Monthly Basic Salary of Public School Teachers in The Philippines

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Monthly Basic Salary of Public

School Teachers in the

Position Salary Grade 2012 2018 2019

Teacher I 11 18,549 20,179 20,754

Teacher II 12 19,940 22,149 22,938

Teacher III 13 21,436 24,224 25,232

Master Teacher I 18 31,351 38,085 40,637

Master Teacher II 19 33,859 42,009 45,269

Master Teacher III 20 36,567 47,037 51,155

Master Teacher IV 21 39,493 52,554 57,805

Head Teacher I 13 21,436 24,224 25,232

Header Teacher II 14 23,044 26,494 27,755

Head Teacher III 15 24,887 29,010 30,531

Head Teacher IV 16 26,878 31,765 33,584

Position Salary Grade 2012 2018 2019

Head Teacher V 17 29,028 34,781 36,942

Head Teacher VI 18 31,351 38,085 40,637

Principal I 18 31,351 38,085 40,637

Principal II 19 33,859 42,099 45,269

Principal III 20 36,567 47,037 51,155

Principal IV 21 39,493 52,554 57,805

Approximately 60% of licensed teachers in the private schools earn roughly P12,500.00
a month.

DepEd Public School Teachers

Compensation and Benefits
The Constitution directs the State to “ensure that teaching will attract and retain its
rightful share of the best available talents through adequate remuneration and other
means of job satisfaction and fulfillment”.

Particulars Amount Frequency Legal Basis

Basic Salary Refer to the Attached Monthly DBM NBC No. 546 dated

Salary Schedule Above February 24, 2016

Personnel 2,000.00 Monthly DBM NBC No. 2009 -3

Particulars Amount Frequency Legal Basis

Economic Relief dated

Allowance (PERA) August 18, 2009

* Representation Refer to the Attached Monthly DBM NBC No. 546, dated

and Transportation RATA Schedule January 17, 2013

Allowance (RATA)

Mid-Year Bonus One (1) month basic salary Annually DBM NBC No. 546 dated

February 24, 2016

Year-End Bonus One (1) month basic salary Annually DBM NBC No. 2010-1

dated April 28, 2010

Cash Gift 5,000.00 Annually

Productivity 2,000.00 Annually DBM Circular Letter Nos. 3-

Incentive Benefit 97, 2001-6 and 2002-3 dated

(PIB) January 31, 1997, March 2,

2001 and January 2, 2002

Performance-Based Ranges from 35,000.00 Annually Executive Order No. 80

Bonus (PBB) (Highest) to 5,000.00 s.2012 entitled Directing the

(Lowest) depending on the Adoption of a Performance

performance of each Based Incentive System

Particulars Amount Frequency Legal Basis

delivery unit (PBIS) for Gov't Employees

Productivity 5,000.00 Annually DBM Budget Circular No.

Enhancement 2013-3 dated November 21,

Incentive (PEI) 2013

Clothing 5,000.00 Annually DBM NBC No. No. 2012-1

Allowance dated February 23, 2012

Loyalty Pay 10th year: 10,000.00 Annually COA Circular No. 2013-

15th year: 5,000.00 003A s. 2013

20th year: 5,000.00

25th year: 5,000.00

30th year: 5,000.00

35th year: 5,000.00

40th year: 5,000.00

Step Increment One (1) Step Increment Joint CSC and DBM

shall be granted to officials Circular

and employees for three

(3) years of continuous

satisfactory service in the

Particulars Amount Frequency Legal Basis

Anniversary Bonus 3,000.00 15th anniversary of Administrative Order No.

the government 263 dated March 28, 1996

agency and every and DBM National Budget

fifth year Circular No. 452, dated May

thereafter. 20, 1996

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