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Honda Activa 4G Owners Manual

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The vehicle presents you a challenge to master the machine, a challenge to adventure. You
ride through the wind, linked to the road by a vehicle that responds to your commands as
no other does. Unlike an automobile, there is no metal cage around you. Like an air plane,
a pre-ride inspection and regular maintenance are essential to your safety. Your reward is
To meet the challenges safely, and to enjoy the adventure fully, you should become
thoroughly familiar with this owner’s manual BEFORE YOU RIDE THE VEHICLE.
As you read this manual, you will find information that is preceded by a symbol.
This information is intended to help you avoid damage to your vehicle, other property, or
the environment.
When service is required, remember that your Honda dealer knows your vehicle. If you
have the required mechanical “know-how” and tools, your dealer can supply you an official
Honda shop manual on paid basis to help you perform many maintenance and repair tasks.
Accessories shown in the illustration are not part of the standard equipment.
For any query or assistance, please call Customer Care No.:
1800 103 3434 (Toll free)
Pleasant riding, and thank you for choosing a Honda!
● The specifications may vary with each locale.

© Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2017

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G

This vehicle is designed to carry the rider and one pillion rider. Never exceed the maximum
weight capacity.
This vehicle is designed to be used only on the road.
Pay special attention to the safety messages that appear throughout the manual.
This manual should be considered as a permanent part of the vehicle and should remain
with the vehicle when resold.
All information in this publication is based on the latest production information
available at the time of approval for printing. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. reserves
the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any
No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission.

ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

Page Page
CATALYTIC CONVERTER---------------- 1 ESSENTIAL INDIVIDUAL -------------19
VEHICLE SAFETY------------------------ 3 Ignition Switch---------------------------- 19
Right Handlebar Controls----------------- 19
Important Safety Information-------------- 3
Left Handlebar Controls------------------ 20
Protective Apparel-------------------------- 4
Load Limits and Guidelines----------------- 5 (Not required for operation)
Anti-theft Tips------------------------------- 7 Steering Lock----------------------------- 20
PARTS LOCATION----------------------- 8 Seat Lock --------------------------------- 21
Serial Numbers----------------------------10 Center Compartment--------------------- 22
Instruments and Indicators-------------- 10 Document & First Aid Kit ---------------- 22
MAJOR COMPONENTS-----------------11
(Important Information to operate Accessory Socket------------------------- 23
this vehicle) Luggage Hook----------------------------- 24
Brakes ------------------------------------- 11 Body cover-------------------------------- 24
Fuel ------------------------------------- 13 Front center cover------------------------ 25
Rear view Mirror-------------------------- 25
Engine Oil--------------------------------- 15
Headlight Case---------------------------- 26
Tyres ------------------------------------- 16
Headlight Aim Vertical Adjustment------ 26
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G
Page Page
OPERATION---------------------------- 26 Engine Oil Strainer Screen----------------46
Pre-ride Inspection------------------------26 Spark Plug----------------------------------47
Starting the Engine------------------------27 Engine Idle Speed-------------------------48
Running-in---------------------------------30 Wheel Removal----------------------------49
Riding---------------------------------------30 Brake Shoe Wear--------------------------51
Parking-------------------------------------34 Battery-------------------------------------51
MAINTENANCE------------------------- 35 Fuse Replacement-------------------------53
The Importance of Maintenance----------35 Bulb Replacement--------------------------54
Maintenance Safety------------------------35 CLEANING------------------------------ 57
Safety Precautions-------------------------36 STORAGE GUIDE----------------------- 60
Tool Kit-------------------------------------37 Storage-------------------------------------60
Maintenance Schedule---------------------38 Removal from Storage---------------------61
Color Code---------------------------------41 SPECIFICATIONS---------------------- 62
Air Cleaner---------------------------------41 WARRANTY POLICY------------------- 65
Secondary Air Supply System-------------42
Crankcase Breather------------------------43
Engine Oil----------------------------------44

ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

This Vehicle is equipped with a catalytic converter.
The catalytic converter contains precious metals that serve as catalysts. Promoting chemical
reactions to convert the exhaust gasses without affecting the metals.
The catalytic converter acts on HC, CO, and NOx. A replacement unit must be an original
Honda part or its equivalent.
The catalytic converter must operate at a high temperature for the chemical reactions to
take place. It can set on fire any combustible materials that come near it. Mark your vehicle
away from high grasses, dry leaves, or other flammables.
A defective catalytic converter contributes to air pollution, and can impair your engine’s
performance. Follow these guidelines to protect your motorcycle’s catalytic converter.
• Always use unleaded petrol. Even a small amount of leaded petrol can contaminate the
catalyst metals, making the catalytic converter ineffective.
• Keep the engine tuned-up.
• Have your vehicle diagnosed and replaced if it is misfiring, backfiring stalling or
otherwise not running properly.

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 1

Your safety, and the safety of others, is very important. Operating this vehicle safely is an
important responsibility.
To help you make informed decisions about safety, we have provided operating procedures
and other information on labels in this manual. This information alerts you to potential
hazards that could hurt you or others.
Of course, it is not practical or possible to warn you about all hazards associated with
operating or maintaining a vehicle. You must use your own good judgment.
You will find important safety information in a variety of forms, including :
● Safety labels - on the vehicle.
● Safety messages - preceded by a safety alert symbol ! and one of three signal
These signal words mean:
You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.
You CAN be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.
You CAN be HURT if you don’t follow instructions.

●● Safety Heading - such as Important Safety Reminders or Important Safety Precautions.

●● Safety Section – such as vehicle Safety.
●● Instructions – how to use this vehicle correctly and safely.
This entire manual is filled with important safety information–please read it carefully.

2 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

VEHICLE SAFETY Make Yourself Easy to see
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Some drivers do not see vehicles because
Your vehicle can provide many years they are not looking for them. To make
of service and pleasure – if you take yourself more visible, wear bright reflective
responsibility for your own safety and clothing, position yourself so other drivers
understand the challenges that you can can see you, signal before turning or
meet on the road. changing lanes, and use your horn when
required, it will help others notice you.
There is much that you can do to protect
yourself when you ride. You’ll find many Don’t Drink and Ride
helpful recommendations throughout Alcohol and riding don’t mix. Even one
this manual. Following are a few that we drink can reduce your ability to respond
consider most important. to changing conditions, and your reaction
Always Wear a Helmet time gets worse with every additional drink.
So don’t drink and ride, and don’t let your
It’s a proven fact: Helmets significantly
friends drink and ride either.
reduce the number and severity of head
injuries. So always wear a helmet and Ride Within Your Limits
make sure your pillion rider does the same. Pushing the limits is another major cause of
We also recommend that you wear eye vehicle accidents. Never ride beyond your
protection, sturdy boots, gloves and other personal abilities or faster than conditions
protective gear (page 4). warrant. Remember that alcohol, drugs,
fatigue and inattention can significantly
reduce your ability to make good
judgements and ride safely.
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 3
Keep Your Vehicle in Safe Condition Helmets and Eye Protection
For safe riding, it is important to inspect Your helmet is your most important piece
your vehicle before every ride and perform of riding gear because it offers the best
all recommended maintenance. Never protection against head injuries. A helmet
exceed load limits, and only use accessories should fit your head comfortably and securely.
that have been approved by Honda for this A bright-colored helmet can make you more
vehicle. See page 6 for more details. noticeable in traffic, as can reflective strips.
PROTECTIVE APPAREL An open-face helmet offers some protection,
but a full-face helmet offers more. Always
For your safety, we strongly recommend that wear a face shield or goggles to protect
you always wear an approved vehicle helmet, your eyes and help your vision.
eye protection, boots, gloves, long pants and
Additional Riding Gear
a long-sleeved shirt or jacket whenever you
ride. Although complete protection is not In addition to a helmet and eye protection,
possible, wearing proper gear can reduce the we also recommend:
chance of injury when you ride. • Sturdy boots with non-slip soles to help
Following are suggestions to help you protect your feet and ankles.
choose proper gear. • Leather gloves to keep your hands
warm and help prevent blisters, cuts,
burns and bruises.
Not wearing a helmet increases the chance • A vehicle riding suit or jacket for
of serious injury or death in a crash. comfort as well as protection. Bright-
colored and reflective clothing can help
Be sure you and your pillion rider always
wear a helmet, eye protection and other make you more noticeable in traffic. Be
protective apparel when you ride. sure to avoid loose clothes that could
get caught on any part of your vehicle.
4 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Your vehicle has been designed to carry you, Overloading or improper loading can
one pillion rider and a limited amount of cause a crash and you can be seriously
cargo. When you add cargo or carry a pillion hurt or killed.
rider, you may feel some difference during Follow all load limits and other loading
acceleration and braking. But so long as you guidelines in this owner’s manual.
keep your vehicle well-maintained, with good
tyres and brakes, you can safely carry loads Load Limits
within the given limits and guidelines. Following are the load limits for your
However, exceeding the weight limit or vehicle:
carrying an unbalanced load can seriously Maximum weight capacity:
affect your vehicle’s handling, braking and 162 kg (357 lbs)
stability. Non-Honda accessories, improper Includes the weight of the rider, pillion rider,
modifications, and poor maintenance can all cargo and all accessories.
also reduce your safety margin.
The weight of added accessories will reduce
The following pages give more specific the maximum cargo weight you can carry.
information on loading, accessories and
Loading Guidelines
Loading Your vehicle is primarily intended for
transporting you and a pillion rider.
How much weight you put on your vehicle,
If you wish to carry more cargo, check
and how you load it, are important to your
with your Honda dealer for advice, and
safety. Anytime you ride with a pillion
be sure to read the information regarding
rider or cargo you should be aware of the
accessories on page 6.
following information.
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 5
Improperly loading your vehicle can affect
its stability and handling. Even if your
Improper accessories or modifications
vehicle is properly loaded, you should ride
can cause a crash in which your can be
at reduced speeds whenever carrying cargo. seriously hurt or killed.
Follow these guidelines whenever you carry Follow all instructions in this owner’s
a pillion rider or cargo: manual regarding accessories and
• Check that both tyres are properly modifications.
• To prevent loose items from creating Accessories
a hazard, make sure the center We strongly recommend that you use only
compartment is closed and that any genuine Honda accessories that have been
other cargo is securely tied down before specifically designed and tested for your
you ride away. vehicle. Because Honda cannot test all
• Place cargo weight as close to the center other accessories, you must be personally
of the vehicle as possible. responsible for proper selection, installation
• Balance cargo weight evenly on both and use of non-Honda accessories.
sides. Check with your dealer for assistance and
Accessories and Modifications always follow these guidelines:
Modifying your vehicle or using non-Honda • Make sure the accessory does not
accessories can make your vehicle obscure any lights, reduce ground
unsafe. Before you consider making any clearance and banking angle, limit
modifications or adding an accessory, be suspension travel or steering travel,
sure to read the following information. alter your riding position or interfere
with operating any controls.
6 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
• Be sure not to use any non-genuine ANTI-THEFT TIPS
electrical equipment or equipment 1. Always lock the steering and close the
having capacity exceeding vehicle’s key shutter.
electrical system capacity (page 63). A 2. Never leave the key in the ignition
blown fuse can cause a loss of lights or switch. This sounds simple but people
engine power. do forget.
• Do not pull a trailer or sidecar with your 3. Be sure the registration information for
vehicle. This vehicle is not designed for your vehicle is accurate and current.
these attachments, and their use can 4. Park your vehicle in a locked garage,
seriously impair your vehicle’s handling. whenever possible.
Modifications 5. Use an additional anti-theft device of
We strongly advise you not to remove any good quality (without tampering any
original equipment or modify your vehicle part of the vehicle).
in any way that would change its design 6. Put your name, address, phone number
or operation. Such changes could seriously and key number in this Owner’s Manual
impair your vehicle handling, stability and and keep it on your vehicle at all times.
braking, making it unsafe to ride. Many times stolen vehicles are identified
Removing or modifying your lights, by information in the Owner’s Manuals.
mufflers, emission control system or other NAME:_____________________________
equipment can also make your vehicle ADDRESS:__________________________
illegal. ___________________________________
PHONE NO: _________________________
KEY NO: ____________________________

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 7

Rear view mirror Fuel gauge
fj;j O;w fejj ¶;wy xst+
Rear view mirror
Brake lock lever fj;j O;w fejj
cszd ykWd yhoj Front Brake Lever
ÝaV czsd yhoj

Combi brake lever

dkWEch czsd yhoj
Headlight dimmer switch Throttle grip
gSMykbV fMEej fLop FkzkSVy fxzi
Starter switch
Turn signal switch LVkVZj fLop
VuZ flx~uy fLop
Horn switch
gkWuZ fLop
Ignition switch

Choke knob
bfXu“ku fLop
Ignition switch shutter
pksd ukWc bfXu“ku fLop “kVj

8 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

Right Side View Left Side View

(4) (8)
(3) (11)
(9) (10)

(5) (6) (7) (13) (12)


(1) Rear grip (fj;j fxzi) (8) Combi brake lever (dkWEch czsd yhoj)
(2) Fuel filler cap (¶;wy fQyj dSi) (9) Document compartment (MkWD;wesaV dEikVZesaV)
(3) Center compartment (lSaVj dEikVZesaV) (10) Tool Kit (Vwy fdV)
(4) Battery Fuse box (cSVjh ¶;wt ckWDl) (11) Seat lock (lhV ykWd)
(5) Oil filler cap (vkW;y fQyj dSi) (12) Air cleaner assembly (,;j Dyhuj ,lsEcyh)
(6) Pillion rider footpeg (fify;u jkbMj QqViSx) (13) Kick starter pedal (fdd LVkVZj iSMy)
(7) Luggage hook (yxst gqd) (14) Center stand (lSaVj LVSaM)
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 9
The frame and engine serial numbers are The indicators are contained in the
required when registering your vehicle. instrument panel. Their functions are
They may also be required by your dealer described in the tables on the following
when ordering replacement parts. pages.
The frame number (1) is stamped on the (5) (2) (1)
(3) (4)
right side of the frame body. The engine (4)
number (2) is stamped on the left side of
the crankcase.
Record the numbers here for your reference.
FRAME NO._____________________
ENGINE NO.____________________
(1) Speedometer ¼LihMksehVj½
(2) Odometer ¼vkWMksehVj½
(3) Fuel gauge ¼¶;wy xst½
(4) Right and left turn signal indicator
¼nk¡;k v©j ck¡;k VuZ flXuy bafMdsVj½
(5) High beam indicator ¼gkbZ che bafMdsVj½
Ref. No. Function
(1) Shows riding speed.
(2) (2) Shows accumulated mileage.
(3) Shows approx fuel quantity.(Page 11)
(1) Frame number ¼Ýse uEcj½ (4) Flashes when Turn signal operates.
(2) Engine number ¼batu uEcj½ (5) Lights when headlight is on high beam.

10 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

Fuel Gauge When one applies the left lever, front & rear
brake operates jointly.
When the fuel gauge needle enters the
red band (1), fuel level will be low and Free play
you should refill the tank as soon as The free effortless movement of brake
possible. The amount of fuel left in the tank levers until the brakes start operating is
when the needle enters the red band is termed as free play.
Measured at the tip of the brake levers,
1.4 Ltr. (0.36 gal, 0.30 Imp gal) freeplay should be maintained at:
10 - 20 mm (0.39 - 0.79 in)
(1) Freeplay: 10 - 20 mm (0.39 - 0.79 in)

(2) (1)
(1) Red band ¼yky cSaM½
(Important Information to operate this
Brakes are items of personal safety and
should always be maintained with proper (1) Front brake lever ¼ÝaV czsd yhoj½
adjustment. (2) Combi brake lever ¼dkWEch cszd yhoj½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 11
Adjustment: Confirm that there is no gap between joint
A (4) and slot on side no. 1 of the brake arm.
Adjustment of right hand front brake cable
Push front brake arm by hand to confirm
(6) side no. 1. Push the brake arm (1) by
that it has free play and front wheel rotate
hand (Push direction ). Turn 1st adjuster
smoothly. (SIDE NO. 1)
nut (2) till you can not turn it by hand.
(SIDE NO. 2)
During adjustment of 1st adjuster nut, 2nd
adjuster nut should be in loose condition.

Refer mark 1 & 2 on brake arm. (2)

Check the free play of right hand brake lever.
(5) (3)
FREE PLAY: 10-20 mm (0.39-0.79 in)
1 mm max.
If free play of right lever is 20 mm or more (7)
(1) Brake Arm ¼czsd vkeZ½
further turn 1st adjuster nut to adjust the
(2) 1st Adjuster nut ¼ igyk ,MtLVj uV½
lever free play to within 10~20 mm.
(3) 2nd Adjuster nut ¼nwljk ,MtLVj uV½
Adjustment of left hand front brake cable (4) Joint A ¼TokbaV ,½
(7) side no. 2. Push the brake arm by hand (5) Joint B ¼TokbaV ch½
(Push direction ). (6) Right hand front brake cable ¼nka;s gkFk ds rjQ dh czd
s dscy½
Turn 2nd adjuster nut (3) until a gap (7) Left hand front brake cable ¼cka;s gkFk ds rjQ dh czd
s dscy½
between joint B (5) and a slot of side no. Apply the brake several times and check for
2 of brake arm becomes 1 mm or below. free wheel rotation after the brake lever is
12 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
If proper adjustment cannot be obtained by FUEL
this method, see your Honda dealer. Fuel Tank
After adjustment, push the brake arm to The fuel tank is located under the seat.
confirm that there is a gap between the rear The fuel tank capacity including the reserve
brake adjusting nut and the brake arm pin. supply is:
After adjustment, confirm the free play. 5.3 Ltr. (1.4 US gal, 1.17 Imp gal)
Adjusting nut To open the fuel filler cap (1), unlock and lift
¼,MtfLVax uV½ up the seat (page 21), then remove the fuel
filler cap by turning it counterclockwise.
cut-out Do not over fill the tank. There should be no
correctly fuel in the filler neck (2).
seated After refuelling, be sure to tighten the fuel
filler cap firmly by turning it clockwise.
Make sure that the arrow marks (3) on the
Brake arm Pin cut-out not fuel filler cap and fuel tank is aligned.
¼czsd vkeZ fiu½ correctly (3)
seated (2)
Other Checks
Check the brake cable for kinks or signs of
wear that could cause sticking or failure.
Lubricate the brake cable with a commercially
available cable lubricant to prevent premature (1)
wear and corrosion. (1) Fuel filler cap ¼¶;wy fQyj dSi½
Make sure the brake arm, spring and fasteners (2) Filler neck ¼fQyj uSd½
are in good condition. (3) Arrow marks ¼,sjks ekDZl½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 13
Petrol Containing Alcohol
Petrol is highly flammable and explosive. If you decide to use a petrol containing
You can be burned or seriously injured alcohol (gasohol), be sure it’s octane rating
when handling fuel. is at least as high as that recommended by
• Stop the engine and keep heat, sparks
• When certain types of petrol containing
and flame away.
alcohol are used, problems such as hard
• Refuel only outdoors. starting, poor performance, etc. may
• Wipe out spills immediately. occur.
• If you notice any undesirable operating
Use unleaded petrol with a research octane symptoms while using a petrol that
number of 87 or higher. contains alcohol, or one that you think
The use of leaded petrol will cause premature contains alcohol, try another station or
damage to the catalytic converter. switch to another brand of petrol.
• When a problem resulting from the
use of petrol containing alcohol occurs,
If “spark knock” or “pinking” occurs at a contact your Honda dealer.
steady engine speed under normal load, • Use of fuel containing alcohol higher than
change brands of petrol. If spark knock the recommended limit is considered
or pinking persists, consult your Honda misuse and damage caused by misuse is
dealer. Failure to do so is considered not covered by Honda’s Limited Warranty.
misuse, and damage caused by misuse is
not covered by Honda’s Limited Warranty.

14 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

1. Start the engine and let it idle for 3 – 5
Adulterated fuel not to be used. It causes
2. Stop the engine and put the vehicle on
damage to the engine parts and considered
its center stand on level ground.
as misuse, damage caused by misuse is
not covered under Honda warranty. 3. After 2–3 minutes, remove the oil filler
cap/dipstick, wipe it clean, and reinsert
ENGINE OIL the oil filler cap/dipstick without
Engine Oil level Check screwing it in. Remove the oil filler cap/
dipstick. The oil level should be between
Check the engine oil level each day before
the upper and lower marks on the oil
riding the vehicle.
filler cap/dipstick.
The level must be maintained between the
4. If required, add the specified oil
upper (1) and lower (2) level marks on the
(page 44) up to the upper level mark.
oil filler cap/dipstick (3).
(3) Do not overfill.
5. Reinstall the oil filler cap/ dipstick.
Check for oil leaks.

(1) Running the engine with insufficient oil

quantity may cause serious engine damage.
(2) If engine oil level is below from ‘Min.’ mark,
please contact Honda Authorised Dealer.
(1) Upper level mark ¼Åijh Lrj fpUg~½
(2) Lower level mark ¼fupyk Lrj fpUg~½
(3) Oil filler cap/dipstick ¼vkW;y fQyj dSi@fMifLVd½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 15
TYRES Air Pressure
To safely operate your vehicle, your tyres Keeping your tyres properly inflated
must be the proper type and size, in good provides the best combination of handling,
condition with adequate tread, and correctly tread life and riding comfort. Generally,
inflated for the load you are carrying. under inflated tyres wear unevenly,
The following pages give more detailed adversely affect handling, and are more
information on how and when to check your likely to fail from being overheated.
air pressure, how to inspect your tyres for Overinflated tyres make your vehicle ride
damage, and what to do when your tyres more harsh, are more prone to damage
need to be repaired or replaced. from road hazards and wear unevenly.
We recommend that you visually check your
tyres before every ride and use a gauge to
Using tyres that are excessively worn or
measure air pressure at least once a month
improperly inflated can cause a crash in
which you can be seriously hurt or killed. or any time you think the tyres air pressure
might be low.
Follow all instructions in this owner’s
manual regarding tyre inflation and Always check air pressure when tyres are
maintenance. “cold”– when the vehicle has been parked
for at least three hours. If you check air
pressure when tyres are “warm”- When the
vehicle has been ridden for even a few miles
the readings will be higher than if the tyres
were “cold”. This is normal so do not let air
out of the tyres to match the recommended

16 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

cold air pressures given below. If you do, Look for:
the tyres will be under inflated. • Bumps or bulges in the side of the tyre
The recommended “Cold” tyre air pressures or the tread. Replace the tyre if you find
are: any bumps or bulges.
kPa (kgf/cm², psi) • Cuts, splits or cracks in the tyre. Replace
the tyre if you can see fabric or cord.
Rider Front 150 (1.50, 22)
• Excessive tread wear.
only Rear 200 (2.00, 29)
Also, if you hit a pothole or hard object, pull to
Rider and Front 150 (1.50, 22) the side of the road as soon as you safely can
Pillion Rider Rear 250 (2.50, 36) and carefully inspect the tyres for damage.
This vehicle is fitted with tubeless tyres Tread Wear
in both wheels. Compared with ordinary Inspect the wear indicator (1) to check for
tube tyre, the tubeless tyre releases slow insufficient tread depth. If the wear indicator
air leak when punctured by a nail or other is visible, the tyre should be replaced.
similar object. For this reason, even though
they remain fully inflated, it is important
to regularly check the tyre for embedded
objects. (2)

Whenever you check the tyre pressures,
you should also examine the tyre treads (1) Wear indicator ¼oh;j bfUMdsVj½
and side walls for wear, damage, and (2) Wear indicator location mark
foreign objects: ¼oh;j bfUMdsVj dk yksds”ku ekdZ½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 17
Tyre Repair
If a tubeless tyre is punctured or damaged, Installing improper tyres on your vehicle
Please visit nearest tyre manufacture can affect handling and stability. This
dealer and follow his recommendation for can cause a crash in which you can be
repair or replacement.
seriously hurt or killed.
Always use the size and type of tyres
Repair/Replacement of tubeless tyre by
recommended in this owner’s manual.
unauthorized person may render the
The recommended tyres for your vehicle
tyre useless or tyre can fail while driving.
Tyre Replacement
Front : 90/100-10 53J
The tyres that came on your vehicle
were designed to match the performance Rear : 90/100-10 53J
capabilities of your vehicle and provide
Whenever you replace a tyre, use one that
the best combination of handling, braking,
is equivalent to the original and be sure
durability and comfort.
the wheel is balanced after the new tyre is

18 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

IGNITION SWITCH Automatic Headlamp ON (AHO
The ignition switch (1) is on the right side
below the steering stem. This means that the Headlamp will get ON
as soon as the engine is started.
There is no switch to turn OFF the Headlamp
while riding. “Automatic Headlamp ON”
(1) feature of your vehicle helps other to
recognize your vehicle position in foggy/
dusty environment condition.

Starter Button (1)

(1) Ignition switch ¼bfXu”ku fLop½
When the starter button is pressed,the
Key Key
Function starter motor cranks the engine.(Page 28
Position Removal
for the starting procedure.)
LOCK Steering is Locked. Key can be
(steering Engine and lights removed
lock) cannot be operated.
Engine and lights Key can be
OFF (1)
cannot be operated. removed
Engine, turn signal Key cannot
ON lights, brake lights and be removed
horn can be operated. (1) Starter button ¼LVkVZj cVu½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 19
Headlight Dimmer Switch (1) (NOT required for operation)
Push the dimmer switch to (HI) to select
high beam or to (LO) to select low beam. Move the handle towards left to lock the
steering, Slightly push the key (1) and turn
Turn Signal Switch (2) it anticlockwise direction. Remove the key.
Move to (L) to signal a left turn, (R) Close the key shutter by turning the shutter
to signal a right turn. Press to turn signal pin anticlockwise.
Horn Button (3) Step 1:- To unlock the steering, open the
Press the button to sound the horn. key shutter by aligning & inserting the
hexagonal shape key into the key shutter
(1) and rotate it clockwise.
(2) Step 2:- Insert the key and turn the key
to OFF. Do not turn the key to LOCK while
riding the vehicle, loss of vehicle control will
(3) result.
Key shutter
¼dh “kVj½ Key ¼pkch½

(1) Headlight dimmer switch ¼gSMykbV fMej fLop½

(2) Turn signal switch ¼VuZ flXuy fLop½ Shutter pin Shutter key (Hexagonal shape)
(3) Horn button ¼gkWuZ cVu½ ¼“kVj fiu½ “kVj pkch ¼’kVdks.k vkdkj½
20 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Locking (1) SEAT LOCK
The seat lock (1), is on the left side below
the seat.
To lift the seat, insert the ignition key (2)
(B) and turn it clockwise to unlock.
To lock the seat, lower and push down on it
until it locks. Make sure the seat is secure
before riding.

Unlocking (1) (2)


(1) Ignition Key ¼bfXu”ku pkch½

(A) Push in ¼vUnj nck;sa½ (1) Seat lock ¼lhV ykWd½
(B) Turn to LOCK ¼ykWd dh vksj ?kqek;sa½ (2) Ignition Key ¼bfXu”ku pkch½
(C) Turn to OFF ¼vkWQ dh vksj ?kqek;sa½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 21
The center compartment (1) is below the COMPARTMENT
seat. For opening and closing: The document compartment (1) & first aid
See “SEAT LOCK” (page 21) kit compartment (2) is located under the
Maximum Weight Limit : 10 kg (22 Ibs)
Owner’s manual and other documents
Never exceed the maximum weight limit, should be stored in document compartment.
handling and stability may be severely
affected. First aid kit should be stored in first aid kit
• The center compartment may become
heated by the engine. When washing your vehicle, be careful not
to flood this area with water.
• Do not store valuable or fragile articles.
• Do not direct water under pressure (2)
against the center compartment as water
will be forced in to the compartment.


(1) Document Compartment ¼nLrkost d{k½

(2) First Aid Kit Compartment ¼çkFkfed fpfdRlk fdV
(1) Center Compartment ¼lSaVj dEikVZesaV½ d{k½
22 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
(Power Outlet) • Use Accessory socket (Power outlet)
(*Accessory socket is not a part of standard vehicle, it is
optional part and will cost extra.) only when engine is in running condition.
The accessory socket* (1) is located inside • Do not use product with rated capacity
the center compartment (2). It enables you more than 12W (12V,1A) like cigarette
to charge your mobile while riding the vehicle. lighter, tablets etc, as it may damage
Lift-up the seat (Page-21) to access the the electrical circuit.
accessory socket. • Do not wash inside the luggage box
To charge your mobile lift-up the socket directly as it may result in damaging
cap(3) & plug the mobile charger to socket. the charging socket. Always use dry
Note: cloth to clean inside the luggage box.
• Please follow operation manual of mobile
to choose suitable charger.
Also follow the instruction given below:
• Honda will not be responsible for any
damage caused due to charger. (3)
1. Always place the mobile phone on soft
(2) (1) surface (cloth/ cushion) to avoid any
damage due to road shocks while riding.
2. Do not apply any soap solution, oil or
grease inside the socket.
V 1A)

3. Avoid charging the mobile with ignition

switch in “ON” condition and engine in
“OFF” condition, this will lead to faster
(1) Accessory Socket ¼,Dlsljh lksdsV½
(2) Center Compartment ¼lSaVj dEikVZesaV½ discharge of vehicle battery.
(3) Socket Cap ¼lksdsV dSi½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 23
LUGGAGE HOOK Installation:
The luggage hook (1) provided below the seat. • Installation can be done in the reverse
Maximum Weight Limit : 1.5 kg (3 lbs) order of removal.
Do not move the vehicle by holding it by
Do not attach large luggage to the hook
the rear grip when the body cover lifted up.
that would hang out from the vehicle and/
or interfere with the movement of your feet Do not sit on the seat when the body cover
and handle operation. lifted up.
Place the vehicle on its center stand when
servicing the vehicle with the body cover
(1) lifted up.

(1) Luggage hook ¼yxst gqd½

1. Open the seat (page 21).
2. Remove the bolt A (1) and bolts (B) (2). (3)
3. Lift up the body cover (3) and stand the
(1) Bolt A ¼cksYV A½ (2) Bolt B ¼cksYV B½
rod (4).
(3) Body cover ¼ckWMh doj½ (4) Rod ¼jkWM½
24 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Removal : Removal :
1. Remove the screws - 4 nos. (1). 1. Pull the dust cover (1).
2. Release the boss from mounting 2. Loosen the lock nut (2) until it will no
grommet - 4 nos. (2). longer turn.
3. Remove the front center cover (3). 3. Loosen the rear view mirror (3) and
Installation : remove it.
• Installation can be done in the reverse Installation :
order of removal. 1. Install the rear view mirror until it will
(1) no longer turn.
2. Loosen the rear view mirror
approximately 2 turns.
3. Adjust the rear view mirror.
4. Tighten the lock nut.

(1) Screws ¼LØwt½ (1)
(2) Mounting Grommet ¼ekmfVax xzksesV½ (1) Dust cover ¼MLV doj½ (2) Lock nut ¼ykWd uV½
(3) Front center cover ¼ÝaV lSaVj doj½ (3) Rear view mirror ¼fj;j O;w fejj½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 25
1. Remove the rear view mirror (page 25), Vertical adjustment can be made by turning
screw A (1) and screws B (2) 4 nos. the bolt (1) in or out as necessary.
2. Pull the headlight case slightly up, (Obey local laws and regulations)
carefully release the tabs- 3 nos. (3).
3. Disconnect the headlight connector,
turn signal indicator connector and
remove the headlight case (4). (A)
Installation: (B)
1. Installation can be done in the reverse
order of removal. (1) Bolt ¼cksYV½ (1)
(A) Up ¼Åij½
(B) Down ¼uhpsa½

For your safety, it is very important to take
(3) few moments before each ride to walk
around your vehicle and check its condition.
If you detect any problem, be sure you
(1) Screw A ¼LØw A½ (2) Screws B ¼LØwl B½ take care of it, or have it corrected by your
(3) Tabs ¼VScl½ (4) Headlight case ¼gSMykbZV dsl½ Honda dealer.

26 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

This vehicle has an automatic fuel cock.
Improperly maintaining this vehicle or
failing to correct a problem before riding Engine can be started using:
can cause a crash in which you can be (1) Electric starter
seriously hurt or killed. (2) Kick starter
Always perform a pre-ride inspection To protect the catalytic converter in your
before every ride and correct all problems. vehicle’s exhaust system, avoid extending
idling and the use of leaded petrol.
1. Engine oil level - add engine oil if required Your vehicle’s exhaust contains poisonous
(page 15). Check for leaks. carbon monoxide gas. High levels of carbon
2. Fuel level - fill fuel tank, when necessary monoxide can collect rapidly in enclosed
(page 13). Check for leaks. areas such as a garage. Do not run the
3. Front and rear brakes - check operation engine with garage door closed. Even with
and if necessary, adjust freeplay the door open run the engine only long
(pages 11-13). enough to move your vehicle out of the
4. Tyres – check condition and pressure
(pages 16–18).
5. Throttle – check for smooth opening Contact with the spinning rear wheel
and full closing in all steering positions. can hurt.
6. Lights and horn – check that headlight, Set the parking brake when the vehicle
tail/brake light, turn signal indicators
is on its center stand.
and horn are functioning properly.
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 27
Starting Procedure To restart a warm engine, follow the
Always follow the proper starting procedure procedure for “High Air Temperature.”
described below. Normal Air Temperature (100C to 350C):
1. Place the vehicle on its center stand.
1. Pull the choke knob (1) up all the way to
2. Lock the rear wheel by pressing the
Fully ON (A). (A)
combi brake lever (1) and setting the
brake lock lever (2). (B)
The electric starter will work when the front
brake or combi brake lever is pressed in.

(1) (1) Choke knob ¼pkWd ukWc½

(A) Fully ON ¼iwjk [kqyk½
(B) Fully OFF ¼iwjk can½
(2) 2. a <Using the electric starter>
(1) Combi brake lever ¼dWkEch cszd yhoj½ With the throttle closed, press the starter
(2) Brake lock lever ¼czsd ykWd yhoj½ button.
b <Using the kickstarter pedal>
3. Turn the ignition switch (3) to ON.
With the throttle closed, operate the
kickstarter with a rapid continuous motion.
(3) 3. Immediately after the engine starts,
operate the choke to keep fast idle as it is.
4. About 15 seconds after the engine starts,
move the choke knob down all the way
(3) Ignition switch ¼bXuh”ku fLop½ to fully OFF (B).
28 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
5. If idling is unstable, open the throttle Do not use the electric starter for more than
slightly. 5 seconds at a time. Release the starter
High Air Temperature (350C or Above): button for approximately 10 seconds before
pressing it again.
1. Do not use the choke.
2. a <Using the electric starter> Operate the kickstarter or starter button for
With the throttle closed, press the starter slightly longer than usual without opening
button. the throttle if the vehicle has been left
b <Using the kickstarter pedal> standing for a long time or when the fuel
With the throttle closed, operate the tank has been just refilled.
kickstarter with a rapid continuous
Extended use of the choke may impair
Low Air Temperature (100C or below): piston and cylinder wall lubrication and
1. Follow Step 1 & 2 from “Normal Air damage the engine.
Temperature” starting procedure. Do not “BLIP” the throttle (open and close
2. When engine speed begins to pick up, rapidly) as the vehicle will move forward
operate the choke to keep fast idle as it is. suddenly, causing possible loss of control.
3. Continue warming up the engine until it Do not leave the vehicle unattended while
runs smoothly and responds to the throttle the engine is warming up.
when the choke knob is at fully OFF.
If you are not able to start the engine
with throttle closed, then slightly open the
throttle start again.

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 29

Help assure your vehicle’s future reliability
and performance by paying extra attention
to how you ride during the first 500 km.
During this period, avoid full-throttle starts
and rapid acceleration. (2)
RIDING (1) Combi brake lever ¼dkWEch cszd yhoj½
Review Vehicle Safety (Ref. pages 3–7) (2) Brake lock lever ¼czsd ykWd yhoj½
before you ride.
2. Stand on the left side of the vehicle
Make sure flammable material such as dry
and push it forward and off the center
grass or leaves do not come in contact with
the exhaust system when riding, idling or
parking your vehicle.
1. Make sure the throttle is closed
and the combi brake lever is locked
before moving the vehicle off the center
The rear wheel must be locked when
moving the vehicle off the center stand
or loss of control may result.

30 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

3. Mount the vehicle from the left side 5. Before starting off, indicate your
keeping at least one foot on the ground direction with the turn signals, and
to steady the vehicle. check for safe traffic conditions.

4. Unlock the rear wheel by releasing the Grasp handlebars firmly with both
combi brake lever (1). hands. Never attempt one-handed
operation; loss of vehicle control could
6. To accelerate, open the throttle (3)
gradually; the vehicle will move forward.
Do not “BLIP” the throttle (open and
close rapidly) as the vehicle will move
(1) forward suddenly, causing possible loss
(1) Combi brake lever ¼dkWEch cszd yhoj½ of control.
(2) Brake lock lever ¼czsd ykWd yhoj½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 31
7. To decelerate, close throttle. Do not accelerate while applying
brakes. This may result severe
CLOSE OPEN damage of the related parts



(3) Throttle ¼FkzkWVy½ (5)

8. When slowing down the vehicle

coordination of the throttle (3), front
brake lever (4) and combi brake lever
(5) is most important.
Both front and combi brakes should
be applied together. Independent use (4)
of only the front or rear brake reduces
stopping performance. (3) Throttle ¼FkzkWVy½
Excessive brake application may cause (4) Front brake lever ¼ÝaV czsd yhoj½
either wheels to lock, or loss of control (5) Combi brake lever ¼dWkEch cszd yhoj½
on vehicle.

32 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

9. When approaching a corner or turn, 11. When descending a steep grade,
close the throttle (3) fully, and slow the close the throttle (3) fully and apply
vehicle down by applying both front front brake (4) and combi brake (5) to
brake lever (4) and combi brake lever slow the vehicle.
(5) at the same time. Avoid continuous use of the brakes, which
10. After completing the turn, open the may result in overheating and reduction of
throttle gradually to accelerate the braking efficiency.
vehicle. (3)
(3) (5)


(3) Throttle
(4) Front brake ¼ÝaV czsd½
(5) Combi brake ¼dkWEch cszd½
(3) Throttle
(4) Front brake ¼ÝaV czsd½ 12. When riding on wet or loose
surfaces, special caution should be
(5) Combi brake ¼dkWEch cszd½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 33
When riding in wet or rainy conditions or possibility of rolling off the center stand or
on loose surface, the ability to controlled overturning.
movement and stop will be reduced. For 3. Lock the steering to help prevent theft
your safety: (Ref. page 7), turn the ignition switch to
• Exercise extreme caution when braking, the “Lock” position and remove the key.
accelerating or turning. Close the key shutter.
• Ride at slower speeds and allow for The exhaust pipe and muffler become
extra stopping distance. very hot during operation and remain
• Keep the vehicle as upright as possible. sufficiently hot to inflict burns if touched
• Use extreme caution when riding over even after shutting off the engine.
slippery surfaces such as railroad Make sure flammable material such as dry
tracks, iron plates, manhole covers, grass or leaves do not come in contact with the
painted lines, etc. exhaust system when parking your vehicle.
1. After stopping the vehicle turn the
ignition switch to the “OFF” position and
remove the key. Close the key shutter.
2. Use the center stand to support the
vehicle while parked.
Park the vehicle on firm, level ground to
prevent it from falling over.
If you must park on a slight incline, aim
the front of the vehicle uphill to reduce the

34 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

MAINTENANCE If your vehicle overturns or becomes
involved in a crash, be sure your Honda
THE IMPORTANCE OF MAINTENANCE dealer inspects all major parts, even if you
A well-maintained vehicle is essential for are able to make some repairs.
safe, economical and trouble-free riding. It
will also help reduce air pollution.
To help you proper care for your vehicle,
the following pages include a Maintenance Improperly maintaining this vehicle or
Schedule (page 39 to 40) and a Maintenance failing to correct a problem before you
Record for regular scheduled maintenance. ride can cause a crash in which you can
These instructions are based on the be seriously hurt or killed.
assumption that the vehicle will be used
Always follow the inspection and
exclusively for its designed purpose.
Sustained high speed operation or maintenance recommendations and
operation in unusually wet or dusty schedule in this owner’s manual.
conditions will require more frequent
service than specified in the Maintenance MAINTENANCE SAFETY
Schedule. Consult your Honda dealer This section includes instructions on some
for recommendations applicable to your important maintenance tasks. You can
individual needs and use. perform some of these tasks with the tools
provided – if you have basic mechanical

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 35

Other tasks that are more difficult and SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
require special tools are best performed • Make sure the engine is off before you
by professionals. Wheel removal should begin any maintenance or repairs. This
normally be handled only by a Honda will help eliminate several potential
technician or other qualified mechanic; hazards:
instructions are included in this manual
only to assist in emergency service. • Carbon monoxide poisoning from
engine exhaust
Followings are some of the most important
safety precautions. However, we cannot Be sure there is adequate ventilation
warn you of every conceivable hazard that whenever you operate the engine.
can arise in performing maintenance. Only • Burns from hot parts
you can decide whether or not you should Let the engine and exhaust system cool
perform a given task. before touching.
• Injury from moving parts
Do not run the engine unless instructed
Failure to properly follow maintenance to do so.
instructions and precautions can cause Read the instructions before you begin,
you to be seriously hurt or killed. and make sure you have the tools and
Always follow the procedure and skills required.
precautions in this owner’s manual. To help prevent the vehicle from falling
over, park it on a firm, level surface,
using the center stand to provide

36 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

• Be sure the rear brake lock is set before TOOL KIT
running the engine while the vehicle is The tool kit (1) is located in the center
supported by the center stand. This will compartment (2).
prevent the rear wheel from spinning
and avoid the possibility of someone Some road side repairs, minor adjustments
being injured from contacting the wheel. and parts replacement can be performed
with the tools contained in the kit.
• To reduce the possibility of a fire or
explosion be careful when working • Driver screw (No.2 +/-)
around petrol or batteries. Use only • Grip
nonflammable solvent, not petrol, to • Wrench plug (16)
clean parts. Keep cigarettes, sparks and
• Spanner 12X14
flames away from the battery and all
fuel-related parts. • Tool bag
Remember that your Honda dealer
knows your vehicle best and is fully
equipped to maintain and repair it.
To ensure the best quality and reliability
use only new genuine Honda parts
or their equivalents for repair and

(1) Tool kit ¼Vwy fdV½

(2) Center compartment ¼laSVj dEikVZesaV½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 37
Perform the pre-ride Inspection (page 26) at each scheduled maintenance period.
The following items require some mechanical knowledge. Certain item (particularly those
marked * and **) may require more technical information and tools. Consult your Honda
* Should be serviced by your Honda dealer, unless the owner has the proper tools and
service data and is mechanically qualified. Refer to the Official Honda Shop Manual.
** In the interest of safety, we recommend these items be serviced only by your Honda
Honda recommends that your Honda dealer should road test your vehicle after each periodic
maintenance is carried out.
NOTES: (1) At higher odometer reading, repeat at the frequency interval established here.
(2) Service more frequently when riding in unusually wet or dusty areas.
(3) Service more frequently when riding in rain or at full throttle.
(4) Replacement requires mechanical skill.

38 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

PRE-RIDE X1000KM 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 REFER
CHECK X1000MI 0.6 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 TO
MONTHS 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 PAGE



The vehicle must be serviced at every 4000 kms or within 4 months whichever is earlier from the date of previous
service. For NOTES refer page 38.
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 39
PRE-RIDE X1000KM 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 REFER
CHECK X1000MI 0.6 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 ANNUAL REGULAR TO
ITEM MONTHS 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 PAGE
The vehicle must be serviced at every 4000 kms or within 4 months whichever is earlier from the date of previous
service. For NOTES refer page 38.

40 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

The color table is attached below. Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 36.
The air cleaner element should be replaced
It is useful during ordering the replacement
at regular intervals (page 39).
Replace more frequently when riding in
Color unusually wet or dusty areas.
S.No. Color 1. Lift up the body cover (page 24).
2. Remove the air cleaner cover (1) by
1. Black NH1
removing the screws (2) - 6 nos.
2. Mat Axis Gray Metallic NH303 3. Remove the Air cleaner (3).
3. Pearl Amazing White NHB63 (3)
4. Imperial Red Metallic R355
5. Trance Blue Metallic B220
6. Majestic Brown Metallic YR329
Mat Selene Silver
7. NHB60

The above color code table helps in

providing the correct color part as per your
vehicle color.
(1) Air cleaner cover ¼,;j Dyhuj doj½
(2) Screws ¼LØwl½ (1)
(3) Air cleaner ¼,;j Dyhuj½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 41
4. Viscous type air filters should be
replaced regularly. Do not reuse it by
Do not clean air cleaner element.
cleaning with solvent to remove dust.
Replacement should be done at regular
The special oil will be lost and filter
becomes dry. As the base filter paper is
coarse, it cannot block fine dust when it
becomes dry.
5. Replace the air cleaner element if it is
excessively dirty, torn or damage. Use
the Honda genuine air cleaner element
or an equivalent air cleaner element
specified for your model. Using the
wrong Honda air cleaner element or a
non-Honda air cleaner element which SECONDARY AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM
is not of equivalent quality may cause Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 36.
premature engine wear or performance
Secondary Air filter cleaning
6. Install the removed parts in the reverse The secondary air filter should be serviced
order of removal. at regular intervals (page 39). Service more
frequently when riding in unusually wet or
dusty areas.
1. Lift up the body cover (page 24).
2. Remove the secondary air filter housing
cover (1) by removing the screw (2).
42 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Remove the secondary air filter (3). CRANKCASE BREATHER
4. Wash the secondary air filter in clean, Refer to the Safety Precautions on Page 36.
nonflammable or high flash point
solvent and let it dry thoroughly. 1. Open the clamp (1) and remove
Never use gasoline or low flash point crankcase breather tube (2) from the
solvents for cleaning the secondary air air cleaner and drain deposits into a
filter. Fire or explosion could result. suitable container .
5. Soak the secondary air-cleaner in engine 2. Periodically clean up breather oil from
oil (SAE 10W-30) until saturated, then breather tube.
squeeze out the excess oil. 3. Reinstall the crankcase breather tube.
6. Install the removed parts in the reverse
Service more frequently when riding in
order of removal.
rain, at full throttle, or after the vehicle
(1) is washed or overturned. Service if the
deposit level can be seen in the transparent
section of the drain tube.

(1) Secondary Air filter housing cover
¼lSds.Mªh ,;j fQYVj gkmftxa doj½
(2) Screw ¼LØw½
(1) Clamp ¼dySEi½
(3) Secondary Air filter ¼lSds.Mªh ,;j fQYVj½
(2) Crankcase breather tube ¼Øsaddsl czhnj V;wc½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 43
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 36. Engine oil quality is the chief factor affecting
Engine Oil engine service life. Change the engine oil
as specified in the maintenance schedule
Good engine oil has many desirable (page 39).
qualities. Use only high detergent, quality
When running in very dusty conditions,
motor oil certified on the container to meet
oil changes should be performed more
or exceed requirements for API Service
frequently than specified in the maintenance
Classification MA.
Please dispose of used engine oil in
Viscosity grade of engine oil should be a manner that is compatible with the
based on average atmospheric temperature environment. We suggest you take it in
in your riding area. The following provides a sealed container to your local recycling
a guide to the selection of the proper grade center or service station for reclamation.
or viscosity of oil to be used at various Do not throw it in the trash or pour it on the
atmospheric temperatures. ground or down a drain.
Used engine oil may cause skin cancer if
repeatedly left in contact with the skin for
prolonged periods. Although this is unlikely
unless you handle used oil on a daily basis,
it is still advisable to thoroughly wash your
hands with soap and water as soon as
possible after handling used oil.

44 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

If a torque wrench is not used for this every other time the oil is changed, or
installation, see your Honda dealer as soon each time if necessary.
as possible to verify proper assembly. Oil Drain Bolt Torque:
Change the engine oil from the engine 24 N.m (2.5 kgf.m, 18 Ibf.ft)
at normal operating temperature and 7. Fill the crankcase with recommended
the vehicle on its center stand to assure grade oil;
complete and rapid draining.
0.7L (0.7 US qt, 0.6 Imp qt)
1. Start the engine and let it idle for 3-5
minutes. 8. Reinstall the oil filler cap/dipstick.
2. Stop the engine. Turn the ignition off 9. Start the engine and let it idle for 3-5
and to be on safer side remove the minutes.
ignition key from ignition switch. 10. Stop the engine and wait 2-3 minutes.
3. Place an oil drain pan under the crankcase. Check that the oil level is at the upper
Remove the oil filler cap/dipstick, oil drain level mark on the dipstick with the
bolt (1) and sealing washer (2). vehicle upright on firm, level ground.
4. After the engine oil has been drained Make sure there are no oil leaks.
out hold the vehicle upright for 10-15
seconds to assure complete draining. (1)
5. Operate the kickstarter several times
to aid in complete draining of the
remaining oil. (2)
6. Check that the sealing washer on the
drain bolt is in good condition and install (1) Oil drain bolt ¼vkW;y Mªsu cksYV½
the bolt. Replace the sealing washer (2) Sealing washer ¼lhfyax ok”kj½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 45
ENGINE OIL STRAINER SCREEN 5. Install the oil strainer screen spring,
1. To drain the oil, remove the oil filler O-ring and oil strainer screen cap.
cap/ dipstick, oil drain bolt and sealing Oil Strainer Screen Cap Torque:
washer (page 45). 20 N.m (2.0 kgf.m, 14 Ibf.ft)
2. Remove the oil strainer screen cap (1),
6. Fill the crankcase with the recommended
spring (2), oil strainer screen (3) and
grade oil;
O-ring (4).
3. Clean the oil strainer screen. 0.8L (0.8 US qt, 0.7 Imp qt)
4. Check that the oil strainer screen, 7. Reinstall the oil filler cap/dipstick.
sealing rubber and O-ring are in good 8. Start the engine and let it idle for 3-5
condition. minutes.
9. Stop the engine and wait for 2-3
minutes. Check that the oil level is at
the upper level mark on the oil filler
cap/dipstick with the vehicle upright on
firm, level ground. Make sure that there
are no oil leaks.

(2) (3) (4)
(1) Oil strainer screen cap ¼vkW;y LVªsauj LØhu dSi½
(2) Spring ¼fLizax½
(3) Oil strainer screen ¼vkW;y LVªsauj LØhu½
(4) O-ring ¼O&fjax½

46 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

SPARK PLUG 6. Check the spark plug gap (3) using a
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 36. wire gauge. If adjustment is necessary,
bend the side electrode (4) carefully.
Recommended spark plug for standard
performance: The gap should be:
0.8–0.9 mm (0.031–0.035 in)
(Part No. 31917-KWP-D01)
Never use a spark plug with an improper
heat range. Severe engine damage could
1. Lift-up the body cover (page 24). (1)
2. Disconnect the spark plug cap (1) from
the spark plug (2). (3)
3. Clean any dirt from around the spark
plug base. (4)
4. Remove the spark plug using the spark
plug wrench furnished in the tool kit.
5. Inspect the electrodes and center
porcelain for deposits, erosion or carbon
(1) Spark plug cap ¼LikdZ Iyx dSi½
fouling. If the erosion or deposit is
heavy, replace the plug. Clean a carbon (2) Spark plug ¼LikdZ Iyx½
or wet fouled plug with a plug cleaner, (3) Spark plug Gap ¼LikdZ Iyx xSi½
otherwise use a wire brush. (4) Side Elecrode ¼lkbM bySDVªksM½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 47
7. With the plug washer attached thread ENGINE IDLE SPEED
the spark plug in by hand prevent cross- Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 36.
threading. The engine must be at normal operating
8. Tighten the spark plug: temperature for accurate idle speed
• If the old plug is good, tighten it adjustment. Ten minutes of stop-and-go
1/8 turn after it seats. riding is sufficient.
1. Warm up the engine, and place the
• If installing a new plug, tighten it
vehicle on its center stand.
twice to prevent loosening:
2. Lift up the body cover (page 24).
a) First tighten the plug: 3. Connect a tachometer to the engine.
NGK:3/4 turn after it seats. 4. Adjust idle speed with the throttle stop
b) Then loosen the plug. screw (1).
c) Next, tighten the plug again: Idle speed (In neutral) :
1/8 turn after it seats. 1,700 ± 100 min-1 (rpm)


Improperly tightened of spark plug may

damage the engine. (B)
9. Reinstall the spark plug cap.

(2) Throttle stop screw ¼FkzkWVy LVkWi LØq½

(A) Increase ¼c<+kuk½ (B) Decrease ¼?kVkuk½
48 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
WHEEL REMOVAL (5) (11) (10)
(9) (4)
Refer to the Safety Precautions on Page 36. (3)
Front Wheel Removal
1. Place the vehicle on its center stand.
2. Raise the front wheel off the ground by
pressing from rear side.
3. Remove the pivot arm cover (1) from
both side by removing the screw (2).
4. Remove the speedometer cable (3) by (12)
pushing the tab (4). (8) (7) (1)
5. Disconnect and remove the brake arm (2)
joint spring (5).
6. Remove the brake adjusting nut (6)
and remove the brake cable (7), brake (1) Pivot arm cover ¼ihoV vkeZ doj½
arm joint (8) from the front brake arm (2) Screw ¼LØq½
(9). (3) Speedometer cable ¼LihMksehVj dscy½
7. Remove the front axle nut (10). (4) Tab ¼VSc½
8. Remove the front axle shaft (11), collar (5) Brake arm joint spring ¼cszd vkeZ TokbaV Lizhax½
(12) and the wheel. (6) Brake adjusting nut ¼czsd ,MtfLVxa uV½
(7) Brake cable ¼czsd dscy½
(8) Brake arm joint ¼cszd vkeZ TokbaV½
Brake arm joint spring must be removed (9) Front Brake arm ¼ÝaV cszd vkeZ½
from brake arm joints before removing (10) Front axle nut ¼ÝaV ,Dly uV½
(11)Front axle shaft ¼ÝaV ,Dly “kk¶V½
brake cable and brake arm.
(12)Collar ¼dkWyj½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 49
Front Wheel Installation 4. Adjust the brake (page 11 - 13).
1. Position the wheel between the fork 5. After installing the wheel, apply the
legs and insert the front axle from the brake several times and then check if
left side, through the left fork leg, front the wheel rotates freely. Recheck the
brake panel, wheel hub, collar and right wheel if the brake drags or if the wheel
fork leg. does not rotate freely.
Make sure that the tang (13) on the left If a torque wrench was not used for
front fork leg is located in the slot (14) installation, see your Honda dealer as
in the brake panel. soon as possible to verify proper assembly.
2. Tighten the front axle nut to the Improper assembly may lead to loss of
specified torque. braking capacity.
59 N.m (6.0 kgf.m, 43 Ib f. ft) Rear Wheel Removal/Installation
3. Install speedometer cable, brake cable, 1. Place the vehicle on its center stand.
brake arm joint, brake adjusting nut, 2. Remove the rear wheel nut (1) and
brake arm joint spring in the reverse washer (2) by applying rear brake
order of removal 3. Remove the rear wheel.
4. Installation is in the reverse order of


(1) Nut ¼uV½

(13) Tang ¼VSax½ (14) Slot ¼LykV½ (2) Washer ¼ok”kj½
50 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 36. Refer to the safety precautions on page 36.
The front and rear brakes are equipped
with brake wear indicators. It is not necessary to check the battery
When the brake is applied, an arrow mark electrolyte level or add distilled water as
(1) attached to the brake arm (2) moves the battery is a maintenance-free (sealed)
toward a reference mark (3) on the brake type. If your battery seems weak and/or is
panel (4). If the arrow aligns with the leaking electrolyte (causing hard starting
reference mark on full application of the or other electrical troubles), contact your
brake, the brake shoes must be replaced. Honda dealer or battery manufacturer.
See your Honda dealer for this service.
When the brake service is necessary, see Your battery is maintenance-free type and
your Honda dealer. Use only genuine Honda can be permanently damaged if the cap
parts or its equivalent. strip is removed.
Front (1) Rear (4)
This symbol on the battery
means that this product must
not be treated as household
Battery contains lead, which is a hazardous
(1) Arrow mark ¼,Sjks ekdZ½ (2)
material and if improperly disposed, can
(2) Brake arm ¼czsd vkeZ½
(3) Reference mark ¼jsQjsUl ekdZ½ be harmful to the environment and human
(4) Brake panel ¼czsd iSuy½ health.
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 51
Always return the used maintenance-free 4. Disconnect the negative (–) terminal
battery to the Honda dealer. lead (3) from the battery first, then
disconnect the positive (+) terminal
lead (4).
5. Remove the battery (5).
The battery gives off explosive hydrogen
6. Installation can be done in the reverse
gas during normal operation.
order of removal.
A spark or flame can cause the battery
to explode with enough force to kill or
seriously hurt you. (4)

Wear protective clothing and a face

shield or have a skilled mechanic do the (5)
battery maintenance.
Keep children away from the battery.
1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
2. Remove the front center cover (1) Battery holder ¼cSVjh gksYMj½
(page 25). (2) Bolt ¼cksYV½
3. Remove the battery holder (1) by (3) Negative (–) terminal lead ¼uSxfs Vo (-) VfeZuy yhM½
removing the bolt (2). (4) Positive (+) terminal lead ¼ikWftfVo (+) VfeZuy yhM½
(5) Battery ¼cSVjh½
52 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 36. 1. Turn the ignition switch OFF before
When frequent fuse failure occurs, it usually checking or replacing the fuses to
prevent an accidental short-circuit.
indicates a short circuit or an overload in the
electrical system. See your Honda dealer for 2. Remove the front center cover
repair. (page 25).
3. Open the fuse box cover (2) and lift out
the fuse (3) from the fuse box. If fuse
Never use a fuse with a different rating blown, install a new fuse.
from that specified. Serious damage to 4. The spare fuse (4) is located in the fuse
the electrical system or a fire may result, box. (2)
causing a dangerous loss of lights or (1) (3)
engine power.
Blown fuse ¼Cyksu ¶;wt½


Fuse Box:
The fuse box (1) is located near the battery. (1) Fuse box ¼¶;wt cksDl½
The specified fuse is: (2) Fuse box cover ¼¶;wt cksDl doj½
(3) Fuse ¼¶;wt½
Main fuse 15A
(4) Spare fuse ¼Lis;j ¶;wt½
Sub fuse 10A
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 53
Install the fuse properly. A loose fuse BULB REPLACEMENT
could cause damage to the electrical Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 36.
system and even cause a fire.
The light bulb becomes very hot while the
5. Close the fuse box cover properly, after
light is ON, and remain hot for a while after
replacing the fuse.
it is turned OFF. Be sure to let it cool down
6. Install the front center cover.
before servicing.
If you do not have a replacement fuse with
• Be sure to turn the ignition switch OFF
the proper rating for the circuit, install one
when replacing the bulb.
with a lower rating.
• Do not use bulbs other than those
Replacing a fuse with one that has a • After installing a new bulb, check that
higher rating greatly increases the chance the light operates properly.
of damage to the electrical system.

If the replacement fuse of the same rating

burns out in a short time, there is probably
a serious electrical problem on your vehicle.
Leave the blown fuse in that circuit and
have your vehicle checked by your Honda

54 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

Headlight Bulb Position Light Bulb
1. Remove the headlight case (page 26). 1. Remove the headlight case (page 26).
2. Remove the dust cover (1). 2. Remove the position light bulb holder (1).
3. Remove the headlight bulb (2) while
3. Remove the position light bulb (2) by
pressing down the locking pin (3).
pulling it .
4. Install a new bulb in the reverse order
of removal. 4. Install a new bulb in the reverse order of
• Install the dust cover with its “TOP”mark (1) (2)
(4) facing up.



(1) Dust cover ¼MLV doj½

(2) Headlight bulb ¼gsMykbZV cYc½
(3) Locking Pin ¼ykWfdxa fiu½
(1) Bulb holder ¼cYc gksYMj½
(4) “Top” mark ¼VkWi ekdZ½
(2) Position light Bulb ¼iksft”ku ykbZV cYc½

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 55

Stop/Tail Light Bulb Front Turn Signal Bulb
1. Insert hand from body cover rear side, 1. Remove the headlight case (page 26).
above rear fender area and remove 2. Remove the turn signal bulb holder (1)
tail signal bulb holder (1) by turning by turning counterclockwise.
3. Remove the bulb (2) from bulb holder
2. Remove the bulb (2) from bulb holder by pressing in and turning counter
by pressing in and turning counter clockwise.
4. Install a new bulb in the reverse order
3. Install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal.
of removal.
(2) (1)
(2) (1)

(1) Taillight bulb holder ¼VsyykbZV cYc gksYMj½

(1) Turn signal bulb holder ¼VuZ flXuy cYc gksYMj½
(2) Taillight Bulb ¼VsyykbZV cYc½
(2) Bulb ¼cYc½

56 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

Rear Turn Signal Bulb CLEANING
1. Insert hand from body cover rear side, Clean your vehicle regularly to protect the
above rear fender area and remove surface finishes and inspect for damage,
turn signal bulb holder (1) by turning wear, and oil leakage.
counterclockwise. Avoid cleaning products that are not
2. Remove the bulb (2) from bulb holder specifically designed for vehicle or automobile
by pressing in and turning counter surfaces.
clockwise. They may contain harsh detergents or
3. Install a new bulb in the reverse order chemical solvents that could damage the
of removal. metal, paint, and plastic on your vehicle.
(2) If your vehicle is still warm from recent
operation, give the engine and exhaust
system time to cool off.
We recommend avoiding the use of high
pressure water spray (typical in coin
operated car washes).

High pressure water (or air) can damage

certain parts of the vehicles.
(1) Turn signal bulb holder ¼VuZ flXuy cYc gksYMj½
(2) Bulb ¼cYc½

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 57

Washing the vehicle 4. After cleaning, rinse the vehicle thoroughly
with plenty of clean water. Strong
1. Rinse the vehicle thoroughly with cool
detergent residue can corrode alloy parts.
water to remove loose dirt.
5. Dry the vehicle start the engine, and let
2. Clean the vehicle with a sponge or soft
it run for several minutes.
cloth using cool water.
Avoid directing water to muffler outlets
and electrical parts.
3. Clean the plastic parts using a cloth
or sponge dampened with a solution
of mild detergent and water. Rub the
soiled area gently rinsing it frequently
with fresh water.
Take care to keep chemical solvents
off the vehicle. They will damage the
plastic and painted surfaces.
The inside of the headlight lens, tail lamp,
indicators etc. May be clouded immediately
after washing the vehicle. Moisture
condensation inside the headlight lens
will disappear gradually by lighting the
6. Test the brakes before riding the vehicle.
headlight in high beam. Run the engine
Several applications may be necessary
while keeping the headlight on.
to restore normal braking performance.

58 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

Braking efficiency may be temporarily impaired Finishing Touches
immediately after washing the vehicle. After washing your vehicle, consider using a
commercially-available spray cleaner/ polish
or quality liquid or paste wax to finish the job.
Use only a nonabrasive polish or wax made
specifically for motorcycles or automobiles.
Apply the polish or wax according to the
instructions on the container.
Removing Road Salt
The salt contained in the road surface
freezing prevention medicine which a road
was sprayed with in winter, and the seawater
becomes the cause which rust occurs in.
Wash your vehicle by the following point
after it runs through such a place.
1. Clean the vehicle using cool water (page
Do not use warm water.
Anticipate longer stopping distance to avoid This worsens the effect of the salt.
a possible accident.
2. Dry the vehicle and the surface of the
metal is protected with the wax.

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 59

Extended storage, such as for winter, Petrol is highly flammable and explosive.
requires that you take certain steps You can be burned or seriously injured
to reduce the effects of deterioration while handling the same.
from non-use of the vehicle. In addition
necessary repairs should be made BEFORE • Stop the engine and keep heat, sparks,
storing the vehicle, otherwise, these repairs and flame away.
may be forgotten by the time the vehicle is • Refuel only outdoors.
removed from storage.
• Wipe up spills immediately.
1. Change the engine oil.
3. To prevent rusting in the cylinder,
2. Empty the fuel tank into an approved perform the following :
petrol container using a commercially
• Remove the spark plug cap from the
available hand siphon or an equivalent
spark plug. Using tape or string, secure
method. Spray the inside of the tank
the cap to any convenient plastic body
with an aerosol rust-inhibiting oil.
part so that it is positioned away from
Reinstall the fuel filler cap on the tank. the spark plug.
If storage will last more than one month • Remove the spark plug from the engine
carburetor draining is very important, to and store it in a safe place. Do not connect
assure proper performance after storage. the spark plug to the spark plug cap.

60 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

• Pour a tablespoon (15-20 cm³) of clean REMOVAL FROM STORAGE
engine oil into the cylinder and cover
1. Uncover and clean the vehicle.
the spark plug hole with a piece of cloth.
2. Change the engine oil if more than 4
• Crank the engine several times to
months have passed since the start of
distribute the oil.
• Reinstall the spark plug and spark plug
3. Check the battery voltage and charge
the battery as required. Install the
4. Remove the battery. Store in an area battery.
protected from freezing temperatures and
4. Drain any excess aerosol rust-inhibiting
direct sunlight.
oil from the fuel tank. Fill the fuel tank
5. Wash and dry the vehicle. Wax all with fresh petrol.
painted surfaces. Coat chrome with rust
5. Perform all Pre-ride Inspection checks
inhibiting oil.
(page 26).
6. Inflate the tyres to their recommended
Test ride the vehicle at low speeds in a safe
pressures. Place the vehicle on blocks to
riding area away from traffic.
raise both tyres off the ground.
7. Cover the vehicle (don’t use plastic or
other coated materials) and store in
an unheated area, free of dampness
with a minimum of daily temperature
variation. Do not store the vehicle in
direct sunlight.

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 61

Overall length---------------------------------------- 1761 mm (69.3 in)
Overall width----------------------------------------- 710 mm (28.0 in)
Overall height---------------------------------------- 1149 mm (45.2 in)
Wheelbase-------------------------------------------- 1238 mm (48.7 in)
Dry weight-------------------------------------------- 104 kg (229 lbs)
Kerb weight------------------------------------------ 108 kg (238 lbs)
Engine Oil After draining-------------- 0.7 L (0.7 US qt, 0.6 Imp qt)
After disassembly--------- 0.8 L (0.8 US qt, 0.7 Imp qt)
Fuel tank--------------------------------------------- 5.3 L (1.4 US gal, 1.17 Imp gal)
Transmission oil After draining-------------- 0.10 L (0.11 US qt, 0.09 Imp qt)
After disassembly---------- 0.12 L (0.13 US qt, 0.11 Imp qt)
Rider capacity---------------------------------------- Rider and one pillion rider
Maximum weight capacity--------------------------- 162 kg (357 lbs)
Bore and stroke-------------------------------------- 50.0 x 55.6 mm (1.97 x 2.19 in)
Compression ratio------------------------------------ 9.5 : 1
Displacement ---------------------------------------- 109.2 cm³ (6.66 cu-in)
Spark Plug-------------------------------------------- MR7C-9N (NGK)
(Part No. 31917-KWP-D01)
Spark plug gap--------------------------------------- 0.80 - 0.90 mm (0.031 - 0.035 in)
Idle speed-------------------------------------------- 1,700 ± 100 min-1 (rpm)
62 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Chassis and Suspension
Caster------------------------------------------------- 27°30’
Trail--------------------------------------------------- 92 mm (3.5 in)
Tyre size, Front -------------------------------------- 90/100-10 53J
Tyre size, Rear--------------------------------------- 90/100-10 53J
Power Transmission
Primary drive type----------------------------------- V-Belt
Final reduction--------------------------------------- 10.117
Battery------------------------------------------------12V 3Ah (MF)
Generator---------------------------------------------0.13kW/ 5,000 min-1 (rpm)
Headlight---------------------------------------------12V, 35/35W
Position light-----------------------------------------12V, 5Wx1
Stop/tail light-----------------------------------------12V, 21/5W
Turn signal light Front------------------ 12V, 21W
Rear------------------ 12V, 21W
Speedometer light----------------------------------- 12V, 1.7Wx2
Turn signal indicator--------------------------------- 12V, 3Wx2
High beam indicator--------------------------------- 12V, 1.7W
Main fuse--------------------------------------------- 15A
Sub fuse---------------------------------------------- 10A

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 63

64 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Valid in India only
Warranty Policy
Honda Motorcycle & Vehicle India (Pvt.) Ltd. (HMSI) gives the following warranty in respect of vehicle
“Activa 4G” manufactured by them.
Proper care and precaution has been taken to ensure the best quality in respect of the material and
workmanship in manufacturing “Activa 4G”.
HMSI would repair or replace at its discretion, those part(s) found to have manufacturing defects during
examination. This repair or replacement of part(s) would be done free of charge at their authorised
workshop, within a warranty period of 24 months from the date of sale or until the vehicle has covered
24000kms, whichever comes first.
Warranty claims in respect of proprietary parts like tyres and battery are warranted by their respective
manufacturers and should be claimed on them directly by customer.
NOTE: Battery Warranty is applicable from 21 months from Date Of Charging at manufacturer or 18
Months from the Date Of Sale or 20000 Kms whichever is earlier.
In all such cases the decision of the respective manufacturer will be final and binding.
HMSI shall not be liable in any manner to replace them though their dealers will give full assistance in
preferring such claims on their manufacturers.
HMSI undertake no liability in the matter of consequential loss or damage caused due to the failure
of the parts. Delay, if any, at the repairing workshop in carrying out repair to vehicle shall not be a
ground for extending the warranty period nor shall it give any right to the customer for claiming any
compensation for damages.
HMSI reserves the right either to repair or replace the defective part.
Where a defective part can replaced by part/s of alternative brand/s, which are normally used by HMSI
in the course of manufacturing, HMSI reserves the right to carry out the replacement by a part or parts
of any such alternative brands.

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 65

Valid in India only
This warranty and any claim arising there from is subject to Gurgaon jurisdiction only.
No claim for exchange or repair can be consider unless the customer:
a. Ensures that immediately upon discovery bent), Bushes, Fasteners, Shims, Washers
of the defect, he approaches any nearest and Electrical Items like Bulbs, Rubber
authorised dealer of HMSI with the concerned and Plastic Components like Grommets,
vehicle and enables him to remove and O-Rings,Bellows as well as Packings, Gaskets,
dispatch the part/parts attributing to Oil Seals and Consumables like Fuel Filter,
manufacturing defect to the company. Air Cleaner Element, Engine Oil, Grease,
b. Produces Owner’s Manual in original, to enable Suspension Oil and other items as specified
that dealer to verify the details. It must be by HMSI.
expressly understood that claims forwarded 4. Fasteners and clips which needs replacement
directly to us by the owner/customer will not during maintenance/service will not be covered
be entertained at all and such defective part/ under warranty.
parts thus forwarded by them will lie at our 5. If there is any damage to the painted surface
factory at their own risk, and this warranty due to industrial pollution or other extraneous
shall not be enforceable. factors.
Further this warranty is not applicable to: 6. Any damage resulting from unavoidable
1. Any “Activa 4G” on which any free and paid natural disaster i.e fire collision, earthquake,
services has not been carried out, as per flood etc.
schedule given in Owner’s Manual. 7. Any damage caused by exposure of the
2. Normal maintenance operations like valve product to soot and smoke, chemical agents,
adjustment, cleaning of fuel system, engine bird-droppings, sea water, sea breeze, or
tune-up or such other adjustments. other environmental phenomenon.
3. HMSI does not warrant normal wear and tear 8. If there is any damage caused due to usage of
items like Clutch Disc, Chain, Chain Sprocket, improper oil/grease, non genuine parts.
Wheel Rim (in case of misalignment and

66 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

Valid in India only
9. For two-wheelers, which have been used for any obligations to install the same on a
any commercial purposes as taxi etc. vehicle previously supplied and sold. Also
10. For maintenance repairs required due to the conditions of this warranty are subject to
misuse while driving or due to adulteration of alteration without any notice.
oil, petrol or due to bad road conditions. This warranty is entirely written
11. Recommended fuel quality not used. warranty given by HMSI for
12. Parts of the vehicle that have been subjected to “Activa 4G” and no other person, including
misuse, accident, negligent treatment or which the dealer or its or his agent or employee is
have been used in conjunction with parts and an authorised to extend or enlarge this warranty.
equipment not manufactured or recommended This warranty is given in lieu of and excludes
for use by HMSI if in the sole judgment of HMSI, every condition or warranty whether statutory
such use prematurely affects the performance or otherwise not herein expressly set out.
and reliability of the vehicle.
13. Parts of the vehicle that have been altered or
modified or replaced in unauthorized manner, Subject to other terms of the warranty policy
and which in the sole judgment of HMSI affect and other conditions and obligations laid down
its performance and reliability. hereunder, the manufacturer certifies that the
14. The vehicle that has not been serviced by components liable to affect the emission of the
HMSI authorised dealer as per the service gaseous pollutants in the vehicle in normal use
schedule or which have not been operated or despite the use to which it may be subjected,
maintained in accordance with instructions comply with provisions of rule 115(2) of the
mentioned in the Owner’s Manual. Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 and further
warrants that if on examination by a service
15. The vehicles used for any competition or race center duly authorized by the manufacturer, the
and/or for attempting to set up any kind of vehicle is discovered to be failing to meet the
record HMSI reserves the right to make any emission standard as specified in the said rule,
changes in design or to add any improvement the authorized service center shall take such
on the vehicle at any time without incurring corrective measures as may be necessary and
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 67
Valid in India only
shall at its sole discretion replace free of charge emission standard as specified in sub-rule (2)
such components of emission control system as of Rule No 115 of the Central Motor vehicle
are specified in schedule. Rules.
A. Conditions 4. The warranty claim will be accepted only after
1. This warranty will be in addition to and run the examinations carried out by Authorized
parallel to the product warranty given by the Service Centers leads to a firm conclusion
manufacturer and will apply to components as that none of the original settings have been
mentioned later. This warranty is applicable tampered with and that the components
in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai with as mentioned in annexure-II has/have
effective from 1st July 2001. Other places a manufacturing defect, and/or, that the
when included will be covered under warranty vehicle is unable to meet the in-use emission
accordingly. standard, in spite of the vehicle being
maintained and used in accordance with the
2. The period of the vehicle’s emission warranty instructions in the owner’s manual.
will be determined starting from the date
of the vehicle sale. The period of time and 5. The methods of examination to determine the
kilometers that are covered under the warrantable condition of the components will
provisions of warranty may vary but should be at the sole discretion of manufacturers and
not be less than the minimum warranty or their Authorized service centers and results
period based on the vehicle category. of such examination will be final and binding.
If, on examination, a warrantable condition is
For a two-wheeler the emission warranty not established, the manufacturers will have
period is 30,000 kms or 3 years whichever to charge all, or part, of the cost of such
is earlier. examination.
3. Warranty claim for the components under 6. In case of a vehicle in which the components
Emission warranty as per annexure–II will be covered under Emission warranty, the
admitted, for a prima facie examination, in manufacturer will replace, at Authorized
the event of failure of the vehicle to meet the centers free of charge, the components which

68 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

Valid in India only
are covered as mentioned in Annexure–II, 10 The manufacturer will not be responsible
but the consumables as mentioned in Owner’s for the cost of transportation of the vehicle
Manual shall be charged as per actuals. to the nearest Authorized Service center or
7. In case of a vehicle in which the components any loss due to non-availability of the vehicle
covered under Emission warranty or the during the period of lodging of a warranty
associated parts are not independently claim and examination by the manufacturer
replaceable on account of their being and repairs.
integral parts of a complete assembly, the 11. The manufacturer will not be responsible
manufacturer will have the sole discretion to for any penalties that may be charged by
replace either the entire assembly or by using statutory authorities on account of failure to
some of the parts of the system through comply with the in use emission standards.
suitable repairs or modifications. 12.
Emission warranty will be applicable
8. Any consequential repairs or replacement irrespective of the change of ownership of
of parts which may be found necessary to the vehicle provided all the conditions as laid
establish compliance to in-use emission down in this document are met from the date
standards, in addition to replacement of of original sale of the vehicle.
the parts covered under emission warranty, 13. The emission warranty will be applicable only
will not be made free of cost unless such if:
parts are also found to be in a warrantable
a. Observes all the important
condition within the scope and limit of the
instructions and any other
product warranty. The consumables shall be
precautions listed in the Owner’s
charged as per actuals during such repairs or
Manual for use of the vehicle.
replacement of parts.
b. Under all circumstances uses
9. All the parts removed for replacement lubricants and fuel as recommended
under warranty will be the property of the by manufacturer.

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 69

Valid in India only
c. Regularly obtains and carries out g. Produces receipts covering
maintenance in accordance with the maintenance of the vehicle as
manufacturers guidelines and specified in the Owner’s Manual
enters the details in the Logbook. from the date of original purchase of
d. Immediately approaches the the vehicle.
nearest authorized service center h. Produces valid certificate of
upon discovery of failure to comply insurance and RTO registration.
with the in use emission standards
Conditions under which warranty is not
in spite of having maintained and
used the vehicle in accordance with
the instructions in the Owner’s A valid ‘Pollution Under Control’ certificate as
Manual and having carried out such described in customer obligation D(6) above
repairs and adjustments as may be is not produced.
required with a view to establish A vehicle which is not serviced by Authorized
such compliance. service center as per the service schedule
e. Produces the ‘Pollution Under described in the maintenance chart given in
Control’ certificate valid for the the Owner’s Manual.
period immediately preceding the A vehicle, which has been subjected to
test during which the failure is abnormal use, abuse, neglect and improper
discovered, the test having been maintenance or has met with an accident.
carried out either for obtaining a Use of replacement parts not specified and
new certificate, or pursuant upon approved by the manufacturer.
being directed by an officer as
referred to in sub-rule(2) of Rule A vehicle, or parts thereof, which has been
116 of the Central Motor Vehicle altered, tampered with or modified or
Rules. replaced in an unauthorized manner.
f. Produces the Owner’s Manual and
Log book for verification details.
70 ACTIVA 4G Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Valid in India only
A vehicle on which the odometer is not SCOPE AND LIMITS
functioning or the odometer has been
1. This emission warranty is in addition to
changed/tampered with so that the actual
product warranty and shall run parallel to
mileage cannot be readily determined.
the product warranty for the vehicle as per
A vehicle which has been used for the scope and limit described in the Owner’s
competitions, races, rallies or for the purpose Manual and all conditions described there
of establishing records. in will apply in addition to those exclusively
Examination by the manufacturers or his stipulated in this warranty.
Authorized Service Centers of the vehicle 2. The emission warranty covers only compliance
shows that any of the conditions stipulated with the emission standard as specified in the
in the Owner’s Manual with regard to use and sub rule (2) of rule 115 of CMVR. It does not
maintenance have been violated. cover any other performance of these parts
A vehicle, which has been run on, adulterated or routine test and consequent maintenance
fuel, leaded fuel or lubricant or fuel/ or adjustments to establish compliance to the
lubricants other than those specified by the in use emission standard as applicable to the
manufacturer in the Owner’s Manual with state, in which the vehicle is registered and is
regard to use and maintenance have been in use.
violated. The parts, which are covered under emission
warranty, are carburetor and internal parts,
intake manifold, distributor and internal parts,
ignition coil, muffler etc.
NOTE: The emission warranty is applicable only
when a customer enters into emission warranty

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. ACTIVA 4G 71

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