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1/31/2019 Review Test Submission: Week Four Quiz – HUB441 Research...

Mary Cortez 24
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HUB441 Research Design and Analysis Week Four Review Test Submission: Week Four Quiz

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Review Test Submission: Week Four Quiz

User Mary Carmen Cortez

Course HUB441 Research Design and Analysis
Test Week Four Quiz
Started 1/31/19 12:26 PM
Submitted 1/31/19 1:32 PM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 66 out of 100 points  
Time Elapsed 1 hour, 6 minutes out of 1 hour and 15 minutes
Instructions Please answer each question below and click Submit when you have completed
the Quiz.

Results Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Feedback


Question 1 0 out of 2 points

A constant is _____.

Selected Answer: A characteristic of a population

Correct Answer: A characteristic that does not vary

Question 2 0 out of 2 points

According to the textbook, when you paraphrase someone else's words by making
minor changes in word choice or sentence structure you are _____.

Selected Answer: Plagiarizing

Correct Answer: Plagiarizing even when you cite your source

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Question 3 2 out of 2 points

A characteristic of events, people, animals, or objects that take on di erent values is


Selected Answer: A variable.

Correct Answer: A variable.

Question 4 0 out of 2 points

You want to determine if room temperature and paper color has an e ect on student
performance. You assign students to write a test in either a warm room or a cold
room. In each room a third of the students write an exam printed on regular white
paper, another third get yellow paper, and nal third get blue paper. What test of
signi cance should you use?

Selected Answer: ANOVA for repeated measures

Correct Answer: Two-way ANOVA

Question 5 2 out of 2 points

A term paper is most similar to _____.

Selected Answer: A literature review

Correct Answer: A literature review

Question 6 2 out of 2 points

According to the textbook, we need statistics because of _____.

Selected Answer: Variability

Correct Answer: Variability

Question 7 0 out of 2 points

If you have interval scale data, the _____ is the preferred measure of central tendency.

Selected Answer: Median

Correct Answer: Mean

Question 8 2 out of 2 points

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1/31/2019 Review Test Submission: Week Four Quiz – HUB441 Research...

The mean, median, and mode _____.

Selected Answer: Are three measures of central tendency

Correct Answer: Are three measures of central tendency

Question 9 0 out of 2 points

Statistical techniques help us _____.

Selected Answer: Discover general trends in behavior

Correct Answer: All of the above

Question 10 2 out of 2 points

You want to determine if room temperature has an e ect on student performance.

You have a class write three equivalent tests, rst in a cold room, then a warm room,
and nally in a hot room. What test of signi cance should you use?

Selected Answer: One-way ANOVA with repeated measures

Correct Answer: One-way ANOVA with repeated measures

Question 11 2 out of 2 points

The place to speculate about the implications of your ndings, discuss how your
ndings relate to other research, discuss improvements that could be made to the
study, and suggest further research that could be done?

Selected Answer: Discussion

Correct Answer: Discussion

Question 12 2 out of 2 points

Why is it important to consider how we measure behavior?

Selected Answer: A&B

Correct Answer: A&B

Question 13 2 out of 2 points

What are the goals of statistics?

Answer: To summarize data and make inferences from samples to

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1/31/2019 Review Test Submission: Week Four Quiz – HUB441 Research...

Answer: To summarize data and make inferences from samples to

Question 14 2 out of 2 points

The mode is _____.

Selected Answer: Is the most frequently occurring value

Correct Answer: Is the most frequently occurring value

Question 15 2 out of 2 points

According to the text, in the planning stages of your research you must consider _____.

Selected Answer: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

Question 16 2 out of 2 points

Sam wants to show the relationship between the number of hours a student studies
and their performance on the nal exam. Which graph should he use?

Selected Answer: Scatterplot

Correct Answer: Scatterplot

Question 17 0 out of 2 points

Inferential statistics _____.

Selected Answer: A&C

Correct Answer: Tell us how probable it is that our inference is correct

Question 18 0 out of 2 points

The F statistic is _____.

Selected Answer: Used for interval or ratio scale data

Correct Answer: B&C

Question 19 0 out of 2 points

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1/31/2019 Review Test Submission: Week Four Quiz – HUB441 Research...

When reporting your inferential statistics, such as a t-test, you should include _____.

Selected Answer: The degrees of freedom

Correct Answer: All of the above

Question 20 0 out of 2 points

What is the preferred measure of variability for interval scale data?

Selected Answer: Variance

Correct Answer: Standard deviation

Question 21 0 out of 2 points

What measure of variability would you report if you had ordinal scale data?

Selected Answer: Report the standard deviation

Correct Answer: Use a frequency distribution

Question 22 2 out of 2 points

Mary uses an online thesaurus to change words as she paraphrase from articles she
reads. Is this considered plagiarism?

Selected Answer: Yes

Correct Answer: Yes

Question 23 2 out of 2 points

If have interval scale data and the distribution in positively skewed it may be best to
report the _____.

Selected Answer: Median

Correct Answer: Median

Question 24 2 out of 2 points

What should be placed in an appendix?

Answer: Any information that is not necessary for the understanding of the
research but needs to be included for completeness.

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Answer: Any information that is not necessary for the understanding of the
research but needs to be included for completeness.

Question 25 2 out of 2 points

Which of the following statements is correct?

Answer: Your reference list should contain only the references for material you
cite in your paper.

Answer: Your reference list should contain only the references for material you
cite in your paper.

Question 26 0 out of 2 points

Regarding sentences that include, "female doctor" or "male doctor". Which of the
following statements is correct?

Answer: Specifying the gender is preferred because it is more descriptive.

Correct Answer: Do not specify gender unless it is relevant to the discussion.

Question 27 2 out of 2 points

Margo wants to show the frequency distribution of her students' performance on the
nal exam. Which graph should she use?

Selected Answer: Histogram

Correct Answer: Histogram

Question 28 2 out of 2 points

Catherine got 72% on her algebra test. She was pleased until she heard that half the
class got a higher mark. Her score is equal to the _____.

Selected Answer: Median

Correct Answer: Median

Question 29 2 out of 2 points

The introduction should include a review of the literature and _____.

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Answer: A description of the purpose of your study and what you expect to

Answer: A description of the purpose of your study and what you expect to

Question 30 0 out of 2 points

You want to test if the color of the paper will a ect the performance of students on a
history test. You assign 20 students to write the test on yellow paper and 20 to write
on regular white paper. Which test of signi cance should you use?

Selected Answer: F-test

Correct Answer: T-test for independent groups

Question 31 0 out of 2 points

We perform a post ANOVA test _____.

Selected Answer: All of the above

Correct Answer: To determine which group means di er from which

Question 32 2 out of 2 points

Which of the following statements is correct?

Selected Answer: The abstract is a brief summary of the article.

Correct Answer: The abstract is a brief summary of the article.

Question 33 2 out of 2 points

The textbook states that the most common inferential technique used in
psychological research is _____.

Selected Answer: Hypothesis testing

Correct Answer: Hypothesis testing

Question 34 2 out of 2 points

What is an inference?


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Answer: An inference is a general statement about an entire population that is

based on data from a sample.

Answer: An inference is a general statement about an entire population that is
based on data from a sample.

Question 35 2 out of 2 points

Bill wants to graph the number of people who are currently employed in 9 di erent
occupations. Which graph should he use?

Selected Answer: Bar graph

Correct Answer: Bar graph

Question 36 0 out of 2 points

A statistically signi cant F indicates that _____.

Selected A&C

Answer: The group means di er beyond what you'd expect from chance

Question 37 2 out of 2 points

The terms male and female are _____ used to modify _____.

Selected Answer: Adjectives; nouns

Correct Answer: Adjectives; nouns

Question 38 2 out of 2 points

If you have nominal scale data, the _____ is the preferred measure of central tendency.

Selected Answer: Mode

Correct Answer: Mode

Question 39 2 out of 2 points

You want to test if the color of the paper will a ect the performance of students on a
history test. You assign 20 students to write the test on yellow paper, 20 to write on

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blue paper, and 20 to write on regular white paper. Which test of signi cance should
you use?

Selected Answer: F-test

Correct Answer: F-test

Question 40 2 out of 2 points

The text suggests that the best practice when using a secondary source is _____.

Selected Answer: Obtain the original article and read it

Correct Answer: Obtain the original article and read it

Question 41 2 out of 2 points

"ALCOHOL AND TEST PERFORMANCE"  (which appears on every page) is an example

of _____.

Selected Answer: A running head

Correct Answer: A running head

Question 42 2 out of 2 points

Eta squared is used _____.

Selected Answer: To estimate the e ect size

Correct Answer: To estimate the e ect size

Question 43 0 out of 2 points

You are comparing the performance of your experimental group to the control group
and your research hypothesis is that the experimental group will perform better than
the control group. What test would you use?

Selected Answer: T-test for dependent groups

Correct Answer: One-tailed t-test

Question 44 0 out of 2 points

Solomon reported that ... (as cited by Temple, 2003). This is an example of ____.

Selected Answer: None of the above

Correct Answer: A citation of a secondary source

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Question 45 2 out of 2 points

Pauline completes a two-way ANOVA and found a signi cant interaction. Which graph
should she use?

Selected Answer: Line graph

Correct Answer: Line graph

Question 46 2 out of 2 points

What style manual is the most popular with psychologists?

Selected Answer: APA

Correct Answer: APA

Question 47 0 out of 2 points

Your research involves testing the e ects of a "pep talk" on athletic performance. You
measure lap times for swimmers. On the following day all swimmers are given a
motivational pep talk and you measure the lap times again. Which statistical test
should you conduct?

Selected Answer: T-test for independent groups

Correct Answer: T-test for dependent groups

Question 48 2 out of 2 points

Which of the following statements is correct?

Answer: The method section should include all the information needed to
replicate your study.

Answer: The method section should include all the information needed to
replicate your study.

Question 49 2 out of 2 points

The objective of psychological writing is to _____.

Selected Answer: Communicate information

Correct Answer: Communicate information

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Question 50 2 out of 2 points

In the results section, when you report your inferential statistics you _____.

Selected Answer: A&C

Correct Answer: A&C

Thursday, January 31, 2019 1:32:34 PM PST

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