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Revisi Greeting and Leave Taking (Selpia Hutajulu 17120038

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TIME ALLOCATION : 2 X 40 MINUTES (1 Pertemuan)

A. Standard of Competence
1. Respect and appreciate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(tolerance, mutual assistance), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment within the reach of relationships and existence.
2. Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on curiosity
about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and events visible to the
3. Respect and appreciate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(tolerance, mutual assistance), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment within the reach of relationships and existence.

B.Basic Competence

1. Grateful for the opportunity learn English as a languageintroduction to international


2. Appreciate polite behavior and care in implementing interpersonal communication with the
teacher and friend.

3. Appreciate honest behavior, discipline,confident, and responsible in carrying out

communication transactional with teacher and friends.

4. Respect responsibility behavior,care, cooperation, and love for peace,in carrying out
communication functional.

5. Identifying social functions, structures text, and linguistic elements of interaction text oral
and written interpersonal ones involves the act of greeting and saying goodbye according to
the context of its use.

C.Learning Objectives

After participating in a series of learning activities, students can:

1) Observe the expressions or speech used in greetings and leaving taking

2) Identifying expressions used in greetings and leaving taking.

3) Imitate expressions for greetings and leave taking.

4) Make short conversations in using greetings and leave taking expressions.

5) Using text structure and linguistic elements of greetings and leaving taking correctly and

6) Have greetings and leave taking conversations in groups or in pairs with courtesy,
responsibility, care, courtesy, and confidence.

D.Learning Materials

Greeting and Leave Taking

Greeting is an expression that is usually used by someone to do greetings or greetings with

others. Greeting greetings / greetings are divided into 2 namely Formal and Informal
Greeting. Formal greeting is usually used in formal or unfamiliar formal situations while
Informal Greeting is used in casual situations, usually familiar or familiar with the
interlocutor and informal.

Expression of Greeting :

Formal Greetings Responses Meaning

Good morning Good morning - Selamat pagi

Good day/noon Good day/noon - Selamat Siang(jam12)

Good afternoon Good afternoon

-Selamat Siang
Good evening Good evening
-Selamat petang/sore/malam

Informal Greetings Responses Meaning

Hi Hi - Hai
Hello Hello - Halo
How are you? I’m fine - Bagaimana kabarnya?Baik-baik saja

How is life? Not bad, thanks Bagaimana kabarnya?baik


How do you do? How do you do? Apa Kabar

Bagaimana kabarnya
How is everything with Pretty well. Thanks denganmu?baik-baik ja terima kasih
you? - Bagaimana kabarmu? Saya baik-baik
How are you doing I am very well thanks saja terima kasih
- Senang berjumpa
denganmu/senang berjumpa denganmu
Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too juga

Leaving Taking is an expression of fraction or to give a sign that the conversation will end, close the
conversation and to say goodbye. This expression of leaving-taking is also divided into two namely
formal and informal.

Formal and Informal Differences

Formal is what we usually do in formal places such as in schools, offices, companies and so
on, usually the person we are talking to is older, more mature or higher in rank than us such
as teachers, lecturers, bosses or people the same age but in an official place like a bank.

Informal is what we often use to greet people who are usually already familiar or close to us,
such as friends, friends. we can also use it in places that are not formal, such as on the street,
in the market, in shopping centers or at home.

Expression of Leave Taking :

Formal Leave taking Responses Meaning

Good night Good night Selamat malam/tidur

Nice to see you Nice to see you, too Senang
It’s nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too
Good bye Good bye Selamat tinggal

Informal Leave Taking Responses Meaning

Bye Bye Selamat tinggal

Bye-bye Bye-bye Sampai jumpa lagi
See you later See you Sampai ketemu lagi
See you tomorrow See you besok
Semoga berhasil
Good luck Thank you Terima kasih
Hati-hati di jalan
Take care You too Kamu juga

Examples of Formal Greeting and Leave Taking Conversations

Paul: Good morning.How are you?

Don: Good morning.Fine, thank you. And How are you?

Paul: Fine, thanks. (bus sound effect) Oh, excuse me where's my bus. Goodbye

Don: Goodbye.

Examples of Informal Greeting and Leave Taking Conversations

JANE: Hi, Helen! How’s it going?

HELEN: Fine, thanks ,and you

JANE: Just fine. Where are you off to?

HELEN: To the library. I’ve got a history exam next week and need to start studying.

JANE: Oh, no. Well, I’ll see you later then. Good luck!

HELEN: Thanks. See you later

Expression of Dialog 1 (formal)

-Good morning

-Good bye

Expression of Dialog 2 (informal)


-How it’s going



-Good Luck

-See You Later

E. Learning Methods

a.Method : Collaborative Learning

Defenition of Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is a situation where there are two or more people learning or trying to
learn something together. And unlike learning alone, people involved in collaborative
learning utilize each other's resources and skills (asking for information from each other,
evaluating ideas -ide with each other, monitor each other's work). In the opinion of Nizar
(2008), which states that Collaborative Learning is a group learning process in which each
member contributes information, experience, ideas, attitudes, opinions, abilities, and skills
they have, to jointly increase the understanding of all members.
Characteristics of Collaborative Learning

According to Opinion (Barkley, 2012: 13) the characteristics of collaborative learning are as

a) Positive interdependence, namely the success of each individual is related to the success of
the group. Individuals will achieve the same level of success as the group's success rate. So
students are motivated to form one another to achieve group goals.

b) Supporting interactions, namely students are expected to support each other and help one
another. Each member shares resources and support and supports each other's efforts to learn.

c) Individual and group accountability, i.e. each group has a sense of responsibility to achieve
its objectives. Each member is responsible for contributing to the work; the students were
assessed individually.

d) Development of teamwork skills, ie students are required to learn academic material (work
assignments) and also learn the interpersonal and small group skills needed to be able to
function as part of a group (teamwork). Teamwork skills must be taught "with the same aims
and precisely with academic skills".

e) Group processing, ie students must learn the evaluation of their group's productivity. They
must describe the actions of members as to what is most helpful and unhelpful, and they must
also make decisions about what needs to be continued and changed.

Procedure of Collaborative Learning

1. Teachers form groups of students

2. Then the students in the group set learning goals and share their individual assignments.

3. All students in the group read, discuss, and write ...

4. Collaborative groups work in synergy to identify, demonstrate, research, analyze, and

formulate answers to tasks or problems in the worksheet or problems that are found by

5. After the collaborative group agrees on the results of the problem solving, each student
writes their own complete report.

6. The teacher randomly appoints one group (it is then sought for all groups to turn forward)
to present the results of their collaborative group discussion in front of the class, students in
other groups observe, observe, compare the results of the presentation, and respond. This
activity is carried out for approximately 20-30 minutes.

7. Each student in a collaborative group conducts an elaboration, inference, and revision (if
necessary) of the report to be collected.

8. Report each student to the tasks that have been collected, arranged collaborative groups.
Student reports are corrected, commented, assessed, returned to the next meeting, and

Strengths and Weaknesses of Collaborative Learning

1. Strengths

a. Students learn to deliberate

b. Students learn to respect the opinions of others

c. Can develop critical and rational ways of thinking

d. Can foster a sense of cooperation

e. Healthy competition

2. Weaknesses

a. Student’s opinions and student questions can deviate from the main problem.

b. Requires quite a lot of time.

c. The existence of personal traits that want to show themselves or vice versa the weak feel
inferior and always depend on others.

d. The roundness or conclusion of the material is sometimes difficult to achieve.

b.Technics : Role Play

Definition of Role Playing

Role Playing is a way of mastering learning materials through developing the imagination
and appreciation of students. The development of imagination and appreciation is done by
students playing the role of living figures or inanimate objects. This game is generally done
by more than one person, it depends on what is played. Role playing is a kind of motion game
in which there are goals, rules and at the same time involve elements of pleasure (Jill
Hadfield, 1986).

The name of the role play that I applied in class is: Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a method for eliciting creative problem solving by encouraging group

members to throw ideas while resisting criticism or judgment. Brainstorming, in many forms,
has become a standard tool for ideation (development of new ideas),with this Brainsstorming
technique the teacher implements students by issuing their ideas in making conversations
about greeting and leaving taking after that the teacher tells students by practicing the results
of their ideas in making the English conversation.
c. Approach : Scientific Approach

Definition of Scientific Approach

The scientific approach is a learning model that uses scientific principles that contain a series
of data collection activities through observation, asking questions, experimenting, processing
information or data, then communicating. According to M. Lazim (2013: 1), a scientific
approach is a learning process designed in such a way in order for students to actively
construct concepts, laws or principles through the stages of observing (to identify or find
problems), formulate problems, propose or formulate hypotheses, collect data with various
techniques, analyze data, draw conclusions and communicate concepts, laws or the principle
of being "discovered" .

This approach is very useful for teachers and students, namely:

1) Observing

The method of observing prioritizes the significance of the learning process. The advantage
of observing methods is that students are happy and challenged and easy to implement.

2) Ask

Asking questions according to the Ministry of Education and Culture has the following

(a) Generating students' curiosity, interests and attention.

(b) Encourage and inspire students to actively learn, and develop questions from and for

(c) Diagnose learners' learning difficulties as well as conveying threats to find solutions.

(d) Structuring the assignments and giving students the opportunity to show their attitudes,
skills and understanding of the learning substance provided.

(e) Generating students' skills in speaking, asking questions, and giving answers logically,
systematically, and using good and correct language.

(f) Encouraging students' participation in discussing, arguing, developing thinking skills, and
drawing conclusions.

(g) Build an attitude of openness to give and receive opinions or ideas, enrich vocabulary,
and develop social tolerance in group life.

(h) Getting students to think spontaneously and quickly, and be alert in responding to
problems that suddenly arise.

(i) Practicing politeness in speaking and arousing empathy with one another.
3) Collecting data / Exploring

Collecting data means that students are invited to gather as much knowledge from various
sources of knowledge

4) Reasoning

Reasoning is the process of thinking logically and systematically on empirical facts that can
be observed to obtain conclusions in the form of knowledge.

The application of experimental or attempted methods is intended to develop various domains

of learning goals, namely attitudes, skills, and knowledge.

5) Communicate

The collaborative situation of students will be trained to interact with empathy, mutual
respect, and accept each other's weaknesses or strengths.

F.Learning Activities

No Activities Teacher(T) Student(S) Times

1 -The teachers
greet students Response from
and start students
Opening learning Teacher: Good
activities by morning my 10 Minutes
praying students
- The teacher student: Good
asks the morning miss.
student's teacher: How
condition are you doing
-The teacher today?
tells the subject Student: We are
matter fine ,tahnk and
- The teacher you miss?
explains the Teacher: I'm
learning fine too, thank
objectives. you. Okay,
Teachers invite before we start
students to sing our study, it's
--The teacher good we open it
does student with prayer.
attendance Can anyone
make a prayer?
student: there's
a miss.
Alright, come
student: yes
teacher: thank
you, please sit
down. let me
tell you our
lesson about
greeting and
leave taking.
student: okay
before I explain
my material. I
will explain my
learning goals.
Please give your
student: okay
you already
know the
purpose of my
material. I'll
invite you to
sing about
greeting and
leave taking. Do
you like to sing?
student: yes
miss. we really
like singing.
Teacher: I think
so too. Well, I'll
start playing the
video of the
student: okay
2 Main -Exploration Teacher: well i
a. Exploration Teachers will explain our
explain the learning
meaning of material. give
greeting and your attention to
leaving taking me. 20 Minutes
- The teacher Student: alright
explains the miss.
greeting and teacher:
leave taking Greeting is an
expressions expression that
-The teacher is usually used
gives examples by someone to
of formal and do greetings or
informal greetings with
conversation others. Greeting
from greeting greetings /
and leave taking greetings are
and explaining divided into 2
it. namely Formal
-Teachers ask and Informal
students to read Greeting.
examples of and Formal greeting
leave taking is usually used
conversations in formal or
greeting. unfamiliar
situations while
Greeting is used
in casual
usually familiar
or familiar with
the interlocutor
and informal.
Expression of
- Good
morning, good
day, good
evening, good
hi, hello, how
are you, how is
life, nice to
meet you.
and then
Leaving Taking
is an expression
of fraction or to
give a sign that
the conversation
will end, close
the conversation
and say
goodbye. This
expression of
is also divided
into two namely
formal and
Expression of
leave taking:
- good night,
nice to see you.
-bye, bye-bye,
see you later

Alright, I'll
show you a
greeting and
leaving taking
conversation. I
will tell you to
read the
Can anyone
read it?
Student: I miss.
Teacher: okay,

b.Questioning Students are Teacher: all 5 Minutes

given the right, from this
opportunity to material. anyone
ask questions ask a lot ?.
about what is Student: No
not yet known miss.
and wants to be
known in
relation to the
text being
c.Elaboration - The teacher Respond of
gives examples students to
of greeting and Teacher
leave taking teacher: alright,
conversations I will tell you to
- The teacher make a 45 minutes
tells students to
make a about greeting
conversation and leave taking
about greeting in the formal.
and leave takingand then you
practice in front
of the class with
your group.
student: okay
Teacher: are
you done?
student: not
miss yet.
Alright, time's
up. Can anyone
come forward to
students: we
Teacher: Good,
give them a
round of
d.Confirmation Give the Students
positive response 5Minutes
feedback to the feedback to the
student teacher:
Alright miss.
3 Teacher make Responses to
Closing conclusion from the teacher 5 Minutes
the material Teacher:
(greeting and Alright, before
leave taking) we close our
learning. It's
good we close it
with prayer.
Okay, I will
choose to make
a prayer. Nora,
come here.
Student: yes
Teacher: okay,
thanks and
Students: see
you too miss.

G.Learning Resources

1. When English Rings A Bell SMP Kelas VII Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2016

Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan ,Balitbang,Kemdikbud 2016.


Assessment of speaking ability

a. Form:Make a Conversation

b. Technique: Make a greeting and leave taking conversation.

c. Aspect: pronunciation, expression, fluency,

intonation, clarity.

d. Scoring Rubric : pronunciation +expression + fluency +

intonation + clarity.

ASPECT 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 SCORE
Pronunciation Speaking Speaking Speaking the Speaking 20%
words with wrong with correct
comprehensible incorrect pronunciation pronunciation
but still
Expression The expression Nothing The expression Still unable 20%
in speaking is expression in in bringing the to harmonize
still good every actors dialogue is not his
suitable expression in
Fluency Speaking with Speaking Speaking Too nervous 20%
many pauses very slowly generally at to talk which
normal speed makes it not
Intonation Intonation in Speaking Incorrect Speaking 20%
talking too fast with intonation but with the right
incorrect comprehensible intonation
Clarity Clarity in The lack of Haven’t In clarity 20%
speaking is still vocabulary understood the very slowly
lacking that makes word from the
talking dialogue

I.Learning Resource


J. Media

-Power Point

Power point: is one of the programs created by Microsoft Corporation, which is included in
the Microsoft Office. In contrast to Microsoft Word and Exel. Microsoft power points are
more likely to be simple and not too difficult to learn. Microsoft Power Point is usually useful
for presentation purposes, and a means of delivering something to others, so that others know
and understand what the purpose of the presentation is, with this power point I can display
English songs about greeting and leave taking. So from that my students can see the song that
I show it. And with this powerpoint I can explain my material in detail one by one.

- Book

According to Kurniasih (2009) Books are thoughts containing the results of the analysis of
the curriculum in writing. Books are arranged using simple language, interesting, and
equipped with pictures and references.

The reason I use the book media is: because from the book I can explain my material to
students. So my students become more familiar with the material that I bring and they can
read the book.

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