AUA ITA RiskGeorgeFox

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International Tunnelling

Association (ITA) and Risk

George Fox Seminar

Harvey W Parker
President, International Tunnelling Association (ITA)

January 25, 2005


Harvey W. Parker March, 2004

Realistically, not all risks associated with complex construction
projects can be entirely avoided or mitigated.

consequences or impact


residual risk

likelihood or probability
Harvey W. Parker March, 2004
Risk Management for Tunnels
• Now Routine for Major Projects Worldwide
• ITA Guidelines
– Published last year (2004)
• British Code of Practice
– Published and in Effect
– Attempts to Require it Internationally
• International Code of Practice
– To be published
International Tunnelling Association
• ITA Founded in 1974
• Organization of Member Nations
– NGO of the United Nations
• Member Nations = 53 ~20,000 People
• Annual Congress & General Assembly
– Istanbul in May, 2005
– Working Groups/Committees
• Communications
– Website:
– ITA @News
– Scientific Journal: TUST
Tunnel Construction Risk
• Construction Imposes Risk on:
– All Parties involved
– Those not directly involved

• “Traditionally, risks have been managed

indirectly through the engineering decisions
taken during the project development.”

• ITA Guidelines recommend Systematic Risk

Management Techniques instead
Systematic Risk Management
• The practice of performing risk
management requires much experience,
practical and theoretical knowledge.

• Can not cover every aspect therefore

Guidelines are given by ITA to suggest
Best Practice
Risk Management is Formula For:
• Minimizing Cost to Owner
• Maximizing Profit for Contractor

• Achieved by Joint
– Planning and Problem Solving
– Scheduling and Mitigation of Delays
– Partnering
Risk Management

• Risk Identification
• Risk Assessment
• Risk Analysis
• Risk Elimination
• Risk Mitigation
Risk Objectives & Strategy

• Identify Hazards
• Identify Mitigation Measures
• Implement Measures to:
– Eliminate Risk
– Mitigate Risk to ALARP
• Conduct Risk Assessment at Each Stage
of Design and Construction
Example Risk Matrix Classifications


– Very Unlikely – Insignificant

– Unlikely – Considerable
– Occasional – Serious
– Likely – Severe
– Very Likely – Disastrous
Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable Very likely

Very high 5 10 15 20 25

High 4 8 12 16 20
Medium 3 6 9 12 15
Low 2 4 6 8 10
Very low 1 2 3 4 5

RISK R=P × I RESPONSE Note: The detailed process of

Intolerable 17-25 Unacceptable risk identification is project-specific
Significant 13-16 Unacceptable In this case the high impact means
Substantial 9-12 Early attention the likelihood of the event must be
considered with higher priority
Tolerable 5-8 Regular attention
Harvey W. Parker March, 2004
Insignificant 1-4 Monitor John Reilly Assoc Int’l / Geodata SPA
A Code of Practice for Risk
Management of Tunnel Works
Drafted by
BTS in Association with Insurers
• Insurance Industry
– Big Insurance Losses
– Insurers Lost 500%
• Compared to 110% other construction
• Insurers Options:
– Stop Insuring
– Increase Premiums
– Work with Tunnel Industry
• October 2001 ABI Approached BTS to Write a
Joint Code of Practice
International Code
• Being Prepared by British Tunnelling
Society for:
– ABI (Association of British Insurers)
– Based on British Code Now in Effect
• International Version Still in Draft Form
• Likely to be completed soon
– Would Affect USA
Objectives of Code
• Promote And Secure Best Practice For
Minimization And Management Of Risks
• Reduce Probability of a Loss Happening
• Reduce Size of Claim when Loss Occurs
• Give Insurers Better Understanding of
• Enable Insurers to Enforce the Code
– Reserve right to enter and inspect
– Reserve right to cancel or suspend coverage
International Code
• Projects of 1 Million Pounds (~$2M)
– Or otherwise risky projects
• Code Applies to:
– Contractor’s All Risks Insurance
– Third Party Liability Insurance
• Intended to operate in parallel with existing
– If local codes do not exist, use Internationally-
Recognized such as British Standards
Project Stage Basis
• Project Development Stage
• Construction Contract Procurement Stage
• Design Stages
• Construction Stage
Risk Register
• Developed at Soon as Project Identified
• Working Document
– Updated at Each Stage
– “Cascading” of Risk Registers; Stage to Stage
• Included in Information Given to Tenderers
• Contractor required to submit own Risk
• Continual Update by Contractor during
Project Development Stage
• Client to assure sufficient time and budget to
investigate and prepare designs
• Client to assure suitably qualified and
experienced (hence competent) personnel
• Conduct Risk Assessment and Prepare Risk
– Include effects on:
• Third Parties
• Environment
– Risk Register Given to Contractor
Construction Contract Procurement
• Use FICIC, ICE, National, or Proven Form of
• Clearly delineate how all parties comply with
– Responsibility for meeting the cost of Insurer’s
Remedial Measures
• Include GBR in Contract Documents
– Also Subcontract Documents
• Require tenderer to submit own Risk Register
• Must Pre-qualify Contractors
Fundamental Design Objective
• Code intended to not be prescriptive in Design

• Requires a Robust Design

• Risk of Failure or damage to the tunnel works or to
a third party from all reasonably foreseeable
causes, and including health and safety
considerations, is extremely remote during the
construction and the design life of the tunnel works

• Consider high consequence/low frequency events

that could affect Third Party
Design Stage
• Assure transfer of information between
successive designers
• Continued Risk Assessments and Risk Register
– Constructability
– Detail intermediate stages of construction
– Sensitivity Studies
– Third Parties
• Validate design by monitoring during
Construction Stage
• Continue aggressive risk management and risk
register updating
• Defines requirements for contractor’s risk and
management staff and training
• Requires Constructability Reviews Jointly with
• Requires method statements that clearly and
unequivocally detail the contractor’s methods
and resources
• Monitoring required
• Insurance contracts should include
provisions enabling Insurers to enforce the
requirements of the Code
• If necessary on pain of suspension or
cancellation of the cover on what Insurers
consider a breach of the Code
– Can be reinstated if remedial measures taken
• BTS or Insurers expected to complete draft and
send to ITA asking for approval
• ITA will evaluate Code in many ways and by
several committees and international experts to
make sure the Code is fair to all parties and will
work within the legal system of our Member
– In advance of receipt to provide input before draft is
• AUA has been asked to provide input in advance of receiving
the final Code
• So far, ITA has not published a Standard or a
• However, Insurers still have the options to
withhold coverage or significantly increase costs
Thank You

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