Bilal Et Al., 2011

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C. R.

Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836

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Comptes Rendus Biologies


Impact of epiphytic and endogenous enzyme activities of senescent

maize leaves and roots on the soil biodegradation process
Impact de l’activité des enzymes épiphytes et endogènes des feuilles et racines
sénescentes de maı̈s dans le processus de biodégradation du sol
Bilal Ahmad Zafar Amin a,b, Johnny Beaugrand a,b, Philippe Debeire c,
Brigitte Chabbert a,b, Isabelle Bertrand a,*,b
INRA, UMR614, Fractionnement des AgroRessources et Environnement, 2, esplanade Roland-Garros, 51686 Reims cedex 2, France
UMR614 FARE, Fractionnement des AgroRessources et Environnement, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, 51100 Reims, France
École supérieure de biotechnologie de Strasbourg, université de Strasbourg, 67412 Illkirch, France


Keywords: This study was focused on investigating the role of the initial residue community, i.e.
Soil microorganisms and enzymes from the epiphytic and endophytic compartments, in soil
Maize residue decomposition processes. Aerial and underground parts (leaves and roots) of maize (Zea
C mineralization mays L.) plants were g-irradiated, surface-sterilized with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)/
Decomposition ethanol or non-sterilized (controls), while the outer surface morphology of maize leaves
Enzyme activity
and roots was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Non-sterilized and
Colonizing microorganisms
sterilized maize leaves and roots were incubated in soil to study carbon (C) mineralization
kinetics and enzyme dynamics (L-leucine aminopeptidase, CBH–1, xylanase, cellulase and
laccase). SEM results showed that initial microbial colonization was more pronounced on
non-sterilized leaf and root surfaces than on sterilized samples. The hypochlorite
treatment removed a part of the soluble components of leaves by washing and no specific
effect of any type of colonizing microorganisms was observed on C mineralization. In
contrast, g irradiation and hypochlorite treatments did not affect root chemical
characteristics and the quantitative effect of initial residue-colonizing microorganisms
on C mineralization was demonstrated. The variations in C mineralization and enzyme
dynamics between non-sterilized and sterilized roots suggested that activities of epiphytic
and endogenic microorganisms were of the same order of magnitude.
ß 2011 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Cette étude a été réalisée pour étudier le rôle des communautés microbiennes initialement
Mots clés :
Sol présentes sur les résidus végétaux, c’est-à-dire les micro-organismes et les enzymes
Résidus de maı̈s provenant des compartiments épiphytes et endophytes, sur les processus de décomposi-
Minéralisation du carbone tion dans les sols. Les parties aériennes et souterraines (feuilles et racines) du maı̈s (Zea
Décomposition mays L.) ont été soit g-irradiées, soit stérilisées en surface avec de l’hypochlorite de sodium
Activité enzymatique (NaOCl)/éthanol ou enfin non stérilisées (témoin), alors que la morphologie des surfaces
Micro-organismes colonisateurs externes des feuilles et des racines de maı̈s a été observée par microscopie électronique à
Stérilisation balayage (MEB). Les feuilles et les racines de maı̈s non stérilisées et stérilisées ont été

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Bertrand).

1631-0691/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836 825

incubées dans le sol pour étudier les cinétiques de minéralisation du carbone et les
dynamiques enzymatiques (L-leucine aminopeptidase, CBH–1, xylanase, cellulase et
laccase). Les observations au MEB ont montré que la colonisation microbienne initiale était
plus importante sur les surfaces des feuilles et des racines non stérilisées que sur les
échantillons stérilisés. Le traitement à l’hypochlorite a éliminé une partie des composés
solubles des feuilles par lavage et donc aucun effet spécifique de la colonisation
microbienne initiale sur la minéralisation du carbone n’a pu être constaté. En revanche, les
traitements irradiation g et hypochlorite n’ont pas affecté les caractéristiques chimiques
des racines et l’effet quantitatif des micro-organismes colonisateurs des résidus initiaux
sur la minéralisation du carbone a été démontré. Les variations de minéralisation du
carbone et des dynamiques enzymatiques entre les racines non stérilisées et stérilisées
suggèrent que les activités des micro-organismes épiphytes et endogènes sont du même
ordre de grandeur.
ß 2011 Académie des sciences. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.

1. Introduction colonized by a variety of fungi and bacteria that colonize

the phyllosphere and are called epiphytes [14,15]. In the
The decomposition rates of crop residues in soils are case of roots, rhizosphere fungi which adhere to the root
frequently considered to be regulated by interactions epidermis and outer cortex, are primarily involved in the
between soil microorganisms and their extracellular degradation of complex organic compounds [16,17]. While
enzymes, environmental factors and plant residue quality fungi and bacteria that live within the cells of the root are
[1–3]. The kinetics of residue C mineralization, in the not considered a part of rhizosphere, but instead are called
short-term, have been shown to mostly depend on the endophytes [18]. The effects of plant microorganisms or
amount of C present in soluble fraction of the residue [4– enzymes (whether associated or possibly derived from
6]. As decomposition proceeds, the soluble components are plant vestige metabolism) on decomposition are generally
degraded and their effect on the rate of C mineralization is assessed by crop residue sterilization. Various studies have
reduced. Subsequent decomposition is driven by the more examined the influence of the sterilization methods, i.e. g-
recalcitrant fraction, i.e. cell walls [7]. The principal cell irradiation, chemical fumigation, autoclaving, air drying
wall polymers are polysaccharides (such as cellulose and [19,20] and treatment with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)/
hemicelluloses) and lignin. The main types of hemicellu- ethanol [21]. These techniques do not proceed in the same
lose encountered in Gramineae are heteroxylans, which way and offer potential selectivity of both the location and
consist of a backbone of b-1,4-linked xylose units mainly degree of alteration generated. For example, while g-
substituted by a-linked arabinose. Previous studies have irradiation led to the death of all microorganisms [22], the
shown that the decomposition of cell walls in soil is activities of residual enzymes (i.e. b-glucosidase) were still
influenced by their chemical composition [7,8] with apparent for at least 8 weeks in soil [23]. A very recent
polysaccharides (cellulose and heteroxylan) being the study on microbial communities in maize has provided
most readily degraded polymers, along with the less evidence that treatment with a well-balanced combination
condensed and thus more accessible lignin fraction [9]. of sodium hypochlorite and ethanol (NaOCl/EtOH) is
During the decomposition process, soil microorganisms effective in isolating phyllospheric endophytes [24].
are colonizing dead plant material after entering the soil Our main objectives were therefore to determine the
[10,11]. However, plant residues also contain bacterial and role of the initial residue community before its return to
fungal populations, before incorporation into soil, which the soil, i.e. the roles of microorganisms and enzymes from
might influence their decomposition dynamics [12,13]. In the epiphytic and endophytic compartments in the soil
a recent study [13], maize roots with a high N content were decomposition process and the associated enzyme kinet-
shown to be more colonized than roots with a lower N ics. Two sterilization treatments, involving g-irradiation or
content. The authors suggested that residue-colonizing sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)/ethanol, were applied to
microorganisms would already decompose part of the cell maize leaves and roots and compared with a non-sterilized
wall polysaccharides before soil decomposition, thus control. The treatments were chosen according to the
modifying the chemical quality of the residues and their following criteria: (1) g-irradiation kills microorganisms
subsequent mineralization patterns in soil. However, but extracellular enzymes remain on the plant residue
gamma (g) sterilized and non-sterilized root residues surface; (2) sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)/ethanol is a
were found to exhibit similar C mineralization rates, surface sterilization treatment which removes microor-
indicating that residue-colonizing microorganisms did not ganisms and related enzymes from the plant residue
quantitatively affect soil microorganism activity. To our surface; (3) the non-sterilized control treatment which
knowledge this type of study has not been carried out yet allowed the activity of all colonizing microorganisms and
on residues of above-ground plant organs. the associated enzymes.
Numerous microbial communities are present on the Our hypothesis was that control (non-sterilized) treat-
above-ground (leaf and stem) and underground parts ments would sustain higher respiration and enzyme
(root) of plants. The above-ground parts are normally activities than sterilized treatments. Enzyme activity
826 B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836

kinetics were studied in a set of enzymes composed of L- 2.3. Chemical analysis

leucine aminopeptidase, cellobiohydrolase (CBH–1), xyla-
nase, cellulase and laccase that arguably covers the major The chemical characteristics of maize leaves and roots
enzyme families involved in lignocellulose degradation in were determined on two replicates of each sample. Total C
soil. Determination of the kinetics of these enzymes were and N contents of maize residues ground to 80 mm (Retsch,
performed on treated and control maize leaves and roots, Cross Beater Mill), were measured by elemental analysis
before and at weekly intervals during the 43 days of plant (NA 2000, Fisons Instruments, Milan, Italy). The cell wall
residue incubation in soil. contents of residues were determined as the neutral
detergent fiber (NDF) according to the method described
by Goering and Van Soest [26]. Briefly, the soluble fraction
2. Materials and methods was removed by boiling 1 g of leaves or roots in deionized
water at 100 8C for 30 min while the cytoplasmic
2.1. Soil sampling and processing components were removed by extraction with a neutral
detergent solution at 100 8C for 60 min to obtain the NDF
A silt loam soil with 77.3% silt, 17.8% clay, 3.8% sand, fraction corresponding to the cell walls. All residues from
0.95% organic C, and a pH (H2O) of 7.6 was sampled at the cell wall preparations were dried for 1 week at 30 8C and
INRA experimental station (Somme, Mons-en-Chaussée) ground to 80 mm (Retsch, Cross Beater Mill).
located in North East France (498 80’ N, 38 60’ E). After Acid-insoluble residue (including lignin) and sugar
sampling, the soil was air dried for two days to reduce the contents were determined on plant residues before
moisture content to 120 mg H2O g1 dry soil then sieved incubation. Lignin content was approximated as the
(< 2 mm) and cleaned manually to ensure complete acid-unhydrolyzable residue remaining after sulphuric
removal of carbonates and organic crop residues [13]. acid hydrolysis of the cell wall polysaccharides, according
The soil was then stored at 4 8C, prior to the incubation to the Klason lignin (KL) determination [27]. Briefly, 50 mg
experiment, in order to limit microbial growth. of the relevant lyophilized residues were suspended in
0.5 mL of 12 M H2SO4 for 2 h at room temperature.
2.2. Plant materials Suspensions were then diluted to 1 M with deionized
water, heated at 100 8C for 3 h and filtered. The remaining
Leaves and roots of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivar Mexxal residues were dried at 105 8C and ash measurements made
were harvested at physiological maturity from a field after 4 h at 500 8C. Klason lignin contents were calculated
experiment performed at the INRA Lusignan experimental from the mass differences of samples before and after ash
station (France). Leaf samples were therefore senescent measurement.
and were separated manually from the stem after air- The total sugar content of cell walls obtained from
forced oven drying for one week at 30 8C. While the root maize residues was determined before decomposition
samples were washed with 50 g L1 sodium metaphos- according to the method described by Blakeney et al. [28].
phate solution for 24 h, rinsed with deionized water to Ten milligrams of NDF samples were swollen in 125 mL
remove soil particles, then dried in an air-forced oven for 12 M H2SO4 for 2 h at 20 8C followed by acid hydrolysis
one week at 30 8C. with 1 M H2SO4 for 2 h at 100 8C. Monosaccharides
Sodium hypochlorite/ethanol sterilization of the maize released by the acid were separated by high performance
residues was performed as described by Reissinger et al. anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC) on a CarboPac
[25]. Maize leaves and roots were dipped separately in 1 L PA-1 column (4  250 mm, Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA), as
of a mixture of 100% sodium hypochlorite and 95% ethanol described by Beaugrand et al. [29]. The monosaccharide
(1/1, v/v) for 1 min. The plant residue was then washed by composition was analyzed and quantified using 2-deoxy-
dipping in deionized water to remove all chlorine, an active D-ribose as internal standard and standard solutions of
molecule derived from sodium hypochlorite (5 min max). neutral carbohydrates (L-arabinose, D-glucose, D-xylose,
A colorimetric test of chlorine concentration (Merck, D-galactose, L-rhamnose, D-mannose, L-fucose and D-
Spectroquant) was performed on the water remaining fructose).
after the final washing to check total chlorine removal. The
leaves and roots were then air dried at 35 8C for 48 h. 2.4. Experimental design
For the g-irradiation treatments, plastic bags contain-
ing chopped non-sterilized maize leaves and roots were Non-sterilized and sterilized maize leaves (NSL, HSL,
sealed hermetically and received a dose of 45 KGy of g- gSL) and roots (NSR, HSR, gSR), to be degraded separately
irradiation from a 60Co source (Ionisos, Dagneux, France). in soil, were subjected to an incubation experiment using
After sterilization, all plant residue samples were stored in the methods reported in Bertrand et al. [7]. Potassium
sealed plastic bags in the dark at 4 8C until required for the nitrate (61 mg N kg1) was added to the initial soil
incubation experiment and chemical analysis. concentration, equivalent to 9 mg N-NO3 kg1 (no ammo-
The maize leaves and roots for all treatments, i.e. non- nium was detected), to ensure that N would not limit
sterilized leaves and roots (NSL & NSR), sodium hypochlo- decomposition [30,31]. The concentration of N solution to
rite-sterilized leaves and roots (HSL & HSR) and g- be added was calculated by keeping the soil moisture at a
irradiated leaves and roots (gSL & gSR), were chopped potential of –80 KPa, corresponding to 190 g kg1 air dry
to approximately 0.5 cm length  0.5 cm width and 1 cm water content. Plant residues were mixed with soil
length/3–5 mm diameter, respectively. samples at a rate of 2,000 mg C kg1 dry soil and four
B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836 827

replicates of each treatment were incubated at 15  0.5 8C genic group alone (4-MUB or 7-AMC) as catalysis products.
for 43 days. Soils with no added residue were prepared and Equivalent 200 mM of substrates were initially pre-
incubated at the same time to serve as a control treatment. dissolved in 1 mL of methanol, then made up to 50 mL
Soil moisture was maintained by weighing weekly through- with deionized water and kept in brown bottles at 4 8C. All
out the incubation period and readjusting with deionized further dilutions were made in a 50 mM sodium acetate
water when necessary. Carbon mineralization (C-CO2) was buffer (pH 6). For each treatment of leaf or root extracts,
measured at regular intervals after the beginning of 20 mL aliquots were pipetted into well microplates
incubation, (after 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 43 days) by placing followed by 25 mL of 200 mM substrate solution and
10 mL of 1 M NaOH in 250 mL glass jars to trap the CO2 80 mL of buffer to maintain the final volume at
released by soil samples (equivalent to 50 g dry soil). The CO2 125 mL well1.
concentrations trapped in the NaOH solutions were mea- The assay plates with 6 analytical replicates by
sured by continuous auto-analyzer (TRAACS 2000, Bran and treatment were incubated in the dark (20 8C) for up to
Luebbe). 3 h. The incubation times were based on preliminary
assays of the linearity of the reaction over time. Reactions
2.5. Enzyme extraction were terminated by adding 10 mL of 1 M NaOH to each well
to raise the pH to 9, which corresponds to the optimal pH
After 0, 8, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 43 days of incubation, the for fluorescence of these fluorogenics [37]. After excitation
maize residues and soil particles were manually separated at 365 nm, the fluorescence emission intensity was
to prepare leaf and root extracts. Day 0 corresponds to leaf measured at 460 nm by a computerised microplate
and root residues that were thoroughly mixed with their fluorimeter (Spectra Max Gemini, Molecular Devices)
relevant soils but removed after 10 min to prepare leaf and which was programmed to shake the microplate for 5 s
root extracts. Control extracts from non-sterilized residue, at 20 8C before reading, in order to homogenize the
sodium hypochlorite- or g-radiation-treated residues were reaction medium. Enzyme activities of all the samples
obtained from residues that had not been added to soil. The were determined in reference to a specific standard curve
maize leaves and roots were ground to 2 mm with a based on the appearance of fluorogenic products from the
grinder (Retsch, Cross Beater Mill) and sodium acetate was fluorogenic conjugates.
used to extract proteins from the plant residue [32]. For
each treatment, leaf and root extracts were prepared in 2.6.2. Colorimetric assay
50 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 6 to give a plant residue- Xylanase standards were prepared using the method
to-buffer ratio of 1:125 [33]. After over-end shaking on a reported in Biely et al. [34]. One gram of RBB xylan
rotating shaker for 1 h, the suspensions were allowed to (Remazol Brilliant Blue R D-xylan, Fluka), which is a
settle for 1 h before filtration through 0.45 mm filters soluble chromogenic substrate for the assay of endo-1,4-b-
(PTFE). The resulting plant residue extracts were used for xylanases, was dissolved in 80 mL of hot water (90 8C). The
enzyme activity measurements. solution was then cooled at room temperature and the
volume was adjusted to 100 mL.
2.6. Enzyme assays For the cellulase assay, 2 g of powdered substrate (AZO-
CM-Cellulose, Megazyme) were added to 80 mL of boiling
The activities of five enzymes were determined using water on a hot plate and stirred vigorously using a
fluorometric enzyme assays for L-leucine aminopeptidase magnetic stirrer until apparent homogeneity (approx.
(LAP) and cellobiohydrolase-1 (CBH–1) [33] or colorimet- 20 min). After cooling, 5 mL of 2 M sodium acetate buffer
ric enzyme assays for cellulase, xylanase [34] and laccase (pH 4.5) were added to the solution then the pH and final
[35,36], according to previously reported methods. En- volume were adjusted to 4.5 and 100 mL, respectively. A
zyme assays were performed on the relevant leaf and root solution was prepared to precipitate high molecular
extracts to determine enzyme activities as equivalent fragments of substrate (AZO-CM-cellulose) by dissolving
absolute activity in enzyme units per gram dry matter 40 g of sodium acetate trihydrate and 4 g of zinc acetate in
(U g1 DM). Enzyme activities were expressed in Interna- 200 mL of deionized water and adjusting the pH to 5 with
tional Unit (U) which is defined as ‘‘the amount of enzyme 5 M HCl. The final volume of this precipitation solution was
activity which catalyzes the degradation of one micromole made up to 1 L with ethanol (95%) and stored at room
of the substrate per minute under standard conditions’’. temperature.
Laccase activity was determined as in the assays
2.6.1. Fluorimetric assay described by Buswell et al. [35] and Floch et al. [36].
The two substrates: 4-methylumbelliferyl-b-D-cello- One hundred milliliters of 0.55 mM of laccase substrate
bioside (4-MUB-cellobiose) for CBH–1 activity measure- (ABTS, 2,20 -azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfononic
ment and 7-amino-4-methyl coumarin hydrochloride (7- acid diammonium salt, Sigma) were prepared by using
AMC-leucine) for LAP activity measurement, as well as sodium acetate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.5) followed by
their respective fluorogenic compounds (4-MUB and 7- vigorous shaking on a magnetic stirrer.
AMC) were obtained in crystalline form from Sigma- For each treatment, enzyme activities were measured
Aldrich. The fluorimetric assays were conducted in black in four replicates by adding 0.5 mL of residue extracts to
96-well microplates (NuncTm, FluoroNuncTm). A 200 mM 0.5 mL of the relevant substrate solution (RBB xylan/AZO-
stock solution was prepared either for the substrate (4- CM-cellulose) in the case of xylanase and cellulase, and
MUB or 7-AMC fluorogenic-conjugates) or for the fluoro- 1 mL of residue extract to 0.5 mL of ABTS substrate solution
828 B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836

in the case of laccase. All samples were incubated for 3 h at Chemical features related to non-decomposed leaves
room temperature (20 8C). The added high molecular and roots were expressed in relation to the initial dry
fragments of substrates (RBB xylan/AZO-CM-cellulose) matter (non-decomposed–dry matter, ND–DM) by taking
were precipitated by adding 2 mL of ethanol (96% v/v) with into account the loss of mass residue by decomposition.
vigorous shaking by vortex shaker (Heidolph, REAX 2000) This mass loss was calculated from the amount of C
while the low molecular weight fragments produced by mineralized.
enzymes remained in solution. Samples were then allowed A two-way repeated measures ANOVA (rmANOVA) was
to equilibrate at room temperature for 10 min before used to determine the effects of residue type (leaves and
shaking and were then centrifuged at 5000 revolutions per roots)  treatments (g-irradiated, surface-sterilized and
minute for 5 min. The absorbance of the supernatant non-sterilized) across time (until 43 days) on C minerali-
solutions was measured at 590 nm for xylanase and zation kinetics and enzyme activities of L-leucine amino-
cellulase and at 414 nm for laccase, using a spectropho- peptidase, CBH–1, xylanase, cellulase and laccase. The
tometer (Helios g, Thermospectronic). rmANOVA examines the variation between type of residue
Xylanase and cellulase activities of all the samples were and treatments as well as the variation within time, where
determined by reference to a standard curve obtained with each factor is considered in combination with time to
purified endoxylanase from Thermobacillus xylanilyticus produce factorial interaction terms. Since the effect of type
and commercial cellulase (322 U mL1, endo-b-glucanase of residue was always significant (P < 0.05), this was
purified from Aspergillus niger, Megazyme) at concentra- dropped from the analyses to examine more closely the
tions in sodium acetate buffer (50 mM, pH 6) ranging from effect of treatments over time. Thus for each type of
0.01–0.1 U mL1 and 0.001–0.01 mU mL1, respectively. residue, one-way repeated measure ANOVA (rmANOVA)
Laccase activity was determined on the basis of ABTS were performed on dependent variables namely carbon
degradation by a purified laccase from Trametes versicolor and enzyme kinetics (LAP, xylanase, cellulase, CBH–1 and
(21.8 U mg1, Sigma) used at concentrations ranging from laccase) to interpret the effects of treatments interacting
0.001–0.1 mU mL1 in sodium acetate buffer (50 mM, pH with time. The data were log or square root transformed to
4.5). meet the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity.
Data analyses were performed with software Statistica 6.1
2.7. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Statsoft, Inc., 1984–2003).

Microbial colonization of the plant residue surface was 3. Results

observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM Philips XL
30). Leaves (0.2 cm length  0.2 cm width) and roots 3.1. Initial chemical composition of non-sterilized and
(5 mm length  2 mm diameter) were mounted on speci- sterilized maize leaf and root
men stubs, with three replicates per sample. The residue
surface was coated with a 15 nm layer of gold using a Initial total C, N and cell wall contents of maize leaf and
sputter coater (Balzers SCD 40) to make the residue surface root together with their sterilized treatments are indicated
electrically conductive and to prevent accumulation of a in Table 1. The total C contents of maize leaves did not vary
static electric charge on the specimens. The specimens much and ranged from 45.1 to 45.7% C. Indeed the
were then transferred to the scanning electron microscope significant changes measured were mainly due to a low
and observed using an acceleration voltage of 5 keV. variance (LSD value = 0.40). The C content in hypochlorite-
sterilized root (HSR) was higher than in NSR and gSR. The
2.8. Data treatment and analysis total N content of maize leaf was 1.7 to 2.7 times higher
than in root and sterilization treatments decreased the N
Carbon mineralization was calculated as the difference contents of both leaves and roots compared to the
in CO2 released after each treatment between the residue- corresponding non-sterilized samples. These variations
amended and control soils, and was expressed as a in N content led to different C to N ratios: NSL gave the
percentage of the added residue C. lowest C to N ratio which was three-fold lower than the

Table 1
Total C, N and biochemical characteristics of non-sterilized and sterilized maize leaves (NSL, HSL, gSL) and roots (NSR, HSR, gSR) before soil decomposition

Variables Total-C Total-N C to N ratio Cell wall fraction Total sugars Glucan Xylan Klason lignin

NSL 45.1a 1.88d 24a 73.4a 66.7b 36.7a 24.1b 12.5ab

HSL 45.7b 1.59c 29bc 83.2b 63.3ab 34.3a 23.2b 14.4b
gSL 45.1a 1.62cd 28b 73.6ab 68.2b 37.3a 24.9b 12.0a

NSR 46.5c 1.07b 43c 84.1c 57.6a 34.5a 16.8a 16.3c

HSR 48.4d 0.68a 71e 87.9d 59.0ab 35.7a 18.8ab 18.2d
gSR 45.9bc 0.71ab 65d 83.6bc 58.2ab 34.9a 19.3ab 15.5bc

LSD 0.40 0.04 1.96 0.67 6.26 3.70 2.53 1.13

Data are means of 2 replicates and expressed as % of non-decomposed dry matter (%ND-DM). Means not sharing a common letter within the same column
are significantly different (P  0.05).
B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836 829

highest value for HSR. Due to their lower N contents, the C was residue type (F = 90.01, P < 0.001) (data not shown) in
to N ratios of the sterilized samples were higher than those which maize leaves (sterilized treatments included)
of non-sterilized samples, especially in roots. decomposed more rapidly than roots (Fig. 2a). Depending
The cell wall contents were higher in non-sterilized upon the type of sterilization treatment, the amount of
roots than in leaves. Cell wall contents did not vary after g- carbon mineralized did not vary significantly in case of
sterilization, whereas hypochlorite treatment resulted in maize leaves but was significantly different over incuba-
significant enrichment in both leaf and root. Total sugar tion time as indicated by the ‘between’ P-values from
contents were slightly higher in leaves than roots, and repeated measures ANOVA (F = 28.97, P < 0.001) (Table 3).
were not significantly modified by the sterilization The amount of carbon mineralized was highest for non-
treatments. Glucose and xylose were the main monomers sterilized treatments and lowest for gamma-sterilized
recovered after acid hydrolysis of samples, reflecting the treatments (Fig. 2a). Repeated measures ANOVA also
presence of cell wall glucan and xylan, respectively. Both indicated that the interaction of incubation time and
root and leaf contained approximately 35% glucan, and sterilization treatments (T  Tr) had significant effects on
sterilization did not affect this level. The same was true for the amount of mineralized carbon from both maize leaf-
xylan content, but leaf xylan (close to 24% DM) was and root-amended soils.
significantly higher than root xylan (mean of 18% DM). In Non-sterilized and g-sterilized leaves (NSL and gSL)
contrast, Klason lignin contents were higher in roots than showed the same pattern of decomposition, in contrast to
in leaves. Klason lignin was only significantly increased hypochlorite-sterilized leaves (HSL). However, almost the
after hypochlorite treatment, in both leaf and root (Table same amount of leaf carbon was mineralized for all three
1). treatments up to the end of incubation with 39.1%  1.4,
41.5%  3.3 and 42.1%  2.8 of added C, respectively (Fig. 2a).
3.2. Modification of plant residue surface induced by In the case of HSL, an immediate effect of sterilization was
sterilization treatments, as observed by SEM observed which corresponded to a smaller amount of carbon
mineralized from 0–14 days of incubation (23.1%  0.3 of
The presence of microorganisms and the effect of added C), as compared to NSL and gSL (26.8%  0.9 and
sterilization treatments on the outer surface morphology 27.8%  1.9 of added C, respectively). After this lag phase and
of maize leaves, roots and the respective sterilized until the end of incubation, HSL samples were mineralized in
treatments, before any contact with soil (controls), were the same way as NSL and gSL (Fig. 2a). Roots gave rise to less
observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Fig. 1a– cumulated C mineralized than leaves. No effect of steriliza-
f). Compared to roots (Fig. 1b), microbial colonization was tion was observed over the 0–14-day interval for roots, but
more apparent on leaf surfaces where long and contrasting the total amount of carbon mineralized (% of added carbon)
fungi hyphae or actinobacteria were observed (Fig. 1a). In up to the end of incubation, differed significantly and in the
contrast, smaller particles and possibly bacteria were more following order: NSR (32.1%  0.6) < HSR (28.9%  0.8) < gSR
frequently found as speckles on the root surface (Fig. 1b). (25.4%  0.5) (Fig. 2a).
The epiphytic communities encountered on both leaf and The rates of CO2 production in control soil, leaf (NSL,
root surfaces were drastically reduced after hypochlorite HSL, gSL) and root (NSR, HSR, gSR) are shown in Fig. 2b. In
treatment (Fig. 1c, d). In addition to removing the the control soil, the initial low rate of CO2 production
microorganisms, this treatment concomitantly washed decreased rapidly at the beginning of incubation and then
off almost all the surface particles on leaf (Fig. 1c), whilst became constant over a function of time (Fig. 2b). In the
some were still visible on root (Fig. 1d). Distinct patterns of amended soils, the rates of CO2 release from leaf
apparent microbial colonization were observed after treatments were initially (8–14 days) much higher and
hypochlorite and g-sterilized treatments. The leaf and faster than from roots but lower at the later stages of
root surfaces subjected to g-radiation bombardment incubation, the cross-over point occurring during the 20–
displayed probably dead and speckled particles (possibly 30-day period. Maximum rates for both leaf and root were
bacteria), respectively (Fig. 1e, f) and were similar to the attained at day 8, except for the hypochlorite-sterilized
corresponding non-sterilized control samples in terms of samples which showed a delayed maximum at day 14 of
epiphytic communities. Therefore, the surface appearance incubation. In the case of leaves, a rapid and maximum
of the g-irradiated samples was rather different from the decrease of mineralization rate was observed during the
clean surfaces observed after hypochlorite treatment. In 14–28-day period, while in the case of root treatments, this
general, no visible epidermal damage of the plant tissues or rate decreased continuously until the end of the incubation
alteration of physical structure was apparent in the experiment (Fig. 2b).
pictures of sterilized samples as compared to non-
sterilized samples. For example, the leaf surfaces showed 3.4. Effect of sterilization treatments and time on enzyme
open stomata cells (Fig. 1a, c, e) whatever the treatment. kinetics

3.3. C mineralization of maize leaf and roots The effect of sterilization was examined by determining
the initial enzyme activities on maize leaves, roots and the
The amount of mineralized carbon in maize leaf- and corresponding sterilized residues, before incubation in soil
root-amended soils varied markedly as a function of time (Table 2). In general, significantly higher enzyme activities
(Fig. 2a, Table 3). In general, the main factor explaining the were found on leaf samples than on root samples except
variance in carbon mineralized (% of carbon mineralized) for L-leucine aminopeptidase (LAP). LAP activities did not
830 B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836

Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of representative surface observations from non-sterilized and sterilized maize leaves and roots. (a) and (b) represent
non-sterilized maize leaf and root (NSL & NSR); (c) and (d) represent hypochlorite-sterilized maize leaf and root (HSL & HSR) and (e) and (f) represent g-
sterilized maize leaf and root (gSL & gSR), respectively.

change after g-sterilization of either residue whereas LAP 2). CBH–1 activities measured on leaves were significantly
activity decreased significantly by 44% after hypochlorite reduced after sterilization, especially after hypochlorite
treatment of roots (Table 2). g-sterilization had no treatment, but no effect of sterilization treatments was
significant effect on xylanase, cellulase and laccase observed on roots (Table 2).
activities whereas hypochlorite sterilization led to a In general, all enzyme activities differed significantly
significant and strong decrease of these activities (Table ‘between’ the sterilization treatments for both maize
B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836 831

50 extracts were plotted against the percentage of mineral-

(a) ized carbon to examine separately the effect of the initial
residue microbial status on enzyme kinetics in context
C-CO 2 ( % added C)

35 with sterilization treatments and incubation time
30 (Fig. 3a–j).
25 L-leucine aminopeptidase activities, which mirror a
20 major protease family, differed significantly by steriliza-
15 tion treatments for maize leaves (F = 16.34, P < 0.01) and
10 roots (F = 16.26, P < 0.01) (Table 3) and were relatively low
in both leaf and root treatments (between 0.1–0.4 U g1
DM) at time 0 (Fig. 3a, b). When the respective residues
0 10 20 30 40 50
were added to soil, maximum L-leucine aminopeptidase
Days activities were obtained for NSL and NSR when 38% and
29% of C were mineralized, respectively. The measure-
50 ments of L-leucine aminopeptidase enzyme activities on
(b) NSL
mg C-CO2 kg-1 dry soilday -1

HSL all the sterilized samples indicated that the HSL, gSL, HSR
40 γSL and gSR values were lower than NSL and NSR and
35 NSR remained similar till the end of incubation (Fig. 3a, b).
30 HSR Xylanase activities which provide an indication of
25 γSR enzymatic degradation of the major cell wall heteroxylan,
20 Control soil varied significantly for sterilization treatments in case of
15 maize leaves (F = 75.44, P < 0.0001) and roots (F = 27.14,
10 P < 0.001) being greater on leaf treatments than root
5 treatments (Table 3; Fig. 3c, d). Xylanase activities were
0 similar in NSL and gSL from the start to end of incubation,
0 10 20 30 40 50 attaining a maximum when 28% of C was mineralized
Days (Fig. 3c). In contrast xylanase activities in HSL were 4 times
lower at the start but finally joined the enzyme activity
Fig. 2. Cumulative carbon mineralization kinetics over time expressed as
curve for NSL when 34% of C was mineralized (Fig. 3c). In
% added C (a) and carbon mineralization rates (b) measured in soil
without maize residue (control) and after addition of non-sterilized, case of roots, xylanase activities of NSR showed 2 to 5 times
hypochlorite-sterilized and g-sterilized maize leaves (NSL, HSL & gSL) more xylanase activity than gSR and HSR. Maxima were
and roots (NSR, HSR & gSR), respectively. Data are means of 4 incubation reached when 13% of C was mineralized, i.e. earlier than in
replicates (n = 4). leaves. After this maximum, the root treatments ranked as
NSR > HSR > gSR and followed the same trend until the
residues with an exception of laccase in case of maize end of incubation (Fig. 3d).
leaves (Table 3). At the same time, all enzyme activities Cellulase activities of maize leaves and roots were also
were found to be significantly different over incubation significantly affected by sterilization treatments (F = 11.38,
time as indicated by the ‘within’ P-values from repeated P < 0.01; F = 12.64, P < 0.01, respectively), being greater in
measures ANOVA (Table 3). Repeated measures ANOVA leaf treatments as compared to root treatments (Table 3;
also indicated that the interaction of incubation time and Fig. 3e, f). Cellulase activities of leaf extracts showed
sterilization treatments (T  Tr) had significant effects on almost the same patterns as xylanase activities, with HSL
the enzyme activities except laccase in maize leaves and extracts showing 2.5 less cellulase activity than NSL and
xylanase and cellulase in case of maize roots (Table 3). gSL at time 0 (Fig. 3e). Cellulase activities in HSL remained
On the basis of these differences, enzyme activities lower until 33% of C was mineralized. Cellulase activities
measured on non-sterilized and sterilized leaf and root measured on hypochlorite-treated roots were approxi-
mately 2 times lower at time 0 than under other
Table 2 conditions, and reached their maximum earlier when only
Enzyme activities of L-leucine aminopeptidase, xylanase, cellulase, CBH– 8% of the C was mineralized. In contrast to leaves, the
1 and laccase of non-sterilized and sterilized maize leaves (NSL, HSL, gSL)
patterns of cellulase activity measured in NSR and gSR
and roots (NSR, HSR, gSR) before adding to soil.
differed from those of xylanase activity and the decrease
Variables LAP Xylanase Cellulase CBH–1 Laccase until the end of incubation was smaller (Fig. 3f).
NSL 0.15b 60.8d 54.9c 15.7c 0.0072d CBH–1 activities of maize leaves and roots varied
HSL 0.11ab 4.9c 6.9 ab 0.7ab 0.0059c significantly across the sterilization treatments
gSL 0.16b 60.3d 52.9c 13.2b 0.0070d (F = 291.88, P < 0.0001; F = 284.24, P < 0.0001, respective-
NSR 0.18b 2.5b 13.4b 0.5ab 0.0028b ly), being lower in root treatments as compared to leaf
HSR 0.10a 0.2a 2.4a 0.1a 0.0019a treatments (Table 3; Fig. 3g, h). CBH–1 activities were
gSR 0.15b 2.1ab 9.6ab 0.1ab 0.0023ab considerably decreased by sterilization treatments in both
LSD 0.03 2.01 8.02 0.66 0.0006 leaves and roots (Fig. 3g, h) and remained 10 times higher
Data are means of at least 4 replicates and expressed as enzyme units per
for leaves than for roots. At time 0, CBH–1 activities
gram of dry matter (U g1 DM). Means not sharing a common letter measured on NSL were 20 and 1.2 times higher than on HSL
within the same column are significantly different (P  0.05). and gSL, the extent of variation being much greater than
832 B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836

Table 3
Statistical summary of repeated measures analysis of variance (rmANOVA) representing effects of sterilization treatments on C mineralization and enzyme

% C min. LAP Xylanase Cellulase CBH–1 Laccase

Residue type Source of variation df F P F P F P F P F P F P

Maize Between-subject
leaf Treatment (Tr) 2 0.50 0.63 16.34 0.004 75.44 < 0.0001 11.38 0.009 291.88 < 0.0001 0.37 0.706
Time (T) 6 827.73 < 0.0001 7.17 < 0.0001 181.05 < 0.0001 246.35 < 0.0001 757.50 < 0.0001 118.74 < 0.0001
Interaction 12 6.12 < 0.0001 2.78 0.009 9.29 < 0.0001 4.16 < 0.0001 22.93 < 0.0001 1.93 0.064
(T  Tr)

Maize Between-subject
root Treatment (Tr) 2 28.97 < 0.001 16.26 0.004 27.14 0.001 12.64 0.007 284.24 < 0.0001 23.33 < 0.001
Time (T) 6 7470.15 < 0.0001 4.95 < 0.001 404.93 < 0.0001 188.34 < 0.0001 79.73 < 0.0001 15.04 < 0.0001
Interaction 12 15.72 < 0.0001 3.27 0.003 1.37 0.226 1.20 0.320 6.78 < 0.0001 4.72 < 0.0001
(T  Tr)
Analyses were performed with the values of C mineralized and enzyme kinetics at different dates of incubation for each treatment. df: degrees of freedom;
F: value of the statistic; P: probability levels of the analysis. Significant effects at P < 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 probability levels.

with cellulase (Fig. 3e). In leaves, CBH–1 activities reached residue, in agreement with a recent report [39]. The
their maximum more rapidly than cellulase and the validity of these conclusions is strengthened by the present
difference between treatments remained significant until study since higher levels of C mineralization and enzyme
35% C was mineralized. Almost no CBH–1 activity was activities were monitored in leaves than in roots,
observed in leaf extracts at the end of incubation (Fig. 3g). independently of the sterilization treatments. In the
CBH–1 activities on roots did not follow the cellulase present study, we focused on the impact of initial residue
patterns (compare Fig. 3h and Fig. 3f) and were comparable colonization in an attempt to separate the role of epiphytic
to those on leaves. At time 0, NSR showed 4.5 times more activities, i.e. those on the external surface of the residues,
CBH–1 activity than HSR and gSR (Fig. 3h). Maximum from endophytic activities which occur within the residue.
CBH–1 activities in NSR were obtained when 14% of C was Our hypothesis was that the impact of residue-colonizing
mineralized, in contrast to the activities in both HSR and microorganisms could be assessed by subtracting the
gSR for which maxima were reached when 7% of C was effect of g-irradiation from non-sterilized treatments,
mineralized (Fig. 3h). while insight into the specific contribution of endophytes
Sterilization treatments did not have significant effect might be obtained by subtracting the effect of hypochlorite
on laccase activities of maize leaves but did significantly treatment (i.e. surface sterilization) from non-sterilized
affect laccase activities of maize roots (F = 23.33, P < 0.001) treatments.
(Table 3), resulting in greater laccase activities in leaf
treatments than root ones (Fig. 3i, j). In contrast to the 4.1. Interactions between residue quality and sterilization
other enzyme activities tested, laccase activities in root treatments
and leaf extracts at time 0 were comparable, so no
significant variations were observed between treatments. Surface sterilization has frequently been applied to
After the start of incubation when 12% of C was eliminate surface-colonizing microbial populations of
mineralized, a transitory period of less activity was fungi and bacteria from plant residue [40,41]. SEM
determined for HSL, as compared to NSL and gSL, while comparisons of hypochlorite-sterilized treatments and
no difference between treatments was observed during the non-sterilized treatments, confirmed that the microorgan-
remaining period of incubation (Fig. 3i). For roots, lower isms which were precursors of enzyme production were
laccase activities were observed on sterilized samples completely removed from leaf and root surfaces without
when 6–8% of C was mineralized (Fig. 3j). After this stage, any visible physical damage to the residue surface (Fig. 1c,
gSR activities remained parallel as a function of mineral- d). On the contrary, g-sterilized leaf and root treatments
ized C while the NSR and HSR activities increased until the revealed the presence of dead microorganisms and debris
end of incubation (Fig. 3j). (e.g. fungal hyphae or actinobacteria) on the residue
surfaces which presented the same physical features as in
4. Discussion the non-sterilized treatment. Total N contents in both
residues were reduced after hypochlorite sterilization,
The effect of adding residues of contrasting quality (i.e. resulting in a slight increase in cell wall, C and Klason
roots versus leaves) on C mineralization kinetics and Lignin contents. These hypochlorite effects can possibly be
enzyme dynamics was discussed in a previous paper [38]. attributed to the removal of soluble compounds by a
In that study we demonstrated that the changes in ‘washing effect’ during dipping of the plant residue in the
activities of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes provided NaOCl/ethanol solution. This also suggests that residue-
an exact reflection of decomposition and that most of the colonizing microorganisms have assimilated a portion of N
relevant biological activity was concentrated on the which is removed with their elimination from the residue
B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836 833


0.4 0.4
(a) L-leucine aminopeptidase (b) L-leucine aminopeptidase
0.3 0.3
U g-1 DM

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
120 14
(c) Xylanase 12
(d) Xylanase
U g-1 DM

20 2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
300 70
(e) Cellulase 60
(f) Cellulase
U g-1 DM

100 20
50 10
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
30 0.8

(g) CBH-1 (h) CBH-1
U g-1 DM


15 0.4

0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0.14 0.06
(i) Laccase (j) Laccase
U g-1 DM

0.02 0.01

0.00 0.00
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Mineralized carbon (% of C added) Mineralized carbon (% of C added)

Fig. 3. L-leucine aminopeptidase (a, b), xylanase (c, d), cellulase (e, f), CBH–1 (g, h) and laccase (i, j) activities of non-sterilized, hypochlorite-sterilized and g-
sterilized maize leaves (NSL, HSL & gSL) and roots (NSR, HSR & gSR) treatments represented as a function of mineralized carbon (% of C added), respectively.
Enzyme activities were expressed as enzyme units per gram dry matter (U g1 DM). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean of four replicates
(n = 4).

surface. Accordingly, it has been shown [13] that in the washing effect of hypochlorite treatment. Sodium
maize roots, microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) are rich hypochlorite/ethanol sterilization was considered to
in N, as compared to the cell wall. Nevertheless some N remove surface-colonizing microorganisms, however,
could also correspond to the soluble proteins removed by given the significant decrease of enzyme activities in
834 B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836

hypochlorite-treated leaves and roots (Table 2), we These enzymes work progressively either on the reducing
hypothesize that such a treatment would concomitantly end or the other end. Further, b-glucosidase hydrolyzes the
wash off enzymes and some soluble compounds in cellobiose units in glucose monomers. The enzyme
addition to removing the surface-colonizing microorgan- dynamics during the first step of decomposition suggest
isms (Fig. 1c, d; Table 1). that oligoglucosides were present in the soluble fraction of
In contrast, g-irradiation had no significant effect on the roots on which the epiphytic and endogenic microorgan-
chemical composition of either leaf or root residues, as g- isms were acting. Few studies have described the spectrum
irradiated residues were not immersed in any liquid during and activity of endophytes colonizing roots at the
the sterilization process. To ensure complete inactivation senescent stage. It has already been found [47] that
of the microorganisms, a 45 kGy dose of g-irradiation was endophytic microorganisms in sugar beet promote growth
used, as 25 kGy is sufficient to eliminate all fungi and and increase beet yield but no published data exist for
bacteria (except radioresistant bacteria) [42] and is also plants after harvesting. The variation in C mineralization
currently used in industrial food and medical sterilization and enzyme dynamics between non-sterilized and steril-
processes. The selected g-irradiation dose is considered to ized roots suggests that the activities of epiphytic and
kill all microorganisms while conserving extracellular endogen microorganisms would be of the same order of
enzyme activities and protein functions [23]. Accordingly, magnitude, assuming that g-irradiation killed all micro-
the treatment used did not significantly affect the enzyme organisms [22] but left enzymes active. It is possible that
activities measured in leaf and root extracts (Table 2). the entire residue structure would be slightly altered by
Nevertheless some proteins may be denatured more the treatments. Cellulose and hemicellulose have been
rapidly, depending on local water conditions [43,44], so shown to be less recalcitrant to enzymatic hydrolysis after
no generalization can be made. Structural proteins are high dose g-irradiation [48]. In our case after irradiation at
reported to be less solvated in g-irradiated samples which much lower dose (45 KGy), lower mineralization rates
may impact their function [45]. were observed with roots, and no variation could be
detected for leaves. Hence, the enzyme activities measured
4.2. Impact of colonizing microorganisms on enzyme in g-irradiation-treated roots were reduced throughout
activities and residue decomposition almost the entire incubation period (Fig. 3). This fact plus
the major differences between our treatment and those in
Non-sterilized and g-treated leaves reached the same the above-cited reports, i.e. g-irradiation dose and in vitro
level of cumulated C mineralization after 43 days of degradation of polymers, permit us to assume that the cell
incubation, suggesting that residue-colonizing microor- wall would be slightly modified without any strong impact
ganisms, whether endophytic or epiphytic had no effect. In on the overall mineralization dynamics and would thus
contrast, hypochlorite-treated leaves mineralized at a permit treatment comparisons.
slower rate during the first 7 days of incubation (Fig. 2), L-leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activities in leaf and
which can be explained by the decrease in HSL soluble root samples were slightly affected by the sterilization
components (10% DM) compared to NSL and gSL, as treatments. These proteases did not vary much with
previously demonstrated [5,6,38,46]. The enzyme activity residue decomposition in soil (Fig. 3) as a function of
patterns (xylanase, cellulase, CBH–1), following incubation mineralized carbon, possibly due to the non-limiting soil
of residues in soil, indicated that leaf samples were mostly nitrogen conditions.
affected by hypochlorite treatment, in contrast to roots,
suggesting a greater presence of those enzymes on the leaf 5. Conclusions
surface and/or in the soluble fraction. Hypochlorite
treatment was followed by washing until no chorine Firstly, no effect attributable to any kind of colonizing
was detectable, so the weaker activities of xylanase, microorganisms, epi- or endophytic, on C mineralization
cellulase and CBH measured on leaves during their kinetics and enzyme dynamics was observed on leaves.
mineralization should not be due to a residual toxic However the side effect of hypochlorite highlighted the
component. In this respect, laccase activities displayed key role of soluble compounds during short-term decom-
similar patterns during the decomposition of non-steril- position in soil.
ized and sterilized leaves. Secondly, the significant role of colonizing microorgan-
The cumulated amount of C at day 43 for roots ranked isms and enzymes on C mineralization of roots was
as follows NSR > HSR > gSR. Hypochlorite treatment demonstrated. These underground tissues, as well as their
reduced the amount of soluble components to a much original locations, are more exposed to microorganisms
weaker extent in roots than in leaves, possibly due to the (rhizosphere). Overall, colonizing microorganisms whatev-
lower liquid permeability of roots. Therefore the observed er their location, will promote post-harvest decomposition.
decrease in C mineralization between non-sterilized and In addition, epiphytic and endophytic microorganisms of
hypochlorite-treated roots (about 10% of added C) would roots act in the same way during the soil decomposition
be mainly due to colonizing microorganisms. However, no process.
differences in the enzyme kinetics of sterilized roots were The major differences in C mineralization, observed in
recorded until 15% C was mineralized except for CBH–1 roots versus leaves, could be attributed in part to variations
(Fig. 3). CBH–1 is an accessory exo-cellulase which assists in the colonizing microorganism communities and enzyme
microbial assimilation by catalyzing the 2–4 terminal units pools initially present on the surface or within the residue
at one end of the polysaccharide chain releasing cellobiose. structures, while specific chemical characteristics explain
B.A. Zafar Amin et al. / C. R. Biologies 334 (2011) 824–836 835

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