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2018 年 6 月

Case 1 Fast-Track inc.......................................................................1

Case 2 Fabtek..................................................................................5

Case 3 Genova Vending Machines...................................................7

Case 4 The voice of business...........................................................9
Case 5 European Campers............................................................12
Case 6 Work, rest and play............................................................15
Case 7 Auric Bank.........................................................................18
Case 8 Acquiring Metrot...............................................................21
Case 9 Focus Advertising..............................................................24
Case 10 Visitors from China..........................................................27
Case 11 Marcia Lee Jeans..............................................................30
Case 12 Product............................................................................33
Case 13 Caferoma.........................................................................36
Case 14 ICON................................................................................38
Case 15 Auric Bank.......................................................................40
Case 16 Acquiring Metrot.............................................................42
Case 17 Angel Investments............................................................44
Case 18 Focus Advertising............................................................46
Case 19 Visitors from China..........................................................49
Case 20 Slim Gyms........................................................................51
Case 21 Ashbury Guitars...............................................................54
Case 22 Brookfield Airport...........................................................55
Case 23 Livewires.........................................................................57
Case 24 Orbit Records..................................................................59
Case 1 Fast-Track inc

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to work as the members of the
interview team to decide who is most competed for the position as sales
manager with the subsidiary in Varsaw, Poland of a Fast-Track inc. based in
Boston. The subsidiary which has advertised the vacancy before only inside
the company had a poor performance in recent sales with 30% below targets.
The possible reasons may includes:

 Sales representatives are not motivated and staff turnover is high.

 The previous manager had no clear strategy for developing sales in the
 Very few sales contracts were made.

Students are responsible for the interviewing and checking of the candidates’
curriculum vitae.

 Tasks for Students

1. Read the job description for the position and consider what the most
important skills are for a sales manager?
2. Work in groups. You are members of the interviewing team. Discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of each candidate. Decide who to select for the
vacant position. Note down the reasons for your choice.
3. Meet as one group. Discuss your choice. Decide who should fill the vacant

 Background Information
Job description extract

The successful candidate will be responsible for:

 Developing sales, achieving results and increasing customer numbers
 Managing the sales team so that it is more motivated, dynamic and effective.
 He\She will be:
 Energetic, confident and outgoing
He\She will be:
 Strong sales ability
 Organizational and interpersonal skills
 A good academic background suitable experience
 Numeracy skills and the ability to handle administration
 Linguistic ability
The position will involve frequent travel throughout the region.

Eva Rheinberger
German, aged 42
Education University degree(History)
Experience Over 15 years as a sale representative in Germany, the US and Poland.
Joined Fast- Track a year ago
Achievements a good sales record in all her previous jobs, In her first year with Fast-
Track her sales results have been satisfactory.
Language Fluent German, English and Polish
Interview’s comments Quiet but knows her own mind. Rather nervous at the
interview. Might be good at team building bur would probably depend too much on
other people. Likes administration. Didn’t seem to have many ideas about the future
of the company.

Interview extract

Tadeusz Vajda
Polish, aged 52
Education University degree(Engineering)
Experience Wide experience in a variety of industries .Joined Fast- Track five years
ago as Regional Manager for the south of Poland.
Achievements Has been fairly successful ,increasing sales by 12% over the five-year
Language Fluent Polish and English.
Interview’s comments Very calm and relaxed ,he moves and talks slowly. A hard
worker. Not creative but happy to get ideas from the creative members of a team.
Current staff think is practical and reliable.

Eva Rheinberger
German, aged 42
Education University degree(History)
Experience Over 15 years as a sales representative in Germany, the US and
Poland. Joined Fast-Track a year ago.
Achievements A good sales record in all her previous jobs. In her first year with
Fast-Track her sales results have been satisfactory.
Language Fluent German, English and Polish
Interview’s comments Quiet but knows her own mind. Rather nervous at the
interview. Might be good at team building but would probably depend too much
on other people. Likes administration. Didn’t seem to have many ideas about the
future of the company.

 Assignment for students


Completing this E-mail from the head of interview team to Liz Steiner,
sales Director of Fast-Track. Write about at least three strengths relate to
the job description.

Case 2 Fabtek

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to get familiar with the new
revolutionary type of fabric called protean produced by Fabtek, a small
company based in Hamburg. Recently ,Fabtek contacted Gadget Plc , a
company with over 2000 products and a worldwide network of sales offices.
Gadget has designed and developed many best-selling electronic, household
and automobile products .Fabtek has asked Gadget to come up with new ideas
for using Protean. As the member of a Gadget Plc’s Products Development,
you are responsible for proposing to Fabtek the exciting ideas for using
protean in order to get a licensing agreement.

 Tasks for Students

Work in small groups. You are a member of Gadget’s Product Development
1. Hold a meeting to propose ideas for exciting new products which use
Protean. Use the points in the e-mail as a guide. Discuss the advantage and
disadvantages of each proposal.
2. Choose the three products which you will propose to Fabtek in order to get
a licensing agreement.

 Background Information


1. Made from fibres ..........nylon and polyester ; can be made very thick, or so thin
that it can let some............. Through.
2. It is very soft to the touch,and also ............
3. Can be made in any ...........
Fabtek believes that Protean has great ........
Wants to increase sales by ..........other manufacturers to produce new products with
Already has a licensing agreement with Azra,a ............which has created
some .........using Protean.

Here are three of Azra’s award-winning products

1 ’Dazzle’ ---a range of shoes for young women
Selling points:
 Light and comfortable ----adapt to the shape of a person’s foot
 Their color can be changed at any time
 Shiny, smart and very durable
 Ideal for dancing

2 Protean steering wheel

Selling points:
 Better grip for drivers
 Safer than all other steering wheels
 Very pleasant to the touch
 Low production costs

3 Protean watch straps

Selling points:
 Waterproof and easy to clean
 Anyone can wear them--non-allergic
 More beautiful than other straps
 Light up in the dark

Assignment for students

You are a member of a Gadget Plc’s Products Development .The Chief
Executive of Fabtek Has asked you to write a short report on one of the
products you have chosen. Outline the product’s key features and say why
it presents a commercial opportunity.

Case 3 Genova Vending Machines

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to study the problem of the HR
department of Genova Vending Machines (GVM), a multinational company
based in Zurich, Switzerland which merged with another company 18 months
ago. As a result of the merger, the management:
 Cut the workforce by 15%.
 Introduced open-plan offices.
 Proposed that salary payments and staff recruitment should be done by
outside companies instead of by the Human Resources (HR) Department.
Most staff are now worried about job security and morale is low. In particular,
staff in the HR Department complain of being overworked and severely
stressed. Absenteeism is high and several staff have recently resigned. The
management has asked a group of consultants to study the problem in the HR.
After analyzing the consultants’ findings, you as members of the Stress
Management Team met for an extensive discussion for the recommendations.

 Tasks for Students

1. You are members of the group of consultants studying the problems in
the HR Department. Work in small groups to discuss these questions.
◎Which problems do you think are the most serious?
◎What should the management do to solve the problems?

2. Meet as one group. Work out an action plan to reduce the stress in the
HR Department.

 Background Information

Consultants’ findings

Pressure from the redundancy process
Since last year the HR staff have had to make many colleagues from other
department redundant. Some of the HR staff involved in this have suffered great
emotional strain.
Further staff cuts
There is a new rumor about possible further redundancies. The unions have said
that they will recommend strike action if this happens.


 Assignment for students

As leader of the Stress Management Team, write the Recommendations
section of a report to GVM’ s Managing Director outlining your practical
suggestions for stress management in the HR Department of the company
in both the short and long term.

Case 4 The voice of business

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to work on a plan for a radio
programme to be issued by European Business Associates (EBA), a media
company which makes radio and television programmes for broadcasting
organisations all over the world. They have won a contract to produce a 30-
minute radio programme aimed at working people. It will be broadcast
throughout Europe, in English, at 7.00 a.m. three times a week. The method
of questionnaire is to be applied and focus group opinions are to be collected
while students are trying to make the plan.

 Tasks for Students

Work in groups. You are members of the EBA planning team. You must plan
the first programmme. Use the key questions below to help you.
1.Discuss the key questions.
2.Then discuss any other ideas that you have.
3.Agree on a final plan for the first programme.

 Background Information


EBA sent questionnaires to businesspeople, asking them what they would

like in it. People were asked whether they thought topics were a ) very
interesting, b) quite interesting or c) not interesting. The results are given

Interest in possible topics for the radio program

Topics Very Quite Not interesting
interesting interesting
Company profiles 66% 15% 19%
Profiles of 45% 12% 43%
business people
Interviews with 61% 22% 17%
business people
Business update 72% 19% 9%

The future of 25% 18% 57%
Investment 36% 28% 36%
market tips)
Book reviews 25% 32% 43%
Economic reports 24% 35% 41%
on countries
Advice on 68% 11% 21%
personal finance
Job vacancies 70% 18% 12%
Traffic and 52% 35% 13%
weather reports

Focus groups opinions:

In addition to using questionnaires, EBA held focus groups in a number of
European countries. These were some of the most common opinions.
1 'I want to know what the important news stories will be for that day. You
know, what companies are publishing their annual results, that sort of
thing.Up-to-date news on what's going on in busoness.'
2 'You only need one person to present the ptogramme.Male or female, it
doesn't matter. But they should be an experienced business journalist.'
3 'I'm interested in buying shares. I'd want some good tips. What to buy, what
to sell-that'd be really interesting.'
4 'It would be great if you could give us weather and traffic reports. I'm always
getting stuck in a traffic jam.'

Key questions

 What will be the main components of the programme?

 How long, approximately, will each component be?
 What will be the order of the various items?
 Should there be one or two presenters?
 Male or female? young or old?
 Should there be live interviews with business personalities?

 Assignment for students

As the producer of the new EBA business news programme, write a letter
to famous businessperson asking them for an interview. At the start of
the letter you should introduce yourself and give brief details of the
programme and its aims.

Case 5 European Campers

 Objectives
In this case study, students are required to play the part in a negotiating
meeting trying to find a suitable solution to the problem with a competitive
and controversial top salesman with the company. Skills of persuading and
negotiating are to be applied in an appropriate way.

 Tasks for Students

1. You are negotiating as either:
● Char Holden, Chief Executive

● Todd Foster, Marketing Manager

2. Go through the problems with the salesman Olivier Moyon.

3. You disagree about how to handle the problem with Olivier Moyon.
Try to negotiate a suitable solution. Read your role card, prepare for
your meeting and then negotiate a solution to the problem.

4. Meet as one group and compare the decisions You have taken. Try to
persuade your colleagues that your solution was the best.

 Background Information

◎The company:
The company, which was founded by Charles Holden, its Chief Executive,
is based in Bordeaux, France. It makes and sells camping and outdoor

◎The roles:
●Todd Foster, aged 34, is an American with a Master's in Business
Administration (MBA). Todd became Marketing Manager of European
Campers a year ago. Since Todd joined the company two years ago, profits
have risen dramatically and the company is enjoying great success.
●Charles Holden, The Chief Executive of the company.
Olivier Moyon has been with the company 12 years, and everyone agrees that

he is a brilliant salesman. His results are outstanding. In fact, the sales from
his area amount to 24% of the firm's total sales. Unfortunately, Olivier is very
difficult to manage. Todd cannot control him properly and this causing
problems. Here are some examples of Olivier's unacceptable behavior.
● He crashed his company car. He blamed bad road conditions, but Todd
believes He had drunk too much alcohol.
● He spends far too much money on entertainment and gifts for his
customers. His expenses are much higher than those of all the other
● He has still not introduced Todd to the biggest buyers in his areas. He says
the buyers are too busy to meet Todd.
● He often ignores Todd's phone messages and misses important meetings.
● He only sent five sales reports last year instead of sending 12 (one each

◎The conflict:
Two week ago, Olivier got a large order from a department store chain.
The goods had to be delivered by the end of the month, at the latest. However,
the Production Manager, Jacques Picard, told him that He could not produce
the goods and delivers them by that date. Olivier became very angry and was
extremely rude to him. Jacques complained to Todd about Olivier's behavior.
Jacques explained that a very good customer had placed a very large order,
and this order had to be given priority. Jacques ended the conversation by
saying, 'Olivier may be a good salesman, but he's rude and cares only about
himself. He's impossible to work with.'

 Brainstorming and decision-making

Possible solutions:

 Assignment for students

You are Head of Human Resources at European Campers. Write a
letter to Olivier Moyon, informing him of the result of the meeting
between Charles Holden and Todd Foster.

European Campers
100 avenue de la République
33405 Bordeaux

Dear Mr Moyon
I am writing to inform you of the outcome of the recent meeting between
Charles Holden and Todd Foster. …

Case 6 Work, rest and play

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to do a role play making phone calls
and hold a meeting to discuss the proposals and make a choice of the hotel.

 Tasks for Students

Role play
1. You are either: Manager, ICON’s travel service or Account Manager
for Corporate Travel, Universal Airlines
You should keep these roles throughout the case study.

2. Hold a meeting to discuss the proposals and make a final choice for the
attendants of the seminar.

 Background Information
ICON is a computer software company based in Los Angeles, USA. The
Manager of its company travel service is making arrangements for some
senior managers to attend a seminar in France.
The seminar stats on Friday July 5th and ends on Sunday July 7th. It will
include meetings to discuss work problems and executive games to
encourage teamwork. This is important because the participants are of
different nationalities. The participants will expect to work hard, then
relax, enjoy the amenities of the hotel, explore the surroundings area and
have a really good time. The Manager of ICON’s travel service wants to
book a hotel which is both stylish and value for money.

Information for the proposed hotels

Château Montfort ***
Description: 18th century castle; 35 rooms
Location: In the countryside. Bordeaux - 30 km; airport - 25 km; railway station
- 20m
Restaurant: French cuisine. Excellent vegetarian food.
Price: €200 per room per night. Cost of meals per day: €50
Group discount: 20%
Conference facilities: 1 large room, 3 small rooms. Basic equipment.
Other facilities: Swimming pool, Gym, Bar
Disabled facilities on the ground floor only. No smoking
Entertainment: Free visits to a nightclub (Sat evening).

Hotel Marine ***

Description: Modern hotel; 68 rooms
Location: On the seafront in the Bay of Arc chon; Bordeaux - 60km;
airport - 50 km; railway station - 1.5 km
Restaurant: International cuisine. Vegetarian menu available
Price: €150 per room per night. Cost of meals per day:€80.
No discount for groups
Conference facilities: 2 large rooms, 2 smaller rooms. High-techequipment.
Other facilities: Bar, Satellite TV, Modern point, Air conditioning
Smoking areas in hotel lounge only. Disabled facilities on ground
floor only. Outdoor activities including golf, horse-riding,
wind-sufing, dishing and boat trips.

Hotel Splendid ***

Description: Modern hotel (built in 1992); 120 rooms
Location: In Bordeaux city center in a large pedestrian zone. Airport
- 15 km; railways station - 15 km; hotel shuttle bus to and
from the airport
Restaurant: French and Italian cuisine. Vegetarian menu available.
Price: €220 per room per night. Cost of meals per day:€80.
Group discount: 10%
Conference facilities: 1 large rooms, 3 small rooms. Basic equipment.
Other facilities: Bar, Satellite TV, Modern point, Air conditioning
No Smoking. Disabled facilities on all floors.

 Stage and procedure

Stage 1
The Manager of ICON’ s travel service phones the Account Manager for
Corporate Travel at Universal Airlines. He asks Universal to propose three
hotels in France for seminar. The Account Manager of Corporate Travel
asks for more details about the seminar and its participants. Manager,
ICON’s travel service: turn to page 140.
Account Manager, Universal Airlines: turn to page 147.
Read your information files. Then role play the telephone conversation and
arrange to meet one day the following week.

Stage 2

The Manager of ICON’s travel service has to change the date of the
meeting. Read your information files and role play the telephone call.

Stage 3
The Account Manager at Universal Airlines sends information about three
possible hotels for the seminar to the Manager, ICON’s travel service.
They are all in Bordeaux, or in the surrounding area. At the meeting they
discuss the three proposals and choose one of the hotels for the seminar.
Role play the discussion.

 Assignment for students

As the Account Manager for Corporate Travel at Universal Airlines, write an
e-mail to the manager of the hotel chosen for the seminar. Confirm the
booking, giving details of the number of participants, arrival and departure
times, meals, equipment and any other special requirements.

Case 7 Auric Bank

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to conduct a process of decision-
making. Role play as the directors in groups is necessary for students to
discuss the options for the Auric Bank. Compare the options before discussion
about their pros and cons separately and try to persuade the other directors of
your option.

 Tasks for Students

Work in groups of four. You are directors of AB.

1. Choose a role card (pages from 140, 141, 147, 149). Read your role card and
prepare for a
meeting to consider the four options.
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
3. Try to persuade the other directors that your option is the right one for AB.

 Background Information

What have happened to AB

‘We constantly review our business in order to provide customers with
excellent service at competitive price. As part of our reorganization, we’ve
been looking at the cost of customer services. We have a range of options. We
can make changes in-house, outsource call centers to areas within the UK or
outsource off-shore to low-cost countries such as India. ‘
Graham Hammond, Chief Executive, Auric Bank
The Chief Executive made the statement above to group of investors three
weeks ago. Auric Bank (AB) lost £1.5 billion last year because it invested in
unprofitable areas of business. Since the AB has carried out a major review of

its operations. It has concluded that:
1. customers believe AB is charging too much for its services;
2. AB no longer has the image of a ‘caring’ bank which is close to its customers
and understands
their needs;
3. the bank needs to reduce costs to boost its profits and share price.
To cut costs and increase efficiency, AB is now considering a number of
options concerning the location of its call centres.

Problem with the call centers

AB has approximately 2,500 employees working in three large call centres
located in cities in the South of England. The company’s headquarters are in
London. There are four options that the directors of the bank are considering.

Options for the directors

Option 1: Keep the call centres in-house

Keep the call centres in their present locations but try to reduce costs by:
�using more part-time employees
�reducing the hours of business of the centres
�increasing the targets for the number of calls handled per hour
Estimated cost of running the centres for the next five years: �6 million. Estimated
savings by introducing changes above: � million.

Option 2: Outsource the call centres to a company based in South Africa

Use Resource Plc, a Cape Town firm. They can set up the call centres in Cape Town
and run them.
· the firm has an excellent reputation for reliability and good service
· it has a lot of experience in running centres
Cost of the contract with Resource Plc to run the call centres for the next five years:
£8 million.

Option 3: Outsource the call centres to a company based in Scotland

Use Resource Plc, a Scotland firm

�the firm is new; its managers are young
�it has several contracts with big companies
�it is experienced in running call centres
�some customers have complained in newspapers that the lines are always busy
Cost of the contract with Orion Plc to run the call centres for the next five years: �0

Option 4: Outsource the call centres to a company based in India

Use X-source India, a company based in Bangalore.

· X-source India is expanding fast
· it has contracts with several large US companies
· it has no problems hiring staff and its costs are low
Cost of the contract with X-source India to run the call centres for the next five years:
£5.5 million.

 Assignment for students

Write a short report to the Chief Executive giving both a summary of the
four options and your recommendations.

Case 8 Acquiring Metrot

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to study on the capital-labor problem
with the Cornerstone Group who has just taken over another family-owned
company. The change of ownership and the new management style have
caused many problems. Students will hold a meeting with regard to the
problems as the senior managers of the group. A detailed analysis and an
argument on the problems are required.

 Tasks for Students

A meeting of senior managers is called to resolve the problems. There are
two groups at the meeting.
Group A: new managers led by Hugh Whitman.
Group B: senior executive of Metrot who have kept their jobs since the
Each group prepares separately for the meeting. Then hold the meeting as one
The agenda is as follows:
1. Background: Why are staffs resisting the changes?
2. Practical suggestions for improving the situation.
3. What can be learned from this experience to manage change more
effectively in the future?

 Background Information

Company: Cornerstone Group
Workforce: 35,000
Turnover: $4.1bn
Located: Dallas, US

Net profit: 11% of turnover (approx)

Main activities

Providing services and products for the oil industry.

Recent developments
1. Cornerstone will expand sales of Metrot products in Europe.

2. It will use Metrot as a base for launching its own products in Europe.

3. Metrot ‘s biggest asset is its valuable land. Cornerstone could use this to grow the

company or

may sell off some of the land to finance the acquisition.

Metrot is an excellent acquisition for the Cornerstone Group. However, there
may be some problems when a different style of management is introduces
into the French company. Metrot has always been a family-owned company
and its Chief Executive, Jean Metrot, has always taken a personal interest in
all his employees’ welfare.
The new Chief Executive will be Hugh Whitman. He is in his early 30s
and was educated at Harvard University. Whitman used to be Executive Vice
President of the Cornerstone Group. Jean Metrot will remain on the board as
an adviser.

Status quo
It is now nine months later. The change of ownership and the new
management style at Metrot have caused many problems. The e-mail below
illustrates some of the difficulties.

TO... Dan Johnson, Personnel Director

From... Jacques Lafont, Union Organizer

Subject: Staff morale Date: March 18

Staff are very unhappy with the present changes. Productivity has fallen and staff turnover is
high. These are some of the reasons for the staff’s low morale.
Factory inspections
The new managers are always checking up on us and taking notes. No one knows why they
are doing this.
Since June, about 60 employees from the R & D Department have lost their jobs. They were
given no reasons. Everyone thinks this is very unprofessional.
Further changes
Many members of staff are looking for new jobs. They want to move before they are made
redundant. People are afraid that the new management will relocate the factories.
Staff complain about the changes the new management is making. I enclose a list of
comments made by staff.
· ‘ They ’re trying to do everything too fast - a new computer system, making us learn
English, selling in new European markets and bringing out new products.’
· ‘There was a family atmosphere before. The management really cared about us.
Everything was more informal.’
· ‘We don’t know where the company is going. We’ve no idea what our strategy is.’
· ‘We get e-mail messages from Head Office telling us what to do. Surely they can trust the
management over here to make the policies and decisions?’

 Assignment for students

Write the action minutes for the above meeting.

Case 9 Focus Advertising

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to work as the members of an
advertising team at Focus preparing the advertising campaign for the selected
product or service. Knowledge about advertising should be prepared.

 Tasks for Students

You are members of an advertising team at Focus. Prepare an advertising
campaign for one of the products or services. Use the key questions below to
help you. Then present your campaign to the management of the company
concerned. When you are not presenting your campaign, play the role of the
company’s management.
Listen and ask questions. Use the Assessment sheet below to choose:
a) the best campaign concept
b) the most effective presentation

 Background Information

Profile of Focus
Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for
creating imaginative and effective campaigns.
At present, Focus is competing for several contracts. It has been asked to
present ideas for advertising campaigns to the management of the
companies concerned. Concepts are required for the following advertising

A chain of eight restaurants in your country

· The restaurants are in prime location.
· Low fat and vegetarian dishes served in a clean, simply furnished, non-smoking
· Reasonably priced, but not attracting enough customers.
· Target consumer: health-conscious people of all ages.
Aim: A creative campaign to improve sales.
A perfume
· An upmarket perfume.
· Produced by a well-known fashion house.
· Will be endorsed by a famous personality.

· Target consumer: aged 25-40 who enjoy luxury and sophistication.
Aim: Launch the perfume in an English-speaking country.
A sports car
· A high-priced, hand-finished model with a classic design.
· Originally popular in the 1950s and 60s.
· Available in both coupe and soft-top versions.
· Target consumer: high-income executives with a sense of fun and style.
Aim: An international press and TV campaign.

 Questions prepared for each stage


· What is the campaign’s key message?

· What special features does the product or service have?
· What are its USPs (Unique Selling Points)?
· Who is your target audience?
· What media will you use? Several, or just one or two?
If you use:
an advertising -write the text and do rough art work.
a TV commercial -use a storyboard to illustrate your idea.
a radio spot -write the script, including sound effects and music.
other media -indicate what pictures, texts, slogans, etc. will be used.
· What special promotions will you use at the start of the campaign?

Campaign concept
1 Will it get the target audience’s
2 Will it capture their imagination?
3 Does it have a clear, effective message?
4 Will it differentiate the product or
5 Will it persuade the target audience to
buy the product or service?
6 Will the target audience remember the

1 Was it interesting?
2 Was it clear?
3 Was it loud and clear enough? Was it varied in pitch or monotonous?
4 Was the pace too quick, too slow, or just right?
5 Was the language fluent, accurate and appropriate?
6 Did it impress you? Was there enough eye contact?

 Assignment for students

As the leader of one of Focus’s advertising teams, prepare a summary of
your concept for your Managing Director. The summary will be used as a
discussion document at a forthcoming board meeting.

Case 10 Visitors from China

 Objectives
Toyworld is a profitable toy retailer based in Seattle, US, with subsidiaries in
over 30 countries. Toyworld buys its products from suppliers all over the
world. Mr. Lee Chung, lead of a toy manufacturing firm based in Guangdong,
China, is going to visit the Toyworld subsidiary in your country(Suppose
you’re from other countries other than China). Mr. Chung will be
accompanied by his Export Manager, John Wong. The purpose of the visit is
to get to know Toyworls’s management better and learn more about the
company. He may set up a joint venture with Toyworld if he has confidence in
them and considers them to be a suitable partner. This is Mr. Chung and Mr.
Wong’s first visit to your company, and to your country.
In this case study, students are required to work out a draft programme
as the members of the planning committee for Mr. Chung’s visit.

 Tasks for Students

You are members of the planning committee for Mr. Chung’s visit. Read the
documents. Then, plan a draft programme in small groups. After that,
compare your ideas with the rest of the class and produce the final

 Background Information
Hierarchical structure of Toyworld Company

Toyworld Senior Managers

Chief Executive

Managing Director

Finance Marketing Warehouse

Director Director Manager

Personnel Chief Sales Public Relations Advertising Transport and

Manager Accountant Manager Manager Manager Distribution Manager

Chief Buyer
Administrative staff: 82; Warehouse workers: 20
The email to the department of public relations

TO... Manager, Public Relations

From... Chief Executive

Subject: Mr Lee Chung’s visit Date: 2 June

Mr. Lee Chung and Mr. John Wong will arrive at 9:10 a.m. on Monday 20 June and leave on
Thursday 23 June.
When you prepare the draft programme, please schedule a meeting (morning or afternoon)
during which we can discuss our business plans with Mr. Lee Chung and Mr. John Wong. Also,
make sure that our visitors have opportunities to meet our staff and gain a complete
understanding of our business.
The visitors will expect to have some basic information about Toyworld and to be offered
activities which give them an understanding of the company. Please also arrange some social
and cultures activities during their stay.
Above all, we do not want to make any cultural mistakes during the visit. We want
Mr. Lee Chung and Mr. John Wong to leave with an excellent impression of our company and
the way we treat foreign visitors.
To help you plan the visit, please could you attend the talk by Catherine Eng (an expert on
Chinese business culture)

Key questions for the planning

1 Where will the visitors stay?
2 Who will meet them? What transport will be used?
3 What arrangements should be made for meals?
4 When will the business meeting take place?
5 What topics would be suitable for discussion at meals?
6 How will the visitors be entertained? Trips? Special
7 What gifts would be suitable? When and how should
they are given?
8 Should there be local press and television coverage?
9 Is it necessary to provide an interpreter?
10 Any other ideas to develop a good relationship?

 Assignment for students

As Marketing Director at Toyworld, send an e-mail to Mr. Chung with
details of the programme for his visit. The tone of the e-mail should be
friendly and show that you and your colleagues are looking forward to
meeting him soon.

Case 11 Marcia Lee Jeans

 Objectives
In this case study, students are required to go through a decision-making
procedure for Marcia Lee Jeans based in New York.

 Portfolios
Marcia Lee Jeans
Marcia Lee Jeans is based in New York. Its brand is well known in the
United States. The jeans sell in the upper price ranges and appeal to
fashion conscious people aged l5 to40. They are distributed in major
department stores throughout the country- At present, the jeans are made
in the US by a number of factories on the East coast, none of which are
owned by Marcia Lee Jeans. Competition in his segment of the market is
strong, so the company has to keep costs as low as possible in order to
remain profitable.
In the next ten years, Marcia Lee plans to expand in Europe and South-east
Asia so that it becomes a global company. To do this, it has decided to
build its own factory in an overseas country. The factory will have
approximately 2000 workers who will produce the jeans. These workers
will be recruited locally Denim, the raw material which is used to make the
jeans, will be imported from several countries.

 Tasks for Students

You are members of the planning committee which must choose a location
for the new factory.
1. Work in pairs. Discuss the four countries and rank them suitability as
a location.
2. Work in small groups. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
each location.
3. Meet as one group, with one of you leading the discussion. Decide on
which is the most suitable location for the new jeans factory.

 Background Information
The company is considering four countries as a location for the factory.
There is some information about each country. They are code-named A, B,
C and D.
·Growth rate: 2% per year
·Inflation rate: 5%
·Interest rates: 1o% -15%
·Unemployment rate: 25%- 3o%
·The country has a lot of debt and is trying to modernise its economy.
·Good rail network but poor roads
·New international airport
·The main seaport is in poor condition.
·Unskilled labour available. A lot of training needed for jeans production
·No unions in most industries
·Wage rates: very low
The country has a military government. Bribery is common. Political problems: the
people in the north want to become an independent state. The government will
contribute 30% towards the cost of a new factory.
·Growth rate:1.5%
·Inflation: 0.5%
·Interest rates: 8%-10%
·Unemployment rate: 3%
·A modern industrial country with many manufacturing industries
·Has a fully integrated road and rail network
·International airport
·No seaport
·Not a lot of skilled labour available
·Strong unions
·Wage rates: high
·The country has a stable government. It is a member of a large trading group. There are
strict new laws on pollution. There are no tax incentives for building new factories.
Business tax is very high.
·Growth rate:8%
·Inflation rate: 1o%
·Interest rate: 4%-6%
·Unemployment rate: 12%

·Currency exchange rate: unstable
·Good transport around the main seaports
·Small but well-managed airport
·Road network needs investment
·Not much skilled labour available
·Very strong unions in the clothing industry
·Wage rates: low but rising fast
The first free elections for a democratic government were held last year. There are limits
on the profits which companies can takeout of the country. Not much paperwork required
for importing and exporting goods. There is a strong protest movement against
international companies, which are accused of harming local firms.
·Growth rate: 4%
·Inflation rate:5%
·Interest rates: 8%-12%
·Unemployment rate: 12%
·Government encourages the privatisation of industry
·Road and rail network is in poor condition
·Government has started a big investment programme for the transport system. It will
take 51O years to complete.
·Large supply of skilled workers, but they are not used to working long hours
·Strong unions
·Wage rates: low
A lot of paperwork is required for new businesses. There are problems with air and water
pollution. Profits are tax free for the first three years after a factory has been built.
Companies must pay 5% of their profits into a fund for training their workers.

 Assignment for students

Write a letter to the head of the chamber of commerce of the country you
have chosen. In the letter you should introduce Marcia Lee Jeans and
suggest a possible meeting in order to discuss the proposal further.
Case 12 Product

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to make a product presentation in
group work and persuade the director of Minerva A.G. a chain store to order
your product.

 Tasks for Students

1. Work in small groups. Choose one of the companies above and prepare
a presentation on its product (Or, if you prefer, think of another
product which the company is about to launch.) Invent any
information you wish.
2. Form new groups and present your products. Try to persuade the
Minerva A.G. directors to buy large quantities. When you are not
presenting, play the role of a Minena A.G.director and ask questions
about the products.
3. After all the presentations, discuss which products is the most exciting
and innovative.

 Background Information
Minerva A.G. ,based in Munich, Germany, is a chain store which sells a range of stylish,
innovative products. Many of its products feature new technology, but the stores sell
everything from furniture and fashionable clothes to kitchenware and household goods. It
is well-known for its original designs and high quality. On the window of every store are
the words Creativity, Imagination, Style, Novelty, Originality.

Customer satisfaction survey

Minerva A.G. sent questionnaires to all its customers. Here is an extract from the
Marketing Department's report.
Our customers say:
1. Minerva A.G. has very few' great new products' for customers
with busy lifestyles.
2. The range of products is not as wide as it used to be.
3. There are too many high-tech products. Customers want fewer products
but more original ones.
4. Most products are over€100. Customers who are looking for gifts think they
are too expensive.
5. There are not enough special offers to encourage customers to
spend more.

Need for new products
Chai person Ulrika Nielsen and her directors have invited several foreign firms to present
their new products to the Minerva A.G. board. All the companies are well-known for their
innovation. The directors will choose the best and not exciting products for Minerva
A.G.'s stores.

 Portfolio of competitive products

Weight Monitor
Special features:
⊙Measures how much body fat you have
⊙An LCD display shows changes in your weight
⊙Easy-to-read graphs and charts
⊙Holds health and weight records for up to five years
Unit 12 Products

Personal Satellite Navigation System
Special features:
⊙Download any world city map from your computer
⊙No need to carry a street map ever again
⊙Includes tourist information
⊙Slim, lightweight
⊙Colors:silver or black
⊙Price: €320

virtual Passenger
Special features:
⊙Chats, tells jokes, plays music, asks questions
⊙Keeps you awake
⊙Stops boredom
⊙20,OOO word memory-knows your interests
⊙Automatically opens windows
⊙Alarm function if driver falls asleep
⊙Idea for sales reps

Floating Globe
Special features:

⊙Appears to float in the air because it is controlled by magnets
⊙Lights up
⊙Many physical features highlighted, for example mountain ranges
⊙Ideal for the home or office

 Assignment for students

As a Minerva A.G. director, write a short report on one of the products which
have been presented by the four companies. Recommend whether Minerva
A.G. should place a large order for the product or not

Case 13 Caferoma
 Objectives
In this case study, student should try to analyze the running situation of
one shop and propose a effective solution.
 Tasks for Students
As members of PEFD's marketing team, hold an informal meeting.
Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each solution, Then
decide what to do to stop the decline in the product's market share
and to increase profits.
 Background Information
Caferoma, a well-known brand of coffee, is owned by PEFD,a
company based in Turin, Italy. It is promoted as an exclusive
product for people who love ground coffee. Its image is of an Italian-style
coffee. It has a strong and slightly bitter taste,and costs more than
almost every other ground coffee product on the market.
 Problems
In the last two years, Caferoma's share of the quality ground coffee4market has
declined by almost 30% (see chart). There are several reasons for this:
a)Brand5loyalty:Consumer2shave2become2less2loyal to brands and
more5price conscious.They are willing to buy lower-priced coffee
b) Price: Supermarkets are selling, under their own label, similar
products to Caferoma at much lower prices.
c)‘ Copycat’ products: Competing products of Italian-style ground
coffee are selling at prices 30 to 40% lower than Caferoma.
d)Brand image: the Caferoma brand no longer seems to be exciting and
up-to-date .
 Brainstorming and decision-making
Possible solutions
1 Re-positioning the product
Change Caferoma’s image to appeal to a different market segment.
(Which segment?What changes to taste, quality, packaging,logo, labeling,
2 Pricing
Reduce the price by, say, 20% to 30% so that it is in the medium range of prices.
3 Advertising
Develop a new advertising campaign to relaunch the brand.
4 Multiple brands
Sell Caferoma, with small changes to product, under different brand
names at lower prices.
5 Own brand label products
Allow supermarkets and hypermarkets to sell Caferoma under the supermarkets’ own
brand labels. Continue to market the Caferoma brand at the same time.
6 A new product
Bring5out5an5instan5tcoffee5or5decaffeinated5product under the Caferoma brand as
soon as possible.
7 Stretching the brand
Allow5some5makers5of4coffee4equipment8(cafetieres5percolators, coffee machines,
etc.) to use the Caferoma brand on their goods, for a licensing fee.
 Assignment for students
Write an email to Caferoma’s Managing
Director. Mario Cumino. Summaries what action you agreed to take at the meeting to
solve Caferoma's problems, Explain your reasons.
Writing file page 133

Case 14 ICON
 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to know that how to order the hotel
and write the invitation letters in the business.
 Tasks for Students
You are either:Manager, ICON's travel service or Account Manager for Corporate
Travel, Universal Airlines. You should keep these roles throughout the case study.
Château Monfort ***
Description: 18th century castle; 35 rooms
Locations:In the countryside. Bordeaux-30 km; airport-25 km; railway station - 2Okm
Restaurant: French cuisine. Excellent vegetarian food.
Price: €20O per room per night. Cost of meals per day: €5O Group discount: 20%
Conference facilities: 1 large room, 3 small rooms. Basic equipment.
Other facilities: Swimming pool, Gym, Bar
Disabled facilities on the ground floor only. No smoking
Entertainment: Free visits to a nightclub (Sat evening).
Hotel Marine ***
Description: Modern hotel; 68 rooms
Location: On the seafront in the Bay of Arcachon; Bordeaux - 60km; airport - 50 km;
railway station - 1.5 km
Restaurant: International cuisine. Vegetarian menu available
Price: €15O per room per night. Cost of meals per day: €80. No discount for groups
Conference facilities: 2 large rooms, 2 smaller rooms. High-tech equipment.
Other facilities: Bar, Satellite TV, Modem point, Air conditioning Smoking areas in
hotel lounge only.Disabled facilities on ground floor only. Outdoor activities
including golf, horse-riding, wind-surfing, fishing and boat trips.
Hotel Splendid ***
Description: Modern hotel (built in 1992); 120 rooms
Location: In Bordeaux city centre in a large pedestrian zone. Airport - 15 km; railway
station - 15 km; hotel shuttle bus to and from the airport
Restaurant: French and Italian cuisine. Vegetarian menu available.
Price: €220 per room per night. Cost of meals per day: €80.
Group discount: 1O%
Conference facilities: 1 large rooms, 3 small rooms. Basic equipment.
Other facilities: Bar, Satellite TV, Modem point, Air conditioning
No smoking. Disabled facilities on all floors.
 Background Information
ICON is a computer software company based in Los Angeles, USA. The Manager of
its company travel service is making arrangements for some senior managers to attend
a seminar in France.
The seminar starts on Friday July 5th and ends on Sunday July 7th. It will include
meetings to discuss work problems and executive games to encourage teamwork. This
is important because the participants are of different nationalities. The participants
will expect to work hard, then relax, enjoy the amenities of the hotel, explore the
surrounding area and have a really good time. The Manager of ICON's travel service
wants to book a hotel which is both stylish and value for money.
Stage 1
The Manager of ICON's travel service phones the Account Manager for Corporate
Travel at Universal Airlines. He asks Universal to propose three hotels in France for
the seminar. The Account Manager of Corporate Travel asks for more details about
the seminar and its participants. Manager, ICON's travel service: turn to page 140.
Account Manager, Universal Airlines: turn to page 147.
Read your information files. Then role play the telephone conversation and arrange to
meet one day the following week.
Stage 2
The Manager of ICON 's travel service has to change the date of the meeting. Read
your information files and role play the telephone call. Manager, ICON's travel
service: turn to page 142.
Account Manager, Universal Airlines: turn to page 149.
Stage 3
The Account Manager at Universal Airlines sends information about three possible
hotels for the seminar to the Manager, ICON's travel service.They are all in Bordeaux,
or in the surrounding area. At the meeting they discuss the three proposals and choose
one of the hotels for the seminar. Role play the discussion.
 Assignment for students
As the Account Manager for Corporate Travel at Universal Airlines, write an e-mail
to the manager of the hotel chosen for the seminar. Confirm the booking, giving
details of the number of participants, arrival and departure times,meals, equipment
and any other special requirements.
Writing file page 133

Case 15 Auric Bank
 Objectives
In this case study, students are required to persuade the other directors to
support your opinions and summary their opinions in the business meeting.
 Tasks for Students

Work in groups of four. You are directors of AB.
1 Choose a role card (pages from 140,141,147, 149). Read your role card and prepare for a
meeting to consider the four options.
2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
3 Try to persuade the other directors that your option is the right one for AB.

 Background Information
We constantly review our business in order to provide customers with excellent
service at competitive prices. As part of our major reorganization, we’ve been looking
at the cost of customer services. We have a range of options. We can make changes in-
house, outsource call centres to areas within the UK or outsource off-shore to low-
cost countries such as India.
Graham Hammond, Chief Executive, Auric Bank.
The Chief Executive made the statement above to a group of investors three weeks
ago. Auric Bank (AB) lost€1.5 billion last year because it invested in unprofitable
areas of business. Since then AB has carried out a major review of its operations. It
has concluded that:
1 customers believe AB is charging too much for its services;
2 AB no longer has the image of a 'caring' bank which is close to its customers and
understands their needs;
3 the bank needs to reduce costs to boost its profits and share price.
To cut costs and increase efficiency, AB is now considering a number of options
concerning the location of its call centres.
The call centres
AB has approximately 2,500 employees working in three large call centres located in cities in
the South of England. The company's headquarters are in London. There are four options that the
directors of the bank are considering.

Option 1: Keep the call centres in-house

Keep the call centres in their present locations but try to reduce costs by:
 using more part-time employees
 reducing the hours of business of the centres
 increasing the targets for the number of calls
handled per hour

Estimated cost of running the centres for the next five years: £16 million. Estimated savings
by introducing changes above: £3 million.

Option 2: Outsource the call centres to a company based in South Africa

Use Resource Plc, a Cape Town firm. They can set up the call centres in Cape
Town and run them.
 the firm has an excellent reputation for reliability and good service
 it has a lot of experience in running centres
Cost of the contract with Resource Plc to run the call centres for the next five
years: £8 million.

Option 3: Outsource the call centres to a company based in Scotland

Use Orion Plc, a Scottish firm
 the firm is new; its managers are young
 it has several contracts with big companies
 it is experienced in running call centres
 some customers have complained in
newspapers that the lines are always busy
Cost of the contract with Orion Plc to run the call centres for the next five years:
£10 million.

Option 4: Outsource the call centres to a company based in India

Use X-source India, a company based in Bangalore.
 X-source India is expanding fast
 it has contracts with several large US companies
 it has no problems hiring staff and its costs are low
Cost of the contract with X-source India to run the call centres for the next five
years: E5.5 million.

 Assignment for students

write a short report to the Chief Executive giving both a summary of the four options
and your recommendations.
Writing file page 136

Case 16 Acquiring Metrot

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required tocooperate with other people in a
group and know the problems of Metrot’s new management.
 Tasks for Students
A meeting of senior managers is called to resolve the problems. There are twogroups
at the meeting.
Group A: new managers led by Hugh Whitman.
Group B: senior executives of Metrot who have kept their jobs since thetakeover.Each
group prepares separately for the meeting. Then hold the meeting as onegroup. The
agenda is as follows:
1. Background: Why are staff resisting the changes?
2. Practical suggestions for improving the situation.
3.What can be learned from this experience to manage change more effectively in the
 Background Information
Last June, readers of the business magazine 'Investor International ' were given some
information about the Cornerstone Group.

Located:Dallas, US
Net profit:11% of turnover(approx.)
Main activities
Providing services and products for the oil industry.
Recent development
Cornerstone has recently bought the Frenchcompany, Metrot. Metrotproduces a wide
rangeofhousehold goods. Their head office is in Paris, andthey have two factories in
northern France.
Reasons for Conerstone’s acquisition
1. Conerstone will expand sales of Metrotproducts in Europe.
2. Itwill useMetrotasa base for launchingits own products in Europe.
3. Metrot‘s biggest asset is its valuable land. Comerstone coulduse this to grow the
company or may sell off some of the land to finance theacquisition.
Metrot is an excellent acquisition for the Cornerstone Group. However, there maybe
some problems when a different style of management is introduced into the French
company. Metrot has always been a family-owned company and its Chief Executive,
Jean Metrot, has always taken a personal interest in all his employees’ welfare.

The new Chief Executive will be Hugh Whitman. He is in his early 30s and was
educated at Harvard University. Whitman used to be Executive Vice President of the
Cornerstone Group. Jean Metrot will remain on the board as an adviser.
Hugh Whitman, the new Chief Executive, gave a television interview for European
Business News. He was asked about Cornerstone’s plans for Metrot. Listen and note
what he says.
 Problems
It is now nine months later. The change of ownership and new management style at
Metrot have caused many problems. The e-mail below illustrates some of the
To... Dan Johnson, Personnel Director
From... Jacques Lafont, Union Organizer
Subject: Staff morale
Date: March 18
Staff are very unhappy with the present changes. Productivity has fallen and staff
turnover is high. These are some of the reasons for the staff's low morale.
1. Factory inspections
The new managers are always checking up on us and taking notes. No one knows
why they are doing this.
2. Redundancies
Since June, about 60 employees from the R & D Department have lost their jobs.They
were given no reasons. Everyone thinks this is very unprofessional.
3. Further changes
Many members of staff are looking for new jobs. They want to move before they are
made redundant. People are afraid that the new management will relocate the
4. Management style
Staff complain about the changes the new management is making. I enclose a list of
comments made by staff.
● They're trying to do everything too fast - a new computer system, making us learn
English, selling in new European markets and bringing out new products.'
●There was a family atmosphere before. The management really cared about us.
Everything was more informal.
●We don't know where the company is going. We've no idea what our strategy is.
●We get e-mail messages from Head Office telling us what to do. Surely they can
trust the management over here to make the policies and decisions?
 Assignment for students
Write the action minutes for the above meeting.
→Writing file page 135

Case 17 Angel Investments
 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required tobecome the director of Angel
Investments and focus on other companies performance.
 Tasks for Students
1. Work in small groups. You are director of Angel Investments. Read the reports and
note downthe key points concerning each company.
2. Listen to the CEOs’ comments to investors for the four companies. Note down the
key point!concerning each company.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of investing in each company. Then
decide what proportion of the€1O million you will invest in each company. (You may
decide not to invest in one or more of the companies it is up to you.)
4. Compare your decisions with those of the other groups.
 Background Information
Angel Investments (AI) is based in Warsaw, Poland. It is run by a group of rich people
who invest money in companies. Ti is willing to take risks by buying stakes in start-up
or small companies, but also puts money into larger companies which have good
prospects for growth.
AI makes money by selling shares in companies when their share price is high, then
re-investing the money in companies which it expects to do well in the future. At
present, it has€10 million to spend and it has chosen four companies as potential
Techno print is a manufacturer of office equipment,based in Frankfurt,Germany.Its
main products are ink-jet and laser printers.
Present share price: €4.14
High(last year):€5.42
Low (last year):€3.59
Extract from business analyst’s report
Techno-print's performance has been good. They are a reliable company and are
exceeding their sales targets. Increased competition in the ink-jet sector will affect
sales.The new laser printer could be a market leader, but outsourcing components is
unpopular with the unions who are threatening industrial action.
Uni-brand is unlikely to meet its sales targets for the year unless the economies in key
improve significantly. It’s new perfume should sell well although there are doubts
about the effectiveness of the new advertising campaign.
Extract from business analyst's report
On the surface this seems to bean impressive performance, but there are major
problems. OLF are finding it difficult to meet the demand for their goods.Customers
complain of late or incorrect deliveries. The new warehouse in Spain Is not efficient.
Are they expanding too fast or do they lack management skills?
OLF is based on its website
WWW.OLF.COM. It’s target audience is fashion-conscious women aged between 30
and 45 who want to keep up with the latest trends in clothing and accessories.
Present share price: €5.73
High (last year): €8.96
L ow (last year): €2.7I
Based in Milan, Italy, AV was founded two years ago. lt is searching for diamonds in
two areas (each about 2,0OO hectares), near the Amazon river.
Present share price: €7.84
High (last year): €9.20
Low (last year): €l.80
Extract from business analysts report
An interesting company but unfortunately it has heavy debts. Early this year, AV
found six large reserves of diamonds. This lead to increased sales but also a bill
for€750,OOO for increased security. Costs will rise sharply in the next quarter
because heavy rains are predicted and the plant must be moved to higher ground.
Environmental groups and the is protests are a major problem. Unfavourable news
stories have appeared attacking foreign companies working in the area.
 Assignment for students
Write areport

Case 18 Focus Advertising
 Objectives
In this case study, students are required tobecome a members of an
advertising team and propose the creative advertisement according to the
features of these products.
 Tasks for Students
You are members of an advertising team at Focus. Prepare an advertising campaign
for one of the products or services. Use the Key questions below to help
you.Thenpresent your campaign to the management of the company concerned. When
you are not presenting your campaign, play the role of the company's management.
Listen and ask questions. Use the assessment sheetbelow to choose:
a) the best campaign concept
b) the most effective presentation.
 Background Information
Focus,a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating
imaginative and effective campaigns. At present, Focus is campaigns to the
management of the campaigns concerned. Concepts are required for the following
advertising campaigns.
A chain of eight restaurants in your country
1.The restaurants are in prime locations
2.Low fat and vegetarian dishes served in a clean, simply furnished, non-smoking
3.Reasonably priced, but not attracting enough customers.
4.Target consumer: health-conscious people of all ages.
A creative campaign to improvesales.

A perfume
 An upmarket perfume.
 Produced by a well-known fashion house.
 will be endorsed by a famous personality
 Target consumer: aged 25-40 who enjoy luxury and sophistication.

 Aim: Launch the perfume in an English-speaking country.

A sports car
 A high-priced, hand-finished model with a classic design
 Originally popular inthe 1950s and 60s
 Available in both coupé and soft-top versions.
 Target consumer: high-income executives with a sense of fun and style.
 Aim: An international press and TV campaign.

 Problems
 What is the campaign's key message?
 What special features does the product or service have?
 What are its USPs (Unique Selling Points)?
 Who is your target audience?
 What media will you use? Several, or just one or two?
If you use:an advertisement-write the text and do rough art work.
a TV commercial- use a storyboard to illustrate your idea.
a radio spot-write the script, including sound effects and music other media indicate
what pictures, text, slogans, etc. will be used
 What special promotions will you use at the start of the campaign?

 Assignment for students
Give a score of1-5 for each category:s outstanding,l needs improvement

Campaign concept Presentation

1.Will it get the target audience's attention? 1.Was it interesting?
2.Will it capture their imagination? 2.Was it clear?
3.Does it have a clear, effective message. 3.Was it loud and clear enough?
4.Will it differentiate the product or service? Was it varied in pitch or monotonous?
5.Will it persuade the target audience 4.Was the pace too quick,
or service? too slow.or just right?
6.Will the target audience remember 5.Was the language fluent,
the campaign? and appropriate?
6 Did it impress you?Was there enough eye contact?
 Assignment for students
AS the leader of one of Focu's advertising team, prepare a summary of your concept
for your Managing Director. The summary will be used as a discussion document at a
forthcoming board meeting.
→Writing file page 137

Case 19 Visitors from China
 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required tofinish a programme and offer a
effective plan for visitors.
 Tasks for Students
You are members of the planning committee for Mr Chung's visit.Read the
documents. Then, plan a draft programme in small groups. After that, compare your
ideas with the rest of the class and produce the final
programme.Mr Lee Chung and Mr John Wong will arrive at 9.1O a.m.on Monday 20
June and leave en Thursday 23 June.When you prepare the draft programme please sc
hedule5a meeting(morning5or5afternoon)during which we can5discuss our business p
lanswith Mr Chung and Mr Wong.Also, make sure that our visitors have opportunities
to meet our staff and gain a complete understanding of our business.
The visitors will expect to have some basic information5about Toyworld and to be off
ered activities which give them an understanding of the company.Please also
arrange some social and cultural activities during their stay.
Above all, we do not want to make any cultural mistakes5during the visit. We want M
r Chung and Mr Wong to leave5with an excellent impression of our company and the
way5we treat foreign visitors.To help you plan the visit, please could you attend the
talk by Catherine Eng (an expert on Chinese business culture).
 Background Information
Toyworld is a profitable toy retailer based in Seattle,US,with subsidiaries in over
30countries. Toyworld buys its products from suppliers all over the world.Mr Lee
Chung,head of a toy manufacturing firm based in Guangdong, China, is going to visit
the Toyworld subsidiary in your country(Suppose you're from other countries other
than China). Mr Chung will be accompanied by his Export Manager,
John Wong.The purpose of the visit is to get to know Toyworld's
management better and learn more about the company. He may set up a joint venture
with Toyworld if he has confidence in them and considers them to be a
suitable partner. This is Mr Chung and Mr Wong's first visit to your companyand to
your country.

Toyworld Senior Managers

Chief Executive

Managing Director

Finance Director
Director Warehouse

Manager Sales Public relation Advertising Transport and
Manager Manager distribution manager

Chief Buyer
Administrative staff:82;Warehouse workers:20

 Problems
Key questions for the planning committee
1 Where will the visitors stay?
2 Who will meet them? What transport will be used?
3 What arrangements should be made for meals?
4 When will the business meeting take place? 5 What topics would be suitable for
discussion at meals?
6 How will the visitors be entertained? Trips? Special events?
7 What gifts would be suitable? When and how should they be given?
8 Should there be local press and television coverage?
9 Is it necessary to provide an interpreter?
10 Any other ideas to develop a good relationship?
 Assignment for students
Listen to the talk givenby Catherine Eng. Make notes on her key points.
As Marketing Director at Toyworld, send an e-mail to Mr Chung with details of the
programme for his visit. The tone of the e-mail should be friendly and show that you
and your colleagues are looking forward to meeting him soon.
Writing file page 139

Case 20 Slim Gyms
 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to compare with different persons
and pick up the best candidate for the job.
 Tasks for Students
You are directors of Slim Gyms. Study the file cards on the four short-listed candidates on the
opposite page. Hold a meeting to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each person. Try to
agree on who seems to be the best candidate for the job.
Then listen to the interview extracts with each of the candidates and come to a final decision on
who should get the job:
Name: Guido Passerelli
Age: 52
Marital status: Married, with three children
Education: Bronx High School
Experience:Former American football player.Ran a small business for several years finding
locations for film companies. Recently organized stunts for a major film company.
Outstanding achievement: '1 was 5thin the New York marathon when I was aged 34'
Skills: Fluent Italian and Spanish. Speaks English fairly well, but with an Italian accent and is
sometimes hesitant.
Personality/appearance: Tall, handsome, tanned. Very self-confident. Wore a designer jacket and
expensive designer tie at the interview.
Comments: Many interesting ideas for improving Slim Gym's profits. For example, thinks
members should get a 50% discount off their subscription fee if they introduce a friend.Wants
Slim Gyms to aim at all age groups. Believes his organizing ability is his
best quality. Expressed his points of view forcefully sometimes arguing heatedly with the
actions in a film that are dangerous.They are usually performed by a stunt man or woman
instead of by an actor or actress.

Name: David Chen Age: 40

Marital status: Single
Education: Master's degree in Business Administration (Hong Kong University); Diploma in
Physical Education (New University of Hawaii)
Experience: Several jobs in various companies before joining a large university as Sports
Administrator. Has organized many sports events for the university.
Outstanding achievement: 'I have a black belt in karate.
Skills: Numerate, extensive knowledge of computer programs. Fluent Chinese and English, some
Personality/appearance: Dressed in a formal dark suit but looked relaxed. Quiet, determined,
polite and diplomatic. Asked many questions during the interview. Was rather shy if he didn’t
know the answer to a question.
Comments: Believes Slim Gyms should increase its services, for example, offer classes in salsa
dancing, open a small boutique at each club selling sports equipment, etc. It should immediately

cut costs by 10% in all areas of its business.Thinks his honesty is his best asset. Has an interest in
Eastern contact sports: judo, karate,aikido,etc.

Name: Gloria Daniels Age: 36

Marital status: Married, with two children
Education:Diploma in Sports Management (Massey University, New Zealand)
Experience: Worked for three years fora chain off fitness centres. Joined Johnson Associates, an
organization promoting top sports personalities. Has travelled all over the world for the last ten
years negotiating contracts with sports people.
Outstanding achievement: 'I negotiated a successful deal with Hank Robbins, the famous baseball
player.We promote him exclusively.'
Skills: Has an elementary knowledge of Spanish and Italian. Was good at all sports when younger.
Considered becoming a professional tennis player.
Personality/appearance: Wore a very expensive dress at the interview. Film star looks.
Charismatic,over-confident (?)'l like to win at everything I do, and usually I succeed. That's why
I'm so good at my present job.'
Comments: Thinks Slim Gyms should raise more money by offering shares to wealthy
individuals. In her opinion, Slim Gyms should immediately hire a firm of management consultants
to review all its activities. In the interview, she seemed to be very competitive.Would she be a
good team player?

Name: Martine Lemaire

Age: 32
Marital status:Divorced, with two children
Education: Degree in biology(Sorbonne, France);
Master's degree in Dietetics(Yale University, US)
Experience: Worked for five years as a dietitian in a hospital. Had a year off work when her health
broke down because of stress. Joined a company selling health and skin-care products. For the last
three years has been Assistant Sales Manager.
On standing achievement:' I am proud of raising a family successfully while working full-time
Skills: Fluent French, good Spanish. Speaks and writes English fluently.
Personality/appearance: Well-dressed in fashionable clothes. Dynamic and ambitious. Sometimes
assertive during the interview:'Nothing will stop me achieving my goals.'
Comments: Her main idea for increasing profits: spend a lot of money on multi-media advertising
and offer big discounts to new members. Believes her strongest quality is her creativity. In her
leisure time, she runs a weekly aerobics class and also manages a local baseball team at the
 Background Information
SLIM GYMS owns and operates six health and leisure clubs in Manhattan. The clubs appeals
mainly to people aged 2040. All the clubs have a gymnasium, with the latest equipment, an
aerobics studio, a swimming pool, sun decks, a café, bar and clubroom. Three of the clubs are
located in areas where large numbers of Spanish, Chinese and Italians live.
In recent months, Slim Gyms profits have fallen sharply. Many members have not renewed their,

memberships and the club has been unable to attract a sufficient number of new number, Slim
Gyms recently advertised for a General Manager. His/Her main task is to boot sales at the cubs
and increase profits.
General Manager
Required for our chain of Health and Leisure Clubs
Salary negotiable
Excellent benefits package
The job
Developing a customer-oriented culture in the organization of the clubs
Increasing the revenue and profits of the company of the six clubs in Manhattan
Exploiting new business opportunities
Liaising with and motivating our team of managers and their staff
Contributing to marketing plans and strategies
The person
Dynamic, enthusiastic, flexible
A strong interest in health and fitness
A good track record in previous jobs
The ability to work with people from different cultural backgrounds
Outstanding communication skills
A flair for new ideas and sound organizational skills
 Assignment for students
Write a letter offering employment to the successful candidate.
Writing file page132

Case 21 Ashbury Guitars
 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required to the process and strategies of the
business negotiation.
 Tasks for Students
You are negotiating as either:
· The KGC team: David Kim and Marketing Director, turn to page 148.
· The Ashbury team: Richard Grant and Marketing Director, turn to page 143.
Read your information files. Identify your priorities and work out your strategy and
tactics. Then negotiate so that you get the best deal for your company.
 Background Information
The Kim Guitar Company(KGC) in Seoul,Korea,makes electric guitars for Japanese
manufacturers and distributors in Europe and the US.
A major US distributor, Ashbury Guitars, has contracted KGC about marketing a
range of guitars under its own brand name for the Californian market. Ashbury
Guitars is a well-established company with an up-market image. It has had no
previous dealings with KGC. Ashbury's owner, Richard Grant, plans to put three
models on the market: the Ashbury SG1000 (the most expensive model), the SG500
and the SG200. The body of the guitars will have an experimental shape as well as
advanced technical features.
It is now early January. KGC has agreed to manufacture the guitars for Ashbury,
even though it is a very busy time of the year for them. The two companies have had
some initial correspondence by e-mail and now a face-to-face meeting is required.
Several points of the contract need to be negotiated. KGC's owner, David Kim, has
flown to San Francisco to meet Richard Grant.At the meeting, the Marketing Director
of each company will be present. The purpose of the meeting is to make a deal
acceptable to both sides, and which could be the basis for a long- term relationship.

 Assignment for students

As the owner of either Ashbury Guitars or KGC, write an e-mail summarizing the
points agreed during the negotiation. Indicate any terms of the contract requiring
discussion or clarification.

Case 22 Brookfield Airport

 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required toknow the history of Brookfield
Airpor and their solution of the customer’s complaints.

 Tasks for Students
You are members of the Customer Relations Department.
1、Work in small groups Consider the complaints and decide which:
a) are the most important.
b) require immediate action and which can be delayed.
c) are more likely to be the responsibility of the airlines.
d) are more likely to be the responsibility of the Airport authority.
2 、Meet as one group and share your ideas. Decide on an action plan.
Results of a passenger survey
The results of a recent passenger survey haverevealed several areas of complaint.
Passengers completed a questionnaire,ranking various services and facilities. The
figuresrefer to the percentage of passengers answeringthe questionnaire.
ent. Match the complaint5with some of the categories in the survey.
To :Customer Relations Manager
From :Financial Director
Subject:Future funding
Thank you for your e-mail asking what funds will be4available toimprove6our serv
ices and facilities during6the coming year5Because of rising costs, the5funds5availabl
e5for6improve5mentsare5limited.The5Managing Director feels5
strongly that you should look for solutions that do not5cost a lot of money. You shoul
d focus more on5improving communications than investing in expensive equipment.
 Background Information
Built in the mid-1960s, Brookfield Airport,in the English Midlands, is operated by
theMidland Airport Authority (MAA). Inrecent years, the number of passengers
ithandles has greatly increased because ithas become a base for several budget airlines
offering cheap flights to Europeandestinations.
There is an excellent rail link frommajor cities in the UK to a station underthe
terminal building. Car parking islimited.The terminal building, an award-winning
modernist design, is now " listedand has a protected status. This means the structure
cannot be altered in any way.
There is strong local opposition to extending the terminal or building a new run way.
To cope with the increased passenger numbers, one suggestion is to schedule flights at
any time of the day or night.
The rapid growth in business has brought problems. A recent survey showed that
passengers had many complaints about the quality of the service at the airport MAA
must therefore decide how to deal with the complaints and consider what action to
take. There are somethings MAA cannot change.The airport is always very busy at
peak times.
 Assignment for students
Write a short report for the Managing4Director of Midland Airport Authority giving4
an action plan for the coming year to improve4the services at the airport
Case 23 Livewires
 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required tolook at the communication problems
between the directors of Live wire and its rival company.
 Tasks for Students
You are members of Livewires board of directors.
1、Hold a meeting to discuss what action to take on the flowing issues
a)Carls relatioship with Monica Kaminsky, Design Manager for a rival company.
b)his advice to a friend to buy shares in Livewire.
c)the possible leak of information concerning the can opener.
d) Valerie Harper's e-mail.
2、After finishing your meeting, listen to a conversation between Carl Thomson and
Monica Kaminsky and make notes. Does it affect your decisions about any of the
issues above?
 Background Information
Nikos Takakis is the CEO of Livewire,an Australian manufacturer of electrical
appliances.During the last three years,his General Manager,Carl Thomson,has turned
Livewire round from being a loss-making company into a highly-profitable
organization with an exciting range of new products.Both men want the company to
grow as fast as possible.

To... Nikos Takakis

From...Joan knight
I read a report in Business Weekly about new products. Rochester Electronics have
put a new can opener on the market. lt's electronically operated and looks just like our
DC01. Yesterday, I took a look at it Ina local store. Its design is very similar tours,
with just a few modifications to make it look different. Their can opener will affect
sales of our DC01. Do you think someone is leaking information to Rochester
Electronics? Is this industrial espionage? Or have we just beenunlucky? What action
do you think we should take?
 Problems
Recently a number of problems have arisen involving Carl Thomson.About three
months ago, Bob Dexter, a senior manager, spoke to Nikos Takakis in the staff
restaurant and gave him some worrying information about Carl.11.6 Listen to their
conversation and note down what they say.A few weeks later, Nikos Takakis found
out by chance that Carl had advised a friend tobuy shares in Livewire just before it
announced some excellent annual results (profits had risen by almost 40%).
Livewire's share price rocketed and the friend made a quick profit.Last week Joan
Knight, Livewires Marketing Director, sent Nikos an e-mail about an electrically
operated can opener, code-named DC01, which Livewire is about to launch.
This morning Nikos Takakis received the following e mail from Valerie Harper.
Personal Assistant to Carl Thomson. Valerie joined Livewire just over a year ago. In
the beginning, she seemed to be an outstanding employee, but more recently she has
been having difficulties working with Cari.
To... Nikos Takakis
From... Valerie Harper
Subject: Complaint about Carl Thomson
I would like to make a formal complaint about Carl Thomson.
1、As you know, Ibecame his PA about a year ago. In the beginning
ourbusinessrelationship was very good. However, he wanted to have a personal
relationshipwith me as well. It seems he was lonely following his divorce. I told him I
was not interested in such an arrangement.
2、After I refused him, he completely changed his attitude towards me. He gave
meorders rather than polite instructions. He criticized me if I made the
smallestmistake and never praised me for good work. He also expected me to do
hours ofunpaid overtime. I felt constantly under pressure.
3、Because I no longer enjoyed my work, I applied for a vacancy inAccounts.
Eventhough I am well-qualified in this area, Iwas not shortlisted forinterview.
4I believe my application was unsuccessful because Carl Thomson wrote
anunfavourable report on my work. He seemstohavenointegrity
5、if I do not get a promotion in Livewire very soon, I will have to leave the company.
Please let me know what you will do to improve my situation.
 Assignment for students
Write a letter to Carl Thomson informing him of any action you are going to take
connecting him together with your reasons.

Case 24 Orbit Records
 Objectives
In this case study, Students are required tolook at the failure reasons and solutions of
Obit Records and know the main content of a right invitation letter.
 Tasks for Students
1. Work in small groups. Discuss the results of the survey. What are the most
important findings?
2. Think of six practical ideas for motivating staff, improving morale and increasing
loyalty. Note them down.
3. Listen and make notes on the CEO's ideas on these issues.
4. Choose the six best ideas from the CEO’s list and your own list, giving reasons for
your choices.
5. As one group, try to agree on the six best ideas for further action.
 Background Information
Orbit records was founded in London 20 years ago, and now has 12 large stores in
the UK and five in Germany. The company grew quickly because it had a successful
marketing strategy.The stores offer a wide range of CDs which they sell at reasonable
prices.Their record stores carry over 80,000 titles—about three times more than their
main competitors. About five years ago, Orbit stores diversified into selling computer
games, DVDs, videos, T—shirts, adventure holidays, concert tickets, books and
comics. Not all the new areas of business were profitable and, as a result, the
company’s profits fell sharply.
A change of leadership
After the founder of Orbit Records died, a new Chief Executive, Sheldon Drake, took
over. However he failed because he had no clear vision of where the company was
going. Also he did not communicate well with employees, who started to lose
confidence in the business. They began to worry about losing their jobs and their
morale suffered.
Three months ago Sheldon Drake resigned and his place was taken by someone from
outside the company.
Task of the new CEO
One of the new CEO’s main tasks was to motivate staff and raise morale, so that staff would be
more productive. The HR Department sent questionnaires to all employees below senior
management level. The results are summarized in the chart on the next page.
1. Do you feel you participate fully in decision-making? 12 70 18
2. Do you feel valued by the company? 48 46 6
3. Do you understand the company's objectives and overall
16 20 64
4. Do you have enough contact with senior management? 18 50 32
5. Do you have enough opportunities to express your ideas or
42 26 30
make suggestions?

6. Are you paid adequately? 48 45 7
7. Do you think you will be working for this company in five
25 14 61
years’ time?
8. Do you have enough opportunities to meet each other socially? 55 42 3

 Assignment for students

You are the manager of an Orbit Records store. Write a persuasive e-mail to the agent
of a famous recording star inviting them to visit your store. Explain why you want the
star to come to the store and what you expect them to do if they accept your
invitation. Offer a suitable fee for the visit.


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