TG38 Version 4 December 2018

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MSL Technical Guide 38

Reference Materials for the

Calibration of UV/Visible Light
Version 4, December 2017

Introduction Glass Filters Containing Holmium or Didymium

(a Mixture of Praseodymium and Neodymium)
This technical guide provides information about reference
materials that can be used when calibrating or checking the The wavelengths of absorption maxima in holmium and di-
performance of a UV/Visible light spectrophotometer dymium glasses can vary between batches and can vary
(herein referred to as a spectrophotometer). The known ab- strongly with bandwidth, so glass filters must be calibrated
sorbance of reference materials at particular wavelengths before use; nominal values are listed in Table 1.
can be used to validate the scale of absorbance (photomet-
ric accuracy), the wavelength accuracy of a spectrometer,
and identify stray-light problems. Table 1. Nominal wavelengths of selected absorption maxima
Other parameters such as temperature, sample path- for holmium and didymium glass filters.
length, and solvent may influence the measurement result,
but are not discussed here. Wavelength of maximum (nm)

Wavelength Calibration Holmium glass Didymium glass

The wavelength calibration of a spectrophotometer is car- 241.5* 440.8
ried out by using the instrument to identify the wavelengths
at which features of a reference occur (such as absorbance 279.4 481.2
or emission lines). The observed wavelengths are com- 287.5 528.8
pared with the calibrated or known values for the reference.
333.7 573.0
In some instruments, it is possible to refine the wavelength
scale, or introduce a correction, based on the results of such 360.9 586.0
an investigation. However, regardless of whether such a
386.0 685.0
correction can be made, the results of a wavelength cali-
bration can be used to assess the measurement uncertainty, 418.4 741.2
when using the instrument, due to errors in the wavelength 445.9 807.1
All wavelength calibration measurements should be 453.2 879.3
made using the spectral bandwidth that is required for the 536.2
measurements of interest. Similarly, reference materials
with broad features, such as absorbing solutions and glass 637.5
filters, should have known or calibrated values at that
bandwidth. * Not seen in all batches.
When calibrating a scanning instrument, it is important
to use the same scanning speed as is used for actual meas- Solution of Holmium (III) in Perchloric Acid
A solution of holmium oxide in perchloric acid provides
Wavelength calibration should be carried out at wave-
sharper and less matrix-dependent lines than when the ma-
lengths as close as possible to the wavelengths of interest
trix is glass, and makes available a spectral line at 241 nm,
during use of the instrument. The number of points to be
which is not always measurable in glass. This solution is
checked will depend on the wavelength accuracy require-
available as a reference material from some National Me-
ments of the measurement. Some modern instruments have
trology Institutes (NMIs) and other suppliers. However, for
built-in wavelength checks using deuterium or glass filters,
those laboratories wishing to prepare their own solutions,
and these should be used between the annual full ser-
holmium oxide can be obtained from chemical supply
Any of the following three reference materials may be
acceptable, depending on the use of the spectrophotometer.

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Table 2. Wavelengths and expanded uncertainties (of the absorption maxima of holmium (III) in perchloric acid) for three values of
spectral bandwidth [1].

0.1 nm spectral bandwidth 1 nm spectral bandwidth 3 nm spectral bandwidth

Expanded Expanded Expanded
Absorption Absorption Absorption
uncertainty* uncertainty* uncertainty*
maximum (nm) maximum (nm) maximum (nm)
(nm) (nm) (nm)
240.98 0.04 241.12 0.05 241.03 0.06
249.80 0.05 249.87 0.06 250.06 0.09
259.98 0.08 260.22 0.07 260.12 0.09
278.16 0.04 278.13 0.05 278.04 0.06
287.02 0.04 287.19 0.06 287.61 0.07
293.34 0.04 293.39 0.05 293.33 0.07
333.49 0.04 333.47 0.04 333.48 0.07
345.47 0.04 345.39 0.04 345.52 0.07
361.29 0.05 361.25 0.03 361.09 0.06
385.38 0.04 385.61 0.04 385.99 0.09
416.05 0.04 416.26 0.05 416.86 0.08
450.63 0.04 - - - -
452.02 0.04 451.40 0.05 451.28 0.05
467.78 0.03 467.82 0.03 468.11 0.06
473.75 0.05 473.52 0.03 473.53 0.06
485.21 0.04 485.23 0.04 485.21 0.06
536.43 0.04 536.56 0.04 537.19 0.07
640.43 0.03 640.50 0.03 641.11 0.06
652.68 0.05 652.69 0.04 653.12 0.18

* The expanded uncertainties are given at the 95 % confidence level with a coverage factor of 2.1. See reference [2] for an explana-
tion of terms.

The solution recommended for wavelength calibration Low-Pressure Discharge Lamps Containing
is prepared by dissolving 4.0 g of holmium oxide in 96 g Mercury, Cadmium, Zinc, Neon, Argon, or
of 10 % (volume fraction) aqueous perchloric acid. The so-
lution can be warmed to aid dissolution, but it is preferred Krypton
that the solution be stirred overnight at room temperature Some spectrophotometers contain lamp housings for low-
to effect dissolution. The wavelengths of prominent lines pressure discharge lamps, or light from such lamps can be
of the holmium solution depend on the spectral bandwidth coupled into the spectrophotometer. Where this facility is
of the spectrophotometer; consensus values for spectral provided, wavelength checks can be made very conven-
bandwidths of 0.1 nm, 1 nm, and 3 nm are listed in Table 2. iently by operating the discharge lamp and isolating the
These wavelengths are considered intrinsic to holmium ox- emitted spectral lines. The mercury lamp has the advantage
ide and can be used without external calibration, provided that its emission spectrum contains several lines over a rea-
the solution is prepared carefully. sonable range of wavelengths. Wavelengths in air of some
Note: extreme care is needed in the handling and stor- prominent spectral lines of these elements are listed in Ta-
age of perchloric acid – consult relevant health and safety ble 3.
documentation for guidance. For spectrophotometers with a deuterium lamp, the two
deuterium emission lines at 486.0 nm and 656.1 nm [4] can
also be used for wavelength calibration.

Table 3. Emission lines of zinc, cadmium, mercury [3].

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Wavelength Analytical Reagent Grade Copper Sulphate in
(nm) (nm) 1 % Sulphuric Acid
Mercury* 184.950 Mercury 435.833 The required solution is prepared by dissolving 20.0 g of
copper sulphate pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O) in water, to
Zinc 213.856 Cadmium 467.815 which is carefully added 10 ml of sulphuric acid (d = 1.83),
and then diluting to 1 litre. The reference is a solution of
Cadmium 228.802 Cadmium 479.991
sulphuric acid of the same concentration. Absorbances of
this solution relative to the solvent in 10 mm cells at dif-
Mercury 253.652 Mercury 546.074
ferent wavelengths are given in Table 4.
Mercury 365.015 Mercury 579.066 Copper sulphate solutions of different concentrations
can be used to check the linearity of absorbance scales. The
Mercury 404.656 Cadmium 643.847 use of the absorbances at 600 nm and 650 nm is particu-
larly useful for examining the low end of the absorbance
* Wavelength in vacuum; all others in air.
The absorbance data that form the basis for these oper-
ational checks were obtained with instruments operating on
Absorbance Calibration narrow bandwidths (i.e., less than 10 nm), after preparation
The absorbance calibration of an instrument is carried out of the solution and leaving it for longer than 5 days at 25 °C
by measuring the absorbance of reference materials on the to allow for settling of any turbidity.
spectrophotometer. The differences between measured val-
ues of absorbance and calibrated or known values can be
used to assess the measurement uncertainty due to error in Table 4. Absorbance values for CuSO4.5H2O (20.0 g.L–1) in 1 %
the absorbance scale. A correction factor for the absorb- H2SO4 [5].
ance scale error is not usually applied.
Reference materials should be chosen to cover both the Wavelength Relative Expanded
range of absorbances and the range of wavelengths re- (nm) Absorbance Uncertainty*
quired for routine work in the laboratory. Typically, for an 600 0.068 0.002
instrument used in the visible, this would include several
absorbance values over the range 0 to 3 at significant visi- 650 0.224 0.002
ble wavelengths. In addition, for instruments used at wave- 700 0.527 0.002
lengths shorter than 330 nm, several absorbance values
750 0.817 0.002
should be included for at least one wavelength in the range
230 nm – 320 nm. The following reference materials are * The expanded uncertainties are given at the 95 % confidence
preferred. level with a coverage factor of 2.0. See reference [2] for an ex-
planation of terms.
Absorbing Neutral Density Glass Filters, at
Wavelengths Between 380 nm and 1000 nm Analytical Reagent Grade Potassium Dichro-
Certified neutral density filters are available from some mate in 5 × 10–3 mol.L–1 Sulphuric Acid
NMIs and chemical supply companies. Potassium dichromate solutions in sulphuric or perchloric
acid can be used either in sealed cuvettes or by using pre-
Metallised Quartz Neutral Density Filters pared solutions in sealed ampoules.
Metallised quartz filters that reflect rather than absorb are Potassium dichromate is dried for 30 to 60 minutes at
also available for use as absorbance standards throughout 140 °C – 150 °C and then used to prepare either of the fol-
the UV and visible wavelengths; in using these, care must lowing solutions, depending on the range of absorbance to
be taken in testing for isochromatic stray light (see section be tested:
below on Isochromatic Stray Light) because of the likeli- • Solution A: 50 mg ± 0.5 mg in 1 litre of
hood that these filters may introduce stray light. These fil- 5 × 10–3 mol.L–1 sulphuric acid for the absorbance
ters may also introduce multiple reflections with other range 0.2 – 0.7.
components, and must be handled with care because, as • Solution B: 100 mg ± 1 mg in 1 litre of
surface devices, they are vulnerable to scratching. 5 × 10–3 mol.L–1 sulphuric acid for the absorbance
range 0.4 – 1.4.
Absorbance measurements should be made in 10 mm
cells at a temperature in the range 15 °C – 25 °C using
5 × 10–3 mol.L–1 sulphuric acid as a reference. Table 5 con-
tains nominal values for the relative absorbances of these

Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand Page 3 of 5

solutions in 10 mm cells. (More precise values for five con- Heterochromatic Stray Light
centrations are given in reference [6] for SRM 935a in so-
lutions made up with perchloric acid.) It is important to Heterochromatic stray light is often due to contamination
note that the observed absorbances will be affected by the of the monochromator grating, and therefore has a ten-
length of the cell, and a significant deviation from the spe- dency to increase with time. For heterochromatic stray
cific values may originate from non-standard cells. Cell light, the test is to set the monochromator to select a wave-
lengths should be checked at purchase. length λ0, insert a cut-off or a band-stop filter that should
Over small concentration ranges, potassium dichro- block light at that wavelength, and measure the transmit-
mate solutions in 5 × 10–3 mol.L–1 sulphuric acid obey the tance or absorbance of the filter.
Beer-Lambert law and, hence, can be used to check the lin- When using a cut-off filter, if the transmittance of the
earity of the absorbance scale on spectrophotometers. Oth- cut-off filter is higher than expected (or the absorbance
erwise, small deviations (up to 1.6 %) can be expected from lower than expected) the value obtained is a measure of
the Beer-Lambert law. stray light of wavelengths longer than λ0 when the instru-
ment is set to λ0.
Or, when using a band-stop filter, if the transmittance
Table 5. Nominal relative absorbance values for K2Cr2O7 in is higher than expected (or the absorbance lower than ex-
5 × 10–3 mol.L–1 H2SO4 [7]. pected) the value obtained is a measure of stray light of
wavelengths above and below λ0 when the instrument is set
Wavelength Absorbance Absorbance to λ0.
(nm) Solution A Solution B Clearly, more information can be obtained by using
band-stop filters, but only methylene blue (λ0 = 600 nm –
235 (min) 0.626 1.251 660 nm) is suitable and readily available. Consequently,
257 (max) 0.727 1.454 cut-off filters, as illustrated in Figure 2, are used more of-
313 (min) 0.244 0.488
The test for heterochromatic stray light does not iden-
350 (max) 0.536 1.071 tify “nearby” stray light or stray light of wavelengths
shorter than λ0. Filters that may be used to test for this (at
the corresponding wavelengths, λ0) include:
Stray-Light Control • Various sharp-cut filter glasses.
• Liquid filters:
Stray radiation (often referred to as stray light) falls into
two categories (see Figure 1): KCl 12 g/L aqueous at 175 nm – 200 nm,
• Light from the monochromator at wavelengths differ- NaI 10 g/L aqueous at 210 nm – 259 nm,
ent from that selected that follows the path of the beam Acetone at 250 nm – 320 nm,
through the sample – often referred to as heterochro- NaNO2 50 g/L aqueous at 300 nm – 385 nm.
matic stray light.
• Light of the selected wavelength that is scattered into
the beam path without passing through the sample –
often referred to as isochromatic stray light.
Tests should be made for the presence of both catego-
ries of stray light as part of the absorbance calibration of a
spectrophotometer. The test is not a calibration itself; if a
result is obtained outside the required tolerances, it may be
necessary to service the instrument.

Figure 2. A test for heterochromatic stray light: measure the

transmittance in the absorbing region of a cut-off filter covering
the set wavelength (indicated by the arrow).

Figure 1. (a) Heterochromatic and (b) isochromatic stray light.

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Isochromatic Stray Light
The test for isochromatic stray light compares the signal Further Information
obtained when a completely absorbing stop is inserted in
the cuvette holder to the signal obtained when a stop is If you want to know more about reference materials and
placed at the exit of the sample compartment (see Fig- calibration of spectrophotometers, contact MSL and book
ure 3). The sensitivity of the test can be enhanced by in- in for a Spectrophotometry training course. See the MSL
serting a mirror at the front surface of a cuvette. However, website
the results should be treated with caution, because this ex-
aggerates any introduction of stray light by scattering in the References
sample compartment.
[1] Intrinsic Wavelength Standard Absorption Bands in
Holmium Oxide Solution for UV/Visible Molecular
Absorption Spectrophotometry, J C Travis et al, J.
Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 34, 41–56 (2005).
[2] Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measure-
ment, JCGM 100:2008, (BIPM, 1st edition, 2008).
[3] Line Spectra of the Elements, J Reader and C H
Corliss, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
Figure 3. Test for isochromatic stray light: compare the signal 79th Ed, Section 10 pp 1–87 (1998).
in (a), with the cuvette stopped, to the signal in (b), obtained
when all light exiting the sample compartment is stopped. [4] These and other spectral lines can be found at
Availability of Reference Materials [5] Filters for the reproduction of sunlight and daylight
and the determination of color temperature, Davies,
Calibrated glass holmium, absorbing neutral density, re-
R. and Gibson, K.S., NBS Miscellaneous Publica-
flectorised neutral density, and a selection of glass cut-off tion M114, National Bureau of Standards (1931).
filters can be purchased from MSL and other commercial
suppliers. [6] SRM 935a, see Catalogue online
Several liquid filters or certified reference materials for
making up solutions, for both absorbance and wavelength tions/documents/sp260-54.pdf.
calibration, are available from the National Institute of [7] Standards in Absorption Spectrometry. UV Spec-
Standards and Technology (NIST) in Washington, USA trometry Group, C Burgess and A Knowles (Eds),
and other commercial suppliers. Alternatively, they can be Chapman and Hall (1981).
made using AR grade chemicals.
MSL provides a calibration service for glass and liquid
filters. Prepared by Annette Koo.
This technical guide replaces IANZ TG4, version 3.
Reference [7] contains information on other suitable
absorbance standards.

Contact Details
Postal address: Measurement Standards Laboratory, Callaghan Innovation, PO Box 31-310, Lower Hutt 5040,
New Zealand.
E-mail: [email protected]

The Measurement Standards Laboratory is New Zealand’s national metrology institute, operating under the authority of
the New Zealand Measurement Standards Act 1992. The Measurement Standards Laboratory is part of Callaghan
Innovation, a New Zealand Crown entity.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 3.0 Licence
(CC BY-ND 3.0 NZ, see

This licence allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as the work is passed
along unchanged and in whole, with appropriate credit.

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