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Name ____________________

Date _____________________

Anne Frank Web Quest

Companion Guide
Task 1:
You will first spend some time gathering research about the events that led to World War II. Youll look
at the people, countries, and historical events that laid the background for Anne Franks story. (2 points

1. The Major Players
United States Britain
Main Leader Franklin D.
Winston _________ _______ Stalin ______ Hitler Benito ________

2. WWII started in _________ and ended in ____________.

3. What does genocide mean? _____________________________________________________

4. What does anti-Semitism mean? _________________________________________________

Citing Your Sources! What websites did you use to find the answers for questions 1-3?

5. What was the Holocaust? _________________________________________________________

6. How many Jews were systematically killed in WWII? ______________

7. What was The Final Solution? ____________________________________________________

8. How many children were murdered in the Holocaust? _____________

9. Were Jews the only ones murdered during the Holocaust? If not, who else did Hitler kill? _____

10. How did the Nazis carry out their policy of genocide? What was Auschwitz?


Annes Impact
11. When was Annes diary first published?

12. How many languages has Anne Franks diary been translated into?
Images of the Holocaust

After visiting the website, write a brief summary of your reactions to the pictures. What did you think?
How did the pictures make you feel? (
pictures/ghetto+street.gif.html. )

Task 2:
Now it's time to look a little closer at the life of Anne Frank. Use the resources found online at the Anne
Frank House to learn more about this brave young teenager. (3 points each)

Life in Germany
1. When was Anne Frank born? ______________
2. How many siblings did she have? ___________
3. What song does Otto Frank hear Storm Troopers singing in 1932 as he
comes home from work (see Crisis and Anti-Semitism)?

The German Invasion
4. In 1940, the Germans invade the Netherlands. What kinds of
discrimination do the Jews experience as a result? ______________

5. What does the Frank family do when Margot, Annes older sister,
receives a call-up to go to a work camp in Germany? _________

6. What will happen to the whole family if Margot doesnt register for the work camp?
____________________________________________________________________ __________

The Hiding Place
7. Otto and Edith Frank go into hiding with their two children, Margot and Anne. What four other
individuals also go into hiding them? ________________________________________________

8. How was the entrance to the Secret Annex concealed? _________________________________

9. Who is Miep Gies? What, specifically, does she do for the family? ________________________

10. Why was there a lot of tension in the Annex between the Jews in hiding? ___________________

11. As the war rages on, Anne and her family often got news from the outside world. What was
happening to all of the Jews unable to find hiding places? _______________________________

The Arrest
12. What punishment do Anne and her family receive for not turning themselves in voluntarily?
What task do they have at Camp Westerbork? ________________________________________

13. At Auschwitz, what happens to the children, elderly, and sick? ___________________________

14. At Auschwitz, every man and woman receives a number, which is tattooed on their arm. What
happens to their heads? What happens to their clothes? ________________________________

15. After arriving at Auschwitz, Anne and Margot are eventually separated from their mother and
transferred to another concentration camp. What is the name of the camp they were
transferred to? ________________________________________________________________

16. How does Anne Frank die? ________________________ What happens to her concentration
camp only a few weeks after her death? _____________________________________________

17. After Anne and her family are captured, who finds and keeps Annes diary? _________________

Otto Frank Returns

18. Who was the only survivor of Anne Franks family? _____________________

Task 3:

What was it like in the concentration camps? Holocaust survivors share their experiences through the
Behind Every Name a Story project at the USHMM. Choose two of these stories. Then, summarize and
respond to them. (5 points for each story)

Story 1 Summary. For this story, I chose to talk about ________________.

(persons name)

Story 1 Response. What reactions did you have when reading this account? How did it make you feel?
What did you think about this persons experiences?

Story 2 Summary. For this story, I chose to talk about ________________.

(persons name)

Story 2 Response. What reactions did you have when reading this account? How did it make you feel?
What did you think about this persons experiences?

Eye-Witness Journal
Visit this website: Then choose two of the six
concentration camp survivors and read their stories. Once you've read their stories, write a journal
entry from the point of view of a student your age held captive in a concentration camp. Think and
write about what they might have experienced and any emotions or fears they might have felt. This
journal entry should be well-thought out and it should reflect a level of maturity. (10 points)

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