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Glossary of thrust tectonics terms

K.R. McClay

Department of Geology, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,

University of London, Egham, Surrey, England, TW20 OEX

This glossary aims to illustrate, and to define where possible, recognise the difficulty in precisely defining many of the
some of the more widely used terms in thrust tectonics. It is terms used in thrust tectonics as individual usages and pref-
presented on a thematic basis - individual thrust faults and erences vary widely.
related structures, thrust systems, thrust fault related folds, 3-
D thrust geometries, thrust sequences, models of thrust sys-
tems, and thrusts in inversion tectonics. Fundamental terms Thrust faults
are defined first, followed by an alphabetical listing of related
structures. Where appropriate key references are given. Thrust fault: A contraction fault that shortens a datum
surface, usually bedding in upper crustal rocks or a regional
Since some of the best studied thrust tcrranes such as the foliation surface in more highly metamorphosed rocks.
Canadian Rocky Mountains, the Appalachians, the Pyrenees,
and the Moine thrust zone are relatively high level foreland This section of the glossary defines terms applied to indi-
fold and thrust belts it is inevitable that much of thrust vidual thrust faults (after McClay 1981; Butler 1982; Boyer
tectonics terminology is concerned with structures found in & Elliott 1982;Diegel 1986).
the external zones of these belts. These thrustbelts character-
istically consist of platform sediments deformed by thrust Backthrust: A thrust fault which has an opposite vergencc
faults which have a ramp-flat trajectories (Bally et a I. 1966; to that of the main thrust system or thrust belt (Fig. 2).
Dahlstrom 1969, 1970: Price 1981; Rich 1934; and others). Backthrusts are commonly hinterland-vergent thrusts.
Steps in the thrust surface generate geometrically necessary
folds in the hangingwall above (Fig. 1). Therefore much THRUST SYSTEM

attention has been focussed upon hangingwall deformation in

thrust belts and upon conceptual and geometric models to
explain them.
Figure 2. Backthrust showing an opposite sense of vergence to that of the
foreland vergent thrust system.

Blind thrust: A thrust fault that is not emergent - i.e. it

remains buried such that the displacement on the thrust below
is compensated by folding or cleavage development at a
structurally higher level (Fig. 3) (cf. Thompson 1981).

\e 3. Blind thrust system formed by a buried imbricate fan in which
Figure 1. Idealised thrust fault showing kink band style folding in the
hangingwall and no deformation in the footwall.

Many of the illustrations used in this glossary have been

constructed using the programme FaitltIFM (Wilkerson &
Associates) that gives kink band geometries (e.g. Suppe
1983, 1985; Mitra 1986, 1990), commonly found in shallow
thrustbelts. This, however, is not meant to imply that kink- the overlying strata are shortened by folding.
band folding is the only geometric style found in high level
• thrustbelts (see Ramsay 1991, this volume). This glossary is Branch line: The line of intersection between two thrust
not meant to be exhaustive but attempts to cover many of the sheets (Fig. 4a). For duplexes there are trailing edge branch
terms used in the papers presented in this volume and those lines and leading edge branch lines (see duplexes below).
of thrust tectonics literature in general. The reader will See Diegel (1986) for a full discussion of branch lines.

K.R. McCi.AY

Branch point: The point of intersection between a branch

line and the erosion surface (Fig. 4b). The term branchpoint
is also used in cross-section analysis for the point where the
branch line intersects the plane of the cross-section - i.e. in
this context it is the 2D equivalent of a branch line (Fig. 5).

T~ "7"

Figure 5. Cross-section illustrating branch points (white circles), cut-oil'

points (black half-moons) and tip-points (black circles).

Cut-offline: The line of intersection between a thrust

surface and a stratigraphic horizon (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Footwali cut-off lines.

Cut-off point: The point of intersection between a cut-off

line and the erosion surface. The term cut-off point is also
used in cross-section analysis for the point where the cut-off
line intersects the plane of the cross-section - i.e. in this
context it is the 2D equivalent of a cut-off line (Fig. 5).

Emergent thrust: A thrust fault that emerges at the erosion


Flat: That part of a thrust fault which is bedding parallel

or parallel to a regional datum surface (cf. a regional foliation
in metamorphic rocks) (Fig. 7 ).
Figure 4. Thrust imbricates and splays showing branch lines, branch points
and tip lines (adapted after Boyer & Elliott 1982). (a) Rejoining imbricate
or rejoining splay S joins the main fault M along the branch line B which
intersects the surface at two branch points B, and B,. (b) Connecting FAMP
imbricate OT connecting splav S which joins two main faults M. and M.
along branch lines B a andB ( ) . There are two branchpoints B a 'and B b 'and
two corners Ca and C^. (c) Isolated imbricate or isolated spla\ which
intersects the main fault M along a branch line B. Tip lines Tj and T,
define the ends of the splay S. Tip lines Tj and T, meet branch line B at
corners Ct and C,. The tip lines intersect the surface at tip paints T,' and
T,'. (d) Diverging imbricate or diverging splay S intersects the main fault
M along, branch line B The branch line B has one corner C and a branch
point B ' w h e r e it intersects the surface. The tip line T has one corner C
and a tip point T where it intersects the surface. Figure 7. Thrust ramps in cross-section.


Footwall cut-off lines are the lines of intersection between Frontal ramp: A ramp in the thrust surface that is
a thrust surface and a stratigraphic horizon in the footwall of perpendicular to the direction of transport of the thrust sheet
•thrust (Fig. 6) (Diegel 1986). (Fig. 10). Ramp angles are commonly between 10° and 30°.

Fot>r\\'all cut-off'point: The point of intersection between

a cut-off line in the footwall of the thrust and the erosion

Footwall flat: That part of the footwall of a thrust fault

where the thrust fault is bedding parallel or parallel to a
regional datum surface (cf. a regional foliation in metamor-
phic rocks) (Fig. 7).

Footwall shortcut thrusts: A low angle thrust fault devel-

oped in the footwall of a steep thrust fault (Fig. 8). The
resultant lower angle fault trajectory is kinematically and Figure 10. 3D thrust footwall ramp structures.
mechanically more feasible for large displacement than the
high angle fault trajectory (see Knipe 1985; McClay &
Buchanan 1991, this volume) Hangingwall cut-off lines: The lines of intersection be-
tween a thrust surface and a stratigraphic horizon in the
hangingwall of the thrust.
Hangingwall cut-off point: The point of intersection
between a cut-offline in the hangingwall of the thrust and the
erosion surface.

Hangingwall flat: That part of the hangingwall of a thrust

fault where the thrust fault is bedding parallel or parallel to a
regional datum surface (cf. a regional foliation in metamor-
phic rocks) (Fig. 7).

Hinterland-vergent thrust: A thrust fault that verges
towards the hinterland of the orogen (i.e away from the
undeformed foreland).

Klippe: An isolated portion of a thrust nappe or thrust

sheet that is separated from the main part of the thrust nappe
or thrust sheet as a result of erosion (Fig. 11).


Figure 8. Footwall shortcut thrust, (a) Fault propagation fold with trajectory
of incipient footwall shortcut thrust, (b) Final configuration after displace-
ment on the footwall shortcut thrust.

Foreland-vergent thrust: A thrust fault that verges to-

wards the undeformed foreland of the thrust belt (Fig. 9). PALAEOZOIC CARBONATES

Figure 11. Klippe (adapted after McClay & Insley 1986).

Lateral ramp: A ramp in the thrust surface that is parallel

to the direction of transport of the thrust sheet (Fig. 10). Ramp
angles are generally between 10° and 30°. (Note that if the
lateral structure is vertical then it becomes a thrust transport
parallel tear or strike-slip fault and should not be termed a
lateral ramp).
Figure 9. Foreland-veraent thrust system.

K.R. McCi.AY

Listric thrust fault: \e u p w a r d s thrust fault such Pop -up: A section of hangingvvall strata thai has been
that the upper section is a steep high angle contraction fault, uplifted by the combination of a foreland vergent thrust and
the middle section i.s a medium angle contraction fault and the a hinterland vergent thrust (Fig. 15).
sole is a bedding plane parallel fault (Fig. 12).

Figure IS. 'Pop-up' structure.

Figure 12. Listric thrust fault.

Ramp: That part of a thrust fault that cuts across bedding
(or the appropriate datum plane-see above) (Fig. 7). Ramps
Oblique ramp: A ramp in the thrust surface that is oblique may be divided into hangingwall ramps zndfootwall ramps
to the direction of transport of the thrust sheet (Fig. 10). Ramp (Fig. 7). Ramps commonly have angles between 10° and 30°.
angles are generally between 10° and 30°.
Regional: The regional is the elevation of a particular
Out of the graben thrusts: Thrust faults that propagate stratigraphic unit or datum surface where it is not involved in
outwards from agraben structure as a result of the contraction the thrust related structures (Fig. 16). For thrust faults /
and inversion of a pre-existing extensional structure (Fig. 13) contraction faults the hangingwall is elevated above regional
(see McClay & Buchanan 1991, this volume). and there is shortening of the datum plane such that the well
in Figure 16 intersects a repeated section of bed A.
'Out-of-the -graben' thrust faults Reactivated main
extensional fault

Figure 13. 'Out-of-the-graben' thrusts formed by inversion of a cresta

collapse graben structure (McClay & Buchanan, 1991. this volume).

Figure 16. The concept of "regional" for bed A in a simple thrust structure.
Out of the sync line thrust: A thrust fault that nucleates and
propagates out from the core of a syncline (Fig. 14). Out of the
syncline thrusts are generated by the space problem in the Smooth trajectory thrust: A thrust fault with a trajectory
cores of tight synclines and may not necessarily be linked to that is smoothly varying and does not have a staircase form
other thrusts. (Fig. 17). Smooth trajectory thrusts are found in higher grade
metamorphic rocks (Cooper & Trayner 1986; McClay 1987)
where ductile penetrative strains are developed within the
thrust sheet.

Figure 14. 'Out-of-the-syncline1 thrust. Figure 17. Smooth trajectory thrust.


Sole thrust: The lowermost thrust common to a thrust tip point is the 2D equivalent of a tip line (Fig. 5).
system (may also be termed afloor thrust - see thrust systems
Thrust systems
Splay. A secondary thrust fault (i.e. smaller in size and
displacement) that emerges from a main thrust fault. Boyer Thrust system: A zone of closely related thrusts that are
& Elliott (1982) define four types of splays (Fig. 4). geometrically, kinematically and mechanically linked.
Rejoining splav (Fig. 4a), Connecting splay (Fig. 4b),
Isolated splay (Fig. 4c), and Divergent splay (Fig. 4d). This section of the glossary deals with linked thrust faults
that form thrust systems. The terminology for thrust systems
Thrust nappe: A large thrust sheet which may have been stems from Dahlstrom (1970), Boyer & Elliott (1982). Mitra
generated from a recumbent fold in which the lower limb has (1986) and modified by Woodward et al. (1989). Thrust
been faulted out to form the sole thrust of the nappe (Fig. 18). systems include duplexes, imbricate thrust systems and trian-
Thrust nappes may also be generated from detachment thrust- gle zones (Fig. 20 - next page).
ing and from inversion structures (cf. from inversion of ramp-
flat extensional fault systems - see McClay & Buchanan Duplexes
1991, this volume).
Duplex: An array of thrust horses bounded by a floor
thrust (i.e. sole thrust) at the base and by a roof thrust at the
top (Figs 20 & 21).

The stacking of the horses and hence the duplex shape

depends upon the ramp angle, thrust spacing, and displace-
ment on individual link thrusts. Models for duplex formation
Figure 18. Thrust nappe developed by thrusting out the lower limb of a (Boyer & Elliott 1982; Mitra 1986) generally assume a
recumbent overfold. 'forward-breaking 1 thrust sequence (see thrust sequences
below). Mitra (1986) revised Boyer & Elliott's (1982) clas-
Thrust sheet: A volume of rock bounded below by a thrust sification of duplexes and proposed a threefold classification
lit. (Fig. 21) consisting of-
1) Independent ramp anticlines and hinterland sloping
Thrust trajectory: The path that the thrust surface takes duplexes (Fig. 21a);
across the stratigraphy (often displayed on cross sections and 2) True duplexes (Fig. 21b);
restored sections). In high-level foreland fold and thrust belts 3) Overlapping ramp anticlines (Fig. 21c).
thrust faults are commonly described as having staircase or
stair-step trajectories (Fig. 19) typically with long bedding- For independent ramp anticlines the final spacing between
parallel fault surfaces (flats) separated by shorter, high-angle the thrusts is much greater than the displacement on the
fault segments that cut across the bedding (ramps). individual thrusts and the structure formed consists of inde-
pendent ramp anticlines separated by broad synclines (Fig.
2la). Hinterland sloping duplexes (Fig. 2 l a ) are formed
where the initial spacing of thrust faults is small and displace-
ment on individual thrusts is small such that, at the contact
between horses, the roof thrust slopes towards the hinterland
(Mitra 1986). True duplexes (such as those modelled by
Boyer & Elliott (1982)) are formed by a particular combina-
Figure 19. Staircase thrust trajectory consisting of ramps and flats. tion of final thrust spacing, ramp angle and ramp height such
that parts of all of the link thrusts and roof thrust are parallel
to the frontal ramp of the duplex (Fig. 21b). Overlapping
Thrust vergence: The direction towards which the ramp anticlines are formed where the crests of successive
hangingwall of the thrust fault has moved relative to the ramp anticlines partially or totally overlap (Fig. 21c). A
footwall. system of completely overlapping ramp anticlines in which
the trailing branch lines are coincident is termed an antiformal
Tip line: The edge of a thrust fault where displacement stack (Fig. 21c).
dies to zero (Fig. 4c).
Mitra (1986) further subdivided true duplexes depending
ftp point: The point of intersection between a tip line and upon their position with repect to larger thrusts (Fig. 21b).
the erosion surface (Fig. 4c). The term tip point is also used Duplexes may occur in the footwall to a ramp anticline, in the
in cross-section analysis for the point where the tip line hangingwall to a ramp anticline and in front of a ramp
intersects the plane of the cross-section-i.e. in this context the anticline (Fig. 21b).

K.R. McCi.AY


:. . • : -- I-.-,-;







Figure 20. Thrust systems, (a) Duplexes, (b) Imbricate systems (schematic), (c) Triangle zones, (adapted after Boyer & Elliott 1982; Micra 1986:
and Woodward ct al. 1989).










Figure 21. Duplex classification (modified after Mitra 1986). (a) Independent ramp anticlines and hinterland dipping duplexes, (b) True duplexes with
second order duplexes, (c) Overlapping ramp anticlines which produce antiformai stacks and, with increased displacement, foreland dipping duplexes.

Antiformai stack: A duplex formed by overlapping ramp Breached duplex: A duplex in which 'out of sequence
anticlines which have coincident trailing branch lines (Fig. movement' on the link thrusts have breached or cut through
22). The individual horses are stacked up on top ofeach other the roof thrust (Fig. 23). Butler (1987) discusses breaching of
such that they form an antiform. duplex structures.


Figure 23. Duplex breached by reactivation of the link thrusts w h i c h

Figure 22. Antiformai stack. displace the original duplex roof thrust.

I! K.R. MrCtAY

Corrugated or humpy roof duplex: A duplex in which the Link thrusts: Imbricate thrusts that link the floor thrust to
roof thrust is corrugated or folded (Fig. 24). the roof thrust of the duplex (Fig. 28). Link thrusts are
CORRUGATED commonly sigmoidal in shape (McClay & Insley 1986).

Figure 24. Corrugated or'bumpy roof duplex.

Floor thrust: The lower thrust surface that bounds a

duplex (Fig. 21).

Foreland dipping duplex: A duplex in which both the link Fi g" re 28- Du P lex l l n k thmsts ( ada P led aftcr McCla >' & Insle >' I986K
thrusts and the bedding (or reference datum surfaces) dip
towards the foreland of the thrust belt (Fig. 25). Passive roof duplex: A duplex in which the roof thrust is
a passive roof thrust (Fig. 29) such that the roof sequence has
not been displaced towards the foreland but has been
underthrust by the duplex (Banks & Warburton 1986).


Figure 25. Foreland dipping duplex.

Hinterland dipping duplex: A duplex in which both the

link thrusts and the bedding (or reference datum surfaces) dip
towards the hinterland of the thrust belt (Fig. 26)

Figure 29. Passive roof duplex (adapted after Banks & Warburton 1986).

Passive roof thrust: A roof thrust in which the sequence

above has not been displaced (e.g. it has remained attached to
.-'V ; | ..." =-.V : -- -:-'y,:.. -, • • . . ' • • | ' the foreland) but has been underthrust (Fig. 29). Passive roof
thrusts are commonly developed where tectonic delamination
Figure 26. Hinterland dipping duplex.
or wedging occurs (see triangle zones below).

Horse: A volume of rock completely surrounded (bounded) Planar roof duplex: A duplex in which the roof thrust is
by thrust faults (Fig. 27). planar except where it is folded over the trailing ramp and
over the leading ramp (Fig. 30). Groshong & Usdansky
(1988) demonstrate that such a geometry is a result of a
special combination of duplex thrust spacing and displace-

Figure 30. Planar roof duplex (true duplex model of Mitra 1986).

Roof thrust: The upper thrust surface that bounds a duplex

Figure 27. Horse H - a volume of rock enclosed by thrust faults. B j and B2 (Fig. 30). Roof thrusts may be smooth or folded by movement
are branch lines. C ( and C, are corner points and Mj and M, are thrust on underlying thrusts of the duplex.
surfaces bounding the horse (adapted after Boyer & Elliott 1982).


Smooth roof duplex: A duplex in which the roof thrust

varies smoothly (Fig. 31 )(seeMcClay & Insley 1986; Tanner
1991, this volume). Smoothly varying roof thrust geometry
may be interpreted as indicating synchronous thrust move-
ment (McClav & Insley 1986).


Figure 31. Smooth roof duplex where Ihe roof thrust varies smoothly
without folding by the underlying l i n k thrusts (adapted after McClav &
Insley 1986).

Truncated duplex: A duplex that is beheaded or truncated

by an out of sequence thrust (Fig. 32).

Figure 33. Imbricate fan formed from an array of overlapping fault-

propagation folds (adapted after Mitra 1990).

Triangle -ones

Figure 32. Truncated duplex in which the upper section (leading branch
The term 'Triangle -one' was first used to describe the
lines) has been removed by an 'out-of-sequence1 thrust overriding the duplex.
thrustbelt tennination in the southern Canadian Rocky Moun-
tains (e.g. Price 1981). There it is a zone of opposed thrust
Imbricate thrust systems dips, at the external margin of the thrust belt and often with
a duplex or antiformal stack in the axial part. This is more
Imbricate thrust system: A closely related branching array correctly described as a passive roof duplex (Fig. 29). Such
of thrusts such that the thrust sheets overlap like roof tiles ' triangle zones' are basically intercutaneous wedges (Price
(Fig. 20). 1986). A second usage of the term triangle zone refers to a
combination of two thrusts with the same basal detachment
Imbricate thrust systems may be formed a system of and with opposing vergence such that they form a triangular
overlapping fault propagation folds (tip line folds - see. fault /one (see below).
related folds and folding below) as shown in Figure 33.
Imbricate fans may also form from duplexes which have the Intercutaneous thrust wedge: A thrust bounded wedge
leading branch lines eroded (Fig. 20). Boyer & Elliott (1982) bounded by a sole or floor thrust at the base and by a passive
point out the difficulty in distinguishing between imbricate roof thrust at the top (see Price 1986)
systems formed from duplexes which have had the leading
branch lines eroded and those imbricate systems formed from
a branching array of thrusts that die out into tip lines and
which have been subsequently eroded (Fig. 20).

Blind imbricate complex: An imbricate fan that remains

buried such that the displacement on the imbricate faults
below is compensated at a higher structural level by folding, Figure 34. Intercutaneous thrust wedge (adapted after Price'1986).
cleavage development or another set of structures having a
different style (Fig. 20) (see also Thompson 1981). Triangle zone: A combination of two thrusts with the
same basal detachment and with opposing vergence such that
Imbricate fan: A system of linked, emergent thrusts that they form a triangular zone (Fig. 35).
diverge upwards from a sole thrust (or floor thrust) (Fig. 33).

Leading imbricate/an: An imbricate fan that has most of

-s displacement on the leading (lowermost) thrust (Fig. 20).

Trailing imbricate fan: An imbricate fan that has most of

its displacement on the trailing (highest) thrust (Fig. 20).
Figure 35. Triangle zone.


Thrust fault related folds and folding

This section of the glossary deals with thrust related

folding and includes nappe structures generated by folding
and thrusting. Detailed analysis of the geometries of thrust
related folds have been given by various authors - fault bend
folds (Suppe 1983; Jamison 1987), fault-propagation folds
(Suppe 1985; Jamison 1987; Mitra 1990; Mosar & Suppe Figure 38. Fault-propagation fold.
1991, this volume) and detachment folds (Jamison 1987;
Mitra & Namson 1989). Growth folds are analysed by Suppe
et al. (1991, this volume).
Fold nappe: A nappe formed by a large recumbent
Detachment fold: Detachment folds Jamison (1987) are overfold (Fig. 39) in which the underlimb is highly attenuated
folds developed above a detachment or thrust that is bedding (cf. the Helvetic nappes, Ramsay 1981; Dietrich & Case)
parallel (i.e. the thrust is a flat and the folding does not require 1989)
a ramp) (Fig. 36). Detachment folds require a ductile
decollement layer (e.g. salt or shale) which can infill the space
generated at the base of the fold (Fig. 36). Detachment folds
are rootless and commonly disharmonic.

Figure 39. Fold nappe.

Footwall syncline: A syncline that is developed in the

footwall to a thrust sheet below a ramp. Footwall synclines
may develop by frictional drag below the thrust or develop
from fault propagation folds.

Growth fold: A fold that develops in sedimentary strata at

Figure 36. Detachment fold. the same time as they are being deposited (Fig.40) (see Suppe
et al. 1991, this volume). Growth folds (growth anticlines)
may develop above the tip line of a thrust fault that is
Fault-bend fold: A fold generated by movement of a propagating upwards into the sedimentary section as it is
thrust sheet over a ramp (Fig. 37) (analysed in detail by Suppe being deposited. Strata typically thin onto the crest of the
(1983). growth anticline.


Figure 40. Growth fault-bend fold (after Zoetemeijer & Sassi 1991. this
Figure 37. Fault-bend fold with leading and trailing anticline-syncline pairs. volume).

Fault propagation fold: A fold generated by propagation Growth strata: Strata that are deposited on a growth fold
of a thrust tip up a ramp into undeformed strata (Fig. 38). Also system as it develops (Fig. 40) and hence they record the
known as a tip line fold. evolution of the fold (see Suppe et al. 1991, this volume).


Lift-off fold: Lift-off folds (Mitra & Namson 1989) are Transported fault-propagation fold: A fault propagation
detachment folds whereby the beds and the detachment are fold that has been transported by thrust that has broken
soclinally folded in the core of the anticline (Fig. 4 1 ) . Lift- through onto an upper flat (Fig. 42).
off folds require a ductile decollement layer such as salt or
.shale which can flow from the core of the fold.

Figure 42. Transported fault propagation fold.

Translated (or transported) detachment fold: A detach-

ment fold that is transported by a thoroughgoing thrust such
that it is displaced from its point of formation (e.g. up a
B footwall ramp) (Fig. 43). Mitra (1990) discusses the differ-
ences between translated (transported) fault-propagation
folds and translated (transported) detachment folds.

Figure 41. Lift-off folds in which the detachment is isoclinally folded in the
core of the fold. A ductile detachment layer is needed in order to permit flow
of ductile material from the collapsed fold core, (a) Box lift-off fold, (b)
Chevron lift-off fold, (adapted after Mitra & Namson 1989) Figure 43. Transported detachment fold (adapted after Mitra 1990).

Overt/trust shear: A term used for thrust or fold nappes

that have been subjected to bulk shear strain generally in the Thrust structures in 3D
direction of nappe transport. See Ramsay el al. (1983),
Dietrich & Casey (1989), and Rowan & Kligfield (1991, this The movement of a thrust sheet over a corrugated surface
volume) for discussions of overthrust shear and nappe em- will generate flat topped anticlines and domes. These are
placement. termed culminations (Dahlstrom 1970; Butler 1982) and the
limbs of these structures are termed culmination walls.
Ramp anticline: An anticline in the hangingwall of a
thrust generated by movement of the thrust sheet up and over Culmination: An anticline or dome with four way closure
a ramp in the footwall (Fig. 30). generated by movement of the thrust sheet over underlying
Ramp syncline: A syndine in the hangingwall of a thrust
generated by movement of the thrust sheet up and over a ramp Displacement transfer zone: The zone where displace-
in the footwall (Fig. 37). Ramp anticlines and ramp synclines ment is transferred from one thrust to another (Dahlstrom
occur in geometrically and kinematically linked pairs - a 1970). Displacement transfer zones may occur by simple en-
leading anticline-syncline pair and a trailing anticline- echelon overlap of thrust faults (Fig. 44) or by tear faults
syncline pair (Fig. 37). parallel to the direction of tectonic transport (see tear faults
- below).
Thrust nappe: A large thrust sheet commonly with signifi-
cant displacement (e.g. the Moine nappe). A thrust nappe Dorsal culmination wall: The limb which is developed
may be generated from a recumbent fold in which the lower over the rear ramp of the culmination and dips in a direction
limb has been faulted out to form the sole thrust of the nappe opposite (i.e. 180°) to the tectonic transport direction (Fig.
(Fig. 18). 45).

Frontal ramp fold: A fold formed by translation of the

thrust sheet over a frontal ramp (Fig. 46).

Lateral culmination wall: A culmination limb which is

THRUST developed over a lateral ramp and dips in a direction 90° to the
tectonic transport direction (Fig. 45).

Lateral ramp fold: A fold formed by translation of the

thrust sheet over a lateral ramp (Fig. 46).

Oblique culmination wall: A culmination l i m b which is

developed over an oblique ramp and dips in a direction
LOWER oblique to the tectonic transport direction.
Oblique ramp fold: A fold formed by translation of the
thrust sheet over an oblique ramp (Fig. 46).

Tear f a u l t . A strike-slip fault parallel to the thrust trans-

port direction and separating two parts of the thrust sheet each
Figure 44. Displacement transfer by en echelon overlap of thrust faults. of which have different displacements (Fig. 47).


Frontal culmination wall: A culmination limb which is

developed over a frontal ramp and dips in the direction of
tectonic transport (Fig. 45).

Figure 47. Tear fault parallel to the thrust transport direction and separating
two parts of the thrust sheet each of which have different displacements.

Window: A hole within a thrust sheet whereby the

hangingwall section of a thrust sheet has been removed by
Figure 45. Culmination walls. erosion thus exposing the underlying structures. Windows
commonly form through erosion of culminations such that
the underlying thrust system (commonly imbricates or
duplexes) is revealed. Boyer & Elliott (1982) illustrate
different types of windows formed by erosion of various
duplex forms.

Thrust sequences

Thrust sequence: The sequence in which new thrus t iaults


The sequence of development of thrust faults w i t h i n a

thrust belt or thrust system is an important parameter needed
Figure 46. Ramp related folds in the hangingwall of a thrust system. for the interpretation of both the geometry and the kinematic-
evolution of a thrust belt. It is essential for the constr uction


of balanced and restored sections (Boyer and Elliott 1982; III sequence thrusting: A thrust sequence that has formed
Boyer 1991, t h i s volume; Butler 1987; Morley 1988; Suppe progressively and in order in one direction ( i . e cither a
985; Woodward e t a / . 1989). A long accepted paradigm for forward-breaking sequence or a break-back sequence). Fig-
thrust tectonics is that, in foreland fold and thrust belts, thrust ures 49 & 50 show in-sequence thrusting.
faults develop sequentially in a sequence that both nucleates
in a forward-breaking sequence and verges towards the Out-of-sequence thrusting The opposite to 'in-sequence
foreland (Dahlstrom 1970; Bally eta!. 1966; Boyer & Elliott thrusting'. Thrust faulting which develops in a sequence
1982; Butler 1982). Recently these basic 'rules' of thrust other than in sequence (Fig. 51). Break-back sequences of
tectonics have been challenged (see Boyer 1991, this volume; thrusts have commonly been called out-of sequence thrusts
and Tanner 1991, this volume). but the term should be more appropriately used to describe
thrust sequences which do not conform to a either a progres-
Breaching: Breaching occurs where an early formed sive forward-breaking or break-back sequence (Fig. 5 1 ) . Out
thrust is cut by later thrusts (Butler 1987) (Fig. 48). It is a term of sequence thrusts commonly cut through and displace pre-
describing the local geometric relationships between thrusts. existing thrusts. Morley (1988) and Butler (1987) discuss out
The term may be applied to a breached duplex where the link of sequence thrusting.
thrusts do not join or anastomose with the roof thrust but cut
and displace it (Fig. 23).

Figure 51. "Out-of-sequence" thrust cutting into a foreland-vergent thrust

system. Numbers indicate sequence of faulting.

Figure 48. Breached thrust - an early formed thrust cut by later thrust,
imbers indicate sequence of faulting.
Piggy-back thrust sequence: Piggy-back thrust sequence
occurs when topographically higher but older thrusts are
carried by lower younger thrusts (Fig. 50). This is essentially
Break-back sequence: The sequence of thrusting where the same as a forward-breaking thrust sequence.
new (younger) thrusts nucleate in the hangingwalls of older
thrusts and verge in the same direction as the older thrusts Synchronous thrusting: Synchronous thrusting occurs
(Fig. 49). when two or more thrusts move together (i.e. not in a piggy-
back sequence). Boyer (1991, this volume) postulates that
synchronous thrust movement may be significant in the
Rocky Mountains of western North America.

Models for thrust faulting

The critical Coulomb wedge model

Figure 49. Break-hack thrust sequence. Numbers indicate sequence of
faulting. Wedge type models for the development of fold and thrust
belts were first analysed by Elliott (1976) and Chappie
Forward-breaking sequence: The sequence of thrusting (1978). The critical taper model or the critical Coulomb
in which new (younger) thrustfaults nucleate in the footwalls wedge model incorporating brittle frictional rheology for the
of older thrusts and verge in the same direction as the older emplacement of accretionary wedges and foreland fold and
thrusts (Fig. 50). thrust belts was postulated by Davis et al. (1983) and subse-
quently developed by Dahlen and others (see review by
Dahlen 1990). The critical wedge model assumes that the
accretionary wedge or foreland fold and thrust belt has a
triangular cross-section, a characteristic surface slope a and
a basal decollement dip of (3 (Fig. 52). The wedge is
composed of material that has a Navier-Coulomb rheology.
The wedge forms by pushing an initial layered sequence from
behind such that thrusts propagate in sequence (towards the
foreland) until a critical taper ( a + P ) is attained at such time


that subsequent deformation involves transport of the whole Self-similar thrust models
wedge along the basal decollement or the wedge continues to
grow in a self-similar fashion by addition of new material at Self-similar model: It is commonly assumed that spatial
the wedge toe but maintaining the critical taper. Critical variations in thrust system geometries reflect temporal vari-
wedge models have used to explain the development of ations in the evolution of the structure (Fischer & Woodward
accretionary prisms and foreland fold and thrust belts (e.g. 1991, this volume). This is the basis for the self-similar
Dahlen & Suppe 1988: Dahlen 1990; Willett 1991, this growth model for thrust structures such as fault-bend folds or
volume: Liuct al. 1991. this volume) but have been criticised fault-propagation folds where, through time, the structure
bv Woodward (1987). grows in amplitude as a simple geometric progression of the
first formed structural feature (Fig. 53). This model assumes
that the structure does not change form with time (e.g. evolve
from a detachment fold to a fault propagation fold) - an
assumption challenged by Fischer & Woodward (1991, this


Inversion tectonics: Inversion tectonics is a switch in

Figure 52. Idealised Coulomb wedge model for the development of an tectonic mode from extension to compression such that
accretionary wedge or foreland fold and thrust bell (cf. Davis et al. 1983; extensional basins are contracted and become regions of
positive structural relief. Inversion tectonics is generally
accepted to involve the reactivation of pre-existing extensional
faults such that they undergo reverse slip and may eventually
become thrust faults (Fig. 54). The modern concepts of
inversion tectonics are discussed in Cooper & Williams
(1989). Thrust structures in inverted basins include footwall
shortcut thrusts and 'out-of-the-graben 1 thrusts (Fig. 13).


Figure 54 Conceptual model of thrust faulting developed in an inverted

listric extensional fault system (after McClay & Buchanan 1991. t h i s

Concluding statements

In this glossary it has not been possible to review or

illustrate all of the terms that have been applied to fold and
thrust belts - that would be the subject of an entire hook.
Techniques of analysis such as the construction and restora-
tion of balanced sections have been recently reviewed by
Geiser (1988), Mitra & Namson (1989) and Woodward etal.
(1989) and are not dealt with here. The definitions and
interpretations of the terms presented in this glossary are the
responsibility of the author and no doubt some will be debated
as to exact interpretation and usage.

Figure 53. Self-similar growth model for the development of a fault-bend



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