Pip Character

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PIP- main character

As a bildungsroman, Great Expectations presents the growth and development

of a single character, Philip Pirrip, better known to himself and to the world as Pip.
As the focus of the bildungsroman, Pip is by far the most important character
in Great Expectations: he is both the protagonist, whose actions make up the main plot
of the novel, and the narrator, whose thoughts and attitudes shape the reader’s
perception of the story. As a result, developing an understanding of Pip’s character is
perhaps the most important step in understanding Great Expectations.
Because Pip is narrating his story many years after the events of the novel
take place, there are really two Pips in Great Expectations: Pip the narrator and Pip
the character—the voice telling the story and the person acting it out. Dickens takes
great care to distinguish the two Pips, imbuing the voice of Pip the narrator with
perspective and maturity while also imparting how Pip the character feels about what
is happening to him as it actually happens. This skilfully executed distinction is
perhaps best observed early in the book, when Pip the character is a child; here, Pip
the narrator gently pokes fun at his younger self, but also enables us to see and feel
the story through his eyes.

As a character, Pip’s two most important traits are his immature, romantic
idealism and his innately good conscience. On the one hand, Pip has a deep desire
to improve himself and attain any possible advancement, whether educational,
moral, or social. His longing to marry Estella and join the upper classes stems from
the same idealistic desire as his longing to learn to read and his fear of being
punished for bad behaviour: once he understands ideas like poverty, ignorance, and
immorality, Pip does not want to be poor, ignorant, or immoral. Pip the narrator
judges his own past actions extremely harshly, rarely giving himself credit for good
deeds but angrily castigating himself for bad ones.

As a character, however, Pip’s idealism often leads him to perceive the world
rather narrowly, and his tendency to oversimplify situations based on superficial
values leads him to behave badly toward the people who care about him. When Pip
becomes a gentleman, for example, he immediately begins to act as he thinks a
gentleman is supposed to act, which leads him to treat Joe and Biddy snobbishly
and coldly.

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