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N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

READING: Robot Runs Away

Vocabulary Preview

 Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. robot A. a person who studies science

2. human B. a container that has electricity

3. scientist C. an unusual and exciting time or experience

4. test (v.) D. to run away and be free

5. battery E. a kind of machine that can work for people

6. traffic jam F. to try something

7. escape (v.) G. many cars (that are not moving) on a road

8. adventure H. a person

 Use the above words to complete the sentences. Use plural forms (-s) when

1. _________________ are much smarter than animals.

2. Do you think that _________________ will find life on other worlds?

3. How did the bank robbers _________________ from the police?

4. Do these cookies taste okay? Let’s _________________ them and find out.

5. I’m sorry I was late. There was a _________________ on the road.

6. Some _________________ look like machines, but others look like people.

7. Our clock isn’t working. I think it needs a new _________________.

8. I feel bored. I want to travel and have an _________________.

 Choose any two of the above words and write your own sentences.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

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N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

Topic: Science & Technology

Runs Away

Are robots1 really happy to work for humans2? Recently, a

robot ran away to be free. Scientists3 in the Russian city of Perm

tested a new, smart robot called “Promobot”. Someone forgot to

close the door to the testing4 area. A robot went through the

door and it traveled about 165 feet (50 meters) when its

batteries5 died. Russian Channel 5 TV shows the robot stopped

in the middle of a roadway. It caused a traffic jam6. Scientists

later came to get the robot after about 50 minutes. Oleg

Kivokurtsev, who works at the testing center, said, “Our engineer

drove onto the testing ground and forgot to close the gates. So

the robot escaped7 and went on his little adventure8.” No one

was hurt.

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N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

Grammar Practice

Runs Away
(1)_____ robots really happy to work for humans? Recently, a robot
(2)_____ away to be free. (3)_____ in the Russian city of Perm
tested a new, smart robot called “Promobot”. Someone forgot to
(4)_____ the door to the testing area. A robot went (5)_____ the door
and it traveled about 165 feet (50 meters) when its batteries died.
Russian Channel 5 TV shows (6)_____ robot stopped (7)_____ the
middle of a roadway. It caused a traffic jam. Scientists later
(8)_____ to get the robot after about 50 minutes. Oleg Kivokurtsev,
who (9)_____ at the testing center, said, “Our engineer (10)_____
onto the testing ground and forgot to (11)_____ the gates. So the
robot escaped and went on his little adventure.” No one (12)_____

1. 5. 9.
(A) Is (A) through (A) working
(B) Are (B) on (B) work
(C) Do (C) between (C) works

2. 6. 10.
(A) ran (A) the (A) drive
(B) run (B) an (B) drove
(C) running (C) any (C) drives

3. 7. 11.
(A) Scientist (A) on (A) closing
(B) Science (B) in (B) close
(C) Scientists (C) at (C) closed

4. 8. 12.
(A) closed (A) comes (A) was
(B) closing (B) come (B) were
(C) close (C) came (C) are

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N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

READING: Robot Runs Away

How Much Do You Understand?

 According to the article, write ‘T’ (True) or ‘F’ (False) next to each statement.

1. The robot wanted to go to Russia.

2. The robot was smart.

3. The robot was on Russian TV.

4. The robot almost died when a car hit it.

5. The robot was free for almost an hour.

6. The robot hurt one person.


 Discuss the following questions with your classmates.

1. Do you think the robot ran away because it was unhappy? Why? / Why not?
2. Do you think robots are dangerous? Why? / Why not?
3. Would you like to have your own robot at home? Why? / Why not?


 Choose one of the above discussion questions. Write a short paragraph to

answer it.


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Reading Lesson Topic: Science & Technology

Lesson “Robot Runs Away”

Grammar Focus Mixed (includes Past Simple)
Vocabulary 124 words
A1 words-65% / A2 words-13% / B1 words-6% / B2 words-1%
AWL words in this text: area, channel
Vocabulary Analysis by:
Level Elementary to Pre-Intermediate (CEFR A2)


 Vocabulary Preview
1. E 1. humans
2. H 2. scientists
3. A 3. escape
4. F 4. test
5. B 5. traffic jam
6. G 6. robots
7. D 7. battery
8. C 8. adventure


 Grammar (Article)  How Much Do You Understand?
1. B 7. B 1. F (The robot was already in Russia.)
2. A 8. C 2. T
3. C 9. C 3. T
4. C 10. B 4. F (The robot caused a traffic jam when its batteries died.)
5. A 11. B 5. T
6. A 12. A 6. F (No one was hurt.)

Article Sources:






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