Lab 3a: Private Key Encryption: Details

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Lab 3a: Private Key Encryption

Aim: To provide a foundation in data encryption.

If Visual Studio is installed on your machine, download the following solution [1]:


1. The .NET environment provides a number of cryptography classes. An excellent

method is to use a code wrapper, which provides a simple method of accessing
these classes [1]. It provides encryption algorithms such as DES, 3DES and
BlowFish, and also to hash algorithms such as MD5 and SHA. The following is a
simple example using the 3DES algorithm:

using System;
using XCrypt;
// Program uses XCrypt library from
namespace encryption
class MyEncryption
static void Main(string[] args)
XCryptEngine xe = new XCryptEngine();
// Other algorithms are:
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.BlowFish);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.Twofish);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.DES);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.MD5);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.RC2);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.Rijndael);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.SHA);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.SHA256);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.SHA384);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.SHA512);
xe.Key = "MyKey";
Console.WriteLine("Enter string to encrypt:");
string inText = Console.ReadLine();
string encText = xe.Encrypt(inText);
string decText = xe.Decrypt(encText);

Console.WriteLine("Input: {0}\r\nEncr: {1}\r\nDecr: {2}",


A sample run shows:

Enter string to encrypt:

Input: test
Encr: uVZLHJ3Wr8s=
Decr: test

By changing the method to SHA gives:

Enter string to hash:

Input: test
Hash: qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M=

2. Implement a program for the MD5, SHA, SHA (256-bit), SHA (384-bit), SHA
(512-bit) and complete the following table (for the first few characters of the

Text MD5 SHA SHA (256) SHA (384) SHA (512)

This is it.
This is it

How many characters does each of the types have?

3. Add the following method, and thus convert MD5 and SHA-1 Base-64 hash
signatures to hex format:

public static string Base64ToHex(string input)

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
byte [] inputBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(input);
foreach(byte b in inputBytes)
sb.Append(string.Format("{0:x2}", b));
return sb.ToString();

And change the main program so that it uses the method, such as:

Console.WriteLine("Enter string to encrypt:");
string inText = Console.ReadLine();

string encText = Base64ToHex(xe.Encrypt(inText));

Determine the hash signature for “hello”, and check it again a standard MD5 program,
such as from:

4. Prove that the following program can decrypt an encrypted message with the
correct encryption key, while an incorrect one does not. Change the program so
that the user enters the encryption key, and also the decryption key:

xe.Key = "MyKey";
Console.WriteLine("Enter string to encrypt:");

string inText = Console.ReadLine();
string encText = xe.Encrypt(inText);

xe.Key = "test"; // should not be able to decrypt as the key differs

string decText = xe.Decrypt(encText);
Console.WriteLine("Input: {0}\r\nEncr: {1}\r\nDecr: {2}",
catch { Console.WriteLine("Cannot decrypt");} ;

5. The following program uses a single character as an encryption key, and then
searches for the encryption key, and displays it. Modify it so that it implements
a 2-character encryption key, and then a 3-character one:

using System;
using XCrypt;
// Program uses XCrypt library from
namespace encryption
class MyEncryption
static void Main(string[] args)
XCryptEngine xe = new XCryptEngine();
// Other algorithms are:
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.BlowFish);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.Twofish);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.DES);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.RC2);
// xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.Rijndael);
xe.Key = "f";
Console.WriteLine("Enter string to encrypt:");
string inText = Console.ReadLine();
string encText = xe.Encrypt(inText);
for (char ch ='a'; ch<='z'; ch++)
string decText = xe.Decrypt(encText);
if (inText==decText) Console.WriteLine("Encryption key found {0}",xe.Key);
catch {} ;

An example test run is:

Enter string to encrypt:

Encryption key found f

C# programs can be created without the need for Visual Studio. To compile them, either
go to the .NET framework directory, such as:

c:\> cd \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322> csc myprog.cs

which produces an executable file named myprog.exe or create a batch file, with the
c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\csc %1

and call it compile.bat, and then run compile myprog.cs, and it produces the exe.

[1] This code is based around the Xcrypt libraries provided at http://

Lab 3b: Public-Key Encryption
Aim: To provide a foundation in asymmetric encryption, using the RSA

1. .NET provides us with an excellent foundation in creating applications in
which we can view and log events, as well as monitoring for processes.
Another key feature is that it supports many encryption and authentication
standards. If Visual Studio is installed on your machine, download the
following solution:


It has a Windows interface, such as:

Figure 1: Public-key encryption

2. For the Create Keys button add the following code:

System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider RSAProvider;
RSAProvider = new System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024);
publicAndPrivateKeys = RSAProvider.ToXmlString(true );
justPublicKey = RSAProvider.ToXmlString( false);
StreamWriter fs = new StreamWriter("c:\\public.xml");
fs = new StreamWriter("c:\\private.xml");

3. This creates two files on your disk. One contains your public key (public.xml)
and the other contains both the private key and the public key (private.xml). Run
the program, and using the View Keys button, view the keys.

What is the format of the keys:

View the files using Internet Explorer to see the XML format.

What are the XML tags in each of the files:

4. From the form, add the following code to the Read Keys button:

XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader("c:\\private.xml");
publicAndPrivateKeys=""; // reset keys
while (xtr.Read())
publicAndPrivateKeys += xtr.ReadOuterXml();
xtr = new XmlTextReader("c:\\public.xml");
while (xtr.Read())
justPublicKey += xtr.ReadOuterXml();

5. Now add the following code to the Encrypt text button:

RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

string txt=tbTxtEncrypt.Text;
byte[] plainbytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txt);
byte[] cipherbytes = rsa.Encrypt(plainbytes,false);

6. Now add the following code to the Decrypt text button:

RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
string txt=tbTxtEncrypted.Text;
byte[] cipherbytes = Convert.FromBase64String(txt);
byte[] plainbytes = rsa.Decrypt(cipherbytes,false);
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
this.tbTxtDecrypt.Text = enc.GetString(plainbytes);

7. Now run the program and add some text to the Text to encrypt box, and see if
program encrypts the text, and correctly decrypts it.

Did the program encrypt and decrypt correctly:

8. Now get your give your neighhour your public key file (public.key), and get
them to encrypt a message. Now take the encrypted message (pass it through
copy and paste, and then email the cipertext, or put it on a shared folder), and
see if can decrypt it.

Did the program decrypt correctly:

Lab 3c: Hash Methods
You will be assigned a folder in the DFET Cloud. The hashcat version has a time-out, so enter the following command:

date -s "1 OCT 2015 18:00:00"


1 Hashing
No Description Result
1 Using (either on your Windows desktop or on Kali):
03CF5: Is it [Falkirk][Edinburgh][Glasgow][Stirling]?
D5862: Is it [Falkirk][Edinburgh][Glasgow][Stirling]?
Match the hash signatures with their words (“Falkirk”,
“Edinburgh”, “Glasgow” and “Stirling”). 48E93: Is it [Falkirk][Edinburgh][Glasgow][Stirling]?

03CF54D8CE19777B12732B8C50B3B66F EE190: Is it [Falkirk][Edinburgh][Glasgow][Stirling]?


2 Repeat Part 1, but now use openssl, such as: 03CF5: Is it [Falkirk][Edinburgh][Glasgow][Stirling]?

echo -n 'Falkirk' | openssl md5 D5862: Is it [Falkirk][Edinburgh][Glasgow][Stirling]?

48E93: Is it [Falkirk][Edinburgh][Glasgow][Stirling]?

EE190: Is it [Falkirk][Edinburgh][Glasgow][Stirling]?

3 Using (either on your Windows desktop or on Kali): MD5 hex chars: SHA-1 hex chars:

Determine the number of hex characters in the following hash
signatures. SHA-256 hex chars:

SHA-384 hex chars:

SHA-512 hex chars:

How does the number of hex characters relate to the length of the
hash signature:

3 From your Windows desktop or Kali, for the following The passwords are password, napier, inkwell and Ankle123.
/etc/shadow file, determine the matching password: [Hint: openssl passwd -apr1 -salt ZaZS/8TF napier]

bill:$apr1$waZS/8Tm$jDZmiZBct/c2hysERcZ3m1 Bill’s password:

fred:$apr1$Jbe/hCIb$/k3A4kjpJyC06BUUaPRKs0 Mike’s password:
jane: $1$rqOIRBBN$R2pOQH9egTTVN1Nlst2U7.
Fred’s password:

Ian’s password:

Jane’s password:

4 From your Windows desktop or Kali, download the following: Which file(s) have been modified:

and the files should have the following MD5 signatures:

MD5(1.txt)= 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592
MD5(2.txt)= 69faab6268350295550de7d587bc323d
MD5(3.txt)= fea0f1f6fede90bd0a925b4194deac11
MD5(4.txt)= d89b56f81cd7b82856231e662429bcf2
5 From your Windows desktop or Kali, download the following ZIP Outline what the letters contain:
Now determine the MD5 signature for them. What can you
View the Postscript files using: observe from the result?
6 Select either Windows or Kali for this part: What do the programs do?

On Kali, download the following ZIP file and run the two
programs, and run them in a command console:
Now determine the MD5 signature for them. What can you observe from the result?

Or on Windows, download the following ZIP file and run the two
programs, and run them in a command console:

2 Hashing Cracking (MD5)

No Description Result
1 On Kali, next create a words file (words) with the words of
“napier”, “password” “Ankle123” and “inkwell” 232DD...634C Is it [napier][password][Ankle123][inkwell]?

Using hashcat crack the following MD5 signatures (hash1): 5F4DC...CF99 Is it [napier][password][Ankle123][inkwell]?

232DD5D7274E0D662F36C575A3BD634C 6D587...5FF5 Is it [napier][password][Ankle123][inkwell]?
6D5875265D1979BDAD1C8A8F383C5FF5 04013...698D Is it [napier][password][Ankle123][inkwell]?
Command used: hashcat –m 0 hash1 words
2 Using the method used in the first part of this tutorial, find crack FE01D:
the following for names of fruits (the fruits are all in lowercase):
1F3870BE274F6C49B3E31A0C6728957F 72B30:
8893DC16B1B2534BAB7B03727145A2BB 8893D:

3 Hashing Cracking (LM Hash/Windows)

All of the passwords in this section are in lowercase.

No Description Result
1 On Kali, and using John the Ripper, and using a word list with the names of fruits, crack the following pwdump
passwords: Fred:
2 On Kali, and using John the Ripper, the following pwdump passwords (they are names of major Scottish cities/towns): Admin:
Admin:500:629E2BA1C0338CE0AAD3B435B51404EE:9408CB400B20ABA3DFEC054D2B6EE5A1::: Bert:

3 On Kali, and using John the Ripper, crack the following pwdump passwords (they are the names of animals): Fred:
fred:500:5A8BB08EFF0D416AAAD3B435B51404EE:85A2ED1CA59D0479B1E3406972AB1928::: Admin:

Repeat all 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 using Ophcrack, and the rainbow table contained on the instance (rainbow_tables_xp_free).

Lab 3d: Digital Certificates
1 Introduction
No Description Result
1 From: Serial number: Effective date:

Open up certificate 1 and identify the following. Name:


What is CN used for:

What is ON used for:

What is O used for:

What is L used for:

2 Now open-up the ZIP file for the certificate, and view the CER file. What other information can you gain from the certificate:

What is the size of the public key:

Which hashing method has been used:

Is the certificate trusted on your system: [Yes][No]

3 For Example 2 to Example 6. Complete the following table:

Cert Organisation Date range when Size of public Issuer Root CA Hash method Is it trusted?
(Issued to) valid key

2 PFX files

We have a root certificate authority of My Global Corp, which is based in Washington, US, and the administrator is [email protected]
and we are going to issue a certificate to My Little Corp, which is based in Glasgow, UK, and the administrator is [email protected].

No Description Result
1 We will now view some PFX certificate files, and which are protected For Certificate 1, can you open it in the Web browser with an
with a password: incorrect password: Now enter “apples” as a password, and record some of the

key details of the certificate:

Now repeat for Certificate 2:

2 Now with the PFX files (contained in the ZIP files from the Web site), Was the import successful?
try and import them onto your computer. Try to enter an incorrect
password first, and observe the message.
If successful, outline some of the details of the certificates:

3 Creating certificates
Now we will create our own self-signed certificates.

No Description Result
1 Create your own certificate from: View the certificate, and verify some of the details on the

Add in your own details. Can you view the DER file?

4 Creating a self signed certificate

You will be assigned a folder in vCentre. Navigate to Production->crypto->netxx and then startup your Kali instance.

We have a root certificate authority of My Global Corp, which is based in Washington, US, and the administrator is [email protected]
and we are going to issue a certificate to My Little Corp, which is based in Glasgow, UK, and the administrator is [email protected].

No Description Result
1 On Kali, login and get an IP address using:

sudo dhclient eth0

2 Create your RSA key pair with:

How many years will the certificate be valid for?
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048

Next create a self-signed root CA certificate ca.crt for My Little Which details have you entered:

openssl req -new -x509 -days 1826 -key

ca.key -out ca.crt

3 Next go to Places, and from your Home folder, open up ca.crt and Which Key Algorithm has been used:
view the details of the certificate.
Which hashing methods have been used:

When does the certificate expire:

Who is it verified by:

Who has it been issued to:

4 Next we will create a subordinate CA (My Little Corp), and which View the newly created certificate.
will be used for the signing of the certificate. First, generate the
key: When does it expire:

openssl genrsa -out ia.key 2048 Who is the subject of the certificate:

Next we will request a certificate for our newly created Which is their country:
subordinate CA:
Who signed the certificate:
openssl req -new -key ia.key -out ia.csr
Which is their country:
We can then create a certificate from the subordinate CA
certificate and signed by the root CA. What is the serial number of the certificate:
openssl x509 -req -days 730 -in ia.csr -CA Check the serial number for the root certificate. What is its serial
ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out
ia.crt number:

5 If we want to use this certificate to digitally sign files and verify Can you view ia.p12 in a text edit?
the signatures, we need to convert it to a PKCS12 file:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out ia.p12 -inkey
ia.key -in ia.crt -chain -CAfile ca.crt

6 The crt format is in encoded in binary. If we want to export to a View each of the output files in a text editor (ca.cer and then
Base64 format, we can use DER: ia.cer). What can you observe from the format:

openssl x509 -inform pem -outform pem -in

ca.crt -out ca.cer Which are the standard headers and footers used:

and for My Little Corp:

openssl x509 -inform pem -outform pem -in

ia.crt -out ia.cer

Lab 3e Hashing Implementation
This lab outlines some implementations for hashing methods.

A LM Hash
The LM Hash is used in Microsoft Windows. For example for LM Hash:

hashme gives: FA-91-C4-FD-28-A2-D2-57-AA-D3-B4-35-B5-14-04-EE

network gives: D7-5A-34-5D-5D-20-7A-00-AA-D3-B4-35-B5-14-04-EE
napier gives: 12-B9-C5-4F-6F-E0-EC-80-AA-D3-B4-35-B5-14-04-EE

Notice that the right-most element of the hash are always the same, if the password is less
than eight characters. With more than eight characters we get:

networksims gives: D7-5A-34-5D-5D-20-7A-00-38-32-A0-DB-BA-51-68-07

napier123 gives: 67-82-2A-34-ED-C7-48-92-B7-5E-0C-8D-76-95-4A-50

For “hello” we get:

LM: FD-A9-5F-BE-CA-28-8D-44-AA-D3-B4-35-B5-14-04-EE
NTLM: 06-6D-DF-D4-EF-0E-9C-D7-C2-56-FE-77-19-1E-F4-3C

We can check these with a Python script:

import passlib.hash;
print "LM Hash:"+passlib.hash.lmhash.encrypt(string)
print "NT Hash:"+passlib.hash.nthash.encrypt(string)

which gives:

LM Hash:fda95fbeca288d44aad3b435b51404ee
NT Hash:066ddfd4ef0e9cd7c256fe77191ef43c

 Web link (Prime Numbers):

No Description Result
1 Create a Python script to determine the LM “Napier”
hash and NTLM hash of the following
words: “Foxtrot”

The Apache-defined APR1 format addresses the problems of brute forcing an MD5 hash, and
basically iterates over the hash value 1,000 times. This considerably slows an intruder as they
try to crack the hashed value. The resulting hashed string contains $apr1$" to identify it and
uses a 32-bit salt value. We can use both htpassword and Openssl to compute the hashed
string (where “bill” is the user and “hello” is the password):
# htpasswd -nbm bill hello

# openssl passwd -apr1 -salt PkWj6gM4 hello


We can also create a simple Python program with the passlib library, and add the same salt as
the example above:
import passlib.hash;

print "APR1:"+passlib.hash.apr_md5_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

We can created a simple Python program with the passlib library, and add the same salt as the
example above:

Refer to:

No Description Result
1 Create a Python script to create the APR1 “changeme”:
hash for the following:

Prove them against on-line APR1 generator
(or from the page given above).

While APR1 has a salted value, the SHA has for storing passwords does not have a salted value.
It produces a 160-bit signature, thus can contain a larger set of hashed value, but because there
is no salt it can be cracked to rainbow tables, and also brute force. The format for the storage
of the hashed password on Linux systems is:

# htpasswd -nbs bill hello


We can also generate salted passwords, and can use the Python script of:

import passlib.hash;
print "SHA1:"+passlib.hash.sha1_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "SHA256:"+passlib.hash.sha256_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

print "SHA512:"+passlib.hash.sha512_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

SHA-512 salts start with $6$ and are up to 16 chars long.

SHA-256 salts start with $5$ and are up to 16 chars long

Which produces:


No Description Result
1 Create a Python script to create the SHA “changeme”:
hash for the following:

Prove them against on-line SHA generator
(or from the page given above).

D PHPass
phpass is used as a hashing method by WordPress and Drupal. It is public domain software
and used with PHP applications. The three main methods used are:

 CRYPT_BLOWFISH. This is the most secure method is known as, and related to the bcrypt
method. Another method (CRYPT_EXT_DES) uses the DES encryption method.
 CRYPT_EXT_DES. This method uses DES encryption.
 MD5. This is the least preferred method and simply uses an MD5 digest.

The output uses the following to identify the differing types:

 $P$". Standard.
 $H$. Phpbb.
 $S$"; Drupal. SHA-512-like digests.

A sample run with “password” and salt of “ZDzPE45C” for seven rounds gives:


Where it can be see that the salt value is paced after "$P$5" ("ZDzPE45C"), and after that
there are 22 Base-64 characters (giving 128-bit hash signature).

We can check the output against the following Python code:

import passlib.hash;
string = "password"
print passlib.hash.phpass.encrypt(string, salt=salt,rounds=7)

which should give: $P$5ZDzPE45Ci.QxPaPz.03z6TYbakcSQ0

The code uses 7 rounds - to save processor time - but it can vary between 7 and 30.The
number of iterations is 2^rounds. In this case the hash is "i.QxPaPz.03z6TYbakcSQ0" which
is a 128-bit hash signature.


$P$ 5 .QxPaPz.03z6TYbakcSQ0

phpass rounds Hash (128-bit –

21 characters)

Salt (8

Figure 3.1 phpass hashing

 Web link (phpass):

No Description Result
1 Create a Python script to create the PHPass “changeme”:
hash for the following: Salt:

Prove them against on-line PHPass generator “123456”:

(or from the page given above). Salt:
Just note the first five characters of the
hashed value. “password”

PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) is defined in RFC 2898 and generates
a salted hash. Often this is used to create an encryption key from a defined password, and where
it is not possible to reverse the password from the hashed value. It is used in TrueCrypt to
generate the key required to read the header information of the encrypted drive, and which
stores the encryption keys.

PBKDF2 is used in WPA-2 and TrueCrypt (Figugre 1). Its main focus is to produced a hashed
version of a password, and includes a salt value to reduce the opportunity for a rainbow table
attack. It generally uses over 1,000 iterations in order to slow down the creation of the hash, so
that it can overcome brute force attacks. The generalise format for PBKDF2 is:

DK = PBKDF2(Password, Salt, MInterations, dkLen)

where Password is the pass phrase, Salt is the salt, MInterations is the number of iterations,
and dklen is the length of the derived hash.
In WPA-2, the IEEE 802.11i standard defines that the pre-shared key is defined by:

PSK = PBKDF2(PassPhrase, ssid, ssidLength, 4096, 256)

In TrueCrypt we use PBKDF2 to generate the key (with salt) and which will decrypt the
header, and reveal the keys which have been used to encrypt the disk (using AES, 3DES or
Twofish). We use:

byte[] result = passwordDerive.GenerateDerivedKey(16,

ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message), salt, 1000);

which has a key length of 16 bytes (128 bits - dklen), uses a salt byte array, and 1000
iterations of the hash (Minterations). The resulting hash value will have 32 hexadecimal
characters (16 bytes).

Figure 1 PBKDF2

 Web link (PBKDF2):

import hashlib;
import passlib.hash;
import sys;



if (len(sys.argv)>1):

if (len(sys.argv)>2):

print "PBKDF2 (SHA1):"+passlib.hash.pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

print "PBKDF2 (SHA256):"+passlib.hash.pbkdf2_sha256.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

No Description Result
1 Create a Python script to create the PBKDF2 “changeme”:
hash for the following (uses a salt value of
“ZDzPE45C”). You just need to list the first six “123456”:
hex characters of the hashed value.

F Bcrypt
MD5 and SHA-1 produce a hash signature, but this can be attacked by rainbow tables. Bcrypt
(Blowfish Crypt) is a more powerful hash generator for passwords and uses salt to create a non-
recurrent hash. It was designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, and is based on the
Blowfish cipher. It is used as the default password hashing method for BSD and other systems.

Overall it uses a 128-bit salt value, which requires 22 Base-64 characters. It can use a number
of iterations, which will slow down any brute-force cracking of the hashed value. For example,
“Hello” with a salt value of “$2a$06$NkYh0RCM8pNWPaYvRLgN9.” gives:


As illustrated in Figure 2, the first part is "$2a$" (or "$2b$"), and then followed by the number
of rounds used. In this case is it 6 rounds which is 2^6 iterations (where each additional round
doubles the hash time). The 128-bit (22 character) salt values comes after this, and then finally
there is a 184-bit hash code (which is 31 characters).

The slowness of Bcrypt is highlighted with an AWS EC2 server benchmark using hashcat:

 Hash type: MD5 Speed/sec: 380.02M words

 Hash type: SHA1 Speed/sec: 218.86M words
 Hash type: SHA256 Speed/sec: 110.37M words
 Hash type: bcrypt, Blowfish(OpenBSD) Speed/sec: 25.86k words
 Hash type: NTLM. Speed/sec: 370.22M words

You can see that Bcrypt is almost 15,000 times slower than MD5 (380,000,000 words/sec
down to only 25,860 words/sec). With John The Ripper:

 md5crypt [MD5 32/64 X2] 318237 c/s real, 8881 c/s virtual
 bcrypt ("$2a$05", 32 iterations) 25488 c/s real, 708 c/s virtual
 LM [DES 128/128 SSE2-16] 88090K c/s real, 2462K c/s virtual

where you can see that Bcrypt over 3,000 times slower than LM hashes. So, although the main
hashing methods are fast and efficient, this speed has a down side, in that they can be cracked
easier. With Bcrypt the speed of cracking is considerably slowed down, with each iteration
doubling the amount of time it takes to crack the hash with brute force. If we add one onto the
number of rounds, we double the time taken for the hashing process. So to go from 6 to 16
increase by over 1,000 (210) and from 6 to 26 increases by over 1 million (220).

Figure 2 Bcrypt

The following defines a Python script which calculates a whole range of hashes:
import hashlib;
import passlib.hash;


print "General Hashes"

print "MD5:"+hashlib.md5(string).hexdigest()
print "SHA1:"+hashlib.sha1(string).hexdigest()
print "SHA256:"+hashlib.sha256(string).hexdigest()
print "SHA512:"+hashlib.sha512(string).hexdigest()

print "UNIX hashes (with salt)"

print "DES:"+passlib.hash.des_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt[:2])
print "MD5:"+passlib.hash.md5_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "Bcrypt:"+passlib.hash.bcrypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt2[:22])
print "Sun MD5:"+passlib.hash.sun_md5_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "SHA1:"+passlib.hash.sha1_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "SHA256:"+passlib.hash.sha256_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "SHA512:"+passlib.hash.sha512_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

No Description Result
1 Create the hash for the word “hello” for the MD5:
different methods (you only have to give the SHA1:
first six hex characters for the hash): SHA256:
Also note the number hex characters that the MD5:
hashed value uses: Sun MD5:

G A more complete set of hashes

In this final exercise, we will attempt to hash most of the widely used hashing method. For
this enter the code of:
import hashlib;
import passlib.hash;
import sys;


if (len(sys.argv)>1):

if (len(sys.argv)>2):

print "General Hashes"

print "MD5:"+hashlib.md5(string).hexdigest()
print "SHA1:"+hashlib.sha1(string).hexdigest()
print "SHA256:"+hashlib.sha256(string).hexdigest()
print "SHA512:"+hashlib.sha512(string).hexdigest()

print "UNIX hashes (with salt)"

print "DES:"+passlib.hash.des_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt[:2])
print "MD5:"+passlib.hash.md5_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "Bcrypt:"+passlib.hash.bcrypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt2[:22])
print "Sun MD5:"+passlib.hash.sun_md5_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "SHA1:"+passlib.hash.sha1_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "SHA256:"+passlib.hash.sha256_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "SHA512:"+passlib.hash.sha512_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

print "APR1:"+passlib.hash.apr_md5_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

print "PHPASS:"+passlib.hash.phpass.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "PBKDF2 (SHA1):"+passlib.hash.pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "PBKDF2 (SHA256):"+passlib.hash.pbkdf2_sha256.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
#print "PBKDF2 (SHA512):"+passlib.hash.pbkdf2_sha512.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
#print "CTA PBKDF2:"+passlib.hash.cta_pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
#print "DLITZ PBKDF2:"+passlib.hash.dlitz_pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(string, salt=salt)

print "MS Windows Hashes"

print "LM Hash:"+passlib.hash.lmhash.encrypt(string)
print "NT Hash:"+passlib.hash.nthash.encrypt(string)
print "MS DCC:"+passlib.hash.msdcc.encrypt(string, salt)
print "MS DCC2:"+passlib.hash.msdcc2.encrypt(string, salt)

#print "LDAP Hashes"

#print "LDAP (MD5):"+passlib.hash.ldap_md5.encrypt(string)
#print "LDAP (MD5 Salted):"+passlib.hash.ldap_salted_md5.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
#print "LDAP (SHA):"+passlib.hash.ldap_sha1.encrypt(string)
#print "LDAP (SHA1 Salted):"+passlib.hash.ldap_salted_sha1.encrypt(string,
#print "LDAP (DES Crypt):"+passlib.hash.ldap_des_crypt.encrypt(string)
#print "LDAP (BSDI Crypt):"+passlib.hash.ldap_bsdi_crypt.encrypt(string)
#print "LDAP (MD5 Crypt):"+passlib.hash.ldap_md5_crypt.encrypt(string)
#print "LDAP (Bcrypt):"+passlib.hash.ldap_bcrypt.encrypt(string)
#print "LDAP (SHA1):"+passlib.hash.ldap_sha1_crypt.encrypt(string)
#print "LDAP (SHA256):"+passlib.hash.ldap_sha256_crypt.encrypt(string)
#print "LDAP (SHA512):"+passlib.hash.ldap_sha512_crypt.encrypt(string)

print "LDAP (Hex MD5):"+passlib.hash.ldap_hex_md5.encrypt(string)
print "LDAP (Hex SHA1):"+passlib.hash.ldap_hex_sha1.encrypt(string)
print "LDAP (At Lass):"+passlib.hash.atlassian_pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(string)
print "LDAP (FSHP):"+passlib.hash.fshp.encrypt(string)

print "Database Hashes"

print "MS SQL 2000:"+passlib.hash.mssql2000.encrypt(string)
print "MS SQL 2000:"+passlib.hash.mssql2005.encrypt(string)
print "MS SQL 2000:"+passlib.hash.mysql323.encrypt(string)
print "MySQL:"+passlib.hash.mysql41.encrypt(string)
print "Postgres (MD5):"+passlib.hash.postgres_md5.encrypt(string, user=salt)
print "Oracle 10:"+passlib.hash.oracle10.encrypt(string, user=salt)
print "Oracle 11:"+passlib.hash.oracle11.encrypt(string)

print "Other Known Hashes"

print "Cisco PIX:"+passlib.hash.cisco_pix.encrypt(string, user=salt)
print "Cisco Type 7:"+passlib.hash.cisco_type7.encrypt(string)
print "Dyango DES:"+passlib.hash.django_des_crypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "Dyango MD5:"+passlib.hash.django_salted_md5.encrypt(string, salt=salt[:2])
print "Dyango SHA1:"+passlib.hash.django_salted_sha1.encrypt(string, salt=salt)
print "Dyango Bcrypt:"+passlib.hash.django_bcrypt.encrypt(string, salt=salt2[:22])
print "Dyango PBKDF2 SHA1:"+passlib.hash.django_pbkdf2_sha1.encrypt(string,
print "Dyango PBKDF2 SHA1:"+passlib.hash.django_pbkdf2_sha256.encrypt(string,

No Description Result
1 In the code, what does the modifier of
“[:22]” do?

In running the methods, which of them take

the longest time to compute?

Of the methods used, outline how you would

identify some of the methods. For APR1 has
an identifier of $apr1$.

For the following identify the hash methods used:

 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
 5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8
 $apr1$ZDzPE45C$y372GZYCbB1WYtOkbm4/u.
 $P$HZDzPE45Ch4tvOeT9mhtu3i2G/JybR1
 b109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd09b3befd1b5e07394c706a8bb980b1d7785e597
 $1$ZDzPE45C$EEQHJaCXI6yInV3FnskmF1
 $2a$12$111111111111111111111uAQxS9vJNRtBb6zeFDV6k7tyB0DZJF0a

H Reflective statements
1. Why might increasing the number of iterations be a better method of protecting
a hashed password than using a salted version?

2. Why might the methods BCrypt, Phpass and PBFDK2 be preferred for storing
passwords than MD5, SHA?

Possible references:


Lab 3f: DLP - Disk/Email Encryption
Outline demo:

1 PGP Encryption
An import element in data loss prevention is encrypted emails. In this part of the lab we will use an open source standard: PGP.

On your main desktop, install GPG from:

No Description Result
1 From the console on your Windows desktop (C:\Program Files
(x86)\GNU\GnuPG), create a key pair with (RSA and 2,048 bit keys): How is the randomness generated?

gpg --gen-key

Now export your public key using the form of: Outline the contents of your key file:
gpg --export -a "Your name" > mypub.key

Now export your private key using the form of:

gpg --export-secret-key -a "Your name" > mypriv.key

2 Now send your lab partner your public key in the contents of an email, and ask Which keys are stored on your key ring and what
them to import it onto their key ring: details do they have:

gpg --import theirpubickey.key

Now list your keys with:

gpg --list-keys

3 Create a text file, and save it. Next encrypt the file with their public key: What does the –a option do:

gpg -e -a -u "Your Name" -r "Your Lab Partner Name"

hello.txt What does the –r option do:

What does the –u option do:

Which file does it produce and outline the format of its


4 Send your encrypted file in an email to your lab partner, and get one back from Can you decrypt the message:

Now create a file (such as myfile.asc) and decrypt the email using the public
key received from them with:

gpg –d myfile.asc > myfile.txt

5 Next using this public key file, send Bill ([email protected]) a question Did you receive a reply:


Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.0

6 Next send your public key to Bill ([email protected]).

2 TrueCrypt
Now go to the DFET Napier Cloud, and you should have a Kali instance.

No Description Result
1 Go to your Kali instance. Now Create a new volume and use an
encrypted file container (use tc_yourname) with a Standard CPU (Mean)
TrueCrypt volume.
When you get to the Encryption Options, run the tests and outline AES-Twofish:
the results: AES-Two-Seperent
Serpent -AES

Which is the fastest:

Which is the slowest:

2 Select AES and RIPMD-160 and create a 100MB file. Finally What does the random pool generation do, and what does it use to
select your password and use FAT for the file system. generate the random key?

3 Now mount the file as a drive. Can you view the drive on the file viewer and from the console?

4 Create some files your TrueCrypt drive and save them. Without giving them the password, can they read the file?

Next dismount your drive, and copy the file to the provided USB With the password, can they read the files?
stick. Give the USB stick to your neighbour, and see if they can
view the file contents.

3 TrueCrypt Volumes
The following files have the passwords of “Ankle123”, “foxtrot”, “napier123”, “password” or “napier”. Determine the properties of the files
defined in the table:

File Size Encryption Key size Files/folders on Hidden Hash method

type disk partition (y/n)

Now with truecrack see if you can determine the password on the volumes. Which TrueCrypt volumes can truecrack?

Figure 1: Kali mount

On your desktop, undertake the following.

No Description Result
1 Go to your Windows 7 instance. Now create a folder named:
How does the name of the folder change when it is encrypted?

Add some files to the folder, and then right click on the folder and
encrypt it.
2 Now use: Which files are encrypted on your drive:

Cipher /u

3 Using: Which encryption type and key size has been used for the file
Cipher /c filename

4 Make sure you can view your files. Which are the names of the files created?

Now export your certificates with: View the CER and PFX file. What is the difference between the two
Cipher /r:filename

5 Go to Control Panel -> Internet Options Outline some of the details of the EFS certificate.

Then click on the Content tab and select the Certificates button. When does it expire?

Now view your EFS certificate. What type of encryption does it use?

What is the length of the encryption key?

Who has signed it?

6 Now delete the EFS certificate from the store and reboot your After reboot, can you access your files? [Yes][No]

7 Now import the PFX certificate that you created. Can you access your files? [Yes][No]

5 EFS (with USB)

Undertake the following, but this time mount a USB stick, and encrypt on the USB device. First delete your existing EFS certificate.

No Description Result
1 Go to your Windows 7 instance. Now create a folder named:
How does the name of the folder change when it is encrypted?

Add some files to the folder, and then right click on the folder and
encrypt it.
2 Now use: Which files are encrypted on your USB disk:

Cipher /u

3 Using: Which encryption type and key size has been used for the file
Cipher /c filename

4 Make sure you can view your files. Which are the names of the files created?

Now export your certificates with: View the CER and PFX file. What is the difference between the two
Cipher /r:filename

5 Go to Control Panel -> Internet Options Outline some of the details of the EFS certificate.

Then click on the Content tab and select the Certificates button. When does it expire?

Now view your EFS certificate. What type of encryption does it use?

What is the length of the encryption key?

Who has signed it?

6 Now delete the EFS certificate from the store and reboot your After reboot, can you access your files? [Yes][No]

7 Now import the PFX certificate that you created. Can you access your files? [Yes][No]

8 Now dismount your drive, and give the USB stick to your

1. Ask them to access the files on the USB disk without Can they access your files before certificate import? [Yes][No]
importing the certificate.
2. Ask them to access the files on the USB disk after importing
the certificate.
Can they access your files after certificate import? [Yes][No]

6 Cracking digital certificates and file types
Undertake the following.

No Description Result
1 Run Networksims.
What are the passwords for the PFX files?
Now run Toolkit client (Figure 2).

Goto the Encryption tab and select Digital Certificate from the
left-hand menu. Next click on the Dictionary Search button, and
load each of the following files (remember to extract to PFX):

Figure 2: Dictionary search


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