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7 - Science

The lesson plan covers gravitational and frictional forces over two days. On day one, students will view videos about how gravitational forces affect object movement. They will participate in various hands-on activities to demonstrate these concepts, like pantomime, discussion, art projects, and experiments with toys. Students will explain how mass impacts gravitational force. On day two, students will perform experiments on bathroom scales and watch a video about falling. They will assess their understanding through multiple choice questions and by creating a journal entry about gravitational forces. The two-day plan uses active learning to help students infer how gravitational forces impact object motion.
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7 - Science

The lesson plan covers gravitational and frictional forces over two days. On day one, students will view videos about how gravitational forces affect object movement. They will participate in various hands-on activities to demonstrate these concepts, like pantomime, discussion, art projects, and experiments with toys. Students will explain how mass impacts gravitational force. On day two, students will perform experiments on bathroom scales and watch a video about falling. They will assess their understanding through multiple choice questions and by creating a journal entry about gravitational forces. The two-day plan uses active learning to help students infer how gravitational forces impact object motion.
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Contents: Force and Energy

Understanding Gravitational and Frictional Forces

I. Learning Objectives: Infer how gravitational forces affect movements of different

objects S6FE-llla-c-1

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concept: The gravitational force is a force that attracts any two objects with
mass. Every object, including you, is pulling on every other object in the entire
universe! This is called Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation.
B. Materials: Art Materials, Picture of a boy dropping a ball, video clips
C .References: K-12 Curriculum Guide S6FE-llla-c-1 p.36,
Science in our World 6, pp. 186-204
D. Process Skills: Demonstrating, Observing, Identifying
E .Value: Awareness on the important roles of gravity in our lives.

III. Learning Tasks

Day 1
A. Engagement:
1. Preparatory Activities
a. Health Inspection: Hands (Using Dart Board)
b. Science News Flash/Science Trivia
2. Review: State Newton’s Theory of Gravity
3. Motivation:
Look at the picture. What will happen to the ball if the boy released it? What
cause the ball to fall?

B. Exploration:
1. Presentation:
Activity 1 – Film Viewing (click the URL to play)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ij5OgJatgc about how gravitational
forces affects the movements of different objects.
Based on the video presented show how gravitational forces affects the
movements of different objects using the following activities:

Group 1 – Pantomine
The group will make a Pantomine showing how gravitational forces
affects the movement of objects.

Group 2 – Small Group Discussion (Reporting)

1. Give examples of situation at home that show how gravitational
forces affects the movements of the different objects.
2. If we are going to throw a ball sideward what will happen to the
ball? Will it also falls on the ground?

Group 3 – Art Attack

Make a Scie - Art illustrating how gravitational forces affects the
movements of the objects. Explain in 2 – 3 sentences.

Group 4 – Charades
The leader will act out what examples of gravitational force then one
member of the group will guess what she/he is acting out.

Group 5 – Demonstration using real objects (Toy car and an inclined

1. How did you find the activity?
2. How gravitational forces does affects the movements of the
different objects in the video?
3. Does the mass of an object affect the strength of the gravitational
force of the Earth acting on it?

C. Explanation
1. Discussion
Comprehension Questions:
a. What is the message of the video?
b. How gravitational forces does affects the movements of the
different objects in the video?
c. Does the mass of an object affect the strength of the gravitational
force of the Earth acting on it?
d. Give examples of situation at home that show how gravitational
forces affects the movements of the different objects.
e. If we are going to throw a ball sideward what will happen to the
ball? Will it also falls on the ground?
f. What do you think may happen if there are no gravitational forces
around us? Do you think it is possible to live in the world if there is
no gravity?

D. Elaboration
1. Generalization:
Based on the activities you have done, how does gravitational forces
affects the movement of the objects around us?

2. Application:
Get a 500 grams of rocks and 500 grams of dried leaves. In the same
height, let them fall at the same time. Observe which land on the
ground faster. The rocks or the leaves? Why do you say so?

Day 2

A. Engagement
1. Preparatory Activities:
a. Health Inspection: Fingernails (Using Spinning Wheel)
b. Weather/Science News/Science Trivia
2. Review: What kind of force let us to drop on the ground when we jump up?
3. Motivation:
Game: Arrange the picture puzzle and report to the class what have you
formed. Each group will be given a couple of time to arrange the puzzle. Whoever got
finish first wins the game.

B. Exploration:
1. Presentation:

Activity 2 “Weigh Me”

What To Do

1. Stand on a bathroom scale. The number you see in the scale is your mass either in
kilos or pounds (or both). The weighing scale is able to report your mass by sensing
the support force that it needs to exert on you.
2. Now get another weighing scale and have one under each foot. Stand upright and
note the readings. What happened to you weight? Does it increased or decreased?
3. Now lean a bit to your right side. What happened to the readings? Lean to your left
side. Did the reading change again?

C. Explanation
1. Discussion
Comprehension Questions:
a. When you step on the weighing scale, what happened to the scale?
b. What happened to your mass when you step one of your feet on the other
bathroom scale? Does it change?
c. If you lean on the other side of the scale, does your weight stay the same or
d. Infer how gravitational force acts on this activity.
e. Give examples of activities at home that show how gravitational forces
affects the movements of objects/materials.

D. Elaboration

1. Generalization:
How do gravitational forces affect the movement of the objects around us?

2. Application: (Watching a Video “In the Fall”)

1. What cause the man to fall from the building?
2. What do you think will happen to the man?

E. Evaluation:

Directions: Read the following sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it on your answer sheet.
1. The force exerted on you by the earth is also called __________.
a. your height b. your weight c. half your height d. half your weight
2. For a car parked on an inclined street, the gravitational force on it is directed
a. upward b. downward
c. downward along the street d. upward along the street
3. When you are standing on the playground of your school, the prevailing gravitational
force comes from ___________.
a. moon b. outer space c. earth d. sun
4. – 5. Illustrate using an arrow the gravitational pull of the big stone on a slope. Explain
in two sentences.

IV. Assignment:
Make a journal about gravitational force. Follow the format below.
I have learned that gravitational force _______________________________
We can see this _______________________________________________.
I will ______________________________________________________.

Prepared by:

Teacher I, Santiago ES
Baras District
Checked by:

HT III - Baras District Science Consultant



EPS I, Division Science Coordinator
Division of Rizal


Activity 1 – Film Viewing (click the URL to play

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ij5OgJatgc ) about how gravitational forces
affects the movements of different objects.
Based on the video presented show how gravitational forces affects the movements
of different objects using the following activities:

Group 1 – Pantomine
The group will make a Pantomine showing how gravitational forces
affects the movement of objects.

Group 2 – Small Group Discussion (Reporting)

3. Give examples of situation at home that show how gravitational
forces affects the movements of the different objects.
4. If we are going to throw a ball sideward what will happen to the
ball? Will it also falls on the ground?

Group 3 – Art Attack

Make a Scie - Art illustrating how gravitational forces affects the
movements of the objects. Explain in 2 – 3 sentences.

Group 4 – Charades
The leader will act out what examples of gravitational force then one
member of the group will guess what she/he is acting out.

Group 5 – Demonstration using real objects (Toy car and an inclined

4. How did you find the activity?
5. How gravitational forces does affects the movements of the
different objects in the video?
6. Does the mass of an object affect the strength of the gravitational
force of the Earth acting on it?

Activity 2 “Weigh Me”

What To Do
1. Stand on a bathroom scale. The number you see in the scale is your mass either in
kilos or pounds (or both). The weighing scale is able to report your mass by sensing
the support force that it needs to exert on you.
2. Now get another weighing scale and have one under each foot. Stand upright and
note the readings. What happened to you weight? Does it increased or decreased?
3. Now lean a bit to your right side. What happened to the readings? Lean to your left
side. Did the reading change again?
a. When you step on the weighing scale, what happened to the scale?
b. What happened to your mass when you step one of your feet on the other
bathroom scale? Does it change?
c. If you lean on the other side of the scale, does your weight stay the same or
d. Infer how gravitational force acts on this activity.
e. Give examples of activities at home that show how gravitational forces
affects the movements of objects/materials.


CRITERIA Excellent Good Adequate Basic

4 3 2 1
Works Always willing Usually willing Sometimes Rarely willing
cooperatively and focused and focused willing and and focused
with group during tasks during focused during during
and assigned tasks assigned tasks assigned tasks
presentation. and and and
presentation. presentation. presentation.

Presentation Convincing Competent Adequate Limited

and communication communication communication communication
perspective of character’s of character’s of character’s of character’s
role, feelings, role, feelings, role, feelings, role, feelings,
and motives. and motives. and motives. and motives.

Use of An impressive Good variety An acceptable Limited variety

nonverbal variety of variety of of non-verbal
cues (voice, nonverbal (3 or more) of nonverbal cues were
eye and cues were non- verbal cues were used in a
body used in an cues were used in an developing
movements, excellent way. used in a adequate way. way.
props, competent
costumes) way.

Information Information Information Information Information

accuracy appears to be appears to be appears to be appears to be
always usually sometimes rarely accurate
accurate. accurate. accurate.


Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and The performance The The
innovativeness demonstrates performance performance
creative thinking, demonstrates lacks
has innovative moderate imaginative
and unique creative thinking, has no
qualities/concepts thinking, has innovative and
some innovative unique qualities/
and unique concepts
Content and Concepts Concepts Both the
organization presented are very presented are concepts
substantive and moderately presented and
well-organized, substantive and the message
conveyed very organized, conveyed are
clear message conveyed not well
ambiguous organized and
message ambiguous
Teamwork Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation
among the group among the among the
members is very group members group members
evident: 75%- is moderately is not evident;
100% of the evident, 50% to less than 50% of
members of the 74%of the the members of
group work members of the the group work
collaboratively group work collaboratively


4 3 2 1

Participation Group Group Group Group

members members members members did
participated participated in participated in not participate
fully in every almost every few discussion in any
discussion discussion and decision discussion
and decision and decision and decision

Contribution Group Group Group Group

members members members members did
contributed contributed contributed not
greatly to the adequately to very little to contributed in
final final the final any work to
presentation presentation presentation the final

Oral Pupils spoke Pupils spoke Pupils did not Pupils did not
Presentation clearly and clearly and speak clearly present or
concisely and concisely or concisely was not
rehearse their seemed to and didn’t prepare to
part of the practice a little seem to present
presentation for their part of practice

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation is used to explain gravitational force.
This law states that every massive particle in the universe attracts every other
massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their
masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
This general, physical law was derived from observations made by induction.
Another way, more modern, way to state the law is: ‘every point mass attracts
every single other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both
points. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses’.
Gravitational force surrounds us. It is what decides how much we weigh and
how far a basketball will travel when thrown before it returns to the surface. The
gravitational force on Earth is equal to the force the Earth exerts on you. At rest,
on or near the surface of the Earth, the gravitational force equals your weight.
On a different astronomical body like Venus or the Moon, the acceleration of
gravity is different than on Earth, so if you were to stand on a scale, it would
show you that you weigh a different amount than on Earth.
When two objects are gravitational locked, their gravitational force is centered
in an area that is not at the center of either object, but at the very center of the
system. The principle is similar to that of a see-saw. If two people of very
different weights sit on opposite sides of the balance point, the heavier one
must sit closer to the balance point so that they can equalize each other’s mass.
For instance, if the heavier person weighs twice as much as the lighter one,
they must sit at only half the distance from the fulcrum. The balance point is the
center of mass of the see-saw, just as the barycenter is the balance point of the
Earth-Moon system. This point that actually moves around the Sun in the orbit
of the Earth, while the Earth and Moon each move around the barycenter, in
their orbits.
Each system in the galaxy, and presumably, the universe, has a barycenter.
The push and pull of the gravitational force of the objects is what keeps
everything in space from crashing into one another.
We have written many articles about gravitational force for Universe Today.
Here’s an article about gravity in space, and here’s an article about
the discovery of gravity.


Contents: Force and Energy

Understanding Gravitational and Frictional Forces

I. Learning Objectives: Demonstrate how gravity affects movement of different

objects S6FE-llla-c-1

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concept: Gravity is a noncontact force. It acts between objects even if they are
separated and far from each other. The farther the two objects are from each other,
the smaller gravitational full will be between them.
B. Materials: Red and Blue Balloon, coin, video clip, pictures
C .Reference: K-12 Curriculum Guide S6FE-llla-c-1 p.36
Science in our World 6, pp. 190 - 191
D. Process Skills: Demonstrating, Observing, Identifying
E .Value: Awareness on the important roles of gravity in our lives.

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement:
1. Preparatory Activities
a. Health Inspection: Hands (Using Dart Board)
b. Weather/Science News/Science Trivia
2. Review: How do gravitational forces affect the movements of objects?
3. Motivation: Picture Analysis: Look at the pictures. What can you say about
them? What cause them to land on the ground?

B. Exploration:
Activity 1 Experimentation
Materials: 2 pcs. Red and Blue Balloon, coin
What To Do
1. Place the coin inside the red balloon. Blow the balloon until it is big.
2. Blow the blue balloon without a coin.
3. Toss the balloons into the air at the same time.
4. Observe what happened.

Answer the following questions:
What did you notice when you toss the balloon into the air?
Why does the red balloon hard to control?
Why does the blue balloon freely flew into the air?
What is the effect of the coin to the red balloon?
What is the effect of gravity to the movement of the balloons?
Is there a difference in movement when you’re closer to the ground than
when you are far from the ground?

C. Explanation:
1. Discussion:
a. How does gravity affect the movement of the objects?
b. Is there a difference on the effects if they have different weight?
c. What is the reason why you can easily bend when you are closer to
the ground?
d. What will happen if we throw the balloon in a side ward direction?
e. Is there a difference between throwing it upward and sideward.

D. Elaboration:
1. Generalization:
How does gravity affect the movement of the objects around us?

2. Watch the video and give your reaction about it in two to three sentences.

E. Evaluation:
Directions: Draw a if the sentence is correct and a if it is incorrect.

_____ 1. Everything that goes up ultimately goes down.

_____ 2. Gravity have no effect to the movement of objects around us.
_____ 3. Sir Einstein was the scientist who discovered the principle of gravity.
_____ 4. Gravity is a noncontact force. It acts between objects even if they are
separated and far from each other.
_____ 5. There is no gravity in moon.

IV. Assignment:
List down safety precautions in doing an experiment.

Prepared by:

Teacher I, Santiago ES
Baras District
Checked by:

HT III - Baras District Science Consultant



EPS I, Division Science Coordinator
Division of Rizal


Activity 1 Experimentation

Materials: 2 pcs. Red and Blue Balloon, coin

What To Do

1. Place the coin inside the red balloon. Blow the balloon until it is big.

2. Blow the blue balloon without a coin.

3. Toss the balloons into the air at the same time.

4. Observe what happened.

Answer the following questions:

What did you notice when you toss the balloon into the air?

Why does the red balloon hard to control?

Why does the blue balloon freely flew into the air?

What is the effect of the coin to the red balloon?

What is the effect of gravity to the movement of the balloons?

Is there a difference in movement when you’re closer to the ground than

when you are far from the ground?


Contents: Force and Energy

Understanding Gravitational and Frictional Forces

I. Learning Objectives: Observe safety precaution in demonstrating how gravity

affect movements of different objects S6FE-llla-c-1

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concept: There are safety precautions that we should observe in demonstrating
how gravity affects the movement of an object.
B. Materials: Pictures, Video clips
C .Reference: K-12 Curriculum Guide S6FE-llla-c-1 p.36
Science in our World 6, pp. 190 - 191
D. Process Skills: Demonstrating, Observing, Identifying
E .Value: Awareness on the important roles of gravity in our lives.

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement:
1. Preparatory Activities
a. Health Inspection: Arms (Using Magic Box)
b. Weather/Science News/Science Trivia
2. Review: How does gravitational forces affects the movements of objects?
3. Motivation: Picture Analysis
What can you say about the picture?

B. Exploration
Group Activity – Give safety precautions in demonstrating how gravity affect objects
using the following activities.
I – Poster Making
II – Role Playing
III – Panel Discussion
IV – Slogan Making
V- Pantomime

C. Explanation
1. Discussion
a. How did you feel about the activity? Did you enjoy?
b. What are the safety precautions in doing activities on how gravity
affects movement of objects?
c. Is it important to know the safety precautions in doing an activity?
d. In your home, do you follow safety precautions while doing
hazardous things that can’t be avoided?

D. Elaborate
1. Generalization:
What are the safety precautions in doing activities about gravity?

2. Application: Watch the Video and make a reflection about it.


E. Evaluation:
Make a 4- frame Comic Strip on safety precautions on how gravity affects
movements of objects around us.

IV. Assignment:
Have an interview with Electrician about safety tips while climbing a post.

Prepared by:

Teacher I, Santiago ES
Baras District
Checked by:

HT III - Baras District Science Consultant



EPS I, Division Science Coordinator
Division of Rizal


Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and Demonstrates Demonstrates Lacks
innovativeness creative thinking, moderate creative imaginative
has innovative and thinking, has some thinking, has no
unique innovative and innovative and
qualities/concepts unique qualities/ unique qualities/
concepts concepts
Content and Concepts presented Concepts Both the
organization are very substantive presented are concepts
and well-organized, moderately presented and
conveyed very clear substantive and the message
message organized, conveyed are not
conveyed well organized
ambiguous and ambiguous
Total 10 6 2


CRITERIA Excellent Good Adequate Basic

4 3 2 1
Works Always willing Usually willing Sometimes Rarely willing
cooperatively and focused and focused willing and and focused
with group during tasks during focused during during
and assigned tasks assigned tasks assigned tasks
presentation. and and and
presentation. presentation. presentation.

Presentation Convincing Competent Adequate Limited

and communication communication communication communication
perspective of character’s of character’s of character’s of character’s
role, feelings, role, feelings, role, feelings, role, feelings,
and motives. and motives. and motives. and motives.

Information Information Information Information Information

accuracy appears to be appears to be appears to be appears to be
always usually sometimes rarely accurate
accurate. accurate. accurate.


4 3 2 1

Participation Group Group Group Group

members members members members did
participated participated in participated in not participate
fully in every almost every few discussion in any
discussion discussion and decision discussion
and decision and decision and decision

Contribution Group Group Group Group

members members members members did
contributed contributed contributed not
greatly to the adequately to very little to contributed in
final final the final any work to
presentation presentation presentation the final

Oral Pupils spoke Pupils spoke Pupils did not Pupils did not
Presentation clearly and clearly and speak clearly present or
concisely and concisely or concisely was not
rehearse their seemed to and didn’t prepare to
part of the practice a little seem to present
presentation for their part of practice


Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and Demonstrates Demonstrates Lacks
innovativeness creative thinking, moderate creative imaginative
has innovative and thinking, has some thinking, has no
unique innovative and innovative and
qualities/concepts unique qualities/ unique qualities/
concepts concepts
Content and Concepts presented Concepts Both the
organization are very substantive presented are concepts
and well-organized, moderately presented and
conveyed very clear substantive and the message
message organized, conveyed are not
conveyed well organized
ambiguous and ambiguous
Total 10 6 2


CRITERIA Excellent Good Adequate Basic

4 3 2 1
Works Always willing Usually willing Sometimes Rarely willing
cooperatively and focused and focused willing and and focused
with group during tasks during focused during during
and assigned tasks assigned tasks assigned tasks
presentation. and and and
presentation. presentation. presentation.

Presentation Convincing Competent Adequate Limited

and communication communication communication communication
perspective of character’s of character’s of character’s of character’s
role, feelings, role, feelings, role, feelings, role, feelings,
and motives. and motives. and motives. and motives.

Use of An impressive Good variety An acceptable Limited variety

nonverbal variety of variety of of non-verbal
cues (voice, nonverbal (3 or more) of nonverbal cues were
eye and cues were non- verbal cues were used in a
body used in an cues were used in an developing
movements, excellent way. used in a adequate way. way.
props, competent
costumes) way.

Information Information Information Information Information

accuracy appears to be appears to be appears to be appears to be
always usually sometimes rarely accurate
accurate. accurate. accurate.

Safety Precautions in Doing Activities

1. Listen to or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything.

2. Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from chemicals, heat materials, or things

that might be able to shatter.

3. Notify your teacher if any spills or accidents occur.

4. After handling chemicals, always wash your hands with soap and water.

5. During lab work, keep your hands away from your face.

6. Tie back long hair


Contents: Force and Energy

Understanding Gravitational and Frictional Forces


1. State/Identify frictional forces 1–5 5

2. Describe frictional forces 6- 10 5

3. Infer how friction affects the

movements of different objects 11-15 5

4. Demonstrate how friction affect

movements of different objects. 16-20, 31 - 35 10

5. Infer how gravitational forces 21 – 25 5

affect movements of different

6. Observe safety precaution in 26 - 30 5

demonstrating how gravity affects

movements of different objects

I. Directions: Read each item carefully , then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Rougher surfaces have__________.
A. greater friction
B. less friction
C. the same level of friction
2. A puck slides along an icy surface. What makes it slow down?
A. It runs out of push
B. It rubs againts the ice
C. It runs out of electricity
3. A boy sits halfway down a grassy slope. What force stops him
sliding down?
A. weight
B. gravity
C. friction
4. On which surface will a toy sledge travel the furthest?
A. carpet
B. polished wood
C. ice
5. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Friction is a force that only occurs between solids.
B. Friction is a force that only occurs on rough surfaces.
C. Friction is a force that only occurs when surfaces touch each
6. Which of the following is false?
A. Friction can only slow things down.
B. Friction is never useful.
C. Friction can stop things from moving.

7. Which of the following is an example of trying to increase friction?

A. Squirlting oil into door hinges
B. Spreading grit on icy roads
C. Waxing the underneath of skis
8. If you poured oil into a wooden surface, the friction_______.
A. be reduced
B. be increased
C. remain the same
9. On which surface will a toy sledge travel the least distance?
A. carpet
B. polished wood
C. ice
10. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Friction is not a contact force.
B. Friction does not exists during the contact between two objects or
C. Friction is a force between two surfaces that are slipping or sliding
againts each other.

Write T if the statement is true and F if false

____11.Friction causes object in motion to slow down.

____12.The more mass an object has,the more friction it will have.

____13.Friction does not affect on the moving object.

____14.The factors affecting sliding friction include the roughness of the surface.

____15.The force of friction slow down when it rubs against another object.

____16. Friction is the force that resists the movement of one surface past
____ 17. Rubbing of two objects can’t cause friction.
____ 18. The amount of friction depends on the type of surfaces rubbing each
____ 19. When the object is moving on the rough surface, it takes a longer
time to slow down and stop.
____ 20. A soft or rubbery surface also has more friction because it easily

Directions: Read the following sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and write it on your answer sheet.
21. The force exerted on you by the earth is also called __________.
a. your height
b. your weight
c. half your height
d. half your weight

22. For a car parked on an inclined street, the gravitational force on it is directed
a. upward
b. downward
c. downward along the street
d. upward along the street

23. When you are standing on the playground of your school, the prevailing
gravitational force comes from ___________.
a. moon
b. outer space
c. earth
d. sun

24. – 25. Illustrate using an arrow the gravitational pull of the big stone on a
slope. Explain in two sentences.

26. – 30. Enumerate at least 5 precautionary measures in demonstrating the effects

of gravitational forces on the movements of different objects.

31. – 35. Observe safety precaution in demonstrating how friction affects movements
of different objects


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