Pertanyaan 1

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Pertanyaan 1-20 adalah kalimat lengkap.

Empat kata atau frase, yang ditandai (A), (B), (C), (D)
yang diberikan di bawah setiap kalimat. Anda harus memilih satu kata atau frase yang terbaik
melengkapi kalimat.

1. The professor praised him for his ..... the class when she was sick.
a. Assist c. assisting
b. to assist d. assisted
2. According to the Financial Times, the prime rate ..... up slightly even without the housing
a. would have gone c. were to go
b. will have gone d. was going
3. I am honored to accept this award ..... our departed director.
a. in light of c. on account of
b. because of d. on behalf of
4. Economists watch the business cycle as it goes through its various .
a. Segments c. sectors
b. Phases d. divisions
5. Studies ..... that these new policies have done nothing to boost the economy.
a. have shown c. has shown
b. shown d. are shown
6. If we had seen the demand in advance, we surely on ..... the cookbook.
a. would stock up c. had stocked up
b. have stocked up d. would have stocked up
7. Most of the time in Indonesia was spent ..... relatives.
c. to visit c. going visiting
d. visiting d. go to visit
8. My broker advised me to invest in secured bonds before ..... in the stock market.
a. Invested c. investment
b. Investing d. I will invest
9. It goes without ..... that you'll be paid for all this extra time you're spending on the project.
a. telling c. repeating
b. saying d. regarding
10. The businessmen discussed the contract at length but never actually signed .
a. anything c. another
b. anyone d. anyway
11. The first textile mills ___________ in the United States were located in New England.
a. To establish c. being established
b. were established d. to be established
12. _________ the auditor went over the books several times, he was still unable to find error.
a. Despite c. even
b. Although d. nevertheless
13. A day-care center should provide a safe, comfortable and _______ environment for children.
a. Stable c. stability
b. Stabilize d. stabilizer
14. Denver International Airport opened more than a year _______ schedule.
a. Beneath c. beyond
b. Behind d. between
15. _____________ applicants should send their completed forms to the personnel office.
a. Qualification c. qualify
b. Qualified d. quantifiable
16. Recent ___________ in suburban areas will balance the company’s real estate holdings.
a. Acquisitions c. requirements
b. Properties d. documents
17. Unless your service improves, we ___________ our contract with your firm.
a. will cancel c. won’t cancel
b. will have cancelled d. cancel
18. Despite its small size, the new color printer has a speed comparable _________ the speed
of much larger models.
a. To c. than
b. For d. with
19. I will tell you a secret if you can keep it to_____________.
a. You c. yourself
b. Your d. yours
20. The price of pharmaceuticals _________ again last month.
a. Rose c. arose
b. Raised d. risen

Dalam Pertanyaan 21-25, setiap kalimat memiliki empat kata atau frase yang
digarisbawahi. Empat bagian yang digaris bawahi kalimat ditandai (A), (B), (C), (0).
Anda harus mengidentifikasi satu kata atau frase yang harus diperbaiki atau ditulis
ulang digaris bawahi.

21. The deputy officer was charged with looking at over the files to find other evidence
a b c
of wrongdoing.
22. Initial we were very anxious to start the computer seminar, but we found it
a b
so difficult that we eventually withdrew.
c d
23. Marketing experts must thoroughly understand the society, cultural and lifestyles of their
a b c d
potential customers.

24. In the next future, Sunnydale Industries will be adopting a new quality control system.
a b c d
25. Infinity Software is offering substantial savings on athletic footwear this month, but not all
a b
types are available in all shoes sizes.
c d
26. Orders increase dramatic during the past quarter, reflecting the growing popularity of the
a b c
27. Communication satellites can be either launched by rockets and carried into space shuttles.
a b c d
28. Gone through the folders one by one, we were able to find the missing invoice in
a b c
the storage drawer.
29. All things considered, the inclement weathers this month hasn't significantly
a b c
decreased productivity of the staff.
30. Having been to Barcelona twice himself, Bob told us last week that aquatics sports
a b c
are becoming increasingly popular there.

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