense oligonucleotide knockdown of he- expression of constitutively active AKT, indicating that ca-
patic Insr have markedly decreased hepatic glycogen syn- nonical insulin signaling does contribute to suppression of
thesis under hyperglycemic conditions (R. J. Perry and G. I. glycogenolysis (13). Control of glycogenolysis is also tightly
Shulman, unpublished observations). Insulin stimulation of linked to control of glycogen synthesis: the liver-type glyco-
net hepatic glycogen synthesis may occur through several gen targeting subunit of PP1 (GL) is bound and inhibited by
mechanisms. Although glucose transport is not under insu- active phosphorylase, a safeguard against simultaneous ac-

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tivation of phosphorylase and GYS2 (9, 15). However, FOXO1 regulation. Mice lacking hepatic FOXO1 display
phosphorylase is also under potent allosteric control and, as fasting hypoglycemia and decreased HGP (526). Even a
discussed above, glucose allostery is sufficient to inhibit 40% reduction in hepatic Foxo1 mRNA expression in high-
glycogenolysis. Liver phosphorylase, unlike the muscle iso- fat-fed mice was sufficient to decrease basal HGP (720).
form, is relatively insensitive to allostery by AMP or glu- Triple knockout of Foxo1, Foxo3, and Foxo4 causes par-
cose-6-phosphate (579). Rather, allosteric inhibition by ticularly severe fasting hypoglycemia (295, 296). Interest-
glucose itself is of particular regulatory importance for liver ingly, in several models of impaired proximal insulin signal-
phosphorylase (579, 682). Given the rapid, non-insulin- ing with increased basal HGP and impaired insulin suppres-
regulated equilibration of glucose across the hepatocellular sion of HGP, including liver-specific Irs1⫺/⫺ Irs2⫺/⫺ mice,
plasma membrane, and the role of hepatic glycogenolysis in liver-specific Insr⫺/⫺ mice, and liver-specific Akt1⫺/⫺
maintaining euglycemia, glucose makes excellent teleologi- Akt2⫺/⫺ mice, ablation of Foxo1 was sufficient to normal-
cal sense as the main allosteric controller of liver phosphor- ize fasting HGP and resensitize HGP to insulin (195, 504,
ylase activity. 603, 840). This remarkable phenotypic rescue likely reflects
the disastrous gluconeogenic consequences of unrestrained
By these mechanisms and most likely by others that remain FOXO1 activity in these models of total hepatic insulin
to be elucidated, insulin and glucose work in concert to resistance, and more importantly points to the dispensabil-
regulate liver glycogen metabolism. Although physiological ity of direct hepatic insulin action for insulin’s acute sup-
data support a model in which hyperinsulinemia is neces- pression of gluconeogenesis in fasted rodents subjected to
sary and sufficient to increase liver glycogen synthetic flux, hyperinsulinemia-euglycemia.
hyperglycemia is necessary and sufficient to suppress liver
glycogenolysis, and both hyperinsulinemia and hyperglyce- In addition to the FOXO transcription factors described
mia are necessary to promote net liver glycogen synthesis above, a transcriptional complex including the cAMP re-
(640), mechanistic investigations have revealed roles for sponse element binding protein (CREB), CREB binding
insulin and glucose in both glycogenolysis and glycogen protein (CBP), and CREB-regulated transcription coactiva-
synthesis (78). In addition to the permissive role of insulin tor 2 (CRTC2) controls gluconeogenic gene expression in
in glycogen synthesis, mediated by phosphorylation-based an insulin-dependent manner (421). The CREB/CRTC2
changes in enzyme activity, insulin also controls GS allos- and FOXO1/PGC1␣ modules appear to be nonredundant
tery and substrate availability through transcriptional reg- and differentially regulated: the CREB/CRTC2 module has
ulation of glucokinase. Because allostery and substrate been shown to be critical for gluconeogenic gene expression
availability are central to the regulation of hepatic glycogen in the first several hours of fasting, while the FOXO1/
metabolism (641), the ability of insulin to modulate glyco- PGC1␣ module is more critical during longer fasts (493).
gen metabolic flux through protein phosphorylation, allos- Upregulation of PGC1␣ by CREB/CRTC2 may contribute
tery, and substrate availability renders it a powerful regu- to this fascinating phenomenon (421). Just as FOXO1 is
lator of net glycogen synthesis and thus of hepatic glucose regulated by phosphorylation-induced nuclear exclusion,
production. CRTC2 is phosphorylated at Ser171 by salt-inducible kinase
2 (SIK2) in response to insulin (188). CRTC2 phosphory-
Another key mechanism by which insulin responds to the lation promotes its export from the nucleus, leading to
fed state is the transcriptional repression of gluconeogenic polyubiquitination and degradation and thus disabling the
genes, mediated most prominently by FOXO transcription CRTC2 gluconeogenic program (188). Mice with severe
factors. FOXO1 is a particularly well-characterized AKT disruptions in this axis display altered glucose homeostasis:
target with important physiological functions in the hepa- CRTC2 knockout mice are hypoglycemic during fasting,
tocyte (103, 195, 484, 720, 857). AKT phosphorylates and mice overexpressing a constitutively active CRTC2 mu-
three residues on FOXO1: Thr24, Ser256, and Ser319, al- tant are hyperglycemic (321, 882).
though other kinases can also target these sites (103, 857).
Phosphorylated FOXO1 is excluded from the nucleus, dis- The FOXO1/PGC1␣ and CREB/CRTC2 transcriptional
abling its transcription factor activity (103). Active, nuclear modules are well described and elegant mechanisms. Phar-
FOXO1 binds the transcriptional coactivator peroxisome macological PGC1␣ inhibition has even been shown to re-
proliferative activated receptor-␥ coactivator 1-␣ (PGC1␣) duce gluconeogenic gene expression, fasting glycemia, and
to coordinate a gluconeogenic transcriptional program in- hepatic insulin sensitivity in obese high-fat-fed mice (755).
volving increased expression of glucose-6-phosphatase But the effect of these transcriptional modules on hepatic
(G6pc) and cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase gluconeogenesis in modern human daily life, where fasting
(Pck1) (569, 664). Active FOXO1 also binds the co-repres- rarely exceeds 16 h in duration, has been proposed to be
sor SIN3A to decrease expression of glucokinase, further relatively minor (419). For example, even 2 h of insulin
favoring glucose export (451). The potency of the FOXO1 stimulation is insufficient to cause detectable decreases in
gluconeogenic transcriptional program has been high- G6pc protein levels (620). Rather, computational models
lighted by studies of mice with genetic defects in hepatic indicate that nontranscriptional mechanisms exert high

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control over glucose metabolic fluxes (419). These include

changes in substrate availability, allostery, redox state, and 15

posttranslational modifications. As discussed above, insulin

Hepatic glucose production

control of hepatic glycogen metabolism by such mecha-
nisms is well described. Nontranscriptional insulin regula-

(μmol kg-1 min-1)

tion of hepatic gluconeogenesis also occurs but has received
less attention in recent years. As will be described later, Glycogenolysis
indirect control of hepatic gluconeogenesis through white
adipocyte lipolysis is critical to insulin’s acute suppression 5
of gluconeogenesis. However, insulin can also directly reg- Gluconeogenesis
ulate hepatic gluconeogenesis by counteracting cAMP-in-
duced phosphorylation of phosphofructokinase-2/fructose-
2,6-bisphosphatase-2 (PFK-2/FBPase-2) Ser36; this dephos-
phorylation promotes FBPase-2 activity, decreasing 4 8 16 24 32 40 48

fructose-2,6-bisphosphate levels and thereby disinhibiting Fasting duration (h)

the gluconeogenic enzyme FBPase-1 (691, 914). Interest- FIGURE 3. Sources of hepatic glucose production during fasting in
ingly, PFK-2/FBPase-2 dephosphorylation may also inhibit humans. During the early postprandial period (not shown), the liver
performs net glucose uptake as ingested glucose is stored as liver
glucokinase by promoting its nuclear translocation (173). glycogen. Gluconeogenic flux continues but is diverted into glycogen
This mechanism is likely most operative in states of high storage. After this period, gluconeogenic flux contributes to hepatic
glucagon/catecholamine tone, and its role in normal post- glucose production and continues at a relatively constant rate for
prandial suppression of gluconeogenesis requires further ~48 h, eventually decreasing due to declining substrate availability.
study. Net hepatic glycogenolysis, in contrast, initially contributes about
half of hepatic glucose production, but its rate decreases exponen-
tially in concordance with hepatic glycogen content. Hepatic glyco-
As mentioned above, the acute suppression of HGP is one of genolysis still contributes appreciably to hepatic glucose production
the most commonly employed physiological readouts of after 24 h of fasting, but is nearly depleted by 48 h. Because plasma
hepatic insulin action (33, 54, 105, 112, 115, 484, 504, glucose concentrations reflect rates of hepatic glucose production
during a fast, the plasma glucose concentration is a systemic signal
722). The question of whether this effect is direct (i.e., hep-
of hepatic glycogen content during fasting. [Data from Rothman et
atocyte-autonomous) or indirect has attracted considerable al. (704).]
attention (135, 136, 208, 472, 504, 620). A key methodogi-
cal consideration in this regard is the relative contributions
contributes an estimated ~40% of HGP (704). But in the
of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis to HGP. Hepatic gly- fasted, glycogen-depleted rodents often used in hyperinsu-
cogen content decays exponentially with fasting duration linemic-euglycemic clamp experiments, the primary source
(implying that its derivative, the rate of net hepatic glyco- of HGP is hepatic gluconeogenesis (620). Because insulin
genolysis, also decays exponentially with fasting), with suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis within minutes, long
near-total depletion after 12 h in rats and 48 h in humans before any changes in gluconeogenic protein levels occur,
(628, 704). In contrast, absolute rates of hepatic gluconeo- the transcriptional mechanisms described above cannot ac-
genesis remain relatively constant during the first 48 h of the count for the acute suppression of hepatic gluconeogenesis
fast, until substrate (i.e., lactate, alanine) limitation results by insulin (218, 484, 620). Additionally, because multiple
in decreased gluconeogenic flux (FIGURE 3) (628, 643, 704). genetic models of total hepatic insulin resistance suppress
Since plasma glucose concentrations in a fasting subject HGP normally in response to insulin, the possible existence
reflect HGP, an interesting implication of these observa- of an alternative AKT-independent direct hepatocellular in-
tions is that the plasma glucose concentration (and, by ex- sulin signaling pathway involved in acute gluconeogenic
tension, the plasma insulin concentration) during a fast is a suppression would be an insufficient physiological explana-
key systemic signal reflecting hepatic glycogen content (i.e., tion (105, 195, 504). Instead, insulin’s acute inhibition of
available carbohydrate reserves available for the CNS and hepatic gluconeogenic flux appears to be a largely indirect
other obligate glucose-utilizing tissues). Because, as this and effect, mediated primarily through insulin suppression of
subsequent sections explore, direct and indirect hepatic in- WAT lipolysis (54, 136, 620, 684). This mechanism will be
sulin action have different effects on net hepatic glycogen- discussed in detail in section III; here, we merely wish to
olysis and gluconeogenesis, understanding the relative con- emphasize the inadequacy of measurements of insulin sup-
tributions of these fluxes is critical to the design and inter- pression of hepatic glucose production to specifically assess
pretation of experiments on this subject. direct hepatic insulin action in the fasted state.

With this in mind, direct insulin suppression of net hepatic Insulin also has direct hepatocellular effects on lipid metab-
glycogenolysis is certainly a physiologically important me- olism. Most prominent among these effects is transcrip-
diator of insulin suppression of HGP (208). Indeed, during tional upregulation of several genes of de novo lipogenesis
the first 22 h of a fast in humans, hepatic glycogenolysis (DNL), though increased triglyceride-rich lipoprotein clear-

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ance and decreased very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) phorylates these sites (845, 908). Knock-in mice with both
export have also been reported (457). The overall effect is to ACC1 Ser79 and ACC2 Ser212 mutated to alanine have con-
promote lipid storage in the hepatocyte and decrease the stitutively active hepatic ACC and consequent increased
availability of fatty acids for oxidation by other tissues. hepatic lipogenesis, demonstrating the physiological impor-
Indeed, plasma triglyceride concentrations decrease precip- tance of these sites (250). Insulin may also increase the
itously within 15 min of insulin infusion, although in the phosphorylation of other ACC residues, but it has not been
setting of a mixed meal, absorbed triglycerides will negate shown that these modifications alter ACC activity (305).
this effect. Insulin also regulates the phosphorylation of ATP citrate
lyase (ACLY). ACLY converts the tricarboxylic acid cycle
DNL, like gluconeogenesis, is under slow but potent tran- intermediate citrate to the lipogenic precursor acetyl CoA,
scriptional control by a PI3K/AKT-dependent mechanism. thereby linking glucose metabolism to DNL. Three ACLY
However, unlike gluconeogenesis, DNL is also acutely reg- phosphorylation sites are insulin-responsive; Ser455 is an
ulated by insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of lipogenic AKT substrate, while Thr446 and Ser450 are GSK3 sub-
enzymes. Although DNL flux has been estimated to only strates (57, 345). ACLY phosphorylation activates the en-
account for ~25% of hepatic lipogenic flux (compared with zyme by preventing its allosteric inhibition by citrate (658).
~60% from esterification of circulating fatty acids and 15% However, it is not clear that insulin serves to increase ACLY
from dietary lipids), insulin stimulation of DNL is consis- activity (189). For example, ACLY Ser455 is also phosphor-
tent with its overall anabolic effect (197). ylated by protein kinase A (PKA); PKA activity opposes
insulin action in most instances (658). Additionally, GSK3
The master transcriptional regulator of hepatic DNL is ste- activity is inhibited by insulin action, which is inconsistent
rol regulatory element binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c), with a model in which insulin promotes ACLY phosphory-
which promotes DNL by enhancing the transcription of lation to increase its activity. Thus the physiological role of
several lipogenic enzymes, notably acetyl-CoA carboxylase insulin-stimulated ACLY phosphorylation is uncertain.
1 (Acaca), fatty acid synthase (Fasn), and glycerol-3-phos- Large phosphoproteomic data sets may reveal other insulin-
phate acyltransferase 1 (Gpam) (215, 442). Liver-specific regulated phosphorylation events within the lipogenic path-
overexpression of SREBP-1c is sufficient to cause hepatic way; the challenge will be to determine which of these are
steatosis (368). Insulin acts on SREBP-1c primarily by up- capable of altering lipogenic flux.
regulating its transcription, but insulin also promotes
SREBP-1c cleavage and nuclear translocation: the canoni- Thus far, we have considered how insulin regulates hepato-
cal mechanisms of SREBP activation (207, 330). These ef- cellular synthesis of two major classes of biological macro-
fects can be blocked by PI3K, AKT, or mTORC1 inhibition, molecules: glycogen and lipids. We end our discussion with
suggesting that those kinases lie upstream of SREBP-1c a third macromolecule: proteins. Insulin regulation of pro-
(487). In particular, the observation that liver-specific tein synthesis is largely mediated by signaling into the mam-
Akt2⫺/⫺ mice do not develop hepatic steatosis even on a malian target of rapamycin (mTOR) network. mTOR is a
leptin-deficient ob/ob background suggests that insulin reg- large protein kinase which depending on its binding part-
ulation of lipid metabolism largely occurs downstream of ners can form two mutually exclusive functional com-
AKT (458). The mTORC1 substrate S6K is required for plexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2 (752). Both mTORC1 and
SREBP-1c processing but not its transcriptional upregula- mTORC2 interact with the insulin signaling cascade, but
tion (487, 604). It is important to note, however, that tran- mTORC1 effects are better studied. Insulin-stimulated pro-
scriptional activation of the DNL program by insulin is tein synthesis is mediated through mTOR in many insulin-
particularly slow: in one study of primary rat hepatocytes, responsive cell types, including hepatocytes, adipocytes,
SREBP-1 was not detectable in nuclear extracts until 8 h and myocytes, but we include it in our discussion of hepatic
after insulin treatment (283). A faster transcriptional mech- insulin signaling because of the hepatocyte’s particularly
anism by which insulin increases DNL flux is induction of high rates of protein synthesis and because of mTORC1’s
glucokinase (163, 295), which increases lipogenic substrate role in modulating insulin-stimulated de novo lipogenesis
availability. (discussed above).

In addition to transcriptional upregulation of DNL, insulin Insulin activation of mTOR is highly integrated with the
also acutely activates DNL flux by regulating the phosphor- PI3K-AKT pathway in a bidirectional manner. AKT activa-
ylation of lipogenic enzymes, although the specific signal tion of mTORC1 is incompletely understood but may in-
transduction pathways involved are incompletely under- volve AKT phosphorylation and inactivation of tuberous
stood. For example, ACC is rapidly activated in response to sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2) and/or proline-rich AKT sub-
insulin (909), likely through both dephosphorylation and strate of 40 kDa (PRAS40), inhibitors of mTORC1 activa-
phosphorylation events (100). Insulin promotes the de- tion (349, 866b). Activated mTORC1 phosphorylates com-
phosphorylation of Ser79 (on ACC1) and Ser212 (on ACC2), ponents of the translational machinery, including S6K and
perhaps through inhibition of AMPK which normally phos- the eukaryotic translation initiation factor binding proteins

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1 and 2 (4EBP1/2); the overall effect is to induce a broad larger portion of its dynamic range compared with insulin
translational program characterized by transcripts with 5= regulation of whole-body glucose uptake, which has an
terminal oligopyrimidine (TOP) motifs (508a, 752, 839). In ED50 of ~60 ␮U/mL and only reaches maximal levels at
addition to these downstream effects, mTORC1 signaling supraphysiological insulin concentrations of ⬎200 ␮U/mL
also exerts negative feedback on proximal insulin signaling (694). Stimulation of glucose transport is another main
by promoting S6K phosphorylation and destabilization of function of insulin in the adipocyte, although WAT only
IRS1 as well as phosphorylation and stabilization of the accounts for a small fraction of whole-body glucose dis-
adapter protein GRB10, which in turn binds and inhibits posal (430). We now consider the effectors involved in in-
INSR (339, 944). mTORC1 also regulates the synthesis of sulin regulation of lipolysis and glucose uptake in white
non-protein macromolecules, including the phosphatidyl- adipocytes (FIGURE 5).
choline needed for VLDL-triglyceride secretion (665). Fi-
nally, mTOR signaling positively regulates AKT. mTORC2 Insulin suppression of plasma NEFA levels occurs through
phosphorylation of AKT Ser473 is probably the most com- rapid inhibition of triglyceride lipolysis in adipocytes. Insu-
monly employed readout of cellular insulin signaling, al- lin is the most potent antilipolytic hormone and acts rap-
though it remains unclear precisely how mTORC2 is acti- idly; rat plasma NEFA levels are suppressed by ~90%
vated by insulin (453, 729). Ser473 phosphorylation is an within 5 min of raising insulin to postprandial levels (285,
activating event that increases AKT kinase activity and may 477). This rapid action is facilitated by the short half-life of
alter its substrate specificity (16, 288, 362). Through these plasma NEFA: 2– 4 min (206). The best understood mech-
well-described mechanisms and likely through as-yet-un- anisms for insulin suppression of lipolysis involve the atten-
identified ones, mTOR signaling affects all functional uation or reversal of adrenergic signaling through cAMP
branches of insulin signaling either through direct signal and protein kinase A (PKA) (203, 367). To understand
propagation (as for protein synthesis) or indirect tuning (as insulin regulation of WAT lipolysis, we therefore begin by
for its feedback on INSR, IRS1, and AKT). Importantly, summarizing these cAMP/PKA-dependent mechanisms.
mTOR permits integration of other anabolic signals (e.g., PKA phosphorylates two key proteins involved in WAT
amino acid availability) with insulin signaling (453). lipolysis: hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and perilipin
(PLIN) (367, 869). HSL is phosphorylated on three COOH-
As the above discussion demonstrates, hepatocellular insu-
terminal serine residues (Ser563, Ser659, Ser660), causing its
lin signaling is a richly ramified cascade with links to all
translocation from the cytosol to the lipid droplet surface
branches of macronutrient anabolism (FIGURE 4). The prin-
(328, 820). The importance of HSL in the hormonal control
cipal direct actions of insulin on liver are to stimulate gly-
of WAT lipolysis was highlighted by the identification of a
cogen synthesis and to transcriptionally regulate gluconeo-
human HSL frameshift mutation (14). Patients homozy-
genesis, de novo lipogenesis, and protein anabolism. It is
gous for the mutation expressed no HSL and had severely
unfortunate, then, that the most common readouts used to
impaired control of lipolysis; both isoproterenol stimula-
experimentally interrogate insulin action in the liver are 1) a
tion and insulin suppression of lipolysis were markedly de-
partially indirect action of insulin on the hepatocyte (sup-
fective (14, 947). Similarly, Hsl deletion in mice results in
pression of hepatic glucose production) or 2) a phosphory-
severely impaired adrenergic stimulation of lipolysis (293,
lation event with multiple physiological inputs and indirect
insulin control but for which excellent commercial antibod- 557, 602). However, HSL serves primarily as a DAG lipase,
ies are available (AKT Ser473). In section IV, we attempt to with adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) catalyzing the ini-
synthesize what is known about hepatic insulin resistance tial TAG hydrolysis (210, 946, 959). Complete hormonal
and what is known about hepatic insulin action to suggest control of lipolytic rate also requires the lipid droplet-coat-
physiologically meaningful experimental strategies. ing protein perilipin. Perilipins are abundant, and five PLIN
isoforms perform tissue-specific functions (93). PLIN1 is
highly expressed in white adipocytes and is phosphorylated
D. White Adipocyte Insulin Signaling: by PKA at several serine residues (93, 531, 946). The precise
Effectors and Effects functions of PLIN phosphorylation in lipolytic control are
not fully understood, but are thought to involve at least
The white adipocyte is exquisitely sensitive to insulin in three major mechanisms. First, PLIN phosphorylation de-
vivo. The potency of insulin to control plasma nonesterified creases its affinity for the ATGL cofactor CGI-58, enabling
fatty acid (NEFA) levels is critical to the maintenance of CGI-58 to bind ATGL and increase ATGL activity ~20-fold
euglycemia; suppression of lipolysis is an important physi- (279, 946). Second, PLIN phosphorylation is important for
ological function of insulin in WAT (620, 684). Suppression the full activation of HSL at the lipid droplet surface (546,
of WAT lipolysis shows a steep dependence on plasma in- 820). Third, PLIN phosphorylation has been shown to in-
sulin levels; the ED50 in humans is ~20 ␮U/mL (684). Be- crease the lipid droplet surface area-to-volume ratio by
cause plasma insulin levels in healthy nondiabetic humans stimulating budding of lipid microvesicles; this may in-
range only from ~5 to 60 ␮U/mL (655, 684), physiological crease lipase access to substrate but requires prolonged ex-
insulin regulation of WAT lipolysis is able to access a much posure to adrenergic stimulation and thus is likely not in-

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pSer256 Glucose


PRAS40 Nucleus
pSer21/9 FOX
PCK1 Gluconeogenesis
Phosphorylase GCK
kinase 1c
PP1 De novo
ACC lipogenesis
pSer (slow)
Protein synthesis
pSer15 Glycogen
synthesis Glucose-6-phosphate
phosphorylase Glucokinase

FIGURE 4. Hepatic insulin signaling. AKT signaling is central to hepatocellular insulin action. Fast effects
include activation of the glycogen and protein synthetic machinery. Slower transcriptionally mediated effects
include upregulation of glucokinase, dimunition of gluconeogenic capacity, and stimulation of de novo lipogenic
capacity. Green circles and arrows represent activating events; red circles and arrows represent inhibitory events.
IRS, insulin receptor substrate; GSK3, glycogen synthase kinase 3; PI3K, phosphoinositide-3-kinase; PP1, protein
phosphatase 1; GPAT, glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase; G6PC, glucose-6-phosphatase; PCK1, phosphoenol-
pyruvate carboxykinase; SREBP1c, sterol regulatory element binding protein 1c; FAS, fatty acid synthase.

volved in the acute lipolytic response (521). Plin1⫺/⫺ mice pro-lipolytic PKA signaling toward HSL and PLIN (147,
have elevated basal lipolysis that is unresponsive to adren- 367, 670, 781). Stimulated lipolysis in adipocytes lacking
ergic stimulation, highlighting that PLIN is not merely a Pde3b is not suppressed by insulin, and Pde3b⫺/⫺ mice have
passive barrier to lipase access but rather an active control- impaired suppression of plasma NEFA levels during glucose
ler of stimulated lipolysis (522, 713, 828). Further work is tolerance tests (147). Interestingly, the mechanisms for
needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which PLIN PDE3B activation by insulin are incompletely defined.
orchestrates lipolysis; it is possible that PLIN scaffolds a PDE3B Ser273 is activated through phosphorylation by
large interactome of lipases and cofactors to coordinate and AKT in a 14-3-3 protein-dependent manner after insulin
amplify the lipolytic response to adrenergic stimulation. stimulation (411, 483, 598, 701). However, AKT does not
seem to be necessary for insulin suppression of lipolysis;
Insulin acts largely through phosphodiesterase 3B (PDE3B) Akt2⫺/⫺ mice suppress lipolysis normally in response to
to suppress lipolysis. PDE3B degrades cAMP to attenuate feeding and near-normally during insulin tolerance tests

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Insulin Insulin


pY pY

pY Rab pY

GSV fusion
GLUT4 insertion
Glucose uptake

Lipolysis PP1





pSer PP2A



FIGURE 5. Insulin signaling in the white adipocyte. The most critical physiological functions of insulin action
in white adipose tissue are suppression of lipolysis and stimulation of glucose uptake. Suppression of lipolysis
requires phosphodiesterase 3B (PDE3B) and occurs largely through attenuation of cAMP-stimulated events
such as perilipin (PLIN) and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) phosphorylation. Insulin stimulation of glucose
uptake occurs through phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent [left insulin receptor (INSR)] and PI3K-
independent (right INSR) pathways using numerous effectors to promote translocation, docking, and fusion of
GLUT-containing storage vesicles (GSVs) with the plasma membrane. Green circles and arrows represent
activating events; red circles and arrows represent inhibitory events. IRS, insulin receptor substrate; PP,
protein phosphatase; SREBP-1c, sterol regulatory element binding protein 1c; LPL, lipoprotein lipase.

and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps (423), and phar- than regulating PDE3B activity by modulating its phos-
macological AKT inhibitors do not abolish insulin suppres- phorylation, an emerging paradigm posits that insulin pri-
sion of lipolysis in cultured adipocytes (192). Additionally, marily activates PDE3B by promoting the formation of sig-
the AKT phosphorylation site on PDE3B, Ser273, is dispens- naling complexes or “signalosomes” (11, 192).
able for insulin suppression of lipolysis in cultured adi-
pocytes (192). Several other PDE3B serine residues, includ- Despite strong evidence that insulin activation of PDE3B
ing Ser296, are also phosphorylated; the functional impor- mediates the attenuation of cAMP/PKA-mediated lipolysis
tance of these events is uncertain though Ser296, a PKA (743), it is not clear whether this mechanism– extinguishing
substrate, has also been shown to be unnecessary for insulin adrenergic input–is necessary and sufficient to explain insu-
suppression of lipolysis in vitro (192, 483, 671). Rather lin suppression of WAT lipolysis under all physiological

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conditions. In particular, this mechanism may be less im- adipocyte; it activates SREBP-1c and its lipogenic transcrip-
portant in situations of low adrenergic tone. For example, tional program just as it does in hepatocytes (398). How-
insulin causes dephosphorylation of HSL even in the ab- ever, de novo lipogenesis accounts for a very small fraction
sence of detectable PKA activity, implying that insulin stim- of adipocyte lipogenesis; esterification of preformed fatty
ulates HSL phosphatase activity (804). Protein phosphatase acids is the predominant lipogenic pathway (474). Insulin
2A (PP2A) appears to be the chief mediator of this effect, also stimulates adipogenesis through the transcription fac-
although other phosphatases also act on HSL; the full mech- tor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-␥ (PPAR␥)
anism remains obscure (911). Insulin also appears to have (693).
PI3K-dependent but AKT-independent effects, such as the
dephosphorylation of perilipin (146, 209). In contrast to Insulin regulation of cellular glucose uptake has been well
HSL, protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) has been identified as the studied in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes. While these cells
main perilipin phosphatase in adipocytes; PP1 regulatory derive from a fibroblast line and may not fully recapitulate
subunit phosphorylation and activity both increase in re- all features of bona fide white adipocytes, their ease in ma-
sponse to insulin (43, 151). nipulation has revealed much about the molecular media-
tors of insulin signaling (73, 282). Additionally, the study of
In summary, although the mechanisms by which insulin insulin-stimulated glucose uptake has been facilitated by
suppresses lipolysis are not understood in full detail, a func- the large and productive scientific community investigating
tional model in which insulin both attenuates adrenergic vesicle trafficking. The seed planted by the 1980 discovery
kinase activity through PDE3B activation and actively de- that insulin stimulates the translocation of a glucose trans-
phosphorylates lipolytic regulatory proteins through pro- porting activity to the plasma membrane has blossomed
tein phosphatase activation may be sufficient to account for into a fruitful tree with branches sprouting to describe each
experimental observations. A picture of the cellular physi- step of the process, from GSV budding to transport to teth-
ology of WAT lipolysis is emerging in which hormone- ering to docking to fusion, in molecular detail (73, 174,
stimulated assembly of lipolytic or antilipolytic complexes 814). In adipocytes, GLUT4 translocation involves many
at the lipid droplet defines the net direction of lipolysis (11, but not all of the same effectors discussed above for myo-
192). Ongoing investigation will undoubtedly define the cellular glucose uptake. We now briefly consider the molec-
relevant mediators and interactions in fuller detail (54, 620, ular mediators of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in the
684). adipocyte, though interested readers are referred to several
excellent reviews for more detail on this subject (47, 73,
Just as net hepatic glycogen storage depends on the balance 276, 365, 413, 471).
between glycogenolysis and glycogen synthesis, net adipose
lipolysis is the sum of fluxes from lipolysis and re-esterifi- Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in the adipocyte, as in
cation of liberated fatty acids (474). Re-esterification can muscle, is critically dependent on the IRS1-PI3K-AKT axis.
act on fatty acids originating from within the adipocyte or Antisense knockdown of IRS1 severely impairs insulin-
from the circulation (447). During fasting, almost no adi- stimulated glucose uptake in primary rat adipocytes (666).
pocyte re-esterification occurs, but glucose infusion induces IRS2 also participates in adipocyte insulin signaling; IRS2
substantial re-esterification (165). Additionally, under-re- Ser388 phosphorylation by insulin-activated cyclin-depen-
placement of insulin in type 1 diabetics impairs the post- dent kinase 4 (CDK4) may be a positive feedback mecha-
prandial storage of dietary fatty acids; these findings suggest nism maintaining adipocyte insulin signaling (448). The
a role for insulin in promoting adipose fatty acid esterifica- importance of PI3K activation in adipocyte insulin action is
tion (475). Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake provides a highlighted by studies of mice with inducible deletion of the
source of glycerol-3-phosphate to which fatty acids can be PIP3 phosphatase PTEN in mature adipocytes; these mice
esterified, and insulin activates lipoprotein lipase activity in have profoundly enhanced insulin sensitivity even on a reg-
adipose tissue endothelium (225, 267). Furthermore, insu- ular chow diet (555). Synthetic or optogenetic activation of
lin promotes the translocation of fatty acid transport pro- PI3K or AKT2 is sufficient to increase glucose uptake in
teins FATP1 and FATP4 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes (794). How- 3T3-L1 adipocytes, and loss of Tbc1d4 (AS160) in mice
ever, in healthy adults, insulin did not stimulate systemi- completely abrogates insulin-stimulated adipocyte glucose
cally derived fatty acid esterification to a greater extent than uptake (118, 581, 930). The AS160-related Rab GAP
could be achieved by niacin suppression of lipolysis (17). TBC1D1, although important in skeletal muscle, is ex-
Paired with the observation that rates of re-esterification of pressed at low levels in adipose tissue, and Tbc1d1⫺/⫺ mice
fatty acids liberated within the adipocyte are not dependent have normal insulin-stimulated glucose uptake (118). The
on insulin (110), a reasonable interpretation is that rates of major AS160 substrate in the adipocyte (i.e., the Rab GTP-
adipocyte fatty acid esterification are more dependent on ase that AS160 maintains in the inactive GDP-bound state)
substrate availability and concentration gradients than on is thought to be RAB10, which regulates GSV exocytosis
acute insulin stimulation of a pro-esterification enzymatic (94, 726). The related TBC1D13-RAB35 pair also supports
activity. Insulin has other pro-lipogenic functions in the GLUT4 trafficking to the plasma membrane, as may several

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other Rabs (179, 365). Another GAP-GTPase axis involv- And as we will examine next, adipocyte insulin action has
ing the GAP complex RGC1/2 and the GTPase RalA also ramifications beyond fat, potently controlling hepatic glu-
participates in insulin-stimulated targeting of GSVs to the coneogenesis.
adipocyte plasma membrane; RGC2 is an AKT substrate
(132, 133).
Beyond regulating vesicle trafficking through GAP-Rab in-
teractions, AKT also promotes GLUT4 translocation in the A. Physiological Relevance of Indirect Insulin
adipocyte by phosphorylating targets involved in vesicle Action
tethering, docking, and fusion. One such substrate is
SYNIP, which when phosphorylated dissociates from the Insulin action evolved not in an isolated, homogeneous cel-
t-SNARE syntaxin-4 to enable GSV docking and fusion at lular population but rather in the context of complex mul-
the plasma membrane (544, 931). CDP138 is another AKT ticellular organisms with specialized cell types. It is not
substrate involved in GSV fusion, although its precise func- surprising, then, that several critical elements of whole-
tion remains incompletely defined (926). Finally, the motor body insulin action are not cell-autonomous: they require
protein myosin 5A is an AKT substrate that aids in GLUT4 tissue crosstalk. Because these phenomena are difficult to
navigation of the cortical actin network to reach the plasma model in cultured cells and by definition cannot be modeled
membrane (939). The continued identification of novel in a homogeneous, isolated cell population, progress in un-
AKT substrates involved in GSV trafficking suggests that derstanding their molecular basis has lagged behind prog-
current understanding of PI3K-dependent GLUT4 translo- ress in the study of direct insulin action. However, the in-
cation is incomplete but solidifies the role of AKT as its direct effects of insulin make quantitatively significant con-
master controller, with input to many effectors in all phases tributions to overall tissue insulin action; in some cases,
of the process. indirect effects predominate over direct effects (6, 620,
686). Indirect insulin action thus cannot be ignored in stud-
Although the Rho-family GTPase RAC1 does not appear as ies of intact organisms (841). A particularly well-studied
critical for insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trafficking in the adi- example involves insulin’s effect to suppress hepatic gluco-
pocyte as it is in the skeletal myocyte, another Rho GTPase, neogenesis by inhibiting lipolysis in the adipose tissue (6,
TC10␣, has been identified as an AKT-independent media- 54, 89, 135, 136, 620, 684, 686, 774). Several other indi-
tor in the adipocyte (732). TC10␣ is activated upon insulin rect actions of insulin have been demonstrated. For exam-
stimulation, and its knockdown by siRNA results in im- ple, insulin action in pancreatic ␣-cells strengthens the inte-
paired GLUT4 translocation and decreased insulin-stimu- grated insulin response by suppressing glucagon secretion,
lated glucose uptake (119). By binding EXO70 in the exo- and a sizable literature has emerged implicating CNS insu-
cyst complex, TC10 promotes tethering of GSVs at the lin action in peripheral metabolic control. Because the scope
plasma membrane (350). Additionally, TC10 acts through of this review encompasses primarily the peripheral insulin-
the protein PIST to promote the proteolytic cleavage of responsive tissues rather than the endocrine pancreas or the
TUG, a protein tether that sequesters GSVs intracellularly CNS, and because excellent recent reviews on these latter
at the Golgi network (47, 73–75). TUG cleavage thus en- topics are available (2, 201, 307, 392, 409, 444, 459, 652,
ables the mobilization of GSVs to the plasma membrane 749, 863), we focus this section on the insulin-adipocyte-
hepatocyte axis and its control of hepatic glucose produc-
upon insulin stimulation (943). An additional AKT-inde-
tion and only briefly review these other important indirect
pendent pathway for insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in
actions of insulin.
adipocytes involves direct INSR tyrosine phosphorylation
of MUNC18C, which modulates GSV fusion at the plasma
membrane through interactions with SNAREs (369). B. The Adipocyte-Hepatocyte Axis: Lipolytic
Control of Hepatic Gluconeogenesis
The pathways described in this section controlling adi-
pocyte glucose uptake and the pathways described above It has long been appreciated that fatty acid substrate avail-
for muscle glucose uptake overlap to a significant extent. ability can regulate hepatic glucose production. Using per-
Mechanisms with strong evidence in 3T3-L1 adipocytes but fused, glycogen-depleted rat liver, several groups showed in
weaker evidence in myocytes have been the focus of this the 1960s that oleic acid oxidation increased gluconeogen-
section. It is important to note that a large subset of the esis from alanine or lactate (315, 835, 903, 905, 906), al-
aforementioned pathways (e.g., AKT/TBC1D4 signaling, though this was controversial (217). Because of the require-
TUG cleavage) is known to be operative in both adipocytes ment for gluconeogenic substrate for fatty acid activation of
and myocytes. Furthermore, other tissues which exhibit in- gluconeogenesis, and because increases in mitochondrial
sulin-stimulated glucose uptake, such as cardiac muscle and acetyl CoA content were observed, these workers proposed
brown adipose tissue, likely employ a subset of these mo- that allosteric activation of pyruvate carboxylase (PC) by
lecular mechanisms (342, 776, 777). acetyl CoA mediated the stimulatory effect of fatty acid

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oxidation on hepatic gluconeogenesis (7, 434, 864, 902, euglycemic clamps, insulin was shown to rapidly decrease
903). However, methodological limitations stemming from palmitate and glycerol turnover (i.e., lipolysis), hepatic
acetyl-CoA’s low hepatocellular concentrations and rapid acetyl CoA content, hepatic pyruvate carboxylase flux, and
degradation ex vivo thwarted accurate measurement in hepatic HGP in tight temporal alignment (620). Preventing
liver samples. Furthermore, studies in isolated hepatocytes this decrease in hepatic acetyl CoA by acetate infusion,
were unable to demonstrate any direct effect of insulin on while also replacing glycerol to match basal turnover rates,
PC activity (138). But in vitro liver preparations do not completely abrogated insulin suppression of hepatic pyru-
enable studies of the effect of insulin to control fatty acid vate carboxylase flux and HGP (620). Importantly, these
availability through adipose tissue lipolysis. In vivo evi- studies were performed in fasted rats with glycogen-de-
dence for an indirect effect of insulin on HGP can be traced pleted livers reliant on gluconeogenesis for virtually 100%
to the 1966 report that in pancreatectomized dogs, inhibit- of HGP.
ing lipolysis with nicotinic acid decreased both plasma
NEFA levels and HGP (615). Twenty years later, it was Studies of genetically modified rodents also support a key
reported that a low-dose insulin infusion which increased role for the adipocyte-hepatocyte axis in insulin suppres-
peripheral but not portal insulin levels and did not alter sion of HGP. Studies of mice with liver-specific ablation of
glucagon was nevertheless effective in suppressing HGP in Akt1, Akt2, and Foxo1 (TLKO mice) offer particularly
humans, pointing to key extrahepatic effects of insulin on strong evidence for this mechanism (504, 620, 842). TLKO
HGP suppression (661). However, demonstrating the rele- mice, despite lacking three critical effectors of the hepato-
vance of the lipolysis-acetyl CoA-PC-HGP axis conclusively cellular insulin response, suppressed hepatic acetyl CoA
in vivo was complicated by the confounding effects of and HGP normally in hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp
NEFA to increase insulin secretion and decrease glucagon studies (504). Neither vagotomy nor glucagon blockade
secretion, as well as methodological limitations including altered this phenotype (842). However, when the effects of
the measurement of hepatic acetyl-CoA content and rates of insulin suppression of WAT lipolysis to decrease hepatic
hepatic pyruvate carboxylase flux (229). Additionally, li- acetyl CoA content and glycerol flux to liver were prevented
polysis releases glycerol, which is converted to glucose at a by infusions of acetate and glycerol, both TLKO and wild-
redox-modulated but largely substrate-dependent rate (34, type mice were unable to decrease pyruvate carboxylase
511, 620). Skilled use of the somatostatin pancreatic clamp, flux and hepatic gluconeogenesis in response to insulin
better measurements of portal versus peripheral hormone (620). In a separate study, infusion of Intralipid and heparin
concentrations, and the development of tracer methods to during a clamp to maintain plasma NEFA concentrations at
measure fatty acid and glycerol turnover eventually yielded their basal levels prevented insulin suppression of HGP in
insights into the physiological relevance of these mecha- TLKO mice, although not in wild-type mice (842). Simi-
nisms. Several groups subsequently reported that the effect larly, rats with antisense oligonucleotide-mediated Insr ab-
of insulin to suppress HGP was partially mediated by its lation in liver and WAT were only able to suppress HGP in
suppression of plasma NEFA levels (6, 476, 686, 774). hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies when adipose
Bergman and co-workers (686) hypothesized that this effect insulin action was functionally restored using the ATGL
of NEFA to modulate HGP could be attributed to NEFA inhibitor atglistatin (620). These studies of rodents lacking
modulation of transendothelial insulin transport. Particu- canonical hepatocellular insulin signaling provide strong
larly convincing evidence for NEFA modulation of HGP evidence that hepatic gluconeogenesis is controlled inde-
came from work in fasted dogs, in which NEFA infusion pendently of direct hepatocellular insulin action (620).
during hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic pancreatic clamps to- Rather, these data support a model wherein insulin regula-
tally prevented insulin suppression of both plasma NEFA tion of hepatic gluconeogenesis is mostly dependent on
levels and HGP. Variation in the magnitude of this effect in WAT lipolysis through acetyl CoA allostery and glycerol
other studies can partially be explained by some combina- substrate availability (620). This paradigm also explains the
tion of species differences, incomplete control of portal and surprising reports that 1) whole-body Insr knockout mice
peripheral insulin and glucagon, and the direct effect of failed to regain intact insulin suppression of HGP when Insr
insulin to suppress net hepatic glycogenolysis; as discussed expression was transgenically rescued in liver, and 2) acute
in section II, glycogenolysis contributes a highly variable liver-specific Insr ablation failed to impair insulin suppres-
fraction of HGP depending on species and fasting duration sion of HGP (105, 592). Modifying lipolysis at the level of
(136, 428, 476, 477, 773). Recently, using novel liquid the adipocyte can also affect insulin suppression of HGP.
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methods to as- Mice lacking Atgl in adipose tissue displayed decreased
sess hepatic acetyl-CoA content and rates of hepatic pyru- fatty acid turnover, which was associated with decreased
vate carboxylase flux in vivo, Perry and co-workers (620, hepatic acetyl CoA and improved HGP suppression com-
630) tested the hypothesis that insulin acutely suppresses pared with wild-type controls (12, 620). Finally, the insulin
hepatic gluconeogenesis by suppressing WAT lipolysis and response in Pde3b⫺/⫺ mice was characterized by failure to
hepatic acetyl CoA content and hepatic pyruvate carboxy- suppress plasma NEFA levels and a corresponding impair-
lase activity in free-ranging rats. During hyperinsulinemic- ment in HGP suppression, although these mice also devel-

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oped hepatocellular insulin signaling defects (147). Taken type 1 diabetes (T1D), and fasting glucagon levels are cor-
together, available evidence supports the hypothesis that related with insulin resistance in nondiabetic humans (164,
insulin’s acute suppression of hepatic gluconeogenesis in- 223, 756). Mice lacking the insulin receptor in ␣-cells pro-
volves suppression of WAT lipolysis, which decreases both vided direct genetic evidence for this mechanism; these mice
conversion of glycerol to glucose and acetyl CoA activation exhibited hyperglucagonemia in the fed state and during
of pyruvate carboxylase. insulin tolerance tests (393). The mechanism for insulin
suppression of ␣-cell glucagon secretion is incompletely elu-
Unraveling the relative importance of direct versus indirect cidated but has been shown to involve PI3K activity and
effects of insulin on HGP still requires further investigation, phosphodiesterase-mediated degradation of cAMP (213,
particularly because these relative contributions are likely 683). Overall, the importance of glucagon in insulin action
to vary significantly in different physiological and patho- and diabetes is underappreciated (862); the inability of mice
physiological conditions. However, a useful simplification lacking the glucagon receptor to develop diabetes upon
is to conceive of glycogenolytic contributions to HGP as ␤-cell destruction is only one of many striking illustrations
controlled by direct hepatic insulin action and gluconeo- of this (468).
genic contributions to HGP as controlled by indirect insulin
action, largely through effects on WAT lipolysis (FIGURE 6).
Accordingly, the direct effects of insulin on HGP will pre- D. Peripheral Effects of CNS Insulin Action
dominate in a glycogen-replete (fed) liver, whereas the in-
direct effects of insulin on HGP will predominate in a gly- A role for the CNS in the regulation of glucose metabolism
cogen-depleted (fasted) liver. This hypothesis might explain has been appreciated since the 1850s (55), but the subject
the discordant literature on this topic, emphasizing the im- has experienced a renaissance in the past 20 yr (444). Insu-
portance of species differences. Humans and dogs break lin is transcytosed across the blood-brain barrier (40) and
down their hepatic glycogen stores more slowly than ro- both neurons and glial cells express insulin receptors (652).
dents; therefore, direct effects of insulin on hepatic glucose A major function of insulin in the brain is the suppression of
metabolism might be expected to predominate following an appetite (48, 912). Neuron-specific Insr deletion predis-
overnight fast. In contrast, rats and mice are almost totally poses mice to diet-induced obesity and concomitant hepatic
devoid of hepatic glycogen following an overnight fast; insulin resistance, likely through appetite modulation
therefore, indirect effects of insulin on hepatic glucose me- (104). Neuron-specific rescue of Insr expression in whole-
tabolism would be expected to dominate under these con- body Insr⫺/⫺ mice extends lifespan from a few days to a few
ditions. The quantitative significance of this latter effect in weeks, although the rescued mice still develop profound
humans remains to be further explored, but it is interesting diabetes, indicating that the full beneficial effects of brain
to note that the increased HGP of poorly controlled type 2 insulin action require intact peripheral insulin receptors
diabetic humans is accounted for entirely by increases in (591). Indeed, CNS signaling has been demonstrated to reg-
hepatic gluconeogenesis rather than net hepatic glycogen- ulate hepatic insulin action through mechanisms indepen-
olysis (513, 704). The link between increased NEFA levels dent of energy balance. The 2002 finding that intracerebro-
and hyperglycemia in T2D has long been appreciated; it is ventricular insulin administration was sufficient to suppress
hoped that increasing mechanistic evidence for their causal hepatic glucose production in rodents (after a ⬎1 h time
linkage will spur therapeutic innovation targeting WAT li- delay) (588) spurred further investigation in the field. Sub-
polysis. sequently, insulin action in certain hypothalamic nuclei was
reported to potently suppress hepatic glucose production
(588, 653), promote muscle glucose uptake (415), suppress
C. Insulin Suppression of Glucagon adipose tissue lipolysis (415, 737), and suppress glucagon
Secretion secretion (612) in rodents. Nasal insulin administration,
which disproportionately increases cerebrospinal fluid insu-
Glucagon action is important for normal glucose homeo- lin concentrations, has been shown to enhance insulin sup-
stasis (871), and given its potent anti-insulin effects on the pression of hepatic glucose production in hyperinsulinemic-
liver in particular, it is not surprising that an elegant and euglycemic clamp studies in lean humans (308). However, a
tightly controlled reciprocal paracrine regulatory system physiological increase in brain insulin levels per se is insuf-
has evolved to favor either insulin or glucagon secretion, ficient to alter hepatic glucose production in dogs (208,
but not both, in any given metabolic state (863). It was 675). The mechanisms linking brain and peripheral insulin
shown in 1970 that insulin-deficient diabetes was a state of action are elusive, but likely involve sympathetic and para-
relative hyperglucagonemia and ␣-cell hyperresponsiveness sympathetic outflow and possibly the hypothalamus-pitu-
to the glucagon secretagogue arginine (861), and subse- itary-adrenal (HPA) axis. For example, hepatic vagotomy
quent studies confirmed that insulin acts in a paracrine was shown in one study to block the effects of CNS insulin
manner to suppress glucagon release from the islet (29, 280, on HGP (653), although the normal hepatic glucose metab-
523, 890). Insulin per se is sufficient to suppress glucagon olism of mice lacking hepatic muscarinic acetylcholine re-
levels during euglycemia and hypoglycemia in humans with ceptors (480) and the normal hepatic insulin action of de-

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A Fasting
White adipose tissue


Y Glycogenolysis

NEFA NEFA Acetyl CoA Glycogen synthesis

TAG Gluconeogenesis
Lipolysis carboxylase

Glycerol Hepatic glucose production



B Fed
White adipose tissue Liver
Insulin Insulin


pY pY

pY Acetyl CoA pY
pY pY


Glycogen synthesis
carboxylase Gluconeogenesis

Hepatic glucose production

FIGURE 6. The adipocyte-hepatocyte axis and insulin suppression of gluconeogenesis. A: in the fasted state,
the adipocyte releases nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) into the circulation. Within the hepatocyte, NEFA are
oxidized to mitochondrial acetyl CoA, an allosteric activator of pyruvate carboxylase (PC). PC drives gluconeo-
genic flux. This, together with net glycogenolysis, facilitates hepatic glucose production (HGP) during fasting. B:
during insulin stimulation (e.g., postprandially), both direct and indirect effects of insulin suppress HGP.
Adipocyte insulin signaling suppresses lipolysis, decreasing plasma NEFA concentrations, hepatic mitochon-
drial acetyl CoA concentrations, PC activity, and gluconeogenic flux. Simultaneously, direct insulin action on the
hepatocyte promotes net glycogen synthesis. Both processes enable insulin to rapidly and potently suppress
net HGP.

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nervated rodent liver (551) and transplanted human liver vanced the hypothesis that the symptoms of diabetes are
(which remains denervated for at least 2 yr postoperatively) best conceptualized as consequences of glucagon excess
(744) challenges this hypothesis (673). Other important rather than of insulin deficiency (862). Importantly, how-
concerns have been raised challenging the physiological ever, leptin reverses hyperglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis be-
generalizability of much of the experimental work in this fore correction of hyperglucagonemia; this acute effect oc-
field. These include the unphysiological dose and route of curs by suppression of HPA axis-driven WAT lipolysis
administration of intracerebroventricular insulin, failure to (630).
preserve the physiological ~3:1 portal-peripheral insulin
gradient and consequent overemphasis of extrahepatic in- Several experiments have also suggested that a gut-brain-
sulin action, failure to control glucagon levels between ex- liver axis regulates hepatic glucose metabolism in rodents.
perimental groups, and species differences in the sources The gut is an endocrine organ in its own right, with en-
and control of hepatic glucose production between rodents teroendocrine cells that produce hormones including ghre-
and larger mammals (673). An elegant attempt to address lin, incretins, FGF19, and cholecystokinin (CCK) (409).
these concerns utilized the somatostatin pancreatic clamp FGF19 (also known as FGF15 in rodents) is secreted by the
with basal glucagon replacement and portal vein insulin distal small bowel in response to bile acid sensing and, in
infusion in conscious dogs; the PI3K inhibitor LY249002 addition to its originally defined role in the enterohepatic
was infused intracerebroventricularly to assess the contri- control of bile acid synthesis, acts centrally to enhance glu-
bution of brain insulin action to the peripheral effects of cose tolerance by suppression of the HPA axis in rodents
physiological hyperinsulinemia (674). The experiments re- (410, 556, 622). The gut microbiome may also participate
vealed no effect of acute brain insulin signaling inhibition in CNS control of peripheral insulin action; in rats, micro-
on insulin suppression of hepatic glucose production or bially produced acetate was shown to enhance glucose-
insulin-stimulated whole-body glucose uptake, but did re- stimulated insulin secretion through direct activation of the
veal a modest blunting in the induction of hepatic glucoki- parasympathetic nervous system (624). It is unknown
nase expression, of unclear physiological significance (674). whether this mechanism is operative in humans. Direct nu-
Whether chronic brain insulin action or brain insulin resis- trient sensing is another proposed mechanism by which the
gut might prompt CNS regulation of peripheral metabo-
tance significantly affects peripheral insulin action is an
lism. Duodenal fatty acid esterification has been shown in
open question (444).
rats to act through parasympathetic activation to suppress
hepatic glucose production upon upper intestinal lipid de-
Aside from serving as a direct site of insulin action, the brain
livery (879), but similar experiments in humans (low-dose
is also a site of signal integration for various peripherally
duodenal lipid infusion under pancreatic clamp conditions)
secreted hormones. Of these, leptin has been of particular
revealed no effect of duodenal lipid on plasma glucose or
interest as a centrally acting adipokine with pleiotropic ef-
hepatic glucose production (925). In contrast, a role for
fects on energy balance and metabolism (537, 626). The
duodenal lipid delivery in suppressing food intake through
mechanisms of leptin action are many and are reviewed
CCK secretion is uncontroversial (529). The complexity of
elsewhere (166, 236, 537, 565, 626), but one mechanism
these integrated physiological mechanisms uncovered in ro-
that links directly to the adipocyte-hepatocyte axis dis-
dents requires careful confirmation in humans, but further
cussed previously pertains to leptin’s role in starvation and work on gut-brain signaling pathways is likely to yield con-
diabetic ketoacidosis (623, 628). In rats with these condi- tinued insights into therapeutically relevant areas such as
tions, plasma leptin concentrations are low and the HPA mechanisms of bariatric surgery efficacy and incretin phys-
axis is activated with resultant corticosteroid-driven WAT iology (201).
lipolysis, ketogenesis, and hepatic gluconeogenesis; physio-
logical replacement of leptin suppresses the HPA axis and
prevents these effects. In this way, leptin participates in the IV. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF INSULIN
control of substrate switching from glucose to fatty acids RESISTANCE
during starvation, an effect previously thought to be chiefly
mediated by insulinopenia. Interestingly, leptin displays a A. What Is Insulin Resistance?
hormetic effect; at low concentrations, it suppresses HPA
axis-driven lipolysis, but at high concentrations, it pro- The notion of insulin resistance can be traced to the obser-
motes catecholamine-driven WAT lipolysis (628). A second vations of Himsworth (317), who noted that concurrent
key mechanism that contributes heavily to the antidiabetic injection of glucose and insulin in diabetic patients pro-
effect of chronic leptin therapy in T1D is leptin suppression duced one of two outcomes. Some diabetics responded to
of glucagon secretion, which can be achieved through either the challenge with stable or decreased blood glucose; these
peripheral or CNS leptin administration (249, 877). The were termed insulin-sensitive. In others, the challenge in-
fascinating observation that either chronic leptin treatment creased blood glucose markedly; these were considered in-
or insulin are sufficient to reverse the hyperglucagonemia, sulin-insensitive. We now appreciate that these latter pa-
hyperglycemia, and ketoacidosis of florid T1D has ad- tients typify the insulin resistance of the metabolic syn-

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drome: at a normal plasma insulin level, target tissues are tion) (FIGURE 7) (417, 595). Receptor defects were identi-
unable to mount a normal coordinated glucose-lowering fied in obese and diabetic rodents and humans, in adi-
response involving suppression of endogenous glucose pro- pocytes as well as in other cell types (26, 272, 379, 418,
duction, suppression of lipolysis, cellular uptake of avail- 786, 787). Compensatory downregulation of surface INSR
able plasma glucose, and net glycogen synthesis (377, 378, content in the face of sustained hyperinsulinemia is likely to
381, 595, 684). This insulin resistance necessitates in- partially explain the phenomenon, although mechanisms
creased insulin secretion to compensate, so fasting plasma for active regulation of surface INSR expression and dys-
insulin levels increase (176, 380). The real-time feedback regulation in insulin resistance are beginning to emerge. For
circuit linking insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion com- example, the ubiquitin ligase MARCH1 ubiquitinates
plicates the “chicken-egg” problem of identifying the pri- INSR to decrease the number of receptors at the cell surface
mary defect; what is clear is that defects in both insulin (566). MARCH1 is transcriptionally regulated through
target tissues and ␤-cells are required for the development FOXO1, and MARCH1 expression is increased in WAT
of fasting hyperglycemia and T2D (380). A diverse cadre of from obese mice and humans, consistent with insulin resis-
bioactive factors is capable of impairing insulin sensitivity, tance to FOXO1 inhibition (566). The effect of decreasing
as is chronic hyperinsulinemia per se (595, 724). Although surface INSR expression on insulin action is a right-shift of
these defects in tissue insulin action are readily reversible the insulin dose-response curve; because cells have spare
(even in patients with T2D) by weight loss and hypocaloric receptors, no decrease in maximal response is observed un-
regimens, continuous overnutrition in the setting of insulin less the cell surface INSR content drops below 5–10% of
resistance creates a vicious cycle of hyperinsulinemia and normal (378).
insulin resistance that culminates in eventual ␤-cell failure,
likely due to glucose and lipid toxicity and other factors When the insulin resistance of human T2D was shown to
leading to overt T2D (380, 637). involve both a right-shifted dose-response curve and a de-
creased maximal insulin response with respect to whole-
The integrated physiology of insulin resistance owes to de- body glucose uptake despite ⬍90% loss of surface receptor
fective insulin action at target cells. Attempts to localize the content, it was inferred that both receptor and “postrecep-
defect in cellular insulin action have been driven by the tor” defects contribute to insulin resistance (417, 595). As a
identification of new effectors. In the 1970s and early result, the hypothesis that decreased insulin receptor bind-
1980s, when INSR was the only known molecular effector ing accounts for typical obesity-associated insulin resis-
of insulin action, several groups used insulin dose-response tance has long since given way to a model in which insulin
curves and 125I-insulin binding studies to relate surface signal transduction defects are central (35). Additionally,
INSR content to physiological insulin action and resistance the signal transduction (postreceptor) defects of typical
(26, 272, 378, 417, 420, 595, 787). The central question at obesity-associated insulin resistance have long been appre-
the time was whether insulin resistance owed to “receptor ciated to involve the insulin receptor itself in addition to
defects” (i.e., decreased INSR expression at the cell surface) postreceptor effectors, confusing the semantics of “recep-
or “postreceptor defects” (i.e., impaired signal transduc- tor” versus “postreceptor” defects (77, 247, 595, 821).

Normal Normal

Receptor Signal
number transduction
defect defect
Biological Biological
response response

log [Insulin] log [Insulin]

FIGURE 7. Insulin resistance in dose-response curves. A: in a hypothetical cell with decreased surface insulin
receptor (INSR) content, the dose-response curve is right-shifted but the maximal biological response is not
decreased unless ⬎90% of surface receptors are lost. B: in a cell with an insulin signal transduction
(“post-receptor”) defect, or a combined receptor/post-receptor defect, both a right shift and decreased
maximal response are observed. The right graph typifies human obesity-associated insulin resistance in
muscle, liver, and adipose tissues.

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Nearly all mechanistic work in this field in the last 30 yr, humans using 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
after the discovery that the INSR is a tyrosine kinase (390, (58, 180, 768). The demonstration that insulin-stimulated
391), has focused on identifying defects in insulin signal muscle glycogen synthesis was markedly (~50%) impaired
transduction. Nevertheless, it is clear that both decreased both in patients with T2D and in lean, healthy insulin-
surface INSR content and impaired insulin signal transduc- resistant offspring of patients with T2D provided a func-
tion contribute to typical obesity-associated insulin resis- tional description of muscle insulin resistance, but did not
tance. localize the site of blockade (633, 768). Although many
other studies demonstrated decreased glucose transport
Although distinguishing insulin “resistance,” an increase in insulin-resistant and T2D muscle, these results simi-
in insulin EC50, from decreased insulin “responsiveness,” larly could have resulted from primary blockade at the
a decreased maximal effect, can be useful (378), it is no level of glycogen synthetic activity, hexokinase activity,
longer common practice in the field. Properly distinguish- or glucose transport, “backing up” the system with the
ing insulin resistance from responsiveness requires the final effect of decreasing glucose transport (193, 255,
construction of insulin dose-response curves, which can 767). Eventually, 13C and 31P MRS measurements of
be cumbersome for in vivo studies. Insulin resistance in intracellular glucose and G6P concentrations revealed
the commonly used sense, and therefore throughout the that the major rate-controlling step responsible for re-
remainder of this review, is thus defined as an insulin duced insulin-stimulated muscle glycogen synthesis in di-
dose-response curve with increased EC50, with or with- abetic patients was indeed glucose transport (152, 285,
out decreased maximal response. Importantly, insulin re- 633, 698). These physiological studies complemented
sistance is not a binary switching-off of insulin signaling. cell biological observations that insulin potently con-
For this reason, hyperinsulinemia is an effective compen- trolled myocellular GLUT4 translocation to the plasma
satory mechanism that preserves insulin action in mild membrane and t-tubules and that this translocation was
and moderate insulin resistance. Because insulin resis- defective in human insulin resistance (258, 651, 881).
tance displays tissue-specific functional consequences, Together, these studies focused the problem of muscle
we now consider the particular nature of insulin resis- insulin resistance: the defect(s) impinge upon the signal
tance in skeletal muscle, liver, and WAT, with attention
transduction cascade linking insulin-INSR binding and
to which signaling effectors and which physiological
GLUT4 translocation.
functions are impaired in typical obesity-associated insu-
lin resistance.
Skeletal muscle insulin resistance is traceable to defects at
the most proximal levels of insulin signaling: INSR, IRS1,
B. Pathophysiology of Skeletal Muscle PI3K, and AKT activity. Early work revealed defective
Insulin Resistance INSR tyrosine kinase activity in purified INSR from the
skeletal muscle of obese mice; this provided the first dem-
The principal function of insulin in the skeletal muscle is to onstration of impaired intracellular insulin signaling and
promote cellular glucose uptake, a process controlled by validated the prediction that surface insulin receptor down-
GLUT4 translocation. Insulin-stimulated muscle glucose regulation was not the only defect in obesity-associated in-
uptake is highly susceptible to insulin resistance and is in- sulin resistance (417, 470, 595). This observation was later
deed a principal component of typical obesity-associated extended to obese and diabetic humans, in which two INSR
insulin resistance and T2D (182, 767). Because skeletal defects were present: decreased surface INSR content and
muscle is a major site of insulin-stimulated glucose dis- decreased INSR kinase (IRK) activity from purified recep-
posal (70 – 80% during a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic tors (117). Decreased IRK activity was also observed in
clamp, although only 25–30% in the postprandial state skeletal muscle from diabetic rats, women with gestational
where glucose appearance site, glucose concentrations, diabetes, and young lean relatives of patients with T2D (66,
and tissue glucose demand all differ from the clamped 107, 301). However, IRK activity is now rarely measured
state), muscle insulin resistance has a large effect on from tissue samples. Instead, INSR activation is most often
whole body glucose turnover (182, 428). Insulin stimu- assessed by phosphotyrosine immunoblotting. This experi-
lation of glycogen synthesis and glycolysis both require ment is technically easier but does not directly assess INSR
intact insulin-stimulated glucose uptake to furnish sub- signaling; the multiplicity of tyrosine phosphorylation sites
strate, so these effects also become resistant to insulin on INSR also complicates the relationship between these
action (152, 768). parameters (83, 117, 248, 470). Defective IRK activity is
also suggested by the decrease in IRS1 tyrosine phosphor-
The mechanisms for insulin resistance to muscle glucose ylation consistently observed in insulin-resistant skeletal
disposal have been the subject of extensive investigation muscle (175, 248, 285, 436, 942). Blunted insulin stim-
(FIGURE 8). Early work suggested that nonoxidative glucose ulation of IRS1-associated PI3K activity is also reproduc-
metabolism (i.e., glycogen synthesis) was the major fate of ibly observed in muscle insulin resistance, whether in-
myocellular glucose, and this was later directly confirmed in duced acutely or chronically (175, 198, 285, 441, 942).

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A Insulin sensitive

Insulin Insulin



pY pY

pY pY



pY pY Glucose



Glycogen GSV


FIGURE 8. Functional consequences of skeletal mus-

cle insulin resistance. A: an insulin-sensitive skeletal
myocyte activates the metabolic insulin receptor sub-
strate 1 (IRS1)-phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)-AKT
arm of the insulin signaling cascade to increase glu-
B Insulin resistant cose uptake and glycogen synthesis. B: an insulin-re-
sistant myocyte exhibits impairments in proximal insu-
Insulin lin signaling events, blunting insulin’s ability to stimulate
GLUT4 translocation and glycogen synthesis.


INSR tyrosine kinase activity


IRS1 tyrosine phosphorylation

IRS1-associated PI3K activity
AKT phosphorylation GLUT4 translocation


Glycogen synthesis



Interestingly, skeletal muscle from obese or type 2 dia- resistance involves dysregulation of multiple signaling
betic humans does not develop insulin resistance to mi- effectors, it is also possible that proximal signaling de-
togenic signaling through MAPK (175). Although im- fects are sufficient to account for the entire impairment in
paired insulin activation of other distal effectors, includ- insulin stimulation of glucose uptake seen in obesity-
ing AKT, is often seen in muscle insulin resistance, the associated insulin resistance. Advances in computational
simultaneous presence of proximal insulin signaling de- modeling of signal transduction pathways will enable
fects makes it difficult to determine whether these distal deconvolution of the relative contributions of specific
defects have an independent origin or are merely second- signaling defects to the final functional defect of impaired
ary to proximal defects. While it is likely that insulin insulin-stimulated glucose uptake (81, 402, 745).

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C. Pathophysiology of Hepatic Insulin Rates of hepatic gluconeogenesis are increased in T2D and
Resistance are the proximate cause of the fasting hyperglycemia that
defines the disease (259, 346, 513). But because gluconeo-
As discussed in section II, hepatic insulin action affects the genesis is regulated by diverse mechanisms (e.g., allostery,
metabolism of all macronutrients. It has both acute and redox, substrate-driven, transcriptional, posttranslational)
chronic, and both direct and indirect, components. Here we (647), it does not necessarily follow that insulin’s direct
consider insulin regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism hepatocellular effects on gluconeogenesis are dysregulated
in the liver, with attention to which processes become resis- in T2D. The chronic suppression of gluconeogenesis by in-
tant in obesity and T2D. sulin, better observed in fasting-refeeding studies than acute
insulin stimulation studies, is a direct hepatocellular effect
Insulin, in combination with adequate substrate supply, or- mediated by inhibition of the FOXO transcription factors,
chestrates a switch from net glucose production to net glu- especially FOXO1. Does increased FOXO1 activity have
cose uptake in the liver. This involves the coordinated sup- any role in the increased hepatic gluconeogenesis of T2D?
pression of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, and the FOXO1 mRNA expression and nuclear localization (a sur-
activation of glycogen synthesis. Suppression of gluconeo- rogate for activity) have been reported to be increased in
genesis can be divided into acute and chronic processes, humans with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, correlated with
with very different mechanisms. The acute suppression of the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance
hepatic gluconeogenesis (within 10 min of insulin stimula- (HOMA-IR) score (866). Additionally, as discussed above,
tion in the rat) appears to be primarily mediated by extra- ablation of the hepatic insulin receptor is associated with
hepatic insulin action (6, 208, 620, 686, 774). Suppression unrestrained FOXO1 activity, which is necessary and suf-
of lipolysis in adipose tissue reduces fatty acid delivery to ficient to drive pathological gluconeogenesis (603, 840).
liver, which in turn reduces hepatic ␤-oxidative flux. As a This phenotype is also seen in mice with severe hepatic
result, hepatic acetyl CoA levels are reduced, allosterically insulin resistance owing to ablation of hepatic Irs1 and Irs2,
decreasing PC activity. Together with the decreased glyc- in which concomitant Foxo1 deletion normalizes glucose
erol turnover caused by suppression of lipolysis, gluconeo- tolerance (195). Furthermore, antisense oligonucleotide
genic flux is diminished (620). This mechanism has impli- knockdown of FOXO1 in liver and WAT improves hepatic
cations for the use of impaired insulin suppression of HGP insulin action in chronically fat-fed mice (720). Mouse
as a surrogate for hepatic insulin resistance. In glycogen- models of profound hepatic insulin resistance, such as
depleted livers where gluconeogenesis accounts for most of ob/ob and lipodystrophic mice, display increased G6pc ex-
HGP, impaired insulin suppression of HGP may signal ad- pression suggestive of increased FOXO1 activity (764).
ipose insulin resistance rather than hepatic insulin resis- However, the hepatic insulin resistance of both short-dura-
tance. This paradigm reconciles the many surprising genet- tion (5 day) and medium-duration (4 wk) fat-fed rats is not
ically modified rodent models in which severe perturbations accompanied by alterations in gluconeogenic enzyme con-
in hepatic insulin signaling do not predict insulin’s ability to tent, arguing against a role for FOXO1-driven gluconeo-
suppress HGP during hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp genic gene transcription in genetically normal rodents (620,
studies (105, 135, 504, 592, 603, 620, 840). The most 629). Furthermore, reducing hepatic Pck1 expression by
striking studies of this phenomenon have ablated the he- ⬎90% in mice caused only a modest ~40% reduction in
patic insulin receptor by either conventional gene targeting gluconeogenic flux, suggesting that oscillations in Pck1 ex-
or antisense oligonucleotide treatment. Liver-specific pression exert limited control over gluconeogenesis (108).
Insr⫺/⫺ (LIRKO) mice totally lack hepatocellular insulin Finally, a study of humans with T2D found no increase in
signaling and are severely glucose intolerant; they do not the hepatic expression of FOXO1 targets G6pc and Pck1,
suppress HGP in hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp stud- despite fasting hyperglycemia (719). In summary, it is clear
ies (234, 539). However, this defect can be totally rescued: that if totally and chronically derepressed, FOXO1 can
not by replacing the hepatic INSR, but by concomitantly drive pathological gluconeogenesis in rodents, but there is
ablating hepatic Foxo1 to correct the unrestrained gluco- no strong evidence that this is an operative mechanism for
neogenic enzyme expression (and glucokinase repression) fasting hyperglycemia in typical human hepatic insulin re-
produced by constitutive FOXO1 activation in LIRKO sistance. The multifaceted control of hepatic gluconeogen-
mice (592, 603, 840). Similarly, antisense oligonucleotide esis means that modest transcriptionally mediated increases
ablation of INSR in liver and WAT prevents insulin sup- in “gluconeogenic capacity” may not be sufficient to drive
pression of HGP in rats, but this defect is rescued by simu- gluconeogenesis in genetically normal subjects. Further
lating WAT insulin action with the lipolysis inhibitor atg- studies are needed to adequately describe the relative con-
listatin (620). Both models of hepatic INSR ablation disso- tribution of FOXO1 dysregulation to the increased hepatic
ciate the hepatocellular insulin signaling pathway from gluconeogenesis of humans with T2D.
normal insulin suppression of gluconeogenesis, suggesting
that measurements of HGP suppression should be used with Insulin suppression of hepatic glycogenolysis and stimula-
caution as readouts of hepatic insulin resistance. tion of glycogenesis is a direct effect that requires intact

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hepatocellular insulin action as discussed in section II. The SREBP-1c. If insulin normally promotes net hepatic lipo-
question of whether insulin control of hepatic glycogen me- genesis, insulin-resistant subjects might be expected to dis-
tabolism becomes resistant in diabetes is confounded by the play decreased lipogenesis. This is indeed the case in models
potent allosteric control of GS and phosphorylase by G6P of genetic total hepatic insulin resistance (i.e., ablation of
and glucose, and by the insulin-independent transport of the hepatic insulin receptor), which display decreased
glucose across the hepatocellular plasma membrane by plasma triglycerides and decreased hepatic DNL (60, 868).
GLUT2. Likely owing to this, some studies disagree on the But hepatic insulin resistance in genetically normal rodents
contribution of defective hepatic glycogen metabolic regu- and humans is highly associated with hepatic steatosis; net
lation to hepatic insulin resistance and T2D. For example, lipogenesis is consistently elevated in insulin-resistant
in hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies of streptozo- livers. This phenomenon has been termed “selective he-
tocin-induced diabetic rats, insulin-stimulated hepatic GS patic insulin resistance” (99) or “pathway-selective insu-
activity was not impaired, while similar studies in 3-day lin resistance and responsiveness” (920), with propo-
high-fat-fed rats found impairments (439, 721). However, nents of these models arguing that “insulin-resistant”
the bulk of available data suggest that hepatic insulin resis- liver is in fact only resistant to glucose handling (i.e., the
tance is accompanied by defective hepatic glycogen metab- FOXO transcriptional program), not to lipid handling
olism. In humans, MRS measurements of hepatic glycogen (i.e., the SREBP-1c transcriptional program) (764). Ef-
content revealed that T2D was associated with lower 4-h forts to mechanistically rationalize selective hepatic insu-
postprandial glycogen content, suggesting a defect in glyco- lin resistance have focused on potential insulin signaling
gen synthesis (513). Subjects with T2D were further found bifurcations that would enable the lipid-handling arm of
to display lower fasting hepatic glycogen content as well as insulin signaling to remain intact while the glucose-
diminished glycogen synthesis under both postprandial and handling arm becomes resistant. Early reports suggesting
hyperinsulinemic-hyperglycemic clamp conditions (437). that hepatic IRS1 might be more responsible for glucose
Furthermore, glycogenolysis was found to be decreased and handling while IRS2 regulated lipid handling have not
incompletely suppressed by insulin in people with T2D (38, been corroborated by subsequent investigations (195,
69, 513). The picture of daily hepatic glycogen metabolism 196, 443, 662, 827). Yet another alternative hypothesis
in T2D is thus one of decreased amplitude, in which damp-
has focused on potential differences in substrate specific-
ened insulin control of both glycogen synthesis and mobili-
ity for singly phosphorylated (pThr308) versus doubly
zation lead to relatively static hepatic glycogen content in-
phosphorylated (pThr308, pSer473) AKT (487, 920, 921).
stead of the large oscillations characteristic of normal feed-
Ser473 phosphorylation, in the hydrophobic motif of
ing and fasting. This likely owes to impaired insulin action
AKT, may enable activity toward some AKT substrates
on both posttranslational modifications of the glycogen
(e.g., the NH2-terminal FOXO site) while AKT activity
synthetic machinery, transcriptional regulation of glucoki-
toward other substrates (e.g., GSK3␤, TSC2) may only
nase activity, and translocation from the nucleus to the
require Thr308 phosphorylation by PDK1 (288, 362). Be-
cause some models of hepatic insulin resistance, like the
db/db mouse, appear to display preserved insulin stimu-
Just as understanding acute hepatic insulin action on
glucose metabolism requires separating the direct hepa- lation of Thr308 but not Ser473, this is an intriguing hy-
tocellular effects on glycogen metabolism from the pothesis (921). However, direct experimental support is
largely indirect metabolite-mediated effects on gluconeo- thus far lacking and the mulitiplicity of nutrient-sensitive
genesis, understanding hepatic insulin resistance requires inputs into AKT Ser473 phosphorylation confounds easy
distinguishing these components from one another (647). interpretation. A final possible mechanism for continued
True hepatic insulin resistance should impair insulin- insulin activation of SREBP-1c despite FOXO1 unre-
stimulated glycogen synthesis, shifting the insulin dose- sponsiveness in hepatic insulin resistance is that these
response curve for this function rightward and possibly pathways have different intrinsic sensitivities to insulin.
decreasing its maximum. But isolated hepatic insulin re- In support of this model, fourfold higher concentrations
sistance would not be expected to block the ability of of an INSR inhibitor are necessary to cause resistance to
insulin to suppress gluconeogenesis, because insulin sup- SREBP-1c activation than resistance to FOXO1 inactiva-
pression of gluconeogenesis has a large indirect compo- tion (162).
nent. This prediction has been borne out dramatically in
multiple rodent models of ablated hepatocellular insulin A unifying hypothesis for the supposed paradox of path-
signaling as discussed above. way-selective hepatic insulin resistance has been elusive in
part because of the many branch points involved in insulin
signaling and the involvement of some effectors, such as
D. Selective Hepatic Insulin Resistance AKT and FOXO1, in both glucose and lipid handling (99,
457). However, a possible resolution to the paradox is that
In addition to glucose handling, liver insulin action also hepatic insulin resistance is not selective, but chronic
powerfully controls lipid metabolism, largely through overnutrition activates several insulin-independent driv-

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ers of lipogenesis. First, substrate-push re-esterification sulin-resistant livers of rats fed a 3-day high-fat diet
of circulating fatty acids, facilitated by adipose insulin (722). These lines of evidence argue that the primary
resistance, is likely a major source of liver triglyceride in defect in hepatic insulin resistance is not in a downstream
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Evidence for a “branch point” effector but rather in the insulin receptor:
role of fatty acid re-esterification in NAFLD includes the the most proximal and powerful locus of control in insu-
recent demonstration that an increase in plasma fatty lin action.
acids, independent of hepatic insulin signaling or tran-
scriptional effects, is fully sufficient to drive hepatic tri- A final important and INSR-related component of hepatic
glyceride accumulation by re-esterification through a insulin resistance is decreased hepatic insulin clearance (80,
substrate push mechanism (868). Of note, re-esterifica- 222, 650). Although the molecular determinants of this
tion, rather than DNL, is the primary lipogenic flux in phenomenon are incompletely understood, the reduced cell
insulin-resistant humans (197). Second, upregulation of surface INSR content observed in insulin-resistant hepato-
the DNL transcriptional program does not require insu- cytes (116, 787) may involve regulators of the surface INSR
lin. Nutrient induction of the DNL program involves pool including CEACAM1 (660), MARCH1 (566), CHIP
both the carbohydrate response element binding protein (830), and p31comet (145). Regardless of mechanism, the net
(ChREBP; stimulated by glucose) (657) and SREBP-1c effect of decreased hepatic insulin clearance is to promote
(stimulated by amino acid activation of mTORC1) (487). hyperinsulinemia. The fasting plasma insulin concentration
Fructose is also a particularly potent stimulator of lipo- is thus often used as a general readout of hepatic insulin
genesis, acting through multiple mechanisms including sensitivity in algorithms such as the HOMA-IR and the
substrate push acutely and activation of both ChREBP quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICK-I), with
and SREBP-1c chronically (311, 718). Because insulin the obvious caveats that ␤-cell function and peripheral in-
resistance is often accompanied by nutrient oversupply, sulin sensitivity also provide input to the plasma glucose-
activation of these nutrient-sensitive pathways is an at- insulin circuit.
tractive explanation for the coexistence of hepatic steato-
sis and hepatic insulin resistance. In this conception, al- In summary, insulin resistance in liver is traceable to
defects at the level of the insulin receptor and therefore
though hepatic insulin resistance blunts the effect of in-
probably affects all arms of hepatocellular insulin signal-
sulin per se on SREBP-1c, alternative nutrient-sensitive
ing. The variable functional impact of hepatic insulin
pathways are sufficient to drive lipogenesis. This mecha-
resistance in different signaling arms is not surprising
nism explains the increased DNL that has been observed
given the varied and complex inputs to each arm. The
in humans with NAFLD (347, 449, 868). Interestingly,
most popular physiological readouts of hepatic insulin
de novo lipogenic flux has been found to be decreased in
resistance, suppression of HGP and fasting plasma insu-
high-fat-fed rats, consistent with this pathway becoming
lin, have both direct and indirect components and are
insulin resistant rather than remaining insulin sensitive
therefore imperfect assessments of hepatocellular insulin
(184, 200, 868). Importantly, fat feeding would not be
action. Yet these readouts will, and should, continue to
expected to strongly activate the alternative nutrient-sen-
be used widely, especially in human studies, because 1)
sitive drivers of the DNL program (ChREBP, mTORC1). they can be determined noninvasively and 2) they give a
It is also useful to bear in mind that insulin resistance is useful integrated picture of the direct and indirect com-
merely a shifted insulin dose-response curve; the portal ponents of hepatic insulin action. Accurate measurement
hyperinsulinemia that accompanies peripheral insulin re- of hepatic insulin resistance is best performed using mul-
sistance is capable of activating SREBP-1c, perhaps even tiple complementary readouts, summarized in TABLE 1.
to normal levels given the exquisite sensitivity of this The use of readouts with no indirect component is pref-
pathway to insulin (162). Given these considerations– erable if the investigator seeks to make claims about hep-
insulin-independent esterification of circulating fatty ac- atocellular insulin action per se. Although these readouts
ids, nutrient activation of DNL transcriptional pro- can be used to determine the degree and nature of hepatic
grams, and hyperinsulinemia–it may be unnecessary to insulin resistance, they offer only limited insight into
invoke the paradox of selective hepatic insulin resistance causative factors. Experimental considerations are dis-
to understand how insulin resistant humans develop cussed in section IVF.

Pathway-selective hepatic insulin resistance is also diffi- E. Pathophysiology of Adipose Insulin

cult to reconcile with the finding of impaired proximal Resistance
insulin signaling in several models of liver insulin resis-
tance. In the late 1980s, defects in IRK activity were Interest in adipocyte insulin resistance has seen a resur-
appreciated in liver samples from high-fat-fed rats (886) gence in recent years as investigators unravel the spectac-
and humans with T2D (116). Decreased IRK activity and ular complexity of adipose tissue as both nutrient sink
IRS2 tyrosine phosphorylation were also observed in in- and endocrine organ (735). As with muscle and liver,

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adipose insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity is dimin- adipose insulin resistance. Indeed, weight loss corrects
ished in humans with T2D (246, 247). This defect, paired both adipose insulin resistance and defective adipocyte
with decreased plasma membrane insulin receptor con- IRK activity (247). Unfortunately, however, the mecha-
tent (378, 379, 418, 595, 786), may be sufficient from a nistic basis for these adipocyte insulin receptor defects
signaling perspective to account for the manifestations of remains largely obscure.

A Normal postprandial
White adipose tissue

Insulin Insulin





Triglyceride De novo lipogenesis



B Chronic overnutrition

White adipose tissue Amino

Hepatic mTORC1

WAT insulin
insulin X
Triglyceride De novo lipogenesis

Glycerol NEFA


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Table 1. Readouts of hepatic insulin resistance

Change in Insulin
Readout Resistance Direct/Indirect Acute/Chronic Notes

Activation of net hepatic glycogen 2 Direct Acute Requires both hyperinsulinemia

synthesis and hyperglycemia.
Suppression of hepatic 2 Indirect Acute Related to suppression of WAT
gluconeogenesis lipolysis leading to decreased
NEFA and glycerol turnover
and hepatic acetyl-CoA
content. There may also be
a small direct effect of insulin
by suppression of
intrahepatic lipolysis.
Suppression of hepatic glucose 2 Direct and Acute Variable contributions of
production indirect gluconeogenesis and
glycogenolysis depending on
species and fasting duration.
INSR Tyr phosphorylation and IRK 2 Direct Acute
IRS Tyr phosphorylation 2 Direct Acute
AKT Ser/Thr phosphorylation 2 Direct Acute Multiple inputs to Ser473
Gluconeogenic gene expression 1 Direct Chronic Especially G6pc, Pck1.
De novo lipogenesis 2 Direct Chronic Multiple inputs including
Fasting plasma insulin 1 Direct and Chronic Crude surrogate of hepatic
indirect insulin resistance, useful in
large epidemiologic studies.

INSR, insulin receptor; IRK, INSR kinase; IRS, insulin receptor substrate; WAT, white adipose tissue; NEFA, nonesterified fatty acid.

The adipocyte performs insulin-stimulated glucose up- phate for fatty acid esterification, facilitating eutopic
take; as in skeletal muscle, this function becomes resis- lipid storage in WAT and decreasing lipid delivery to
tant in obesity and T2D (377). However, WAT is not a liver and muscle. Alternatively, the link between adipose
quantitatively significant site of insulin-stimulated glu- GLUT4 expression and global insulin sensitivity has also
cose disposal, accounting for ⬍5% of an oral glucose been ascribed to adipokines such as retinol binding pro-
load in humans (363, 428). Despite this, adipose-specific tein 4 (RBP4; see sect. VII) (935) and to altered expres-
deletion of GLUT4 in mice results in liver and skeletal sion of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (432).
muscle insulin resistance without altering adiposity or
body weight (1), pointing to indirect, physiologically sig- Physiologically, an extremely significant function of WAT
nificant consequences of insulin resistance to glucose up- insulin action is the suppression of lipolysis. As discussed in
take in adipocytes (725). The global insulin-sensitizing section II, adipose lipolysis is exquisitely sensitive to insulin.
effects of adipocyte glucose uptake may partially be me- The suppressive effect is rapid (~10 min) in rodents and
diated through glucose activation of ChREBP. ChREBP humans (620). Because the major source of plasma NEFA is
activation promotes lipogenic gene expression, enabling adipose tissue, because lipolytic substrate release is a critical
adipose tissue to serve as a nutrient sink which in turn regulator of hepatic gluconeogenesis on a minute-to-minute
decreases substrate delivery to liver and muscle (310). basis, and because increased gluconeogenesis is a key driver
Adipocyte glucose uptake also generates glycerol-3-phos- of the fasting hyperglycemia that defines T2D, resistance to

FIGURE 9. Mechanisms for the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) despite hepatic insulin resistance. A: insulin normally
activates de novo lipogenesis through sterol regulatory element binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c). B: the seemingly paradoxical coexistence of
NAFLD and hepatic insulin resistance has spawned the hypothesis of selective hepatic insulin resistance, wherein insulin activation of lipogenesis
is preserved despite impaired insulin regulation of glucose metabolism. However, hepatic de novo lipogenesis has multiple inputs, including
ChREBP and mTORC1/SREBP-1c, both of which are activated in states of chronic overnutrition. Additionally, the primary pathway for hepatic
triglyceride synthesis is re-esterification of preformed fatty acids, which are readily available in states of chronic overnutrition owing both to
dietary supply and to adipose insulin resistance. Even if insulin receptor (INSR) activation of SREBP-1c is impaired by hepatic insulin resistance,
these other inputs are likely capable of supporting the lipogenic fluxes that lead to NAFLD. NEFA, nonesterified fatty acid; WAT, white adipose

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insulin’s antilipolytic effects in the adipocyte is of immense (692). Along these lines, a study of obese nondiabetic and
pathophysiological importance. T2D subjects found that plasma glycerol and NEFA levels
were similar between groups during an oral glucose toler-
If adipocyte insulin resistance impairs suppression of lipol- ance test, and that ex vivo suppression of isoproterenol-
ysis, one might expect that plasma NEFA concentrations stimulated lipolysis was similar between groups, but that
would be elevated in T2D. In poorly controlled T2D, this is expression of the fatty acid transporter FABP4 was de-
indeed the case; multiple studies have observed significantly creased in T2D; the investigators concluded that lipid stor-
increased plasma NEFA concentrations in patients with age rather than lipolysis was subject to insulin resistance
poorly controlled T2D compared with lean nondiabetic (618).
controls (134, 245, 266, 685, 816). In lean, healthy rela-
tives of patients with T2D, postprandial suppression of Just as glycogen metabolism in the insulin-resistant liver
plasma NEFA concentrations is impaired (31). Moreover, exhibits a decreased amplitude in its net magnitude during
increased plasma NEFA concentrations predict incident both fasting and feeding, so there is evidence that insulin-
T2D (121, 611). The extent of the increase in plasma NEFA resistant adipose tissue exhibits an inability to maximally
is much more modest and sometimes nonexistent in patients stimulate lipolysis during fasting and maximally promote
with well-controlled T2D (245, 286, 685, 816). Yet these lipid storage during feeding. A multiple meal-ingestion
concentration measurements belie much larger differences study of lean healthy men compared with men with abdom-
in the more physiologically relevant parameter: flux. Under inal obesity highlighted this phenomenon: the direction of
hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp conditions, plasma net fatty acid flux across the adipose tissue capillary bed
NEFA turnover was in relative terms much more elevated favored release during fasting and favored storage post-
than plasma NEFA concentration in T2D patients com- prandially, and in both cases was smaller in magnitude in
pared with controls (286). Fasting glycerol turnover is also the obese men (536). The net effect was a significant decre-
increased in T2D, as is the rate of gluconeogenesis from
ment in the percentage of ingested fat properly stored in
glycerol (586, 663). Furthermore, in patients undergoing
WAT in the obese subjects, presumably facilitating lipid
bariatric surgery, decreases in basal lipolysis correlate with
storage in nonadipose tissues.
improvements in HOMA-IR (265). Importantly, obesity
per se is not correlated with plasma NEFA concentration in
Interestingly, in contrast to skeletal muscle and liver, the
humans, indicating that a functional defect (i.e., adipocyte
specific molecular defects mediating adipocyte insulin re-
insulin resistance), rather than a simple mass effect, medi-
sistance are largely uncharacterized. Rather, most prog-
ates the increased plasma NEFA of T2D (388). Consistent
ress in understanding the pathogenesis of adipocyte insu-
with this interpretation of adipose insulin resistance, insulin
lin resistance has focused on autocrine or paracrine in-
suppression of lipolytic flux as measured by glycerol turn-
flammatory cytokines which may impair insulin signaling
over is impaired in obese insulin-resistant human adoles-
(27, 289). These mechanisms are considered in detail in
cents, in diabetic humans, and in first degree relatives of
type 2 diabetic humans (263, 309, 370, 696). Adipose in- section VII. Yet resistance to insulin suppression of adi-
sulin resistance, assessed as the product of fasting plasma pose lipolysis is evident after only 3 days of high-fat
insulin and fasting plasma NEFA concentrations, increased feeding in rats (722)– before significant inflammation de-
continuously in the progression from normal glucose toler- velops–suggesting that noninflammatory mechanisms are
ance to impaired glucose tolerance to T2D in a cohort of likely responsible for the initial defects in adipocyte in-
over 300 subjects, suggesting that adipose insulin resistance sulin resistance.
contributes to the pathogenesis of T2D (261). Using the
product of fasting plasma insulin and plasma NEFA con- The specific roles of proteins involved in lipolysis–ATGL,
centrations as a practical index of adipose insulin resistance HSL, PLIN, FSP27–in adipocyte insulin resistance are un-
was recently validated against the multistep pancreatic clear. But impaired suppression of net adipose lipolysis
clamp (789). could also result from defective NEFA esterification. In-
deed, one interesting potential mechanism for insulin resis-
Whether insulin resistance to suppression of adipose lipol- tance to suppression of lipolysis involves NEFA esterifica-
ysis involves primarily increased lipolysis per se, decreased tion and offers a mechanistic link to insulin-resistant glu-
re-esterification of fatty acids, or both is not settled. A pro- cose uptake. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake promotes
vocative study using [14C]palmitate to trace and model fatty glycolysis, producing the three-carbon precursors that can
acid kinetics during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp yield glycerol-3-phosphate. Glycerol-3-phosphate is in turn
concluded that net lipolysis was not different between lean required for fatty acid esterification and proper insulin-
and obese T2D subjects, but that the obese T2D subjects stimulated lipid storage (474). Insulin resistance to glucose
exhibited higher rates of fatty acid escape from tissue up- uptake might by this mechanism prevent the adipocyte from
take, and that this latter finding accounted for the defect in switching from net lipid export to net lipid storage upon
insulin suppression of plasma NEFA levels in the diabetics insulin stimulation.

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In this way, the exquisite sensitivity of the white adi- F. Integrated Physiology of Insulin
pocyte to insulin may be a double-edged sword. This Resistance and Experimental
sensitivity enables agile and appropriate postprandial nu- Considerations
trient storage. Yet the status of WAT as “first responder”
to nutritional oversupply may render it vulnerable to Because insulin action and resistance are best understood in
nutrient stress-induced insulin resistance. Even modest this integrated physiological context, experimental meth-
adipocyte insulin resistance will, due to the steepness of ods assessing insulin action require careful design and inter-
the insulin dose-response curve for lipolytic suppression, pretation (18). The Himsworth “glucose-insulin tolerance
increase fatty acid delivery to liver and skeletal muscle test” described above (317) highlights a critical consider-
and thereby promote insulin resistance in those tissues ation in experimental tests of insulin action. To directly
measure insulin resistance, the investigator needs to care-
(see sect. V). The absolute importance of WAT insulin
fully distinguish insulin action and insulin secretion. This
action for whole-body glucose homeostasis is powerfully distinction is easily illustrated by the standard glucose tol-
demonstrated by the extreme, but reversible, insulin re- erance test (GTT) (23, 33, 534). FIGURE 10 shows hypothet-
sistance of lipodystrophy (79, 406, 642, 714, 785). Far ical results of an intraperitoneal GTT performed with mice
from being an inert storage depot, WAT may in fact be fed a regular chow diet, mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 8
the linchpin of whole-body insulin sensitivity and resis- wk, and nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, a model of auto-
tance. immune insulitis, studied after the onset of insulitis but

Lean, chow-fed Lean, chow-fed

Obese, fat-fed Obese, fat-fed


Glucose Insulin
(mg dl-1) (μU ml-1)


0 120 0 120
Time (min) Time (min)
Lean, chow-fed Lean, chow-fed

FGF21-treated FGF21-treated
Sulfonylurea-treated Sulfonylurea-treated

Glucose Insulin
(mg dl-1) (μU ml-1)


0 120 0 120
Time (min) Time (min)
FIGURE 10. Interpretation of glucose tolerance tests requires measurement of plasma insulin concentra-
tions. A: diet-induced obese and prediabetic nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice both display glucose intolerance
compared with lean chow-fed control mice, but the causes differ. The diet-induced obese mice mount a normal
or even heightened insulin secretory response but are hyperglycemic owing to insulin resistance. The predia-
betic NOD mice are glucose intolerant owing to defective insulin secretion. B: improved glucose tolerance can
similarly result from increased insulin sensitivity [fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21)-treated mice] or from
increased insulin secretion (sulfonylurea-treated mice).

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before the development of overt type 1 diabetes (358, 361). problem of highly variable basal hepatic glycogen content is
Although plasma glucose excursions are increased in both measurement of uniformly labeled 13C-glucose incorpora-
HFD-fed mice and NOD mice, examination of the plasma tion into hepatic glycogen during hyperinsulinemic-hyper-
insulin time course reveals that the impaired glucose toler- glycemic clamps. Knowledge of the m⫹6 mole fraction in
ance of the NOD mice represents ␤-cell dysfunction, not both liver glycogen and plasma glucose, and of the total
impaired insulin action. Conversely, the HFD-fed mice ex- hepatic glycogen concentration, permits calculation of the
hibit increased insulin levels accompanying their hypergly- absolute rate of glycogen deposition via the direct pathway
cemia, indicating that the primary cause of their impaired during the infusion (153, 645). Measurement of the dilution
glucose tolerance is insulin resistance. Importantly, im- in the m⫹6 mole fraction from plasma glucose to hepatic
proved glucose tolerance can similarly be the result of either UDP-glucose reveals the relative contributions of direct and
exaggerated insulin secretion or hypersensitivity to insulin indirect pathways to glycogen synthesis (645). Knowledge
action. The former situation can be modeled by treatment of both the absolute rate of direct pathway glycogen syn-
with an insulin secretagogue such as a sulfonylurea (688), thesis and the percent contribution of the direct pathway to
and the latter by treatment with an insulin-sensitizing agent total glycogen synthetic flux enables calculation of the total
such as FGF21 (112, 401). In a prescient observation, Him- glycogen synthetic rate during a hyperinsulinemic-hyper-
sworth noted in his classic study (317) that for essentially glycemic clamp. In humans, noninvasive MRS approaches
the reasons outlined above, a glucose challenge without have been used to measure both glycogen synthetic and
exogenous insulin would be insufficient to distinguish the glycogenolytic fluxes (640, 641, 704, 832). However, it
two types of diabetics. In the modern setting, this ambiguity must be emphasized that insulin merely plays a permissive
can be experimentally sidestepped by employing the hyper- role in regulating hepatic glycogen synthesis; the key driver
insulinemic-euglycemic clamp method developed by Andres is the plasma (portal vein) glucose concentration. Without
(33, 534). This technique largely negates insulin secretion careful matching of the portal vein glucose concentration in
differences by matching insulin levels among study subjects. all subjects, assessing the effect of insulin per se on hepatic
At a constant, elevated insulin concentration, the glucose glycogen metabolism is difficult.
infusion rate needed to maintain euglycemia reflects whole-
body insulin sensitivity (181). When combined with infu- Effective methods for in vivo assessment of insulin control
sions of isotopically labeled glucose and glucose analogs to of lipid metabolism are also available. Insulin suppression
trace whole-body glucose turnover, endogenous glucose of lipolysis can be traced during hyperinsulinemic-euglyce-
production (EGP), and tissue-specific glucose uptake, the mic clamp studies using labeled palmitate and glycerol
hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp represents the most (620, 910). Insulin control of hepatic de novo lipogenesis
powerful in vivo experimental assessment of insulin action is a transcriptionally mediated effect and therefore can-
in target tissues and is therefore widely used both in humans not be assessed in acute infusion studies, but effective
and animal models (33, 534, 760). tracer methods, such as deuterated water supplementa-
tion, enable measurement of DNL over a period of sev-
Although accurate and useful, EGP measurements in hyper- eral days and reveal decreased DNL in insulin-resistant
insulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies have limitations. For models (868, 910). A commonly employed protocol to
one, although often assumed to be identical to HGP, EGP measure insulin upregulation of the lipogenic transcrip-
reflects the rate of appearance of glucose in the plasma from tional program is fasting (e.g., 24 h)–refeeding (e.g., 6 h).
all sources, which in fasted subjects also includes a small It is important to note, however, that insulin is not the
contribution from renal gluconeogenesis. Furthermore, only relevant variable in such studies; nutrient activation
measurements of insulin suppression of EGP cannot distin- of mTOR is a major consideration as are changes in other
guish between direct effects of insulin on liver glycogen hormones (452, 764).
synthesis and indirect effects of insulin on hepatic gluconeo-
genesis. Glycogen synthetic flux in liver, although perhaps a One commonality of the various methods outlined above
better readout of direct hepatic insulin action than EGP and in FIGURE 11 is the use of isotopic tracers to calculate
suppression, is more difficult to assess in vivo because, as flux through metabolic pathways. Although tracer studies
discussed in section II, hepatic glycogen metabolism is ex- are generally more resource-intensive than metabolite con-
quisitely sensitive to glucose availability. Hyperglycemia, centration studies, they are also likely to provide more rel-
tightly matched between subjects, is necessary to accurately evant assessments of insulin action. Although advances in
compare insulin stimulation of glycogen synthesis between metabolomics have facilitated hypothesis generation
experimental groups (640). Simple measurements of liver through rapid, accurate, and automated measurement of
glycogen content after insulin stimulation require extensive hundreds of metabolites, insulin acts by modifying meta-
fasting to minimize basal glycogen content; these extended bolic fluxes. These changes in flux may favor the accumu-
fasts are often undesirable in rodents because they do not lation or diminution of specific metabolites, but concen-
represent a normal physiological state (32, 33, 534). One tration differences are always a consequence of flux dif-
method that has been successfully used to circumvent the ferences. It is ultimately flux measurements that have

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A Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp:
B Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp:
C Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp:
continuous infusion continuous infusion bolus during steady-state
[3-3H] / [6,6-2H] / [1-13C] / [U-13C] glucose [3-3H] / [6,6-2H] / [1-13C] / [U-13C] glucose 2-[1-14C]-deoxyglucose

Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance:

Suppression Whole-body Tissue-specific
of hepatic glucose glucose uptake glucose uptake

Hyperinsulinemic-hyperglycemic clamp: Bolus injection followed by Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp:
continuous infusion ad-lib consumption over days continuous infusion

[U-13C] glucose [U-13C] palmitate

[1,1,2,3,3-2H] glycerol

H 2O

Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance:

Stimulation of Decreased Suppression
net glycogen de novo of lipolysis
synthesis lipogenesis

FIGURE 11. Isotope tracer methods to assess insulin resistance in vivo. Six example methods are illustrated.
The experimental protocol and mode of tracer delivery are italicized, the tracer is bolded, and the effect of
insulin resistance is at bottom right. A: several glucose isotopomers can be used to trace whole-body glucose
turnover, Rd. During a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, where Rd and the glucose infusion rate F are both
known, endogenous glucose production can be calculated by subtracting F from Rd. Insulin suppression of
endogenous glucose production is impaired in insulin-resistant subjects. B: under hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic
clamp conditions, 70 – 80% of Rd is accounted for by skeletal muscle glucose uptake, so skeletal muscle insulin
resistance is often accompanied by decreased Rd. C: the nonmetabolizable glucose analogue 2-deoxyglucose
(2-DG) is phosphorylated and trapped inside tissues which lack glucose-6-phosphatase (e.g., skeletal muscle
and adipose tissue, but not liver). Tissue 2-DG-6-phosphate levels can thus be used to estimate insulin-
stimulated glucose uptake, which is decreased in insulin resistance. D: the negligible natural abundance of
m⫹6 glucose makes [U-13C]glucose a useful tracer of hepatic glycogen synthesis, which is decreased in
hepatic insulin resistance. To stimulate net hepatic glycogen synthesis, both hyperinsulinemia and hyperglyce-
mia are necessary. E: the incorporation of deuterated or tritiated water into hepatic palmitate yields a
measurement of hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL) but requires several days of administration to reach
isotopic steady state. DNL is decreased in some models of insulin resistance, such as the high-fat-fed rodent.
Because insulin regulation of DNL is a slow, transcriptionally mediated process, this method is compatible with
the physiology being studied. F: several palmitate and glycerol tracers, including [U-13C]palmitate and
[1,1,2,3,3-2H]glycerol, can be used to trace lipolysis. Insulin suppression of lipolysis from white adipose tissue
is impaired in adipose insulin resistance. Notably, Ra glycerol under fasting conditions is likely a more accurate
measure of lipolysis than Ra palmitate, because palmitate can be re-esterified within the adipocyte.

yielded and will continue to yield the most potent mech- scribed here; insulin signaling interfaces with diverse cel-
anistic insights to the integrated physiology of metabo- lular functions, and myriad signaling pathways have
lism. been identified as altered in insulin resistance. Addition-
ally, each of the more than 20 well-characterized animal
models of obesity and T2D exhibits a distinct pathophys-
G. Insulin Resistance: The “What” and the
iology of its metabolic disease that has some overlap with
human obesity-associated T2D but certainly fails to re-
capitulate all aspects of the human disease it attempts to
Section IV has attempted to describe the central charac-
model (412).
teristics of insulin resistance in the skeletal muscle, liver,
and WAT, focusing on the effectors of insulin signaling
and the direct metabolic effects of insulin that become A challenge for investigators studying a process with such
insulin resistant. There are certainly more pathophysio- protean manifestations as insulin resistance is to distinguish
logical attributes of insulin-resistant tissue than are de- cause from effect, primary defect from secondary conse-

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quence. In sections V–VII, we review efforts to pinpoint the in glucose-6-phosphate would in turn allosterically inhibit
initial insults responsible for the impairments in insulin ac- hexokinase and lead to an increase in intramyocellular glu-
tion described in this section. It is not enough for investiga- cose concentration.
tors to identify candidate genes or metabolites whose activ-
ity or levels are altered in the insulin-resistant state. Pertur- The Randle glucose-fatty acid cycle has been extensively
bations assessing whether a candidate mediator is studied using the most straightforward and popular exper-
necessary, sufficient, or both necessary and sufficient for imental model of lipid-induced insulin resistance: the acute
insulin resistance are required to infer causality. Human lipid infusion. Such studies typically use a 20% triglyceride
studies are also required to interrogate whether a candidate emulsion with heparin added to activate lipoprotein lipase
pathway is operative in typical obesity-associated human and further raise plasma NEFA concentrations. These infu-
insulin resistance and thus might be a viable therapeutic sions effectively induce insulin resistance to muscle glucose
target. In rodent studies, approaches seeking to identify the uptake–though only after several hours of infusion–and af-
earliest defects in insulin action in response to overnutrition ford the experimenter full control over the duration and
are the most likely to yield insights into the mechanistic extent of lipid exposure (68, 198, 229, 285, 464, 698, 836).
basis of insulin resistance (548, 721, 854); efforts to char- Although this technique can be used to achieve supraphysi-
acterize the myriad derangements of chronic metabolic dis- ologic plasma NEFA concentrations of 2 meq/l or greater,
ease may yield therapeutic targets but are unlikely to eluci- even infusions targeting high physiological concentrations
date the root cause of cellular insulin resistance (788). It is such as 0.75 meq/l are able to impair insulin-stimulated
important to acknowledge that a defect which is a second- glucose uptake (68). The acute lipid infusion is an attractive
ary consequence of insulin resistance may nonetheless fur- experimental model for investigating mechanisms of lipid-
ther exacerbate insulin resistance and therefore be a viable induced insulin resistance in large part because it circum-
therapeutic target. Here, however, we focus primarily on vents the confounding physiological compensations seen in
efforts to define the primary insult(s) of insulin resistance; models of chronic dietary lipid-induced insulin resistance–
the underlying assumption is that if these primary defects basal hyperinsulinemia, inflammation, altered body com-
can be identified and ameliorated, then all secondary con- position.
sequences will be prevented. We begin by reviewing the
oldest and most extensively investigated hypothesis of insu-
MRS studies of skeletal muscle glucose metabolism during
lin resistance: defective insulin action as a direct conse-
acute lipid infusions have enabled in vivo testing of the
quence of altered lipid metabolic fluxes.
Randle hypothesis (FIGURE 12). Specifically, MRS measure-
ments of intramyocellular glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and
V. LIPID-INDUCED INSULIN RESISTANCE glucose concentrations, as well as glycolytic and glycogen
synthetic rates, directly tested the Randle prediction that
lipid oxidation would decrease glycolytic flux and increase
A. Introduction to Lipid-Induced Insulin G6P concentrations. These studies revealed that contrary to
Resistance the increases predicted by the Randle hypothesis, G6P and
glucose levels actually decreased in acute lipid-induced in-
The phenomenon of lipid-induced insulin resistance was sulin resistance (198, 698). Glycolysis and glycogen synthe-
perhaps first described in a 1941 report describing insensi- sis also decreased, but this owed to impaired glucose trans-
tivity to insulin-induced hypoglycemia after intravenous port rather than Randle allostery (198, 698). These findings
lipid infusion in rabbits (940). In the early 1960s, a series of dovetailed with the elucidation of the molecular mecha-
reports linked elevated NEFA or ketone body levels to im- nisms connecting insulin receptor activation to GLUT4
paired insulin-stimulated glucose uptake (257, 677, 765, translocation and observations that GLUT4 translocation
904). These findings were synthesized by Randle and co- and glucose transport were defective in insulin resistance
workers (677– 679), who proposed a glucose-fatty acid cy- and T2D (152, 258, 633, 847). A key implication for future
cle controlling oxidative substrate selection in skeletal and mechanistic studies of lipid-induced muscle insulin resis-
cardiac muscle. The glucose-fatty acid cycle hypothesis pos- tance was the requirement that they link lipid exposure to
ited that oxidative substrate selection followed a reciprocal inhibition of insulin signaling.
relationship controlled by substrate supply: fatty acid avail-
ability promotes fat oxidation while inhibiting glucose ox- Other in vivo models have challenged the relevance of the
idation, and vice versa (676). The proposed mechanisms glucose-fatty acid cycle to lipid-induced insulin resistance.
were allosteric in nature: increased fat oxidation drives ac- For example, mice lacking Pdk2 and Pdk4 (Pdk2/4 DKO)
cumulation of mitochondrial acetyl CoA and NADH, have constitutively dephosphorylated, active PDH in skele-
which inhibit PDH to limit entry of pyruvate into the mito- tal muscle and therefore preferentially oxidize glucose in an
chondrion for oxidation. Increased cytoplasmic citrate inflexible manner (669). The glucose-fatty acid cycle is thus
would also slow glycolytic flux through allosteric feedback inoperative in Pdk2/4 DKO mice. However, these mice de-
inhibition of phosphofructokinase-1. The resultant increase velop profound muscle insulin resistance associated with

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A Randle hypothesis

Glucose oxidation secondary Glucose

to substrate competition

Fatty acids

Acetyl CoA/

NADH/ FIGURE 12. The Randle hypothesis and lipid-induced
skeletal muscle insulin resistance. A: Randle and co-
workers proposed that lipid-induced impairments in
PDH muscle glucose oxidation are secondary to substrate
Pyruvate Glucose-6-phosphate competition with fatty acids. Increased fatty acid oxida-
tion would increase the mitochondrial acetyl CoA/CoA
PFK and NADH/NAD⫹ ratios. This would allosterically in-
hibit pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) and phosphofruc-
tokinase (PFK; through increases in its allosteric inhib-
itor citrate), decreasing glycolytic flux. The ensuing in-
crease in glucose-6-phosphate concentration would in
turn allosterically inhibit hexokinase (HK), leading to
increased intracellular glucose concentrations. B:
B Observed measurements of intramyocellular glucose and glu-
cose-6-phosphate during acute lipid infusions revealed
that concentrations of these metabolites are de-
Glycogen synthesis and creased, not increased, in this setting. Together with
glucose oxidation secondary Glucose studies linking muscle insulin resistance with impaired
to impaired glucose transport GLUT4 translocation, these data implicated impaired
Lipid infusion glucose transport as the chief defect in lipid-induced
muscle insulin resistance.


GLUT4 translocation







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increased intramyocellular lipid, implying that the glucose- produce marked hepatic lipid accumulation and conse-
fatty acid cycle is not necessary for lipid-induced muscle quent hepatic insulin resistance without appreciable skele-
insulin resistance (669). tal muscle insulin resistance (721, 722, 854), but in humans
with the metabolic syndrome skeletal muscle insulin resis-
Overall, available evidence indicates that the glucose-fatty tance is thought to precede hepatic insulin resistance (182,
acid cycle accounts neither for the pronounced impairment 639, 725). The remarkable propensity for some mouse
in insulin-stimulated muscle glucose uptake that develops strains to develop obesity and glucose intolerance with
after several hours of lipid infusion (68, 71, 698), nor for high-fat feeding while others remain lean and metabolically
the insulin resistance of human obesity/T2D. However, the healthy highlights the integrated nature of glucose homeo-
glucose-fatty acid cycle is undoubtedly nevertheless a phys- stasis, with energy expenditure, pancreatic function, and
iologically relevant process for controlling oxidative sub- tissue insulin sensitivity all serving important roles in gen-
strate selection (244). For example, in the first 3 h of an erating the phenotype (428). Some commonly used rodent
acute lipid infusion, before profound insulin resistance de- models of diet-induced obesity, including the ob/ob and
velops, intramyocellular G6P concentrations are increased db/db mice and the Zucker fa/fa rat, leverage naturally oc-
and glycolytic flux is decreased, matching the predictions of curring mutations in the leptin satiety axis to achieve
the Randle hypothesis (372, 373). The allosteric mecha- marked hyperphagia and consequent obesity. These models
nisms proposed by Randle are likely sufficient to explain can be useful, but must be interpreted with the knowledge
this phenomenon. The reciprocal control mechanism–inhi- that leptin is far more than simply a satiety switch (341,
bition of fatty acid oxidation by glucose through malonyl 801) and that the consequences of the mutation are protean.
CoA inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1– high- Additionally, the hyperphagic rodent models are typically
lights the integrated nature of this substrate-selection circuit studied as morbidly obese adults, long after the develop-
(533). The glucose-fatty acid cycle can thus be thought of as ment of insulin resistance. Their phenotype thus renders
a cell-autonomous response to whole-body control of sub- them unsuitable for studies attempting to define the initial
strate availability, enabling efficient oxidation of glucose in insult(s) of insulin resistance. For such studies, the high-fat-
the fed state and fatty acids in the fasted state. fed rodent is useful because it can be maintained with a
normal body composition and metabolic phenotype until
The broad relevance of the lipid infusion model of muscle the experimental challenge is begun. However, both the
insulin resistance is highlighted by the well-established as- high-fat-fed rodent and the genetically hyperphagic rodent
sociation between increased plasma NEFA turnover and share one key phenotypic similarity with human obesity-
insulin resistance in humans (134, 245, 266, 632, 684, 685, associated insulin resistance: increased ectopic lipid deposi-
816). However, the increment in plasma NEFA turnover tion in liver and skeletal muscle. The ectopic lipid hypoth-
and/or concentrations observed in human insulin resistance esis of liver and muscle insulin resistance is described below
are modest (632). In addition to often achieving supraphysi- and in FIGURE 13.
ological NEFA concentrations, the acute intravenous lipid
exposure fails to accurately model obesity-associated insu- One of the most reproducible associations in human insulin
lin resistance in several other obvious ways: the lipid expo- resistance is with intrahepatic triglyceride (IHTG) (96,
sure is acute rather than chronic, the lipid delivery is intra- 627). NAFLD, defined as increased IHTG without exces-
venous rather than enteral or from liver/adipose tissue, and sive alcohol intake, is the most common liver disease in
plasma fatty acid concentrations are static rather than dy- industrialized nations (870). Approximately two-thirds of
namic. As a result, the acute lipid exposure is typically only obese people, and nearly all obese people with T2D, have
employed in direct mechanistic investigations of lipid-in- NAFLD (45, 772, 843, 883). Similarly, IHTG is an excep-
duced insulin resistance. Most studies testing the effect of a tionally strong predictor of insulin resistance (106, 422,
given experimental perturbation on tissue insulin sensitivity 520, 728). Causal evidence for a role of IHTG in hepatic
appropriately use chronic interventions. insulin resistance derives from both human and rodent
studies. In diabetic humans, decreasing IHTG content by
The most popular model of typical, obesity-associated, lip- modest weight loss normalizes insulin suppression of he-
id-induced insulin resistance is the high-fat-fed rodent. patic glucose production and fasting glycemia without sig-
While mouse and rat strains significantly differ in their sus- nificant peripheral effects (637). Although visceral fat has
ceptibility to diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance, been proposed to contribute to hepatic insulin resistance, it
susceptible strains such as the C57BL/6J mouse and the is more likely a good biomarker for IHTG (260); IHTG is a
Sprague-Dawley rat provide tractable model systems (239, much stronger predictor of hepatic insulin resistance and
548, 898). However, although these rodent strains may surgical removal of omental fat without concomitant reduc-
broadly mimic humans in their susceptibility to obesity, tion in IHTG does not correct hepatic insulin resistance
there are several key physiological differences to bear in (220, 221). Furthermore, lipodystrophic individuals have
mind when interpreting studies of fat-fed rodents (428). For profound increases in IHTG, which is associated with se-
example, short-term fat feeding protocols in rodents can vere hepatic insulin resistance in the absence of any visceral

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Lean, Lean, Obese, Obese, Lipodystrophic, Lipodystrophic, leptin Rx,

insulin sensitive insulin resistant insulin resistant insulin sensitive insulin resistant insulin sensitive

Chow-fed Muscle/liver Fat-fed TZD Rx A-ZIP mouse aP2-nSREBP1c mouse,

mouse LpL Tg mice mouse Ad Tg::ob/ob mouse aP2-nSREBP1c mouse leptin Rx
Pten CKO mouse
FIGURE 13. Ectopic lipid hypothesis of liver and muscle insulin resistance. The central organizing principle is
that lipid storage in white adipose tissue, especially in subcutaneous depots, is physiologically appropriate, but
lipid storage in liver and skeletal muscle is inappropriate and metabolically harmful. Lipid accumulation at these
“ectopic” sites is associated with insulin resistance. Human phenotypes are listed above silhouettes, and
corresponding mouse models, described in the main text, are below.

fat (536). Visceral fat is also a quantitatively small contrib- and skeletal muscle (242). Redistribution of fat has also
utor to whole-body fatty acid turnover (388). In people been proposed to mediate the insulin-sensitizing effects of
with NAFLD but without T2D, ameliorating NAFLD de- the thiazolidinedione class of antidiabetic drugs, which pro-
creases T2D risk even after controlling for changes in mote adipogenesis through activation of PPAR␥ (723). Per-
weight (933). Even a single oral fat bolus in humans is haps most impressively, adiponectin overexpression in lep-
sufficient to increase IHTG and impair hepatic insulin sen- tin-deficient ob/ob mice (Ad Tg ob/ob) results in massive
sitivity (313). redistribution of fat such that the Ad Tg ob/ob mice weigh
up to twice as much as obese ob/ob controls yet display
A corollary proposition of the finding that IHTG, not adi- reduced IHTG (408). Remarkably, these enormous mice
pose tissue mass, predicts insulin resistance is that redistri- display fasting glucose and insulin levels similar to lean
bution of fat from liver to WAT should correct insulin re- chow-fed mice and have normal insulin sensitivity (408). In
sistance. Indeed, numerous models support this proposi- a dramatic example of reverse redistribution, adipose-spe-
tion. In severely insulin-resistant lipodystrophic A-ZIP/F-1 cific re-expression of the leptin receptor in db/db mice pre-
mice, transplantation of WAT normalizes liver insulin ac- vents obesity but results in IHTG accumulation, hyperinsu-
tion associated with marked decreases in IHTG and in- linemia, and the development of diabetes at 4 wk of age,
tramyocellular lipid (262, 406). Lipodystrophic humans compared with 14 wk in the db/db controls (878).
with severe NAFLD and hepatic insulin resistance, as well
as lipodystrophic mice, achieve massive reductions in IHTG A variety of interventional models support the hypothesis
and normalization of hepatic insulin action when treated that IHTG is casually related to hepatic insulin resistance.
with leptin (79, 642, 763). This “redistribution” hypothesis Mice ectopically expressing malonyl CoA decarboxylase
extends beyond models of lipodystrophy. Mice with en- in liver are protected from hepatic lipid accumulation upon
hanced adipocyte insulin sensitivity owing to inducible Pten high-fat feeding, associated with preserved hepatic insulin
deletion accumulate fat in adipose tissue rather than liver sensitivity (24). Similar phenotypes have been observed in
when fed a high-fat diet and are totally protected from mouse models as diverse as estrogen-treated ovariectomized
diet-induced hepatic insulin resistance (555). Adipose-spe- female mice (111) and mice treated with FGF21 (112). Two
cific overexpression of Pck1 (PEPCK) in mice facilitates independent studies have reported that overexpression of
glyceroneogenesis and re-esterification of fatty acids within the triacylglycerol hydrolase CES2 in db/db or high-fat-fed
the adipocyte, decreasing plasma NEFA levels; conse- mice reduced IHTG in conjunction with improved glucose
quently, these mice are obese but insulin-sensitive in liver tolerance (495, 705). Furthermore, mice with liver-specific

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overexpression of SREBP-1c display liver-specific triglycer- Pnpla3I148M knockin mice did not develop worsened he-
ide accumulation and liver-specific insulin resistance (368). patic steatosis on a high-fat diet compared with wild-type
Perhaps the most direct tests of the relationship between controls and accordingly displayed similar glycemia, fasting
IHTG and hepatic insulin action in vivo have been carried insulin, and glucose (in)tolerance (778). Other rodent mod-
out using the mitochondrial protonophore 2,4-dinitrophe- els have challenged the IHTG-hepatic insulin resistance
nol (DNP) to rapidly decrease IHTG stores. In rats with connection as well. Various mice with liver-specific disrup-
isolated hepatic insulin resistance produced by short-term tions in insulin signaling display, by definition, insulin re-
fat feeding, DNP treatment normalizes both IHTG and he- sistance, yet do not develop fatty liver; this dissociation does
patic insulin action (721). The latter result has been ex- not, however, pose a logical challenge to the hypothesis that
tended using pharmacologically distinct forms of DNP to IHTG causes hepatic insulin resistance (811). Several other
show drastic improvements in both IHTG and hepatic in- mice with defects in hepatic fatty acid oxidation accumulate
sulin action in more extreme forms of hepatic insulin resis- IHTG yet are hypoglycemic upon fasting with high insulin
tance including the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat, the sensitivity and glucose tolerance; these models highlight the
Zucker diabetic fatty rat, lipodystrophic mice (3), and rats well-established role of fatty acid oxidation in supporting
fed a methionine/choline-deficient diet to induce nonalco- gluconeogenesis which confounds metabolic phenotyping
holic steatohepatitis (621, 629). (216, 399, 587). The same problem of physiological con-
founding applies to mice with defects in gluconeogenesis,
Lipoprotein lipase (LpL) acts locally at target tissues to which have a similar phenotype (273, 563, 829, 882, 952).
release fatty acids from circulating triglycerides for tissue A particularly interesting mouse model that also dissociates
uptake. Experiments modulating LpL activity have enabled IHTG from hepatic insulin resistance is the liver-specific
instructive testing of the hypothesis that hepatic lipid accu- Scap⫺/⫺ mouse (550). The SCAP protein is required for
mulation is causally linked to hepatic insulin resistance. SREBP processing; Scap ablation blocks the SREBP lipo-
Although LpL is not endogenously expressed in liver, he- genic program (550). Scap deletion in ob/ob mice normal-
patic overexpression of LpL is sufficient to increase IHTG ized IHTG but only slightly improved fasting glucose and
and cause liver-specific insulin resistance (404). Antisense insulin concentrations (550). When Scap was inducibly de-
oligonucleotide inhibition of the adipose-derived LpL in- leted in liver followed by 16 wk of high-fat feeding, IHTG
hibitor angiopoietin-like 8 (Angptl8) or adipose-specific de- did not increase during the HFD but fasting glucose and
letion of the LpL inhibitor angiopoietin-like 4 (Angptl4) in insulin levels were similar to those in wild-type fat-fed con-
rodents facilitates WAT lipid uptake and prevents IHTG trols (550). Although hepatic insulin action was not directly
accumulation and hepatic insulin resistance (28, 867). An- assessed, these models are provocative and indicate that in
tisense oligonucleotide inhibition of the LpL activator the setting of chronic overnutrition, reversal or prevention
ApoA5 in mice generates an interesting phenotype in which of hepatic lipid accumulation is likely not sufficient to over-
plasma triglycerides are threefold elevated compared with come the many other forms of metabolic dysregulation–
controls but IHTG is decreased and hepatic insulin action is especially, perhaps, adipose insulin resistance and excess
preserved upon high-fat feeding (113). In lean South Asian lipolysis–that accompany such states.
men, a common variant in the gene encoding apolipopro-
tein C3 (APOC3), also an LpL inhibitor, results in higher The link between skeletal muscle lipid accumulation and
plasma ApoC3 levels, hypertriglyceridemia, and predis- insulin resistance is more complex and controversial than in
poses them to increased IHTG, and hepatic insulin resis- liver. In the late 1990s, pioneering 1H-MRS studies revealed
tance at a relatively low body mass index (638). Similarly, that in normal-weight, nondiabetic humans, intramyocellu-
mice overexpressing apolipoprotein C3 (ApoC3 Tg mice) lar lipid (IMCL) was an extremely strong predictor of insu-
have similar body composition to wild-type controls but lin sensitivity during hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamps,
display increased hepatic triglyceride and hepatic insulin stronger even than plasma NEFA concentration (438). In
resistance (462). nondiabetic Pima Indians, muscle triglyceride, but not body
mass index, was negatively correlated with whole-body glu-
Despite this preponderance of data from both human and cose uptake (610). Additionally, the correction of muscle
rodent studies supporting a causal link between IHTG and insulin resistance–in lipodystrophic A-ZIP/F-1 mice by
hepatic insulin resistance, several intriguing studies have WAT transplantation or in lipodystrophic humans by
dissociated the two (224). In humans, the common leptin treatment–is associated with marked decreases in
PNPLA3 I148M mutant allele is strongly associated with muscle triglyceride (406, 642). In addition, mice lacking
IHTG, but studies disagree with respect to whether the LpL selectively in skeletal muscle (and thus unable to use
polymorphism is associated with insulin resistance (386, plasma triglycerides as fuel) are protected from muscle
607, 700, 875). Mice homozygous for a knockin I148M insulin resistance (876). In the converse experiment, mice
allele displayed normal glucose tolerance despite increased overexpressing LpL selectively in skeletal muscle display
IHTG on a high-sucrose diet, although hepatic insulin ac- increased IMCL and develop skeletal muscle insulin re-
tion was not directly assessed (778). Interestingly, the sistance (404). However, assigning a causal role to IMCL

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in muscle insulin resistance is complicated by the long-ap- date, five human studies have observed significant posi-
preciated “athlete’s paradox,” wherein highly trained, in- tive correlations between hepatic DAG and hepatic insu-
sulin-sensitive endurance athletes display IMCL levels lin resistance, as measured by either HOMA-IR (445,
greater than or equal to levels observed in people with T2D 506, 705) or suppression of HGP during hyperinsuline-
(275, 488, 560). Although the pathways by which T2D and mic-euglycemic clamp studies (512, 834).
endurance athletes develop increased IMCL stores differ
markedly, the athlete’s paradox provides evidence against a Because DAG was known to be a bioactive signaling lipid,
causal role for stored triglyceride in the pathogenesis of requisite for activation of protein kinase C (PKC), attention
muscle insulin resistance (866e). soon turned to the potential role of PKC activity in insulin
resistance. However, early work in this field was hampered
The proposition that lipid accumulation in nonadipose tis- by incomplete knowledge of the several classes and iso-
sues is causally associated with insulin resistance in those forms of PKC present in mammalian cells, as well as by
tissues is known as the ectopic lipid hypothesis of insulin highly nonspecific pharmacological inhibitors. As a result,
resistance. Although, as discussed below, the ectopic lipid
literature in this field from the 1980s and early 1990s con-
hypothesis implicates tissue- and cell-autonomous pro-
tains contradictory reports describing both stimulatory and
cesses in nonadipose tissues, adipose tissue also plays a
inhibitory effects of PKCs on insulin action (160, 353–355,
central role in ectopic lipid-induced insulin resistance. If all
387, 558, 866c).
excess energy could be stored in WAT, ectopic lipid-in-
duced insulin resistance could not develop. The transgenic
adiponectin-overexpressing ob/ob mouse discussed above, Advances in molecular biology and careful biochemical
which weighs up to twice as much as the obese ob/ob mouse characterization gradually facilitated the separation of
yet retains normal glucose tolerance, is a dramatic example PKCs into three major classes: conventional PKCs (cPKC;
of this principle (408). Indirect human genetic evidence for isoforms ␣, ␤, ␥) require both Ca2⫹ and DAG for full acti-
the ectopic lipid hypothesis includes the strong association vation, novel PKCs (nPKC; isoforms ␦, ␧, ␪, ␩) require only
of genomic variants limiting peripheral adipose storage ca- DAG, and atypical PKCs (aPKC; isoforms ␨, ␭, ␫) require
pacity with insulin resistance as assessed by multiple param- neither Ca2⫹ nor DAG (799). Conventional PKC isoforms
eters including fasting insulin, euglycemic clamp data, and are activated rapidly and participate largely in phospho-
glucose tolerance testing (501). lipase C-mediated signaling, which produces the parallel
spikes in Ca2⫹ and DAG necessary for full cPKC activation
Recognizing that stored triglyceride per se was unlikely to (580, 799). In contrast, nPKCs display a slow, sustained
directly impair cellular insulin action, researchers have long activation by DAG, a consequence of a single W/Y amino
sought to identify lipid moieties that could mechanistically acid replacement in the DAG-binding C1 domains of
link lipid accumulation and insulin resistance (766). We nPKCs versus cPKCs that lends nPKCs twofold greater af-
now examine the three such lipid classes that have received finity for DAG (199). This property appears a priori to
the most attention: diacylglycerol, ceramides, and acylcar- position nPKCs as the most suitable PKC isoforms to me-
nitines. diate the insulin resistance of chronic cellular lipid accumu-
B. The DAG-Novel Protein Kinase C Axis and
Indeed, activation of nPKCs has been consistently observed
Insulin Resistance
in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle and liver. Skeletal muscle
from high-fat-fed rats displayed translocation of PKC␧ and
Early work linking DAG to insulin resistance preceded the
PKC␪, but not PKC␣ or PKC␨; this study was also notable
development of the MRS methods that linked intracellular
for identifying a positive linear relationship between muscle
lipid content to insulin resistance. Rather, these initial in-
TAG and DAG content and PKC␪ translocation (739).
vestigations derived from the observation that phorbol es-
ters, tumorigenic analogues of sn-1,2-DAG, caused insulin Skeletal muscle PKC␪ and PKC␧ translocation were subse-
resistance in vitro and in vivo (821, 822, 866c). This obser- quently measured in obese, insulin-resistant, and/or dia-
vation prompted measurements of DAG in muscle, heart, betic rat muscle by several groups and found to be increased
and liver, which revealed increases in all tissues in obese or in some (285, 348, 356, 456, 667), but not all (357), mod-
diabetic rats (593, 852). As the penultimate intermediate in els. In human studies, PKC␪ (819) and PKC␧ (619) trans-
triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis, DAG levels track with location have both been found to be increased in T2D mus-
TAG levels in muscle and liver from nearly all rodent and cle compared with lean controls. Efforts to identify and
human models with intact lipid handling (112, 113, 445, characterize PKC isoforms involved in hepatic insulin resis-
621, 627, 629, 669, 724, 767). As a consequence, the asso- tance revealed a somewhat different picture than in muscle.
ciations between IMCL/muscle insulin resistance and PKC␪ is not significantly expressed in hepatocytes, so inves-
IHTG/hepatic insulin resistance discussed above are also tigators pursued other isoforms. Early work in obese people
associations between DAG and insulin resistance. To with T2D and Zucker diabetic fatty rats revealed increases

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in membrane-associated PKC␧ and PKC␨ compared with These correlative studies provided strong impetus for fur-
lean controls (161). Intralipid-heparin infusions in the rat ther testing of the DAG/nPKC hypothesis using the power
were reported to increase PKC␦ translocation in liver, al- of rodent genetic manipulation. Many such models have
though translocation of other PKC isoforms was not re- been used to this end, with somewhat varying results. These
ported (450). In 2004, Samuel et al., using the 3-day high- can broadly be divided into models testing the necessity
fat-fed rat as a model of acute hepatic insulin resistance, and/or sufficiency of DAG for lipid-induced insulin resis-
measured translocation of all PKC isoforms highly ex- tance and models testing the necessity and/or sufficiency of
pressed in liver–␣, ␤, ␦, ␧, and ␨–and found that only PKC␧ nPKCs for lipid-induced insulin resistance. We now con-
translocation was increased in this model (721). Hepatic sider these two major categories sequentially.
PKC␧ translocation has subsequently been observed in doz-
ens of high-fat-fed rodent models (646). The finding of iso- In the Kennedy pathway, the major route for triacylglycerol
lated PKC␧ activation was later replicated in liver biopsies synthesis in liver and muscle, fatty acyl-CoA moieties are
from obese humans (445). Interestingly, PKC␧ transloca- sequentially added to sn-glycerol-3-phosphate to form first
tion was strongly correlated with both hepatocellular DAG lysophosphatidic acid via glycerol-3-phosphate acyltrans-
content and insulin resistance as assessed by HOMA-IR, the ferase (GPAT) and then phosphatidic acid via acylglycero-
only PKC isoform of six tested to show this relationship phosphate acyltransferase (AGPAT). The phosphate at the
(445). However, increased mRNA expression of both PKC␧ 3-position is removed by phosphatidic acid phosphatase
and PKC␦ has also been reported in obese human liver (59). (PAP, also known as lipin) to yield sn-1,2-diacylglycerol
(DAG), which is finally acylated by diacylglycerol acyl-
One approach to determine whether nPKCs cause tissue transferase (DGAT) to produce triacylglycerol (TAG). This
insulin resistance has relied on correlation, demonstrating pathway provided a logical launching point to test the DAG
that upon an intervention, changes in insulin sensitivity hypothesis of cellular insulin resistance by genetic modifi-
cation. Mice lacking mitochondrial GPAT (mtGPAT), a
track with changes in nPKC translocation. Treatment of
key hepatic GPAT, displayed increased fatty acyl-CoA lev-
fat-fed rats with the thiazolidinedione insulin sensitizer
els and decreased hepatic DAG and TAG levels after high-
rosiglitazone decreased muscle DAG content, and nPKC
fat feeding, as predicted (575). The decrease in hepatic DAG
translocation decreased in parallel (742). Similarly, feeding
was accompanied by decreased PKC␧ translocation (575).
a single low-fat meal to chronically high-fat-fed rats de-
Consistent with the DAG/nPKC hypothesis, mtGPAT⫺/⫺
creased PKC␪ (and not PKC␧) translocation in muscle and
mice were protected from HFD-induced hepatic insulin re-
normalized insulin-stimulated muscle glucose uptake (46).
sistance as demonstrated both by enhanced HGP suppres-
Intermittent fasting in diabetes-prone NZO mice prevented
sion during hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies and
the development of hyperglycemia, associated with reduced
by increased hepatic insulin signaling: IRS2-associated
skeletal muscle DAG, reduced hepatic DAG, and reduced
PI3K activity and AKT activity (575). Similarly, mice with
PKC␧ activation compared with ad lib-fed controls (39). adenoviral hepatic overexpression of mtGPAT displayed
The acute muscle insulin resistance of lipid/heparin infusion increased hepatic DAG, PKC␧ translocation, and hepatic
has also been a productive model system for this line of insulin resistance (567). Whole-body deletion of either
inquiry. A salient and highly reproducible feature of acute AGPAT2 or lipin-1 causes profound lipodystrophy in mice
lipid-induced muscle insulin resistance is that it requires a and humans, confounding efforts to test the DAG/nPKC
time delay of 3–5 h to take effect (71, 942). In one study, hypothesis with these models (170, 634). Analysis of mice
acute lipid infusion impaired insulin signaling and glucose with germline deletion of the major hepatic lipin, lipin-2, is
uptake in muscle in temporal parallel with marked translo- also confounded by compensatory lipin-1 upregulation
cation of PKC␪, but not PKC␧ (285). In another, the 4 –5 h (205). However, acute shRNA-mediated lipin-1 or lipin-2
of lipid infusion needed to induce insulin resistance corre- knockdown in HFD-fed mice improves glucose tolerance
lated with peaks in intramyocellular long-chain acyl CoA, and decreases hepatic DAG and TAG content (707, 708).
DAG content, and PKC␪ activation, but not with ceramide Similarly, acute adenoviral lipin-2 overexpression in liver is
or triglyceride content (942). sufficient to impair glucose tolerance, associated with in-
creased hepatic DAG and TAG (708). Mice overexpressing
Studies investigating the dynamic reciprocal relationship lipin-1 in skeletal muscle develop profound obesity and in-
between nPKC translocation and insulin sensitivity have sulin resistance, although the cellular mechanisms respon-
also been pursued in humans. Acute lipid administered ei- sible in this model were not completely defined (649). Fi-
ther orally or parenterally reduced insulin-stimulated mus- nally, several genetic perturbations of DGAT in mice have
cle glucose uptake and was accompanied by increased yielded somewhat conflicting results. Mice overexpressing
PKC␪ translocation in muscle (585, 819). The delayed and DGAT1 in skeletal muscle display the expected increase in
transient rise in myocellular DAG during acute lipid infu- myocellular TAG and decrease in myocellular DAG and are
sions observed in rodents has also been observed in humans protected from HFD-induced insulin resistance (491). Al-
(819). though Dgat1⫺/⫺ mice are unexpectedly protected from

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HFD-induced obesity and insulin resistance, this may owe duced hepatic insulin resistance (527). Perturbations in di-
to increased energy expenditure; isolated lipid-treated so- acylglycerol kinase (DAGK), which converts DAG to PA
leus muscles from Dgat1⫺/⫺ mice displayed blunted insulin- (the reverse reaction of lipin), have also been studied. There
stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake, consistent with the are 10 mammalian DAGK isoforms, with different sub-
DAG/nPKC hypothesis (491, 782). DGAT2 perturbations strate specificities, tissue expression profiles, and subcellu-
also yield complex phenotypes. Muscle-specific DGAT2- lar localizations, and data regarding their roles in lipid me-
overexpressing mice exhibit decreased DAG (only in rela- tabolism and insulin resistance are only beginning to
tively insulin-insensitive glycolytic muscle fibers, however) emerge (50, 517, 518, 571, 573). DAGK␦ was found to be
and surprisingly display modest glucose intolerance, asso- decreased in subjects with T2D, and Dgkd⫹/⫺ mice dis-
ciated with increased ceramide content (473). In contrast, played increased myocellular DAG and impaired muscle
mice overexpressing DGAT2 in liver exhibit increases in insulin signaling and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake
both TAG and, unexpectedly, DAG content (371, 547). (137). Additionally, DAGK␨ knockdown impaired insulin-
These mice have increased hepatic PKC␧ translocation and stimulated GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
develop severe hepatic insulin resistance, as evidenced by (492). Curiously, DAGK␨ knockout mice exhibited im-
profoundly impaired HGP suppression during hyperinsu- provements in muscle insulin sensitivity on a HFD despite
linemic-euglycemic clamp studies (371). Although one of elevated muscle DAG, but these mice also suffered from
the two studies performed on the liver-specific DGAT2- growth defects, reduced adiposity, and altered fuel selec-
overexpressing mice did not observe differences in clamp tion, complicating interpretation of their phenotype (50).
EGP between the transgenic mice and wild-type controls, The physiological consequences of DAGK␧ ablation are
interpretation of those experiments is difficult because both also uncertain, with one group reporting protection from,
the control and the transgenic mice displayed clamp EGP and another reporting increased susceptibility to, HFD-in-
rates consistent with hepatic insulin resistance (547). Con- duced glucose intolerance (518, 571).
sistent with this, high-fat-fed rats with antisense oligonucle-
otide-mediated hepatic knockdown of DGAT2 displayed Mice with genetic perturbations in triglyceride lipolysis
decreases in liver DAG and PKC␧ translocation associated have yielded diverse and fascinating phenotypes. Overex-
with improved hepatic insulin sensitivity (144). Although pression of a TAG hydrolase, carboxylesterase 2 (CES2),
not part of the Kennedy pathway, monoacylglycerol acyl- reduced hepatic DAG in high-fat-fed mice in association
transferases (MGAT) are another lipogenic source of DAG. with improved glucose tolerance (705). Adipose-specific
Mgat1 was found to be a PPAR␥-regulated driver of hepatic Atgl⫺/⫺ mice provide another example of a model consis-
steatosis; Mgat1 knockdown by adenoviral shRNA or an- tent with the DAG hypothesis; these mice displayed blunted
tisense oligonucleotide decreased hepatosteatosis and im- adipose fatty acid oxidation and decreased hepatocellular
proved glucose tolerance in HFD-fed mice (466, 791). DAG, accompanied by improved insulin suppression of he-
However, a second study using the MGAT1 ASO found patic glucose production during hyperinsulinemic euglyce-
that the improved glucose tolerance was not accompanied mic clamps (12). Similarly, adenoviral overexpression of
by decreased IHTG in HFD-fed or ob/ob mice but unex- Atgl in HFD-fed mouse liver reduced hepatic DAG and
pectedly was accompanied by increased DAG (298). Al- improved hepatic insulin signaling (855). Liver-specific
though the PKC␧ membrane/cytosol ratio was not formally Atgl⫺/⫺ mice develop profound hepatosteatosis but display
determined in this study, membrane PKC␧ content was de- normal glucose and insulin tolerance, consistent with the
creased by MGAT1 ASO, suggesting that while total he- hypothesis that IHTG per se does not induce hepatic insulin
patic DAG was increased, the DAG pool available for PKC␧ resistance (916). Similarly, mice treated with an adenovi-
activation was not (298). Interestingly, rates of de novo rally delivered shRNA targeting Atgl for 12 wk developed
lipogenesis were decreased in the MGAT1 ASO-treated increased hepatic TAG and DAG but maintained normal
mice despite increased DAG levels, suggesting that lipo- glucose tolerance and displayed lower fasting glycemia than
genic flux may be more important than steady-state DAG controls (597). These phenotypes likely reflect the impor-
levels in mediating insulin resistance (791). In summary, tance of intrahepatic lipolysis for gluconeogenic support
mouse models perturbing the lipogenic pathway (FIGURE (e.g., through glycerol entry into gluconeogenesis and acetyl
14) are frequently complicated by unexpected physiological CoA activation of PC).
compensations but are nevertheless generally consistent
with the DAG/nPKC hypothesis of lipid-induced insulin Together, at least two dozen rodent studies in which a ge-
resistance. netic or pharmacological intervention was used to alter he-
patic insulin action have observed an inverse relationship
Several other models of genetically altered lipid metabolism between hepatic DAG content and hepatic insulin sensitiv-
address the DAG/nPKC hypothesis. Mice lacking the fatty ity (646). Yet in addition to those discussed above (298,
acid elongase Elovl6 were susceptible to hepatosteaosis 547, 597), several other genetically modified mouse models
when fed a HFD, but did not display increased hepatic DAG have also yielded phenotypes that appear to dissociate DAG
or PKC␧ translocation and were protected from HFD-in- accumulation from hepatic insulin resistance, engendering

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Rodent models
Glycerol-3-phosphate Fatty acyl CoA
P PKCε activation
Protection from HFD-induced
hepatic insulin resistance

acyltransferase (GPAT) mtGPAT adenoviral overexpression
PKCε activation
Hepatic insulin resistance
Lysophosphatidic acid on regular chow diet


acyltransferase (AGPAT)
FIGURE 14. Rodent models of perturbed
Phosphatidic acid hepatic triglyceride synthesis. Various genetic
loss-of-function and gain-of function rodent
models have been generated to test the role of
diacylglycerol (DAG) in lipid-induced hepatic in-
Lipin1 KO: sulin resistance. These models are broadly
Lipodystrophy consistent with the DAG/protein kinase C
(PKC)␧ hypothesis of lipid-induced hepatic insu-
Lipin2 KO: lin resistance. TAG, triacylglycerol; HFD, high-
Compensation by Lipin1 fat diet, KO, knockout. See text for details and
Lipin1 shRNA:
PKCε activation
sn-1,2-diacylglycerol Improved glucose tolerance
Phosphatidic acid in db/db mice
phosphatase (PAP)
/ Lipin
Lipin2 shRNA:
PKCε activation
Improved glucose tolerance
in HFD-fed mice

Lipin2 adenoviral overexpression:

PKCε activation
Impaired glucose tolerance
in HFD-fed mice

Dgat2 adenoviral overexpression:

Triacylglycerol PKCε activation
Diacylglycerol Hepatic insulin resistance on
acyltransferase (DGAT) regular chow diet

Dgat2 ASO knockdown:

PKCε activation
Protection from HFD-induced
hepatic insulin resistance

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skepticism toward the DAG-PKC hypothesis of lipid-in- the secretory apparatus and the plasma membrane. A sim-
duced insulin resistance (20, 231). Mice overexpressing ilar phenotype in mice with adenoviral hepatic overexpres-
ChREBP predictably displayed upregulation of several lipo- sion of perilipin 5, characterized by increased hepatic TAG
genic genes and developed hepatic steatosis with increased and DAG with preserved hepatic insulin sensitivity, may
hepatic DAG (49). Yet the ChREBP-overexpressing mice involve a similar mechanism (848). As a result of increasing
had normal glucose and insulin tolerance on regular chow recognition of the importance of DAG localization, it has
diet and were even protected from HFD-induced defects in become standard practice in recent years to measure DAG
glucose tolerance and hepatic insulin signaling (49). Al- levels in multiple subcellular compartments.
though PKC␧ activation was not determined in this study, it
challenges the sufficiency of lipogenic DAG accumulation Another way to subdivide cellular DAG is by acyl chain
for hepatic insulin resistance and points to potential benefits composition: length and saturation. In vitro, different DAG
of expedient lipid storage (496). Another important mouse species may activate PKC isoforms with modestly different
model inconsistent with the DAG hypothesis of hepatic in- potencies, although no clear molecular basis for such differ-
sulin resistance is the liver-specific microsomal triglyceride ences has been identified (510). In vivo, various studies have
transfer protein (Mttp) knockout mouse (543). These mice observed positive, negative, or no association between the
have a defect in very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) secre- degree of acyl group saturation and insulin resistance (21,
tion and accordingly accumulate hepatic lipids, including 53, 819, 866d). DAG composition is largely a function of
DAG, ceramides, and TAG, despite normal body weight circulating fatty acid availability, which may limit the utility
and adipose tissue mass (543). Despite hepatic lipid accu- of studies done using acute lipid infusions or synthetic ro-
mulation, the liver-specific Mttp⫺/⫺ mice displayed normal dent HFDs to address this question. Careful correction for
hepatic insulin sensitivity during hyperinsulinemic-euglyce- multiple comparisons is also essential for studies in which
mic clamp studies (543). PKC␧ activation was not assessed correlation coefficients are calculated for many lipid spe-
in these mice, and their normal adiposity suggests that in- cies.
direct hepatic insulin action (mediated by suppression of
adipose lipolysis) was likely intact; this may account for the A final important distinction to consider pertains to DAG
normal suppression of hepatic glucose production observed stereoisomers. DAG exists as one of three stereoisomers:
during clamps (543). Another provocative model is the liv- sn-1,2, sn-2,3, or sn-1,3 depending on the placement of the
er-specific Hdac3⫺/⫺ mouse, which develops a distinctive two fatty acyl chains along the three-carbon glycerol back-
hepatosteatosis characterized by very small lipid droplets bone. Only sn-1,2-DAG is capable of activating PKC iso-
and a reduced acyl CoA pool, and displays decreased fasting forms (680). This stereospecificity has important physiolog-
insulin, improved glucose tolerance, and improved insulin ical implications. The lipolytic enzyme ATGL preferentially
tolerance on regular chow diet (812). Here, although he- generates sn-1,3-DAG rather than the PKC-activating sn-
patic DAG was increased severalfold on regular chow, 1,2-DAG, arguing against intracellular lipolysis as a driver
PKC␧ activation was not observed in the Hdac3⫺/⫺ mice, of nPKC-mediated cellular insulin resistance (210). The rel-
another example in which discordance between hepatic lip- evance of DAG stereoisomers in lipolysis is also highlighted
ids and hepatic insulin action is accompanied by concor- by studies of HSL knockout mice, which displayed in-
dance between hepatic PKC␧ activation and hepatic insulin creased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake despite increased
action (812). muscle sn-1,3-DAG content; sn-1,2-DAG content was un-
affected by HSL loss (754). It is plausible that lipogenic
A prominent challenge to the DAG/nPKC hypothesis that DAG flux, rather than lipolytic DAG flux, drives DAG/
led to an important advance in the field came from mice nPKC-mediated insulin resistance. Interestingly, mRNA ex-
with antisense oligonucleotide knockdown of the ATGL pression of Dgat2 is decreased in the insulin-sensitive stea-
coactivator CGI-58. These mice manifest profound hepa- totic livers of mice with liver-specific deletion of either Atgl
tosteatosis and increased hepatic DAG content, yet retain or CGI-58 as well as in CGI-58 ASO-treated mice, suggest-
normal hepatic insulin signaling and suppress hepatic glu- ing antilipogenic compensation (98, 290, 916). Stereoiso-
cose production normally during hyperinsulinemic euglyce- mer-specific DAG measurements are not frequently re-
mic clamps (98, 115). Although one explanation for these ported, and spontaneous acyl migration tends to convert
data is that increased DAG is insufficient to induce hepatic sn-1,2- to sn-1,3-DAG during sample preparation. How-
insulin resistance, more nuanced interpretations are also ever, a recent study reported muscle DAG concentrations
possible. For example, PKC␧ was observed to translocate to subdivided by stereoisomer, compartment, and species in a
the lipid droplet in CGI-58 ASO-treated mice, rather than human cohort that included athletes, lean controls, obese
to the membrane-associated fraction as typically observed subjects, and subjects with T2D (619). These workers
in lipid-induced insulin resistance (115). It is possible that found increased total sn-1,2-DAG in T2D subjects com-
preferential lipid droplet DAG/nPKC activity constitutes a pared with lean controls in the total cellular lysate and the
sequestration of PKC␧ away from the compartments in- sarcolemmal fraction, but not in the mitochondrial/ER, nu-
volved in insulin receptor trafficking and signaling, such as clear, or cytosolic fractions (619). In related experiments,

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Pesta et al. have found that insulin-sensitive athletes have to models generated to genetically test the role of nPKC
reduced PKC␪ translocation in muscle compared with activation in lipid-induced insulin resistance. The first such
obese insulin-resistant subjects, suggesting that differences model reported was a mouse ectopically expressing a dom-
in the compartmentation and/or stereoisomer distribution inant-negative, kinase-dead PKC␪ specifically in skeletal
of DAGs may account for differences in muscle insulin sen- muscle (753). Unexpectedly, these mice developed age-as-
sitivity between these populations despite similar increases sociated obesity accompanied by glucose intolerance and
in total muscle TAG and DAG content (D. Pesta, D. Zhang, impaired muscle insulin signaling (753). Similarly, whole-
G. Shulman, M. Roden, unpublished results). Further body PKC␪ knockout mice were more susceptible to HFD-
work, both in methodological refinement and standardiza- induced obesity and insulin resistance owing to decreased
tion, and in data collection across multiple populations, will physical activity and energy expenditure (256). However,
likely emerge in this area. when subjected to the simplest test of lipid-induced insulin
resistance–the acute lipid infusion–the PKC␪ knockout
It is also important to recognize that changes in the DAG/ mice were completely protected from skeletal muscle insu-
nPKC axis measured in all models must be interpreted with lin resistance (405). PKC␪ overexpression is also sufficient
caution because the practical methods currently available to cause insulin resistance in cultured myocytes (292).
for quantitating DAG levels and nPKC activation are rela- These disparate results suggest that in addition to a possible
tively crude, lacking organellar spatial resolution and any pathophysiological role in lipid-induced insulin resistance,
temporal resolution. For example, the “membrane” or PKC␪ may have an as-yet-undetermined physiological role
“particulate” fraction typically used to interrogate DAG in normal skeletal muscle insulin action and/or energy bal-
compartmentation or PKC translocation contains plasma ance. They also indicate that while PKC␪ is likely involved
membrane, mitochondrial membranes, endoplasmic reticu- in lipid-induced insulin resistance, it is not totally necessary
lum, Golgi membranes, and other endomembranes (115). for obesity-associated muscle insulin resistance.
The investigator typically cannot be certain that the pattern
of DAG/nPKC perturbation in a given mouse model corre- The role of PKC␧ in lipid-induced insulin resistance has also
sponds to the pattern observed in typical human insulin been tested genetically. Antisense oligonucleotide knock-
resistance. It is also not certain that the relevant compart- down of PKC␧ specifically in liver and WAT protects rats
ment for DAG/PKC axis activation is the plasma mem- from hepatic insulin resistance when fed a 3-day HFD
brane, although this is widely assumed. The DAG-PKC␧ (722). Additionally, whole-body PKC␧ knockout mice are
interaction has been shown in 3T3 fibroblasts to occur pri- totally protected from glucose intolerance when fed a 1-wk
marily at the Golgi, where its anchoring protein RACK2 is HFD despite increased liver TAG and DAG content (668).
localized (469, 648). A single tryptophan residue in the With longer durations of high-fat feeding in PKC␧ knock-
DAG-binding C1 domain of nPKCs also appears to facili- out mice, assessment of the liver phenotype is confounded
tate targeting to the Golgi (199). Although Golgi mem- by improvements in ␤-cell function, but the improvements
branes are a component of the “membrane” fraction typi- in glucose tolerance persist (741). Thus available genetic
cally employed to interrogate the DAG/PKC axis, no studies models are consistent with a role for PKC␧ in the patho-
have specifically examined DAG/nPKC axis activation at physiology of lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance.
the Golgi in cellular insulin resistance. Formation of sn-1,2-
DAG is best studied in other organelles: at the plasma mem- The contribution of PKC␦ activation to lipid-induced insu-
brane by phospholipase C cleavage of phosphatidylinositol lin resistance is incompletely understood. PKC␦ transloca-
4,5-bisphophate (a major mechanism for activation of clas- tion has been observed in the lipid-infused rat liver (450),
sical PKC isoforms such as PKC␣, ␤1, ␤2, and ␥), and in the and mouse models also support a deleterious role for this
endoplasmic reticulum by phosphatidic acid phosphatase in nPKC in liver insulin action. PKC␦ knockout mice, whether
the Kennedy pathway or by MGAT activity (211). How- whole body or liver specific, have diminished transcrip-
ever, sn-1,2-DAG is also present in the Golgi, where it sig- tional programs for gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis and
nals in membrane protein trafficking (36, 730). Addition- displayed improved hepatic insulin signaling, while mice
ally, RACK2 is a component of the coatomer complex that adenovirally overexpressing PKC␦ in liver are glucose intol-
mediates vesicle trafficking between the ER and Golgi, high- erant (59). However, neither humans with NAFLD nor
lighting the extensive crosstalk between these structures 3-day high-fat-fed rats display increased hepatic PKC␦
(648). Overall, given what is known about how different translocation, challenging the physiological relevance of
DAG moieties may participate in insulin resistance, a rea- these observations (445, 721). The decreased lipogenic ca-
sonable refinement of the initial hypothesis that DAGs ac- pacity of PKC␦ knockout mice may in turn decrease DAG/
tivate nPKC isoforms may be that lipogenic sn-1,2-DAGs PKC␧ axis activation, directly mediating the observed im-
act at the Golgi to activate nPKC isoforms (FIGURE 15). provements in hepatic insulin action. The role of PKC␦ in
skeletal muscle insulin resistance is complex. In vitro work
Having considered several models designed to examine the has suggested that PKC␦ activation may actually enhance
role of DAG in insulin resistance, we now turn our attention myocellular insulin action (91, 92). However, this hypoth-

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Plasma PLC Classical

P 3 2 1 PKCs

P Membrane
PIP2 trafficking

Novel 2
PKCs 1

sn-1,2-DAG RACK2
2 Vesicle
3 Golgi
Endoplasmic CGI-58 3

Glycerol-3-phosphate 2
Lipid droplet

sn-1,3-DAG 3

FIGURE 15. Subcellular localization and stereoisomers of diacylglycerol (DAG). DAG is produced by the action
of various enzymes at multiple intracellular sites, only a few of which are depicted. At the plasma membrane,
phospholipase C (PLC) generates sn-1,2-DAG from phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2); this DAG is
particularly critical for the activation of the classical protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms that also require the Ca2⫹
liberated downstream of PLC activity. The lipogenic enzymes of the Kennedy pathway are localized to the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and produce sn-1,2-DAG. The novel PKC isoforms display significant localization to
the Golgi. For PKC␧ in particular, this partially owes to the Golgi localization of its adapter protein RACK2.
RACK2 also participates in vesicle transport between the ER and Golgi, and Golgi DAGs regulate protein
trafficking to the plasma membrane. Notably, lipolytic DAG generated by the action of adipose triglyceride lipase
(ATGL) at the lipid droplet is of the sn-1,3 stereoisomer and would not be predicted to activate PKC isoforms.

esis is not supported by in vivo data. In skeletal muscle of dating the molecular mechanisms by which activated
young mice, PKC␦ expression is low and, interestingly, de- nPKCs impair insulin action. If the DAG/nPKC axis medi-
creases with fat feeding (482). Accordingly, muscle-specific ates lipid-induced insulin resistance, the most straightfor-
PKC␦ deletion (M-PKC␦KO mice) does not confer protec- ward mechanism would be direct serine/threonine phos-
tion from HFD-induced muscle insulin resistance in young phorylation of insulin signaling mediators. This hypothesis
mice (482). However, skeletal muscle PKC␦ expression in- has been long pursued, but conclusive evidence linking spe-
creases with age, and old M-PKC␦KO mice display protec- cific serine/threonine phosphorylation sites to lipid-induced
tion from age-related glucose intolerance (482). Under- insulin resistance has only recently begun to emerge.
standing the potential role of PKC␦ in lipid-induced insulin
resistance will thus require further study. Early work investigating PKC inhibition of insulin signaling
employed phorbol esters, especially phorbol-12-myristate-
Although these genetic models have provided important 13-acetate (PMA) [also known as 12-O-tetradecanoylphor-
clues to the tissue-specific roles of various nPKCs in lipid- bol-13-acetate (TPA)]. Phorbol esters were first observed to
induced insulin resistance, establishing the pathophysiolog- decrease INSR tyrosine phosphorylation and insulin-stim-
ical significance of the DAG/nPKC axis necessitates eluci- ulated glycogen synthesis in 1984 (822). This inhibition was

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associated with serine and threonine phosphorylation of Ser307 phosphorylation mediates insulin resistance, mice
INSR and was reversed by alkaline phosphatase treatment homozygous for a Ser307Ala mutation surprisingly were
(821, 822). These lines of evidence, together with the 1986 more, not less, susceptible to diet-induced insulin resistance
demonstration that purified PKC preparations (albeit with (167). Similarly, alanine knock-in mice for another well-
Ca2⫹-dependent activity) could phosphorylate purified studied IRS1 phosphorylation site, Ser302, displayed no de-
INSR (77), suggested that PKC could directly inhibit IRK fects in muscle insulin action (168). The bewildering com-
activity. The search for specific sites of serine and threonine plexity of IRS1 serine/threonine phosphorylation seems to
phosphorylation on INSR yielded several candidates, cast doubt on the hypothesis that single IRS phosphoryla-
mostly in the relatively unstructured COOH-terminal tail tion sites can exhibit on/off control over IRS signaling in-
of the receptor. These sites included Thr1348 (478), Ser1327 tensity; rather, a more viable model treats IRS phosphory-
(156), Ser1305/Ser1306 (479), Ser1006 (802), and Ser1035/ lation events as signaling modulators that serve individually
Ser1037 (489, 802). However, phorbol esters are nonspecific minor but collectively major roles in attenuating and/or
activators of multiple PKC isoforms, and most of the above inhibiting IRS signaling (169). Although the specific impor-
studies used either phorbol esters or cPKC isoforms such as tance of PKC␪ phosphorylation of IRS1 Ser1101 is uncer-
PKC␣ or PKC␤II. Despite careful study, these candidate tain, there have been reports of other potential mediators of
sites have ultimately not been implicated in insulin resis- PKC␪-induced muscle insulin resistance. PKC␪ has been
tance in vivo (82, 394, 564). One possible exception to this reported to phosphorylate phosphoinositide-dependent ki-
paradigm is Ser994, which is an in vitro substrate of PKC␣, nase 1 (PDK1) Ser504 and Ser532 in palmitate-treated myo-
␤, and ␨ isoforms as well as TANK-binding kinase 1; he- tubes, with these phosphorylation events associated with
patic INSR Ser994 phosphorylation has been shown to in- impaired PDK1-mediated Akt Thr308 phosphorylation
crease in the basal state in several rodent models of obesity- (873). A final intriguing PKC␪ target is the guanine ex-
associated insulin resistance (155, 559, 802). However, change factor GIV/Girdin, which interacts with INSR,
mechanistic insight to the role of Ser994 phosphorylation in IRS1, and PI3K and is required for insulin-stimulated glu-
INSR kinase activity is lacking. cose uptake (514); PKC␪ inhibits GIV through Ser1689
phosphorylation, decreasing PI3K-AKT signaling (500).
With the observations that PKC␪ activation was involved in GIV was shown to be necessary for palmitate-induced insu-
lipid-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance and that lin resistance to glucose uptake in L6 myotubes, expression
PKC␧ was involved in lipid-induced hepatic insulin resis- of a phosphomimetic Ser1689Asp GIV mutant was suffi-
tance, mechanistic investigations turned to these specific cient to abolish insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in L6
isoforms. In 2004, in vitro kinase assays and cell-based myotubes, and GIV Ser1689 phosphorylation was pro-
experiments identified IRS1 Ser1101 as a PKC␪ substrate in foundly decreased by pioglitazone treatment in women
myocytes (494). IRS1 Ser1101 is phosphorylated within 15 with polycystic ovarian syndrome (514). Though promis-
min of insulin stimulation and impairs IRS1 tyrosine phos- ing, a full understanding of the physiological significance of
phorylation, suggesting that it may act in an acute negative this phosphorylation event requires future study, and still
feedback circuit to attenuate insulin action (494). Increased other PKC␪ substrates within the proximal insulin signaling
IRS1 Ser1101 phosphorylation in muscle has been reported cascade may yet be uncovered.
in acutely lipid-infused humans, associated with the devel-
opment of muscle insulin resistance (819). However, other Efforts to understand the mechanistic link between PKC␧
stimuli, including PMA, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-␣, and hepatic insulin resistance have also yielded interesting
arachidonic acid, and oleic acid, were also observed to in- results. Because the signaling defects of hepatic insulin re-
crease IRS1 Ser1101 phosphorylation (494). In addition, the sistance can be traced as far proximally as IRK activity
amino acid-activated kinase S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) was later (116, 155, 161, 722), direct inhibition of IRK activity by
shown to phosphorylate IRS1 Ser1101 in response to nutri- PKC␧ was hypothesized. PKC␧ was shown to coimmuno-
ent status, suggesting complex and integrated regulation of precipitate with INSR␤ in liver, suggesting direct interac-
this functionally important phosphorylation site (846). tion (722). Furthermore, recombinant PKC␧ dose-depend-
IRS1 can be phosphorylated on more than 50 serine/threo- ently inhibited recombinant IRK activity in vitro, and he-
nine sites, most of which are dynamically regulated by in- patic INSR immunoprecipitated from rats treated with an
sulin and other metabolic stimuli; the structural basis by antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) targeting PKC␧ displayed
which a given serine/threonine phosphorylation event may complete protection from HFD-induced impairments in
impair IRS1 tyrosine phosphorylation is largely unknown IRK activity (722). However, the mechanistic basis of PKC␧
(169, 300). The difficulty of assigning causal roles to spe- inhibition of IRK activity was unknown until recently.
cific IRS phosphorylation sites in insulin sensitivity or resis- Phosphopeptide mass spectrometry of in vitro PKC␧/IRK
tance is typified by the case of IRS1 Ser307, long considered kinase assays revealed a novel phosphorylation site within
a marker for inflammation-induced insulin resistance the IRK activation loop, Thr1160 (645). This threonine is
through the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK; see sect. VII) conserved in metazoans as distantly related as Drosophila,
(465). Despite extensive evidence suggesting that IRS1 and its phosphorylation is predicted to disrupt the normal

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configuration of the active IRK through steric hindrance manipulations have yielded strong evidence for a causal role
and electrostatic repulsion (645). Indeed, phosphomimetic of DAG/nPKC axis activation in lipid-induced insulin resis-
Thr1160Glu mutation produces a nearly kinase-dead INSR tance, while correlative studies in “wild-type” rodents and
(645). Conversely, Thr1160Ala mutation abolished IRK humans suggest physiological relevance. The era of the ge-
inhibition by PKC␧ in vitro (645). InsrT1150A knock-in netically modified mouse has both bolstered and challenged
mice were protected from HFD-induced hepatic insulin the hypothesis, but with the ever-present caveat of unphys-
resistance, indicating that Thr1160 phosphorylation is a iological compensations. The application of advanced cell
physiologically relevant mechanism for lipid-induced he- biology and analytical chemistry, especially in cells and tis-
patic insulin resistance (645). These studies support a sues with intact lipid handling pathways, will be necessary
model of lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance wherein to drive further progress in understanding if, when, where,
activation of the DAG/PKC␧ axis promotes direct inhib- and how diacylglycerols activate nPKCs to impair insulin
itory phosphorylation of INSR Thr1160 (FIGURE 16). Im- signaling.
portantly, although this defect localizes to the insulin
receptor, it is not a decrease in receptor number and is
therefore best classified as a post-receptor defect, shifting C. Ceramides and Insulin Resistance
the insulin dose-response curve rightward and down-
ward. Yet for a significant portion of this shifted insulin The sphingolipids, which derive from the condensation of
dose-response curve, DAG/PKC␧/INSR-mediated he- serine and, primarily, palmitoyl CoA, encompass hundreds
patic insulin resistance can be overcome by the portal of distinct lipid species (325). Initial suggestions that sph-
hyperinsulinemia that often accompanies mild-moderate ingolipids might interact with insulin action came from in
insulin resistance. This concept should apply to both in- vitro reports that sphinganine and sphingosine blocked in-
sulin-stimulated hepatic glycogen synthesis and insulin- sulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake in 3T3-L1 fibro-
stimulated de novo lipogenesis as discussed in section IV. blasts (574). Sphingosine was also shown to impair maxi-
Although this model is sufficient to account for the sig- mal insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and lipogenesis in
naling patterns typically observed in hepatic insulin re- cultured adipocytes (695, 779). Early studies of ceramides,
sistance (e.g., activation of PKC␧, inhibition of IRK, and produced by the covalent addition of a fatty acyl group to
all downstream effectors), it is nevertheless likely that sphingosine, used short-chain (C2, C6) cell-permeable cer-
additional PKC␧-dependent or -independent mechanisms amides, often at supraphysiological concentrations. These
for lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance are operative. studies largely agreed that adding ceramide to the culture
medium inhibited insulin action, but reported different sites
Together, these studies have both shed light and cast doubt of blockade. Some groups reported inhibition of INSR ty-
upon the DAG/nPKC hypothesis, enabling it to become rosine kinase activity by ceramides (385, 617), while others
more focused and specific. Genetic and pharmacological found no impairment in proximal insulin signaling (574,


INSR sn-1,2 DAG accumulation

FIGURE 16. The diacylglycerol (DAG)/protein kinase

pThr1160 C (PKC)␧ axis in lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance.
Chronic overnutrition promotes intrahepatic lipid accu-
mulation. Although this lipid is primarily stored as rel-
atively inert triglyceride, levels of the bioactive lipid
DAG, the penultimate intermediate in triglyceride syn-
thesis, increase as well. DAG activates PKC isoforms
by promoting PKC translocation to cellular mem-
P KCɛ branes, and PKC␧ translocation in particular is chron-
ically and reproducibly increased in the setting of lipid-
induced hepatic insulin resistance. PKC␧ impairs insu-
lin action by directly phosphorylating and inhibiting the
INSR kinase activity insulin receptor (INSR) at Thr1160 in the activation loop
Hepatic insulin action of its tyrosine kinase domain.

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740, 809, 874, 956). The 1998 reports that C2-ceramides modulators of muscle insulin sensitivity to the overall phe-
inhibited insulin action at the level of AKT– distal to INSR- notype of myriocin-treated rodents is challenging to assess.
IRS-PI3K activation–were particularly influential in guiding
consensus for the mechanism of ceramide-induced insulin Ceramides have also been investigated for a potential role in
resistance (809, 956). The mechanism for C2-ceramide in- lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance. Mice lacking one
hibition of AKT has been linked to both increased PP2A copy of dihydroceramide synthase 1 (Des1⫹/⫺) displayed
activity (715, 748, 806, 961) and defective insulin-stimu- improved insulin sensitivity in insulin tolerance tests (al-
lated AKT translocation (805) through activation of atypi- though whole-body ceramide levels were similar to wild-
cal PKC␨ (67, 241, 659, 806). Subsequent studies of cera- type littermates and glucose tolerance was not altered)
mide-induced insulin resistance have focused on AKT inhi- (323). Mice with haploinsufficiency for ceramide synthase 2
bition as the primary mechanism. (CerS2⫹/⫺), which produces very-long-chain (C22/C24)
ceramides, did not display altered total hepatic ceramide
Short-chain ceramides provided a convenient early experi- content (672). However, CerS2⫹/⫺ mice shifted the acyl
mental tool for in vitro studies, but the most prevalent en- chain composition of their hepatic ceramides to increase
dogenous ceramides incorporate palmitate or other long- C16:0 (palmitoyl) ceramides, and this was associated with
chain saturated fatty acids (SFAs). Accordingly, most recent worsening of hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance; the
studies of ceramide-induced insulin resistance have focused steatosis at least partially owed to mitochondrial lipid oxi-
on the effects of SFAs. Palmitate potently induces insulin dation defects (672). The coexistence of hepatic steatosis in
resistance in cultured myocytes and hepatocytes, especially many experimental models of perturbed ceramide biosyn-
when AKT Ser473 phosphorylation is used as the primary thesis (61, 323) complicates efforts to identify the media-
readout of insulin resistance (126, 740). However, when tor(s) responsible. Even in models genetically perturbing
functional readouts of insulin resistance such as insulin- lipid metabolism, rodents and humans with elevated liver
stimulated glycogen synthesis, glucose uptake, and HGP triglyceride also generally exhibit elevated DAG (115, 144,
371, 547). Additionally, a recent human lipidomic study
suppression are used, palmitate induces insulin resistance to
noted positive associations between hepatic ceramides and
a similar extent as unsaturated fatty acids (USFAs) such as
HOMA-IR score, but observed similar associations with
oleate and linoleate (323, 740). Because USFAs do not in-
hepatic DAG (506). However, recent studies of mice with
crease ceramide levels, it follows that ceramides cannot be
tissue-specific overexpression of the ceramide-degrading
the only mediator of lipid-induced insulin resistance (124).
enzyme acid ceramidase challenge this paradigm. Liver-spe-
cific inducible overexpression of acid ceramidase (Alb-AC
A potential role for ceramides in SFA-induced muscle insu-
mice) decreased hepatic ceramide content and was associ-
lin resistance has been investigated in several in vitro and in
ated with protection from HFD-induced hepatic insulin re-
vivo studies in which ceramide synthesis is perturbed and
sistance despite increased hepatic DAG content (922). In-
insulin action is assessed. Many of these studies have used
terestingly, however, HFD-fed Alb-AC mice also displayed
the natural fungal product myriocin, which inhibits the first
marked protection from hepatic steatosis (~3-fold lower
step in ceramide biosynthesis: serine palmitoyltransferase-1 liver TAG content) (922). The mechanistic basis for this
activity (127, 545). For example, palmitate-rich lard oil unusual dissociation of hepatic DAG and TAG content,
infusion caused acute muscle insulin resistance in rats, as- also observed in mice with adipose-specific overexpression
sociated with increases in both myocellular DAG and cer- of acid ceramidase (922), is not clear. Interestingly, reversal
amides; myriocin treatment partially prevented this insulin of hepatic insulin resistance upon acid ceramidase induc-
resistance, associated with abrogation of ceramide but not tion paralleled reversal of hepatic steatosis in this study
DAG accumulation (322, 323). Additionally, myriocin pre- (922). Although ceramide content was only one of many
treatment in C2C12 myotubes totally prevented palmitate- physiological parameters altered by tissue-specific acid ce-
induced, but not linoleate-induced, insulin resistance (323). ramidase overexpression, this study is certainly consistent
However, another study found that myriocin treatment did with a role for ceramides in hepatic insulin resistance.
not reverse glucose intolerance in SFA-fed mice despite nor-
malization of muscle ceramide content (243). A key con- Ultimately, the questions of whether and how ceramides
founder in many studies of ceramide-induced insulin resis- impair cellular insulin action derive their significance from
tance, even those designed to specifically modify ceramide the extent to which ceramide biosynthesis and ceramide
biosynthesis, is concomitant changes throughout the lip- levels are altered in insulin-resistant states. Many studies
idome, including changes in other putative mediators of weigh in on this latter question, with varying conclusions.
insulin resistance such as DAG (101, 102). For example, In the earliest such report, obese Zucker fa/fa rats were
myriocin, described as the “workhorse” of ceramide studies found to have increased liver and skeletal muscle ceramide
(127), has been shown to alter energy balance, weight gain, content (852). Ceramides were also elevated in liver and
and ectopic lipid accumulation in multiple models of obe- muscle from Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats (323), lard-oil
sity (934). The relative contribution of each of these known infused rat liver and muscle (323), ob/ob mouse liver (8),

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and obese human muscle (4, 21, 803). However, because however, C18:0 ceramides are the first muscle ceramide
these common models of insulin resistance are all charac- species to increase during high-fat feeding in mice (854).
terized by generalized elevations in tissue lipid content, they
do not permit assessment of the specific role of ceramides in The role of ceramides in adipose insulin resistance is un-
insulin resistance. Indeed, many models of lipid-induced clear, but research in this area is accelerating. Human stud-
insulin resistance in both muscle and liver are not associated ies have reported correlation of adipose ceramide content
with increased ceramide levels. For example, 8 wk of high- with HOMA-IR (64) and increased adipose ceramides in
fat feeding was associated with unchanged muscle ceramide obese diabetic compared with obese nondiabetic subjects
content and decreased hepatic ceramide content in (122). Additionally, the whole-body insulin sensitization
C57BL/6J mice (548). Acute Liposyn II infusion potently associated with adipose-specific induction of ceramide deg-
induced muscle insulin resistance without altering muscle radation suggests a role for adipose ceramides in insulin
ceramides (942). Mice lacking pyruvate dehydrogenase ki- action, whether direct or via tissue cross-talk (922). Indeed,
nase 2 and 4 (Pdk2/4⫺/⫺) constitutively oxidized glucose in C16:0 ceramides have been reported to be increased in ad-
muscle and consequently developed lipid-induced muscle ipose tissue from obese subjects, in concert with increased
insulin resistance, but muscle ceramide levels were not in- mRNA expression of the relevant synthetic enzyme CerS6
creased (669). Neither SFA-rich nor USFA-rich 3-day HFDs (686). High-fat feeding has also been reported to increase
raised liver ceramide content in rats, despite the presence of adipose ceramides in mice (856). Inhibition of adipocyte
profound hepatic insulin resistance (253). In four indepen- ceramide biosynthesis in WAT-specific serine palmitoyl-
dent studies of obese, nondiabetic humans, hepatic cer- transferase (Sptlc2) knockout mice protected mice from
amide content was not correlated with insulin resistance in HFD-induced weight gain and hyperglycemia, although,
three; one study did observe a positive association (445, surprisingly, this genetic perturbation did not change the
506, 512, 834). In mice with reduced tissue lipid delivery abundance of most WAT ceramide species (122). As with
secondary to knockdown of ApoA5, improved muscle and many rodent models investigating the role of ceramides in
liver insulin sensitivity were not associated with differences lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance, the global altera-
in tissue ceramide content (113). In fructose-fed liver- tions in energetics confound efforts to ascribe the metabolic
specific Xbp1⫺/⫺ mice with decreased de novo lipogenesis improvements seen in these mice to any one mechanism.
relative to wild-type fructose-fed controls, hepatic insulin
sensitivity was increased but hepatic ceramide levels were Another important question for assessment of the relevance
increased (375). Furthermore, the insulin-sensitizing effects of ceramide-induced insulin resistance pertains to the site(s)
of estradiol in ovariectomized female mice were associated of signal transduction blockade in insulin resistance. If cer-
with correction of DAG/nPKC axis activation but no amides are responsible for typical obesity-associated insulin
changes in liver or muscle ceramides (111). These models resistance, and ceramides induce insulin resistance through
suggest that increased liver or muscle ceramide levels are AKT inhibition, then one would predict that proximal in-
not necessary for lipid-induced insulin resistance. sulin signaling would be intact and all detectable defects
would be downstream of AKT. While defects in AKT Ser473
Just as studies of diacylglycerol-mediated insulin resistance phosphorylation are certainly detected in both muscle and
have increasingly subdivided their measurements by acyl liver insulin resistance (113, 115, 669, 921), proximal insu-
chain length, stereoisomer, and subcellular localization, so lin signaling defects are also prominent (117, 470, 722).
several ceramide studies have focused on specific ceramide Interestingly, glucosylceramides such as GM3 ganglioside
species and their subcellular localization. Muscle C18:0 cer- have been suggested to impair proximal insulin signaling
amides in particular have been identified as inversely corre- through altered INSR membrane microdomain localization
lated with insulin sensitivity during hyperinsulinemic-eu- (125, 376), and specific inhibition of glucosylceramide syn-
glycemic clamps in three human studies (52, 619, 844), thase improves insulin sensitivity in obese rodents (8); more
although this relationship is not observed in all studies (21, work is needed to understand the role of specific glucosyl-
149, 819). Interestingly, one recent study employing subcel- ceramides in insulin resistance. However, the observed im-
lular fractionation found that this C18:0 ceramide relation- pairment in proximal insulin signaling in typical insulin
ship was observed in the sarcolemmal, mitochondrial/ER, resistance poses a problem for the hypothesis that ceramide
and nuclear compartments alike (619). However, another inhibition of AKT is a central defect in insulin resistance; a
fractionation study that separated muscle biopsies into sub- primary defect at the level of AKT might actually be pre-
sarcolemmal and intramyofibrillar fractions observed dicted to enhance proximal insulin signaling through the
strong correlations with HOMA-IR for only C16:0 and loss of AKT-regulated negative-feedback mechanisms such
C18:1 ceramides (149). Because of its saturated acyl chain, as GRB10 stabilization (339, 944). Additionally, increasing
C18:0 ceramide has been hypothesized to impair insulin AKT phosphorylation through acute PP2A inhibition–
action by decreasing membrane fluidity in addition to the blocking one of the proposed mechanisms for ceramide-
PP2A/AKT mechanism discussed above, but these hypoth- induced insulin resistance–is insufficient to restore insulin
eses have not yet been directly tested (52). Intriguingly, sensitivity in fat-fed rats and unexpectedly exacerbates

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muscle insulin resistance (254). Unless ceramides also im- Acylcarnitines are measured in plasma to noninvasively
pair proximal insulin signaling through currently unidenti- probe inborn errors of FAO (746). The mechanisms of acyl-
fied mechanisms, it seems unlikely that ceramide signaling carnitine appearance in plasma are incompletely under-
to AKT can fully account for typical obesity-associated in- stood, but plasma acylcarnitine concentrations are thought
sulin resistance. to reflect intracellular levels (654, 746). Could plasma acyl-
carnitine levels thus be used as a biomarker for incomplete
Taken together, the mechanistic evidence for ceramide-in- FAO in muscle? The major problem with this proposition is
duced insulin resistance is strongest in skeletal muscle, with that plasma acylcarnitine levels are a function of FAO rates
more equivocal data for liver and WAT (644, 810). The in not just skeletal muscle, but in all tissues. The liver in
relative significance of ceramide-induced insulin resistance particular preferentially oxidizes lipids and is likely a major
in typical obesity-associated tissue insulin resistance is un- contributor to plasma acylcarnitine levels (19, 746). Inter-
clear; ceramide signaling may be sufficient to drive insulin estingly, in Pdk2/4⫺/⫺ mice with constitutive glucose oxi-
resistance in some models but does not appear to be neces- dation in skeletal muscle, myocellular medium- and long-
sary for lipid-induced insulin resistance. chain acylcarnitines were markedly decreased but plasma
levels were unchanged compared with wild-type controls
(669). This dissociation of muscle and plasma acylcarnitine
D. Acylcarnitines, Metabolic Inflexibility, and
profiles, also reported in humans (784), indicates that
Insulin Resistance
plasma acylcarnitines probably cannot be used to interro-
gate incomplete FAO in skeletal muscle, although several
The DAG/nPKC and ceramide/AKT models of skeletal groups have attempted to do so (5, 541).
muscle insulin resistance both implicate inappropriate ana-
bolic shunting of excess lipid to bioactive moieties. How- How might incomplete FAO in general, or acylcarnitines in
ever, an alternative hypothesis posits that inappropriate ca- particular, mediate insulin resistance? One possibility is
tabolism of excess lipid, mismatched to tricarboxylic acid that acylcarnitines directly impair insulin signaling. Treat-
(TCA) cycle flux, can also impair insulin action in skeletal ment of C2C12 myotubes with physiologically relevant
muscle. A key observation fueling this hypothesis was that concentrations (5–25 ␮M) of C4:0, C14:0, or C16:0
rates of fatty acid oxidation (FAO) were increased by high-
acylcarnitine impaired insulin-stimulated AKT Ser473
fat feeding in ex vivo skeletal muscle homogenates, suggest-
phosphorylation, although the effect was modest (20 –
ing that the fate of excess lipid in the myocyte is not simply
30% decrease) and not dose dependent (10). Proximal
ectopic storage (427). However, this increase in FAO was
insulin signaling effectors were not assessed. Incomplete
not accompanied by increases in CO2 production (i.e., com-
FAO has also been proposed to induce muscle insulin
plete oxidation) but instead by increases in myocellular
resistance by increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS)
acylcarnitines:fatty acids bound to carnitine to enable mi-
production. Palmitate treatment increases ROS produc-
tochondrial entry, a marker of incomplete FAO (427). Mus-
tion in association with impaired insulin-stimulated glu-
cle acylcarnitine profiling in profoundly insulin-resistant
Zucker diabetic fatty rats revealed striking increases in cose uptake, but pharmacological inhibition of FAO with
long-chain acylcarnitines, especially those with chain length mildronate prevents both effects (10). However, acylcar-
⬎10 carbons (427). These increases, coupled with measure- nitines per se have not directly been shown to increase
ments of decreased TCA cycle metabolites, were interpreted ROS production. Rather, acylcarnitine levels may reflect
as reflecting FAO mismatched to TCA flux and consequent the degree to which FAO exceeds cellular ATP demand, a
mitochondrial stress (427). This result complemented the condition in which ROS production would be greater
earlier observation that PGC-1␣, a transcriptional coacti- (235). Putative mechanisms of ROS-induced insulin re-
vator activated by exercise, promoted complete oxidation sistance are discussed in section VI.
of lipids and was diminished by high-fat feeding (426).
However, muscle-specific PGC-1␣ overexpression was later The physiological rationale for acylcarnitine-induced insu-
shown to unexpectedly cause muscle insulin resistance de- lin resistance is unclear. Muscle acylcarnitine concentra-
spite increased rates of FAO; these mice also displayed in- tions are regulated by nutritional status in insulin-sensitive
creased muscle DAG content and PKC␪ activation (143). rats, and HFD-induced muscle insulin resistance is accom-
Additionally, the addition of carnitine to the culture me- panied by loss of this nutritional regulation but does not
dium was reported to facilitate the ability of palmitate to cause absolute increases in acylcarnitine concentrations
induce insulin resistance in L6 myotubes, suggesting a role compared with levels in fasted, chow-fed rodents (427).
for FAO in lipid-induced insulin resistance (427). These This indicates that if acylcarnitines impair insulin action in
results, though intriguing, are somewhat difficult to recon- fat-fed rodent muscle, they might also be expected to do so
cile with other reports associating carnitine supplementa- during the fasted state in insulin-sensitive rodents; this is
tion with increased muscle insulin sensitivity in high-fat-fed difficult to reconcile with the known insulin-sensitizing ef-
rodents (583, 866a). fects of fasting in rodent skeletal muscle (32).

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An alternative explanation for the increase in muscle ily reflect relative FAO flux, then their association with
acylcarnitines observed in some models of insulin resis- muscle insulin resistance may also be secondary to the
tance is that they simply reflect relative oxidative sub- primary defect of lipid-induced impairments in insulin
strate selection. The pattern of muscle acylcarnitine lev- signaling.
els observed in fasted and fed rats fed chow or HFD,
described above, is completely consistent with isotopic Unravelling the mechanisms of lipid-induced insulin resis-
measurements of oxidative substrate selection (VPDH/ tance has proven a difficult task. Indeed, even the core
VTCA) in soleus muscle of chow- and high-fat-fed rats, in premise that ectopic lipid accumulation impairs insulin ac-
which relative rates of FAO are similar in fasted chow- tion in liver and muscle remains controversial. While only
fed rats to those in high-fat-fed rats both basally and after one fully defined mechanistic framework linking a specific
insulin stimulation (T. Alves, R. Perry, Y. Rahimi, and G. bioactive lipid to impaired hepatocellular insulin signaling
Shulman, unpublished data). Similar results have been (the DAG/PKC␧/INSR axis) has been described, lipid-in-
reported in lean and obese insulin-resistant human skel- duced skeletal muscle insulin resistance has received more
etal muscle (395). A simple interpretation of these data is mechanistic attention. However, although many partial
that they reflect metabolic inflexibility: the inability of mechanisms have been elucidated, each has weaknesses and
insulin-resistant skeletal muscle to increase relative glu- more work is needed to define their respective roles in hu-
cose utilization upon transition to the fed, or insulin- man disease. As currently understood, however, the pro-
stimulated, state. The concept of metabolic inflexibility posed mechanisms linking the lipid mediators discussed in
in muscle insulin resistance has its roots in the Randle this section–DAG, ceramide, and acylcarnitines–to im-
glucose-fatty acid cycle, but incorporates modern models paired skeletal muscle insulin signaling are summarized in
of lipid-induced insulin resistance (397, 561). The mech- FIGURE 17.
anism for metabolic inflexibility in lipid-induced insulin
resistance is incompletely elucidated, but an explanation
consistent with available mechanistic data is that bioac-
tive lipid moieties such as DAG or ceramide impair insu-
lin signaling to decrease insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trans-
location, thereby impairing insulin-mediated increases in A. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Insulin
glucose availability for oxidative metabolism. This oc- Resistance
curs in parallel with increased lipid availability, resulting
in increased relative rates of FAO in fat-fed, insulin-re- The underlying cause of obesity-associated insulin resis-
sistant muscle. Metabolic inflexibility, in this conception, tance is nutrient oversupply. The mechanisms for lipid-
would be a consequence rather than a cause of lipid- induced insulin resistance described in section V outlined
induced insulin resistance. If acylcarnitine levels primar- cellular and molecular responses to chronic elevations in

DAG/PKCθ Ceramide/AKT Acylcarnitine/ROS
sn-1,2-DAG Ceramide

INSR GIV pSer1689 PKCθ acylcarnitines

? PKCζ
IRS1 PI3K Translocation Reactive Incomplete oxidation
pSer pSer
Phosphorylation Mitochondrial function
Phosphatase/kinase tone
IRS1 tyrosine phosphorylation AKT translocation Downstream insulin signaling
IRS1-associated PI3K activity AKT Ser/Thr phosphorylation
Downstream insulin signaling Downstream insulin signaling
Fatty acid flux Palmitate Fatty acid flux

FIGURE 17. Proposed molecular mechanisms of lipid-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance. A: diacyl-
glycerol (DAG) has been proposed to cause muscle insulin resistance by activating protein kinase C-␪ (PKC␪).
The targets of PKC␪ within the insulin signaling cascade are incompletely defined but may include insulin
receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) and GIV. PI3K, phosphoinositide-3-kinase. B: ceramides have been proposed to
mediate skeletal muscle insulin resistance by decreasing AKT activity through at least two mechanisms. PP2A,
protein phosphatase 2A. C: incomplete mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation has been proposed to mediate
skeletal muscle insulin resistance, either through direct effects of the resultant acylcarnitine species or
through production of reactive oxygen species, which modulate various cellular processes.

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one major class of biological macromolecule: fats. How- A major model system for investigating the role for ER
ever, other cell-autonomous responses to nutrient over- stress in hepatic insulin resistance has been mice with de-
load have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of fects in X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1). The mRNA splice
insulin resistance. One of these is the unfolded protein variant of XBP1, XBP1s, is a transcription factor and a key
response (UPR), activated by endoplasmic reticulum effector of the UPR (237, 938). Whole-body Xbp1⫹/⫺ mice
(ER) stress. display ER stress (e.g., PERK and JNK activation), associ-
ated with glucose intolerance and impaired insulin action
The UPR is an intricate, elegant, and well-understood that is apparent as far proximally as the INSR (605). How-
mechanism that allows the cell to match protein synthetic ever, the Xbp1⫹/⫺ mice also gain more weight than wild-
demand to protein synthetic capacity (191). The three type controls, raising the possibility that other obesity-as-
branches of the UPR are controlled by three integral ER sociated mechanisms such as ectopic lipid-induced insulin
membrane proteins: PKR-like eukaryotic initiation factor resistance may contribute to the phenotype (605). Indeed,
2␣ kinase (PERK), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1), and an alternative hypothesis for the relationship between ER
activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6) (331). In the nor- stress and insulin resistance emerged from the 2008 report
mal, unstressed ER, these three proteins are kept inactive by that XBP1 activates the de novo lipogenic transcriptional
binding of the chaperone BiP/GRP78 to PERK, IRE1, and program (460). Mice with liver-specific Xbp1 deletion dis-
ATF6; the accumulation of misfolded proteins leads to BiP played markedly defective DNL, which was particularly
dissociation and UPR activation (331). Key downstream apparent on a lipogenic high-fructose diet (460). However,
effectors in the ER stress response with proposed roles in liver-specific deletion of Xbp1 unexpectedly led to in-
metabolic regulation include NF-␬B and c-Jun NH2-termi- creased levels of its upstream regulator IRE1, which in turn
nal kinase (JNK). increased JNK activation (375). Other signs of ER stress,
including BiP/GRP78 levels and eIF2␣ phosphorylation,
In 2004, the first report directly linking ER stress to obesity were also observed in this model (375). Together, these
and insulin resistance in vivo was published (605). This observations comprised a novel phenotype: a mouse with
increased hepatic ER stress but decreased hepatic lipids.
landmark study first noted that in both high-fat-fed and
When subjected to hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp
ob/ob mice, markers of ER stress such as phosphorylated
studies, the fructose-fed liver-specific Xbp1⫺/⫺ mice dis-
eIF2␣, PERK, and JNK were strongly increased in liver
played increased hepatic insulin sensitivity (375). These
(605). Acute chemical induction of ER stress impaired in-
data indicate that UPR activation and JNK activity are in-
sulin signaling at the level of IRS1, associated with JNK-
sufficient to cause hepatic insulin resistance and suggest that
dependent serine phosphorylation of IRS1 (465, 605).
in many models of ER stress-associated insulin resistance,
Taken together with the same group’s earlier report that
XBP1-mediated lipogenesis may be a contributing factor,
JNK activity was increased in obese insulin resistant mice
unifying ER stress with the DAG/nPKC model of lipid-
(318), these studies advanced the hypothesis that ER stress
induced insulin resistance (FIGURE 18A). Interestingly, ad-
induces insulin resistance by promoting inhibitory phos- enoviral overexpression of Xbp1 in high-fat-fed mice also
phorylation of IRS1 by JNK. Curiously, whole-body Jnk prevented hepatosteatosis, PKC␧ activation, and hepatic in-
deletion was associated with improved INSR signaling in sulin resistance, indicating that the relationship between
obese mouse liver in the first study (318), but JNK activa- XBP1 and lipogenesis may be more complex than previ-
tion was not associated with impaired INSR signaling in the ously thought (314). Similarly, activation of IKK␤, which
later study (605). Given the known role of direct INSR phosphorylates and activates XBP1, reversed diet-induced
defects in hepatic insulin resistance (116, 722), the hypoth- hepatosteatosis and hepatic insulin resistance in multiple
esis that JNK inhibits insulin signaling at the level of IRS1 mouse models (490). The finding that both XBP1 inhibition
implies that other defects must be present to account for and activation improve hepatic insulin action is not easily
INSR inhibition. Additionally, the role of JNK activation in reconciled.
hepatocellular insulin resistance has been called into ques-
tion by the finding that liver-specific Jnk⫺/⫺ mice are more, Overall, it has been difficult to elucidate whether ER
not less, prone to hepatosteatosis and hepatic insulin resis- stress per se is a significant primary defect in human
tance (709). hepatic insulin resistance. Some markers of ER stress
(eIF2␣ phosphorylation, CHOP induction) are associ-
The initial observation of an activated UPR in obesity has ated with insulin resistance in human liver, but the most
been repeatedly confirmed in mouse liver (572, 792) and in mechanistically critical readouts of ER stress (XBP1
human liver (284, 445) and adipose tissue (70, 284, 757). splicing, JNK phosphorylation) are not (445). Further-
Mechanistic work describing the relationship between ER more, the interaction between ER stress and lipid metab-
stress and insulin resistance has primarily been carried out olism means that many models of ER stress are also mod-
in liver, a logical candidate tissue to develop ER stress dur- els of ectopic lipid deposition. Does ectopic lipid induce
ing nutrient oversupply. insulin resistance through activation of the UPR, or is ER

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A ER stress and hepatic insulin resistance B Mitochondrial dysfunction

and muscle insulin resistance



signaling DAG/PKCθ signaling
Incomplete oxidation Lipid
De novo lipogenesis Acylcarnitines storage
Endoplasmic ROS
reticulum Lipid
XBP1s demand


Mitochondrial ATP
Unfolded protein response synthesis

Overnutrition Lipid oversupply
Genetic predisposition

FIGURE 18. Nutrient stress and insulin resistance. A: endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, manifested as the
unfolded protein response (UPR), is activated in multiple models of liver insulin resistance. Accumulation of
misfolded proteins in the ER lumen initiates the UPR, activating PKR-like eukaryotic initiation factor 2␣ kinase
(PERK), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1), and activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6). Key effectors of the
UPR include c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) and the mRNA splice variant of X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1s).
JNK may directly impair proximal insulin signaling, although this is controversial. XBP1s transcriptionally
activates the de novo lipogenic program and promotes hepatic steatosis, which may in turn drive hepatic insulin
resistance through diacylglycerol (DAG)/protein kinase C (PKC)␧ signaling. B: muscle insulin resistance is
associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, although cause and effect relationships are not clearly defined. The
red pathway describes observations made in humans: older adults and the young lean insulin-resistant
offspring of parents with type 2 diabetes (T2D) display reduced mitochondrial ATP synthesis in skeletal muscle,
probably reflective of reduced ATP demand as resting mitochondria operate at submaximal ATP synthetic
rates. This decrease in substrate oxidation promotes lipid storage, increasing intramyocellular lipid (IMCL).
IMCL accumulation may then impair proximal insulin signaling through activation of the DAG/PKC␪ axis,
accounting for the reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake observed in these individuals. Alternatively,
chronic overnutrition and/or lipid oversupply increases the mitochondrial capacity for fatty acid oxidation.
However, because ATP demand is relatively inflexible, this increase is not enough to match supply, leading to
IMCL accumulation and increased rates of incomplete fatty acid oxidation. Incomplete fatty acid oxidation
produces acylcarnitine species and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Acylcarnitines have been hypothesized to
impair insulin signaling through undefined mechanisms, and ROS have broad cellular effects, including impair-
ment of mitochondrial function. ROS-induced mitochondrial damage would then exacerbate these effects,
further promoting IMCL accumulation and ROS production.

stress merely a secondary consequence of a primary, ec- lipotoxic mechanisms. In support of this hypothesis, ame-
topic lipid-mediated defect? There is evidence that excess liorating ER stress in ob/ob mice by BiP/GRP78 overexpres-
lipid accumulation, especially oversupply of saturated sion decreases hepatic steatosis and increases hepatic insu-
fatty acids, induces ER stress (251), but the triad of in- lin sensitivity (382). In addition, ER stress has been shown
creased hepatic insulin sensitivity, decreased hepatic lipid to increase the expression of lipin-2 (which catalyzes the
accumulation, and increased ER stress in liver-specific synthesis of DAG from PA); lipin-2 overexpression impairs
Xbp1⫺/⫺ mice ultimately indicates that ER stress may hepatic insulin signaling by activating the DAG/PKC␧ axis,
require ectopic lipid accumulation to induce hepatic in- while lipin-2 knockdown in high-fat-fed mice improves he-
sulin resistance. patic insulin signaling (708).

However, while ER stress may not be the primary defect in WAT ER stress is less well studied than hepatic ER stress,
hepatic insulin resistance, it may well exacerbate primary but a small but intriguing literature links ER stress in WAT

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to increased lipolysis. The ER-associated triglyceride syn- of skeletal muscle mitochondria in insulin-resistant humans
thetic enzyme DGAT1 serves to re-esterify liberated fatty (148, 396, 552, 614). This does not necessarily imply mito-
acids to triglyceride, and adipose-specific Dgat1⫺/⫺ mice chondrial insufficiency: resting mitochondria are typically
developed WAT ER stress during cold exposure and fasting not operating at their maximal oxidative capacity (699).
(139). This activation of the UPR was associated with adi- Furthermore, mitochondrial activity is primarily dictated
pose tissue macrophage infiltration, pointing to links be- by cellular ATP demand rather than by changes in sub-
tween ER stress and inflammation in WAT (139, 331). The strate availability (326). Regardless of mechanism, how-
prolipolytic effects of ER stress are potentially mediated by ever, the decreased mitochondrial activity of insulin-re-
PKA activation and consequent perilipin phosphorylation sistant skeletal muscle could significantly alter whole-
(76, 187, 958). Given the primacy of lipolysis in adipocyte body caloric demand, facilitating intracellular nutrient
insulin action, understanding the contribution of ER stress oversupply and lipid-induced insulin resistance.
to overall lipolytic tone has major implications. Even if
proximal insulin signaling is intact, insulin’s ability to sup- Recently, human genetic studies have identified metabolic
press cAMP-mediated lipolysis could be thwarted by ER risk alleles with mechanisms that link T2D to mitochon-
stress-mediated activation of cAMP-mediated lipolysis, a drial energetics in a way consistent with the lipid storage
functional insulin resistance. versus utilization paradigm. One such gene, SLC16A11, is a
monocarboxylate (i.e., pyruvate, lactate) transporter local-
The role of ER stress in muscle insulin resistance remains ized to the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane; it
uncertain. The landmark 2004 study of ER stress and insu- is expressed particularly highly in liver (706, 872a). The
lin resistance in liver reported no induction of ER stress SLC16A11 risk haplotype is particularly prevalent (~30%
markers in skeletal muscle of high-fat-fed mice (605). How- allele frequency) in individuals of Mexican descent and is
ever, others have observed mild increases in some (BiP, estimated to account for ~20% of the increased T2D risk in
CHOP expression), but not all (IRE1␣ or JNK activation) that population (872a). The several variants in the
markers of ER stress in human muscle insulin resistance SLC16A11 T2D risk haplotype decrease SLC16A11 ex-
(416). Still others report no induction of any ER stress pression and impair its plasma membrane localization;
markers (BiP, CHOP, IRE1␣, PERK expression) in skeletal
hepatocytes with siRNA-mediated SLC16A11 knockdown
muscle after 6 wk of high-fat feeding in humans despite
displayed accumulation of acylcarnitines, DAG, and TAG,
inducing glucose intolerance associated with increased in-
indicative of decreased FAO. These studies suggest that the
tramyocellular lipid content (183). Furthermore, neither
SLC16A11 mutations in the T2D risk haplotype increase
expression of a constitutively active JNK mutant specifi-
diabetes risk by promoting intracellular lipid storage, which
cally in skeletal muscle nor skeletal muscle-specific ablation
results from impaired mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. A
of JNK altered muscle insulin action or glucose homeostasis
second interesting risk allele lies in the N-acetyltransferase 2
(NAT2) gene, which emerged in a genome-wide association
study searching for genes associated with insulin resistance
B. Mitochondrial Energetics, Oxidative (414). Mice with whole-body deletion of the mouse or-
Stress, and Insulin Resistance tholog Nat1 displayed a decreased basal metabolic rate,
decreased energy expenditure, and mitochondrial dysfunc-
The ER is not the only organelle placed under nutrient stress tion in diverse tissues including WAT, brown adipose tis-
during chronic caloric excess. We now consider the patho- sue, liver, heart, and skeletal muscle (114, 130). As a result,
genesis and significance of mitochondrial oxidative stress in these mice were predisposed to lipid-induced liver and mus-
the context of nutrient, especially lipid, oversupply. In cle insulin resistance associated with DAG-induced PKC␧
broad terms, the two major fates of fatty acids once trans- and PKC␪ activation in liver and muscle, respectively, when
ported into the myocyte are oxidation and storage. The placed on a HFD (114).
evidence linking excess lipid storage to myocellular insulin
resistance (see sect. V) has prompted intense investigation However, the relationship between mitochondrial activ-
of the other side of the coin: lipid oxidation (561). An early ity and insulin action is more complex than the simple
hypothesis in this field posited that IMCL accumulation and model outlined above, in which insulin-resistant myo-
consequent insulin resistance might be driven by inappro- cytes store rather than oxidize lipid. Interestingly, after
priately decreased lipid oxidation. Indeed, there is clear ev- several weeks of high-fat feeding, rodents develop skele-
idence for decreased mitochondrial activity (i.e., ATP syn- tal muscle insulin resistance in parallel with increased
thesis as measured by 31P-MRS) in insulin-resistant human capacity for fatty acid oxidation ex vivo (427, 548, 853).
populations such as the elderly, the young lean offspring of This may reflect an adaptive response that insufficiently
parents with T2D, and prediabetic subjects, providing a compensates for increased lipid availability, leading to
potential etiological clue to the myocellular energetics un- IMCL accumulation and insulin resistance (549). Indeed,
derlying T2D (219, 503, 635, 636). There is also strong even potent activation of FAO, by pharmacological
evidence for structural damage and decreased total content AMPK activation or acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 deletion,

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is insufficient to protect mice from HFD-induced muscle There is experimental evidence for the hypothesis that
insulin resistance, highlighting the primacy of ATP de- blocking mitochondrial ROS production can prevent mus-
mand rather than substrate supply in mitochondrial en- cle insulin resistance. Scavenging mitochondrial H2O2, ei-
ergetics (320, 596). Alternatively, there is evidence that ther through pharmacological means or by transgenically
increased relative ␤-oxidative flux may itself drive insulin expressing catalase in mitochondria (MCAT mice), protects
resistance in skeletal muscle, contrary to the initial hy- against HFD-induced muscle insulin resistance (22, 338,
pothesis that impaired lipid oxidation drives muscle in- 747). Notably, the MCAT mice were also protected from
sulin resistance. This hypothesis is supported by several age-induced muscle insulin resistance, associated with pre-
models in which blocking ␤-oxidative flux improves mus- served mitochondrial activity and decreased DAG/PKC␪
cle insulin sensitivity, even despite IMCL accumulation axis activation compared with aged wild-type mice (463).
(230, 287, 427). However, increased FAO is certainly not However, the therapeutic potential of targeting oxidative
necessary for lipid-induced muscle insulin resistance, as stress remains controversial; studies of antioxidant supple-
demonstrated by the muscle insulin resistance of consti- mentation have yielded conflicting results (177, 549), and a
tutively glucose-oxidizing Pdk2/4⫺/⫺ mice (669). systematic review of 78 randomized clinical trials of human
antioxidant supplementation revealed no effect on mortal-
How might ␤-oxidative flux impair muscle insulin ac- ity (63).
tion? One proposed mediator is the acylcarnitine species
produced by incomplete FAO, discussed in section V.
Another potential link is ROS, which serve as an “elec- Together, these studies suggest a unified model in which,
tron release valve” when substrate oxidation exceeds faced with chronic lipid oversupply, myocytes attempt to
ATP demand (i.e., in states of nutritional oversupply) compensate by becoming metabolically inflexible and in-
(37, 235). Although all ROS derive from superoxide creasing relative lipid utilization. However, because cel-
(O2·⫺), the key bioactive ROS is thought to be hydrogen lular ATP demand does not increase to match substrate
peroxide (H2O2) which serves as a second messenger to supply, the rate of lipid utilization is limited and is insuf-
communicate mitochondrial redox status (235). High-fat ficient to prevent IMCL deposition. In parallel, increased
feeding increases mitochondrial H2O2 production within relative FAO drives ROS production, which damages the
3 days, the effect persists in chronically fat-fed mice, and mitochondria, inducing the reduced mitochondrial activ-
this oxidized redox state is detectable throughout the cell ity of insulin resistant muscle. These reductions in mito-
as a decreased ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione chondrial activity exacerbate the tendency towards pos-
(GSH/GSSG ratio) (22). Furthermore, skeletal muscle itive energy balance, further favoring IMCL deposition
from obese humans displays increased mitochondrial and muscle insulin resistance (FIGURE 18B). Interestingly,
H2O2 production and decreased GSH/GSSG ratio (22). several transgenic mouse models have challenged this
Because the activity of many protein kinases and phos- model by inducing severe mitochondrial dysfunction and
phatases is regulated by the redox status of cysteine thi- yet observing improvements in muscle glucose uptake
ols, it has been proposed that a more oxidized cellular (327). These models include mice with deletion of the
environment may favor the serine/threonine phosphory- mitochondrial transcription factor Tfam, mice with de-
lation events that characterize normal negative feedback letion of the mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor
of insulin action (235). For example, ROS activation of Aif, and mice with deletion of the transcriptional co-
stress kinases such as JNK has been observed (570). Im- activators PGC-1␣ and PGC-1␤ (656, 913, 945). Such
portantly, cellular redox state is highly dynamic; models models force a re-evaluation of the hypothesis that de-
linking increased H2O2 production to impaired insulin creased mitochondrial function leads to intramyocellular
action propose that in states of chronic overnutrition, the lipid accumulation and consequent muscle insulin resis-
tendency to oxidize the cellular environment postprandi- tance. One possible reconciliation is that these mecha-
ally outweighs the tendency to reduce the cellular envi- nisms predominate in the setting of relatively mild
ronment during times of relative fasting, preventing this (⬍40%) reductions in mitochondrial oxidative phos-
normally self-correcting system from restoring homeo- phorylation, whereas severe mitochondrial dysfunction
stasis (235). Redox regulation of cell signaling is also as seen in the aforementioned transgenic models may
likely to depend critically on spatiotemporal factors; for lead to increased anaerobic glycolysis, decreased fat ox-
example, local H2O2 production by NADPH oxidase 4 idation, and an increase in the ADP:ATP ratio that acti-
(NOX4) is increased upon insulin receptor activation to vates AMPK-dependent glucose transport, apparently in-
inactivate local phosphatases (e.g., PTP1B, PTEN) and creasing insulin sensitivity. Differences in the parameter
amplify proximal insulin signaling (37, 515, 920). This being assessed as mitochondrial function, whether in
may account for the phenotype of mice lacking the ROS vivo ATP synthetic function, total oxidative capacity,
scavenger glutathione peroxidase 1, which were pro- mitochondrial density, or another readout, can also af-
tected from HFD-induced insulin resistance (497). fect the conclusions drawn (42).

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VII. INTEGRATED PHYSIOLOGICAL accumulate in obese adipose tissue; their depletion miti-
MECHANISMS OF INSULIN gates HFD-induced insulin resistance in part by impairing
RESISTANCE ATM activation (937). The recruitment of ATMs may also
involve the chemokine MCP-1 and its receptor CCR2
(731); genetic or pharmacological inhibition of CCR2 or
A. The Macrophage-Adipocyte Interaction MCP-1 in mice has been associated with decreased obesity-
and Inflammatory Signaling in Insulin associated ATM infiltration and improved insulin sensitiv-
Resistance ity (383, 891), although another study of Ccr2⫺/⫺ mice
unexpectedly observed that ATM infiltration was unaltered
Human obesity is characterized by expansion of the adipose and glucose tolerance was worsened (351). Metabolically
tissue; both hyperplasia and hypertrophy of adipocytes con- activated ATMs are not easily classified using the tradi-
tribute to this effect. However, this expansion is a homeo- tional M1-pro-inflammatory/M2-anti-inflammatory para-
static stress and is associated with increased adipocyte cell digm, but rather appear to adopt a third polarization state
death (562). Chemotactic signals from stressed adipocytes that can be recapitulated in vitro by palmitate exposure
recruit cellular pioneers: bone marrow-derived macro- (431). ATM activation may also be driven in part by natural
phages (892, 928). These adipose tissue macrophages killer (NK) cells residing in visceral adipose depots, which
(ATMs) deposit in “crownlike structures” around dead adi- detect adipocyte stress and promote macrophage activa-
pocytes and secrete cytokines with autocrine, paracrine, tion, possibly through interferon-␥ (IFN-␥) or TNF-␣ (461,
and endocrine effects (562, 594). Obesity-stimulated ATMs 895). Blocking the adipocyte-NK cell interaction, depleting
display characteristic activation patterns that differ from
NK cells, or ablating IFN-␥ signaling protected mice against
those observed in the classically activated (“M1-polar-
HFD-induced ATM activation and glucose intolerance
ized”) macrophages seen in response to, for example, bac-
(461, 601, 895). As discussed above, the characterization of
terial infection (86, 431). Importantly, studies of mice with
metabolically activated ATMs as purely deleterious is an
impaired acute inflammatory capability have revealed that
oversimplification (927); metabolically beneficial ATM
acute adipose tissue inflammation is critical for proper tis-
functions such as lipid storage and dead adipocyte clearance
sue remodeling and nutrient storage in WAT; loss of this
are also upregulated in obesity (154, 929).
capability increases ectopic lipid storage and worsens diet-
induced insulin resistance (896). Metabolically activated
Ultimately, the mechanism by which ATM activation (the
ATMs exocytose lysosomes to help clear dead adipocytes
“first hit”) promotes insulin resistance is presumed to re-
and employ a PPAR␥-driven transcriptional program to
quire the “second hit”– elaboration of inflammatory cyto-
buffer excess fatty acids (154, 431). It is chronic inflamma-
tion, then, that is the maladaptive condition associated with kines (594). The cytokines most commonly implicated in
insulin resistance. Although it is now well-established that insulin resistance include TNF-␣ and interleukin (IL)-1␤,
human obesity is a chronic inflammatory state that alters although others including leukotriene B4 and galectin-3
metabolic homeostasis (424, 467), the mechanisms by have been the subject of recent investigation (332, 336, 364,
which inflammation may cause insulin resistance in various 485, 486, 894). TNF-␣ was the first inflammatory cytokine
tissues and the importance of these processes to the devel- revealed to be increased in obese adipose tissue in rodents
opment of insulin resistance and T2D remain areas of active and humans (332, 336). Neutralization of TNF-␣ improved
investigation (446, 717). Here, we focus on proposed mech- whole-body insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in obese
anistic links between inflammation and insulin resistance, fa/fa rats, suggesting a mechanistic role for TNF-␣ in obe-
primarily in WAT. sity-associated insulin resistance (336). Furthermore,
Tnfa⫺/⫺ mice were protected from HFD-induced insulin
The basic model for inflammation-induced insulin resis- resistance, and TNF-␣ receptor ablation partially protected
tance is a “two-hit” model in which macrophage activation ob/ob mice from insulin resistance (865). However, more
is followed by macrophage elaboration of paracrine and/or recent results demonstrating that local inhibition of TNF-␣
endocrine factors which induce insulin resistance in target action impairs glucose tolerance indicate that the relation-
cells such as adipocytes or hepatocytes (594). Both pro- ship between TNF-␣ and insulin resistance is more complex
cesses have been well studied and are complex. than initially suspected (896).

Both WAT resident macrophages and monocyte-derived The leading hypothesis linking cytokines such as TNF-␣ to
macrophages are activated in inflamed WAT. However, insulin resistance has long been that cytokine receptor acti-
multiple other immune cell types contribute to the inflam- vation in insulin target cells activates signaling pathways
matory milieu in obese adipose tissue. Indeed, the first in- that directly or indirectly impair insulin action. In vitro,
flammatory cells to infiltrate WAT during high-fat feeding several cytokines including TNF-␣ induce insulin resistance
are not macrophages but neutrophils (212, 823). Neutro- through direct inhibition of IRK activity (333–335, 485),
phils may serve a key role in recruiting and activating ATMs but the doses required to achieve inhibitory effects are often
during high-fat feeding (783). Adipose B2 lymphocytes also orders of magnitude higher than those measured in plasma

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from insulin-resistant subjects (332, 334, 335). Although be attributable to protection from lipotoxicity rather than
paracrine effects (macrophage to adipocyte, or Kupffer cell direct effects of JNK to inhibit proximal insulin signaling
to hepatocyte) are likely operative, quantifying paracrine (712). Additionally, liver-specific Jnk deletion does not pro-
signaling in vivo is difficult. tect mice from hepatic insulin resistance but instead pro-
motes hepatosteatosis and glucose intolerance (709). Fur-
Efforts to close the mechanistic circuit linking cytokine re- thermore, the canonical mechanism by which JNK activa-
ceptor activation and impaired insulin signaling have tion is proposed to impair cellular insulin signaling–IRS1
largely converged on a pleiotropic effector of both cytokine Ser307 phosphorylation–is unlikely to mediate insulin resis-
signaling and ER stress: JNK. JNK induces a complex pro- tance in vivo. Knock-in IRS1 Ser307Ala mice display wors-
inflammatory transcriptional program but also directly ened, not preserved, insulin action (167); the phosphomi-
phosphorylates IRS1. JNK activity is increased in obese metic IRS1 Ser307Asp mutation also fails to impair insulin
insulin-resistant liver, WAT, and skeletal muscle (318); in signaling (888). Alternative mechanisms for JNK-induced
liver, JNK activation is present as early as 3 days after insulin resistance, including transcriptional mechanisms,
beginning a HFD (721). Jnk1⫺/⫺ mice were protected from require further study. Together, the emerging picture link-
HFD-induced obesity and insulin resistance, but their in- ing JNK to insulin resistance is not one of direct insulin
creased energy expenditure, implied by their increased core signaling blockade in target tissues like muscle and liver, but
body temperature, prevents attribution of their insulin-sen- rather, perhaps, one of indirect effects involving the macro-
sitive phenotype to direct effects of JNK on the insulin sig- phage-adipocyte-hepatocyte axis.
naling pathway (318). A link between Jnk inhibition and
increased energy expenditure is also supported by experi- Indeed, an emerging paradigm posits that cytokine-induced
ments using a dominant-negative JNK to block JNK activity lipolysis mediates the link between inflammation and insu-
in adipocytes and macrophages (849) and experiments us- lin resistance. HFD-fed ⌽KO mice displayed reduced palmi-
ing JNK-specific antisense oligonucleotides (775). tate and glycerol turnover (i.e., reduced lipolysis) during
hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps compared with HFD-
However, tissue-specific Jnk knockout mice have provided fed wild-type controls, associated with improved suppres-
more nuanced insights into JNK biology and suggest that in sion of hepatic glucose production (620). TNF-␣ may pro-
some cases, insulin-sensitizing effects of Jnk deletion can be mote lipolysis by decreasing expression of perilipin and/or
dissociated from effects on body composition (711). Adi- fat-specific protein 27 (FSP27), lipid droplet proteins
pocyte-specific Jnk deletion did not prevent body weight thought to control the access of lipases to the adipocyte
gain in HFD-fed mice, but did preserve hepatic insulin sen- lipid droplet (455, 681). Furthermore, the increased plasma
sitivity, associated with protection from hepatic lipid accu- NEFA concentrations of ob/ob mice were rescued to the
mulation (710). The observation that Jnk1/Jnk2 ablation in levels of lean mice by TNF-␣ loss (865). Importantly, how-
macrophages (⌽KO mice) prevented ATM infiltration and ever, the increased fatty acid turnover of WAT in chronic
whole-body insulin resistance in high-fat-fed mice pointed obesity likely owes not only to cytokine-mediated lipolysis
to a key role for JNK in establishing the proinflammatory but also to fatty acid spillage from dead adipocytes. The
state in macrophages and provided further evidence for the importance of this latter mechanism was highlighted by
importance of macrophage activation in HFD-induced in- studies of whole-body and myeloid-specific Nox2⫺/⫺ mice,
sulin resistance (302). However, ⌽KO mice displayed simi- which lack functional metabolically activated ATMs (154).
lar improvements in whole-body insulin sensitivity on reg- These mice accumulated dead adipocytes and developed
ular chow diet (302). Because increased tissue JNK activity profound hepatosteatosis and insulin resistance (154).
and ATM infiltration are characteristics of high-fat feeding Overall, adipose lipolysis, whether nutrient stress induced
(302, 318), it is not clear why the metabolic phenotype of or inflammation induced, may cause insulin resistance by
⌽KO mice was similarly pronounced on both regular chow increasing lipid delivery to skeletal muscle and liver, acti-
and high-fat diets. Nevertheless, one interpretation of these vating pathways of lipid-induced insulin resistance (e.g., the
data is that JNK activation in adipocytes and macrophages DAG/nPKC axis) and also promoting hepatic gluconeogen-
contributes to HFD-induced insulin resistance in distant esis through acetyl CoA activation of pyruvate carboxylase
tissues such as liver. (620). This hypothesis unifies the paradigms of lipid-
induced insulin resistance and inflammation-induced insu-
In skeletal muscle, JNK activation is not sufficient for obe- lin resistance and points to an integrated physiological
sity-associated insulin resistance (606a), and reports con- mechanism regulating the cell-autonomous defects of lipid-
flict as to whether skeletal muscle-specific Jnk deletion pro- induced insulin resistance.
tects from obesity-associated insulin resistance (606a, 712).
In the one study of muscle-specific Jnk deletion that did Is inflammation a primary insult in T2D, or rather an exac-
observe protection from HFD-induced muscle insulin resis- erbating factor? Several lines of evidence suggest that adi-
tance, muscle LpL expression was also decreased, raising pose tissue inflammation is not necessary for adipose insulin
the possibility that the insulin-sensitizing phenotype might resistance. For example, adipose tissue insulin resistance is

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detectable in rodents even after 1 wk of high-fat feeding statistically significant reductions in glycated hemoglobin
(115, 722), but adipocyte death and ATM infiltration are (600). Interestingly, response to amlexanox was strongly
minimal even after 4 wk of HFD and do not become prom- related to reductions in IHTG (600). The relative contribu-
inent until 12 wk of HFD (582, 807). Genomic evidence tions of reductions in adipose tissue inflammation and in-
also argues against the classification of T2D as an inflam- creases in energy expenditure to the glycemic improvements
matory disease. Large-scale analysis of disease-related sin- observed with amlexanox is uncertain, although C-reactive
gle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) cross-referenced to protein levels tended to be higher at baseline in subjects who
cell type-specific epigenetic regulatory activity revealed ro- had a good response to amlexanox treatment (600). How-
bust clustering of all known autoimmune and inflammatory ever, serum IL-6 levels were also increased in responders, a
diseases examined (226). T2D SNPs decidedly did not share finding at odds with the frequently (though not universally)
this enrichment in lymphoid or myeloid cell types, indicat- metabolically deleterious effects of this cytokine (403). This
ing that the strong heritability of T2D risk (599) is likely not example highlights the complex interplay between the met-
mediated by genetic effects in inflammatory cells such as abolically beneficial and metabolically harmful effects of
macrophages (226). Adipose tissue inflammation is also not inflammation, which may complicate ongoing efforts to test
required for insulin resistance; multiple models of partial other anti-inflammatory agents for antidiabetic effects
and complete lipodystrophy manifest severe insulin resis- (271, 467, 716).
tance in the absence of significant ATM activation (406,
642, 957). A particularly interesting case of this phenome-
B. Circulating Branched-Chain Amino Acids
non involves mice lacking FSP27, also known as cell death-
and Insulin Resistance
inducing DFFA-like effector c (CIDEC) (825, 957). When
subjected to energy storage stresses (high-fat feeding, leptin
In 1969, measurements of all amino acids in human plasma
deficiency, or lack of brown adipose tissue), Fsp27⫺/⫺ mice
revealed that concentrations of all three branched-chain
failed to expand their adipose depots or develop significant
amino acids (BCAAs; valine, leucine, and isoleucine) were
ATM infiltration but nevertheless developed severe hepatic
elevated in obese subjects compared with lean controls and
insulin resistance with profound hepatic steatosis (825,
positively correlated with fasting insulin (228). The interac-
957). Furthermore, adipose insulin resistance induced by
tion between plasma amino acids and glucose homeostasis
adipose-specific deletion of the obligate mTORC2 compo-
is complex, with effects on insulin secretion, hepatic glucose
nent Rictor led to increased MCP-1 expression and macro-
production, and peripheral glucose disposal all well-estab-
phage infiltration, suggesting that adipose insulin resistance
lished (72, 238, 435). Interest in the link between BCAAs
is sufficient to induce adipose tissue inflammation (762).
and insulin resistance has been reinvigorated in the 21st
Together, these lines of evidence suggest that although ad- century by metabolomics methods that have confirmed a
ipose tissue inflammation can accompany and exacerbate strong association between the HOMA-IR score and circu-
obesity-associated insulin resistance, it is likely not the pri- lating BCAA concentration (129, 516, 577, 918). Further-
mary defect. more, plasma BCAA concentrations predict future T2D risk
(608, 880, 919), and genomic variants that increased BCAA
Several anti-inflammatory agents in clinical use have been levels were associated with T2D in a Mendelian random-
evaluated for efficacy in T2D (271). Marked species differ- ization study (502). Adipose tissue BCAA catabolic enzyme
ences between rodent and human inflammation and inte- expression is consistently decreased in rodent and human
grated insulin action may underlie the wildly disparate re- models of obesity, providing a putative etiology for the
sults obtained with some such agents in mice and men. For obesity-associated increase in circulating BCAAs (312, 508,
example, the TNF-␣ antagonists etanercept and infliximab 751, 759).
have not shown a consistent insulin-sensitizing effect in hu-
man trials despite good efficacy in mice (25, 56, 467, 795, With these associations established, a key question became
885). Although the salicylate prodrug salsalate has achieved whether BCAAs actively modulate or passively reflect insu-
modest and consistent glucose lowering in randomized hu- lin sensitivity. This is an area of active investigation and
man trials, the ability of salicylate to directly activate controversy (508, 576). BCAA supplementation alone is
AMPK and induce mitochondrial uncoupling renders an insufficient to induce insulin resistance in regular chow-fed
anti-inflammatory mechanism unnecessary for its antihy- rats, but contributes to insulin resistance in high-fat-fed rats
perglycemic effects (268 –270, 303, 780). The anti-inflam- (577). Two main mechanisms have been proposed by which
matory agent amlexanox, which inhibits the obesity-up- BCAAs may impair insulin action. In one, chronic BCAA
regulated kinases IKK␧ and TBK1, reverses adipose tissue activation of mTOR, which senses leucine (733), provides
inflammation and obesity in mice by increasing energy ex- negative feedback to insulin signaling at the level of IRS1
penditure, consistent with the role of TBK1 as a negative (577). The mTORC1-activated ribosomal S6K1 is chroni-
regulator of AMPK and energy balance (687, 955). In a cally activated in obese and diabetic rodents and humans
small randomized double-blind clinical trial in patients with (846) and is a known negative regulator of IRS signaling
T2D, 12 wk of amlexanox achieved small (⬍0.5%) but (339, 846, 859, 860, 948). Furthermore, the insulin resis-

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tance of high-fat-fed/BCAA-supplemented rats was re- provides acetyl CoA substrate for lipogenesis (an esti-
versed by treatment with the mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin mated 30% of lipogenic acetyl CoA in differentiated
(577). However, activation of the BCAA/mTORC1 axis has 3T3-L1 adipocytes is derived from BCAA catabolism)
also been associated with improved insulin sensitivity (e.g., (281), the decreased adipose BCAA catabolic enzyme ex-
exercise or BCAA supplementation) (508, 509, 954). Addi- pression of obesity may impair proper nutrient storage in
tionally, mice with deletion of mitochondrial BCAA transam- adipose tissue, promoting ectopic lipid deposition in tis-
inase (BCATm) display profoundly increased plasma BCAA sues such as skeletal muscle with preserved BCAA cata-
concentrations but are protected from HFD-induced obesity bolic capacity in obesity. Although this latter mechanism
and insulin resistance (758), arguing that BCAA-mediated ef- is attractive for its unification of the BCAA metabolic
fects such as mTOR activation alone are insufficient to pro- signature with established lipotoxic mechanisms of insu-
duce insulin resistance. lin resistance, it lacks direct experimental support. With
many important questions currently unanswered, this
In the other proposed mechanism for BCAA-induced insu- field is ripe for future investigation.
lin resistance, BCAAs themselves are not the culprit.
Rather, the bioactive moieties are proposed to be BCAA
C. Adipokines and Hepatokines in Insulin
catabolic products (e.g., propionyl CoA, succinyl CoA,
branched-chain ketoacids). In one hypothesis, increased
BCAA turnover drives the production of toxic mitochon-
drial BCAA catabolites, which are in turn proposed to im- The explosion of newly identified secreted peptide hor-
pair mitochondrial oxidative metabolism (508, 576) and mones in the past 20 yr calls to mind the early 20th century,
when investigators in the nascent discipline of endocrinol-
thereby induce mitochondrial stress, activating stress ki-
ogy were rewarded with the discoveries of insulin, sex ste-
nases such as JNK that have been linked to insulin resis-
roids, thyroxine, and other fundamental hormones (65).
tance (576, 711). Evidence for this hypothesis, especially
The identification of new hormones, now as then, is often
knowledge of precisely how BCAA catabolism is altered in
received with great excitement and therapeutic hope. For
human insulin resistance, is currently limited. Recently, the
many new hormones, however, pathophysiological signifi-
BCAA catabolic product 3-hydroxyisobutyrate (3-HIB; a
cance and therapeutic potential are still uncertain. Here, we
valine catabolite) has been identified as a paracrine positive
briefly highlight several of the best-studied new hormones,
regulator of myocellular fatty acid uptake (366). 3-HIB was
focusing on the evidence for their role in human insulin
shown to be secreted from myocytes and to promote trans-
endothelial fatty acid transport and myocellular lipid up-
take; mice given 3-HIB-supplemented drinking water devel- In this review, we have highlighted the role of WAT and
oped DAG/PKC␪ axis activation in skeletal muscle and im- liver as master controllers of substrate storage and delivery.
paired glucose tolerance (366). 3-HIB levels were shown to However, they are also prolific endocrine organs, and sev-
be elevated in muscle from db/db mice and T2D humans, eral adipokines and hepatokines have been implicated in
suggesting physiological relevance (366). This intriguing human insulin resistance. Here we limit our discussion to
mechanism thus links BCAA-induced insulin resistance retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4), adiponectin, fetuin-A
with lipid-induced insulin resistance. (FetA), and FGF21, four circulating mediators with partic-
ularly strong evidence of relevance to human insulin resis-
An alternative hypothesis proposes that elevated plasma tance.
BCAAs are a consequence of insulin resistance. This hy-
pothesis is supported by a human genetic study in which RBP4 was identified in 2005 as a gene with reciprocal tran-
risk alleles for insulin resistance were associated with higher scriptional regulation in adipose GLUT4-overexpressing
plasma BCAA levels, but risk alleles for higher BCAA levels and adipose GLUT4-null mice (935). RBP4 is a secreted
were not associated with higher HOMA-IR scores (516). protein produced by both liver and WAT, but the liver is the
Mechanistically, a potentially trivial explanation is that re- source of nearly all circulating RBP4 in mice (838). In mice,
sistance to insulin’s anabolic effects on protein synthesis transgenic overexpression of Rbp4 or chronic RBP4 admin-
results in increased circulating BCAA levels; however, insu- istration induces whole-body insulin resistance, and Rbp4
lin suppression of leucine turnover has been reported to be deletion improves insulin action (935). In three distinct hu-
similar in T2D patients and controls (299, 507). It has also man cohorts, serum RBP4 levels correlated with body mass
been proposed that, rather than BCAA catabolism promot- index (BMI), fasting plasma insulin, and impaired insulin-
ing oxidative stress, lipid availability and usage may induce stimulated peripheral glucose uptake during hyperinsuline-
oxidative stress that inhibits BCAA catabolic enzymes mic-euglycemic clamp studies (278). Furthermore, the insu-
(508). It is also possible that the decreased adipose expres- lin-sensitizing effect of exercise was highly correlated with
sion of BCAA catabolic enzymes which drives the obesity- the extent of the decrease in serum RBP4 concentration
associated increase in plasma BCAAs is secondary to insulin (278, 425). The increased adipose RBP4 expression of hu-
resistance (508). Additionally, because BCAA catabolism man obesity is associated with an approximate doubling of

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serum RBP4 concentration (277, 278). The mechanism by AdipoRon, has been reported to have beneficial effects in
which RBP4 impairs peripheral insulin action is not clear. high-fat-fed and db/db mice (590). Although AdipoRon did
Proposed mechanisms include direct activation of hepato- not affect weight gain in these models, it improved glucose
cellular lipogenic programs (924) and activation of adipose tolerance and insulin sensitivity associated with reduced
tissue macrophages (ATMs) (553, 584). The latter mecha- liver and muscle triglyceride content; ceramide levels were
nism is supported by studies employing transfer of RBP4- not specifically reported (590). The pleiotropic effects of
treated dendritic cells into wild-type mice; this intervention adiponectin are truly staggering (851, 936), and potential
increased ATM infiltration and worsened glucose tolerance intersections with insulin resistance include modulation of
(553). This paradigm unifies RBP4 with lipolysis-driven pe- ectopic lipid content, ceramide levels, and adipose tissue
ripheral and hepatic insulin resistance. inflammation. Although the molecular mechanisms of adi-
ponectin action remain incompletely understood, and the
Adiponectin was discovered in 1995 as an adipocyte-spe- contribution of reduced adiponectin levels to human dis-
cific secreted protein that circulates in high-molecular- ease remains uncertain, adiponectin agonism may neverthe-
weight oligomers at a concentration of 5–10 ␮g/ml (51, less be a promising space for therapeutic innovation.
736). Although this concentration is quite high by endo-
crine hormone standards, adiponectin’s oligomeric quarter- We previously considered SFAs in section V as ceramide
nary structure means that its molar concentration is only precursors. In that context, SFAs have been proposed to
10 –30 nM (51). Adiponectin concentrations are consis- promote insulin resistance by providing substrate for cer-
tently lower in obese humans, but generally remain in the amide biosynthesis (323). However, another proposed
5–10 ␮g/ml range (337, 850). Acute elevation of plasma mechanism for SFA-induced insulin resistance is activation
adiponectin concentrations ⬎100 ␮g/ml reduces hepatic of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling (761). Mechanisti-
glucose production, but the physiological significance of cally, the link between SFA-TLR4 signaling and insulin re-
this effect is unclear (51). The modestly decreased circulat- sistance has been proposed to involve transcriptional up-
ing adiponectin levels in humans with metabolic disease are regulation of ceramide biosynthetic enzymes (62). Al-
a reproducible finding and are widely used as a biomarker though SFAs are not ligands for TLR4 (734), the fatty acid-
for adipose tissue dysfunction, although it is unclear to binding glycoprotein FetA was later shown to be such a
what extent these small changes contribute to systemic met- ligand and to thus link SFAs to TLR4 activation (606). FetA
abolic disease. For example, the lean offspring of parents with is a hepatokine, produced by the liver and proposed to
T2D are insulin resistant but display unaltered plasma adi- activate SFA-TLR4 signaling in adipocytes; this in turn is
ponectin levels (636). Mechanistically, attempts to attribute thought to promote inflammatory cytokine production
the glucose-lowering effects of adiponectin to AMPK activa- (606). In support of this hypothesis, mice lacking FetA are
tion (932) are challenged by observations that AMPK activa- protected from diet-induced insulin resistance (525). In hu-
tion is insufficient to suppress HGP (511) and that adiponectin mans, serum FetA and NEFA concentrations show a statis-
still suppresses HGP in mice lacking the AMPK activator tical interaction; when either FetA or NEFA levels are high;
LKB1 in liver (324, 542). higher levels of the other predict impaired glucose tolerance
(798). By this mechanism, adipocyte-hepatocyte crosstalk is
An intriguing link between adiponectin and other para- proposed to be bidirectional: the hepatokine FetA induces
digms of insulin resistance was revealed in the 2011 report adipokines like IL-6 and TNF-␣, which may in turn mod-
that activation of the adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 and ulate hepatocellular signaling pathways (797). Although
AdipoR2 induces a ceramidase (i.e., ceramide-degrading) an intriguing paradigm, the overall pathophysiological
activity (324). Although likely not sufficient to explain the significance of the SFA-TLR4 axis is still uncertain. In
acute suppression of HGP by adiponectin, liver-specific ce- one study, female Tlr4⫺/⫺ mice were protected from
ramidase activation in the chronic setting is sufficient to HFD-induced insulin resistance (though males were not)
prevent hepatosteatosis and HFD-induced hepatic insulin (761). In a separate report, neither Tlr4⫺/⫺ mice nor mice
resistance (922). These findings provide one possible mech- with knockdown of TLR4 or adapter protein MyD88
anism for the many models linking adiponectin to insulin were protected from SFA-induced ceramide accumula-
sensitivity, such as the ob/ob adiponectin transgenic mice, tion, DAG/PKC␧ axis activation, or hepatic insulin resis-
which display approximately threefold increased circulat- tance (253). Additionally, FetA has been shown to di-
ing adiponectin and normal insulin sensitivity despite rectly impair INSR tyrosine kinase activity (indeed, it
weighing up to twice as much as obese ob/ob controls (408). was discovered in this context) (30, 524, 793), so it may
Remarkably, acute inducible deletion of adiponectin is suf- not be necessary to invoke TLR4 signaling to explain the
ficient to rapidly (within 2 wk) induce hepatic insulin resis- effect of FetA on cellular insulin action.
tance, in concert with increased hepatic lipid uptake and
increased hepatic ceramides (923). Together, these results Finally, the hepatokine FGF21 has received tremendous in-
suggest that AdipoR1/2 agonism might be an effective strat- terest for its ability to increase FAO and energy expenditure
egy to treat insulin resistance, and indeed, such an agonist, and to decrease plasma lipids (738, 797). Pharmacological

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doses of FGF21 improve insulin sensitivity even in lean, drial dysfunction of aged and insulin-resistant humans fa-
chow-fed mice and reverse insulin resistance in fat-fed mice, cilitates positive energy balance and ectopic lipid storage.
effects attributable in part to reduced ectopic lipid accumu- Adipose tissue inflammation drives lipolysis, increasing
lation (112). But with species-specific, tissue-specific, and substrate delivery to nonadipose tissues. We therefore pro-
dose-dependent roles in seemingly contradictory physiolog- pose an integrated model of insulin resistance in which sev-
ical processes, a complete understanding of FGF21 physi- eral simultaneous responses to nutrient oversupply con-
ology is still elusive (233). For example, although rodent verge and collide to facilitate ectopic lipid accumulation
studies have largely focused on FGF21 as a mediator of the and consequent insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and
physiological response to fasting, plasma FGF21 concentra- liver (FIGURE 19).
tions in humans are not increased until 10 days of fasting
(227, 233). Additionally, FGF21 levels are paradoxically If overnutrition is the central driver of all these metabolic
increased in obese and insulin-resistant humans, suggesting defects, then the most obvious therapeutic option is calorie
that obesity may be an FGF21-resistant state (123, 953). restriction. Although the cellular effects of caloric restric-
Indeed, FGF21 resistance, as measured by signaling re- tion are complex and incompletely understood, the physio-
sponses, is apparent in obese mice (232). Because the fatty logical effects of applying a hypocaloric diet to an obese
acid-regulated transcription factor PPAR␣ positively regu- insulin-resistant subject represent a useful test of the hy-
lates FGF21 expression, it has been proposed that the hepa- potheses presented in this review. Recently, Perry et al.
tosteatosis of obesity drives increases in circulating FGF21, (625) catalogued the metabolic consequences of a 3-day
which in turn promotes the FGF21 resistance of obesity very-low-calorie diet (VLCD; 25% of normal caloric in-
(233). However, just as pharmacological insulin dosing take) in a rat model of insulin-resistant T2D (4 wk of
achieves glycemic control despite insulin resistance in peo- high-fat feeding or Western diet followed by low-dose
ple with T2D, FGF21 and FGF21 analogs may have poten- streptozotocin/nicotinamide to achieve fasting hypergly-
tial for the treatment of hepatic steatosis and nonalcoholic cemia). Without significantly reducing body weight,
steatohepatitis (NASH) in humans despite FGF21 resis- VLCD achieved near-normalization of plasma glucose and
tance (252, 264, 824). Unfortunately, osteopenia is a major insulin levels. This was associated with reductions in IHTG,
on-target adverse effect that may limit the clinical utility of
hepatic acetyl CoA, hepatic membrane-associated DAG,
FGF21 or its analogues (824, 893).
and hepatic PKC␧ activation; parameters that did not
change included hepatic ceramides, plasma glucagon, a
VIII. SUMMARY panel of inflammatory cytokines, plasma FGF21, plasma
BCAAs, and hepatic ER stress markers (625). In hyperinsu-
The sheer complexity of biological systems means that any linemic-euglycemic clamp studies, VLCD resulted in in-
effort to understand insulin resistance with a unified, suc- creased AKT activation and insulin suppression of HGP
cinct, and straightforward model may be a fool’s errand. (625). Interestingly, both direct and indirect components of
Certainly normal insulin action, despite sharing important hepatic insulin action were improved by VLCD; the im-
effectors among different cell types, performs myriad func- provements in HGP seen with VLCD could be abrogated by
tions that are not particularly amenable to encapsulation. In acetate infusion (to prevent VLCD-induced decreases in he-
particular, understanding the intricate relationship between patic acetyl CoA) or recapitulated by a glycogen phosphor-
insulin control of both lipid and carbohydrate metabolism ylase inhibitor (to simulate VLCD-induced improvements
has proved a worthy challenge for generations of investiga- in insulin-stimulated hepatic glycogen synthesis) (625). The
tors (532). But in considering the several putative mediators utility of this rapid intervention is that it helps to distinguish
of insulin resistance discussed in the preceding sections, it is the parameters that drive hyperglycemia from those that are
tempting both to note potential areas of unification and to secondary consequences or exacerbating factors. The re-
veer into teleological speculation. sults incriminate hepatic DAG-PKC␧ axis activation and
metabolite-driven gluconeogenesis.
The fundamental element linking all putative mediators of
insulin resistance is a relationship to nutrient oversupply. Yet all studies have limitations, and a major limitation of
Each mechanism discussed in this review is proposed to the above study is one shared by much of the work cited in
cause insulin resistance by either increasing nutrient-de- this review: the use of a rodent model to draw inferences
rived toxic metabolites (DAG, ceramide, acylcarnitine, about human pathophysiology. One of the rodent-human
BCAA), overdriving nutrient utilization processes (ER differences most germane to the study of insulin resistance is
stress, oxidative stress), or responding to nutrient stress- the order in which tissues develop insulin resistance upon
mediated cellular toxicity (inflammation). Moreover, the overnutrition. In rodents, just a few days of high-fat feeding
pathophysiology of insulin resistance driven by cellular is sufficient to cause hepatic steatosis and hepatic insulin
stress pathways and by inflammation shares common resistance; skeletal muscle insulin resistance requires several
threads with the insulin resistance induced by bioactive lip- weeks to develop (429). In those weeks, meanwhile, WAT
ids. ER stress promotes de novo lipogenesis. The mitochon- expands and eventually becomes inflamed, stimulating li-

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White adipose PC
tissue Acetyl
CoA Gluconeogenesis
Adipocyte β-oxidation
Macrophage death
infiltration Glycerol Glycogen
Hepatic insulin synthesis
JNK resistance

Nutrient stress NEFA

IL-1β Adipose signaling
? insulin
resistance Glycerol INSR
NEFA Hepatic glucose production

Glycerol Skeletal INSR

Lipolysis Plasma glucose Muscle
NEFA insulin
Overnutrition transport DAG/PKCθ


FIGURE 19. An integrated physiological perspective on tissue insulin resistance. Chronic overnutrition is the
ultimate cause of systemic insulin resistance and promotes insulin resistance by both tissue-autonomous and
crosstalk-dependent mechanisms. Chronic overnutrition promotes lipid accumulation in skeletal muscle and
liver, which causes insulin resistance in those tissues. Additionally, chronic overnutrition poses a nutrient
stress to adipocytes, resulting in adipocyte insulin resistance and adipocyte death. Increases in the adipokine
RBP4 and other proinflammatory signals lead to the recruitment of macrophages to white adipose tissue.
Inflammatory signaling in macrophages, including activation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), leads to the
elaboration of paracrine mediators such as tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF␣), interleukin-1␤ (IL-1␤), and others.
These inflammatory cytokines may increase adipocyte lipolysis either directly or indirectly by impairing insulin
signaling. The increased adipocyte lipolysis of inflammation increases nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) and
glycerol turnover. This has direct (glycerol conversion to glucose) and indirect [NEFA-derived acetyl CoA
activation of pyruvate carboxylase (PC)] stimulatory effects on gluconeogenesis, and also promotes accumu-
lation of intrahepatic triglyceride (IHTG) and consequent lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance, which impairs
insulin stimulation of net hepatic glycogen synthesis. Together, these effects increase hepatic glucose produc-
tion. Chronically increased lipolysis may also facilitate the accumulation of intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) and
consequent lipid-induced muscle insulin resistance. The decreased glucose disposal of muscle insulin resis-
tance increases glucose availability for the liver, which in turn promotes IHTG accumulation and worsens
hepatic insulin resistance.

polysis and in turn hepatic gluconeogenesis (620). In hu- Indeed, adipose tissue insulin resistance is a particularly
mans, available evidence points to skeletal muscle insulin exciting topic of active exploration (176). WAT is adapted
resistance as the first defect; the young, healthy, lean off- to store excess energy and can do so prolifically without
spring of type 2 diabetics display skeletal muscle insulin inducing metabolic derangements [evidenced most dramat-
resistance but normal IHTG and normal hepatic insulin ically by the adiponectin transgenic ob/ob mouse, which
action (639). Muscle insulin resistance promotes hepatic remains normally insulin sensitive despite morbid obesity
lipogenesis, however, and eventually NAFLD and hepatic (408)]. As a result, some paradigms of nutrient stress well
insulin resistance develop. How adipose insulin resistance characterized in skeletal muscle and liver, such as lipid-
fits into this paradigm in humans remains relatively uncer- induced insulin resistance, do not obviously translate to the
tain. white adipocyte. Gross measurement of tissue lipids such as

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DAG in a cell type that is at least 50% lipid by mass (528) anabolism may have greater costs (e.g., oxidative and ER
is unlikely to reveal meaningful information. Yet chronic stresses) than benefits.
overnutrition clearly constitutes a stress for adipocytes; the
crownlike structures that blemish obese WAT are adipocyte Another possibility is that insulin resistance represents a
tombstones. The development of new techniques to study multi-organ physiological response that benefits the or-
the spatiotemporal compartmentalization of metabolic ganism by promoting calorie storage in WAT in times of
fluxes may enable investigation of the seemingly paradoxi- nutritional plenty. Shutting down insulin-stimulated an-
cal hypothesis that a cell specialized for lipid storage could abolic fluxes in muscle and liver should shunt substrate to
also be vulnerable to lipotoxicity. Inflammation is a prom- alternative destinations such as WAT. The chief flaw in
inent putative mediator of adipose insulin resistance, but this conception is that WAT also becomes insulin resis-
HFDs seem to cause adipose insulin resistance before the tant upon overnutrition, although perhaps through dif-
development of detectable adipose inflammation. ER stress ferent mechanisms than liver and skeletal muscle.
is present in obese WAT and appears related to lipolysis,
but this potential link requires further study. The essential A final interesting teleology that applies to lipid-induced
role of adipose tissue in the integrated physiology of insulin insulin resistance in particular treats insulin resistance as a
action has been a major theme of metabolic research in the beneficial adaptation to fasting. Fasting promotes lipolysis
21st century (735), yet a deeper mechanistic understanding and increases relative lipid utilization; as a result, fasting
of the underpinnings of adipose tissue insulin resistance is induces triglyceride accumulation in liver and skeletal mus-
urgently needed. cle (306, 796). Fasting has been shown to induce profound
skeletal muscle insulin resistance in humans (519, 887); this
Physiological systems seek homeostasis (424), so the teleol- does not occur in mice (306), but mouse studies are com-
ogy of insulin resistance should be viewed through a ho- plicated by the significant body composition changes
meostatic lens. However, because evolution did not occur in (~10% body weight loss) induced by even overnight fasting.
an environment of permanent caloric surplus, it is also pos- Lipid-induced insulin resistance in liver and skeletal muscle
sible that the physiological consequences of insulin resis- could serve a useful purpose during fasting by favoring
tance at best are meant to be temporary and at worst are gluconeogenesis, minimizing glycogen storage, and con-
adventitious. Mechanistically, the phosphorylation events serving glucose for the CNS. Consistent with this hypothe-
and other signaling phenomena that produce insulin resis- sis, DAG accumulation, PKC activation, and inhibition of
tance may represent appropriately activated negative-feed- IRK activity have been observed in starved rat liver (387,
back mechanisms. More insidiously, the phosphorylation 628). Recently, a remarkable study of river-dwelling and
events mediating insulin resistance could result from a cave-dwelling populations of the Mexican tetra fish pro-
coopting of normal negative-feedback mechanisms by vided evolutionary support for the starvation-adaptation
pathologically activated kinases not normally essential to hypothesis of insulin resistance (690). Fish adapted to the
the insulin response (e.g., nPKCs) but evolutionarily similar nutrient-scarce cave environment were markedly insulin re-
enough to the kinases mediating normal negative feedback sistant, in many cases due to a partial loss-of-function mu-
(e.g., S6K1) to phosphorylate similar substrates in the right tation in the insulin receptor (690). The cavefish develop
context. This could only have occurred if a permanently larger fat depots and are better able to maintain their body
overnourished cellular milieu was rare enough in evolution- weight during starvation (690). Although the cavefish have
ary history to not exert significant selection pressure against other possibly independent metabolic adaptations such as
this adventitious pathological use of physiological negative- decreased metabolic rate and altered circadian periodicity,
feedback mechanisms. Although this scenario is possible, these observations suggest that insulin resistance is evolu-
there are nevertheless several viable hypotheses treating in- tionarily selected for in nutrient-limited environments.
sulin resistance as an appropriate, nonaccidental homeo- However, other evidence for this hypothesis is lacking, par-
static mechanism. tially due to the marked dissimilarity in fasting responses
between mice and humans. Additionally, fasting is a hypo-
Plausibly, insulin resistance could have evolved as a cell- insulinemic state in which the physiological relevance of
autonomous protective response to nutrient oversupply. insulin resistance is not obvious beyond serving to prime the
The organellar nutrient stress responses–mitochondrial response to refeeding.
oxidative stress, ER stress– highlight the threat to cell
survival that nutritional oversupply poses. Just as ER Regardless of its physiological provenance, insulin resis-
stress induces signaling cascades that restore homeostasis tance is maladaptive in the setting of chronic overnutrition.
by promoting membrane synthesis and reducing new Understanding insulin action and resistance more com-
protein synthesis, so insulin resistance might be an ap- pletely will facilitate the intelligent use of existing antidia-
propriate response to nutrient oversupply that limits glu- betic therapies, enable the development of new therapeu-
cose utilization, macromolecule synthesis, and other an- tics, and, perhaps most importantly, inform prevention
abolic processes. In a nutrient-replete cell, continued strategies to stem the tide of type 2 diabetes.

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