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Physics Investigatory Project

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Name : Yash Patole
Class : XII
Session : 2019-20
Board Roll No. :
School : DAV International School, Kharghar

It is a genuine pleasure to express my deep sense of

thanks and gratitude to my physics teacher Mrs Anagha
Tagare as well as our Principal Mrs Seema Maindiratta to
provide me the wonderful opportunity to do this delightful
project on the topic "Infrared Detector", which helped me
to link the textual knowledge to the practical life issues
and helped in doing a lot of research. I am really grateful
to Lab Assistant Mrs Kavita for resolving my doubts at the

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents, who

provided constant support and resources and my
classmates and friends for encouraging me to finalise this
project in the given time constraints.


Pa ge
Sr No. Content
1. I n t ro d u c t i o n 4
2. Aim 5
3. Apparatus 6
4. Th e o ry 9
5. Construction 10
6. Circuit Diagram 12
7. Model Photo 13
8. W o rk i n g 14
9. Advantages 16
10. Applications 17
11. Conclusion 18
12. Bibliography 19


This project of "Infrared Detector" is based on the topic

"Infrared Waves" of Physics. This project highlights the
functioning of the infrared waves. It gives an opportunity to study
and gives an insight into the various properties, characteristics
and overall functioning of infrared lights.

Infrared waves are produced by hot bodies and molecules.

Infrared radiation also plays an important role in maintaining
earth's warmth and average temperature through green house
effects. Infrared waves are also useful in our day to day life and
is extensively used in various applications like televisions,
satellites and military use.


The aim of the project is to study and get an insight into the
various properties, characteristics and overall functioning of
infrared lights. It will also give an opportunity to look forward as
to how the characteristics infrared waves can be useful in our
day to day lives.

This project is a self made project involving electronic

components like infrared transmitter, infrared receiver, resistors,
transistors, LED lights, battery, bread board, etc.

This project also gives an insight into the actual functioning

of the various electronic components and help in learning and
provides hands on experience on practical handling of various
electronic components

The following apparatus was used in making this project.
The details are as follows :
1. Bread Board :

2. Infrared LED Transmitter & Receiver:

3. Resistors

6. Transistors - BC 547 & BC 557

7. LED Light

8. 9 V Battery

Infrared radiations, sometimes called, infrared light is an
electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelength than those of
visible light. It is therefore generally invisible to the human eye
although IR (Infrared Radiations) with wavelengths upto 1050
nano meters from specially pulsed lasers can be seen by
humans under certain conditions. IR wavelengths extends from
nominal red edge of visible spectrum at 700 nano meters to 1
mili meter. Most of the thermal radiations emitted by objects
near room temperature is infrared. As with all EMR, IR carries
radiant energy, and behaves both like a wave and like its
quantum particle the photon.
Infrared radiations was discovered by astronomer Sir
William Herschel, who discovered a type of invisible radiation in
the spectrum lower in energy than the red light by means of its
effect on the thermometer. Slightly more than half of total energy
from the sun was eventually found to arrive on earth in the form
of infrared. The balance between absorbed and emitted infrared
radiations has a critical effect on earth's climate.
Infrared spectroscopy examines transmission and
absorption of photons in the infrared range.

The components described in the apparatus are all taken
before starting the construction of the circuit for the "Infrared
Detector". The following steps are to be followed towards
construction of the Infrared Detector.
1. The circuit diagram of the IR Detector is kept in front.
2. All the components legs are cleaned for any grease or any
other coating which might cause loose or no connection.
3. The breadboard is taken and initially the infrared
transmitter is designed first as per the circuit diagram.
4. The main component for IR Transmitter is the IR LED
5. Then, the infrared receiver is designed as per the circuit
diagram. The main components of the IR receiver is the
IR LED receiver, the two transistors, resistors and the
LED light. All the components are fitted on the board as per
the circuit diagram.
6. Then, 9V Battery is taken and power supply of the circuit is
given as per the polarity given in the circuit diagram.
7. The LED Light on the breadboard glows in normal
circumstances. It indicates that the receiver and
transmitter, both are functioning properly as all the
components are in a forward bias condition.
8. When any non conducting object is brought between the IR
LED transmitter and IR Led receiver, the IR LED receiver is
reverse biased and does not conduct. Accordingly, the IR
LED receiver circuit stops from conducting causing the LED
light to go off.
9. Thus, it indicates that due to presence of IR waves from the
IR LED transmitter, the IR LED receiver is forward biased
and conducts causing the entire IR LED receiver circuit
function causing the LED light on the breadboard to
10. Due to obstruction, the IR waves generated from the IR
LED Transmitter is not able to reach the IR LED receiver
causing it to stop functioning.
11. When the obstruction is removed, the IR waves from the IR
LED Transmitter reaches the IR receiver causing it to
conduct and thereby causing the entire IR LED Receiver
Circuit to functions and thereby causing the LED light to
glow .




1. After the circuit is ready as per the circuit diagram, 9 V

battery is taken and connected to the circuit diagram as per
the polarity given in the diagram.
2. When the battery is connected, the IR LED transmitter
receives power supply and it starts emitting IR Waves
directed towards the receiver.
3. Parallely, the IR LED receiver also receives power supply
through the 9 V Battery.
4. In normal circumstances, the IR LED receiver circuit also
functions. The IR LED receiver receives IR waves from the
IR LED transmitter and starts to conduct. The IR LED
receiver is connected in reverse bias condition and will
conduct only when it receives IR LED waves. Thus, when
the IR LED receiver conducts, the two transistors also are
properly biased and begin to conduct.
5. The LED light is connected to the collector of the transistor
IC 557. When the transistor IC 557 conducts, current flows
through it and further through the LED light which is forward
bias and begins to glow.

6. When a non conducting is obstruction is brought between
the IR LED transmitter an IR LED receiver, the waves from
the IR LED transmitter are obstructed and thereby not able
to reach the IR LED receiver. This causes the IR LED
receiver to stop functioning due to reverse bias condition
and not receiving IR LED waves.
7. As the IR LED Transmitter stops, the biasing to the two
transistors is cut off and thus stop functioning.
8. This causes the cutoff of current flow through transistor BC
557 and thus it stops functioning. As the transistor stops
functioning, the LED light connected to its collector, stops
as current stops flowing through it.
9. Thus, we are able to detect the IR waves being flowing from
the IR LED transmitter to the IR LED receiver.
10. When the obstruction is removed, the flow of IR waves from
the transmitter to receiver is resumed causing both the
transistors to conduct and thereby causing the LED light to


1. IR has a low power requirement and also the technology is

very cheap.
2. Ideal for laptops, telephones, etc.
3. IR has a low circuitary cost.
4. IR has a Simple circuitary. No special or proprietary
hardware is required and can be easily incorporated into
the integrated circuit of a product.
5. IR has a higher security. It means that the information is
not easily leaked or spilled to nearby devices when it is
6. IR beam has a certain directionality. Thus it helps in
enhancing the security of information transmitted through IR
7. IR waves does not interfere with other signals and is not
susceptible to interference from other signals.
8. IR waves cannot pass through walls.
9. No license required.


1. Construction of Night Vision Devices.

2. Application in Infrared Astronomy.
3. It is useful in Infrared Tracking installed in the Missile
Guidance System and other defence applications.
4. It is used in remote switches of household electronic
devices like the TV / TV Remote, video recorders and hi-fi
5. Infrared lamps are used in physical therapy.
6. Infrared Reflectography is used by art historians in order to
reveal hidden layers of painting to detect its originality
7. Other key application areas include :
a. Climatology
b. Meteorology
c. Gas Detectors
d. Water analysis
e. Petroleum exploration
f. Rail Safety
g. Information Technology Devices / Computers like
wireless Keyboard and mouse.


The following can be concluded :

a. The project gave an opportunity to learn and understand

the functioning of the IR Waves and IR Sensor.
b. The project helped me to understand the characteristics of
the IR Waves
c. The project helped me to understand the various
applications of IR Waves and its usefulness in our day to
day lives.
d. The project also gave an opportunity to handle the various
electronic projects during the course of the project and to
understand the functioning of these components.
e. The IR Waves and the IR Sensors have become an integral
part of our day to day lives.

Further, it can be concluded that IR Waves / IR

detectors are going to play vital role in new electronic fabrication
processes, software developments and implementations and will
dictate the growth of sensor technology in future.


1. NCERT Physics Text Book for Class XII th

2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org
3. https://coreelectronics.com
4. https://www.livescience.com
5. https://science.nasa.com


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