Water Pollution Through Energy Sector PDF
Water Pollution Through Energy Sector PDF
Water Pollution Through Energy Sector PDF
ISSN 2347-4289
Abstract: Energy and water are valuable resources and are to a large extent, interdependent. Water is an integral element of energy resource
development and utilization. It is used in energy-resource extraction, refining & processing and transportation. There are different sources of water
pollution in which energy sector play major role. Due to population growth and economic development, demand of energy is increasing continuously
which ultimately affected the quality of water. Depending on the water quality needs for particular applications, freshwater supplies can be augmented
with degraded or brackish water. Water quantities available for use are dependent on the water qualities needed for each use. In a present energy
scenario, consumption of water in the electric sector could grow substantially, though increased demand for water would provide an incentive for
technologies that reduce water use, thus dampening the increase in water use. Technologies are available that can reduce water use in the electric
sector, including alternative cooling for thermoelectric power plants, wind power, and solar photovoltaics, but cost and economics, among other factors,
have limited deployment of these technologies Meanwhile, climate concerns and declines in groundwater levels suggest that less freshwater, not more,
may be available in the future.
3.1. In Thermal Power Plants
Water demand in Billion Cubic
on cooling facility’s technology. For biomass power 4. Interlinking between Water and Energy
plants, water withdrawals range for cooling between Water is required to produce nearly all forms of energy. For
20,000 and 50,000 gallons per megawatt-hour with primary fuels, water is used in resource extraction, irrigation
consumption of 300 gallons per megawatt-hour. Biomass of biofuels feedstock crops, fuel refining and processing,
facilities that use wet-recirculating cooling systems— and transport. In power generation, water provides cooling
which reuse cooling water in a second cycle rather than and other process-related needs at thermal power plants;
immediately discharging it—withdraw between 500 and hydropower facilities harness its movement for electricity
900 gallons per megawatt-hour and consume production [18]. The use of water in these energy sectors
approximately 480 gallons per megawatt-hour [12]. adversely affects the quality of water by contamination. Use
of water in different energy sector for different purpose and
its effect on water quality is shown in table 2.
Table-2 Key uses of water for energy and potential water quality impacts [18]
5. Effects of Power Plant Effluents drinking water supplies and damage vital human organs
Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic and the nervous system. One study found that one out of
development of any country. In the case of the developing every 100 children who drink groundwater contaminated
countries like India, energy consumption has been with arsenic from coal power plant wastes were at risk of
increasing at a relatively fast rate due to population growth developing cancer. In the case of hydroelectric plants water
and economic development. Power plant also play major environment is affected due to the stagnation of water in the
role in water pollution. A typical 500-megawatt coal power reservoir. If the reservoir accumulates runoff from
plant creates more than 125,000 tons of ash and 193,000 agricultural fields, the water may contain high amounts of
tons of sludge from the smokestack scrubber each year. fertilizer and pesticide residues, which may accumulate in
Generally, more than 75% of this waste is disposed of in the reservoir. Major pollutants due to coal based power
unlined, unmonitored onsite landfills and surface generation include sulfur dioxide, carbon and nitrogen
impoundments. Toxic substances in the waste - including compounds, non-combustible hydrocarbons, heavy metals
arsenic, mercury, chromium, and cadmium can contaminate and fly ash [3].
6. How can overcome the problem of water [1] CGWB. 2011. Ground Water Year Book - India
requirement 2010-11. Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of
Waste water from electricity sector contributes to water Water Resources. Government of India.
pollution. Thermal and nuclear power plant waste water
usually contains specific and readily identifiable chemical [2] Chatterjee Sisir (2009). A Geographical study on
compounds. During the last few years, the number of power drinking water management in Shimla municipal
plant in India has grown rapidly. But water pollution is area, Himachal. Everyman’s Science. Vol. XLIV,
concentrated within a few subsectors, mainly in the form of No. 2.
toxic wastes and organic pollutants. Most major industries
have treatment facilities for industrial effluents. Only 60% [3] Chowdhury Abdullah Harun ―Impact of coal based
wastewater generated by industries is treated. In case of power plant at Rampal‖ Khulna University.
small scale industries that may not afford cost of waste
water treatment plant, Common Effluent Treatment Plants [4] CPCB. 2005. Performance status of common
(CETP) has been set-up for cluster of small scale industries effluent treatment plants in India. Central Pollution
[4]. The treatment methods adapted in these plants are Control Board, India.
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clariflocculator, secondary clarifiers and Sludge drying Planning and Project Wing, Central Water
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their profit margin is very slender. Overall analysis of water [6] Ghosh, G.K. (1992). Environmental Pollution. A
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availability and increased wastewater generation due to [7] http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/monthly/inst_capacity/
increased population and industrialization. Due to increase Nov.14.pdf
demand of water in electricity generation, it is the challenge
to developed and developing nations for management and [8] http://www.unescap.org/speeches/water-energy-
recycling of waste water [11]. Therefore several lifelines-sustainable-prosperity.
opportunities are available to improve the situation. In the
power sector, these include greater reliance on renewable [9] http://www.foe.org.au/sites/default/files/Water-NP-
energy technologies that have minimal water requirements, 2xA4-2013.pdf
such as solar PV and wind; improving the efficiency of
power plants, for instance by shifting from subcritical coal to [10] Kaur R, Wani SP, Singh AK and Lal K ―Wastewater
supercritical coal or IGCC plants; and deployment of more production, treatment and use in India‖
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and dry and hybrid cooling. In biofuels production, biomass
crops and locations that have the greatest water efficiency [11] Kodarkar, M.S. (2008). Conservations of lakes.
will be advantaged. More generally, the energy sector can Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists,
look to exploit non-freshwater sources – saline water, Hyderabad, 76p.
treated wastewater, storm water and produced water from
oil and gas operations – and adopt water re-use [12] Macknick, et al. 2011A Review of Operational
technologies. Importantly, assigning precious water Water Consumption and Withdrawal Factors for
resources a more appropriate economic value in regions Electricity Generating Technologies. Golden, CO:
where it is underpriced or even free would encourage more National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
efficient use, not only in the energy sector but across the
economy. [13] National Renewable Energy Laboratory's
Renewable energy Data book 2012 (NREL)
7. Conclusion
There is no doubt that water is growing in importance as a [14] Patil, A.R. and Lohar, P.S. (2009). Seasonal
criterion for assessing the physical, economic and variations in physico-chemical parameters of river
environmental viability of energy projects. Water and Patalganga, Raigad district, Maharashtra. J. Aqua.
energy both are necessary for development and are Biol., 24(2), 109 – 112 .
interlinked. Therefore better and cost effective technologies
of water treatment will need to recycle the waste water of [15] Swami, B.S. and Udhayakumar, M. (2007).
energy sector to reduce the availability of fresh water in this Observation on seasonal variations in hydroFigure
sector so that both can be available to each. Noical characteristics recorded at Mumbai harbour.
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