Ins Important Questions

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Module 1

1. Given the Caesar’s cipher, find the plain text for the cipher text
2. Encrypt the message “We are all together” using a double transposition cipher with 4
rows and 4 columns, using the row permutation (1, 2, 3, 4)  (2, 4, 1, 3) and column
permutation (1, 2, 3, 4)  (3, 1, 2, 4). (Ans – Page 26 and 27)
3. Justify that one time pad is provably secure. Also give the reason why we cannot use
the key twice. (Ans – Page 27 and 31)
4. Define (i) Confusion (ii) Diffusion (Ans – Page 39, 2nd paragraph)
5. Explain three broad categories of cipher (Ans – Page 40 and 41)
6. Give the taxonomy of cryptanalysis (Ans – Page 41 and 42)
7. Differentiate between
a. Substitution and transposition cipher (Ans – Explain Simple substitution and
Double transposition cipher)
b. Symmetric and Asymmetric cipher (Ans – Symmetric cipher uses same key for
encryption and decryption, while Asymmetric cipher uses a public key and
private key for encryption and decryption)
c. Block and Stream cipher (Ans – Page 40, 2nd and 3rd paragraph)
d. Cryptography and Cryptanalysis (Ans – Page 20)
e. Plain text and Cipher text (Ans – Page 20, 1st paragraph)
8. Using the letter encodings in the table, the following two cipher texts were encrypted
with the one-time pad “KHHLTK” and “KTHLLE”
Letter E H I K L R S T
Binary 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

Find all possible plain text for each message and the corresponding one time pad for
the key 111 101 110 101 111 100 (Ans – Page 27, follow the procedure)

9. Explain
a. Code book Cipher (Ans – Page 32)
b. Ciphers of the election 1876 (Ans – Page 35)
10. Define (i) Confidentiality (ii) Integrity (iii) Availability (Ans – Page 2)
(iv) State Kerckhoff’s principle (Ans – Page 21)
Module 2
1. Elaborate birthday problem and correlate it with hash functions (Ans – Page 128
and 129)
2. Justify that Tiger hash is fast and secure, elaborating its working principle (Ans –
Page 132 to 136)
3. Discuss different schemes used in secret sharing with special reference to key
Escrow (Ans – Page 142 to 145(Secret sharing, Key Escrow, Visual cryptography))
4. Mention the significance of generating proper random numbers, with special
reference to Texas Hold’em Poker (Ans – Page 145 to 148(Random numbers,
Texas Hold’em Poker, Generating random bits))
5. What is a cryptographic hash function? Explain the properties of Hash function.
(Ans – Page 126 and 127)
6. Illustrate the birthday attack with example (Ans – Page 129 and 130)
7. Explain uses for hash functions. (Ans – Page 139 to 141)

Module 3
1. Explain different types of freshness mechanisms. (Ans – Page 260 to 265)
2. Explain dynamic password scheme with an example. (Ans – Page 273 to 276)
3. List the components of cryptographic protocol. (Ans – Page 288 to 289)
4. Explain about Deffie – Hellaman key agreement protocol. (Ans – Page 311 to 318)
5. Differentiate between hardware based and software based non deterministic
generators. (Ans – Page 256 and 257)
6. Explain the challenges involved in protocol design. (Ans – Page 290 to 291)
7. Explain the stages involved in protocol design. (Ans – Page 289 to 290)
8. Explain the components of cryptographic protocol. (Ans – Page 288 to 289)
9. Illustrate the analysis of candidate protocols 1 and 2. (Ans – Page 295 to 299) Also
demonstrate how Reflection Attack takes place using another candidate protocol
3. (Ans – Page 300 to 302)
10. What are the problems with passwords? Explain cryptographic password
protection. (Ans – Page 270 to 272)
Module 4
1. Briefly explain the key life cycle. (Ans – Page 328)
2. Explain different types of key generation in detail. (Ans – Page 335 to 339)
3. Explain different public key management modules in detail. (Ans – Page 390 to
4. Briefly explain the concept of IDPKC. (Ans – Page 399 to 402)
5. Explain the key storage risk factors. (Ans – Page 355 to 357)
6. Illustrate X.509 public key certificates. (Ans – Page 380 to 382)
7. Explain the certificate life cycle. (Ans – Page 383 to 389)
8. Explain key storage in hardware. (Ans – Page 353 to 355)

Module 5
1. Explain how cryptography is used in SSL. (Ans – Page 412 to 413, SSL security
requirements, Cryptography used in SSL)
2. Discuss about SSL protocols. (Ans – Page 414 to 418)
3. List the design and security issues in SSL. (Ans – Page 420 and 421)
4. Explain about cryptography use in magnetic stripe cards. (Ans – Page 446 to 448)
5. Discuss in detail, cryptography for home users with respect to file protection
email security. (Ans – Page 474 to 480)
6. Explain briefly the application of cryptography on the internet. (Ans – Page 411 to
7. Illustrate how cryptography is useful for EMV card transactions. (Ans – Page 448
to 452)
8. Explain the application of cryptography for secure payment card transactions.
(Ans – Page 444 to 455)
9. Describe the use of cryptography in eID cards and also explain its security and
design issues. (Ans – Page 463 to 474 )

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