A Progressive Pharmaceutical Review On Sneha Kalpana

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A progressive pharmaceutical review on Sneha Kalpana

Article  in  International Journal of Green Pharmacy · May 2018

DOI: 10.22377/ijgp.v12i01.1596

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2 authors:

Sweta Kumari Dileep Singh Baghel

Lovely Professional University

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REVIEW ARTICLE A progressive pharmaceutical review on
Sneha Kalpana
Sweta Kumari, Dileep Singh Baghel*
Department of Ayurvedic Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lovely Professional University,
Jalandhar, Punjab, India.


Sneha Kalpana is a group of products of medicated taila and ghrita. This class of formulations is reported to
treat a very wide range of diseases among patients of all age groups. Sneha Kalpas manufactured in Ayurvedic
pharmaceutics are used extensively for medicinal as well as cosmetic purposes. It is one of the widely used
techniques in Ayurvedic drug industry to achieve solubility of both fat-soluble and water-soluble extractives into
the oil medium. It is the only Kalpana which is used through all four modes of administration of such formulations,
i.e. pana, abhyanga, nasaya, and basti.

Key words: Ayurveda, Kalpana, Oleaginous medicament, Sneha

INTRODUCTION a. “Goghrita and Tila taila” are considered and advised

as one of the best snehas among all the jangama and

neha Kalpana is one of the widely used sthavara sneha, respectively.[5-7]
and preferred dosage forms of Ayurvedic 4. Based on the types of utility: Pana, Anuvasana,
system of medicine. It is a pharmaceutical Abhyanga, Shirobasti, Uttarbasti, Nasya, Karnapurana,
procedure which is followed to produce an and Dharana.[2-4,7]
oleaginous medicament from the substances
such as kalka, kwatha, and drava dravyas, in
specific proportions by subjecting them to a CHRONICLED APPRAISAL OF SNEHA
specified heating pattern and duration. By this KALPANA
process, one can ensure transformation of the
active therapeutic properties of the ingredients Vedas are the source of knowledge and Ayurveda is a part of
to the solvents, and hence, one can recover it. Atharvaveda mentioned about pivas paka and taila paka,
fat-soluble as well as water-soluble chemical where visha dravyas are used in the processing. In Yajurveda,
constituents.[1,2] also Havi and Ajya are mentioned for Ghrita.[8]

Samhita Period
KALPANA Samhita kala is considered as the golden period for Sneha
Kalpana. In Brihtrayee, Sneha Kalpana flourished due to its
Sneha Kalpana is classified into various immense use for different purposes ranging from external
categories based on different parameters. Those applications to internal administration through different routes.
includes as follows -
1. Based on the stage of paka: Ama Paka,
Mridu Paka, Madhya Paka, Khara Paka, Address for correspondence:
and Dagdha Paka.[2] Dileep Singh Baghel, Department of Ayurvedic Pharmacy,
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lovely Professional
2. Based on the origin yonies (sources):
University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
Sthavar (plant origin) and Jangam (fish,
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
quadruped animals, and birds come under
this group).[3]
Received: 19-04-2017
3. Based on the nature of media: Ghrita
Revised: 22-08-2017
Kalpa, Taila Kalpa, Vasa Kalpa, and Majja
Accepted: 26-10-2017

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Kumari and Baghel: Pharmaceutical review on Sneha Kalpana

• Charaka Samhita[9] Gadnigraha[18]

Primary knowledge of Sneha and its properties,
source of origin, types, etc., is clearly mentioned. Acharya Sodhala devoted separate chapters for Sneha
Systematic method of preparation, types of Kalpana, Tailadhikaras, and Ghritadhikaras in this treatise.
Snehapaka, proportions and Siddhilakshana of
Sneha Kalpana, and their uses is discussed in this
Shastra yoga[19]
samhita. In CharakaVimanSthana, 7th, separately
Sneha siddhi lakshana is mentioned. Different
The treaty owned by the Kerala Vaidyas also elaborated
kalpas of Sneha Kalpana are elaborated.
the ratios and different Ghrita and Taila preparations. 135
• Sushruta Samhita[3] Ghritas and 96 Tailas are mentioned in this treaty.
Sneha Kalpana has been elaborately described in
Susruta Samhita. Acharya Susruta was the first
mention about Sneha kashayas. Specific preparations Bhaishajya Ratnavali[20]
such as Satdhauta ghrita and Sahastrapaka taila are
also highlighted in this treaty. At Chikitsa Sthana, This treatise clearly described about Snehamurchhana.
Acharya Susruta enumerated types of Sneha, Method of preparation of Sneha Kalpana is also elaborated
process of preparing Sneha kasaya, Sneha siddhi by Acharya Govind Das Sen.
lakshana, types of Sneha paka, uses of Sneha, and
evil effects of Sneha.
• Astanga Sangrah and Astanga Hridya[10] REQUIREMENTS FOR SNEHA
Both treatises mentioned Sneha Kalpana with some KALPANA[21,22]
changes from the earlier treatises.
Sneha Kalpana needs the following constituents:
1. Kalka dravya: Fine paste of medicinal plants and
Kashyap Samhita [11,12]
minerals should be taken as a kalka dravya.
2. Dravadravya: Water, Kwatha, Swarasa, Kanji, Ksheer,
Detailed explanation of Sneha dravaya, sources, classification,
Dadhi, Takra, etc.
properties, and dose were mentioned.
3. Snehadravya: Mainly different types of fat containing
media such as Taila and Ghee.
Harita Samhita[13,14]

Tila taila properties and its importance are mentioned under CONCEPT REGARDING THE
Taila vassa varga. In 2nd and 4th chapter, the procedure of taila PROPORTION[3,22]
paka and types of paka with their lakshans are explained in
detail. He also mentioned time duration for paka of ghrita If the quantity of the ingredients is not mentioned, then
and taila as 7 and 15 days, respectively. the kalka, sneha, and dravadravya should be used in the
proportion of 1:4:16, respectively. The ratio of kalka, sneha,
Bhel Samhita[15] and dravadravya mentioned in different classics is given in
Table 1.
Taila is mentioned for mardan and ushnodak as anupana for
Chaturvidha sneha. In Vimansthana under Rasavimanadhyay,
taila is referred as the vehicle of choice. PROPERTIES OF SNEHA DRAVYA[23,24]:

The substance which possesses the properties such as drava

(liquidity), sukshma (minute and capable of penetrating
deep), sara (flow), snigdha (unctuous), pichchila (sticky),
Clinical uses of tailas and ghritas are mentioned in this guru (heavy), sheetala (cold), manda (slow), and mrudu
text. Different media have been reported to be used in the (smooth) is Sneha Dravya.
preparation of Sneha kalpas.


Acharya Sharangadhara has discussed details of Sneha SnehaPaka process may be divided into three phases:
Kalpana separately in Madhyam khand 9th chapter. This 1. SnehaMurchhana.
treaty deals with the method of preparation, proportions, 2. SnehaPaka.
uses, and types of paka and Snehasiddhilakshana. 3. Pakasiddhi.

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Kumari and Baghel: Pharmaceutical review on Sneha Kalpana

Snehamurchhana[24,25] Snehapana siddhi lakshana[27]

Before subjecting the drugs to Sneha paka, Sneha is • Stoppage of bubbling sounds (Sneha).
supposed to undergo one particular procedure called as • Disappearance of bubbles in ghrita and appearance of
SnehaMurchhana. It is applied for both Taila and Ghrita. It bubbles in taila.
is considered as one of the Samskaras of Sneha and helps the • Appearance of clarity in taila.
Sneha to acquire specific pharmaceutical as well as therapeutic • Kalka does not adhere to the fingers.
property. In Brihattrayee, no reference can be traced regarding • Kalka attains perfect wick shape when rolled between
SnehaMurchhana. BhaishajyaRatnavali is the first text, which thumb and index.
described the importance and method of Murchhana process. • Kalkais neither very hard nor very soft.
Murchhana alters the solubility pattern and absorbability,
which is desired to get maximum medicinal properties.
The preparation of sneha is mainly divided into
three stages (paka)[28]
Objectives of murchhana process
• Mridupaka
• Amadoshaharatwa - removal of “Ama” which can • Madhyampaka
be correlated to the “moisture content” which can be • Kharapaka
directly related to rancidity problems.
• Removal of bad odor of crude Taila or Ghrita. AcharyaVagbhatt and Acharya Sharangadhara have
• Sneha will acquire the capability to receive more active mentioned two more stages proceeding and succeeding
principles. to above three stages, respectively. The Amapaka
• Stability of the Sneha is also supposed to increase. and Dagdhpaka are not suitable for therapeutic uses.
• Impart appealing color to the Taila. AcharyaHarita mentioned one more stage of Snehapaka by
• May alter the solubility and absorption of the finished the name of Viseshapaka which succeeds Kharapaka. The
product. characters of various Snehapakas and their therapeutic uses
are given in Tables 3 and 4.

After completion of Tailamurchhana, Snehapaka is carried PRECAUTIONS FOR THE SNEHA

out with desired drug. Specified amount of kalka and KALPANA[2,7,21]
dravadravyas [Table 2] are added and subjected to moderate
heating till the watery portion is completely evaporated. There is an essential attention required during Snehapaka
process. Lack of care may lead to poor quality of end product,
There are different opinions available regarding the method loss during manufacturing, or early rancidity of the Sneha.
and time of addition of kalka and sneha during Snehapaka. Precautions that must be taken while manufacturing Sneha
According to SusrutaSamhita and Astangasamgraha, kalka kalpa for obtaining a good quality standard finished product
and drava dravyas are advised to mix in Sneha and processed. are further classified into different stages.
Acharya Sharangadhara did not specify the order in which the
drava, sneha, and kalka should be mixed. According to the 1. Before the process
Keraliyavaidyas while preparing the Sneha Kalpana, first, • The Sneha must be pure, clear, and without slurry.
the kalkadravya is mixed in dravadravya, then this mixture • The Sneha should be taken after performing
is poured in slightly heated Sneha and Snehapaka is done. Murcchanasamskara.
This will facilitate uniform distribution of active principles • The raw material used must comply with its identity,
in the Sneha. purity, and strength.

Table 1: General and specific ratio of kalka, dravadravya, and sneha dravya
Ratio Kalka Dravya (Part) Drava Dravya (Part) Sneha Dravya (Part) Reference
General 1/4 th
4 1 Chakradatta
Specific 1/4th 4(Water) 1 Sharangadhara samhita
1/6 th
4 (Kwatha) 1 Sharangadhara samhita
1/8 th
4 (Swarasa, Mansarasa, Dadhi, 1 Sharangadhara samhita
Ksheera, Takra)
1/4th Up to 4 1 Sharangadhara samhita
1/4 th
More than four, all equal to Sneha 1 Sharangadhara samhita

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Kumari and Baghel: Pharmaceutical review on Sneha Kalpana

• Tailapatra should be wide-mouthed and of suitable • If Sarjarasa, Madhu, and Wax have to be added,
size. Size of Snehapatra depends on the batch then it should be added after Sneha is filtered in the
quantity and nature. vessel in which the Sneha is to be filtrated.
2. During the process • The containers utilized for storage or packing should
• Madhyamagni should be maintained throughout the be free from moisture.
• The mixture should be stirred in the initial stage for
facilitation of homogenous mixing and stirring in a DOSE[2]
later stage to avoid sticking of kalka to the vessel
resulting in carbonization. Acharya Sharangadhara has mentioned a common dose for
• Care should be taken to determine the proper stage medicated Sneha for internal use as one tola (12 g).
of Snehapaka.
• If SaindhavaLavana and KsharaDravya have to be
added to Sneha, it has to be added to Siddha Sneha
Kalpaand then filtered.
• If Sarkara is mentioned in the formula, then it should KALPANA
be added to the final product after complete cooling.
3. After the process In the modern era, various dosage form utilized by the
• To obtain maximum yield, the finished Sneha should customer can be devolve as novel drug delivery system
be filtered in hot condition itself. (NDDS) for the sneha kalpana. Semisolid preparations
• If Sugandhadravya has to be added, then it should intended for application to the skin with or without energy.
be added gently and carefully when the Sneha is in They may be oleaginous or entirely free from oleaginous
a lukewarm condition. substances or may be emulsion of fatty/wax. Ointments are
composed of fluid hydrocarbons embedded in a matrix of
high melting solid hydrocarbons or the preparations in which
Table 2: Duration of Snehapaka in different liquid
the medicinal agent dispersed in a fatty base.[31,32] Creams are
the semisolid preparations consist of two phases in which
Liquid Media Time duration (days) one is aqueous or the other is oily/fatty base.[32] Gels are the
Mamsa, Vasa, Vrihi, dhanya 1 semisolid preparations in which the high degree of physical
Dugdha 2 cross-linking occurs between the liquid phases constrained
Swarasa 3 with a three-dimensional polymer matrix.[32] Liposomes are
the spherical vehicle consists of phospholipids in an aqueous
Kwatha, Arnala, Takra 5
environment. The amphiphilic phospholipids molecules form
Valli, Mula 12 a cloned bilayer sphere to shield the hydrophobic group

Table 3: Characters of various Snehapakas (Paka sidhhi lakshana)

Stages of paka Kalka Sneha
Amapaka Water content (+), cracking sound Water content (+), cracking sound
Mridupaka Sticky, traces of water (+), cracking sound Traces of water (+), cracking sound
Madhyampaka Non‑sticky, free from water content, no Water content (‑), cracking sound (‑), froth
cracking sound, varti can be made. appearance (taila), subsidization of froth (ghrita),
desired color, odor, and taste.
Kharapaka Kalka become hard, rough, darkened, Color, odor, and taste may change.
water‑free, and dry
Dagdhapaka Rough, dry, and black often charred burnt. Essential contents of Sneha particularly loss of
color, odor, and taste.

Table 4: Therapeutic uses of Snehapaka

Paka Ch. Sa. Su. Sa. A. Hr. Sha. Sa. and B. R.
Ama Not mentioned No therapeutic use No therapeutic use No therapeutic use
Mridu Nasya Pana Nasya, Pana Nasya
Madhya Basti, Pana Nasya, Abhyang Pana, Basti All Purposes
Khara Abhyanga Basti, Nasya Abhyanga Abhyanga
Dagdha Not mentioned Not mentioned No therapeutic use No therapeutic use
Ch. Sa.: Charak Samhita, Su. Sa.: Sushruta Samhita, A. Hr.: Astang Hrydyam, Sha. Sa.: Sharangdhar Samhita, B. R.: BhaishajyaRatnavali

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Kumari and Baghel: Pharmaceutical review on Sneha Kalpana

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International Journal of Green Pharmacy • Jan-Mar 2018 (Suppl) • 12 (1) | S20

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