Lec 1 - Introduction

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INTRODUCTION • Hematology – study of blood diseases (Heme- blood)

Pathos – study of disease • Parasitology – identifies diseases by parasites
• Microbiology – deals with microorganisms
Logos- study • Clinical Chemistry – chemical methods
- Study of diseases • Clinical Microscopy – body fluids except blood (ex. Saliva,
- Deals with the processes, causes, symptoms, Semen)
morphological changes and disturbances of function of the • Blood Banking – screening of donors for blood transfusion
various tissues and organs of the body produced by • Serology – deals with serum; based in antigen-antibody
diseases. reaction
- Dealing anything abnormal or beyond the normal • Histopathology – techniques to identify cancer
- As a medical practitioner we are not just dealing about oral
cavity, we are dealing the general health. SUBSPECIALTIES
REASONS TO STUDY PATHOLOGY 1. Surgical Pathology – involves the gross and microscopic
1. To diagnose a disease examination of surgical specimens as well as biopsis
2. To learn the different causes, symptoms, pathogenesis submitted by non-surgeons such as dentists, general
(study on how the disease started) and complications of intermists, medical subspecialists, dermatologies and
diseases interventional radiologists.
3. To find a way for treatment- (kapag tama yung diagnosis on
a certain pathologic condition you will come up with a 2. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology – in the United States,
correct treatment.) subspeciality-trained doctors of dentistry, rather than
medical doctors, can be certified by a professional board
too practice Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.
• Cellular Pathology – Study of abnormal cells Philippines: PCOMS as a certifying body
• Gross Pathology – Study of the changes in the structure
of the body as a result of a disease that can be seen by the 3. Cytopathology – is a branch of pathology that studies and
naked eye. (ex. Pimple) diagnoses diseases on the cellular level.
• Microscopic Pathology – Cellular diseases of tissue or Cytopathology is also commonly used to investigate thyroid
organ that can be seen microscopically. lesions, diseases involving sterile body cavities (peritoneal,
• Special Pathology – Classifies the diseases of individuals pleural, and cerebrospinal) and a wide range of other body
or organs at the given anatomical areas of the body. sites.
• Pathologic Anatomy – Deals with the tissues and organs (Common Example: is pap smear usually seen in female,
seperated or removed from the living organisms or dead to check for the presence of cervical cancer by scraping
body for purpose of pathological study. (ex. Autopsy, cellular sample via pap smear)
• Biochemical/Histochemistry – Study of the varioous of 4. Molecular Pathology – is an emerging discipline within
chemical changes/reaction accompaning the presence pathology which is focused in the study and diagnosis of
diseases inside the body. diseases through the examination of molecules within
• General Pathology – Deals with the processes, organs, tissues or bodily fluids.
degenerative changes inside the body, aging process,
necrosis, inflammation, disturbances of circulation of the 5. Autopsy Pathology – also known as a post-mortem
blood and anything tumors. examination, necropsu (particularly as to non-human
• Environmental Pathology – Diseases emanates or starts
Autoplasia cadaverum or obduction – is a highly
environmentally that we can get probably from soil, air,
specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough
water, pollution. (ex. Covid-19, Tuberculosis).
examination of corpse to determiine the cause and manner
Environmental pathology brought by viruses and bacteria.
of death and to evaluate any diseas or injury that may be
• Clinical Pathology – Deals with the application of
laboratory procedures in the diagnosis of diseases.
6. Forensic Pathology – is an application of medical MANIFESTATION OF DISEASES
jurisprudence. The “manner of death”, the circumtances
surrounding the cause of death, which in most jurisdictions - The manifestation of a disease are the sum of the damage
include: done by a harmful agent and the body’s response.
- The variation in these components accounts for the great
• Homicide – Act of human killing (homo, a man + caedere,
diversity of disease, which can be classified into 4 main
to cut)
• Accident
1. Developmental – Diseases happens as we develop (ex.
• Natural
As we develop as a fetus)
• Suicide 2. Inflammatory – Caused by inflammations
• Undetermined 3. Neoplastic – Usually Cancers, neoplasia
*Murder – Punishable by law 4. Degenerative – As we age, cells and tissues degenerates
and diseases develops as we grow old.
• Gross Examination – kapag tinanggal yung liver for
autopsy (Weight and Size) can be seen by naked eye • Signs – the objective findings as perceived by an examiner,
• Light Microscopy physicians or dentists
• Immunochemistry • Symptoms – are functional manifestations or evidences of
• Electron Microscopy a disease process
• Molecular Biology • Lesions – are visible changes produced by a disease in the
tissues or organs. They are usually local abnormalities
TERMINOLOGIES which could be benign, cancerous, gross, occult (non
manifestation or detectable clinical methods) or primary.
• Health – is a condition of physical, mental, and social well-
being and the abscense of disease or other abnormal
condition. It is not a static condition, constant change and
adaptation to stress result in homeostasis.
• Homeostasis – property of an organism or system that • Exacerbations – a sudden increase in the severity or
helps it maintain its parameters within a normal range of seriousness of the signs and symptoms during the course
values. of disease.
• Disease – is the abnormal performance of certain • Remissions – become less intense at a time. (Nawala
pathologic function as a result of injury to the cells yung signs and symptoms pero andyan pa din yung cancer
performing the function. cell inside the body na pag pinabayaan pwedeng ma
• Etiology – study of all the factors that may involved in the reactivate ulit at mas malala pa kesa sa nauna)
origin/cause of the disease. • Complications – unfavorable conditions that arise during
• Pathogenesis – manner in which the disease process the course of disease. (nagpaopera ka tapos biglang
develops. (Sequence of how the disease develop) nagkaroon ng infections)
• Diagnosis – identification if disease (correct diagnosis, • Sequelae – are remote after effects produced by a disease.
study and laboratory result malalaman mo kung gaano (after several deys, weeks, years na okay ka na biglang
tatagal ng isang tao) may lumalabas nanaman na signs and symptoms)
• Prognosis – forecast or prediction
• Symptoms – subjective evidence of disease perceived by
the patient. Scientific Study Clinical Practice
• Signs – objective evidence of disease perceptivle to the
examining physician.
PATHOLOGY Medicine &
a. Causes Surgery
(etiology) Diagnosis
b. Manifestation Prognosis-
outside normal
range c. Progress, theraphy and
including prophylaxis (incl.
sequels pharmacology
1. Environmental Factors - outside factors 1. Acute – characterized by a sudden onset or in a rapid
• Physical Agents – among these are trauma, radiations, 2. Fulminating – an acute fatal disease (biglang dumating
extremes of heat and cold, electrical power pero nakakamatay)
• Chemical Poisons – some act in a general manner while 3. Chronic – slow onset and long duration or having a long
others act locally course (ex. Tuberculosis, Paralysis)
• Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesses – they may arise 4. Intercurrent – occurs during the course of another disease
as a result of poor supply, interference with absorption, 5. Idiopathic – disease with unknown cause
ineffecient transport within the body or defective utilization. 6. Teratogenic – diseases that are caused by drugs that
(ex. Kwashiorkor and Marasmus) cross the placental barrier and harm the fetus
• Infections and Infestations – viruses, bacteria, fungi, 7. Contagious – transmitted by direct, intimate or by skin
protozoa and metazoa all cause disease contact
• Abnormal Immunological Reactions – the immune 8. Venereal – transmitted by sexual contact (ex. HIV desease
process is normally protective but in certain circumstances 15-30 yrs old)
the reaction may become deranged. (ex. Allergic 9. Infectious – are caused by pathogenic microorganism
Reactions, Lupus) 10. Communicable – are transmitted by agents, fomites,
• Psychological Factors – cause and influence disease vector or carrier.
processes in several ways
 Psych stress may lead to mental illness
 Their influence on the individual’s symptoms and
reaction to estab. Somatic disease is apparent
 May lead to addiction (alcohol tobacco)
 May be casually related to hypertension, coronary
arterial thrombosis and ulcerative colitis

2. Genetic Factors – are the results of the actions of single

genes and groups of genes.

• Normal Genes – there is considerabel genetic variation

among individuals, both bet and within races and families.
These genetic polymorphisms strongly influence
susceptibility and resistance to disease.
• Abnormal Genes – the mutations which give rise to
disease vary from point mutations affecting mutations
affecting single base pairs to chromosomal abnormalities
affecting many genes. (ex. Trisomy 21, Cri du chat disease,
• Age and Disease – different diseases affect different age
groups. Physiological aging itself implies a gradual loss of
cellular and body vitality usually associated with atropht of
tissues and organs.

3. Indirect Causes – pertain to the predisposing facros like

age, sex, environment, race, climate, state of nutrition,

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