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Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No.

2, April 2017
Asia Pacific Journal of
Food Safety Practices among Native Delicacy Education, Arts and Sciences
Producers and Vendors in the Public Market of Vol. 4 No. 2, 95-102
April 2017
Bayambang in Pangasinan, Philippines P-ISSN 2362-8022
E-ISSN 2362-8030
Catalina C. Platon, Raquel C. Pambid*, Evelyn Lomboy
Pangasinan State University, Philippines
*[email protected]

Date Received: March 2, 2017; Date Revised: April 29, 2017

Abstract -Unsafe food causes many acute and particularly known in Asia. It is a common snack in
life-long diseases, ranging from diarrheal diseases to the country so they can stay away from unhealthy
various forms of cancer. This study determined the options like fries and chips. Filipinos have created
food safety practices and measures among native cake many different kinds of rice cakes. In local language,
vendors and producers, described the profile of the it is called kakanin, derived from the word kanin,
subjects in the public markets and enumerated the meaning prepared rice. Puto is derived from Indian
common native delicacies sold in the market and its cuisine puttuand it is the most preferred rice cakes in
economic viability. Described the safety food Pangasinan particularly in Bayambang. Puto can be
practices and measures of the producers and vendors eaten alone as a snack, typically flavored with cheese,
in terms of: cleaning the materials and the butter or butter substitute, or freshly grated mature
workplace; formulation; cooking; food handling; coconut meat. It is also an accompaniment to a
packaging; labeling; storage; vending and finally number of savory dishes, and as dessert in gatherings
identified the factors for non-compliance of the safety and festivities [1].
food practices and measures adopted from HACCP. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that
Utilized the descriptive method and made use of food borne and water-borne diarrheal diseases taken
interview guide, checklist questionnaire and direct together kill about 2.2 million people annually, 1.9
observation rating scale adopted from HACCP during million are children. Food borne diseases and threats
and after the processing/selling of native delicacies. to food safety contribute a growing public health
Using the HACCP standards and control of rating, problem [2].
kakanin vendors/producers have major deficiencies in A large proportion of food-borne illness is caused
food safety measures and practices in packaging, post by poor food handling practices. It is extremely
product handling/ vending, health and hygiene and in important that food handlers have the appropriate
the market place however, they have minor deficiency skills and knowledge in food safety and hygiene. It is
in the work place. also important that food preparation premises are
This study recommends that dissemination of maintained clean and sanitary to minimize potential
these findings be given to proper authorities to contamination of from dirt, grease, bacteria and other
remedy the poor condition of food and safety. The harmful elements [3]. Observations showed that
Institution will conduct trainings on food and safety harmful elements cause gastrointestinal diseases
and proper handling among the kakanin vendors. which are often the cause of admission in the
Municipal authorities on health and customers hospitals. Children below 10 years old are often
services should be vigilant in the observance on food victims of gastrointestinal disease (GIs).
and safety. Appropriate food safety sanitation management
Keywords: Food safety practices, native should be the concern to prevent and control GIs.
delicacies, food contamination, food handling Food safety practices are essential for community
health. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
INTRODUCTION (HACCP) is a systematic, preventive approach to food
A large selection of rice cakes exist in many safety that addresses physical, chemical, and
different cultures in which rice is eaten, and are biological hazards. It is designed to prevent problems
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
before they occur and to correct deviations as soon as processing/selling of native delicacies. The results
they are detected [4]. were comprehensive presentation and interpretation of
The Department of Health (DOH) defines food statistical tabulation of data yielded from a survey.
safety as “the assurance/guarantee that food will not There were 20 respondents who were interviewed and
cause harm to the consumers when it is prepared observed doing the processing of the delicacies
and/or eaten according to its intended use” [5]. (kakanin).
To minimize serious impact on health of the Food safety, hygiene, and sanitation were
community as well as the financial viability of native determined by the use of structured interviews and
rice cake (kakanin) business, food business operators observations. Practices in cooking skills, handling of
must ensure food safety standards and requirements food, place and manner in the preparation of food,
are satisfied at all times. Health officers enforce personal hygiene, environmental conditions, methods
compliance of the standards and requirement.The of washing utensils and preservation methods of food
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ensures safe were observed. Location of the vending area, utensils
food handling practices which concerns safety, used, environment surrounding the street food
sanitation, prevention, identification and control of vendors, general processing of the food and hygienic
food related risks in the workplace. The agency and practices were also observed and recorded through an
other health offices ensure safe food handling observation checklist. The researchers went to the
practices, safe packaging techniques, tampering preparation houses early in the morning and late at
resistance, special physical, chemical, or biological night. The processing of the delicacies (kakanin),
needs and sanitation management. packaging and selling/retailing were observed by the
Sanitation management involves managing the researchers.
food storage and handling, identifying and inhibiting The first part of the questionnaire focused on the
food-borne illnesses and preventing cross demographic profile. The second part of the
contamination between food items in the kitchen [5]. questionnaire was constructed checklist about the
Through proper food sanitation management equipment and facilities used in food preparation and
prevention and control of GI diseases can be attained. vending areas in terms of segregation/cleaning and
It is on this premise that this study was washing area. The third part included the interview
undertaken.It aimed to determine the food safety and observation of the researchers to the respondents
practices and measures among native cake (kakanin) from the preparation of the native delicacies (kakanin)
vendors and producers in Bayambang, Pangasinan until the actual vending.Average weighted mean,
public markets. frequency and percentage were used to present the
This study determined the food safety practices RESULT AND DISCUSSION
and measures among native cake vendors and The profile of “kakanin” vendors were described
producers. It also described the profile of the subjects in terms of their age, gender, educational attainment,
in the public markets and enumerated the common income, average daily sales from “kakanin” and the
native delicacies sold in the market and its economic availability of health certificate.Table 1 presents the
viability. Particularly, this study described the safety demographic profile of the respondents.
food practices and measures of the producers and It shows that 40% “kakanin” producers/vendors
vendors in terms of: cleaning the materials and the are 31-40 years old (40%) and are female (90%).
workplace; formulation; cooking;food handling; Female “kakanin” vendors is exemplified by gender
packaging; labeling; storage; vending and finally stereotype duty of the woman to cook according to(4)
identified the factors for non-compliance of the safety and further stated that the society’s perception of
food practices and measures adopted from Hazard woman is to take care of the family by cooking and
Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) feeding the children and the rest of the family with
nutritious foods. Majority of the respondents are
MATERIALS AND METHODS either elementary graduates (40 %) or high school
The researchers utilized the descriptive method of graduates (35%). Their monthly family income is
research and made use of interview guide, checklist within the range of 1001-10,000 (80%). The
questionnaire and direct observation rating scale respondents said that their daily income from sales of
adopted from HACCP during and after the “kakanin” is around PhP 501 and above (40%).
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
Table 1.Demographic Profile of the Respondents Bayambang “kakanin” vendors have several
(N=20) native delicacies sold in the market. Each vendor has
Demographic data f % at least one or three expertise on the type of “kakanin
Age to be produced.
21-30 3 15
31-40 8 40 Table 2.Products Sold and/or Made by the
41-50 2 10 Vendors
51-60 4 20
61-70 3 15
Items f %
Gender Puto 13 15.85
Female 18 90 Bitso-bitso 9 10.97
Male 2 10 Latik 9 10.97
Educational Attainment Cassava cake 8 9.76
Below Elementary 1 5 Suman 6 7.32
Elementary Graduate 8 40 Turonmalagkit 5 6.10
High School Graduate 7 35 Tikoy 5 6.10
College Graduate 4 20 Maja 4 4.88
Monthly Family Income
1000-and below
Pitchie-pitchie 4 4.88
1001-5000 9 45 Bibingka 4 4.88
5001-10,000 7 35 Banana Cue 3 3.66
10,001-and above 4 20 Bico 3 4.1
Average Daily Income from Sales Botsi 3 4.1
200-and below 7 35 Kutsinta 2 2.44
300-500 5 25 Palitao 1 1.4
501- and above 8 40 Kundandit 1 1.4
Availability of Health Certificate Chocolate moron 1 1.4
Yes 25
515 Espasol 1 1.4
No 75
Thirteen of the respondents (about 16%) cooked
However, according to them, even if their sales “puto”, five of them cooked “turonmalagkit” and
were low at around PhP 200 a day, it is compensated “tikoy” (6.10%). Several other “kakanins” prepared
because the left-over“kakanin” can be taken home at and sold in the market are “maja”, “pitchie-pitchie”,
the end of the day and can be eaten by the members of “bibingka”, banana cue, “bico”, “botsi”, “kutsinta”,
the family or can be sold for the following day if not “palitao”, “kundandit”, chocolate “moron”, and
yet spoiled. According to some of the respondents, “espasol”. Table 2 shows that “puto” is the favorite
there are some “kakanin” which has a shelf life of “kakanin” produced and sold in the market. According
three days. Majority (75%) of the respondents do not to the vendors “puto” is commonly produced because
have health certificates. They said that they are not the ingredients are few and cheap. In addition to this,
aware of the health certificate of vendors, and the “puto” is easily done, cooked and sold to the
health practices of vendors. However, in the study consumers. “Espasol” is the least prepared because the
“Economic and Hygiene features of street food ingredients are expensive and the processing is quite
vending in Gauteng" in South Africa, the survey difficult. However, “espasol” is a product which has
showed a high hygiene standard maintained by most three days shelf-life so it can be sold for at least three
vendors during preparation and serving of the foods days in the market.
and it indicated that the health risks of consuming Table 3 presents the equipment and facilities used
street foods are minimal, that street food vendors in food preparation and food retail. The equipment
depend on vending for their livelihood and that their and facilities in the different preparation area of
customers appreciate their trade. Food vending was “kakanin, under the cleaning/segregation and washing
acquired by self teaching, formal training in food area; compost pit facility is the open dump site at the
handling and vending and by observation or taught by backyard.
their parents are common ways in gaining knowledge

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
Table 3.Equipment and Facilities used in Food are usually an extension of the regular household
Preparation and Food Retail kitchen and are wide enough for preparation and with
Items f % sufficient ventilation. It was also observeddue to their
A. Segregation/ cleaning and widepreparation area none of them have screened
Washing Area preparation area.
a.1.Compost pit facility 5 25 In the cooking area, 40% of the respondents use
Open Dump facility 6 30 “pugon” (wooden oven), 35% use stove and 20% of
Burning facility 5 25
them use gas oven. Majority of them use stainless
Collection facility 4 20
a.2.Sink with running water 15 75
knives (48%), stainless wok ( 33%), stainless holder
No sink/ no running water 5 25 and stainless basin (9.5%). It is a good observation
that the respondents use stainless materials which are
B. Preparation Area
safe for corrosion[6].
b.1.With tables 19 95
No tables 1 5
The facilities in the packaging consists common
b.2.Adequate lights 7 35 facility like the basket (55%) a plastic container
Inadequate lights 20 100 (23%) and bilao ( 19%) and the least is the refrigerator
(3%). According to respondent 1 and 2 “Basket is the
C. Cooking Area/ Cooking
Equipments best storage because it has holes and the “kakanin”
c.1.Stove 7 35 does not easily get spoiled . The moist from the
Oven 4 20 kakanin is very inviting for molds particularly when
Wood 1 5 the kakanin is stored hot inside a container. The
Pugon 8 40 refrigerator is leastadvised because it is not handy to
c.2.Stainless Knives 20 47.6 be carried to the market. and besides, when the
c.3.Stainless Wook 14 33.3 kakanin is stored in a cool place the coconut milk
c.4.Stainless Molder 4 9.5 (gata) gets curd then making the kakanin hard to eat”.
c.5.Stainless Basin 4 9.5 No one among the respondents have product control
c.6.Pan 2 4.8
D. Packaging Area
Individual packaging of the kakanin is usually in a
Refrigerator 1 3.2 plastic wrapper (50%), banana leaves (30%) and styro
Plastic Container 7 22.6 (12%). Respondent #20, said that: “ Plastic is the best
Basket 17 54.8 packaging (wrapper) material because it is cheap,
Bilao 6 19.4 and available in the market and also very convenient.
d.2.Packing 20 50 Banana leaves use a lot of energyand preparation
Plastic 1 2.5 process before it can be used as a packaging material.
Paper 12 30 One needs to heat the leaves and clean /wipe its part
Banana Leaves 7 17.5 before using. ”
Styro It has been observed that not all kakanin are
E. Product Control Area 0 0 individually wrapped. For example, puto is only
wrapped in a plastic container or banana leaves upon
Thirty percent of the respondents admitted that buying, so with buying latik. Puto and latik are sold in
they have open dump facility near the house, 25% retail basis. This puto /latik is individually sliced and
have compost pit, another 25% burn their trash and wrapped in transparent plastic.The packaging system
20% depend on daily collection of garbage by the of kakanin was observed without product controlarea
municipal dump truck. The preparation area is 75% of or system. After cooking the kakanin the respondents
them have sink with running water and only 25% have prepared the “bilao” covered with either plastic or
no running water. The respondents with no running banana leaves.
water are usually found in the rural where only deep Table 4 to Table 9 adopted the HACCP measures
well or artesian wells are available. in rating the descriptive equivalent of food safety
Majority(95%) of the preparation area of the measures being done by the kakanin vendors/
respondents’posses’ wooden table without cover, 65% producers and as observed by the researchers. It
have inadequate lighting facility however 100% of the reveals that the respondents have “full compliance” in
respondents have adequate windows and natural “packaging delicacies separately.” This clearly shows
ventilation. The preparation areas of the respondents that there is no cross contamination between prepared

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
kakanin varieties. Each variety of kakanin are placed Table 5. Food Safety Measures Observed in
in different containers which are reusable and properly Product Formulation
cleaned, which is “fully complied” by the respondents. Criteria on Food Safety Measures AWM VI
1. Reassures that all ingredients do
Table 4.Food Safety Measures and Practices in not reach the expiration date 8.95
Packaging before consumption
Criteria on Food Safety Measures AWM VI 2. Not overstocking of item Minor
1. Different kinds of delicacies 10.00 Full
3. Availability of potable water,
packed separately compliance Minor
ice, and steam used in 6.25
2. Containers ( bilao or panning) 8.75 Full deficiency
formulating/handling foods
are reusable and properly compliance
4. Presence of sensitive Major
cleaned 4.95
ingredients in foods deficiency
3. Packaging materials are safe 7.35 Minor
5. Proper labelling of ingredients Major
from any chemicals such as lead deficiency 4.65
that can contaminate the food
6. Inspection of incoming
4. Method of packaging can’t 6.25 Minor Major
ingredients for damage so that it 4.50
affect the multiplication of deficiency deficiency
can be rejected
microbial pathogens and/or the
7. Proper manner in storing Major
formation of toxins. 4.25
ingredients deficiency
5. Packaging is not hard to clean 5.95 Minor
8. Intended for consumption of the
or disassemble deficiency Major
population without increasing 3.50
6. Vendors dispose packing 5.95 Minor deficiency
susceptibility to illness
materials after usage deficiency
9. Present finished product free
7. Bag used is 5.90 Minor Major
from objectionable materials 2.65
necessary/compatible with the deficiency deficiency
(hair, dust, Insect)
10. Added nutrients to product Non -
8. Packing materials are resistant 5.80 Minor 0.5
to damage thereby preventing deficiency
the entrance of microbial Total Major
contamination deficiency
9. Vendors are performing and 4.05 Major
observing cleanliness during deficiency The respondents have “full compliance” in
packaging. reassuring that all ingredients do not reach the
10. Materials used in packing are 3.45 Major expiration date before consumption,” This clearly
Biodegradable deficiency shows that vendors/producers limittheir products due
TOTAL 6.35 Minor to insufficient capital so it does not reach the
deficiency expiration date before it is sold. Six out of ten items
got major deficiency where item on “free
The respondents have “major deficiencies” in objectionable materials (hair, dust and insects) gota
Biodegradable packaging material (3.45) and very low score. It implies that the vendors/producers
“cleanliness during packaging ( 4.05). It implies that do not use hair net and proper attire in cooking
majority of the respondents used plastic as a form of /vending. The vendors do not cover immediately the
packaging materialwhich is non-biodegradable. product so it hasthe tendency there are some
The kakanin producers/vendors have minor objectionable materials like dust that may possibly
deficiencies in their food safety measures and mix and that may contaminate the product. The
practices in packaging. According to HACCP vendors/producers show noncompliance on the item
principle number 3, producers and vendors should: on “addition of nutrients to the product”. It is likely
“establish critical limits for each critical control thatpreservatives, nutrients and artificial sweeteners
point” a critical limit is the maximum or minimum were not added since they are not aware on the
value to which a physical, biological, or chemical advantages and disadvantages in the product.
hazard must be controlled at a critical control point to Table 6 presents the food safety measures in post-
prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable level product handling/vending practices.
theharm to an individual. As a whole kakaninvendors
have minor deficiency in all aspects of safety
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
Table 6.Food Safety Measures in Post-product
Handling/Vending Practices Table 7.Food Safety Measures/Practices in the
Criteria on Food Safety Measures AWM VI Workplace
1. Left-over products are handled 7.15 Minor Criteria on Food Safety Measure AWM VI
separately from the newly made deficiency 1. Proper size of equipment for the 8.10 Minor
delicacies volume of food that will be deficiency
2. Finished products are properly 6.75 Minor processed
covered during transportation deficiency 2. Reliability of equipment or it is 7.70 Minor
3. Vendors have separate 6.70 Minor prone to frequent breakdown deficiency
basin/container for spoiled food deficiency 3. Positive air pressure that 6.50 Minor
products maintain in packaging area deficiency
4. Vendors use proper food cover 6.70 Minor 4. Providing time temperature 6.40 Minor
in their products during vending deficiency control of equipment that is deficiency
5. Vendors use plastic gloves or 5.00 Major necessary for safe food
food tongs in handling foods deficiency 5. Designation of equipment so that 6.25 Minor
6. The vendors understand the 4.85 Major it can be easily cleaned and deficiency
process and the factors they deficiency sanitized
must control to assure the 6. Well ventilated and clean 5.85 Minor
preparation of safe foods workplace before and after use deficiency
7. The vendors perform hand 3.20 Major 7. Availability of garbage disposal 5.70 Minor
washing before and after deficiency at workplace deficiency
handling finished product 8. Cleaning and sanitizing of 5.05 Major
8. The vendors dry their hands 3.15 Major equipment that come in contact deficiency
thoroughly on a single use deficiency with food as often as necessary
towel or in another way that is to prevent contamination
not likely to transfer disease- 9. Including controllable process to 5.0 Major
causing organisms onto the destroy pathogen deficiency
hands during food handling 10. Permitting safe handling of food 4.40 Major
9. Vendors make sure that there’s 2.75 Major through easily cleaned and deficiency
no fly or an insect that comes in deficiency sanitized facility and equipment
contact with their products Composite Mean 6.10 Minor
10. The vendors remove their food 0.50 Non- deficiency
gloves if they have any) before compliance It shows that the vendors got “minor deficiency” in
accepting the payment proper size of equipment for the volume of food that
Total 4.68 Major will be processed (8.1), reliability of equipment used,
pressurized packaging, temperature controlled
Food Safety measures in post-product
equipment, designation of equipment, cleanliness, and
handling/vending practices item on “left-over products
availability of garbage disposal in the workplace. The
are handled separately from the newly made
workplace got “major deficiency” in sanitized
delicacies” seen with minor deficiency. It implies that
equipment and control for pathogens for the
vendors are aware that leftover foods can contaminate
equipment and the workplace. The data suggest that
the newly products when it is not segregated thus
the producers and vendors are not aware of the
increasing the risk of early spoilage. There are five
sources of pathogens thus, have major deficiency in
items that bear“major deficiencies”: like vendors do
practices in maintaining cleanliness in the workplace.
not use plastic gloves or food tongs in handling the
In the health practices of the vendors as shown in
product, they do not perform handwashing before and
Table 8, have major deficiencies in health and
after handling finished product, vendors do not dry
personal hygiene practices, particularly food handlers
their hands thoroughly on a single use towel, and
with cuts, bruises and skin problems. The vendors do
vendors do not make sure that there’s no fly or an
not comply with proper dress attire for food safety and
insect in contact with their products. It implies that the
formal training on food handling. It reveals that the
vendors have major deficiencies on food safety
kakanin vendors/producers have major deficiency
measures in post-product handling and vending
with health practices and hygiene.
Table 7 presents the Food Safety
Measures/Practices in the workplace.
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
Table 8.Health Practices
Criteria on Food Safety Measure AWM VI
1. The vendor do not exercise unnecessary mannerisms like nose picking, ear 8.0 Minor deficiency
picking and spitting on site during vending of products
2. The vendor washes her/his hand before retailing and uses mask when affected 8.0 Minor deficiency
with any food borne or airborne illness.
3. The vendors eat, drink and use tobacco products in designated area and not in 7.9 Minor deficiency
the working area
4. The vendor uses gloves when affected with skin injures 5.2 Minor deficiency
5. The vendors have health or personal hygiene practices upon the safety of the 3.5 Major deficiency
food being processed
6. The vendors are trained to follow good hygienic practice 3.2 Major deficiency
7. Protection is offered to workers with cuts and lesions on part of the body that 2.1 Major deficiency
may contact with fresh products
8. The vendors go for consultation when seen symptoms of infectious disease 1.7 Major deficiency
9. Use of proper cooking and vending attire like apron, hairnet, and food gloves 1.4 Non -compliance
10. The vendor attend a formal training on food handling 1.3 Non- compliance
Composite Mean 4.23 Major deficiency

Table 9.Food Safety Measures/Practices in the Marketplace

Criteria on Food Safety Measure AWM VI
1. The layout of the facility provide an adequate separation of raw materials 5.80 Minor deficiency
(wet) from ready-to-eat (RTE) foods (dry)
2. The food spilled or uneaten by vendors are cleaned up quickly so as not to 5.65 Minor deficiency
attract pests or breed of bacteria
3. The roof of the stall is adequate enough to cover the finished products from 5.65 Minor deficiency
over-exposure to sun or rain
4. The stall is placed in a high area to avoid floods and muds 5.65 Minor deficiency
5. The place is far from contaminated areas specially sewage canal 5.60 Minor deficiency
6. Water supply is accessible and adequate with enough pressure 4.45 Major deficiency
7. The vendors have business and sanitary permit 4.45 Major deficiency
8. The area outside the facility is free of evidence of pest activity 1.85 Major deficiency
9. The area is free from objectionable odor, smoke flying ash, dust, etc. 1.50 Non-Compliance
10. The stall is permanent 0 Non-Compliance
Composite Mean 3.97 Major deficiency

It shows that the vendors have no permanent stallfemale middle adult, elementary graduate with
in the market. They are mobile thus no business monthly income of P1001 to P5000. They have an
permit. At present the kakanin vendors are situated in
average daily income of P500 and above from sales of
the wet market area where meat and fish stalls are also
kakanin. However, majority of them do not have
located. Some kakanin vendors are situated near the health certificate because they are not oblige to have
road where customers can readily buy their products one. Puto, latik and bitso-bitso are the common
however not safe due to dust from passing vehicles. kakanin being produced and sold in the market. Their
The kakanin vending area is situated in a low place preparation area have an open dump site facility for
and with evidences of pests, objectionable odor and throwing garbage, has sink with running water, with
dust. To sum it up the market place of kakanin was wooden tables, inadequate light, stove or “pugon”
rated with major deficiency. (oven), basket food storage facility, with plastic as
packaging material and no product control area or
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION facility. Using the HACCP standards and control of
This study determined the food safety practices rating, kakaninvendors/producers have major
and measures among native cake (kakanin) vendors deficiencies in food safety measures and practices in
and producers. The kakanin vendors are usually packaging, post-product handling/vending, health and
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
hygiene, and in the market place however, they have http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/publications/code/allc
minor deficiency in the work place. _3.htm
This study further recommends that dissemination [4] Ang, Mary Jean C.; Balanon, Hannah A. (2010). Food
of these findings be given to proper authorities to Safety and Sanitation. C &E.
Publishing, Inc. Philippines.
remedy the poor condition on food safety. The
[5] DOH(2006)-http://www.scribd.com/doc/4938633/
Institution should also conduct trainings on food Food-Safety-in-the-Philippines- Problems-
safety and proper handling among the kakaninvendors Issues-and-Opportunities-for-the-Small-Farmers-and-
as extension activities. Municipal authorities on health Products
and customers services should be vigilant in the [6] ServSafe – California Food Handler: Create a Log in
observance of food safety. Instructions, url:
REFERENCES login-instructions-guide
[1] Edelstein, S. (2010). Food, cuisine, and cultural [7] Martin, J. (2006). Social cultural perspectives in
competency for culinary, hospitality, and nutrition educational psychology. In P. Alexander & P. H.
professionals. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Winne (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology
[2] WHO/FAO (2006,2012,)- (2nd edition) (pp. 595- 614). Mahwah, NJ:
http://www.who.int/foodsafety/en/ Erlbaum.
[3] Chapter 3: Cleaning, Sanitizing And Maintenance
of Food Premises, Equipment And Utensils, url:

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com

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