High Five 2

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Unit 1

Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level

Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and number. Track 05 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen and number the classroom objects in The pupils look at the pictures and write the words.
the order they hear them. (2 points for each correct (2 points for each correct word. Total: 10 points.)
answer. Total: 10 points.)
Key: 1 chair (example answer) 2 desk 3 shelf 4 cupboard 5 bin
1 It’s a book. 6 board
2 It’s a ruler.
3 It’s a sharpener.
4 It’s a computer. Reading and Writing
5 It’s a crayon.
6 It’s a pencil case. 5 Look and write.
Key: 1 book (example answer) 2 ruler 3 sharpener 4 computer
5 crayon 6 pencil case The pupils look at the picture and then complete the
sentences. (2 points for each correct answer. Total:
10 points.)
2 Listen and number. Match. Track 06
The pupils listen and number the classroom objects in 1 in the pencil case (example answer) 2 under the desk
the order they hear them. They then listen again and 3 on the desk 4 in the pencil case 5 on the desk
match the items with the place where they go in the 6 under the desk
picture. (2 points for each correctly numbered and
matched item. Total: 10 points.) Speaking (optional)
1 (boy) Where’s my pencil? (girl) It’s under the chair.
2 (boy) Where’s my computer? (girl) It’s on the desk. Vocabulary
3 (boy) Where’s my book? (girl) It’s in the cupboard. Point to one of the classroom objects in the picture
4 (boy) Where’s my crayon? (girl) It’s under the desk.
and say the word, e.g. It’s a pencil. Prompt the pupil
5 (boy) Where’s my pencil case? (girl) It’s on the desk.
to do the same with six more objects by asking What’s
6 (boy) Where’s my pen? (girl) It’s in the bin!
this? (1 point for each answer. Total: 6 points.)
Key: 1 pencil under the chair (example answer) 2 computer on
the desk 3 book in the cupboard 4 crayon under the desk Sentences
5 pencil case on the desk 6 pen in the bin
Say Let’s tidy up the classroom! Point to objects in
the picture and give an example sentence, e.g. Put
Reading the book on the shelf. Prompt the pupil to do the
same with four more objects, e.g. Put the crayon
3 Look and read. Circle. in the pencil case. (1 point for each full sentence.
Total: 4 points.)
The pupils look at the pictures and circle the correct
verbs. (2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10

Key: 1 Sit down (example answer) 2 Walk 3 Tidy up 4 Work

5 Listen to 6 Put

High Five! 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

Unit 2
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and number. Track 07 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen, look at the pictures and number The pupils look at the pictures and complete the
them in the order they hear them. (2 points for each questions and answers. (1 point for each correct
correct answer. Total: 10 points.) answer. Total: 10 points.)

1 (girl) It’s a doll. It’s small. It’s new. Key: 1 Yes, it is. (example answer) 2 dinosaur 3 Is it a, it isn’t,
2 (boy) It’s a computer game. It’s big. It’s new. robot 4 scooter, it is 5 is it, It’s a kite 6 computer game, it is
3 (girl) It’s a train. It’s small. It’s slow.
4 (boy) It’s a teddy. It’s big. It’s old.
5 (girl) It’s a car. It’s new. It’s fast. Reading and Writing
6 (boy) It’s a dinosaur. It’s small. It’s old.
5 Look and read. Write.
Key: 1 doll (example answer) 2 computer game 3 train 4 teddy
5 car 6 dinosaur
The pupils look at the pictures, read the texts and
complete them appropriately. (2 points for each
2 Listen and number. Write. Track 08 correct answer. Total: 10 points.)

The pupils listen and number the pictures in the order Key: 1 robot, small (example answer) 2 scooter, fast 3 train,
they hear them. You may have to pause the audio slow/old, old/slow
to give the pupils time to write. (1 point for each
correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
Speaking (optional)
1 (girl) My favourite toy is a ball. It’s big.
2 (boy) My favourite toy is a kite. It’s small. The pupils can colour the toys in the picture prior to
3 (girl) My favourite toy is a doll. It’s old. this test. This will mean that they can also describe the
4 (boy) My favourite toy is a scooter. It’s fast. colour of the toys.
5 (girl) My favourite toy is a dinosaur. It’s new.
6 (boy) My favourite toy is a train. It’s slow.
Key: 1 ball, big (example answer) 2 kite, small 3 doll, old Point to one of the toys in the picture and say the
4 scooter, fast 5 dinosaur, new 6 train, slow word, e.g. It’s a kite. Prompt the pupil to do the same
with six more objects by asking What’s this? (1 point
for each answer. Total: 6 points.)
3 Read and match. Sentences
Point to toys in the picture and give an example
The pupils read the sentences and match them to sentence, e.g. It’s an old teddy. Prompt the pupil
the correct toys. (2 points for each correct answer. to point to and name four more toys and use a
Total: 10 points.) complete sentence with an adjective to describe
them, e.g. It’s a big robot. (1 point for each answer.
Key: 1 small, old ball (example answer) 2 new, small teddy Total: 4 points.)
3 big, old robot 4 fast, new scooter 5 small, old doll
6 small, slow car

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Unit 3
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen, write and circle. Match. Track 09 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen, complete the sentences and circle The pupils look at the picture and label the parts of
the words they hear. You may have to pause the the body saying how many of each part there are.
audio to give the pupils time to write. Then they match (2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
the sentences to the pictures. (1 point for writing and
circling and 1 point for matching. Total: 10 points.) Key: 1 two eyes (example answer) 2 one head 3 two arms
4 two legs 5 two feet 6 ten toes
1 I’ve got two arms.
2 I’ve got two feet.
3 I’ve got ten fingers. Reading and Writing
4 I’ve got one head.
5 I’ve got ten toes. 5 Look and read. Write.
6 I’ve got two legs.

Key: 1 two arms (example answer) 2 two feet 3 ten fingers The pupils look at the pictures, read the texts and
4 one head 5 ten toes 6 two legs complete them appropriately. (2 points for each
correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
2 Listen and draw. Colour. Track 10 Key: 1 small 2 I’ve got, long 3 hair, short

The pupils listen, draw and colour the hair and eyes
according to the descriptions. Pause the audio after Speaking (optional)
each sentence. (2 points for each correct answer.
Total: 10 points.) The pupils should colour the hair and eyes of the
children in the picture prior to this test. This will mean
1 My friend has got long hair. My friend has got brown hair. that they can also describe the colour of the hair and
My friend has got blue eyes. eyes.
2 My friend has got short hair. My friend has got blonde hair.
My friend has got green eyes.
Key: 1 long (example answer) brown hair, blue eyes 2 short Point to one of the parts of the body in the picture
blonde hair, green eyes and say the words, e.g. two arms. Prompt the pupil to
do the same with six more parts of the body. (1 point
Reading for each answer. Total: 6 points.)

3 Read and circle true or false. Sentences

Point to the hair or eyes of one of the children in the
The pupils look at the pictures and read the picture and give an example sentence, e.g. She’s got
descriptions. They decide if they are true or false and long hair. Prompt the pupil to point to and describe
circle the correct response. (2 points for each correct the hair or eyes of the children using four more full
answer. Total: 10 points.) sentences, e.g. He’s got blue eyes. (1 point for each
answer. Total: 4 points.)
Key: 1 true (example answer) 2 false 3 false 4 false 5 true 6 true

High Five! 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

Unit 4
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Reading
1 Listen and circle. Track 11 3 Look and read. Circle.

The pupils listen and circle the correct face and the The pupils look at the picture and circle the correct
correct food. (1 point for each correct answer. food in the sentence. Then they circle the correct
Total: 10 points.) face. (1 point for each correct answer. Total:
10 points.)
1 I like ice cream.
2 I don’t like fruit.
Key: 1 fish (example answer) 2 fruit 3 chicken
3 I love chicken.
4 I don’t like eggs. 4 eggs 5 chips 6 salad
5 I love chips.
6 I like meat.
Key: 1 ice cream (example answer) 2 fruit
3 chicken 4 eggs 5 chips 6 meat 4 Look and write.

The pupils look at the lunch plates and complete the

2 Listen and tick (3). Track 12 sentences accordingly. (1 point for question 1 and 3
points for questions 2–4. Total: 10 points.)
The pupils listen and tick the appropriate columns.
(2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) Key: 1 like eggs (example answer), chips 2 don’t like chicken
and salad. 3 love cake and ice cream. 4 like meat and rice.
1 (boy) Do you like mangoes? (girl) No, I don’t.
2 (boy) Do you like peaches? (girl) Yes, I do.
3 (boy) Do you like coconuts? (girl) Yes, I do. Reading and Writing
4 (girl) Do you like grapes? (boy) Yes, I do.
5 (girl) Do you like cherries? (boy) No, I don’t. 5 Read and write.
6 (girl) Do you like lemons? (boy) Yes, I do.

Key: The pupils complete the conversation using the

pictures as a guide. (2 points for each correct
answer. Total: 10 points.)
Girl Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Key: 1 grapes 2 I do 3 I don’t, don’t like 4 you like cherries

Mangoes 3 5 Yes, I do.

(example answer)
Speaking (optional)
Peaches 3
Coconuts 3 Point to one of the items of food in the picture and
say the word, e.g. It’s chicken. Prompt the pupil to do
the same with four more objects by asking What’s
Boy Yes, I do. No, I don’t. this? (1 point for each answer. Total: 4 points.)

Grapes 3 Point to the items of food in the picture and give
two example sentences, e.g. I like fish. I don’t like
chicken. Prompt the pupil to point to four more items
Cherries 3 of food and say sentences, e.g. I like / don’t like
cherries. (1 point for each answer. Total: 4 points.)
Lemons 3 Ask two questions about the items of food in the
picture, e.g. Do you like salad? Prompt the pupil to
reply using Yes, I do / No, I don’t. (1 point for each
answer. Total: 2 points.)

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Unit 5
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and write yes or no. Track 13 4 Look and write. Use can or can’t.

The pupils listen and write yes or no under each The pupils look at the pictures and then write
picture. You may have to pause the audio after each appropriate sentences. (2 points for each correct
child’s answer to give the pupils time to write. answer. Total: 10 points.)
(2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
1 (girl) Can you see a pig? (boy) Yes, I can. 1 Pigs can walk. (example answer)
(boy) Can you see a bird? (girl) No, I can’t. 2 Horses can’t fly.
2 (boy) Can you see a dog? (girl) No, I can’t. 3 Cats can run.
(girl) Can you see a frog? (boy)Yes, I can. 4 Ducks can’t climb.
3 (girl) Can you see a duck? (boy) Yes, I can. 5 Frogs can jump.
(boy) Can you see a cat? (girl) No, I can’t. 6 Birds can’t swim.
4 (boy) Can you see a chicken? (girl) Yes, I can.
(girl) Can you see a duck? (boy) No, I can’t.
5 (girl) Can you see a horse? (boy) Yes, I can. Reading and Writing
(boy) Can you see a cow? (girl) No, I can’t.
6 (boy) Can you see a sheep? (girl) Yes, I can. 5 Look and read. Write.
(girl) Can you see a goat? (boy) Yes, I can!

The pupils look at the pictures and use the words in

Key: 1 yes, no (example answer) 2 no, yes 3 yes, no 4 yes, no
5 yes, no 6 yes, yes the word box to complete the texts. (1 point for each
correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
2 Listen, write and circle. Match. Track 14 Key: 1 run (example answer), can’t, white / big, big / white,
horse 2 four, jump, fly, green / small, small / green, frog
The pupils listen, write the names of the animals
and circle the words they hear. Then they match the
sentences to the pictures. (1 point for each correct Speaking (optional)
answer. Total: 10 points.)
1 Sheep can walk.
2 Horses can run.
Point to one of the animals in the picture and say
3 Ducks can swim. the word, e.g. It’s a sheep. Prompt the pupil to do the
4 Pigs can’t climb. same with four more animals by asking What’s this?
5 Chickens can’t jump. (1 point for each answer. Total: 4 points.)
6 Birds can fly.
Key: 1 sheep, can (example answer) 2 horses, can 3 ducks,
can 4 pigs, can’t 5 chickens, can’t 6 birds, can Point to another animal in the picture and give an
example sentence, e.g. A dog can run. Prompt the
pupil to point to six animals and say sentences, e.g.
Reading A duck can swim. (1 point for each answer.
Total: 6 points.)
3 Read and match. Colour.

The pupils read the descriptions and match them

with the animals in the farm scene. They then colour
them accordingly. (1 point for matching each
animal correctly and 1 point for colouring each
animal correctly. Total: 10 points.)

Key: 1 cow, black and white (example answer) 2 duck, brown

3 sheep, white and black 4 bird, yellow 5 goat, brown and white
6 cat, orange

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Unit 6
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and circle. Track 15 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen and circle the things they hear The pupils look at the pictures and complete the
described. Play the audio again if necessary. sentences. (2 points for each correct answer. Total:
(2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) 10 points.)

In the park I can see one big climbing frame, one short slide, Key: 1 are in the tree (example answer) 2 are between the
two seesaws, one small roundabout, three swings and one long seesaws 3 is behind the rocks 4 are in front of the bush
slide. 5 is next to/near the climbing frame 6 on the slide

Key: The pupils circle one big climbing frame (example

answer), one short slide, two seesaws, one small roundabout, Reading and Writing
three swings and one long slide.
5 Look and read. Write.
2 Listen and circle. Match. Track 16
The pupils look at the pictures, read the texts and
The pupils listen and circle the words they hear. They complete the questions and answers appropriately.
then match the sentences to the pictures. (1 point for (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
Key: 1 Where’s, She’s (example answer) 2 Where’s, He’s
1 Peter is near the tree. 3 Where’s, She’s 4 Where are, They’re 5 Where’s, It’s 6 Where are,
2 Emma is behind the flowers. They’re
3 Jack is on the rocks.
4 Jane is between the rocks.
5 Harry is next to the flowers. Speaking (optional)
6 Lucy is in front of the tree.
Key: 1 near the tree (example answer) 2 behind the flowers
3 on the rocks 4 between the rocks 5 next to the flowers Point to one of the items in the picture and say the
6 in front of the tree word, e.g. It’s a seesaw. Prompt the pupil to do the
same with four more items by asking What’s this?
(1 point for each answer. Total: 4 points.)
3 Read and circle true or false. Point to one of the children or animals in the picture
and give an example sentence, e.g. The bird is
The pupils look at the pictures and read the between the flowers. Ask the pupil six questions, e.g.
sentences. They then decide if the answers are true Where’s the boy? Encourage the pupil to answer in
or false and circle the correct response. (2 points for full sentences, e.g. He’s / The boy is on the swing.
each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) (1 point for each answer. Total: 6 points.)
Key: 1 false 2 false 3 false 4 true 5 true

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Unit 7
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and write. Match. Track 17 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen and complete the gaps with the The pupils look at the pictures and then write
words they hear. You may wish to remind them that sentences to describe the town, as in the example.
some words are singular and some are plural. Pause (2 points for each correct sentence. Total: 10 points.)
the audio after each sentence to give the pupils
time to write. They then match the sentences to the Key: 1 There’s a hospital. (example answer) 2 There’s a zoo.
pictures. (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 3 There are (three) trains. 4 There are (two) toyshops. 5 There’s
10 points.) a cinema. 6 There’s a swimming pool.

1 There’s a bookshop.
2 There’s a toyshop.
Reading and Writing
3 There are cafés.
4 There are supermarkets. 5 Read, look and write.
5 There’s a big hospital.
6 There are cinemas.
The pupils look at the first town scene and read the
example text. Then they look at the town scene below
Key: 1 bookshop (example answer) 2 toyshop 3 cafés
4 supermarkets 5 hospital 6 cinemas and write five sentences describing the town, as in the
example. (2 points for each correct sentence.
Total: 10 points.)
2 Listen and circle. Write. Track 18
Key: (Answers may vary.) There are three taxis. There’s a sweet
The pupils listen and circle the number they hear. shop next to a zoo. There’s a café behind a swimming pool. The
They then write the number as a word. Pause the supermarket is next to the sweet shop. There are four cars.
audio after each sentence to give the pupils time to
write. (1 point for each correct answer. Total:
10 points.) Speaking (optional)
1 There are eighteen motorbikes. Vocabulary
2 There are twelve lorries.
Point to one of the elements in the picture and say
3 There are seventeen buses.
4 There are twenty cars.
the word, e.g. It’s a bookshop. Prompt the pupil to do
5 There are fifteen trains. the same with four more elements by asking What’s
6 There are fourteen helicopters. this? (1 point for each answer. Total: 4 points.)

Key: 1 18, eighteen (example answer) 2 12, twelve Sentences

3 17, seventeen 4 20, twenty 5 15, fifteen 6 14, fourteen
Point to one of the places in the picture and give an
example sentence, e.g. The cinema is in front of the
Reading restaurant. Ask the pupil six questions, e.g. Where’s
the supermarket? Encourage the pupil to answer
3 Read and circle true or false. using full sentences, e.g. The supermarket is behind
the bookshop. (1 point for each answer. Total:
6 points.)
The pupils look at the town scene and read the
statements. They decide if they are true or false and
circle the correct response. (2 points for each correct
answer. Total: 10 points.)

Key: 1 false (example answer) 2 true 3 false 4 true 5 false 6 true


High Five! 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

Unit 8
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and tick (3). Track 19 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen and tick the clothes they hear The pupils look at the pictures and write the
described. (2 points for each correct answer. Total: sentences. (2 points for each correct sentence.
10 points.) Total: 10 points.)

1 (man) What are you wearing? Key (order may vary):

(girl) I’m wearing a skirt and a T-shirt. 1 shorts, T-shirt
2 (man) What are you wearing? 2 I’m wearing trousers and a shirt.
(boy) I’m wearing trousers, a sweater and shoes. 3 I’m wearing a swimsuit and a sun hat.
3 (man) What are you wearing? 4 I’m wearing shoes, a skirt and a T-shirt.
(girl) I’m wearing a swimsuit and a sun hat. 5 I’m wearing trousers, trainers and a sweater.
4 (man) What are you wearing?
(boy) I’m wearing shorts, a T-shirt and trainers.
5 (man) What are you wearing? Reading and Writing
(boy) I’m wearing trousers and a shirt.
6 (man) What are you wearing? 5 Look and read. Write.
(girl) I’m wearing shorts, trainers and a T-shirt.

Key: 1 skirt and T-shirt (example answer) 2 trousers, sweater and The pupils look at the first picture and read the
shoes 3 swimsuit and sun hat 4 shorts, T-shirt and trainers example. Then they look at the remaining pictures
5 trousers and shirt 6 shorts, trainers and T-shirt and complete and write the sentences. (1 point for
each correct answer for picture 2. 2 points for each
correct sentence for pictures 3 and 4.
2 Listen and write. Match. Track 20 Total: 10 points.)

The pupils listen and complete the sentences. You Key: 1 a boat, shorts and a T-shirt (example answer) 2 playing
may have to pause the audio to give the pupils time the guitar, a skirt and a T-shirt 3 She’s riding a horse. She’s
to write. They then match the sentences with the wearing trousers/a sweater and a sweater/trousers and a hat.
4 She’s swimming (in the lake). She’s wearing a swimsuit.
pictures. (2 points for each correct answer. Total:
10 points.)
Speaking (optional)
1 (woman) What are you doing? (boy) I’m swimming.
2 (woman) What are you doing? (girl) I’m singing.
3 (woman) What are you doing? (girl) I’m riding a horse. Vocabulary
4 (woman) What are you doing? (boy) I’m playing the guitar. Point to one of the items of clothing in the picture and
5 (woman) What are you doing? (boy) I’m sailing. say the word, e.g. It’s a T-shirt. Prompt the pupil to do
6 (woman) What are you doing? (girl) I’m playing volleyball. the same with four more items of clothing by asking
What’s this? (1 point for each answer. Total: 4 points.)
Key: 1 swimming (example answer) 2 singing 3 riding a horse
4 playing the guitar 5 sailing 6 playing volleyball
Point to one of the people in the picture and say
Reading a sentence, e.g. She’s wearing shorts. Ask the
pupil six questions, e.g. What’s the boy wearing?
3 Look, read and match. Encourage the pupil to answer using full sentences,
e.g. He’s wearing a sun hat. You could ask additional
The pupils look at the pictures. They match each questions, e.g. What’s the man doing? (1 point for
picture to the start and end of a sentence. (2 points each answer. Total: 6 points.)
for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)

1 She’s playing the guitar. (example answer)
2 They’re playing volleyball.
3 He’s riding a horse.
4 She’s singing a song.
5 He’s sailing a boat.
6 He’s swimming in the lake.

High Five! 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

Unit 9
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and write. Track 21 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen and complete the sentences The pupils look at the pictures and write short
accordingly. Pause the audio after each sentence sentences as in the example. You may wish to remind
to give the pupils time to write. (2 points for each them to write the action and also when it takes place.
correctly completed gap. Total: 10 points.) (2 points for each correct sentence. Total: 10 points.)

1 (girl) I wash my face every day. Key:

2 (girl) I make my bed every day. 1 I get up in the morning. (example answer)
3 (girl) I have a shower every day. 2 I wash my face in the afternoon.
4 (boy) I comb my hair every day. 3 I get dressed in the morning.
5 (boy) I go to school every day. 4 I make my bed in the morning.
6 (boy) I sleep every night. 5 I brush my teeth at night.
6 I go to bed at night.
Key: 1 wash my face (example answer) 2 I make my bed
3 I have a shower 4 I comb my hair 5 I go to school 6 I sleep
Reading and Writing
2 Listen and number. Circle. Track 22 5 Order and write. Circle the extra word
in each sentence.
The pupils listen and number the pictures in the order
they hear them. Then they listen again and circle the
The pupils read the words in the word pool then
correct time of day as in the example. (1 point for
write a sentence with the words in the correct order.
each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
Remind them that there is always one extra word that
1 (girl) I have breakfast in the morning. they do not need. The pupils circle the extra words.
2 (boy) I brush my teeth in the evening. (2 points for each correct sentence. Total:
3 (girl) I get up in the morning. 10 points.)
4 (boy) I get dressed in the morning.
5 (girl) I go to bed at night. Key: 1 I have a shower every morning, go (example answer)
6 (boy) I have lunch in the afternoon. 2 I brush my teeth every night, bed 3 I comb my hair every
morning, face 4 I go to school every day, shower 5 I wash my
Key: 1 have breakfast, in the morning (example answer) face every morning, I 6 I go to bed every night, hair
2 brush my teeth, in the evening 3 get up, in the morning
4 get dressed, in the morning 5 go to bed, at night
6 have lunch, in the afternoon Speaking (optional)

Reading Vocabulary
Point to the first picture and say the words get up.
3 Read and circle. Number. Prompt the pupil to do the same by pointing to three
more pictures. (1 point for each answer.
Total: 3 points.)
The pupils read the sentences and circle the correct
time of day. Then they number the corresponding
pictures. (1 point for each correct circle and 1 point Sentences
for each correctly numbered picture. Total: Point to picture 4 and say the sentence I comb my
10 points.) hair every day. Prompt the pupil to do the same by
pointing to seven more pictures. (1 point for each
Key: 1 morning, get up (example answer) 2 afternoon, have answer. Total: 7 points.)
lunch 3 morning, make bed 4 morning, have breakfast
5 evening, have dinner 6 morning, go to school

High Five! 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

Term 1
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Reading and Writing

1 Listen and tick (3). Track 23 5 Read and write.

The pupils listen and tick the correct picture. The pupils look at the pictures of the two clowns and
(2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) complete the sentences appropriately. (2 points for
each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
1 (boy) Is it a rubber? (girl) Yes, it is.
2 (clown) I’ve got big feet! Key: 1 long hair (example answer), blonde, nose,
3 (girl) Is it a scooter? (boy) Yes, it is. 2 short / black, black / short, ears
4 (boy) Is it a robot? (girl) Yes, it is.
5 (girl) Where’s my pencil case? (boy) It’s here.
6 (boy) I’ve got ten fingers. Speaking (optional)
Key: 1 rubber (example answer) 2 big feet 3 scooter 4 robot
5 pencil case 6 fingers
Point to one of the objects in the picture and say
the word, e.g. It’s a book. Prompt the pupil to do the
2 Listen and circle. Match. Track 24
same with six more objects by asking What’s this?
(1 point for each answer. Total: 6 points.)
The pupils listen and circle the word they hear. Then
they match the sentences to the pictures. (1 point for
each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) Sentences
Say Let’s tidy up the room. Point to objects in the
1 The bin is under the table. picture and give an example sentence, e.g. Put the
2 My favourite toy is a dinosaur. book in the cupboard. Prompt the pupil to do the
3 She’s got long hair. same with four more objects, e.g. Put the pencil in the
4 Put the book on the shelf. pencil case. (1 point for each full sentence. Total:
5 My car is new and fast. 4 points.)
6 He’s got big ears.

Key: 1 table, table (example answer) 2 dinosaur, dinosaur

3 long, girl 4 shelf, book 5 new, car 6 big, clown

3 Read and match.

The pupils read the text. They form sentences by

matching the sentence starts and ends and then
match them to the pictures on the right. (1 point for
each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)

Key: 1 next to the bin, bin (example answer) 2 is fast, scooter

3 big eyes, clown 4 in the school bag, school bag
5 long hair, girl 6 big and old, teddy

4 Look and write.

The pupils look at the pictures and use these as

prompts to write questions and answers. (2 points for
each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)

1 my computer (example answer), on the desk
2 my pencil?, It’s in the / my pencil case.
3 Where’s my school bag? It’s under the chair.

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Term 2
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and write. Match. Track 25 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen and complete the gaps. Pause the The pupils look at the pictures and use this
audio after each sentence to give the pupils time to information to write the sentences. (2 points for each
write. They then match the texts with the pictures. correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
(1 point for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
1 (boy) I’ve got rice and eggs. 1 Cows can’t fly. (example answer)
2 (girl) Can you see a cat? (boy) Yes, I can. 2 Goats can’t swim.
3 (boy) Where’s your sister? (girl) She’s on the swing. 3 Frogs can’t walk / run.
4 (boy) Frogs can jump. 4 Cows can walk.
5 (girl) I don’t like salad. 5 Goats can run.
6 (girl) Where’s your brother? (boy) He’s on the seesaw. 6 Frogs can jump.

Key: 1 rice and eggs (example answer) 2 cat 3 swing 4 jump

5 don’t like 6 seesaw
Reading and Writing

2 Listen and number. Write. Track 26 5 Read and write.

The pupils listen and number the texts. They then write The pupils read the questions and look at the picture
the words in the gaps. Pause the audio if necessary to to complete the answers. (2 points for each correct
give the pupils time to write. (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
answer. Total: 10 points.)
1 on the roundabout (example answer) 2 under 3 behind the
1 (girl) Where’s your sister? (boy) She’s next to the rocks.
tree 4 on the rock 5 She’s next to / near the climbing frame.
2 (boy) Do you like cherries? (girl) Yes, I do.
6 He’s between the flowers.
3 (girl) Can dogs swim? (boy) Yes! Dogs can swim.
4 (boy) Where are your cousins? (girl) They’re on the climbing
5 (girl) What’s your favourite food? (boy) It’s meat.
Speaking (optional)
6 (boy) Can ducks fly? (girl) Yes, they can.
Key: 1 Where’s your sister?, next to (example answer) 2 Do you
Point to one of the items in the picture and say the
like cherries?, do 3 Can dogs swim?, swim 4 Where are your
cousins?, climbing frame 5 What’s your favourite food?, meat
word, e.g. It’s a bush. Prompt the pupil to do the same
6 Can ducks fly?, they can with four more items by asking What’s this? (1 point
for each answer. Total: 4 points.)

Reading Sentences
Point to one of the children in the picture and give
3 Read and look. Circle true or false. an example sentence, e.g. The girl is on the swing.
Ask the pupil three questions, e.g. Where’s the boy?
The pupils look at the pictures and read the Encourage the pupil to answer in full sentences, e.g.
sentences. They decide if they are true or false and The boy is next to the swing. Ask three more questions
circle the correct response. (2 points for each correct about the picture, e.g. point to the boy eating an ice
answer. Total: 10 points.) cream and ask Do you like ice cream? Encourage
the pupil to answer in full sentences, e.g. Yes, I do. /
Key: 1 false 2 false 3 true 4 false 5 true No, I don’t. (1 point for each answer. Total: 6 points.)

High Five! 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

Term 3
Te s t High Five! 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and write. Circle. Track 27 4 Look and write.

The pupils listen and complete the sentences. Pause The pupils look at the pictures and write sentences
the audio if necessary to give the pupils time to write. describing what each child is wearing. (2 points for
Then they circle the correct picture. (1 point for each each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
word, 2 points for circling the correct picture. Total:
10 points.) Key: (Order may vary.)
1 I’m wearing a skirt (example answer), a sweater,
1 She’s wearing a sun hat. I’m wearing trainers.
She’s wearing a skirt. 2 I’m wearing shoes.
She’s wearing a T-shirt. I’m wearing a T-shirt.
2 He’s wearing trousers. I’m wearing shorts.
He’s wearing shoes.
He’s wearing a shirt.
Reading and Writing
Key: 1 sun hat, skirt, T-shirt, second picture 2 trousers, shoes, shirt,
first picture 5 Look and write.

2 Listen and match. Track 28 The pupils look at the pictures to complete the text.
(2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
The pupils listen and match the questions to the
pictures. (2 points for each correct answer. Total: Key: 1 get up (example answer) 2 have a shower 3 have
breakfast 4 have lunch 5 have dinner 6 sleep
10 points.)

1 (girl) What’s she doing? (boy) She’s riding a horse.

2 (boy) What does he do at night? (girl) He has a snack at Speaking (optional)
3 (girl) How many trains are there? (boy) There are thirteen Vocabulary
4 (boy) What does she do in the morning? (girl) She has a Point to one of the items in the picture and say the
shower in the morning. word, e.g. It’s a restaurant. Prompt the pupil to do the
5 (girl) What’s he doing? (boy) He’s playing volleyball. same with four more items by asking What’s this?
6 (boy) How many lorries are there? (girl) There are twelve (1 point for each answer. Total: 4 points.)
Key: 1 riding a horse (example answer) 2 boy having a snack
3 13 4 girl having shower 5 boy playing volleyball 6 12 Point to one of the people in the picture and say a
sentence, e.g. She’s wearing a skirt. Ask the pupil
three questions, e.g. What’s the boy wearing?
Reading Encourage the pupil to answer using a full sentence,
e.g. He’s wearing trousers and a shirt. Ask the pupil to
3 Look, read and match. identify a form of transport and ask, e.g. How many
buses are there? Encourage the pupil to answer
The pupils look at the picture. They match the start using a full sentence, e.g. There’s one bus. Do this
and end of each sentence. (2 points for each with three more forms of transport. (1 point for each
correct answer. Total: 10 points.) answer. Total: 6 points.)

1 My father is wearing trousers, a T-shirt and trainers.
2 My sister is walking into the toy shop.
3 There are two cafés.
4 My brother is next to the taxi.
5 My mother is wearing a skirt, a sweater and shoes.

High Five! 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

End of Year
Test High Five! 1
English 1 Higher level
Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and tick (3). Track 29 5 Look and write.

The pupils listen and tick the correct pictures. The pupils look at the pictures and complete the
(2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) questions and answers appropriately. (1 point for
each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
1 My favorite toy is a kite. It’s new.
2 I’ve got big ears and a big nose. Key: 1 Where’s, It’s under the desk. (example answer) 2 What,
3 I love peaches. lorry 3 Where’s, the / a swing 4 Do, Yes, I do. 5 What’s, wearing
4 Pigs can’t fly. shorts and a T-shirt 6 What’s, He’s running
5 There’s a slide in front of the tree.
6 There are thirteen buses.
6 Read and circle.
Key: 1 new kite (example answer) 2 big ears 3 peaches 4 pig
5 in front of 6 thirteen buses The pupils read the postcard. They choose the correct
word in each sentence and circle it. (2 points for
2 Listen and number. Match. Track 30 each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)

Key: swim (example answer), breakfast, bus, farm, cows, shorts

The pupils listen and number the questions in the
order they hear them. They then match them with the
pictures. (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 10 Speaking (optional)

1 (girl) Where’s my sharpener? (boy) It’s under the book. Vocabulary

2 (boy) What’s your favourite toy? (girl) It’s a computer game. Point to one of the items of clothing in the picture and
3 (girl) Do you like fruit? (boy) No, I don’t. say the word, e.g. It’s a T-shirt. Prompt the pupil to do
4 (boy) Can you see the cow? (girl) Yes. The cow is next to the the same with five more items of clothing by asking
flowers. What’s this? (1 point for each answer. Total:
5 (girl) How many helicopters are there? (boy) There are 5 points.)
eighteen helicopters.
6 (boy) Where’s your sister? (girl) She’s on the swing.
Key: 1 Where’s my sharpener?, book 2 What’s your favourite Point to one of the people in the picture and say a
toy?, computer game 3 Do you like fruit?, fruit and sad face sentence, e.g. She’s combing her hair. Ask the pupil
4 Can you see the cow?, flowers 5 How many helicopters are
five questions, e.g. What’s the boy doing? Encourage
there?, eighteen 6 Where’s your sister?, swing
the pupil to answer using full sentences, e.g. He’s
brushing his teeth.
Reading Additional questions could be What’s the woman
doing? (She’s playing the guitar.) What’s the
3 Read and match. man cooking? (He’s cooking eggs / He’s making
breakfast.) Point to the two people in the background
The pupils read the sentences and match them and ask What are they doing? (They’re playing
to the correct pictures. (2 points for each correct volleyball.) (1 point for each answer. Total: 5 points.)
answer. Total: 10 points.)

Key: 1 boy with trousers (example answer) 2 girl with skirt

3 girl with shorts 4 boy with trainers 5 boy with shirt
6 girl with sun hat

4 Read and circle true or false.

The pupils look at the pictures and read the texts. They
decide if they are true or false and circle the correct
response. (2 points for each correct answer. Total:
10 points.)

Key: 1 false 2 true 3 false 4 true 5 false


High Five! 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014


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