Efficiency of Law Enforcer and It

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A Thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Criminal

Justice Education, Laguna State Polytechnic

University, San Pablo City Campus,

San Pablo City

In partial fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in




November 2014
Republic of the Philippines


San Pablo City Campus


This research ent1itled “Efficiency of Law Enforcers and
its Auxiliary on the Implementation of Curfew Hours in
Barangay V-A San Pablo City Laguna” prepared and submitted by
PAULO U. CONCEPCION, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Criminology is hereby recommended for approval and

Approved and accepted by the committee on oral

examination with grade of ___.


Member Member


Member Member


Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology.

November_2014 MARLON M. WANKEY, MSCJ

Date Associate Dean, CCJE


Chairperson, Research & Development

Contribution No.BSCm-15-SPCC_______

The study is design to determine the effectiveness of law

enforcer and it’s auxiliary on the implementation of curfew

hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo City, Laguna. The study looked

into the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

A) Age, b) Gender, c) number of years of residency; the level

of efficiency of Law Enforcer and its Auxiliary in the

implementation of curfew hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo City

Laguna in terms of; A) enforcement of the ordinance, B)

apprehension of violators and C) conducting patrol. Is there

a significant difference on the level of efficiency in the

implementation of curfew hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo City

Laguna relative to enforcement of the ordinance apprehension

of violators conducting patrol. Based on the result, the

following are the findings of the study. Majority of the

respondents belong to age 18-30 age brackets. The results

indicate that the numbers of respondents selected are mostly

male. With regards to the number years of residency most of

them is 18-34 years resident of the said barangay. In the

Level of efficiency of law enforcer and It’s auxiliary on the

implementation of curfew Hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo City,

Laguna. A) Enforcement of the ordinance revealed an overall

weighted mean of 2.39 with a descriptive rating of overall

weighted mean of 2.39 with a descriptive rating of slightly

efficient. B) Apprehension of violators revealed an overall

weighted mean of 2.18 with descriptive rating of slightly

efficient. C) Conducting patrol revealed an overall weighted

mean of 1.97 with a descriptive rating of slightly efficient.

C) Significant difference on the level of efficiency on the

implementation of curfew hours in Baraga V-A San Pablo City,

Laguna. Using the F-test or ANOVA, the result of the value of

the test statistic is 3.88 and the P-value is 0.022, this

reject null hypothesis which means it has significant

difference. Based from the result of the study, it can be

concluded that: there is a significant difference on the level

of effectiveness of law enforcer and it’s auxiliary on the

implementation of curfew hours in Baraga V-A San Pablo City,

Laguna. From the salient findings of the study the conclusions

are as follows; A)The level of efficiency of law enforcer and

it’s auxiliary on implementation of curfew hours in Barangay

V-A San Pablo City Laguna as to the enforcement of the

ordinance is “slightly efficient”. The law enforcer is

implementing the curfew hours in the barangay however there

are assessed by the respondents to be slightly efficient in

implementing it. B) As to the apprehension of violators the

law enforcer and its auxiliary are “slightly efficient”. In

implementing curfew hours upon the apprehension of violators

they are assessed by the respondents not inflicting harm upon

the apprehended violators. The law enforcer and its auxiliary

are giving fair treatment and judgments to apprehended

violators. C) In conducting patrol the law enforcer and its

auxiliary have receive an interpretation of “slight

efficient” they are “slightly efficient” in conducting patrol

at night and daytime. There are observed that they conduct

patrol from daytime until night time. In despite of lacks of

man power and equipment they are performing their job in the

best of their ability, D) here is a significant different

relationship between the mean score of the respondents in the

sub indicator questions when it comes in the enforcement of

ordinance, apprehension of violators and conducting patrol.

There is a significant difference between the three

indicators. As observe in the indicators all of them received

an overall descriptive interpretation of “slightly efficient”

there average weighted mean are nearly from on over the other.

But in the sub indicators there is a difference because in

indicator enforcement of the ordinance its sub indicators

received 5 “slightly efficient” sub indicators 2 “not

efficient” 1 “efficient” in the indicator apprehension of

violators its sub indicators received 4 “slightly efficient”

sub indicators 2 “not efficient” 2 “efficient” lastly the

indicator conducting patrol its sub indicators received 4

“slightly efficient” sub indicators 2 “not efficient” 2

“efficient”. We can say that there is a significant

difference on the indicators because of the result in its sub

indicator because both the sub indicators of indicators

apprehension of violators and conducting patrol has the same

numbers of “slightly efficient”, “efficient” and “not

efficient”. But when it comes to the indicator enforcement of

the ordinance there is a difference its sub indicator received

a different numbers of “slightly efficient”, “efficient” and

“not efficient”.

Keyword. Efficiency of Law Enforcer and Its Auxiliary on the

Implementation of Curfew Hours


It gives the researcher great pleasure in expressing

his gratitude to all those people who have supported him and

had their contributions in making this thesis possible. First

and foremost, he must acknowledge and thank The Almighty god

for blessing, guidance he showered into the study. He could

never have accomplished this without the faith I have in the


The researcher offer his sincerest gratitude to his

adviser Ms. Jennifer M. Nayoyos who has supported him

throughout this study with her patience and knowledge whilst.

He attribute the level of his bachelor degree due to her

encouragement and effort. One simply could not wish for a

better or friendlier adviser.

Mr. Marlon Wankey, Associate Dean of College of Criminal

Justice Education, for his vital encouragement, constant

reminders and much needed motivation throughout this study.

To Mrs. Arlene P. Madrio who serves as his statistician,

for tabulating those data and giving insightful comments

thoughtful criticism, time and attention during her busy

The researcher is highly indebted to the barangay

officials of Barangay V-A and to their residents for allowing

the researcher to float questionnaire, for guidance and

constant supervision as well as for providing necessary


Last but not the least, the researcher takes this

opportunity to extend their deep appreciation to his family

and friends for their understanding and support throughout

this study.

P. U. C

This thesis work is dedicated to my family, who have

always loved me unconditionally and whose good examples

have taught me to work hard for the things that I aspire to


This work is also dedicated to my friends, who has been a

constant source of support and encouragement during the

challenges of graduate school and life. I am truly thankful

for having you in my life.


Title Page

Title page . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Thesis abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Acknowledgement. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Dedication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13

List of Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14


1. The problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Objective of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Significance of the study . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Theoretical framework .. . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Conceptual framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Definition of terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..35

Research paradigm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Statement of the problem . . . . . . . . . . . .39

2.Research methodology

Research design and methodology. . . . . . . . . 40

Population and locale of the study . . . . . . . 40

Data gathering tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..41

Data gathering procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Statistical treatment of data . . . . . . . . . 42

3. Presentation and analysis of data

Profile of the respondents

Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Gender . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .46

Years of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .47

Enforcement of the ordinance. . . . . . . . . .48

Level of efficiency of la enforcer and its auxiliary

on the implementation of curfew hours in terms of;

Apprehension of violators . . . . . . . . . . .54

Conducting patrol. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .60

Significant difference on the level of efficiency of

law enforcer and its auxiliary on implementation of

curfew hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4. Conclusions and recommendations

Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Proposed action plan . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 74

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76


a. Letter for the barangay chairman. . . . . . . . 78

b. Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

c. Total distribution as respondents to the

indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83

d. One way anova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85

Curriculum vitae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86


Table No. Table Title Page

1 Profile of the respondents. . . . . . . . . .41

2 Level of effectiveness of law enforcer and

its auxiliary in the implementation of

curfew hours at Barangay V-A San Pablo City

in terms of Enforcement of the ordinance. . .48

3 Level of effectiveness of law enforcer and

its auxiliary in the implementation of

curfew hours at Barangay V-A San Pablo City

in terms of Apprehension of violators. . .. .55

4 Level of effectiveness of law enforcer and

its auxiliary in the implementation of

curfew hours at Barangay V-A San Pablo

City in terms of conductingpatrol. . . .. ..61

5 Test of significant difference on the level of

effectiveness of law enforcer and it’s

auxiliary on the implementation of curfew

hours in barangay V-A San Pablo City. . . . 67


Figure No. Figure Table Page

1 Research paradigm of the study. . . . .. . .35

2 Profile of the respondents in terms of

age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

3 Profile of the respondents in terms of

gender.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46

4 Profile of the respondents in terms of

number of years of residency . . . . . . . .47

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Curfews have reemerged recently as a popular option for

policymakers in their efforts to deter juvenile victimization

and delinquency. Imposed on and off since the turn of the

century, curfews tend to receive increased attention when

there is a perceived need for more stringent efforts at social

control. For example, curfew ordinances were originally

enacted in the 1890's to decrease crime among immigrant youth.

During World War II, curfews were perceived as an effective

control for parents who were busy helping with the war effort.

More recent interest in juvenile curfew ordinances came as a

response to growing juvenile crime during the 1970's

(Sutphen, R., & Ford, J. 2008).

Curfew is one of the ordinances that largely affect the

society especially the youth. The minors are the main concern

of this law. A curfew is an official order to return home

before a stated time. It may often be imposed by a government

to maintain public order. Some jurisdictions impose curfews

on minors. They enact curfew ordinance that keeps kids under

the age of 18 off the streets and away from gangs, drugs and

crime. Curfews, which apply to the night time hours, aren’t

just there to keep the good kids from going bad, they are
also there to keep the good kids from being hurt or becoming

victims of crime (Freitas, S.L. 2006)

Enforcement came in the early nineties when violent

crime and victimization of juveniles began to rise and cities

learned how to craft curfew legislation in a manner amenable

to the courts. Previous to this period, many cities had been

unable to defend their curfews from legal challenges that

they violate civil rights, especially the first, fourth, and

fourteenth amendments of the constitution (Richard Jahn


Richard Jahn (2014) said general curfews have often been

imposed as a response to an emergency, such as riots, and

they usually were implemented only a few days to a few weeks.

The key difference is that they are intended from the start

to be temporary, whereas youth curfews are intended to be

permanent. A general curfew, which applied to all citizens to

respond to a temporary emergency, was appealed to the Supreme

Court in Janet Scotland v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. They

refused to hear the case. However, Justice Douglas dissented

arguing that curfew laws may be necessary when the security

of the state is threatened, but they raised serious questions

about the right of assembly. He stated he was concerned about

the possible abuse of curfew laws in clearing the public of

“undesirable people,” such as minorities, and he argued a

curfew law should be temporary and narrowly defined (Richard

Jahn 2014).

According to Jenna Welsh (2014) curfews have many

advantages that teenagers might not realize; these advantages

include staying out of trouble, better time management, less

sleep deprivation, and increased focus in school. When

following curfews, teens tend to stay out of trouble more

because criminal activity or high-risk behavior is more

likely to occur later in the evening when parental supervision

is not present. Curfews help teens to become used to setting

a schedule which they routinely follow, and become able to

develop important time management skills which they will

carry out into adulthood. Being able to manage time

effectively is useful in a variety of situations including

school, work, and personal relationships. Setting curfews

also help teens to be able to get to sleep at a decent time,

which leads to subsequent focus and wakefulness in school,

this could ultimately even lead to better grades (Jenna Welsh


On the other hand youth curfews are popular with the

public because they are inexpensive relative to other crime-

fighting tools and have an easy-to-understand logic: If kids

are home, they won’t commit crimes or be victims of crimes.

However, there is little empirical evidence that curfews

deter crime and reduce juvenile victimization (Heilbrum, K.,

Sevin-Goldstein, N. E., & Redding, R.E. 2005).

In addition, the article “The Impact of Youths Curfew

Laws on Juvenile Crime Rates” written by David McDowall, Colin

Loftin, and Brian Wiersema reiterates that sixty percent of

the 200 largest cities in the United States enacted a new

curfew statue or revised an existing one between 1990 and

1995. “By 1995, more than three-quarters of these cities had

a curfew ordinance in effect”. During this period curfew

laws became a popular approach for preventing the amount of

crimes committed by youths (McDowall, Loftin&Wiersema 2005).

According to Mike Males Chicago (2013), the nation’s

largest city with a curfew, passed its law in 1955. By 1960,

60 of the 110 US cities with a population over 100,000 had

curfews. Thirty years later, 200 US cities had a population

over 100,000, and 150 of these cities had curfews. In 1996,

President Bill Clinton endorsed youth curfews for helping

“keep our children of harm’s way.” In the late-1990s, the US

Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities began

issuing Best Practices for cities to follow when enacting


(Mike Males 2013).

“Juvenile Curfews and the Courts: Judicial Response to

a Not-So-New Crime Control Strategy,” states the

ineffectiveness of curfew laws. Juveniles have become the

most common curfew target within the country because of the

rise in violent and criminal activity. The adoption of

curfew laws has been widespread, even though there is little

evidence that curfews work. According to Hemmen& Bennett

(2008) this indicates that the Supreme Court has failed to

establish structured guidelines for the rights of

minors. Furthermore, law enforcement agencies and

communities embraced this ideal control mechanism in spite of

lack of evidence to reduce crime and questions raised

regarding constitutionality (Hemmen& Bennett 2008).

Deirdre E. Norton (2007) also analyzes the factors of

juvenile curfews and legislation. In, “Why Criminalize

Children? Looking beyond the Express Policies Driving

Juvenile Curfew Legislation,” also reiterates the factors of

the constitutionality of curfew laws in regards to

juveniles. Norton concludes that the effects of curfews

increase search and seizures among minority youths and their

property. In addition, the author reveals that the

oppressive history of curfew laws can lead to a discriminatory

purpose. It also explains the principle of reinforcing

parental authority. In this article, the author exposes

research that found that minority youths suffer more from

curfew laws as opposed to upper class youths.

Norton also mentioned that there are two exclusive

amendments that are constitutionally challenged in regarding

to curfew laws are the First and Fourth Amendments. Arguably

curfew laws violate the First Amendment by violating youths’

rights to free assembly, speech, and religion by setting a

time frame for which he or she must be home. Parents argue

that the Fourth Amendment under the Due Process Clause

violates their rights. It infringes on their right to raise

their child without any interference from the government. In

addition, minors claim that the Fourth Amendment infringes on

their right to personal liberty to travel freely without


Furthermore, curfew laws arguably violate youths’

rights and are disproportionately distributed. Declares that

such violations will only place more minorities into the

justice system at an early age. He also concludes that due

to the unequal application and the history of curfews, which

kept a certain group of people oppressed, curfew laws cannot

and will not be facially neutral, as laws are intended to be.

Meanwhile in Kenneth Adams article “The

Effectiveness of Juvenile Curfews at Crime Prevention,” ten

studies are based on micro and macro units of analysis, short

and long-term periods, and small and large scale

investigations. Adams takes a close approach in analysing

these studies that were conducted by the Campbell

Collaboration Crime and Justice Group. Curfew areas without

control or comparison groups comparing before and after

measures using quasi-experimental design were used in each

study conducted by the Campbell group. However, these studies

did not use randomization, but relied on arrest records to

measure changes in juvenile crime.

Throughout his investigation Adams has concluded that

arguably, curfews reduce juvenile offending and victimization

by keeping children off the streets. “Curfews can be used to,

promote increased crime prevention, improved child welfare,

and more effective law enforcement, all at modest cost to

taxpayers” On the other hand, studies showed varied results

of juvenile crime rates after the implementation of curfew

laws. He also has discovered that non-curfew hours reveal

more victimization as oppose to curfew hours. Although curfew

laws are very popular throughout the United States, these

studies do not hold a sufficient foundation to whether or not

curfews reduce crime and criminal victimization (Adams,


Meanwhile in the Philippines curfew law is being

implemented in different barangays in the cities. In the R.A

9344 “Juvenile and justice welfare act of 2006” sec.4 includes

curfew violations under the term “status offense”. In the

barangays where the curfew is implemented the child who is

caught shall be subjected to an intervention program pursuant

to Section 20 of the R.A 9344. In the present many of the

barangays all over the country implements curfew for them to

the prevention of juvenile crime especially in night time.

Because the implementation of curfew in night time is

important to prevent the commission of a crime that is

committed by the youth for example is the riots, outrage

drinking and the use of illegal drugs among the youth. This

is for them to not be given an opportunity to commit a crime

(Manila Bulletin 2013)

The curfew ordinance against minors in the national

capital is very much in effect even during the school break,

Vice Mayor Isko Moreno said Tuesday.

Moreno also urged the Manila Police District (MPD) to strictly

enforce the ordinance, which is partly a measure against gang

wars. He said the ordinance has to be implemented even more

strictly now that students are on vacation.Ordinance 8046

declares 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. as “barangay curfew hours" for

children and youths below 18 years old. “Being out in the

streets at night time, in the case of minors, would inevitably

make these kids vulnerable to a lot of bad things, including

possible involvement in drugs and crimes, petty or

otherwise," he warned.
There is nothing wrong with making friends or going out with

friends, he said, as long as the youth do not break the

law. According to the ordinance, during the curfew hours,

minors are not supposed to loiter in the streets, commercial

establishments, recreation centers, malls or any other area

outside the immediate vicinity of their residence. The only

exceptions are when they are: accompanied by parents, family

members of legal age or guardians; running lawful errands

such as buying medicines, using telecommunications facilities

for emergency purposes and the like; students of night schools

and those who, by virtue of their employment, are required to

stay outside their residence after 10 p.m. or are working at

night (manila bulletin 2013).

According to Diana Rose M. Dela Vega youth crime is a

major and growing problem, often involving both drugs and

violence. Imposing youth curfews can help to solve these

problems, as they keep young people off the street, and

therefore out of trouble, and prevent them from congregating

in the hours of darkness. The use of curfews on minors can

help to protect vulnerable children for not all parents are

responsible and inevitably their children suffer, both from

crime and in accidents, and are likely to fall into bad

habits. Society should ensure that such neglected children

are returned home safely and that their parents are made to
face up to their errands. There is no good reason for children

to be out unaccompanied late at night, so a curfew is not

really a restriction upon their liberty. They would be better

off at home doing schoolwork and interacting with the rest of

their families.Child curfews are a form of zero tolerance

policing, showing that a community will not allow an

atmosphere of lawlessness to develop. Child curfews can help

to change a negative youth culture in which challenging the

law is seen as desirable and gang membership an aspiration

(Dela Vega 2014)

In an article Cagayan De Oro City, Councilor Ramon Tabor,

chairperson of the City Council’s Committee on Police, Fire,

and Public Safety, called on parents of young children to get

involved in the implementation of the local curfew law. This

is in reaction to the special report made by Councilor

Teodulfo Lao during the City Council’s regular session

regarding the Juvenile Justice Law, and the Curfew Ordinance,

which were implemented last June 1.Tabor said that based on

their reports, many young children age 16 and below are

involved in various crimes, where some are used as drug

couriers. Under the Juvenile Justice Law, a child who is 15

years old and below, is exempted from criminal liability until

he or she reaches maturity. However, the offender shall be

subjected to an intervention program. Tabor said parents

should be held responsible for their children, and should be

involved in implementing the curfew ordinance to protect the

kids from committing crimes. To make parents responsible

enough, they must also render community service to the village

if their children are caught violating the curfew law, said

Tabor (Imam C.O Manila Bulletin June 6, 2014).

Meanwhile in NAGA CITY, Philippines Alarmed by the

rise in the number of crimes involving juvenile offenders

here and in the rest of Camarines Sur, city officials have

started to strictly enforce a 7-year-old curfew on

unaccompanied minors.Ordinance No. 2004-072, or the Curfew

for Minors, prohibits anyone below 18 years old from being

out on the streets from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m., unless they are in

the company of parents or guardian. Mayor John Bongatsaid the

stricter implementation of the law would help discourage

crimes from being committed by minors, especially those used

by gangs taking advantage of the juvenile justice law.This is

in order to prevent vandals and protect these children from

(getting into) trouble and from bad influence,Bongatsaid.This

will also serve as a reminder to parents that problems like

these also require their attention. This is not just a problem

for the police, barangay tanod and the city government. We

also need their cooperation. Bongat said officials of the

city’s 27 barangays would also be asked to tune in to a

special radio frequency and report peace and order situations

in their communities every 9 p.m., or an hour before the

curfew starts.Callers or informants may also report crime

incidents or ask for assistance through telephone numbers

4723000 or 8113000, the mayor said.The city welfare office

had noted the rise of criminality involving minors, with 25

cases recorded from January to August last year compared to

23 for the whole year of 2009 (Shiena Barrameda 2011).

In the research entitled “Efficiency on the

Implementation of Curfew Hours on the Selected Barangay of

Dolores Quezon as Perceived by the Residents” October 2013

this study is conducted to measure the level of effectiveness

of implementation of curfew hours in some barangays of Dolores

Quezon. The respondents is the residents of the selected

barangays. The researchers came up with a conclusion of the

slightly efficient in implementation of curfew hours. By this

study they were able to measure the level of its efficiency

(Calupas, Dazo, Maramot and Relator 2013).

Based on the Philippine Constitution in pursuant to the

Government to make sure the safety of the community, laws and

ordinances should be well implemented. This study is very

much relevant to the law enforcers as an eye opener on how

are they going to implement curfew hours and make sure the

safe and sound to their Area of Responsibility.

Objective of the Study

This study is intended to determine the level of

efficiency of law enforcer and it’s auxiliary on the

implementation of curfew hours. And also to sight problems

they encountered upon the implementation of the ordinance.

Significance of the Study

Through this study it will bring knowledge on the

following; community, future researchers, and barangay

officials. This would help them merely understand the matters

on this research which is the curfew ordinance. Testing the

efficiency of the implementation of this law in barangay V-A

San Pablo City, they will be inform in the beneficial effect

of this through in each individual.

The study was conducted to serve as a great help in the

study of criminal justice system in our country, especially

to those researchers who will conduct study similar to the

topic. It can serve as a reference for others who want to

know the proper implementation of curfew for preventing


For the Community this study would help the community in

the aspect of maintaining peace and order, because this study

would determine the effectiveness of the curfew in the crime

prevention in the community. It would also come up with the

problems encountered in implementing the curfew, and to think

for a better solution for the ordinance to be more effective.

For the future researchers This study might help them to

gain knowledge about the problem and may also be a guide for

the future researchers to conduct relative study about


For the Barangay officials This study would help them,

because this study will give them an output to their

implementation of this curfew. This would help them to be

more effective in implementing this ordinance. Because of

this research they might find the problems they are

encountering, and help them to come up with a solution to

resolve those problems. For the benefit of whole the barangay

to live in peacefully for citizen will be living without a


Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored by the different theories that

relate its main concept. As far as Becker (2006), “social

groups deviance theory” is concerned the question of

importance is not the actual deviant behavior of those who

are labelled, but who applies the label to whom and the

determining factor on the assigning of the deviant

labels? The answer is that society imposes the labels on the

less powerful and decides which behavior will be banned as

deviant or illegal. Hence, the designation of an individual

as deviant is not determined by whether or not the law was

violated or that a deviant act was committed.

Also according to Akers (2009),he asserted that the

societal reaction to deviance theory” Namely, the application

of curfew laws seeks to prevent the participation in deviant

behavior by juveniles. The juvenile is then labelled as

deviant once the curfew is violated. This label stigmatizes

the individual and thus leads them down a path of constant

violations because they are therefore labelled

deviant. Curfew laws have been viewed as positive

enforcement in ensuring youths are kept out of harm’s way and

from travelling down a path of delinquency.

Likewise Lemert (2006) added that in “deviation theory”

not every youth who violates the law, regardless of the

seriousness of the offenses, will become a hard core

delinquent. Their delinquent act may simply be a primary

deviation, one that is not particularly serious and a onetime

deviation. Strict curfew laws help prevent youths from

becoming potential delinquents. Laws are enforced to prevent

and deter youths from the idea of involving themselves in

activity that may not be lawful. Therefore, curfews provide

youths with responsibility that will prepare them for future

On the other hand attachment theory describes the

dynamics of long term relationships between humans. Its most

important tenet is that an infant needs to develop a

relationship with at least one primary caregiver for social

and emotional development to occur normally. Attachment

theory explains how many the parents’ relationship with the

child influences development. Attachment theory is an

interdisciplinary study encompassing the fields of

psychological, evolutionary, and ethological theory.

Immediately after World War II, homeless and orphaned

children presented many difficulties, and psychiatrist and

psychoanalyst John Bowlby was asked by UN to write a pamphlet

on the issue which entitled maternal deprivation. Attachment

theory grew out of his subsequent work on the issues raised

(Bowlby 2013).

Also social learning theory considers the formation of

one’s identity to be a learned response to social stimuli. It

emphasizes the societal context of socialization rather than

the individual mind. This theory postulates that an

individual’s identity is not the product of the unconscious

(such as the belief of psychoanalytic theorists), but instead

is the result of modeling oneself in response to the

expectations of others. Behaviors and attitudes develop in

response to reinforcement and encouragement from the people

around us. While social learning theorists acknowledge that

childhood experience is important, they also believe that the

identity people acquire is formed more by the behaviors and

attitudes of others (Anderson, M.L. Taylor, H,F. 1009)

Conceptual Framework

This study confined of explanations that discusses the

main concept of the enforcement of the ordinance,

apprehension of violators and conducting patrol.

Enforcement of the Ordinance

Curfews are credited by some with restoring and

maintaining order in lower crime neighborhoods, according to

the Ruefle and Reynolds analysis. In addition to equipping

law enforcement with tools to keep youth off the streets,

curfews provide parents with a legitimate, legal basis for

restricting the activities of their children. It is easier

for parents to place boundaries on their children's

activities, proponents argue, when other youth in the

neighborhood are similarly restricted by a specific time to

return home (Ruefle,Reynolds 2014).

Tony Herbert added that two key reasons exist for

juvenile curfews: First, they can safeguard the community

from criminal mischief involving a sector of society more

vulnerable to peer pressure than others. Second, they offer

a tool by which parents can be made aware when their children

stray from the straight and narrow, before matters turn more

serious (Herbert T. 2014).

National and state leaders have endorsed the

implementation and enforcement of stronger "status offense"

laws to control youth crime. So-called status offenses apply

to youth but not adults, such as running away from home,

truancy, underage drinking, incorrigibility, and presence in

public during certain hours. The last of these, night time

and schoolday curfews, have won the most attention and have

been cited for their potential to reduce juvenile crime

(Krikorian, Ricardi 2014).

Apprehension of Violators

According to Carlos Noel (2012) if a minor is

apprehended while violating this chapter the police officer

or special officer so apprehending is hereby authorized and

empowered to take into custody such juvenile child. Such

officer shall notify the parent or guardian or adult person

having the care and custody of the juvenile of the violation

of this chapter and the penalty thereof. The juvenile so

apprehended shall be taken into custody but may be released

immediately in the custody of his parent, guardian or other

adult person having the care and custody of the juvenile.

The curfew law has no formal claim that injustice had

been done. The apprehension may be precisely in line with the

law. However, experience of a young people being apprehended

and taken into custody just a few yards from their house is

concerned with the fair application of sanctions that arise

with the administration of rules and laws. It may have been

agreed that a penalty is applied if a rules is broken (ward,

R. M. 2013).

According to Lundman (2011) 10% of delinquent acts

during curfew leads to apprehension by the police, out of

that apprehended 20% are convicted. There are clearly many

problems involved on relying on the official statistics as a

measure of crime and delinquency, but in despite of this

limitations they undoubtedly give a reasonably good

indication of involvement in delinquency and criminal


Conducting Patrol

Steve Franklin said police expect to see a slight

increase with the change in curfew times now that school has

started. To combat the potential problem, police said two

officers will concentrate on curfew violations while working

their regular duties during third-shift hours. "There are

some sections where we have no violations, and some pockets

where we know we can almost count on finding some kids

wandering around (Franklin T. 2014)

Fritsch ET. L (2009) found that when the police use

saturation patrol to enforce juvenile curfew greater

decreases of juvenile related crime. This could be explained

by increase presence of police and that juveniles knowing

that there are more police in the neighbourhood, they do not

engaged crime activities.

Conducting patrol in aggressive enforcement of juvenile

curfew has statistically significant impact in terms of crime

prevention. In addition, victimization of juvenile is not

impacted in the long term by such law (Sutphen, R., & Ford,

J. 2008).

Definition of Terms

Barangay - It is the smallest unit of government. It is

a group of more than 45 to 50 families composing a community

where there is relationship, system of life, beliefs,

traditions, and living in same territory.

Barangay tanod - The one who’s responsible for the

maintaining peace and order of the barangay.Also the one

conducting a patrol in an area of the barangay.

Curfew laws – These are local ordinances that prohibit

people of a certain age (usually under 18) from being in

public or in a business establishment. Curfew laws are almost

always enacted at the local level, by city or county

government. The legislative intent behind curfew laws usually

social order goals like prevention of crimes involving

juveniles, and maintenance of the general peace.

Minors – These are persons under a certain age usually

the age of majority which are legally

demarcates childhood from adulthood. The age of majority

depends upon jurisdiction and application, but is generally


Curfew hours – It is an order establishing a specific

time in the evening after which certain regulation is applied.

Crime - It is an act committed or omitted, in violation

of a public law, either forbidding or commanding it.

Ordinance – It is a law passed by a municipal government.

Law set forth by a governmental authority specificallya

municipal regulation.

Research Paradigm

This study is intended to determine the reasons in

implementing curfew hours which includes the prevention of

accidents, to have an organized community also to test the

efficiency of the law enforcer and it’s auxiliary on

implementation of curfew hours in barangay V-A San Pablo City.

The independent variable of this study The demographic

profile of the respondents in terms of Age, Gender, Number

of years of residency and he level of efficiency of Law

Enforcer and its Auxiliary in the implementation of curfew

hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo City Laguna in terms of

Enforcement of the ordinance, Apprehension of violators,

Conducting patrol. The significant difference on the level of

efficiency in the implementation of curfew hours in Barangay

V-A San Pablo City Laguna relative to Enforcement of the

ordinance, Apprehension of violators, conducting patrol. Last

is the Proposed action plans to increase the effectiveness of

law enforcer and it’s auxiliary in the implementation of

curfew hours in barangay V-A San Pablo City.

The dependent variable of this study is efficiency of

law enforcer and it’s auxiliary on the implementation of

curfew hours in barangay V-A San Pablo City Laguna.

Figure1: Research Paradigm

Independent variables

1. The demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of ;

1.1 Age; Dependent

1.2 Gender; variables

1.3 Number of years of residency Efficiency of law

2. The level of efficiency of Law Enforcer enforcer and it’s
and its Auxiliary in the implementation auxiliary on the
of curfew hours in Barangay V-A San
Pablo City Laguna in terms of ; implementation of
curfew hours in
2.1 Enforcement of the ordinance;
barangay V-A San
2.2 Apprehension of violators; Pablo City Laguna
2.3 Conducting patrol

3. significant difference on the level of

efficiency in the implementation of
curfew hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo
City Laguna relative to:

3.1 Enforcement of the ordinance;


3.2 Apprehension of violators;

Residents of
3.3 Conducting patrol

4. Proposed action plans to increase the Barangay V-A

efficiency of law enforcer and it’s
auxiliary in the implementation of
curfew hours in barangay V-A San Pablo
Statement of the Problem:

The main concern of the study is to measure the level of

effectiveness of the Law Enforcer and it’s auxiliary in the

implementation of curfew hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo City.

The researcher seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of ;

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender; and

1.3 Number of years of residency?

2. What is the level of efficiency of Law Enforcer and its

Auxiliary in the implementation of curfew hours in Barangay

V-A San Pablo City Laguna in terms of :

2.1 Enforcement of the ordinance;

2.2 Apprehension of violators;and

2.3 Conducting patrol?

3. Is there a significant difference on the level of

efficiency in the implementation of curfew hours in Barangay

V-A San Pablo City Laguna relative to:

3.1 Enforcement of the ordinance;

3.2 Apprehension of violators; and

3.3 Conducting patrol?

4. What are the proposed action plans to increase the

effectiveness of law enforcer and its auxiliary in the

implementation of curfew hours in barangay V-A San Pablo City?



This chapter presents and explains the methods and

procedures used as basis in conducting the study. It discusses

the following: the research design, population and locale of

the study, the data gathering tool, data gathering procedure

and treatment of data. The methods and procedures used serve

as a guide for him and enables to make an effective research.

Research Design

A descriptive survey method was utilized in this study

since it requires manipulation of variables to ascertain the

level of effectiveness on implementation of curfew hours in

barangay V-A San Pablo City. For these reasons, the researcher

chose a survey method and designed a questionnaire survey

instrument and supplemented by informal interview to assess

the perceptions of the residents of Barangay V-A regarding to

the curfew ordinance and how it is implemented throughout the


Population and Locale of the Study.

The place of the study is conducted in Barangay V-A San

Pablo City. The barangay is composed of four hundred fifty

six (456) residents. Sixty (60) respondents were selected to

answer the prepared questionnaire through random sampling.

The question administered was through written form and

accompanied with an informal interview.

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1

Barangay Male Female No.of

respondents respondents

Barangay V-A Forty (40) Twenty(20) Sixty (60)

Data Gathering Tool

The instrument that was used in the study was composed

of the following and was administered to the respondents;

Part I included the respondents profile: Part II is composed

of questions that sought to answer the level of efficiency on

the implementation of curfew hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo

City according to; penalty and punishment imposed, regulated

time given and number of violators. This questionnaire was

validated by members of the panelist and by the barangay


Data Gathering Procedure

Before giving the survey to the respondents, the first

step made by the researcher is to prepare a letter noted by

the college dean, to ask for the consent of the barangay

authority or officials.
The researcher administered questionnaires to the

respondents of Barangay V-A, San Pablo City which includes

about their age, gender, occupation and number of years of

residency in the said Barangay. The level of effectiveness on

implementation of curfew hours described by the indicators

including penalty and punishment imposed, regulated time

given, numbers of violators. After they answered the

questionnaire the researcher conduct an informal interview of


Treatment of Data

To response the problems of the study dealt on the level

of efficiency of law enforcer and it’s auxiliary in the

implementation of curfew hours in terms of: a) Enforcement of

the ordinance, b) Apprehension of violators, c) Conducting

patrol and significant difference in the level of efficiency

in the implementation of curfew hours in Baraga V-A San Pablo

City, Laguna according to a) enforcement of the ordinance, b)

apprehension of violators and c) conducting patrol, the

following scale was used:

Numerical Rating Statistical Limit Descriptive


4 3.25 - 4.00 Very efficient

3 2.50 – 3.24 Efficient

2 1.75 – 2.49 Slightly efficient

1 1.00 – 1.74 Not efficient

For more valid and meaningful interpretation of the

data, the statistical measures were used such as frequency

distribution, means and standard deviation.They were applied

to the respondents profile and the respondent’s related

factors. To find out the relationship of the modified

independent and dependent variable f-test or ANOVA of

statistic was used at 0.05 level of significance. Weighted

mean of the data gathered was computed to determine the

numerical and descriptive rating value of each sub indicator

questions. The differences between the three indicatorswas

determined through the use of standard deviation value of

statistic test done.

To aid the analysis and interpretation of the data,

frequency, mean and percentage were applied for the

respondent’s profile. Weighted mean was computed to determine

the rating and interpretation of each sub indicator


The relationship between the three indicators,

enforcement of the ordinance, apprehension of violators and

conducting patrol on its significant on the efficiency of law

enforcer and its auxiliary on the implementation of curfew

hours determined through the use of the standard deviate on

result of the t-test done.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the result of data collection

procedure on the formulated questions concerning the subject

under study. The study was designed to determine the

effectiveness of law enforcer and it’s auxiliary in the

implementation of curfew hours in Baraga V-A San Pablo City,

Laguna. Specifically, it sought to answer the question which

includes the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of age, gender and number years of residency in the said

Baraga. The study also determined the level of efficiency of

law enforcer and it’s auxiliary in the implementation of

curfew hours in terms of: a) Enforcement of the ordinance, b)

Apprehension of violators, c) Conducting patrol if there is

a significant difference in the level of efficiency in the

implementation of curfew hours in Baraga V-A San Pablo City,

Laguna according to enforcement of the ordinance,

apprehension of violators and conducting patrol. This chapter

will also show the respondents how they react on the sub

indicators by giving their statements.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents in term of;


The figure 2 below represents the distribution of the

respondents according to their age. In the distribution of

the respondents according to age, the majority of the

respondents belongs to young which is 18-32 years of age.

Figure2Distribution Of Respondents as to Age





Figure 2 shows that out of 60 respondents, 45% belong to

young 18-30 age brackets, 28% belong to middle 31-42 age

brackets, and the remaining 27% belongs to the old 43-53 age

bracket. Majority of the respondents in terms of age

distribution belongs to the young which is from 18-30 years

of age.


The figure 3 below represents the distribution of the

gender of the respondents. The majority of the respondents

belongs to male.

Figure 3Distribution Of Respondents as to Gender




Figure 3 present the distribution of respondents in

terms of their gender. According to the table above out of 60

respondents there are 67% are male, and 33% are female. It
can be noted that the majority of population of the society

are male.

Years of Residency

The figure 4 below shows the distribution of the

respondents according to their years of residency on how long

there are living in the barangay. In the years of residency

the majority is from 18-34 years of living in the said


Figure4 Distribution of Respondents in Terms of Number Years

Of Residency


23% 18%


Figure 4 shows that out of 60 respondents 18% are 1-17

years living in the said barrage, 59% are 18-34 years living

in the said barrage while 23% are 35-52 years living in the
said barrage. The majority of the respondents are in the 18-

34 years living in the said barangay with 59%.

PARTII. Level ofEfficiency Of Law Enforcer And Its Auxiliary

On The Implementation Of Curfew Hours In Barangay V-A San

Pablo City, Laguna in terms:

A. Enforcement of the Ordinance

B. Apprehension of Violators

C. Conducting Patrol

A. Enforcement of the Ordinance

The table 3 emphasized the efficiency of law enforcer

and it’s auxiliary in implementing curfew hours in terms of

enforcement of the ordinance. Based on the computed weighted

mean the law enforcer and its auxiliary are “slightly

efficient” in the enforcement of the ordinance with a overall

mean of 2.39. Some of the respondents supported that in the

enforcement of the ordinance the authorities is not very

strict in their implementation of curfew. There are times

that the authorities didn’t implement well this ordinance.

Some of the respondents also added that they didn’t have

enough knowledge about the ordinance. That there are times

that when there is a dispute happening there is no authorities

to settle. One respondent stated that the authorities need to

be more efficient in implementing the curfew to prevent the

occurrence of crime especially in the park that it serves as

a hangout place for the minors. (Interview OCTOBER 2014)

Table 2 Level Of Efficiency Of Law Enforcer And Its Auxiliary

On The Implementation Of Curfew Hours In Barangay V-A San

Pablo City, Laguna In terms Of Enforcement Of The Ordinance

Indicators Mean Verbal Rank


1. Law enforcer and it’s auxiliary 2.35 Slightly 2

implements the curfew hours efficient

2. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 2.15 Slightly 4

are monitoring violators. efficient

3. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 1.88 Slightly 6

are handling violators. efficient

4. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 1.9 Slightly 5

are monitoring crime prone areas. efficient

5. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 2.21 Slightly 3

are settling disputes committed efficient
during curfew hours.

6. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 1.46 Not efficient 8

are is giving warning about the
regulated time given of the

7. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 1.53 Not efficient 7

are informing the public about the

8. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 2.62 Efficient 1

implement the curfew hours as

Overall 2.39 Slightly efficient

The assessment of respondents with regards to the

enforcement of the ordinance that must be adopt by the law

enforcer and its auxiliary in Barangay V-A San Pablo City,

Laguna in implementing curfew ordinance is presented in table

3. Result shows that the implementation of curfew hour is

neutral received highest rank with the weighted of 2.62 with

descriptive rating of “efficient”. It shows that the

implementation of curfew is being observed to be

neutrallyimplimented. In the Interview last October 2014 Mr.

Keenmatthewllagas added that in the enforcement of curfew.

They observed that the barangay tanods who is implementing

the curfew is dis regarding the family relationship in

implementing curfew. And also the status of that person in

the community whether he or she is a son or daughter of

politicians, rich person and famous personality.

Meanwhile there are sub indicators that received the

lowest ranks there are as follows. The first lowest in rank

is law enforcer and its auxiliary are giving warning about

the regulated time given of the ordinance got the lowest rank

with an average weighted mean of 1.46 and a descriptive

interpretation of “not efficient”. It has the lowest

weighted mean because majority of the respondents said that

they don’t have enough knowledge about the curfew. Mr.

OgieCaliwagan a resident has been interview last October 2014

he said that the people in the barangay don’t have enough

knowledge of the ordinances implemented by the barangay one

of this is the curfew ordinance. He thinks that the cause of

the violations of the curfew in the barangay is the lack of

knowledge about this ordinance.

Second lowest in rank is sub indicator Law enforcer and

its auxiliary are informing the public about the ordinance

received an average weighted mean of 1.53 with a descriptive

rating of “not efficient”. It connotes that the public is

lacking on information about this curfew there are no signage

or whatever to give information to the public. In the

interview last October 2014some of the respondents added that

they have no enough information about this curfew. That they

didn’t know the regulated time and punishment imposed.

Third lowest in rank is law enforcer and its auxiliary

are handling violators received an average weighted mean 1.88

and a descriptive interpretation of “slightly efficient”. It

implies that they are handling violators but there are

possibilities for the violators to do the same offense next

time because there are minor. They think that they will not

be put in jail and they will be only receiving community

service and be release when turn over to DSWD. In the

interview to Mr. Rolando Cabreraof DSWD last October 2014 he

said that in curfew violation and minors is apprehended the

custody must be turn over to DSWD and the DWSD is the one to

handle the case. But most of the times the barangay officials
are not giving the custody of the child instead there are

giving community services in the barangay.

The sub indicator law enforcer and its auxiliary are

monitoring crime prone areas have received a descriptive

interpretation of “slightly efficient” with an average

weighted mean of 1.9 is the fourth lowest in rank in rank. It

shows that barangay officials are monitoring crime prone

areas they are conducting patrol to the areas that a crime

may occur. In the informal interview conducted last October

2014 to Ms. Evelyn Dacara a vendor she added that during night

time she observed that barangay tanods is implementing curfew

and in the implementation she see that there are checking the

crime prone areas in the park but this is for only minutes.

Fifth lowest in rank have an average weighted mean of

2.15 and descriptive interpretation of “slightly efficient”

is received by the sub indicator law enforcer and its

auxiliary are monitoring curfew violators. It implies that in

the barangay the violators is monitor andit is said to be

that the violators that are not residents of the barangay is

monitored of being a recidivist that there are violating

curfew 2-3 times. On the interview to Hon. ElmorLlagas last

October 2014 he added that the majority of the violators that

they are monitoring is not a resident of their barangay.

Sixth lowest in rank is the sub indicator Law enforcer

and its auxiliary are settling disputes committed during

curfew hours received an average weighted mean of 2.21 and a

descriptive interpretation of “slightly efficient”. It

connotes that the barangay officials are settling dispute

committed during curfew hours. But the respondents observe

that there are times that there are no authorities handling

disputes during curfew hours. Based on the interview majority

of the respondents added that there are no police officers

assisting in handling this curfew or even settling disputes

during curfew the persons responding in curfew is only

barangay tanods. Mr. Rolando Uri said that there are times

that when there are cases of disputes in the barangay there

are no officials to handle it even the dispute is committed

during curfew hours it is from the interview made last October


The law enforcer and its auxiliary implements the curfew

hours. Is the seventh lowest in rank with average weighted

mean of 2.35 with a descriptive rating of “slightly

efficient”. These slightly efficiency is very important

because in these sub indicator we will see whether law

enforcers are really implements curfew. Some of the

respondents added that sometimes they see that it is

implemented sometimes are not so they observe that the

authorities are slight efficient. In an interview conducted

last October 2014 Mr. EgayDiakos added that the officials of

the barangay is slightlty efficient on implementing curfew

because of barangay officials is being observed that

implementing curfew but there are times that they do not


B. Apprehension of Violators

The table 4 emphasized the level of Efficiency of Law

Enforcer and it’s auxiliary on the Implementation of Curfew

Hours in terms of apprehension of violators. Based on the

computed weighted mean, the authorities are “slightly

efficient” in apprehension of violators with an overall mean

of 2.18. It is observed that they are apprehending violators

without harm. In the interview last October 2014 some of the

respondents added that they are not apprehending violators

especially the adults. Sometimes there are not also informing

the parents or guardian of the violator.

Table 3 level of efficiency of law enforcer and its auxiliary

in terms of apprehension of violators.

Sub- Indicators Mean Verbal Rank


1. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 2.22 Slightly efficient 4

implement of fines and penalties.

2. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 2.37 Slightly efficient 3

are giving fair judgment to

3. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 2.12 Slightly efficient 5

are handling apprehended minor

4. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 1.68 Not efficient 8

are handling apprehended adult

5. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 2.87 Efficient 1

are apprehending violators without
harm or violence inflicted.

6. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 2.57 Efficient 2

are giving fair treatment in
apprehended violators.

7. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 1.72 Not efficient 7

are informing proper Barangay
authority if apprehended violators
are not a resident of the said

8. Law enforcer and its auxiliary 1.9 Slightly efficient 6

are informing the parents/guardians
of apprehended minor violators.

Overall 2.18 Slightly efficient

The assessment of respondents with regards to the law

enforcer and its auxiliary in Barangay V-A San Pablo City,

Laguna in implementing curfew ordinance in terms of

apprehension of violators is presented in table 4. Result

showed that Law enforcer and its auxiliary are apprehending

violators without harm or violence inflicted has the average

weighted mean of 2.87 with a descriptive interpretation of

“efficient”. It shows that it is strictly observed by the

public that no harm is being done in the victim whether

physical or emotional the law enforcer is in tack with the

conduct in giving patience to apprehended violators. The

respondents added that observe that there is no harm inflicted

to the apprehended violators because they observe always a

good and pleasant conversation upon apprehension of violators

this is based from the interview last October 2014.

The sub indicator that also received a descriptive

interpretation of “efficient” is the Law enforcer and its

auxiliary are giving fair treatment in apprehended violators

with a weighted mean of 2.57. It implies that there are well

in handling violators there are much giving fair treatment to

apprehended violators. In the interview to Mr. Jojo

Macalindong a resident last October 2014 he asserted that his

daughter is once apprehended and she has been given a fair

treatment although the son of a councilor is also apprehended.

Upon the gathering of data there are sub indicators that

received the lowest rankings there are respectively as

follows. The first lowest in rank is the Law enforcer and its

auxiliary are handling apprehended adult violator has an

average weighted mean of 1.68 with a descriptive

interpretation of “not efficient”. This is not efficient

because curfew is mostly for minors thus they observe that

it’s very minimal for the authorities to apprehended adult

violators. Majority of the respondents added that the

authorities are not apprehending violators who are adult this

is based from the interview made last October 2014.

Second lowest in rank is the sub indicator Law enforcer

and its auxiliary are informing proper Barangay authority if

apprehended violators are not a resident of the said Barangay

with a weighted mean of 1.72 and descriptive interpretation

of “not efficient”. It implies that the barangay authorities

are not that strict in communicating from other barangay when

apprehended is not a resident of the said barangay. It’s the

duty of the authorities of the barangay to inform the proper

authorities about the apprehended violators it is necessary

to the proper barangay authority to be informed. In an

interview last October 2014 Ms. Aileen Padura a resident of

the barangay said that she experienced not being inform about
his child being in the custody of the barangay one night

because of his son not giving the proper information.

Third lowest in ranks is Law enforcer and its auxiliary

are informing the parents/guardians of apprehended minor

violators are third in lowest rankings with a 1.9 average

weighted mean and descriptive rating of “slightly efficient”.

It shows that parents and guardian are not always being

informed about their child apprehended especially when the

minor apprehended is not a resident of the said barangay. The

reason why is because of there are times the child itself is

not giving the right information about him. Mr. Alex Exconde

was being interviewed last October 2014 and he mentioned that

informing parents or guardian is the first thing to do by the

apprehending officer once a child is apprehended because this

is a minor and the parents or guardian are responsible but

sometimes this is not being strictly observed. The

apprehending officer do not inform the parents or guardian.

Fourth lowest in rank has an Average weighted mean of

2.12 and a descriptive rating of “slightly efficient” have

been received by the sub indicator law enforcer and its

auxiliary are handling minor violators. The law enforcer and

its auxiliary should handle the minor efficiently because

this is the main concept of this curfew law to monitor and t

not tolerate the minors to prevent them from committing

crimes. Law enforcer itself have seen by the public for not

being aware in handling minor violators. Mr. Raphy Aquino a

vendor mentioned that as he observe the only law enforcer to

handle curfew violators is only the barangay tanods he said

that the police force must also contribute in handling

violators especially now that the crime committed in our

society are mostly minors is involved it is from the interview

last October 2014.

Fifth lowest in rank has Descriptive rating of “slightly

efficient” it is received by the sub indicator law enforcer

and its auxiliary implement fines and penalty with a weighted

mean of 2.22. It implies that there are not that efficient in

imposing fines and penalty there are very soft they do not

impose penalty instead of penalty they divert it to a

community service program. On the interview to Mr. JovenNim

a barangay tanod last October 2014 he said that whenever they

have an apprehended person during curfew they do not impose

fines. But as a penalty they are given a community service

during first Sunday of the month.

Sub indicator Law enforcer and its auxiliary is giving

fair judgment to violators is the sixth lowest in rank with

a weighted mean of 2.37 and a descriptive interpretation of

“slightly efficient”. It implies that law enforcers are

giving fair judgment to apprehended violators. They are

disregarding the family relationship, age, gender and profile

of the apprehended person. Ms. Emma Uri a resident added that

there a nonjudgmental perception upon apprehending the curfew

violators this is from the interview last October 2014.

C. Conducting Patrol

Table 5 emphasizes level of efficiency of law enforcer

and it’s auxiliary on the Implementation of Curfew Hours in

terms of conducting patrol. Based on the computed weighted

mean in conducting patrol the authorities are “slightly

efficient” with an overall mean of 1.97. It may be seen that

the overall mean is low, Because of some problems encountered

during conducting patrol. The respondents added that they

observed that the authorities are efficient in patrolling day

and night, however they are always lack of equipment’s. There

are times that there conducting patrol but they are not

monitoring happenings along the vicinity and when there is a

special events they are not properly conducting patrolthis is

from the interview last October 2014.

Table 4 Level of efficiency of law enforcer and its auxiliary

on the implementation of curfew hours in Barangay V-A San

Pablo City, Laguna in terms of conducting patrol.

s Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

1. Law enforcer and its 2.72 Efficient 1
auxiliary are conducting
patrol at night time.

2. Law enforcer and its 2.60 Efficient 2

auxiliary are conducting
patrol during daytime.

3. Law enforcer and its 1.77 Slightly efficient 6

auxiliary are conducting
patrol during special

4. Law enforcer and its 1.92 Slightly efficient 4

auxiliary are conducting
patrol at the park.

5. Law enforcer and its 1.85 Slightly efficient 5

auxiliary are conducting
patrol with proper

6. Law enforcer and its 1.95 Slightly efficient 3

auxiliary are checking all
places along the park.

7. Law enforcer and its 1.48 Not efficient 8

auxiliary are checking
suspicious vehicles along
the park in the course of
their patrol.

8. Law enforcer and its 1.5 Not efficient 7

auxiliary are observing and
monitoring public

Overall 1.97 Slightly efficient

Result showed that the Law enforcer and its auxiliary

are conducting patrol at night time average weighted mean of

2.72 with a descriptive interpretation of “efficient”. It

implies that barangay tanods are conducting patrol during

night time but they are not conducting patrol during holidays

and Sundays. Mrs. AlmiraManilay a street vendor mentioned

have been interviewed last October 2014and she said that she

always see the barangay tanods conducting patrol in the

barangay especially in the park but it’s from time to time

basis. She said at about every 2 hours the barangay tanods

conduct patrol.She also added that there are not conducting

patrol in the park.

While the Law enforcer and its auxiliary are conducting

patrol during daytime has the weighted mean of 2.60 with

descriptive rating of “efficient”. This shows that it is

frequently observed because barangay tanods are giving help

in the citizens of the barangay in daytime but they are not

imposing curfew during daytime. Mr Nino Maligaya a resident

asserted that the barangay tanods is efficient in morning

because they are giving help to person in need of help this

is from the interview made last October 2014.

There are sub indicators that received lowest rankings

there are the following first lowest in ranks has descriptive

rating of “not efficient” is received by the sub indicator

Law enforcer and its auxiliary are checking suspicious

vehicles along the park in the course of their patrol with a

weighted mean of 1.48. It implies that the law enforcer is

not well monitoring the suspicious vehicle in the course of

their patrol that theyare disregarding vehicles during

patrol. Mrs. Aida Exconde a vendor added have been interviewed

last October 2014 and she said that the barangay officials
are not checking suspicious vehicles where. They are just

letting them to park in the dark places of the park.

Second lowest in rank is the law enforcer and its

auxiliary are observing and monitoring public gatherings with

a weighted mean of 1.5 also received a descriptive

interpretation of “not efficient”. The barangay tanods are

not that much awarepublic gatherings they are not frequently

monitoring public gatherings. Mr. Elmer Tolentino a vendor

was interview last October 2014 and he said that in park added

that gathering of group of minors is sometimes the cause of

trouble along the park. The barangay tanods are not observing

the gatherings of group of minors happening in the park.

The sub indicator Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

conducting patrol during special events is the third lowest

in rank averaging a weighted mean of 1.77 with a descriptive

interpretation of “slightly efficient”. It shows that Law

enforcer and its auxiliary are sometimes not conducting

patrol during special events. In the interview to the

respondents last October2014 many of the respondents added

that this is the first thing they observed in the barangay

officials they are not around in the vicinity during special


Fourth lowest in rank is sub indicator law enforcer and

its auxiliary are conducting patrol with proper equipment

received a descriptive interpretation of “slightly efficient”

with a weighted mean of 1.85. It implies that there is a lack

of equipment in the part of barangay tanods. According to the

respondents they observed that the barangay tanods only carry

a flashlight in conducting patrol. If ever there is

unnecessary thing happen what would they be able to do this

is from the interview made last October 2014.

Fifth lowest in rank has a Descriptive interpretation of

“slightly efficient” and a weighted mean of 1.92 have been

received by the sub indicator law enforcer and its auxiliary

are conducting patrol at the park. It implies that they are

not just focusing on the park they are more focusing in beside

the lake.According to the respondents in the interview last

October 2014 there are more crimes occurring beside the lake

because of the lack of lighting.

Sixth lowest in rank is sub indicator Law enforcer and

its auxiliary are checking all places along the park with a

weighted mean of 1.95 received descriptive interpretation of

“slightly efficient”. It connotes that There are checking all

the places but sometimes there are not well patience in

observing or checking the places. Hon. Ryan Magyawe a Brgy

councilor added that in their patrolling when he is in duty

it is strictly observed that they are checking all the places

in the vicinity to prevent the occurrences of crime this is

from the interview last October 2014.

Part III. Significant Difference On The Level Of Efficiency

On The Implementation Of Curfew Hours In Barangay V-A San

Pablo City, Laguna in terms of a) Enforcement Of The Ordinance

b)Apprehension Of Violators and c)Conducting Patrol

Test of significant difference on the level of

efficiency on the implementation of curfew hours in Barangay

V-A San Pablo City, Laguna. Table 6 shows the relationship of

the main indicators of this study namely; enforcement of the

ordinance, apprehension of violators and conducting patrol.

The relationship between these three indicators was tested by

means of f-test method having a value of statistic at 3.88

and P-value at 0.022. This reject null hypothesis whereas α

having a value of 0.05 is more than the P-value of 0.022.This

reveals that the difference between the three indicators has

a significant difference. There is a significant relationship

the three indicators. Because of the difference on how the

authorities handle or manage in enforcing this curfew.

Table 5Significant Difference On The Level Of Efficiency Of

Law Enforcer And Its Auxiliary On Implementation Of Curfew

Source of Test Value of p-value Decision Interpretation
variation statistic the test

of the


n of F-test/ 3.88 0.022 REJECT H.O significant
violators ANOVA



α= 0.05

In enforcing the ordinance they are neutral. In

conducting patrol there are slight efficient. While the

apprehension of violators there is a significant difference

on their level of efficiency. In there are not so efficient.

Because sometimes there forget about their duty when

apprehending violators. Like in informing the guardians of

the child who caught violates the curfew and sometimes there

must be a punishment that is open to the public eye. Some

respondents added that based on their observation the

ordinance is not strictly implemented. It must be implemented

strictly for the safety of their fellow residents.

In the collection of the data the findings are in the

age of the respondents the majority is belong to young in

terms of gender the majority is male with 67%. In their years

of residency the majority is from 18-34 years of living in

the barangay. In the enforcement of the ordinance it is

slightly efficient in the enforcement of the ordinance it is

observed that it is not strictly observed it based on the

assessment and interview than to the respondents.

Apprehension of violators is slightly efficient in

apprehending violators there is a lack of coordination

between the police and barangay official. Because it is

observed by the respondents that there are no police officers

joining the barangay officials in conducting patrol the part.

In conducting patrol is observed to be slightly efficient.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary and recommendations

from the data gathered in this study. In general, this study

the effectiveness of law enforcer and It’s auxiliary on the

implementation of curfew Hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo City,



Based from the findings of the study, the conclusions

are as follows;

1. The level of efficiency of law enforcer and it’s auxiliary

on implementation of curfew hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo

City Laguna as to the enforcement of the ordinance is

“slightly efficient”. The law enforcer is implementing the

curfew hours in the barangay however there are assessed by

the respondents to be slightly efficient in implementing it.

2. As to the apprehension of violators the law enforcer and

its auxiliary are “slightly efficient”. In implementing

curfew hours upon the apprehension of violators they are

assessed by the respondents not inflicting harm upon the

apprehended violators. The law enforcer and its auxiliary are

giving fair treatment and judgments to apprehended violators.

3. In conducting patrol the law enforcer and its auxiliary

have receive an interpretation of “slight efficient” they are

“slightly efficient” in conducting patrol at night and

daytime. There are observed that they conduct patrol from

daytime until night time. In despite of lacks of man power

and equipment they are performing their job in the best of

their ability

4. There is a significant different relationship between the

mean score of the respondents in the sub indicator questions

when it comes in the enforcement of ordinance, apprehension

of violators and conducting patrol. There is a significant

difference between the three indicators. As observe in the

indicators all of them received an overall descriptive

interpretation of “slightly efficient” there average weighted

mean are nearly from on over the other. But in the sub

indicators there is a difference because in indicator

enforcement of the ordinance its sub indicators received 5

“slightly efficient” sub indicators 2 “not efficient” 1

“efficient” in the indicator apprehension of violators its

sub indicators received 4 “slightly efficient” sub indicators

2 “not efficient” 2 “efficient” lastly the indicator

conducting patrol its sub indicators received 4 “slightly

efficient” sub indicators 2 “not efficient” 2 “efficient”.

We can say that there is a significant difference on the

indicators because of the result in its sub indicator because

both the sub indicators of indicators apprehension of

violators and conducting patrol has the same numbers of

“slightly efficient”, “efficient” and “not efficient”. But

when it comes to the indicator enforcement of the ordinance

there is a difference its sub indicator received a different

numbers of “slightly efficient”, “efficient” and “not



In the view of the findings and conclusions drawn from

the study, the researchers recommend the following: In the

enforcement of the ordinance the barangay officials must

inform the public about this ordinance. The barangay

officials itself might conduct seminars, coordinating

programs, projects and other activities that will give the

public knowledge about this ordinance.

1. In the apprehension of violators the barangay official and

police officer that apprehend the violator must inform the

proper authority/barangay when the apprehended violators is

not a resident of the said barangay. Parents and guardian

must also be inform about their child being apprehended. There

must be a communication between parents and barangay


2. In conducting patrol, patrol officers must check all

possible areas where that crime might possibly occur

including the suspicious vehicles and monitoring public

gatherings must be check at all cost. In conducting patrol

barangay tanods must also coordinate in the police force and

request for police officers to help them in conducting patrol.

3. The law enforcer and its auxiliary must implement strictly

this curfew ordinance because the barangay has a territorial

jurisdiction of the most common attraction here in San Pablo

City. Therefore the flow of people is not measurable so there

are a higher chance of occurrences of a crimes in the vicinity

because of bystanders day and night time so we have to monitor

these place. To protect not only the residents but also the

tourist. The barangay officials must have a coordination to

the police for the request of man power.

4. There must a police officers and barangay tanod to be on

their post from time to time to be able to handle disputes

committed during the curfew hours. For them also to respond

in calls and needs of their citizen. They must also apprehend

violators regarding of his age.

A Proposed action plan for the enhancement of the level of

efficiency of law enforcer and its auxiliary on the

implementation of curfew hours at Barangay V-A San Pablo City


I. Rationale of the plan

Curfew hour is a crime prevention tool used to prohibit

children or group of person to be outside in a regulated time.

Curfew at the local aspect in San Pablo City, Laguna the

curfew is implemented as per city ordinance no.56 series of

1981. Under this ordinance no one is allowed to go outdoors

after 10:00pm to 4:00 am daily whoever violates this ordinance

will be penalized by a fine not less than 50 pesos but not

more than 200 pesos or imprisonment of not more than 5 days

at the discretion of court.

II. Vision of the plan

To enhance the law enforcer and it’s auxiliary in their

implementation of curfew hours for them to be more efficient

in implementing this ordinance.

III. General Objective of the Plan

The plan is promulgated to prescribe the guidelines for

the conduct of activities of law enforcer and its auxiliary

for them to be more responsible and to be more efficient in

implementing the curfew ordinance. To ensure the preservation

of peace and order and preservation of lives and property.

IV. Situation analysis

Assessment shows the lacking of the law enforcer and its

auxiliary in the implementation of curfew hours.

Further, the lack of equipment of the barangay tanods in

conducting patrol they are not wearing proper uniforms

sometimes and they do not have equipments that may be useful

for them during night time and as a protection to their


Another is the lack of knowledge of the public about the

curfew ordinance. Majority of the residents do not have

knowledge about the curfew.

The insufficiency of man power became a problem in their

enforcement of curfew only the barangay tanods is the one

enforcing it there are no police officers helping them in

conducting patrol.

The lack of communication between the law enforcer and

its auxiliary. They do not have coordination with each other.

V. Responsibility and Implementation

Further to be plan to be enforce some agency are would

be in charge. A) The peace and order chairman at the barangay

level for the request for them to have a proper equipments,

B) The law enforcer and its auxiliary to conduct some seminars

and project for them to public to have enough information

about curfew and also for the both of them to have a

communication and coordination in each other, C) chairman and

chief of barangay tanod for them to distribute each personnel

in a designated places,

VI. Summary of the proposed action plan

The proposed action plan is composed of area of concern,

objectives of the plan, the agency or personnel in charge to

the plan for it to be implemented, the implementation on how

it will be implemented, the possible outcome of the plan and

the time frame where the plan need to be done.


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Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines


San Pablo City Campus



Oct 9, 2014

Mr. Reynaldo Castaneda

Barangay Chairman

Brgy V-A San Pablo City

Dear Sir:


The undersigned is a 4th year BS Criminology student of the Laguna State

Polytechnic University-San Pablo City Campus and currently conducting a
research study with the title “Effectiveness of Law enforcer and it’s
Auxillary in Implementation of Curfew Hours in Barangay V-A San Pablo
City Laguna” in partial fulfillment for the subject of Criminological

In this regard, the researcher would like to ask permission to your good
office to conduct survey through questionnaire for the accomplishment of
the said study.

Any information accumulated will be treated with utmost confidentiality

and will be for educational purposes only.

Thank you very much for your support.

Respectfully yours,


Approved by:

Ms. Jennifer M. Nayoyos


Noted by:


Associate Dean,CCJE
Appendix B

I .Profile of respondents
Direction: Please fill in the necessary information or by
putting a check mark (√) the options provided that gives your
personal information.

Name (Optional_______________________


Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Number of years of residency

( ) 1-5

( ) 6-10

( ) 11 and above

This is an assessment on the “Effectiveness of Law
Enforcer and its Auxiliary on the Implementation of Curfew
Hours in Barangay V-A,San Pablo City “. Kindly rank the
different variables below about the implementation of curfew
hours in Barangay V-A,San Pablo City Laguna.
Please read each item carefully and put a check mark (√)
in the appropriate column that corresponds to your answer.
Please do not leave any single item unanswered (Unless it is
not applicable to you). Thank you so much to your honesty and
patience in answering the items below.
Statistical Limit Qualitative Description

3.25-4.00 Very Efficient (VE)

2.50-3.24 Efficient (E)

1.75-2.49 Slightly Efficient (SE)

1.00-1.74 Not Efficient (NE)

II. Implementation of curfew in Barangay V-A San Pablo City

Indicators VE E SE NE
3 2 1

A. Enforcement of the ordinance

1. Law enforcer and it’s auxiliary

implements the curfew hours
2. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are
monitoring violators.

3. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

handling violators.

4. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

monitoring crime prone areas.

5. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

settling disputes committed during curfew
6. Law enforcer and its auxiliary is
giving warning about the regulated time
given of the ordinance.

7. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

informing the public about the ordinance.

8. Law enforcer and its auxiliary

implement the curfew hours as neutral.

B. Apprehension of violators

1. Law enforcer and its auxiliary

implement of fines and penalties.

2. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

giving fair judgement to violators.

3. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

handling apprehended minor violator.

4. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

handling apprehended adult violator.

5. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

apprehending violators without harm or
violence inflicted.

6. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

giving fair treatment in apprehended

7. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

informing proper Barangay authority if
apprehended violators are not a resident of
the said Barangay.

8. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

informing the parents/guardians of
apprehended minor violators.

C. Conducting patrol
1. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are
conducting patrol at night time.

2. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

conducting patrol during daytime.

3. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

conducting patrol during special events.

4. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

conducting patrol at the park.

5. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

conducting patrol with proper equipment.

6. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

checking all places along the park.

7. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

checking suspicious vehicles along the park
in the course of their patrol.

8. Law enforcer and its auxiliary are

observing and monitoring public gatherings.
Appendix C

Total distribution of respondents as to indicators

Responde Age Gender Number of Enforcemen Apprehens Conduct Total

nts years of t of the ion of ing
residency ordinance violators patrol

R1 20 1 20 19 24 18 61

R2 33 1 33 15 23 17 55

R3 31 1 20 14 17 12 43

R4 18 2 5 16 12 22 50

R5 53 2 10 18 17 19 54

R6 46 1 43 11 17 16 44

R7 19 1 19 19 21 20 60

R8 22 1 22 18 15 20 53

R9 27 1 14 18 18 13 49

R10 30 2 30 18 17 15 50

R11 20 2 13 15 19 14 48

R12 24 1 24 15 19 14 48

R13 35 2 20 13 16 12 41

R14 22 1 12 13 16 12 41

R15 21 1 21 18 16 15 49

R16 43 1 43 16 18 14 48

R17 51 2 49 13 20 17 50

R18 48 1 48 22 17 17 56

R19 43 2 43 18 20 17 55
R20 27 2 37 19 16 16 51

R21 31 1 31 18 21 22 61

R22 38 1 33 17 19 15 51

R23 23 1 23 20 19 19 58

R24 27 1 27 15 16 16 47

R25 31 1 31 19 17 19 55

R26 36 1 36 32 32 32 96

R27 20 2 20 20 18 20 58

R28 24 2 24 14 21 18 53

R29 29 1 9 18 19 15 42

R30 33 1 33 18 22 14 54

R31 51 1 51 20 20 17 57

R32 49 1 49 17 22 16 55

R33 44 1 32 16 16 13 45

R34 20 1 1 8 8 8 24

R35 21 2 21 17 20 15 52

R36 34 1 34 18 21 14 53

R37 47 1 47 16 19 13 48

R38 18 1 18 18 19 13 40

R39 44 1 22 16 19 14 49

R40 38 1 28 17 19 8 44

R41 25 1 2 16 8 14 38

R42 47 2 27 20 17 14 51
R43 20 2 20 11 22 16 49

R44 20 2 20 16 16 15 47

R45 36 2 13 15 12 12 39

R46 18 1 18 13 17 12 42

R47 26 1 20 16 18 17 51

R48 32 1 32 15 19 16 50

R49 22 2 22 15 8 8 31

R50 45 2 1 8 8 13 29

R51 38 1 38 19 12 20 51

R52 41 1 21 14 24 17 55

R53 52 1 52 16 23 22 61

R54 44 2 34 16 18 22 56

R55 37 1 1 13 8 8 29

R56 20 2 18 22 22 14 58

R57 35 1 35 16 16 17 49

R58 45 1 45 13 13 16 39

R59 27 1 27 15 17 15 47

R60 33 2 33 8 21 16 45


Gender: 1= Male 2= Female

Concepcion, Paulo
One-way ANOVA: E. O, A.V, C.P

Source DF SS MS F P
Factor 2 125.2 62.6 3.88 0.022
Error 177 2854.0 16.1
Total 179 2979.2

S = 4.015 R-Sq = 4.20% R-Sq(adj) = 3.12%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev -------+---------+---------+---------+--
E. O 60 16.317 3.671 (--------*-------)
A.V 60 17.733 4.380 (--------*-------)
C.P 60 15.750 3.964 (-------*--------)
15.6 16.8 18.0 19.2

Pooled StDev = 4.015

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons

Individual confidence level = 98.07%

E. O subtracted from:

Lower Center Upper ---------+---------+---------+---------+

A.V -0.315 1.417 3.148 (--------*--------)
C.P -2.298 -0.567 1.165 (-------*--------)
-2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0

A.V subtracted from:

Lower Center Upper ---------+---------+---------+---------+

C.P -3.715 -1.983 -0.252 (--------*--------)
-2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0

Name: Paulo U. Concepcion
Date of Birth: AUG 21 1994
Place of Birth: Manila Muntinlupa
Address:25a mabiniextBrgy V-A San Pablo
Permanent Address;25amabiniextBrgy V-A
San Pablo City
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father:
Name of Mother: Emma Concepcion
Occupation: Housewife

Educational Attainment
2011-in progress
Laguna State Polytechnic University – San Pablo City
Brgy. Del Remedio, San Pablo City, Laguna

Secondary: (2007-2011)
(CoL.Laro D. Dizon Memorial National High School)
(Mabini ST San Pablo City)

Primary: (2001-2007)
(San Pablo Central School)
(San Pablo City)

September, 2012 5th Annual Conference of Criminology and Political
Science Students of te Philippines
(Address where the Trainings/Seminars Attended)

January 14-24, 2015 DSWD-San Pablo City

Jan 26- Feb 06, 2015 PNP - San Pablo City Police Station
Brgy. V, San Pablo City, Laguna

Feb 09-28, 2015 Bureau of Fire and Protection

San Pablo City

March 02- 14, 2015 Commission on Human Rights

Region IV Office

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct to the best

of my knowledge.

Paulo U. Concepcion

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