Curriculum of Ms in Avionics Engineering
Curriculum of Ms in Avionics Engineering
Curriculum of Ms in Avionics Engineering
Eligibility Criteria
Assessment Methodology
Grading Scheme
Structure of Program
Scheme of Studies
Since its inception in 1965, over the last 50 years, College of Aeronautical
Engineering (CAE) has developed itself into a premier institute for imparting both
under graduate and post graduate education in the field of Aeronautical Engineering.
During the last 21 years, under the auspicious umbrella of NUST, the College has
progressed immensely in terms of faculty development, infrastructure and up-
gradation of laboratories and IT facilities. The college is not only producing qualified
engineers for Pakistan and a number of friendly countries, but had also graduated
eight MS courses from 1997 to 2006 in the disciplines of Aerospace Engineering and
Avionics Engineering.
To produce graduate and qualified researchers in Avionics Engineering discipline to
fulfill the requirements of Aeronautical Engineering sector in the country.
The educational objectives of the program in Avionics Engineering are to
produce graduates:-
Who have capability to be effective team members and take a leadership role
in research, design, innovation, implementation and operation of Avionics
systems and equipment.
Sixteen years of schooling or 4 years (minimum 124 credit hours) education after
HSSC / A-Level in relevant discipline (Electrical, Computer, Avionics
Engineering or closely relevant discipline)
Minimum GPA of 2.00
At least 50 % marks in GAT (General) conducted by NTS or GRE general
conducted by ETS USA with 650/800 or 151/170 in Quantitative, 400/800 or
146/170 in Verbal and 3.5/6.0 in Analytical.
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives
The course covers following topics. Static stability and trim; stability
derivatives and characteristic longitudinal and lateral-directional motions; and
physical effects of the wing, fuselage, and tail on aircraft motion. Flight vehicle
stabilization by classical and modern control techniques; time and frequency domain
analysis of control system performance; and human-pilot models and pilot-in-the-
loop controls with applications. Parameter sensitivity; and handling quality analysis of
aircraft through variable flight conditions. Introduction to nonlinear flight regimes..
Course Contents:
Vector Kinematics
Quaternion and Matrix Analysis of Kinematics
Geodesy & Rigid Body Dynamics
Review of Aerodynamics
Static Stability Analysis
Review of Classical and Modern Control Theory
Nonlinear Aircraft Model
Linear Models and Stability Derivatives
Simulation of Aircraft Dynamics
Trim point Calculations & Numerical Linearization
Aircraft Rigid Body Modes
Handling Qualities
Stability Augmentation
Control Augmentation
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Radar Fundamentals
Signal Models
Clutter Filtering
a. MTI
b. Pulse Doppler
a. Basic threshold detection
b. Automatic (CFAR)
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
After the course the participants should be able to:-
Pre-Requisites: Nil
Course Objectives
To impart engineering knowledge and to develop problem analysis and solving ability
of Advanced Engineering Mathematics for Aerospace Engineering problems.
Course Contents
Differential Equations
Matrices as geometrical transformations, Matrix decompositions
Vector Analysis
Transformations of Laplace, Fourier and z
Conformal Mapping
special functions (Green, Bessel and Hankel)
Course Outcomes
After studying this course, the graduate will be able to apply the acquired knowledge
in various research areas of Advanced Engineering Mathematics in Aerospace
Erwin Kreyszig (2011). Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th ed): John Wiley
& Sons Inc., 2011.
Howard Anton, (2000), Elementary Linear Algebra (8th ed): John Wiley & Sons
Inc., 2000.
Maple 2015 Manual.
User guide for Maple 2015.
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
This course will prepare the students to grasp advanced and applied concepts
in probability and statistics. Course will cover topics in random variable theory,
stochastic processes, correlation and power spectrum, mean-square estimation, filter
design, decision theory, Markov processes, simulation, stochastic calculus and
optimal systems for filtering and detection.
Course Contents:
Course Outcomes:
This course will prepare the students to grasp advanced and applied concepts
in probability and statistics.
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
The course covers following topics. Linear spaces and linear operators.
Bases, subspaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, canonical forms. Linear
differential and difference equations. Mathematical representations: state equations,
transfer functions, impulse response, matrix fraction and polynomial descriptions.
System-theoretic concepts: causality, controllability, observability, realizations,
canonical decomposition, stability, introduction to optimal control and the Kalman
Course Contents:
State space representation of linear systems
• vector
Linear Spaces,
Linear vectorBases, Projection
Spaces, operators
Bases, Projection
Eigen Values, Eigen Vectors
• Eigen Values, Eigen Vectors
• Linear Operators, Stability & Solution of linear
• Controllability, Observability concepts
Linear Operators, Stability & Solution of linear systems
Canonical Forms
Singular Values and their applications
Controllability, Observability concepts
Minimum Realization of linear systems
State Feedback
Full state and reduced state observers
Continuous Time LQR
Discrete-Time LQR
Continuous -Time LQG
Discrete-Time LQG
End Semester Exam
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
This course studies basic optimization and the principles of optimal control. It
considers deterministic and stochastic problems for both discrete and continuous
systems. The course covers solution methods including numerical search algorithms,
model predictive control, dynamic programming, variational calculus, and
approaches based on Pontryagin's maximum principle, and it includes many
examples and applications of the theory.
Course Contents:
Nonlinear optimization
Nonlinear optimization
Dynamic programming
Dynamic programming
Calculus of variations – general
Calculus of variations – control
Calculus of variations – control
LQR/LQG - stochastic optimization
LQR/LQG - stochastic optimization
LQR/LQG - stochastic optimization
H∞ and robust control
H∞ and robust control
On-line optimization and control (MPC)
On-line optimization and control (MPC)
End Semester Exam
Course Outcomes:
The students will learn some basic notions and results in control theory, which
are very useful for applied mathematicians. They will learn how to use these tools in
solving specific problems.
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
The course covers the analysis and design of nonlinear systems and
nonlinear control systems. Stability analysis using Lyapunov, input-output and
asymptotic methods. Design of stabilizing controllers using a variety of methods:
linearization, absolute stability theory, vibrational control, sliding modes and
feedback linearization.
Course Contents:
Phase Portriats
Equilibrium Points, Limit Cycles
Bifurcations, Linearization
Lyapunov Stability
Invariance Principal Region of Attraction
Time Varying Systems, Perturbed Systems
Popov Criteria, Boundedness Ultimate boundedness
Perturbed Systems, Input to state stability, Input-output stability
L2 gain, Normal Form, Strict Feedback Forms
Feedback Linearization
Back Stepping
Control Lyapunov Functions, Output feedback
Sliding mode control
Nonlinear Observers
Adaptive Control
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Course Outcomes:
Describe the relation between real brains and simple artificial neural
network models.
Explain and contrast the most common architectures and learning
algorithms for MultiLayer Perceptrons, Radial-Basis Function Networks,
Committee Machines, and Kohonen Self-Organising Maps.
Discuss the main factors involved in achieving good learning and
generalization performance in neural network systems.
Identify the main implementational issues for common neural network
Evaluate the practical considerations in applying neural networks to real
classification and regression problems.
AV-736 Optimization
Credit Hours: 3
Pre-Requisites: Nil
Course Objectives
To impart engineering knowledge and to develop problem analysis and solving ability of
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Avionics Engineering problems.
Course Contents
Basic convexity concepts.
Convexity and optimization.
Review of linear and non-linear constrained optimization formulations.
Scalar versus vector optimization problems from systems engineering and
architecting of complex systems.
Heuristic search methods: simulated annealing, genetic algorithms.
Sensitivity, tradeoff analysis, goal programming and iso-performance.
Engineering systems modeling for design and optimization.
Selection of design variables, objective functions and constraints.
Overview of principles, methods and tools in multidisciplinary design
optimization (MDO) for systems.
Subsystem identification, development and interface design.
Multi-objective optimization and Pareto optimality.
Specific applications from aerospace, industrial and electrical engineering.
Course Outcomes
After studying this course, the graduate will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in
various research areas of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization in Avionics Engineering.
Recommended Readings (Text book and References)
Stephen, and LievenVandenberghe. Convex Optimization. Cambridge University
Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780521833783.
Bertsekas, Dimitri. Convex Optimization Theory. Athena Scientific, 2009. ISBN:
Sra, Suvrit, Sebastian Nowozin, and Stephen Wright, eds. Optimization for
Machine Learning. MIT Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780262016469.
Bertsekas, Dimitri. Nonlinear Programming. Athena Scientific, 1999. ISBN:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Flows in a line
Flows on Circle
Phase Plane
Limit Cycles
More Bifurcations
Lorenz Equation
Strange Attractors
Strange Attractors
Applications of Chaos
Applications of Chaos
End Semester Exam
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
To be able to discuss and deduce equations to describe wave
To formulate potential concepts to relate wave properties and their
To have acquired knowledge of transmission lines for pulsed and
sinusoidal steady state excitation;
To have an understanding of wave interference and resonance on
transmission lines;
To have acquired techniques for the measurement of basic
transmission line parameters, such as the reflection coefficient,
standing wave ratio, and impedance.
To have knowledge of, physical interpretation, and ability to apply
Maxwell’s equations to determine field waves, potential waves, energy
and charge conservation conditions. To have some knowledge of
antenna arrays and their usefulness to modern wireless applications.
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
This course will introduce the student to computer vision algorithms, methods
and concepts which will enable the student to implement computer vision systems
with emphasis on applications to target detection in aerial imagery. This course will
also familiarize the student with a structural analysis of aerial photographs, of
suburban areas in particular, which show very complex geographical structures
typical hardware as well as software development tools. Students will use the C
programming language to implement computer vision algorithms.
Course Contents:
Course Outcomes
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Course Contents:
Introduction, entropy
Jensen's inequality, data processing theorem, Fanos's inequality
Different types of convergence, asymptotic equipartition property (AEP), typical set,
joint typicality
Entropies of stochastic processes
Data compression, Kraft inequality, optimal codes
Huffman codes
Shannon-Fano-Elias codes, Slepian-Wolf
Channel capacity, binary symmetric and erasure channels
Maximizing capacity, Blahut-Arimoto
The channel coding theorem
Strong coding theorem, types of errors
Strong coding theorem, error exponents
Fano's inequality and the converse to the coding theorem
Feedback capacity
Joint source channel coding
Differential entropy, maximizing entropy
Additive Gaussian noise channel
Gaussian channels: parallel, colored noise, inter-symbol interference
Gaussian channels with feedback
Multiple access channels
Broadcast channels
Finite state Markov channels
Channel side information, wide-band channels
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:
Understand and apply fundamental concepts in information theory such as
probability, entropy, information content and their inter-relationships.
Understand the principles of data compression.
Compute entropy and mutual information of random variables.
Implement and analyse basic coding and compression algorithms.
Understand the relationship of information theoretical principles and Bayesian
inference in data modelling and pattern recognition.
Understand some key theorems and inequalities that quantify essential
limitations on compression, communication and inference.
Know the basic concepts regarding communications over noisy channels.
Bertsekas, Dimitri, and Robert Gallager. Data Networks (2nd Edition). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991. ISBN: 0132009161
Peterson and Davie. Computer Networks (2nd Edition). San Francisco, CA: Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 1999. ISBN: 1558605142
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Maxwell's equations,
Finite difference solution of Maxwell's eqns., wave eqns.
Variational formulations
Finite element method - solution of differential equations arising in statics,
waveguides, scattering (radiation boundary condition)
Green's identities and development of integral equations
Method of Moments
Spectral domain formulation for microstrip, frequency selective surfaces,
printed antennas
Inverse scattering
Computer hardware and software issues
Special topic selected by the instructors
Course Outcomes:
Learn advanced topics in 3D vector finite element methods for solving
Maxwell equations
Learn advanced topics in fast method, such as FFT-based methods, fast
multipole methods, and rank-deficiency based methods, for solving surface
integral equation methods
Introduced to various mechanisms of coupling finite elements to integral
equation methods for solving unbounded electromagnetic problems
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
Course Outcomes:
Credit Hours: 3
Courses Objectives:
Course Contents:
RF MEMS inductors
RF MEMS varactors
RF MEMS filters
Course Outcomes:
After studying this course, the graduate will be able to apply the acquired knowledge
in various research areas of RF MEMS for Modern Communication Systems
Recommended Reading (Including Textbooks and Reference Books)