Treblinka Death Camp

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MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

Comparative Efficacy of the Extermination Methods in

Auschwitz and Operation Reinhard

Xavier Roca (Universitat de Barcelona)

Resum /Resumen/ Abstract

Un anàlisis de les estimacions sobre el número de víctimes en Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno,
Majdanek, Sobibor i Treblinka refuta la suposada major eficàcia de mètodes d’extermini amb Zyklon-B.

Un análisis de las estimaciones sobre el número de víctimas en Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno,

Majdanek, Sobibor y Treblinka refuta la spuesta mayor eficacia de métodos de exterminio con Zyklon-B.

An analysis of the estimates on the number of victims at Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno,

Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka refutes the purportedly higher efficacy of extermination methods using

Paraules clau /Palabras clave /Key Words

Auschwitz, Treblinka, Víctimes, Zyklon-B
Auschwitz, Treblinka, Víctimas, Zyklon-B
Auschwitz, Treblinka, Victims, Zyklon-B


ARC Aktion Reinhard Camps (

Avalon The Avalon Project. Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy, Yale Law School 199

HEART Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team


JVL Jewish Virtual Library (

USHMM United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (

Yad Vashem Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

Operation Reinhard, Chelmno and Majdanek

This article shall examine the efficacy of the extermination methods used in the
Vernichtungslager1. The Operation Reinhard2 camps (Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka)
shall be considered along with Chelmno3 and Majdanek4. The mass killings in these
camps were carried out by gassing using carbon monoxide produced by diesel engines,
in both permanent facilities (chambers) and mobile facilities (vans) and mass shooting.
The killing capacity in the most murderous camps (Belzec and Treblinka) was far
superior to the capacity for disposing of the corpses, which were buried in mass graves.
At Belzec, such mass graves were subsequently dug up to burn the corpses, while at
Treblinka tens of thousands of corpses burnt in pits and buried underwent a second
cremation in pyres5, carried out by an expert6. Nevertheless, the figures prove that
Belzec and Treblinka were more effective than the Zyklon-B techniques used in

TABLE 1. Estimates on the number of victims in Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and

Camp Estimate Source

Belzec 2,500,000 Rudolf Reder7

Belzec 600,000 Yitzhak Arad8

Belzec 550,000 Raul Hilberg9


Belzec 434,000 Peter Witte and Stephen Tyas11 200

Extermination camps.
Operation Reinhard was code-named after Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942), an SS-Obergruppenführer
and head of the RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Security Main Office), which coordinated the
Gestapo, the Kripo and the SD (Sicherheitsdienst). Heydrich was killed by Czech partisans on June 4,
1942 in Praga. There seems to be some confusion about the correct spelling of Heydrich’s first name. It
seems that Heydrich himself spelt the name with a final “t”, which is not the usual form for a first name.
Furthermore, the operation is sometimes referred to in documents as Einsatz and sometimes as Aktion, so
that up to four different variations can be found. It is referred to as Operation Reinhard in this paper.
Chelmno nad Neren (Polish) or Kulmhof an der Nehr (German), in the Warthegau or Reichsgau
Wartheland, former Polish territory annexed by Germany.
Officially, KL Lublin. Majdanek was the informal name given to the facility by the local population
because it was close to the Majdan Tatarski quarter in the city of Lublin.
Testimony of SS-Oberscharführer Heinrich Matthes about Treblinka, JVL, retrieved 22/IX/2008.
Herbert Floss, ARC, retrieved 19/IX/2008. More details in Steiner, Jean-François, Treblinka, Paris,
Arthème Fayard, 1966.
Reder, Rudolf, “Belzec, with an introduction by M. M. Rubel”, Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, vol. 13,
Arad, Yitzhak, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka - The Operation Reinhard Camps, Bloomington, Indiana
University Press, 1987.
Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction of the European Jews, Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1961.
JVL, retrieved 2/XI/2008.
Witte, Peter and Tyas, Stephen, “A New Document on the Deportation and Murder of the Jews during
the Einsatz Reinhard 1942”, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2001.

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

Belzec 434,000 USHMM12

Belzec 434,000 ARC13

Chelmno 150,000 Raul Hilberg14

Chelmno 152,000 ARC15

Chelmno 210,000 HEART16

Chelmno 152,000 USHMM17

Chelmno 180,000 (Jews) HEART18

Chelmno 175,000 Richard Rubenstein and John K. Roth19


Chelmno 320,000 Holocaust Memorial Committee20

Majdanek 1,700,000 Tribunal Especial21

Majdanek 1,500,000 Polish-Soviet Commission22


Majdanek 360,000 Yad Vashem24


USHMM, retrieved 2/XI/2008.
ARC, retrieved 2/XI/2008. Sources: Rozett, Robert and Spector, Shmuel (eds.), Encyclopaedia of the
Holocaust, Facts on File, 2000; Arad, Yitzhak, Belzec... op. cit.; Reder, Rudolf, Belzec.
Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction... op. cit.
ARC, retrieved 2/XI/2008.
HEART, retrieved 2/XI/2008.
USHMM, retrieved 2/XI/2008.
HEART, 2007, retrieved 4/XI/2008. The figure is taken from the memorial monument at the camp site.
Rubenstein, Richard L. and Roth, John K., Approaches to Auschwitz. The Holocaust and Its Legacy,
Revised Edition, Westminster John Knox Press, 2003.
Holocaust Memorial Committee (, retrieved 4/XI/2008.
Lublin Special Court, December 1944.
Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission for the Investigation of the crimes committed by the Germans
in Lublin, report of August 23, 1944.
JVL, retrieved 2/XI/2008.
Yad Vashem, retrieved 3/XI/2008. Sources: Rozett, Robert and Spector, Shmuel (eds.), Encyclopaedia
of the Holocaust, New York, Facts on File, 2000.

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

Majdanek 95,000 USHMM25


Majdanek 120,000 ARC26

Majdanek 78,000 Tomasz Kranz27

Majdanek 50,000 Raul Hilberg28

Sobibor 250,000 Yad Vashem29

Sobibor 200,000 Raul Hilberg30

Treblinka 700,000
900,000 Robin O’Neil31

Treblinka 870,000 Yad Vashem32

Treblinka 780,000 Jacek Andrezej Mlynarczyk33

Treblinka 750,000 Raul Hilberg34

Treblinka 700,000 Helmut Krausnick35


The figure of 2,500,000 deaths put forth by Reder (who had previously
mentioned the figure of three million when testifying before the Historical Jewish
Commission of Krakow in 1945) seems impossible in view of more recent

USHMM, retrieved 2/XI/2008. Between 80,000 and 110,000 victims in the main camp. From the total
(considering the sub-camps), between 89,000 and 110,000 were Jews. Sources: Schwindt, Barbara, Das
Konzentrations- und Vernichungslager Majdanek: Funktionswandel im Kontext der Endlösung,
Würzburg, Koenighausen & Neumann, 2005; Kranz, Tomasz, “Exterminacja Zydow na Majdanka i rola
obozu w realizacji Akcji Reinhard”, Zeszyty Majdanka, Vol. XXII, 2003; Rajca, Czeslaw, “Problem liczby
ofiar obozie na Madanku”, Zeszyty Majdanka, Vol. XIV, 1992.
ARC, 2005, retrieved 2/XI/2008. Total death toll for Jews: 78,000.
Kranz, Tomasz, “Ewidencja zgonow i smiertelnosc wiezniow KL Lublin”, Zeszyty Majdanka, Vol.
XXIII, 2005.
Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction... op. cit.
Yad Vashem, retrieved 3/XI/2008.
Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction... op. cit.
O’Neil, Robin, Belzec: Stepping Stone to Genocide; Hitler’s answer to the Jewish Question, JewishGen
(, retrieved 4/XI/2008.
Yad Vashem, retrieved 3/XI/2008.
Mlynarczyk, Jacek Andrezej, “Treblinka - ein Todeslager der “Aktion Reinhard”, in Musial, Bogdan
(ed.), Aktion Reinhard” - Die Vernichtung der Juden im Generalgouvernement, Osnabrück, 2004.
Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction... op. cit.
Testimony of Dr. Helmut Krausnick at the first Treblinka trial.

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

documentation (the Höfle telegram36) that tallies the total number of persons deported
until the end of 1942 at 434,000.

In 1961, Hilberg estimated the number of victims to be 550,000, and Yitzhak

Arad set a figure of no fewer than 600,000. Other sources talk about up to more than one

The gassings were halted in December 1942, although the camp was not
dismantled until the spring of 1943. There was a hiatus in operations between April and
May 1942.

Period of operation: from 17 March 1942 to December 1942.

Months: 10.
Estimate: 434,000.


Rubenstein and Roth seem to be at the midpoint in the estimates. The crematoria
were dismantled in September 1944.

Period of operation: from December 1941 to September 1944.

Months: 34.
Estimate: 200,000.


This camp shows the widest range of figures, from the 50,000 cited by Hilberg to
the 1,700,000 cited by the special tribunal in 1944. The figures from the latter and from
the Extraordinary Commission seem to be the original source of the estimates near these 203
amounts, which are still occasionally published (JVL, although it does not cite the
source). However, the 1944 investigators can be accused of disproportionate
extrapolations compared to the physical proof available at that time. The most recent
study is the one by Kranz, which drastically reduces the figures published hitherto. The
numbers from the Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team are based on Polish
publications specialising in this field, and they include material from Kranz himself from
2003. The Höfle telegram calculates the number of persons deported until late 1942 at

The camp was officially an internment centre for the SS’s prisoners of war until
April 1943.

The mass deportations of Jews began in April 1942, and the crematoria started
operating in October 1942.

Period of operation: from October 1942 to July 1944.

Months: 34.
Estimate: 100,000.

Document declassified in 2000, Public Record Office, Kew, Great Britain.

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca


The estimates of between 150,000 and 250,000 deaths provided by ARC and the
Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team come from Yitzhak Arad. Hilberg had
estimated the figure at 200,000.

The Höfle telegram states that 101,000 persons had been deported up to the end
of 1942.

Sobibor ceased operating as an extermination camp after the uprising on 15

October 1943, although it was used as a labour camp by the Baudienst (Construction
Service) until July 1944.

Period of operation: from April 1942 to October 1943.

Months: 19.
Estimate: 200,000.


The estimates usually range from between 700,000 and 900,000 deaths as
calculated at the Treblinka trials. Figures higher than one million tend to be based on
testimony from the survivors, who were sometimes the witnesses and guests at the party
held to celebrate the arrival of the one millionth prisoner, which was supposedly held far
before the operations were shut down37. The Höfle telegram states that 713,000 prisoners
had arrived by the end of 1942. A vast number of victims, especially during the period
when Irmfried Eberl was the camp commander, were shot immediately upon arrival.38

There were around 20-50 German SS staff and 80-90 Ukrainian guards, for a
total of between 100 and 140 men39. The proportion of guards to victims would have 204
been between 1/7,800 and 1/5,570.

Treblinka stopped working as an extermination camp after the August 1943


Period of operation: from July 1942 until August 1943.

Months: 14.
Estimate: 780,000.

If we organise these estimates on a table, we get the following:

Donat, Alexander (ed.), The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, New York, Schoken Books, 1979.
“Testimony from the Memoirs of the Survivor Edi Weinstein on Arriving at Treblinka Railway
Station”, Yad Vashem, retrieved 12/V/2008. Also, in Arad, Yitzhak, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka - The
Operation Reinhard Camps, Indiana University Press, 1987. A more detailed comparison of the operations
in Auschwitz and Treblinka can be found in Roca Domingo, Xavier, “La lógica de la Solución Final. Una
guerra moral”, Hispania Nova, 8, 2008, pp. 107-142 (
ARC, retrieved 19/IX/2008. Kurt Franz, who had been the commandant of the Ukrainian guards in
Belzec before he held the same post in Treblinka, stated that the staffing in both camps was the same;
between 60 and 80 men.

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca


Camp Estimate Months Monthly average

Belzec 434,000 10 43,400

Chelmno 200,000 34 5,882

Majdanek 100,000 24 4,166

Sobibor 200,000 19 10,526

Treblinka 780,000 14 55,714


The estimates on the number of deaths in the Auschwitz complex fluctuate

considerably, ranging from several million initially to one million more recently. There
is a trend among Eastern European researchers to posit higher figures than Western
European sources. Table 3 reflects the estimated figures put forth by the most prominent
researchers since 1956.

TABLE 3. Millions of deaths in the Auschwitz complex. Eighty-eight percent of the victims are
believed to have been Jews.

Source Estimate
L. Poliakov40 2.3

R. Hilberg41 1

G. Reitlinger42 0.8-0.9

J. Billig43 2

L. Dawidowicz44 1.1

D. Czech45 2.5-4

Poliakov, Leon, Harvest of Hate, Syracuse, Syracuse University Press, 1956.
Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction… op. cit.
Reitlinger, Gerald, The Final Solution: The Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945,
London, Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd, 1968.
Billig, Joseph, Les camps de concentration dans l’economie du Reich hitlerien, Paris, Presses
universitaires de France, 1973.
Dawidowicz, Lucy, The War Against the Jews, New York, Bantam Books, 1979.
Czech, Danuta, “Konzentrationslager Auschwitz Abriss der Geschichte”, in Auschwitz: Geschichte und
Wirklichheit des Konzentrationslagers, Reinbeck, Rowohlt Verlag, 1980.

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

K. Dunin-Wasowicz46 2.5-4

G. Wellers47 1.6

A. Weiss48 1.5-3.5

F. Piper49 1.1

J. van Pelt and D. Dwork50 1 – 1.1

W. Sofsky51 1.1

W. Dlugoborski52 1.1 – 1.5

We should deduct the number of deaths from means other than Zyklon-B from
the totals listed on Table 1; this includes Monowitz victims, those executed by the
Katowice Gestapo53, deaths from illness54, victims of medical experiments and others.
There is a tendency to argue that because these deaths (although unrelated to the Zyklon-
B operations) did actually take place in Auschwitz, they should be counted as successful
productivity. However, to count them as successful, the crematoria should have sufficed
to eliminate the corpses. Killing without disposing of the bodies meant repeating the
mistakes made in Treblinka, where murder itself had never been a problem, while
cremations were the real bottleneck in the process. However, we know that outdoor
graves were used to cremate the corpses in Auschwitz55. Sometimes the victims were
murdered and burned at the same time, dragging women and children to the burning pits
while still alive56. Clearly this kind of practice, even more horrible than the massive
shootings in Treblinka, cannot be counted as proof of the superior efficacy of the system.
The most elementary logic indicates that the ideal operation of the Zyklon-B system 206
would entail incinerating as many corpses as people gassed, or killing as many people as
Dunin-Wasowicz, Krzystof, Resistance in the Nazi Concentration Camps, 1933-1945, Warsaw, PWN,
Wellers, Georges, “Essai de determination du nombre de morts au camp d’Auschwitz”, Le Monde Juif,
October-December 1983.
Weiss, Aharon, “Categories of Camps, Their Character and Role in the Execution of the Final Solution
of the Jewish Question”, in The Nazi Concentration Camps, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, 1984.
Piper, Franciszek, “The Number of Victims”, in Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, US Holocaust
Memorial Museum and Indiana University Press, 1994.
Pelt, Robert Jan van and Dwork, Debórah, Auschwitz 1270 to the Present, New York, W. W. Norton,
1996. Estimate for the period March 1942-November 1944.
Sofsky, Wolfgang, The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camps, Princeton, Princeton University
Press, 1997.
Dlugoborski, Waclaw and Piper, Franciszek (eds.), Auschwitz 1940-45. Central Issues in the History of
the Camp, Oswiecim, The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, 2000.
Höss, Rudolf, “Testimony”, Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, Vol. 11, Avalon, retrieved 16/XI/2008.
About 500,000 deaths, according to Höss. “Rudolf Höss”, in Gellately, Robert (ed.), The Nuremberg
Interviews, New York, Knopf, 2004, p. 305.
Ibídem, p. 304. Also, “The Testimony of Mrs. Sidonia Mandel”, in Holocaust Testimonies
(, retrieved 5/I/2009, and 16 testimonies (K. E. et al., Munkács) in Protocol 254,
DEGOB, retrieved 6/I/2009.
I. M. and I. M. (Oroszvég), Protocol 468; K. D. (Budapest), Protocol 701 and H. E. and H. I. (Ungvár),
Protocol 2534, DEGOB, retrieved 22/XII/2008, all, and Piper, Franciszek, Die Zahl... op. cit., p. 77. Also,
in the testimony of Sidonia Mandel (previous note).

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

corpses can be cremated. If the cremation capacity is inferior to the killing capacity, the
system collapses, in a repetition of the problem in Treblinka (killing is easy but
disposing of the corpses is not). There is evidence that the different activities at
Auschwitz, as a multipurpose camp (labour, extermination, agricultural
experimentation57, site of organised executions not related to the camp, etc.), hindered
each other. Quite accurately, Rudolf Höss complained that the extermination activities
prevented the camp from operating effectively as a war industry. Equally accurately, we
can deduce that the industrial activities hindered its success as an extermination camp.
Because it fulfilled several functions at the same time, Auschwitz never reached full
efficacy despite its high figures.

Nor can the deaths of prisoners being transferred from Auschwitz to other camps
in the 1945 death marches be counted as victims of Zyklon-B. One famous case is Anne
Frank, who is usually cited as having died in Auschwitz, although in reality she survived
the march to Belsen and died there58. Indeed, all the deaths that took place after
November 1944 were caused by means other than Zyklon-B, as by then the death
chambers and crematoria had been destroyed. Furthermore, the crematoria in the main
camp were often out of order as they were inadequate for the large-scale use they were
given and instead pyres had to be used in Birkenau, near Bunker 159.

If we move from the estimates of between 0.8 and 1.1 million victims cited by
Western European sources (Hilberg, Reitlinger, Dawidowicz, Piper, Van Pelt and
Dwork, Sofsky and Dlugoborski) to the figures of up to 4 million cited by Eastern
European sources (Czech and Dunin-Wasowicz), we would have to pinpoint the number
of deaths caused by gassing since assuming that 4 million people were gassed might be
at odds with the lethal capacity of the amount of Zyklon-B available at the camp.
Calculating the use of Zyklon-B in Auschwitz is extraordinarily complex. Some of the
thorny issues include the fact that at least two different variations of this compound were
supplied (with and without irritating agents), that the amount needed to kill 1,000 people 207
is not clear (according to Pery Broad, 1 kg; according to Höss, 4 kg, and even more in
humid weather (Affidavit NI-034), and that large amounts were actually used to
deparasite the inmates. Focusing just on 1943, Robert Jan van Pelt concludes that most
of the Zyklon-B supplied to Auschwitz was used for deparasiting, but that nonetheless
the remaining amount would have been enough to kill between 750,000 and 1,500,000
people in 1943 alone.60 Robert Jan van Pelt’s calculations have been disputed by other
authors,61 but Van Pelt himself estimates the total number of victims at no more than 1.1
million, as the mere availability of enough gas (even if the calculations were accurate)
does not necessarily demonstrate that it was used in gassings.

Auschwitz had a department of agriculture that ran experimental farms under the supervision of SS-
Obersturmführer Werner Jothann.
Anne Frank Museum (, retrieved 9/XI/2008.
Several testimonies, for instance, in Greif, Gideon, We Wept Without Tears. Testimonies of the Jewish
Sonderkommando from Auschwitz, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2005.
Pelt, Robert Jan van, The Case for Auschwitz. Evidence from the Irving Trial, Bloomington, Indiana
University Press, 2002, pp. 427-428.
For a study that centres on chemistry and forensic analyses, see Green, Richard J., “The Chemistry of
Auschwitz”, version 1.8, last updated 1998, HHP (this article also accepts 1.1-1.5 million as total death
toll); Markiewicz, Jan et al., “A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content In The Walls Of The Gas
Chambers in the Former Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps”, last updated 2000, in HHP,
retrieved 9/XI/2008, both, and Green, Richard J. and McCarthy, Jamie, “Chemistry is Not the Science:
Rudolf, Rhetoric, and Reduction”, HHP, retrieved 16/XI/2008.

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

The period in which the gas chambers were in operation ranges, in theory and at
most, from July 1940 (construction of the first gas chamber with its corresponding
ovens) to November 1944 (when Himmler ordered the crematoria destroyed).

The most detailed studies on the garrison of the camp are the ones by Aleksander
Lasik, who counted around 7,000 guards during the entire lifetime of the camp. At any
given time, this figure ranged from between 700 men and women in 1941 to around
4,500 in 1945 (from 7 to 45 times the average staff in Treblinka)62 .According to Höss,
in December 1943 there were 3,500 guards and 500 administrative workers at

Period of operation: from July 1940 to November 1944 (maximum).

53: from when the first gas chamber was built in July 1940 to November 1944.
40: from the beginning of mass killings in September 1941 to November 194464.
35: from January 1942 to November 1944 (if we consider the previous killings to
be “experimental”).

Estimate: Between 1.1 and 1.5 million (1.5 is the maximum cited by most modern
Western sources and the minimum cited by Weiss).

If we list the scenarios derived from these estimates in order, we get the following:


Camp Estimate Months average
Auschwitz 1,500,000 35 42,857

Auschwitz 1,100,000 35 31,428

Auschwitz 1,500,000 40 37,500

Auschwitz 1,100,000 40 27,500

Auschwitz 1,500,000 53 28,301

Auschwitz 1,100,000 53 20,754


If we accept the already-high figure of 1.5 million for the total number of deaths

Lasik, Aleksander, “Historical-Sociological Profile of the Auschwitz SS”, in Gutman, Israel and
Berembaum, Michael (eds.), Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Bloomington, Indiana University
Press, 1998.
“Rudolf Höss”, in Gellately, Robert (ed.), The Nuremberg Interviews... op. cit., p. 305.
According to Höss, mass killings using gas began in the summer of 1941. Höss, Rudolf, “Testimony”,
Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, Vol. 11, 15/IV/1946, Avalon, retrieved 21/XI/2008.

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

at Auschwitz over the course of 53 months (starting from the construction of the first gas
chamber), the monthly average would be 28,301 deaths, compared to almost twice that
at Treblinka and more than 43,000 at Belzec. Consequently, even assuming that all the
deaths in Auschwitz were due to gassing and that all the victims there underwent the
entire deportation-selection-gassing-cremation process, which would have been
impossible, the Zyklon-B system does not appear to be more effective than the systems
used before it in the Operation Reinhard camps.

If we consider the period between the first mass gassings in September 1941 and
the end of operations in November 1944, it is reduced to 40 months and the monthly
average would be 37,500, still far below the moderate estimate for Treblinka of 55,714
and the estimate for Belzec. In fact, even if we take January 1942 as the starting date of
the process, as the previous deaths using gas can be regarded as experimental, the period
would be 35 months and the monthly average would be 42,857 victims, once again
lower than the averages at Treblinka and Belzec. Consequently, even assuming that all
the deaths in Auschwitz were due to gassing, that all the victims underwent the entire
deportation-selection-gassing-cremation process and that all the victims were killed in
the respective periods of 35 or 40 months, all of which would have been impossible, the
Zyklon-B system does not appear to be more effective than the systems used before it in
the Operation Reinhard camps.

Naturally, if we start with the figure of 1,100,000 deaths, the monthly averages
are even lower, as can be seen in the table below:


Treblinka 780,000 14 55,714

Belzec 434,000 10 43,400

Auschwitz 1,500,000 35 42,857

Auschwitz 1,500,000 40 37,500

Auschwitz 1,100,000 35 31,428

Auschwitz 1,500,000 53 28,301

Auschwitz 1,100,000 40 27,500

Auschwitz 1,100,000 53 20,754

In order to consider Zyklon-B more effective than the systems used in Treblinka,
Auschwitz would have to be assigned 2,957,000 deaths solely from gassings in 53
months, 2,232,000 in 40 months or 1,953,000 in 35 months. This would entail raising
the total death toll, that is, including the deaths in other periods and the ones attributed to
causes other than gas, to numbers that cannot be found in modern Western sources. This
means that the justification for the system at Auschwitz, and in particular for the use of
Zyklon-B technology by the masterminds of the Final Solution, cannot be sought in

Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca

more effective killings.

If we consider the staff needed and the proportion of staff to victims, which we
established above at between 1/7,800 and 1/5,570 for Treblinka (impossible for
Auschwitz regardless of how the figures are manipulated), we reach the conclusion that
Auschwitz was neither more effective nor more efficient than Treblinka or Belzec.

It would also be necessary to consider the proportion of Jews among the victims.
There are no reasons for assuming that this proportion was higher in Auschwitz than in
Treblinka or Belzec, rather the contrary, meaning that Auschwitz’s efficacy as a centre
for exterminating Jews could be even lower.

Even if we assume that 1.5 million people were killed in Auschwitz and that all of
them were treated according to plan, Auschwitz did not kill more or faster than
Treblinka or Belzec. In reality, Zyklon-B technology was not more effective, rather it
was perhaps simply more abstract, impersonal, aseptic and psychologically bearable by
the perpetrators.

Works and Testimonies Cited

Arad, Yitzhak, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka - The Operation Reinhard Camps,

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MISCEL· LÀNIA-2010 ISSN 1696-4403 Xavier Roca


Comparative Efficacy Revista HMiC, número VIII, 2010

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