Container Orchestration Cheat SheetEdit Cheat Sheet

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Container Orchestration Cheat SheetEdit

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Container Scheduler Solutions

 Amazon ACS (supports DC/OS, Swarm, Kubernetes)
 CoreOS Fleet
 Cloud Foundry Diego
 Docker Swarm
 Google Container Engine
 kubernetes
 Mesosphere Marathon

See also Kubernetes

Container Source To Image Solutions / CaaS

Integrated Products:

 Cloud Foundry
 Openshift
 Heroku

Kubernetes Ecosystem Cluster Deployment Solutions:

 Draft
 Gitkube
 Helm
 Ksonnet
 Metaparticle
 Skaffold

See also Openshift

Infrastructure as Code
Amazon ECS

 ECS in CloudFormation


 Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

 Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
 Terraform ARM provider

See also Helm Kubernetes

 komposer (Docker Compose for kubernetes and Openshift)

 kube-applier (single repo watcher, resource files only, no templates)
 Helm (recipe repo manager, upstream chart repo)
 Helmsman (Helm based cluster manager)
 Armada (Helm based central configuration, including lifecycle hooks)
 Landscaper (Helm charts based resource definition)
 Terraform official kubernetes provider (only a few resource types, missing
 Terraform 3rd party kubernetes providers… (FIXME: resource provider)
 Exekube (projects mapped using terraform+helm)
 WeaveCloud/flux (SaaS)
 Mesosphere Maestro (declarative universal operator)


 Terraform official module

Multi-PaaS IaC Tools

At least supporting Azure, AWS and GCE

 Terraform
 Ubuntu Juju (also Openstack, Rackspace, vSphere)

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