Candles Colors

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Candle Color Meanings

Candle Color Meanings - Color is a form of vibrational energy which affects us on different
levels. Subconsciously, we all know how we react to different colors. Red, for instance,
stimulates and excites us, while blue is calming and soothing. The color of a candle, or of
anything in your immediate environment, is like a key which unlocks a certain compartment of
your subconscious mind, and of your entire being. Those who cannot actually see colors can
nevertheless feel their vibratory effects, because pigment is matter releasing energy at a certain
rate of speed, or wavelength. That wavelength, or frequency activates, or energizes a certain part
of your being as it penetrates your sight or your aura. Its impulses are transmitted to your brain
along the nerve routes. Each color carries the vibratory effects of one of the Planetary influences,
and / or one of the four elements - Earth, Fire, Air, or Water.

Since the beginning of time, colors have been endowed with magick. The ancient Egyptians used
color in their Temples of Healing. The Chinese and the Chaldeans used it, as did the mystics of
India who associated colors with the chakras. Pythagoras used it for healing. You cannot live
without colors, it is your omnipresent companion throughout life. The actual symbolization of
each color will be found to differ with authority, tradition, or school of thought, and in the final
analyses, the only actual true authority for you is yourself. However, if you are not quite sure
what each color means to you, or reminds you of, or makes you feel like, here are some universal
guidelines from the fields of psychology, art and religion, which you may or may not accept.

Red Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Red Candles are used for energy, health, vitality, vigor, and is used to represent the element of
Fire. Red is physical and bestows energy (general, dynamic, receptive, sexual), dynamism,
passionate love, physical desire, will power, and athletic ability (especially competitive). Red is
used for arousing anger, pure lust and for physical gratification. Red is a fiery color that attracts
and magnetizes, and it certainly is a hot aphrodisiac, it represents blood, sex, fertility, defense.
Red candles incite passion in love spells, for sexual love - burning hot and fast, but much more
passionate than romantic, holding too much energy to be gentle, but enough to be very sexual and
fertile. Red candles help to eliminate pessimism and negative attitudes, and gives strength against
Red candles are used for fast action, activity, ambition, assertiveness, battle, competition,
combativeness, desire, drive, exercise, lust, mechanical ability, sex, sexuality, sports, stamina
(physical), strength (physical). Red incites accidents, fires, and injuries. It is used in spells to
invoke power and intensity before workings of black magick. Red is inflammatory and is used in
spells for revenge, anger, courage, determination, and dealing with enemies. Red can be used for
protection against psychic attack and for self-confidence. The color red is firmly rooted in the
physical world. The burning of red candles is said to put one in touch with the power of the flesh.
Red represents temporal pleasures. It symbolizes passion and love as well as scorn and courage to
stand up to one's enemies. Red is associated with Physical work, as in healing of people and
animals. Also physical passion. Red is the power color. It is associated with command, the 1st
(Root) Chakra. Red is the color of inspiration, pride, anger, bravery, strong emotions,
purification, arid places, aggressive music (especially drumming like a heartbeat), and lightning
storms. Red is the best color to ward off danger. Use it for stability, grounding, and physical

Red stimulates fertility and personal power, it is the color of Mars, the god of war, and is the
color of courage, determination, sexual passion and potency. Red candles are burned to increase
the life force, for survival, physical health, pleasure, will power and to rouse anger - not the petty
anger of spite, but the righteous anger that, if directed positively, can overcome injustice and
bring about change. This is therefore a very powerful color and should be lit for worthy aims only
and when you are in a positive frame of mind. Those who light a red candle are tapping into
Aries and Scorpio energy. It is the color of Alchemy, and the magickal arts and sciences of
transformation, and increases magnetism in rituals. When used in black magick, red as opposed
to black brings on sudden attacks, accidents, danger, bloodshed, violence, and hatred. Red can
also be used to incite wars, anarchy, and cruelty. Mars rules red, and is masculine in nature.
Workings using the color red need the power of the root chakra and should be performed on
Tuesdays when Mars is strongly placed and waxing. Use with agate, red jasper, garnet, pyrite,
ruby, red tiger eye, or obsidian.

Planet: Mars

Day: Tuesday

Astrological Sign: Aries , Scorpio

Chakras: Root

Numerology: 5, 9

Orange Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Orange Candles are a combination of yellow (mental agility) and red (action-energy), thus you
have the best of both worlds. Orange solar energy builds vitality, energy, and stamina. Orange
candles help in spells for attracting success, prosperity, good fortune, good luck, business and
career success, and for attracting others in a positive way. Orange is outgoing and assertive, it
encourages fun and discourages laziness, it energizes the entire system. Promotes a happy-go-
lucky appearance. Orange candles help with adaptability, creativity, sexual attraction, sexual
stimulation, sex magick, and enthusiasm with a natural impulsive vivaciousness. Orange helps
with attraction, attractiveness, friendship, sudden changes, energy stimulation, gaining control,
changing luck and inciting justice. Orange candles are used for encouragement, confidence,
courage, self-esteem, independence, kindness, plenty, good health, weight loss, joy, buoyancy,
spontaneity, power, and it stimulates the actions of other candles and success. Orange is another
solar color, a color of fertility, both physical and mental, of creativity and growth. Orange candle
rituals can also be used for career matters where creativity or dealing with people's needs are

Orange candles represent pride, courage, heroism, kinship, ambition, abundance, trade,
enterprise, business deals, property deals, and matters involving the law, justice, legal cases.
Orange is attuned to warmth, spirit, will, personal strength, authority, alertness. Used as a
balancing element. Cleanses negative attitudes, situations and places, happiness, emotional
healing. Excellent for job hunting, sudden change, power to draw the good things in life. Orange
is the color associated with the performance arts and conjury (stage magics). Use an orange
candle if you lack vitality or motivation, and goal-setting when you need a push of
encouragement to achieve your goals when you don't know which direction to move in, as it is an
excellent source of stimulation, energy, and willpower.

Use orange candles to bring yourself joy and success and for taking action. Aids in achieving
goals, cleansing negative attitudes and bringing in happiness and enthusiasm. Also used for
attracting friends and inspires emotional healing. Orange can also be used to cure fear, doubt, and
worry. Orange color brings the "kiss of life", and a positive attitude to life. Communication,
movement, and enterprise are often features of this color, and its finest attribute is bliss. The great
portrait artists of the Middle Ages understood well the power of orange. Orange is the color of
sudden change. It confers upon those who dare to wear it, a form of super-power. Few people
today (including royalty) possess the boldness required to put on orange garments. To this end,
the act of burning an orange candle is an aggressive move. One would do so to effect instant and
profound change. The lighting of orange candles is suitable for rituals occurring on the eve of
weddings or important business meetings. The Sun rules orange. Orange contains male energies.
Workings using orange energy are best performed on a Sunday when the Sun is strongly placed.
For inciting lust and sexual attraction, use the sacral and root chakras. Use with amber, agate,
carnelian, or coral.

Planet: Sun

Day: Sunday

Chakras: Sacral

Astrological Sign: Leo

Numerology: 1, 8

Yellow Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Yellow Candles are used to symbolize brainpower, focus, concentration, intellect, creativity,
logic, learning, to improve visualization, to improve memory. Use yellow for confidence, charm,
persuasion, attractiveness, to compel another to do your bidding, also for inspiration, knowledge,
wisdom, mental strength and clarity, communication. It stimulates your personal power and self-
esteem, and promotes cheerfulness and an optimistic outlook. Use it to invoke or represent the
element of Air. He or she who lights a yellow candle is seeking to access the wisdom of the ages,
and garner control over the full benefit of their own mental powers. The light of a yellow candle
brings one closer to attaining the endurance, stability and security they crave. Yellow candles are
used in workings for passing exams, and for increasing one’s intelligence, to gain insight into
problems. Yellow energy rules over the logical conscious side of the brain, computers,
communication, audio, video, TV, electronics, books, literature and the will, promotes the self,
represents all institutions of learning and all areas of study, particularly upper level studies
(especially in sciences). Alters dark mental mood swings. Enhances the knowledge of healing,
the ability to concentrate, and the retention of memory.

Yellow candles are used to improve the mind, to deepen concentration, for mental (left-brained
power), to enhance learning ability, and for speech, writing, and publishing. Magick loves yellow
because it is the color of success. Yellow is also for careers in business, communications or
media concerns. Use yellow to break mental blocks, eliminates obstacles, and for good luck on a
journey. Yellow is one of the colors associated with the East and the element of Air. Yellow
candles are recommended for spells which are intended to heighten visualization abilities. Yellow
is used for mental clarity, activity, comfort, joy, swift action, accuracy. Yellow also has a cheery,
positive disposition that is full of charisma, this is the perfect choice for spells to enhance your
career, fulfill your ambition, attain your goals, and generally improve your finances. Yellow
candles encourage activity of all kinds, but especially mental exercise. Yellow attracts people, as
it has a warm compelling energy. Use them in rituals where you wish to gain another person's
confidence and approval, or to win someone around in business. Use yellow candles to build
good relationships of all types.

Yellow candles rule over gossip, jealousy, slander, interviews, brothers, sisters, neighbors,
rumors, theft. Spiritually, yellow can be used for astral travel (along with blue and purple).
Yellow is also used to overcome addictions, and to break habits. Yellow is sunny, a positive
disposition with spiritual attuning to the healing forces of male energy, and is also good for
friendship. Use a yellow candle if you are feeling lonely, helpless, or depressed. Yellow can also
help enhance your communication skills, and encourage honest open communication, especially
in relationships. Yellow should also be used whenever you feel hemmed in, limited, or frustrated.
In workings of black magick, yellow is used to incite infidelity, cowardice, decay, disease, dying,
insanity, and inconsistency in others. Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods, rules over the
color yellow. Yellow is associated with mental work, meditation, will, intellect, and used in
divination, fortune telling and prophecy. Gives confidence in spell casting, will and imagination
power in rituals. Another version of gold, yellow is the color of friendship, goodness and faith.
Golden yellow is the color of charm, trust, Summer, bright sounds such as children's laughter,
and upbeat music. Pastel yellow tends more towards Spring, psychic endeavors and creativity.
Yellow is a terrific color to improve balance, self-esteem, charisma, divination and creativity.
Use it also for strength of will, vitality, purpose and effectiveness. Workings using yellow energy
need the power of the 3rd solar plexus chakra. For anything pertaining to intellect and
communication, do the working on a Wednesday. Use with yellow jasper, yellow calcite, golden
tiger eye or citrine.

Planet: Mercury

Day: Wednesday

Chakras: Solar Plexus

Astrological Sign: Gemini , Virgo

Numerology: 1, 12

Green Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Green Candles are used in spells for beginnings, growth, fertility, nature, renewal, rejuvenation,
harmony, balance, the productive meadows of the Earth, healing, good health, to retain or regain
a youthful appearance, goals, money, financial success, good luck, good fortune, earning
increases, financial or material gain, possessions, riches, abundance, cooperation, generosity,
charity, matrimony, and is a symbol of the Goddess and her green earth. This meaning can be
traced back through the ages to when prosperity meant a bountiful harvest. Light a green candle
when you want to mediate and reflect on nature, growth, healing and the good luck that makes
finding employment or business success possible. Green stimulates all types of growth, of your
garden, your crops, your finances, or the money in your wallet. This color is excellent for wealth
building spells, bringing a vibration of self-love and self-fulfillment that allows the issues of
money to be transcended. In the United States, green is the color of money, making green perfect
for money drawing spells. Business, career, achievement of personal goals, job placement, and
work are all positively affected by green, bringing good luck to you in your workplace.

Green candles are a color that is associated with anything to do with growth, from fertility to
harvest, to include green in your spell is to ensure health and success. Green candles represent
Earth magick, physical and emotional healing, youth rejuvenation, and renewal. Assists
agriculture to encourage a good harvest. Use it to invoke or represent the Earth element. In
workings for health and healing, green is an anti-inflammatory. Green is used in spells for love,
marriage, and making love. Green influences affection, opposed to red (which is used for
passionate love, lust, and sex). Green also influences fidelity, reconciliation, justice, beauty,
youth, attracts love, friendships, social functions and delights, indulgence, pleasure, antiques,
treasure, worldly possesions, healing cancer, helping with female problems, as well as to find
romantic love through activating the heart chakra. Green is also used in any circumstance
requiring a fresh, healthier outlook, or a repeat or renewal of a spell in order to perpetuate it, or
protect it from deterioration. Use a green candle when you feel confused, angry, or out of control.
Green also helps relieve stress, tension, resentment, and impatience. Green is useful if you are
con-dependent, or feel emotionally unstable.

Green candles are also used in rituals to counteract jealousy and greed. In workings of black
magick, green is used for inciting jealousy, greed, suspicion, resentment, sickness, disease, and
disharmony. Communication with the plant kingdom (darker greens) or fairies (pastels). As the
fairy color, they are also potent in rituals for good luck. The secrets of healing are yours when
you tune in to this color. Use in conjunction with herbal healing techniques. Green can also be
used alone or with brown for communicating with nature spirits. Green is one of the colors
associated with North and the element of Earth and is very enticing to plant life or garden fairies
who are happy to ensure the continued abundance in your life. Green is the color of vegetation, as
in gardening and Herbalism (Wortcunning). Fertility, hope, joy, delight, growth and change are
all aspects of green. Forest green is connected with fertility, the body, courage and classical
music or wilderness sounds. Ivy green represents the emotional aspects, coping with grief,
cliffside ponderings, and hushed music or silence. Pale green, as in the color of new grass, aids
the healing process. Venus is the planet that rules the color green, is a feminine energy, and she is
the goddess of love, and is associated with candle rituals for love and for all matters that require
emotion, sympathy and empathy. It is also the color of Mother Earth and so is potent for healing,
for rites involving the natural world, herbs, gardening and tree and plant magic, for growth and
by association - the growth of money in prosperity rituals. When green candles are used in rituals
for wealth, they tend to encourage a gradual increase in profits or resources. Workings using
green energy should be performed during a waxing moon on a Friday when Venus is strongly
placed. Spells using green need the power of the heart chakra. Use with jade, aventurine, peridot,
or green tourmaline.

Planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Chakras: Heart

Astrological Sign: Taurus , Libra

Numerology: 2, 3, 7

Blue Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Blue Candles are good to use in spells pertaining to spiritual well being, meditation, healing, rest,
serenity, patience and kindness, inner calm, peace from within, sincerity, influencing fidelity and
loyalty, for knowledge and wisdom, obtaining truth and light, and first contact with Higher Self.
Blue helps entrain religious beliefs into a pure and healthy state. Blue candles can also be used
for establishing harmony in the home, for increasing occult wisdom and power, spiritual
protection, burned for dream magick and prophetic dreams, and for summoning demons. Use a
blue candle if you are feeling indecisive, nervous, or unable to think clearly. A blue candle will
also help if you are lacking in faith, hope, or courage, impulsiveness, or depression. Fear of
flying, and other forms of travel can be helped by burning a blue candle. Promotes a peaceful
home, house blessings, healing, curing fevers, re-uniting friendships, breaking bad habits,
overcoming addiction, clearing atmosphere where there are arguments or trauma. Meditate with a
blue candle to help focus your mind, and use in spells to affect sleep or to awaken the psychic

Blue candles transform violence, anger, and hate. Blue gives peace, calm, harmony, satisfaction,
bliss, oneness, and understanding of the spiritual realms. Blue is one of the colors associated with
West and the element of Water, is the color of emotional work, it soothes and cools. In its
brighter shades, it is a color of inspiration and clear communication. The deep blues are good for
legal matters, wisdom, royalty, protection. Devotion, honor, and loyalty are represented by the
deeper shades of blue. Blue is an excellent color for business success, as it balances logic with
intuition. Protection, sleep, and prophetic dreams are assisted by the color blue. In magic, blue
can expand the boundaries of possibility and create confidence and power mingled with altruism
and idealism. Burn a blue candle when principles are at stake, to discover the truth and receive
guidance, when dealing with government and when seeking justice. Blue candles can be lit for
the expansion of mental horizons, for success and the increase of possibility. They also represent
the expansion of physical horizons and travel. Above all, blue offers protection and calm in the
midst of times of crisis and turmoil. Considered the color of wisdom, thoughtfulness, and
celestial regions. A feeling of youthfulness fills this color. Blue is an excellent hue for
peacefulness and profound reflection. Use it for harmony, communication, and resonance.

Blue can be ruled by either Jupiter (royal blue, Thursday), the Moon (light blue, Monday), or
Saturn (dark blue, Saturday) - depending on the hue, because there is different shades of blue
with different energies and is the one color that can be a bit confusing. However, many consider
Royal Blue as belonging to the expansive male energies of Jupiter and other father / sky gods in
their role as law-givers and powerful rulers. Light or pale blue candles is another very spiritual
color, they are more in tune with lunar energy, intuition, communication, meditation, and inner
wisdom, and radiate Aquarian energy (calm waters) and are ideal for pursuing inspirational
meditations. Those who light a blue candle are seeking truth, harmony, peace, brings calm and
conciliation, agreement, and guidance while amplifying their creativity and perception, it helps in
piety or devotional or inspirational meditations, employ where a situation must be synthesized.
The blue pearl of wisdom that Buddha speaks of is a gentle light blue and imparts harmony,
tranquility, understanding, patience, peace, and health. Burning a dark blue candle promotes joy
and laughter, and influences dreams and emotions, and helps against moodiness, depression,
unfortunate circumstances, impulsivness, unsteadiness. Royal blue promotes laughter and
joviality, signifies loyalty and fealty, influence, and stirs the spiritual self and this color of candle
is invoked by seekers of truth. For workings of black magick, blue can be used for inciting
depression, sadness, and hopelessness, lack of sympathy, coldness, and gloom. Jupiter rules royal
blue, and so workings using blue energy should be done on Thursday. Spells using blue need the
power of the throat chakra. Use with sodalite, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate and turquoise.

Planet: Jupiter

Day: Thursday

Chakras: Throat

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius (sky blue), co-ruler in Pisces

Numerology: 4, 6

Purple Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Purple candles are used to aid meditation, for enhancing psychic ability, awakening your 3rd eye
chakra, intuition, visions, scrying, divination, astral travel, past-life work, fortune telling,
bringing wisdom, spiritual power, increasing your magical powers, enhancing spiritual activities,
help make contact with the spiritual world, spiritual awakening, spiritual protection, ancient
wisdom, to remove curses, for healing, enthusiasm, idealism, financial affairs, business success,
material wealth, power, supremacy, royalty, sovereignty, dignity, ambition, control, command,
mastery, honor, respect, recognition, and for influencing people in power. In combination with
blue candles, they can be used in healing rituals, and it is a severe illness cure. Meditate regularly
with a purple candle to reduce stress or insomnia. Considered the color of royalty, purple
represents judgment, industry, and religious thought, the planet Jupiter, Thursday, the 7th
(Crown) Chakra and old age. It is also associated with several astrological signs: Gemini, Virgo,
Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces. Use purple candles as your focus specifically for spiritual centering
and meditation, as well as expanded consciousness and cosmic awareness.

If you want to do something in a big way, this is the color to use. Purple is the color of expansion
of what you already have, in all forms. Purple expands anything you desire, such as spirituality,
business, money, health, or love. Money begets money, the rich get richer, poverty begets
poverty, the poor get poorer. Purple brings more of what you already have, in a bigger way.
Wisdom, high idealism, knowledge of the higher realms of magick, spiritual protection and
healing, the becoming of your highest potential, becoming your god / goddess self, reversal of a
jinxed condition. Manipulation of law, business, commerce, courts, judges, people in a position
of power over you. Enhancement of power, psychic ability, male energy. Influence older men of
power and women with a strong male nature. Protective energy, bestows fame, power, and
recognition in a chosen field. Progressive energies that continually expand and build.

Purple candles represent the wise teacher and keeper of hidden knowledge, unconscious wisdom,
the higher self. It is the color of the mystic. People with purple or violet in their auras are
sensitive and extremely aware. They need a great deal of time on their own. In magic, purple
candle rituals provide a link with higher dimensions and can bring happiness to all who yearn for
something beyond the material plane. Purple candles aid mirror scrying, and are good for psychic
protection and for the prevention of nightmares. Purple candles can also be used for all rituals
where the facts are not clear, for matters of secrecy, for healing the spirit and banishing what lies
in the past but still haunts the present, and for remembering departed loved ones.

Students of esoterism believe that purple candles have the power to cancel out the negative
effects of bad karma. Ancient wisdom holds that the color purple is associated with the third eye.
Burning a purple candle can enhance psychic powers. The color has a meaning steeped in
meditation, divination and hidden knowledge. Those who burn purple candles do so to expand
upon what they already have. They may also wish to obtain spiritual protection, find recognition,
or seek reconciliation with something that exists in the realm of the spirits. Purple is effectively
used against black magick, demonic possession, to drive away evil, and for spiritual and psychic
healing. It is also used to through up a veil of spiritual protection. For workings of black magick,
purple can be used to incite tyranny, abuse of power, and for bringing sadness and treachery to
others. Jupiter rules purple. Workings using the color purple should be performed on Thursdays.
Workings for psychic power need the energy of the sixth chakra and the third eye and should be
performed on Mondays when the Moon is strongly placed and full. Purple's energies are male and
the best day for purple candle rituals is Thursday. Use with amethyst, sugilite, peacock ore,
purple kunzite and purple fluorite.
Planet: Jupiter , Neptune

Day: Thursday

Chakras: 3rd Eye

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius , Pisces

Numerology: 7, 8

White Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

White candles are used for for cleansing, purification, healing, blessings, protection, purity,
chastity, truth, sincerity, peace, spirituality, enlightment, prophecy, clairvoyance, clarity, rest,
wholeness and joy. White also heals emotions, provides protection, repels negative energy,
relieves tension and aids in meditation. The white candle represents happiness, unity, and is the
highest spirituality and the highest level of consciousness to protect, purify, and heal. White
represents truth, unity, harmony, and wholeness of spirit. The user who burns a white candle is
invoking lunar energy. Since all colors are derived from pure white light, it is the balanced
presence of all colors in synthesis, so white candles can be substituted for any other color in
many rituals if necessary if what you want is unavailable at the time. It therefore gives off a very
positive and powerful vibrtion. The color white eliminates negative feelings and encourages a
positive approach to life. Used for concentration rituals and meditation work.

White candles are used in protective, consecration and cleansing rituals, for healing the whole
person, for spiritual matters, and for contact with one's higher self and angels or spirit guides. In
magic, white represents light and clear vision, and so is helpful where a new beginning or a
sudden burst of energy and enthusiasm is needed. White is a good color for rites-of-passage
work, especially for birth, marriage and welcoming rituals. Like silver, white is associated with
female energies, lunar rituals, so a white candle is especially potent on Monday, the day of the
moon. White is the color of Ceremonial Magick, as it is used for all types of ceremonies and
rituals. The color of purity, white represents friendship, infancy. Crystal white is the color of
sincerity, divinity, transformation and singular focused sounds such as a gong or bell. White is
also the color of The Goddess, and so used in all forms of blessings.

White candles are a pastel combination of all colors, white reflects light with little to no
absorption. Whenever in doubt in a magickal act, use white, which is the most highly balanced
form of spirituality possible. White contains virtues in their highest form, and is therefore very
protective. It is the creative Source itself, zero, the alpha, the light from which all life springs, the
female aspect of God, the craft of the wise, the full of the moon, the symbol of the life giving
Mother, and all female mysteries. White seems unreachable, untouchable, incorruptible, it repels
destructive energies, it raises vibrations, heals emotions, heals births, heals rapes, heals children
and pets, balances the aura, and confounds enemies. White Candles are for purity and innocence.
The Moon should be strong. For workings of black magick, white can be used to incite
corruption, bring impotence, and to destroy the sex drive. White can also be used to create
weakness, neurosis, and fear. The Moon rules white. Workings using white energy should be
performed on a Monday and need the energy of the third eye. Use with diamonds, clear crystals,
moonstones or other white stones.

Planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Chakras: Crown

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Numerology: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9

Black Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Black candles are used to fight evil and to provide protection, to absorb or remove, to unblock,
for binding, banishing, reversing curses and hexes, uncrossing rituals, absorbing or destroying
negative energies, repelling black magick, protection from illness or evil, removing confusion,
ridding of bad habits, healing discord, shapeshifting, and meditation rituals. Black candles are
often associated with evil magic, but this is not true. Black candles can be used for positive rituals
such as those to absorb illness or stop bad habits. Black opens the levels of the subconscious
mind, is used in spells and rituals to elicite a deeper meditative state or to ban bad or negative
things. Black absorbs all colors, and is often used to absorb or banish negativity. Black candles
enhance inner strength, resilience and self-control, and can be used in meditation to delve deeper
into the unconscious. Also burned for powerful healing and support through loss and grief. The
burning of a black candle is serious business. This is done when one wants to neutralize negative
energies. The color black offers protection from illness, evil and the negative energy cast upon
you from outside forces. The black candle is also burned to harness the healing energy of the
universe. Black is the intense concentration of all colors, it absorbs light. Unlike other colors,
black reflects very little, if any, light back to the viewer. This can give the false impression that
black is the absence of color. It is actually the absence of color reflection. Think of this color as a
black hole in space. It absorbs all light with little or no reflection back, thus it becomes a
receptacle or a transport of all that you do not need or want. Properly used, black can be one of
the most useful and powerful colors available. However, misused, it can cause disaster. Use black
candles to absorb or remove anything, to end something, to remove or encase undesirable
energies, to break up a blocked or stagnant situation. The great mystery solver. Represents the
Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess, and the unconscious.

Black candles, which are ruled by Saturn, can be potent in all forms of banishing magic, for
leaving behind old sorrows and redundant relationships, for acknowledging grief and for rituals
of parting. Black, like brown, is the color of acceptance, whether of a restriction or of the frailties
of self or others, and so it is a candle color of forgiveness. Black is another earth color, containing
both male and female energies. Rituals using these candles are best practiced on a Saturday.
Many people consider black to be a negative or sinister color. However, it can also be
sophisticated, worldly, and surprising. It is related to secrets and protection. You should not use
black candles if you consider them evil or dangerous. Black candles contain enormous power,
and can be used in magic where you are attempting to discover a secret, or are trying to determine
the truth about something. Black candles can also be used whenever you want to draw out
negative energies, such as an illness. Black candles should not be used by children, or by people
who are emotionally drained. This is because black contains powerful energies that need to be
handled carefully. A black candle exorcises evil spirits, cures severe diseases, absorbs and
destroys negative energy, eliminates obstacles. Used for deep states of meditation, opens up deep
subconsciousness levels. Can be used to banish evil or ward off negativity as in uncrossing
rituals. Also used in destructive magic.

Black is the color of Sorcery and the "Dark Arts," relating Saturnian energies. As the color of
night, black represents foreboding, fortitude, and consistency because of the need to "make it
through the darkness." Black is sometimes used as a protective color for magickal tools,
especially handles and wrappings. It is also used when trying to banish a bad habit, turn
negativity, or make drastic life changes. Black candles used in workings of destruction are used
to incite the slower destruction of enemies, opposed to accidents or sudden attacks associated
with the color red. Black is also a good color to use to bring discord and confusion to enemies.
Black can be used for protection, binding negative forces, and breaking up obstacles and blocks.
Black can also be used to reverse and break up negative thoughtforms. Black absorbs, conceals,
creates confusion and chaos, is used for new beginnings, and obtaining knowledge of hidden
things. Black is the container of light, and is one of the most powerful of colors. Saturn rules
black. Saturn is used for retribution and when we have been wronged - revenge. Be careful, you
may feel that you need to punish someone at once with a Hex and make them suffer! That is real
power, yeah? Wrong! Remember the laws of return, and avoid this temptation! This is most
probably why Saturn is the teacher. Black influences self-control, endurance, and patience. Spells
using black energy are best performed during a waning Moon, on a Saturday when the planet
Saturn is strongly placed and waxing. Spells using black need the power of the root chakra. Use
with jet, obsidian, tourmaline or onyx.

Planet: Saturn

Day: Saturday

Chakras: Root

Astrological Sign: Capricorn , co-ruler in Aquarius

Numerology: 8, 13

Lavender Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Lavender candles are used in spells for peace, gentleness, calmness, tranquility, protection
(spiritual), consecrate / bless, inner healing, growth (spiritual), insight, introspection, marriage,
the otherworld / underworld, divination, dream work, psychic ability, intuition, paranormal,
sensitivity, dignity and spiritual shields. This color is even a much softer side to purple, softer
than violet but with a hint of pink, it reflects the Mother consciousness, manifestation and
selflessness, spirituality, compassion, understanding, inspiration, make contact with Higher-Self,
attract spiritual assistance, very calming.
Planets: Neptune , Venus

Day: Friday

Chakras: Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye

Astrological Sign: Libra , Pisces

Brown Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Brown candles are used in spells for balance, grounding, stability, nurturing, Earth magick,
animal magick, home magick, friendships, agriculture, travel, increase, material gain, attracts
money, helps overcome a financial crisis, material gain, wealth, financial success (especially
when combined with green), healing, longevity, beginnings, rebirth / renewal. Brown is the color
of our Earth, and represents the element of Earth, and is very comforting, nurturing, fertile, and
stable, and holds a grounded balanced vibration and a firm connection to the land. Assists in
order, organization, common sense, eliminates indecisiveness, promotes concentration (especially
when combined with yellow), learning, focus, clear thinking and decision-making. Promotes
intuition, psychic powers, ESP, and telepathic abilities, to help find lost items. To acquire basic
material needs for survival, to learn to ground and center your consciousness with the Earth, to
obtain money that is not transient by working with your hands, example laborer, farmer,
gardener, etc., to attune with trees (reddish-brown) and communicate with their intelligence.

Used brown candles with Earth Magick, it balances the connection with nature and the
surrounding world. It is Earth energy and the color of soil, and its vibration is concentrated in the
material plane. It is feminine in its nature and related to its sisters the Moon and Saturn. Being a
relatively balanced combination of red, yellow, and blue, depending on the intensity level, it can
be used successfully on Monday, Friday, or Saturday. Brown is one of the more complex colors,
with varied associations. The individual who supplicates in the presence of a burning brown
candle is sending a message to the universe that they respect the dignity and solemnity of Mother
Earth (they are well-grounded), and that they acknowledge the delicate balance of all things
living on this Earth. Brown candles are used in rituals to regain balance, seek refuge from chaos,
eliminate indecisiveness, and develop meaningful friendships. Foot chakra is one of the most
important chakras as it helps pass the Divine Energy to Mother Earth, which makes grounding
powerful. Feet have root extended into the Earth. Healthy foot chakra helps pass energy to all the
chakras, as the energy is derived from Earth.

Since brown candles are associated with the Earth, they are used for spells regarding security,
property, and real estate. Some people like to burn brown candles in times of financial crises, as it
is known to attract money and financial success. Brown candles may be used to attract the Earth
Spirits. Brown is also connected to sorrow. Brown is reliable, conservative, unchanging,
stubborn, and obliging. Brown candles should be used if your magick is connected with real
estate, or concerns making amends for a wrong you have done. Brown can eliminate fears,
stresses, anxieties, and uncertainties, as it strengthens and stablizes the emotions.

Brown is the color of Beast Mastery, the most common color of fur and feathers, and represents
all things soft and fuzzy. Use it in animal magic when working with your animal totem, or to
protect animals and pets or familiars, or to heal such animals. Encourages love and attachment of
animals, and animal cures. Brown Wizards often work in pet stores, animal hospitals, shelters or
zoos, or become park rangers or wildlife rescuers. And, always they are surrounded by critters -
whether pets, farm animals, wild creatures or other animal companions. Brown candles can be
used for communicating with nature spirits and for grounding and centering one’s self. Brown is
used in spells for solidity, neutrality, and practicality. In workings of black magick, brown is used
for inciting indecision, hesitancy, sadness, dullness, and uncertainty. For working with brown
energy, the feet chakras are used. Energy should be absorbed from the earth through the feet

Planets: Earth (feminine), Saturn (masculine, dark brown), Pluto

Day: Saturday

Chakras: Feet, Sacral, Solar Plexus (yellow-brown)

Astrological Sign: Capricorn , Gemini , Libra , Virgo (dark

brown), Scorpio (reddish-brown)

Numerology: 4, 8
Pink Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

Pink candles are used in love magick for romantic love, devotion, tenderness, affection, warmth,
compassion, honor, friendship, faith, forgiveness, joy, harmony, sensitivity, emotional and
spiritual healing, and self-love. Pink is a lighter shade of red. It deals with an emotional love
rather than the physical form, without the sexual connotation. Pink represents love that comes
from the heart that is freely given without condition, such as the emotions and feelings between
parent and child, close friends, or family. Pink represents the purest form of love, raises
vibrations, love without selfishness, feminine, banish lower vibrations and hate, love of friends
and family, unselfish emotions, to start a relationship. Promotes spiritual awakening and opening
of the heart.

Putting a flame to a pink candle means that the devotee is interested in forming a partnership or is
possibly seeking affection or perhaps emotional healing. The color of Universal love,
unconditional and enduring. Pink candles are used in rituals to attract attention or achieve some
other joyful purpose. Pink is the color for all our relationships with other people - and especially
those involving family, love, intimacy, and romance. Use pink candles for respect, moral,
romantic love, femininity, attractiveness, beauty, understanding, purity, upbringing, faithfulness,
reconciliation, forming partnerships, peace, spiritual love, sensitivity. The color pink is designed
to attract attention and achieve a purpose in rituals. Pink contains many of the qualities of red, but
in a sofer gentler form. It is nurturing, soothing, and revitalizing. It is caring, for forming
partnerships, peace. The color of femininity, pleasantness, enhances joyful and lively
conversation. Pink candles should be used if your magic is concerned with love, loyalty,
integrity, and good intentions. An interesting use for pink candles is to burn them to encourage
self-healing and self-love. We all need to nurture ourselves at times, and a ritual involving pink
candles is not an indulgence, but a necessity to help restore mind, body, and soul. Pink is a color
which generates self-generosity, selflessness. It is an excellent choice for matters of domestic, or
true love, as it symbolizes love, togetherness, gentleness, and spiritual fulfillment. Vivid, deep
pinks help to break up bad prevailing conditions of many kinds, as they certinaly dispel gloom
and negativity. Hot pink is a color of great joy and sensual pleasure.

Pink colored candles are associated with the emotional and spiritual aspects of Venus, the
goddess of love. When having friends over or if friends drop by even un-expectedly - burn pink
and white candles for conversation and peacefulness. Pink candle rituals are excellent for matters
involving the gentler aspects of love, romance, affection and friendship, the healing of wounded
emotions, for quiet sleep and for the mending of quarrels. They can also be used for all family
matters, for the rekindling of trust and for new relationships. Pink candle rituals will help attract
new friends and lovers. Pink is associated with female energies and all female rituals, and its day
is Friday. Use with pink kunzite, rose quartz, tourmaline and rhodonite.

Planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Chakras: Heart

Astrological Sign: Cancer , Gemini , Libra , Taurus , Virgo

Numerology: 6, 9

Gray Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

authority, balance, challenges, dream work, endings, energy, imagination, influence, learning,
loneliness, loss, negativity, the otherworld / underworld, patience, peace, problems, protection
(psychic, spiritually), quests, secrets, sorrow, spirits, stability, visions, wisdom

Planets: Moon , Saturn (dark gray)

Day: Monday, Saturday

Astrological Sign: Capricorn , Libra , Scorpio , Capricorn (dark
gray), Virgo (dark gray)

Numerology: 4, 5

Gold Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

abundance, astral realms, attraction, awareness (expand), beauty, confidence, connections

(divine), consecrate / bless, consciousness, creativity, darkness (dispel), divination, energy
(solar), friendship, happiness, healing, the home, illumi8nation, increase, influence, intuition,
knowledge, light, money, power, prosperity, protection, security, strength, skills, success, wealth,
well-being, wisdom (universal)

Planet: Sun

Day: Sunday

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart, Crown

Astrological Sign: Leo , Sagittarius , Virgo

Numerology: 1, 6

Aqua Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

compassion, gentleness, harmony

Planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Chakras: Throat

Astrological Sign: Pisces

Numerology: 11

Indigo Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

ambition, awareness, balance (general, karmic, spiritual), clarity, clairvoyance, communication

(with spirits), connections (ancestors), consciousness, dignity, discipline, divination, endurance,
fear, honesty, karma, marriage, peace (inner), purification (spiritual), quests, rebirth / renewal,
relationships, self-work, the senses (clear sight), spirits (contact), success, truth
Planets: Jupitur , Neptune , Saturn , Uranus , Venus

Day: Friday, Saturday, Thursday

Chakras: 3rd Eye

Astrological Sign: Aquarius , Capricorn , Pisces

Silver Color Candles

Issues, Intentions and Powers:

ambition, astral realm, awareness, beginnings, challenges, clairvoyance, clarity, communication

(with ancestors), consciousness, creativity, defense, divination, dream work, enchantment, energy
(general, psychic), fame, healing, influence, insight, inspiration, intuition, magic (moon), money,
negativity, power, protection (psychic, spiritual), psychic ability, purification, purity, spirituality,
stability, success

Planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Chakras: Sacral

Astrological Sign: Aquarius , Cancer , Gemini

Numerology: 5, 9

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