Criteria of Judgement of Bearing

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of Judgement
Plain bearing for main and connecting-rod plain bearings in
medium-speed internal combustion engines

Material: Material:
Steel / lead bronze / nickel dam / electroplated layer Steel / aluminium

The contact reflection is de-

veloped uniformly, covering the
whole bearing width. lt is weil
Figure 1

experienced that the dirt score

caused by a foreign particle
within the lubricating oil, has
no considerable effect on the
further operating reliability of
the plain bearing. This bearing
shell may be re-used.

Both the bearing shells show a

faultless and non-objectionable
»running picture«. The contact
reflection of the shaft is well
Figure 2

marked in the center area. The The contact reflection is de-

electroplated running layer is veloped uniformly, covering the
completely preserved. There are whole bearing width.
no signs of corrosive attack. The This bearing shell may be
foreign body score, as visible in re-used.
Fig. 2, has no significant influence
on the operational reliability of
the bearing; the shells can be

The contact reflection is developed

In this state of wear the bearing uniformly, covering the whole be-
shell may be further used. The aring width. The radially extended
following zones are visible: scores are caused by minute solid
Figure 3

A) Nickel dam visible in a small matter particles included in the

area lubricating oil. In case the depth of
B) B
 earing metal lead bronze these scores is neither measurable
locally exposed by edge wear nor tangible, the bearing shell may
C) E lectroplated running layer is be re-used. In case of the depth of
dark due to tin migration. these scores reaches or exceeds
D) N o sign of wear on electro- the dimension of the lubricating
plated running layer. film thickness, the bearing shell
has to be replaced.

A) Dark area: remains of elec­tro­

plated running layer.
This »running picture« shows The contact reflection shows
a normal state of wear. There highly loaded areas at the
Figure 4

is no corrosive attack. The few bearing edges with traces of cor-

scores caused by foreign particles rosion within the running layer
are of no conse­quence. The made from an alumi­nium alloy.
electroplated running layer is This bearing shell is not reusable.
only preserved in about 70 % of The cause of this plain bearing
the contact area of the shell. The damage has to be determined
bearing shell is only conditionally and eliminated.
fit for use because of its limited
running-in properties.

The »running picture« shows

normal wear after about 39.000
hours. The bearing shell must be
replaced. The following zones The contact reflection shows a
Figure 5

are visible: large damaged area with diffe-

A) Bearing metal exposed by rent degrees of seizure.
wear (normal process) This bearing shell is not reusable.
B) N
 ickel dam zone normally The cause of this plain bearing
worn damage has to be determined
C) D
 iffusion zone. Darker and eliminated.
colouring due to tin migration
D) N o sign of wear on electropla-
ted running layer

The electroplated running layer This bearing shell shows

(PbSnCu) is almost completely cracked-off bearing metal due
worn out by corrosion and to fatigue of the aluminium
mechanical wear. Large areas of alloy running layer.
Figure 6

the nickel dam are visible. The Some pieces of cracked-off

nickel dam does not show any bearing metal are still visible in
transitional phase in the wear the fatigue area. The surface
pattern of the bearing shell, as structure at the bottom of the
in Fig. 3 and 5: cracked-off area indicates good
The shell must be replaced bonding of the aluminium alloy
because it has no »running-in« to the steel-back. This bearing
capabilitiy. shell is not reusable.

This picture also shows a large This bearing shell shows

area where the electroplated cracked-off bearing metal due
Figure 7

running layer (PbSnCu) is worn to fatigue of the aluminium

out by corrosion and mechanical alloy running layer. The surface
wear. The nickel dam is exposed. structure at the bottom of the
This shell must also be cracked-off area indicates good
replaced because it has no bonding of the aluminium alloy
»running-in« capability. to the steel back. This bearing
shell is not reusable.

ZOLLERN BHW Gleitlager GmbH & Co. KG I Alte Leipziger Str. 117-118 I 38124 Braunschweig - Germany I T +49 531 2605 - 0 I F +49 531 2605 - 300 I [email protected] I

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