Effect of Different Drying Methods On Chemical Composition of Unripe Plantain Flour

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 3, March-April 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Effect of Different Drying Methods on Chemical

Composition of Unripe Plantain Flour
Segilola, V. O1; Amodu, S. O2; Olatunji, C. A2
of Home Economics, Federal College of Education, Oyo, Nigeria
2Department of Hospitality Management Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Nigeria

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Segilola, V. O |

Food processing is often thought to bring about changes in nutrients content, Amodu, S. O | Olatunji, C. A "Effect of
thus decreasing its patronage. To investigate this in a Nigerian staple, unripe Different Drying Methods on Chemical
plantain (Musa paradisiaca) flours were prepared following sun drying and Composition of Unripe Plantain Flour"
oven drying methods. These were compared against fresh plantain for their Published in
nutritional composition. Proximate composition and minerals contents were International Journal
determined using standard AOAC methods. The results showed that the unripe of Trend in Scientific
plantains pulp contained 59.77%, 1.42%, 1.51%, 1.40%, 7.65%, 28.23%, Research and
40.22% and 38.80% of moisture, ash, fat/oils, crude fibre, crude protein, Development (ijtsrd),
carbohydrates, dry matter and organic matter respectively. Calcium, sodium, ISSN: 2456-6470,
potassium, iron, and nitrogen were determined to be 0.1534 ppm, 0.2613 Volume-5 | Issue-3, IJTSRD38725
ppm, 0.3034 ppm, 0.7808 ppm and 0.2240 ppm respectively. The processing April 2021, pp.397-
methods produced flour with similar nutritional composition. However, oven 400, URL:
drying gave the lowest moisture content in the flour, suggesting a higher www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd38725.pdf
capacity to prevent microbial growth and decay in the dried sample, hence
prolonging storage life. Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
KEYWORDS: Flour, Plantain, Nutritional, Drying, Processing, Storage Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)

Plantains (Musa parasidiaca) is one of the important staple Traditionally, sun drying is the common method used in
food crops consumed in the tropics behind rice, wheat and processing plantains into flour. However, there are some
maize and are obtainable in about 120-130 tropical problems associated with sun drying such as slowness of the
countries in the world (Mephaet al., 2007). It is an essential process, the uncertainty of the weather and uneven drying
food crop in sub-Sahara Africa that serves as source of (Abiodunet al., 2012)). Baiyiriet al. (2011) reported that
nutrient and household income for many people around the drying is one of the best methods in terms of cost efficiency
world (Mephaet al., 2007). The aggregated world production to preserve plantain flour in other to have plantain products
is put at over 76 million metric tons (Salawuet al., 2015), out with considerable shelf stability. Drying serves as a suitable
of which over 12 million metric tons are harvested yearly in and cheap means for removing water from plantain which
Africa (Agoyeroet al., 2011). Sizeable tons of plantains are adds value to plantain and this result in the production of
harvested in Nigeria annually and Nigeria is the biggest convenience product having suitable shelf life (Adepojuet al.,
producer of plantains in West Africa with an estimated 2011).
production of about 2.7 million metric tons, majority of
Drying is one of the best techniques used in the processing of
which are produced and harvested from the southern part of
agricultural produce and many kinds of researches have
the country (FAO, 2009).
been done on the drying of different agricultural produce. It
In spite of large tons of plantains harvested yearly in Nigeria, is done to reduce moisture below levels required for
Abiodunet al., (2012) reported that over 50% of plantains microbial and enzymatic reactions (Baiyiriet al., 2011).
harvested are lost due to the unavailability of appropriate According to Abiodunet al. (2012), different drying methods
storage facilities to prevent postharvest losses. These large can be used for drying plantain fruits. Microwave, oven and
productions and post-harvest losses necessitate the need to freeze-drying have been previously used to dry plantain
develop new and suitable technologies for processing and flour (Emperatrizet al., 2008). The effects of freeze-drying,
preservation of plantain flour for time to come. Usually drum drying, microwave and oven drying on quality
harvested at matured but unripe stage, plantains undergo attributes of plantain flour have been reported. The need for
rapid respiration after harvest, making it a short-lived a hygienic, effective drying method is apparent. The end use
agricultural product that requires urgent attention of plantain flour in food depends on the attractiveness of its
immediately after harvest. Plantain may therefore be colour. Enzymatic browning reaction is one of the problems
processed into flour when it is matured but not ripe. encountered during plantain processing and this reaction
often affects the colour of the flour produced from plantain.

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The browning reactions usually occur during processing Values are means± standard deviation. The values in a row
because of the activity of polyphenol oxidase that is also followed by the same superscripts are not statistically
known as tyrosinase (Adeniyiet al., 2009). It is therefore significantly different at a significance level of 5%
essential to pretreat plantain slices during processing to
Table 2: Mineral composition of fresh unripe plantain,
arrest the browning, which if not arrested may affect the
sundried and oven dried unripe plantain flours.
colour of the final product. Therefore, to intensify the use of
Parameter Fresh Oven-dried Sun-dried
plantain flour in food products, it is necessary to establish
the best drying method to produce plantain flour of good Calcium (ppm) 0.1534 0.4229 0.5385
quality. The objectives of the study were to determine the Sodium (ppm) 0.2613 0.7955 0.9108
effect of drying methods on the chemical composition of Potassium (ppm) 0.3034 1.8905 0.8170
unripe plantain flours. Iron (ppm) 0.7808 0.7963 0.0239

Materials and methods The results of proximate analysis of fresh, sundried and
Collection of Plantain: The matured unripe plantain fruits oven-dried samples are given below (Table 1). The result
for this work were purchased from the Teaching and showed that plantain contained appreciable amounts of
Research Farm of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, carbohydrates, whether fresh or processed. Moisture and the
Nigeria. Plantain of the same variety and maturity level were protein content of plantain were lowered by the two drying
carefully selected. methods tested in this study. Crude fibre, carbohydrates, dry
matter, ash content and organic matter contents were higher
Preparation of Plantain flour: The selected plantains fruits in the drying methods employed here. Decrease in these
were processed in the Department of Food Science and macronutrients may be attributed to the application of heat.
Technology Laboratory, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo Similar losses of these macronutrients after heat treatment
State. The plantain fruits were washed, hand-peeled and have been reported (Onuohaet al., 2014; Enomfon-Akpan
sliced using a plantain slicer in other to obtain slices of the and Umoh, 2004; Morris et al., 2004). The application of heat
same thickness. The sliced plantain was divided into three can be both beneficial and detrimental to nutrients. Heat
portions, two of the samples were then dried using solar and improves the digestibility of food, promotes palatability and
oven drying methods while the last one was used as control improves the keeping quality of food, making them safe to
(fresh). They were then milled and stored in ziplock bags for eat. The heating process also results in nutrients’ losses by
further analysis (Zakpaaet al., 2010). inducing biochemical and nutritional variation in food
Proximate Composition of the Plantain Flour composition.
samples: The proximate composition of the samples were The apparent increase in carbohydrate, dry matter, organic
done using the methods describe by AOAC (2005). matter, ash and fibre contents observed in this study
Mineral Composition of Plantain Flour Samples: Minerals following drying treatments could be because of the removal
in the samples were determined using AOAC (2005) of moisture that tends to increase the concentration of
methods. Into a digestion tube 1 g of the sample was nutrients (Morris et al., 2004). Processing has been reported
weighed, 15 ml of concentrated Nitric acid (HNO3) added to to increase carbohydrates availability in a more digestible
each sample and digested for 30 min at 150 °C in a digester form (Emperatrizet al., 2008). These could explain the
in a fume chamber. The sample was digested until the significant difference (P<0.05) observed in the
solution was pale yellow, and allowed to cool. 10 mL of carbohydrates content of processed samples (oven-dried
concentrated perchloric acid (70 % HClO4) was added and and sundried plantain flour).
the digestion continued at 200 °C until the solution was The moisture content for the fresh plantain was determined
colourless. After complete digestion, the solution was cooled to be 9.77% in agreement with 9.4% and 9.612% reported
slightly and 80 ml of distilled water added. The mixture was by Adepojuet al. (2012) and Agoyeroet al. (2011)
boiled for about 10 min and filtered through Whatman No. respectively. The moisture content of flour was determined
42 filter paper into 250 ml volumetric flask. The solution was to be 9.09% (oven-dried) 15.01% (sundried) as compared to
then made to the mark with distilled water. 11.03% (oven dried) and 13.00% (sundried) reported by
Determination of Ca, Na, K and Fe:The concentrations of Agoyeroet al. (2011). These values were all significantly
Ca, Na, K and Fe were determined using Atomic Absorption different (P<0.05) from each other. Moisture content of food
Spectrophotometer (Spectra AA220FS Model). The mineral or processed products gives an indication of its anticipated
contents in the samples were then calculated and results shelf life. Low moisture content is a requirement for long
expressed in part per million (ppm). storage life. During storage, fungal growth is bound to be
observed on moist food samples. Fungal food contamination
Results and Discussion could be a predisposing factor to food poisoning such as
Table1: Proximate composition of fresh plantain, aspergillosis. Since a well-dried food sample withstands
sundried and oven dried unripe plantain flours fungal and other microbial infestation better during storage,
Oven-dried oven dried flour gave lower residual moisture content, hence
Parameter Fresh Sun-dried
Sun-dried should be preferred.
Moisture 9.77±0.03a 9.09±0.01c 15.00±0.01b
Ash 1.42±0.01b 5.44±0.01a 4.80±0.01a Fat, indicating the total lipid content of the plantain was
Fat 1.51±0.02a 1.55±0.01a 1.37±0.01b shown to be 1.51% (fresh), 1.37% (sundried) and 1.55%
(oven dried) (Table 1). Agoyeroet al. (2011) reported unripe
Crude fibre 1.40±0.02b 10.11±0.01a 10.43±0.01a
plantain fruit gives values as 2.75% (fresh), 1.38%
Crude protein 7.65±0.01a 3.60±0.01b 3.34±0.01b
(sundried) and 1.57% (oven dried) while Adepojuet al.
Carbohydrates 28.23±0.06 70.19±0.01 65.04±0.03b
c a
(2012) reported 1.50% (fresh) and 3.90% (sundried). The
Dry matter 40.22±0.03c 90.90±0.01a 84.99±0.01b fresh and oven dried samples are not significantly different
Organic matter 38.80±0.02b 85.46±0.01a 80.19±0.00a

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(P>0.05), but these are significantly different (P<0.05) from contained in exposed tissues tend to react, forming several
the sun dried sample. These results agree. Variations could intermediates which make the amino group of the amino
be due to intensity of sunlight during the drying process, acids non bio-available. Decrease in protein content
extent of dryness because sun drying has no objective way of probably occurred because of Millard reaction; which results
assessment. The difference observed between sundried and between carbohydrates and protein (Morriset al., 2004). It
oven dried samples could be as a result of solar radiations could also be due to drying under elevated temperatures.
mediated oxidation of the composite lipids, especially the Similar losses of crude protein by the application of heat
unsaturated fatty acids thereby decreasing the overall crude have been reported (Hassan et al., 2007; Enonfon-Akpan and
lipids content and quality. Nutrients have been reported to Umoh, 2004; Morris et al., 2004). Application of heat can be
be lost because of chemical changes such as oxidation. Lipid both beneficial and detrimental to nutrients. Heating
oxidation is known to be increased by many factors such as improves the digestibility of food, promotes palatability and
heat, sun light and radiations (Savage et al., 2002). improves the keeping quality of food, making them safe to
Minerals, being inorganic are not destroyed by heating. They
have low volatility compared to other food components. The Conversely, the heating process also result in nutritional
increased ash (Table 1) consequently calcium, sodium, losses by inducing biochemical and nutritional variations in
potassium (Table 2) observed in this study could be as a food composition, especially sun heating. Since plantain are
result of the removal of moisture which tends to increase consumed majorly for its energy content, this significant
concentration of nutrients per 100g of a food sample decrease in crude protein due to processing does not
(Morris, et al., 2004). This is evident by the percentage invalidate the need for food security by processing nor the
organic matter content as it significantly differs (P<0.05) acceptance of this food sample in its processed form.
between the different methods of treatment studied. Since Moreover, the gain from energy seems to appreciate
sun drying proceed slower than oven drying, it is obvious significantly (P<0.05) (table 1).
that this prolonged drying period leaves room for several
The crude fibre was significantly different (P<0.05) between
biochemical reactions to occur freely under atmospheric
the fresh sample and the processed samples (table 1). It was
oxygen conditions (Wiriyaet al., 2009). This holds many
determined to be 1.41% in agreement with the 1.40%
prospects in reducing the availability of the nutrient. The
reported by Adepojuet al. (2012). Values for sundried and
decrease in the iron content of the sundried sample suggests
oven dried were 10.43% and 10.12% respectively. These are
the anti-nutritional factors; oxalate and phytate
in agreement with the 10.43% and 10.11% reported for
(unfortunately these were not determined in the present
sundried and oven dried respectively by Agoyeroet al.
study) could be present in the sample, thereby making the
(2011). Crude fibre represents the content of the non-
mineral unavailable by forming complexes with them, as
digestible components of food, such as lignin, cellulose and
reported by Enonfon-Akpan and Umoh, (2004).
hemicelluloses. These are essential in animal nutrition, since
The highest calcium value of 0.5385 ppm was observed from they enhance the transit time through the bowels, facilitates
the sundried sample while the fresh sample had the least bowels movement thus reducing the risk of colon cancer.
value, 0.1534 ppm (table 2). This is less than the
Ash is the inorganic residue after the water and organic
7566.53±0.93 mg/100kg reported by Salawuet al. 2015.
matter have been removed by burning a food sample. Ash
While the 0.44±0.00 ppm reposted by Onuohaet al. (2014) is
was significantly different (P<0.05) between the fresh
more than the fresh sample but less than the sundried
sample and the processed samples (table 1). It was
sample. Sodium followed a similar trend, being highest in
determined to be 1.43% from the fresh sample, which is in
sundried sample (0.9108) and least (0.2613 ppm) in the
agreement with the 1.40% reported by Adepojuet al. (2012).
fresh sample. Potassium was highest in the oven dried
The dry matter content was 40.23%, 90.91% and 84.99% for
sample (1.8905 ppm), and lowest in the fresh sample
fresh, oven dried and sundried samples respectively. Organic
(0.3034 ppm). These values are all less than those reported
matter content was 38.80%, 85.47%, and 80.19% for fresh,
by Onuohaet al. (2014) and Salawuet al. (2015) for both
sundried and oven dried samples respectively.
sodium and potassium. Iron had a similar pattern as
potassium. It was highest in the oven dried sample (0.7963 Conclusion and Recommendation
ppm) and lowest in the sundried sample (0.0239 ppm). The Based on the results obtained from the study, the two drying
rich content of calcium, sodium, iron and potassium in the methods were all good as they all yielded nutritional
unripe plantain pulp could be attributed to factors such as constituents with minimal differences from the fresh sample.
soil mineralization and fertilization. Variations in mineral However, to obtain fast drying, conserve protein and iron
content in crops tend to be high, owing to varying degree of content, the oven drying method though likely to be more
ripeness, geographic and soil factors (Gibbon and Pain, 1985; expensive is recommended, while the sun-drying method is
Morel et al., 1985; Zakpaaet al., 2010). These are thought to cheaply executed, takes a longer time and may be prone to
play a role here as well. These show unripe plantain to be a contaminations from microorganisms due to unhygienic
rich source of these minerals, especially potassium, sodium exposures.
and iron. Processing does not eliminate the mineral contents.
Further studies could focus on the microbial contamination
There was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in crude protein of the flours from respective processing methods, fatty acids
content between the fresh sample and the dried ones. This profile and amino acid profile analysis. Moreover, the
implies drying does not conserve proteins in plantain. The reducing sugars content and the glycemic index of the flours
crude protein content of fresh sample was determined to be need to be examined. This will provide the necessary
7.65% while 3.35% and 3.61% for the sundried and oven information to adopt this food sample as a dietary source for
dried samples respectively. These agree with the 3.6% and special nutritional cases, such as diabetics, depending on the
3.86 protein in unripe plantain powder reported by Salawuet results obtained.
al. (2015). In the presence of atmospheric oxygen, proteins

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