Pre 1 Mibrobiology

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PRE 1 MICROBIOLOGY  Glomerulonephritis and Rheumatic fever

-diseases usually preceded by infection with beta-

 Listeria monocytogenes hemolytic Streptococcus.
-(+) CAMP Test: “block-type” hemolysis o Molecular mimicry, antigen of
Streptococcus is similar to the antigen for
 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae the surface of glomerulus and heart.
-primary cause of erysipeloid (res skin infection)
-“pipe cleaner” or “test tube brush” appearance at  Schick’s Test
22oC in gelatin stab culture. -test for Corynebacterium diphtheria/Kleb- Loffler
 Clostridium perfringens o Ascoli Test: Bacillus anthracis
-normal flora of GIT o Montoux Test: Mycobacterium TB
o Dick’s Test: Steptococcus pyogenes
 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
-in direct grams stain, often appears intracellularly  Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy)
in neutrophils -presumptive diagnosis is the detection of weakly
o CHO Utilization Test: standard test for the AFB in infected tissue.
identification of N. gonorrhoeae.
o Endocervical culture: used for the diagnosis  Chlamydia trachomatis
of N. gonorrhoeae in female. -causative agent for Fitz- Hugh- Curtis syndrome
-Trachoma, Halbertstadler- Prowazek inclusion
 Beta-galatosidase and beta-galactoside bodies
-are enzymes necessary for bacterium to take up  Through inhalation, fungal isolation by
lactose laboratory workers may exhibit systemic
 Beta-galatosidase- hydrolyzes lactose into infection.
glucose and galactose
 beta-galactoside permease- facilitates the  SIM Sulfide Indole Motility Test
entry of lactose molecule through the -Black color formation, pink or wine colored ringand
bacterial cell wall. spread away from stab.
o Late lactose fermenters- lack beta-
galactoside permease.  Solid phase RIA and ELISA
o ONPG Test- detect if bacteria can utilize -routine laboratory procedure for the detection of
lactose HBV in blood.
(+) E. coli (yellow colored)
(-) P. vulgaris  Human embryonic lung or human foreskin
TSIA: 10:10:1 (lactose, sucrose, and fibroblasts
glucose) -human diploid fibroblast cell line culture where
-should be read within 24 hours of CMV is isolated.
Indicators:  ++-- : E. coli reaction in IMViC
pH- phenol red o Grows at 45-50OC
H2S- ferrous sulfate and sodium thiosulfate o TSIA A/A +gas –H2S

 Mycoplasma  Trichophyton tonsurans

-lacks cell wall, therefore, they are resistant to -black dot ringworm, affects the hair shaft
antibiotics (attacks call wall). o Microsporum audouinii & M. ferrigineum
-gray patch ringworm
 Haemophilus influenzae
-major cause of conjunctivitis  Trichophyton schoenleinii
-causes Tinea favosa, infection of the hair follicle.
 Trichophyton concentricum  M Protein
-cause Tinea imbricata -virulence factor for Streptococcus pneumonia

 Candida albicans  Enterovirus

-germ tube -smallest RNA virus
 S. aureus, N. gonorrhoeae, S. pneumoniae
 Aeromonas -microorganisms that produce V factor
-causative agent of Nebulous syndrome
 Differential Culture Media
 Staphylococcus aureus in MSA -allow the visualization of metabolic differences
-colonies with yellow halo between groups of bacteria.
o MSA Manitol Salt Agar
Indicator: phenol red  0 CFU/ml
o Bound coagulase is detected in S. aureus on -colony count in a suprapubic urine of a healthy
Latex Agglutination test (slide method). person.
o Free Coagulase- tube method is utilize.
 Gallbladder
 Sorbitol -site of long term carriage of Salmonella typhi.
-component of MAC used for screening suspected o Typhoid fever
cases of hemorrhagic E. coli O15:H7 (sorbitol (-), -appearance of “rose-spot”
clear of colorless colonies).
 Quality control
 Streptococcus epidermidis o Autoclave: every week:
-indwelling catheters o B. stearothermophilus
o Centrifuge: Twice a year: Tachometer
 HACEK o Microscope: 4x a year
 Haemophilus aphrophilus
-“foam loving”  Martin-Lewis medium component:
 Aggregatibacter actinomyctemcomitans o Vancomycin- inhibits gram (+) bacteria
-“star-shaped” appearance o Colistin- inhibits gram (-) bacteria, but
 Cardiobacterium hominis not the genus Neisseria.
-only indole (+) HACEK, rosette formation o Trimethoprim lactate- prevents
 Eikinella corrodens swarming
-sharp bleach odor o Anisomycin
 Kingella spp.  Nystatin (anti-fungal) is
-resist decolorization substituted by Anisomycin.
 Absent in TMA
 Vibrio cholera -ML medium has an increased vancomycin
-AKA: Comma shaped bacillus concentration.
o String Test reagent: 0.5% sodium
desoxycholate  Hemolytic Pattern
-basis for Smith and Brown classification of
 Double Sugar Iron Agar/Krigler Iron Agar Streptococcus.
-lactose and glucose
 0.025% SPS
 Poxviridae -used for a blood culture media because Neisseria
-largest DNA virus spp. and some anaerobic bacteria are sensitive to
higher temperature.
 Nucleus and Cytoplasm  Inhibit phagocytosis and complement
-site for virion assembly activation
 Neutralize aminoglycoside antibiotics
 Neutralize the bacterial effect of plasma
 Adrenal
-site where hemorrhage known as Waterhouse-  Urine Antigen Test
Friderichsen syndome is produced by the LOS -detects Legionella pneumophila as early as 3 days
endotoxin complex. from infection.
 Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar
 Klebsiella and Enterobacter -preferred medium for L. pneumophila
-only capsulated member of Enterobacteriaceae.
 Anthrax Infection
 Hyaluronidase  Cutaneous Anthrax
-spreading factor  Pulmonary/Woolsorter’s disease
 Gastrointestinal Anthrax
 Dog bitewound infection
-caused by S. intermidius  Ixodes tick (Hard tick)
-vector of Lime disease
 Secondary syphilis
-vast dissemination of infection  Weil syndrome or Icteric leptospirosis
-caused by Lestospira
 Hemeadsorption assay
-for influenza A  Clostridium tetani
 Throat swab: for sample collection of -“lollipop-shaped” spore
Influenza infection
 Malassezia furfur is lipophilic
 1:10 ratio
-for blood and agar  Human Papilloma Virus
-causes anogenital warts
 Nucleus and cytoplasm
-site of virion assembly  Mycoplasma pneumoniae
-causes primary atypical pneumonia or walking
 Yellow pneumonia
-color for a (+) result of sucrose fermentation in
TCBS.  Alastrim
-mild form of smallpox
 Salmonella species
-non lactose fermenters  Sputum sample
-prior to collection, the patient should rinse hir/her
 Burkholderia mallei mouth with sterile water.
-causative agent of Farcy disease o Criteria for sputum: <10 squamous
epithelial cell and >25 bacteria/hpf
 Bicarbonate Agar
-for Bacillus anthracis capsule formation.  Mycobacterium africanum
-requires the use of spoligotyping
 40% KOH & 1% α-naphthol
-reagents for Voges-Proskauer  Tuberculosis “Consumption”
 Disease of the respiratory tract
 Undulant Fever  Reactivation is possible
-caused by Brucella  Can survive inside the macrophage:
-it is characterized by normal temperature in the Ghon complex
morning and then followed by high temperature in o Von- Pirquet Test
the afternoon and evening. -scratch test for Mycobacterium
 Specimen collection for viral isolation is kept at o Rifampin- primary drug for TB
4oC o Pott’s Disease- TB of spine

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