Greeting Dialogue 2

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Greeting Dialogue

good morning, my name is cindy what is your name?

good morning, my name is david are you a new student

yes i am i'm in 70 and you?

i'm in 7e too then we are classmates

yes we are sorry i have to go now

nice to meet you david

nice to meet youtoo

Leave Taking Dialogue

hi sarah how are you doing?

hi linda the same as usual

how about you i'm pretty busy at class

these days

but everything is great do you want to

hang out with me

that sounds good but sorry i have to go

to the class now

bye see you

see you that was an example of gre

Formal and Informal Greeting/Leave-Taking

Formal Greeting Formal Greeting

Use in most informal situations like when
Use informal situations like greet someone you greet your close friends in
we respect, formal classroom, schoolyard, or to someone you meet on
presentation, etc. the streets
1.    Hello.
2.    How are you?
3.    Good morning. 1.   Hi!
4.    Good afternoon. 2.   Hey!
5.    Good evening. 3.   What’s up?
6.    What are you doing? 4.   Howdy!
7.    It’s nice to meet you. 5.   What’s new?
8.    How is it going? 6.   What’s going on?
9.    How are you doing? 7.   How is it going?
10. Good to see you. 8.   How are things?
11. It is a pleasure to meet you. 9.   How is everything
12. How do you do? 10. How’s life?
13. It’s an honor to meet you. 11. Long time no see!
14. Nice to meet you. 12. It’s good to see you
Examples Examples
Mr. Han (arriving at his class):
“Good morning, students. How are you Ghania:
today” “Hi, Ratu. What’s new?

Students: Ratu:
“Good morning sir, we are very well, thank “G’day (short of good day), how are
you! things?”
Formal Greeting Responses

Expressions Responses
Hello. Hello.
How are you? I’m fine. Thank you!
Good morning. Good morning.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
Good Evening. Good Evening
How do you do? How do you do?
What are you doing? I’m doing well. Thank you!
How is everything? Everything is fine. Thank you.
Nice to meet you.
It’s nice to meet you? Nice to meet you.
Informal Greeting Responses

Expressions Responses
What’s up? Pretty well.
How are things? Not bad.
How is it going? Well nothing special.
How is life? It’s pretty good, thanks.
What’s new? Nothing much.
What’s cracking? Great.
How have you been? I’ve been fine.

Formal Leave Taking

Expressions Responses
Good bye. Good bye/take care.
See you tomorrow. See you.
See you later. See you.
See you next (week, day, month, etc) See you.
Sorry, I have to go now. Never mind, see you.
I’ll talk to you later. Sure, see you later.
It’s been nice talking to you. So long.
I think I must go now. Bye.
Let’s hope we meet again soon. See you.
Informal Leave Taking

Expressions Responses
So long for now Bye now
Bee seeing you Bee seeing you too
Have a nice day Thanks and you too
Have a good trip Thanks
Give regard to your . . . Sure, I will
Take care of your self I will
Be careful. Sure

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