Health & Safety
Health & Safety
Health & Safety
There is some guidance to help you improve health and safety behavior at workplace. A behavioral safety process
that identifies and reinforces safe behavior and reduces unsafe behavior.
Behavioral safety processes aren’t a ’quick fix’ and it’s important not to overlook fundamental elements. You
should begin by concentrating on policies and systems – assessing and improving management and operational
factors, training, design and so on.
Management Commitment & Leadership
The safety culture of an organization can only be improved if a clear commitment
has been made by management, with visible leadership. An important factor in
demonstrating management commitment is visible leadership. If management are
never seen taking an active interest in safety issues, then there will be an
assumption that they are not interested. Individual managers must show their
commitment to health and safety to their staff as this creates the local safety
• Co-operation and Consultation: A positive safety culture can only be created and implemented with
worker’s cooperation and consultation. If workers feel that they are being dictated to then they will feel
little ownership of health and safety. The most effective way to avoid this negativity and to actively
encourage workers interest and ownership is to involve workers in the decision-making process, which is
best achieved through worker consultations. There are several methods can be used for consultations with
workers. For instance, Direct consultation where the employer talk director to each worker and resolves
issue as they occur. Worker Representatives: A health and safety committee is established, made up of key
management personnel and workers representatives. They meet regularly to discuss H&S matters and
resolve issues.
• Trainings:
In the context of health and safety, training can be considered as the planned, formal process of acquiring
and practicing knowledge and skills in a relatively safe environment. Employers have responsibility to train
their staff to carry out their jobs in a safe manner. Training is a key component of competence. Training has
dramatic effect on safety-related behavior.
Once the workers have been properly trained they will understand;
- The hazards and risks inherent in their work
- The correct rules and precautions to apply
- Foreseeable emergencies and the action to take, should these events occur
- Use of PPE’s
The site should provide training opportunities in following scenarios
- New employees – induction trainings
- Job change
- Process change
- New technology
- New legislation
It is important to keep records of trainings, not only to records who has been trained but also to update an show
progress against the training plan. After providing the trainings, the site should evaluate the effectiveness of the
trainings and maintain the records accordingly.
Disciplinary procedure:
Occasionally, it may be necessary to use disciplinary procedures to enforce the health and safety rules, e.g. in the
event that and employee endangers their safety or the safety of others. In these circumstances the employer
would be negligent in ignoring such behavior and must act to ensure that it is not repeated.
Which of these situations might result in disciplinary action?
• A supervisor fails to follow a procedure and instructs their shift to cut corners in order to save time
• A worker drives a forklift truck recklessly and collides with racking, causing damage.
• A supervisor fails to isolate a machine before working on it (against their training), as the job was
only of short duration.
• A worker climb over a locked machine guards to carry out a quality checks.
• An office employee repeatedly enters the factory area without the required PPE despite being told
several times of the requirements
The answer is clearly that these could all potentially result in disciplinary action, though the level of action would
depend upon each individual situation. It is common for minor breaches of health and safety procedures to be
dealt with informally through discussion and coaching.