Problems & Prospects of Bangladesh Shipping Industry: A Comparative
Problems & Prospects of Bangladesh Shipping Industry: A Comparative
Problems & Prospects of Bangladesh Shipping Industry: A Comparative
In this report, an effort has been made to evaluate the present shipbuilding
industries in Bangladesh. At first, an overall picture of this industry has been
depicted by identifying the actual shipbuilding practice in both public and private
sector. Relevant data have been explored through extensive review of literature,
field visits, interacting with shipyard and ship owners. The potentiality, capability
and problems of the shipbuilding sector of Bangladesh have been identified &
some recommendations have been made in line with this report.
Data were collected through extensive review of literature, field visits, survey,
consultations and meetings with Government Authorities, Shipbuilding
Associations, existing and upcoming shipyards and its related stakeholders.
Private and public shipyards around the country were visited to collect primary
data and information about the local shipbuilding practice through interacting
with structured, unstructured and open ended questionnaires. Secondary
information about shipbuilding tradition and potentiality of Bangladesh and other
nation of the world were collected from both external and internal means.
Shipbuilding process (such as ship design, steel treatment, plate and section
preparation, welding quality, steel work, fabrication, outfitting work, hull erection
and launching) was observed to assess the standard of work. Primary and
Secondary data about labour, labour hour and labour cost were collected to assess
the labour productivity of local shipbuilding industries and to evaluate the
standard of local shipyards and comparing them with other shipbuilding nations.
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
Historical Background
The Royal Navy had many warships built in Chittagong, some of which were also
used in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Khulna Shipyard, the first modern
shipyard of Bangladesh, was established in 1957, constructed by a German firm.
Initially a private concern, the shipyard was later nationalized and came under the
control of Bangladesh Navy in 1999.
Recently few local shipyards have attained the capability to manufacture the ships
of 10000 DWT. Nearly fifty thousand skilled workers and one lac semi-skilled
workers, are now working in these industries. There are eleven local shipyards of
international standard capable of making ships up to 10000 DWT. These are:
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Class A Class B Class C Class D
A number of diversified types of vessels are built in various shipyards around the
Bangladesh, such as: multipurpose vessel, fast patrol boat, container vessel, cargo
vessel, tanker, dredging barge, ferry, passenger vessel, landing craft, tourist ship,
tug boat, supply barge, deck loading barge, pleasure craft/hatch, crane boat, speed
boat, deep sea trawler, self-propelled barge, inspection vessel, cargo coaster,
troops carrying vessel, double decker passenger vessel, hydrographic survey boat,
pilot boat, hospital ship, water taxi, etc.
There are hundreds of shipyards and workshops in Bangladesh of which 124 have
been reported to be registered with the Department of Shipping (shipyard
statistics, 2012). Out of these shipyards, approximately 70% are located in and
around Dhaka and Narayangong along the side of the river bank of Buriganga,
Shitalakha and Meghna. About 20% shipyards of Chittagong division are located
along the side of Karnapuli River and 6% are located along the bank of Poshur
river of Khulna division and remaining 4% are located in Barishal division
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(Shipyard Statistics, 2012). Almost all inland/coastal/bay crossing ships are
constructed and repaired locally in these local shipyards.
Type and Sizes of Ships that can be built in the Short, Medium and Long run
In the past, shipbuilding industry of the East enjoyed superiority and made the
region leader of civilization. After World War II shipbuilding becomes a
European Industry in which Britain took the lead. This is followed by Japan
(1960s to 1980s). Then South Korea took the lead. Thus the world shipbuilding
market is moving east and presently Japan and South Korea have nearly equal
shares of 70 percent of that market. Now, the most rapid growth in market share
observed and planned is in China. But, the countries where labor costs are going
up are shifting their role from small to medium and large ships. The other
emerging forces are Vietnam and India. In fact, emergence of Vietnam is largely a
result of efforts by European countries to relocate their shipbuilding industry to
low labor cost countries. India is another rising giant in shipbuilding industry
where private entrepreneurs started establishing shipyards with government
support and by now the country has come to a good position in the world’s
shipbuilding countries and receiving orders of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Thus, shipbuilding has shifted from Europe to Japan to Korea and these days are
shifting to China and Vietnam and India and now in Bangladesh and the single
most driving force behind this phenomenon is lower labour cost and overhead.
Figure 2: Hourly Labour Charge (in USD) for shipbuilding industry in Bangladesh
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
Table 2: Comparison of productivity
Country Productivity
Japan 1
European countries 2
United States 4
India 10
Bangladesh 11.43
So, the relative labour rate in Bangladeshi Shipyards is 0.50 which has been
shown in Table 3 as compared with other countries. A drawn comparison of the
coast and productivity of few shipbuilding countries and Bangladesh reveals that
India and China, the nearest competitors, are 2.5 times away and Korea is 4 times
away in terms of labour cost alone.
Table-3: Cost-effectiveness
Country Weighted Weighted Weighted average
labour rate productivity output cost
Bangladesh 0.5 1.0 0.50
India 1.5 1.2 1.25
China 1.5 1.4 1.07
Korea 6.0 3.0 2.00
Singapore 4.0 2.0 2.00
Germany 15.0 5.0 3.00
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
present Bangladeshi component manufacturers and shipyards can manufacture
50% of the total material, machineries and equipment for the local inland and
coastal vessels built in Bangladesh and the rest must be procured either from
foreign market or second hand market at Bhitiary. This proportion for an
international standard vessel to be built in Bangladesh is at present 10%-15%,
which if properly ventured by experienced foreign manufacturer, can be taken to
45%. Share of the local contribution for export quality ship built by the
Bangladeshi shipyards is about 40% of total ships' cost.
2% 5%
13% South Korea
44% China
Figure 3: Global shipbuilding share in million DWT by nations, 2012
Once Europe was the market leader but now it is replaced by South Korea and
China. If consider the shipbuilding industry with a product life-cycle perspective,
the prospect and challenges of Bangladesh can be easily realized at a glance.
Shipyards in Japan, China, Korea, India, Singapore and Vietnam are booked up to
2012 with minor exception as some yards have been affected by the cancellation
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
of orders due to economic recession. Presently the demand for new shipbuilding
has superseded the capacity of the shipyards. However, traditional market leaders
of world shipbuilding industry are over-booked primarily for construction of large
ships. So the ships' buyers/ entrepreneurs are in search of new, suitable and
reliable markets in Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Brazil, Pakistan, Turkey, etc. As
a result shipbuilding capacities are rapidly expanding in Asian Countries. It is
estimated that shipbuilding demand increases 5% annually and number of
shipyards is not increasing. Again new regulations of International Maritime
Organization (IMO) have made it almost impossible to have the older ships
upgraded and thus have to be replaced by new ships. Presently world turnover and
movement of goods has been increased manifold in the last few years. As a result,
demand of ship and shipbuilding activities have been increased multifariously.
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
Year World Total China Japan Korea Bangladesh
(Vessel Number)
2013 6600 33.33 11.21 19.70 0.08
2014 5400 30.00 16.50 13.33 0.57
The table shows how China and Korea takeover Japan after 2010. The world
market shows an upward trend and so does the relative share of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh got a jump in receiving orders in 20012 and got a little slack
afterwards due to the world recession. But in 2014 it bounced back as the demand
for small and medium vessels increased due to recession.
Share of Bangladesh (%)
World 0.5
4000 0.4
3000 (Vessel 0.3
2000 Numbe 0.2 sh
1000 r) 0.1
0 0
It is nice to mention that the market of small-ships and vessels of various types is
remaining unaffected by ongoing global recession. Recession has caused a drop in
demand for large vessels. Global giant shipbuilders cannot capitalize on this new
market demand, as their projects will prove to be unfeasible because of the high
overhead costs they already bearded. So far Bangladesh does not face any blow
like cancellation of orders.
Expert views that orders for small ships have gone up because of the global
financial crisis; so demand for small vessels will continue and activities of
Bangladeshi shipyard will remain on. It is good time for us to prepare for the
future with the help of government so that local shipyards can receive orders after
recovery from current recession.
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
Forecast of Local and Global Shipbuilding in Gross Tonnages
It may be said that in the year of 2025 shipbuilding capacity of Bangladesh and
world will be 1.0 and 92.5 million gross tonnages respectively. So Bangladesh is
going to achieve the capacity of 1.50% of global shipbuilding share within 2025.
Forecast of local and global shipbuilding in gross tonnages.
Bangladesh is not that big industry and only a few ship yards are involved
in exporting ships, but revenue generated from this sector is promising. In
spite of enormous possibilities of expanding shipbuilding industry in
Bangladesh there are also some problems. These existing problems of this
sector may be categorized13 in the following broad headings:
Financial problem
Human Resource Development problem
Infrastructure problem
Marketing problem
Management problem
Technical problem
Quality control problem
Delay delivery problem
Pricing problem
Safety, health, and environmental aspect
Economic recession and its effect on Bangladeshi shipbuilding
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
b. Financial problem. Shipbuilding is capital and labour intensive
industry. The local commercial banks are not individually capable of
making required investment in this industry. There is dearth of capital and
investment especially when the scale of investment is to the tune of 100 to
1000 crore or more because of the risk is considered too high for both the
entrepreneurs and bankers
Besides, consortium financing is time consuming and a complex process,
which is not so favorable for making investment in this sector. There is no
standard framework for forming consortium and as a result when a
shipbuilding contract is obtained, the time lag of securing finance by
forming consortium kills the contract.
High rate of interest is applied on industrial and working capital loan.
Existing rate of interest, ranging from 12% to 16% for industrial and
working capital loans, is not suitable for the development of this sector.
Whereas 7% rate of interest on export credit is prevailing for other export
sectors like ready-made garment sector.
As the buyers do not accept the guarantee provided by the Bangladeshi
commercial banks, counter guarantee has to be given from the foreign
banks. As a result, guarantee from both local and foreign banks is
mandatory for export of ships from Bangladesh. The prevailing cost of
bank guarantee due to double bank guarantee system has become a real
burden for local shipyards. Bank guarantee for export of ships from
Bangladesh is about 16% (local 4% and foreign 4% for two year period).
Such bank guarantee requires equivalent amount of advance payment and
price of raw materials received by the builders from the importing
company. Bank guarantee commission for other sectors in Bangladesh is
charged at the rate of 1% - 2%. On the other hand, it is 0% in other
competing countries like Korea, China, Japan, India etc. Commission at
the rate of 0.20% is charged by banks of other competing countries for
opening import L/C whereas 1% per quarter i.e. 1×4 %× 2 years = 8% is
charged by the Bangladeshi commercial banks. The breakup of the cost
incurred for payment of interest and service charges indicates that the
additional financial cost of ships built in Bangladesh is about 15 to 25%
(bank interest 3 to 6% + guarantee 8 to 16% + L/C commission 4 to 8% +
other charges 1%) higher than the other competing nations like China,
Korea, Japan, India, Vietnam, Brazil etc.
Lack of model testing and other facilities in Bangladesh also matter. The
age of the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology is 35 years.
Towing tank was expected by the Department since its establishment. But
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
the hope has never seen the light. NDT and Design Lab facilities are also
poor in every institutions and shipyards around Bangladesh.
So, a proper and long term planning is required to promote this industry in
coastal area like Patuakhali, Bhola, and Chittagong etc. When this industry
evolved, most of the shipbuilding firms concentrated in Dhaka because
they were to meet the local demand which was not more than 5000 dwt.
But now we are to build ship more than 10000 dwt for international
market. So gradually the international market oriented shipbuilding firms
have to shift their facilities towards coastal area mentioned above.
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
f. Management Problem. Most of the local shipyards do not
follow corporate management culture. Family members and friends
occupy the important managerial appointment like director, executive
committee member etc. of the local shipyards. Such family and friend
management culture is one of the hindrances to the development of the
industry and also will not commensurate with international arena. Poor
communication between upward and downward grid in the managerial
chain exists. Middle management neither enjoys any financial authority
nor decision-making process (with little exception in few shipyards). As a
result, poor command and control as well as negligible dedication of the
employees toward the organization observed16. Most of the local
shipyards practice one man show management culture. Every decision
comes from owner as per his/her desire and wish.
Many of the owners do not care about the welfare of the employees. So
poor job satisfaction observed in most of the shipyards and employees do
not feel belongingness to the organization. As a result huge absenteeism
and turnover of labours and skilled manpower observed. Workforce never
enjoys fringe benefit and other labour welfare activities like medical,
pension, travel and daily allowance, accident and other compensation etc.
Most of the labours are employed in casual basis. Every valued customer
looks at the quality of management. How is the management performing?
What are the managerial tools that are using by the yards to ensure
continuous improvement of product? Are the managerial staffs responsible
and capable enough to solve the day-to-day problems? Is the management
prompt to solve the daily problem? But it is really discouraging that
answers to those questions are negative for most of the local shipyards.
The government policies are complicated and not very pleasant in
supporting the expansions of the industry as a whole.
g. Safety, Health and Environmental Aspect. Safety, health
and environmental (SHE) aspects of using various shipbuilding materials
in the shipyards including the affect of harmful substances and related
exposure in movement of materials and also the required measures were
identified. Only a few shipyards have been found to be conscious about
safety, health and environmental aspects, which are again at average level.
The shipbuilders are more engaged in enhancing their skill in technology,
financing and marketing. Safety, health and environment are yet to be
recognized as important issues in all spheres of the society. The long term
effect of safety, health and environmental measures are yet to be
understood. Proper awareness and training and govt. regulations are
required for improvement of the SHE aspects.
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
The regulations are to be made in a way that the prospective shipbuilders
do not take these as hindrance. These aspects should be shipbuilder
friendly, specially, because Bangladesh has just started developing the
export oriented shipbuilding industry. The foreign buyers have a major
role in enhancing the level of SHE in the builders yard. Currently,nothing
allures more public attention than the environmental aspect. In the
shipbuilding process, many working procedures are polluting if proper
preventing measures are not in place. Among them, the process of shot
blasting, plate and section preparation, welding and painting is the most
significant troublemaker. In case of shot blasting in open air, the
controlling and diminishing of waste, which is dust and sound, require
expensive appliances. The costs to reduce pollution absolutely go to the
accounts of the shipyards. Such additional expenses are unavoidable in
developed countries. In shipyards paints are widely used. These paints
contain volatile organic compound (VOC). VOC is an element that
produces Ozone by responding to sunlight. Developed countries like
countries in European Union limited the quantity of emission or disposal
of contamination of this kind. It is possible to use the paints that contain
no VOC, but the expenditure for painting of the ships will go high.
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
Bangladesh is lacking in the safety culture. Safety is a long-term
investment. Though the initial cost for safety assurance may be high, the
gain in the long run is accumulative and it adds to the quality. Bangladesh
has to be competitive with the other shipyards around the world.
Government may sponsor benchmarking activities.
i. Due to the global economic recession both ship and steel market
have become unstable. As a result cancellation of a contract in
shipbuilding industry is one of the recent enormous threats to local
j. Europeans are the valued customers for Bangladesh. They put the
condition that 60%-65% of the total contract value is to be imported from
abroad. But the equipment manufacturers of foreign countries do not place
competitive offers for Bangladeshi shipbuilders; rather they quote higher
cost on imported items that increases ship’s price
k. Most of the shipyards are located at the banks of few rivers around
Dhaka, which are far away from the sea. These rivers are losing their
navigability due to continuous filtration. As a result the restricted draught
(maximum 4.0 to 4.5 meters) dictates the size of a ship that can be built in
these shipyards. Again bridges and overhead cables may induce further
restriction to the ship size built in most of the local shipyards.
Shipbuilding industry plays an important role in assisting national defence,
promoting shipping and industrial development, increasing employment and
foreign currency inflow. It is therefore an attractive industry for Bangladesh.
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
Bangladesh shipbuilding is capable of producing international standard ship of
small to medium category and at present, more than 25% shipyards are ready or to
be ready with little renovation for construction of small and medium sized vessels
of international standards. Productivity of Bangladeshi work force in shipbuilding
is 11.4 which are lowest in the world. It is essential to upgrade the productivity
through conducting training program, incorporating process enhancement,
modernizing yard facilities and employing more integrated production
technology, otherwise it is difficult to sustain in this competitive industry in the
long run. Bangladesh is a developing country. Each and every citizen of this
country expects the overall development of the country. But in most of the cases it
is not materialized in reality. In the past, we failed several times to take the
advantages and lucrative opportunities of modern trade and commerce due to the
delay in our response. For this reason, our overall economic development has
undoubtedly been interrupted. So the concerned authorities have to be watchful
and careful to take the opportunity to push the shipbuilding sector ahead as a
thrust sector through fixing the identified problems leaving no delay.
Chittagong Port Authority, 2007, Year Book ofthe Chittagong Port Authority.
Chou, C. C. and Chang P.L.(2001): Modeling and Analysis of Labor Cost Estimation for
Shipbuilding : The Case of China Shipbuilding Corporation, Vol.17, No.2, May 2001, pp
Khan, J. U. (2008): Bangladesh Local Firm to Build 10 Ships for Japan, 20 June, on June 27, 2008.
Fisher, J.O. and Holbaach, I.G (2008): Cost Management in Shipbuilding, The Naval
Architects, November,2008.
BMJ Volume- 1, Issue- 1 ISSN 2519-5972
Hossain, K. A. and Zakaria, N. M. G., 2008: Potentiality and Prospect of Shipbuilding
Industries in Bangladesh, Journal of NOAMI, Vol.25, No.2, pp. 33-54.
CPA (2007): Year Book of the Chittagong Port Authority, CPA, Chittagong.