Fea Laboratory Manual

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Mukesh Patel School of Technological

Management and Engineering
Vile parle (W), Mumbai -56





Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Class: B. Tech. Mechanical

Semester: VII
Subject: Finite Element Analysis

Course Objective:
1. To provide the understanding of basics of Finite element method and analysis.
2. To impart knowledge of one dimensional and two dimensional Finite element analysis.
3. To introduce the application of FEA in structural and thermal domain.

Course Outcome:
1. Understand the basics and mathematical aspect of FEA.
2. Apply concept of nodes and elements on structural one dimensional and two dimensional
engineering problems.
3. Use FEA software packages for solving complex problems

Mapping of Experiments to Course Outcomes:

Experiment No CO1 CO2 CO3
1 √ √
2 √ √
3 √ √
4 √ √ √
5 √ √ √
6 √ √

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Class: B. Tech. Mechanical

Semester: VII
Subject: Finite Element Analysis


Sr. No Name of Experiment

1. Structural analysis of a Bar of Constant cross section area
2 Structural analysis of a Bar of tapered cross section area
3 Structural analysis of a Stepped Bar
4 Structural analysis of a Truss
5 Structural analysis of Simply supported beam
6 Thermal analysis of circular fins

Introduction to ANSYS 16
Performing a Typical ANSYS Analysis:
The ANSYS program has many finite element analysis capabilities, ranging from a simple,
linear, static analysis to a complex, nonlinear, transient dynamic analysis. The analysis guide
manuals in the ANSYS documentation set describe specific procedures for performing
analyses for different engineering disciplines.
A typical ANSYS analysis has three distinct steps:
 Build the model.
 Apply loads and obtain the solution.  Review the results.
1. Building a Model
Building a finite element model requires more of an ANSYS user's time than any other part of
the analysis. First, you specify a job name and analysis title. Then, you use the preprocessor to
define the element types, element real constants, material properties, and the model geometry.
Specifying a Job name and Analysis Title
This task is not required for an analysis, but is recommended.
1.1.Defining the Job name
The job name is a name that identifies the ANSYS job. When you define a job name for an
analysis, the job name becomes the first part of the name of all files the analysis creates. (The
extension or suffix for these files' names is a file identifier such as .DB.) By using a job name
for each analysis, you insure that no files are overwritten. If you do not specify a job name, all
files receive the name FILE or file, depending on the operating system.
GUI: Utility Menu>File>Change Job name

1.2.Defining Element Types

The ANSYS element library contains more than 100 different element types. Each element
type has a unique number and a prefix that identifies the element category: BEAM4,
PLANE77, SOLID96, etc. The following element categories are available The element type
determines, among other things:
 The degree-of-freedom set (which in turn implies the discipline-structural, thermal,
magnetic, electric, quadrilateral, brick, etc.)
 Whether the element lies in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.
For example, BEAM4, has six structural degrees of freedom (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY,
ROTZ), is a line element, and can be modeled in 3-D space. PLANE77 has a thermal degree
of freedom (TEMP), is an eight-node quadrilateral element, and can be modeled only in 2-D

1.3.Defining Element Real Constants

Element real constants are properties that depend on the element type, such as cross-sectional
properties of a beam element. For example, real constants for BEAM3, the 2-D beam element,
are area (AREA), moment of inertia (IZZ), height (HEIGHT), shear deflection constant
(SHEARZ), initial strain (ISTRN), and added mass per unit length (ADDMAS). Not all
element types require real constants, and different elements of the same type may have different
real constant values.

As with element types, each set of real constants has a reference number, and the table of
reference number versus real constant set is called the real constant table. While defining the
elements, you point to the appropriate real constant reference number using the REAL
command (Main Menu> Preprocessor>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes).
1.4.Defining Material Properties
Most element types require material properties. Depending on the application, material
properties may be:
 Linear or nonlinear
 Isotropic, orthotropic, or anisotropic
 Constant temperature or temperature-dependent.
As with element types and real constants, each set of material properties has a material
reference number. The table of material reference numbers versus material property sets is
called the material table. Within one analysis, you may have multiple material property sets (to
correspond with multiple materials used in the model). ANSYS identifies each set with a
unique reference number.
Main Menu > Preprocessor> Material Props > Material Models.
1. 5.Creating the Model Geometry
Once you have defined material properties, the next step in an analysis is generating a finite
element model-nodes and elements-that adequately describes the model geometry.
There are two methods to create the finite element model: solid modeling and direct generation.
With solid modeling, you describe the geometric shape of your model, and then instruct the
ANSYS program to automatically mesh the geometry with nodes and elements. You can
control the size and shape of the elements that the program creates. With direct generation, you
"manually" define the location of each node and the connectivity of each element.
Several convenience operations, such as copying patterns of existing nodes and elements,
symmetry reflection, etc. are available.

2. Apply Loads and Obtain the Solution

In this step, you use the SOLUTION processor to define the analysis type and analysis options,
apply loads, specify load step options, and initiate the finite element solution. You also can
apply loads using the PREP7 preprocessor. 2.1.Applying Loads
The word loads as used in this manual includes boundary conditions (constraints, supports, or
boundary field specifications) as well as other externally and internally applied loads. Loads
in the ANSYS program are divided into six categories:
 DOF Constraints
 Forces
 Surface Loads
 Body Loads
 Inertia Loads
 Coupled-field Loads
You can apply most of these loads either on the solid model (key points, lines, and areas) or
the finite element model (nodes and elements). Two important load-related terms you need to
know are load step and substep. A load step is simply a configuration of loads for which you
obtain a solution. In a structural analysis, for example, you may apply wind loads in one load
step and gravity in a second load step. Load steps are also useful in dividing a transient load
history curve into several segments.

2. 2.Solution: Solution >Solve >current LS.

3. Review the results.

The postprocessing stage deals with the representation of results. Typically, the deformed
shapes, displacements, strains and stresses, mode shape, temperature distribution are computed
at this stage. The user can choose the unknowns (field variable) of his interest according to the
type of analysis. This stage includes the results and its interpretation, checks for accuracy, etc.
The results generated will form the report of the particular problem.

1. Structural analysis of a Bar of Constant cross
section area

Problem Statement: Consider the bar shown in figure below. Young’s modulus is
2.1×105 N/mm2 and Area is 500 mm2. Determine the Nodal Displacement, Stress in each
element, Reaction forces.

1. Ansys Main Menu – Preferences-Select – STRUCTURAL – h method- ok
2. Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – Link – 3D Finit stn 180 – ok –
3. Real constants – Add – ok – real constant set no 1 – c/s area – 500 – ok.
4. Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX–
2.1e5 – PRXY – 0.27 – ok – close.
5. Modeling – Create – Nodes – In Active CS – Apply (first node is created) – x,y,z location
in CS– 1000 (x value w.r.t first node) – ok (second node is created).
6. Create – Elements – Auto numbered – Thru Nodes – pick 1 & 2 – ok (elements are created
through nodes).
7. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Displacement – on Nodes- pick node 1 – apply
DOFs to be constrained – All DOF – ok.
8. Define loads – apply – Structural – Force/Moment – on Nodes- pick node 2 – apply –
direction of For/Mom – FX – Force/Moment value – 1000 (+ve value) – ok.
9. Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
10. Element table – Define table – Add –‘Results data item’ – By Sequence num – LS –LS1 –
11. Plot results – contour plot –Element table – item to be plotted LS,1, avg common nodes-
yes average- ok.
12. List Results – reaction solution – items to be listed – All items – ok (reaction forces will be
displayed with the node numbers).
13. Plot results- nodal solution-ok-DOF solution- x component of displacement-ok.

Analytical approach:
Given data:
A=_________ mm2
E=_________ N/mm2

Deformation (δL) =PL/AE

(σ) = P/A

Ansys Theoretical

Reaction (N)

2. Structural analysis of a Bar of tapered cross section
Problem Statement: Consider the Tapered bar shown in figure below. Determine the
Displacement, Stress in each element, Reaction forces E = 2 x 105 N/mm2, Area at root, A1 =
1000 mm2, Area at the end, A2 = 500 mm2.

1. Ansys Main Menu – Preferences-Select – STRUCTURAL- h method– ok
2. Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – link, 3D Finit stn 180 – ok- close.
3. Real constants – Add – ok – real constant set no – 1 – cross-sectional AREA1 – 875 –
4. Add – ok – real constant set no – 2 – cross-sectional AREA 2 – 625-ok
5. Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX–
2e5 – PRXY – 0.3 – ok – close.
6. Modeling – Create – keypoints– In Active CS, =0, Y=0 – Apply (first key point is
created) – location in active CS, X= 187.5, Y=0, apply (second key point is created) - location
in active CSX=375, Y=0(third key point is created) -ok.
7. Modeling-Create – lines-straight lines-pick key points 1 & 2-ok- pick key points 2 &
3-ok 8. Meshing-mesh attributes-picked lines (pick the lines)-ok-material no= 1, real constants
set no=1, element type no =1, link 1, element section= none defined-pick the other line-ok-
material number 2-define material id 2- real constants set no = 2,element type no =2-element
section= none defined-ok.
9. Meshing-size controls-manual size-lines-all lines- no of element divisions=10(yes)-ok
10. Meshing-mesh tool-mesh-pick the lines-ok (the color changes to light blue)
11. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Displacement – on key points- pick keypoint
1 – apply –DOFs to be constrained – ALL DOF, displacement value=0 – ok.
12. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Force/Moment – on key points- pick last key
point – apply – direction of For/Mom – FX – Force/Moment value – 1000 (+ ve value) –
13. Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
14. Element table – Define table – Add –‘Results data item’ – By Sequence num – LS –LS1 –
15. Plot results – contour plot –Element table – item to be plotted LS, 1, avg common nodes-
yes average- ok.
16. List Results – reaction solution – items to be listed – All items – ok (reaction forces will be
displayed with the node numbers).

17. Plot results- nodal solution-ok-DOF solution- x component of displacement-ok.
18. Animation: PlotCtrls – Animate – Deformed shape – def+ undeformed-ok.
Analytical Approach
Analytical approach:
Given Data:
Area at root, A1 = ____mm2
Area at the end, A2 = ___mm2.
E = _____ N/mm2
P =____N
Area A1 = Π/4xd2
So, d1 =_____mm

Similarly d2 =____mm

Deformation (δL)

= ______mm


Ansys Theoretical


3. Structural analysis of a Stepped Bar

Problem Statement: Consider the stepped bar shown in figure below. Determine the
Nodal Displacement, Stress in each element, Reaction forces.

1. Ansys Main Menu – Preferences-Select – STRUCTURAL- h method – ok
2. Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – link, 3D Finit stn 180 – ok- close.
3. Real constants – Add – ok – real constant set no – 1 – cross-sectional AREA 1 – 900 –
4. Add – ok – real constant set no – 2 – cross-sectional AREA 2 – 600-ok
5. Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX
– 2e5 – PRXY – 0.3- material- new material-define material id=2- Structural – Linear–
Elastic – Isotropic – EX – 0.7e5 –PRXY – 0.3– ok – close.
6. Modeling – Create – key points– In Active CS, =0, Y=0 – Apply (first key point is
created) – location in active CS, X= 600, Y=0, apply (second key point is created) - location
in active CS X=1100, Y=0(third key point is created) -ok.
7. Modeling-Create – lines-straight lines-pick key points 1 & 2-ok- pick key points 2 &
8. Meshing-mesh attributes-picked lines (pick the lines)-ok-material no= 1, real constants
set no = 1, element type no =1, link 1, element section= none defined-pick the other line-
ok-material number 2-define material id 2- real constants set no = 2, element type no =2-
element section= none defined-ok.
9. Meshing-size controls-manual size-lines-all lines- no of element divisions=10(yes)-ok
10. Meshing-mesh tool-mesh-pick the lines-ok (the color changes to light blue)
11. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Displacement – on key points- pick key
point 1 – apply –DOFs to be constrained – ALL DOF, displacement value=0 – ok.
12. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Force/Moment – on key points- pick last
key point – apply – direction of For/Mom – FX – Force/Moment value – 500 (+ve value)
– ok.
13. Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
14. Element table – Define table – Add –‘Results data item’ – By Sequence num – LS –
LS1 – ok.
15. Plot results – contour plot –Element table – item to be plotted LS,1, avg common nodes-
yes average- ok.
16. List Results – reaction solution – items to be listed – All items – ok (reaction forces
will be displayed with the node numbers).
17. Plot results- nodal solution-ok-DOF solution- x component of displacement-ok.

18. Animation: PlotCtrls – Animate – Deformed shape – def+ undeformed-ok.

Analytical approach:
Given data:
L1=_____mm L2=____mm
A1=_____ mm2 A2=_____ mm2
E1=______ N/mm E2=_____ N/mm2

Deformation (δL1) = (PL/AE)1 = ________mm

Deformation (δL2) = (PL/AE)2 = ________mm

Total Deformation = δL1 + δL2

= _______mm


Ansys Theoretical


4.Structural analysis of Trusses

Problem Statement: Consider the four bar truss shown in figure. For the given data,
find Stress in each element, Reaction forces, Nodal displacement. E = 210 GPa, A = 0.1 m2.


1. Ansys Main Menu – Preferences-select – STRUCTURAL- h method – ok

2. Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – Link – 3D Finit stn 180 – ok – close.
3. Real constants – Add – ok – real constant set no – 1 – c/s area – 0.1 – ok – close.
4. Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX–
210e9– Ok – close.
5. Modeling – Create – Nodes – In Active CS – Apply (first node is created) – x,y,z location
in CS– 4 (x value w.r.t first node) – apply (second node is created) – x,y,z location in CS –
4, 3 (x, y value w.r.t first node) – apply (third node is created) – 0, 3 (x, y value w.r.t first
node) – ok (forth node is created).
6. Create–Elements–Elem Attributes – Material number – 1 – Real constant set number– 1 –
ok 7. Auto numbered – Thru Nodes – pick 1 & 2 – apply – pick 2 & 3 – apply – pick 3 & 1–
apply pick 3 & 4 – ok (elements are created through nodes).
8. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Displacement – on Nodes – pick node 1 & 4 –
apply – DOFs to be constrained – All DOF – ok – on Nodes – pick node 2 –apply – DOFs
to be constrained – UY – ok.
9. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Force/Moment – on Nodes- pick node 2 –
apply – direction of For/Mom – FX – Force/Moment value – 2000 (+ve value) – ok.
10. Force/Moment – on Nodes- pick node 3 – apply – direction of F or/Mom – FY –
Force/Moment value – -2500 (-ve value) – ok.
11. Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
12. Element table – Define table – Add –‘Results data item’ – By Sequence num – LS – LS1
– ok.
13. Plot results – contour plot –Element table – item to be plotted LS,1, avg common
nodes- yes average- ok.
14. Reaction forces: List Results – reaction solution – items to be listed – All items – ok
(reaction forces will be displayed with the node numbers).
15. Plot results- nodal solution-ok-DOF solution- Y component of displacement-ok.
16. Animation: PlotCtrls – Animate – Deformed shape – def+undeformed-ok.

Analytical Approach

Considering equilibrium conditions in X and Y directions find the unknown

∑ =0 ∑ a=0

∑ =0

Taking moment find the unknown reactions



Deformation(mm) Ux Uy

Stress(N/mm2) Ele 1. Ele 2

Ele 3 Ele 4

Reaction(N) RX RY

5.Structural analysis of Simply Supported Beam
Problem Statement: Compute the Shear force and bending moment diagrams for the
beam shown and find the maximum deflection. Assume rectangular c/s area of 100 mm *
100mm, Young’s modulus of 210 MPa, Poisson’s ratio 0.27.

1. Ansys Main Menu – Preferences-Select – STRUCTURAL- h method – ok

2. Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – BEAM – 2 node BEAM 188– ok- close.
3. Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX–
2.10e5– PRXY – 0.27 – ok – close.
4. Sections-Beams-common sections- sub type- rectangle (1st element) -enter b=100,
h=100- preview-ok.
5. Modeling – Create – Nodes – In Active CS – Apply (first node is created) – x,y,z
location in CS– 1000 (x value w.r.t first node) – apply (second node is created) – 2500 (x
value w.r.t first node) – apply(third node is created)- x,y,z location in CS-3500 (x value
w.r.t first node)-ok.
6. Create – Elements – Auto numbered – Thru Nodes – pick 1 & 2 apply – pick 2 & 3
apply – pick 3 & 4 – ok (elements are created through nodes).
7. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Displacement – on Nodes- pick node 1 &
4 –apply –DOFs to be constrained – all DOF – ok.
8. Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Force/Moment – on Nodes- pick node 2 –
apply – direction of For/Mom – FY – Force/Moment value – -2000(-ve value) – ok-
Force/Moment – on Nodes- pick node 3 – apply –direction of For/Mom – FY –
Force/Moment value – -4000(-ve value) – ok.
9. Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
10. Displacement: Plot Results – Contour plot – Nodal solution – DOF solution –
displacement vector sum – ok.
11. Stress: Plot Results – Contour plot – Nodal solution – stress – vonmises stress – ok.
12. Element table – Define table – Add – ‘Results data item’ – By Sequence num – SMISC
– SMISC, 6 – apply, By Sequence num – SMISC – SMISC, 19 – apply, By Sequence num
– SMISC – SMISC, 3 – apply, By Sequence num – SMISC – SMISC,16 – ok – close.
13. Plot results – contour plot – Line Element Results – Elem table item at node I –SMIS6
– Elem table item at node J – SMIS19 – ok (Shear force diagram will be displayed).
14. Plot results – contour plot – Line Element Results – Elem table item at node I –SMIS3
– Elem table item at node J – SMIS16 – ok (bending moment diagram will be displayed).
15. Reaction forces: List Results – reaction solution – items to be listed – All items – ok
(reaction forces will be displayed with the node numbers).



Stress(N/mm2) Max Stress Min Stress

Max Total Shear Force

Max Total Bending


6. Thermal Analysis of circular fins

Problem Statement: Solve the 2-D heat conduction problem for the temperature
distribution within the rectangular plate. Thermal conductivity of the plate, KXX=401 W/(m-

60 mm

100 mm

T = 300°C , Convection = 22 W /m2 °C

1. Ansys Main Menu – Preferences-select – THERMAL- h method– ok

2. Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – Solid – Quad4node–55–ok–option –element
behavior K3 – Plane stress with thickness – ok – close.
3. Material Properties – material models – Thermal – Conductivity – Isotropic – KXX –401.
4. Modeling – Create – Area – Rectangle – by dimensions – X1, X2, Y1, Y2 – 0, 10, 0,20 –
5. Meshing – Mesh Tool – Mesh Areas – Quad – Free – Mesh – pick all – ok. MeshTool –
Refine – pick all – Level of refinement – 3 – ok.
6. Loads – Define loads – apply – Thermal – Temperature – on Lines – select 1000 0Clines –
apply – DOFs to be constrained – TEMP – Temp value – 1000 0C – ok.
7. Loads – Define loads – apply – Thermal – Temperature – on Lines – select 1000 Clines –
8. Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
9. Read results-last set-ok

10. List results-nodal solution-select temperature-ok
11. Observe the nodal solution per node.
12. From the menu bar-plot ctrls-style-size and shape-display of the element-click on real
constant multiplier=0.2, don’t change other values-ok.
13. Plot results-contour plot-nodal solution-temperature-deformed shape only-ok
14. Element table-define table-add-enter user label item=HTRANS, select by sequence no
SMISC, 1-ok-close.
15. Element table-list table-select HTRANS-ok


Max Total Temp
Min Total Temp
Max Heat Flux
Min Heat Flux


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