Self Care Therapy
Self Care Therapy
Self Care Therapy
Ben Kuo (2010) reviews studies on cultural dimensions of stress and coping.
His study, "Culture's Consequences on Coping: Thories, Evidences, and Dimensionalitie." Published in Journal of
Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Self-care Theraphy
-A positive ways to counter stress.
1. Stop, breathe, and tell yourself: "This is hard and I will get through this one step at a time."
2. Acknowledged to yourself what you are feeling. All feeling are normal so accept whatever you are feeling.
3. Find someone who listens and is accepting. You do not need advice. You need to be heard.
4. Maintain your normal routine as much as posible.
5. Allow plenty of time for a task.
6. Take good care o yourself.
Remember to:
a. Get enough rest and sleep.
b. Eat regularly an make healthy choices.
c. Know your limits and when you need to let go.
d. Identify or create a nurturing place in your home.
e. Practice relaxation or meditation.
f. Escape for a while through meditation, reading book watching ba movie, or taking a short trip.