Notification For Regional Development Authority of Aurangabad Metropolitan PDF

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-timv-ll aftTrizrrr, X4Et‘

attrw 4.1q. -3*-4-4-d Ow' ivti %Few
Tiq7 414R431 311#1TOK 4-1 -111( Tk'41. k+111'
Irrrtwurr4 -1".41 Traiwur 19-4Tr
wo( ED 3T +i,31(..
9ITT iNcichiti *MIT,
/TTliq iNriu q ictiriti-4c16/A.W.V.00UMF4-10
41711C1q, - 4R.
- Rt.% uW cU 1, RoRG
WR:1-4 11u c4 :-*4fft alkIPT (1:RT&I iWA)1•16itl% ctAtmlIcl
46tow-4 ftioceito ear Ofakiffig.„7: 4-474

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fqiunIzr arriwr, atItrwimurr, 3 ITT
t:Itiltict) -11 MT-1-11, 4-IW1% 1T ,1k
1-4- Iftr*-RI, afitrigg.
V. l(141CRX4 Pig), WM **Vent -1 141 FtY1F4-15, atItTrKg.
IA. facer .4101,kziNcb, fwTr, atlriTrKg.
Et. aTriwt; alltrrmr-c-
‘9. 1161-111,( iro, wOrf- wfrTtrk*-Tur
f 91-t, 4.10=411 aft:F-4AF 3ftTsPeurffer, ut.IR-1143 ITT -1chlq11T411
(ATI& q1k1-11t1 cp`-111
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aftrwrft, 4,1).11P icr) %WIT ii6iiiso5, oatqlqic.
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31rAtft, le- illtG, dAiinotic.
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*wqco ti-c4icict) attilF4
qiikircbq atitTTFOrc.
(fT fd-4a1 chtugid T)A. 711
-4ffql 3 V T 416RN q11*1-11x411 fl%7111111 3fr#17-07 %ITT,
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(i.q„ 3U9 1, 3tThlr4K A4ki 14TRI TIOWT A411Gnc ,t-i-clicitt)
aNTIRK f 11417T, aNTIT4K qiuuct4 14icsaictiii.)
VA. T 3T it (-11a-R)971-f-4TRT143TP-r,
cmtm crwit4R-1 T4-4-dt af*Tv-4rfqwrrr- r cRitidat
Pie:m.14 (chigkfri
42110(4, 44-48.
AMT. Kt, f q gri 3 -riffreft arrzrazw, mg:
T. feiNti-40italt.W.Rtit/R0R4M14-40: 4-iwN 1441A9 *A- ((-c1i GrA)
(1(141 tri tin aqub 31Wria-, ( R000 3ftf441:1;piiict) (A) (rrtftr-iIki "d41
aftfizrre aTRT wow, aTIMT aftoff comic X11 (W) aT"zi 4 ti Eft *AM.
14-4r4Tff 41.-tafT dir41, .ice--IcAti 4 qeiN ki4-1-qq-1 1:144171 ctr(u44reen 3 f apTr
rcviiime41 qcncrq tAtil,71-11 envie-wail liti)A-A, 3TV1T 41-grwftdr
ROMA' cpv)r..imicsrl 344 ce..iiry.414 TiORTff ~q1iict, cosi mcic csAutiict)
-51-4rfqwFr 31rftwur 3fter4zrq, Rok‘ (Ro19 Tin aiftfizrql-d aTft ;
irui 1-TRdlzrlif-4tTr-qru1r a;r141 Rv -4:111-1F -dz. (To aerur dctl
(TO TRTIK cttril-r-mc aft-TWRI-4T clILK ct), 1-1WN ITR:19T4 9-ITT f4-c-fT %%WI alkir4iT
1/4 006/t9c, / A.W.RVR00G/RN-0, Rq Root T aTRTIT-tr (zrrcia f4-47r z-wr
afFIT-(4-8T " 3.14:11 crtuilo aTTFT ank) 31 afttriT-OK FRITT14dTA- cnia ktiq, Ici r entm
‘7 c4741r 4.1q 'TirazilfmTRIvz sN1.1-114 "allerrKK
akITI4K " ETTEM crAugto 3T1-4 ant OTTO- 147T "dctrf 1-W-141t 444" aRrr awe-110
aTT-eTalt ;
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1-4-wrg141-TrTrw-A-e aft-Tv-4r w. 71T3TTT*Eicr-W-koV-(1a-k9, fki. ok 174, Ro19 3T dctri
1-161.11R 0grfrial raq144 cre alft-R1-
4 -
4 1-
4ff vilscre.ft 3TTikff *4Frr 4.
11- Twft afriTTRK
iio-m 144 %WU Aift-TwmT-41' (4111 1947r "3,41 %WITT RERTWTur aRca
cptuqm aiTMT aTT) ;
anfuT dctri 14-cff TrarwpTr 41-Arqr dRid, fawrzzr *11R41(4181
TAW 1.44-A9- -141(cci-11 aftfRztri, Mq (TR 4-1010, 3ftf4-zpk9) (-440- f-4-4r
"dchl aft-f4zrgr" 31TMT 3Trk) cociii dchl 1:14T-47 444
-aftrika. u tri rcir-Atd cb(u) amtrtirr) -gm aRT aPiTt 3111Rif4ff
fizil- Trfftwtarr4-19-491- 4)(u) 374FTW$iic.) ark;
31TRTMT3T4, 3'41977 t4-IT 3ft-fPPTT-4 (X)(ET) 3T4 4 tiT 31-TiT1T4
AR9'41-dT aftWT1- 4f ZEPTITT —
tilem Alsc;c-eil 41-1r9-4 Tzfri-tw 1-4q*i Turwur 4 1'ciq)(4 fizi)7q
Triftr*-1-urr4 *A. alicti ktlq"air J icigiktd ct)Aci ark

"CO dcm 14*RT Taftzwurr91 ke414-1 *iic,t4i-a11 R.11(4)141(V dchl "airtrtNa. OMR*
1WRTIAMTri rclk)tifff41-49.TITRWITI aTrk.
r.Lt r-471

116114 i1 TRW (Achill Ali tiehtuurn f444IT -Kt 'Ai III tichtul woor aftrffta chlutim
qicitirti 4)7
aft-rmg fwrIT3aftrwprriA- 41-1- t-ur- elF arfrAFfr atItrrKg.
fArt ailtrimg 4-11"111V4IrClchl, '11R411C1CPI, trrr5K Arm ffrffr
(1RTTRT:), ()du! WEIV (WM:), tf- 4. ciI I (IITTPT:), qmoimic
0-TPTRTOMr-47 ciiit
:-3ltrti4gnlcgc Ic lC1 moicomi Iii dTR TO 41+11, 114T1 wATit4, wzrv,
kicom(1, fercrft Tiw q't Tritql• aTiwrIT Trr- 44. ATur 411,
wriTi-rwrqfAiur 414-11, 14405111cl tridft til+il.
TERVIT: -1 11 i oicTNicilm tlwltl, 4-mcoly 11WIT 414-1f, 4,(sI Trmr-4-crWTq 411,
6-1u1411c1 titZ, 7-W gt5rl, 44-11, 1117T71- tr771:17 d-CR
4114-11, M, dlq4c1151 lIIc ItTrFrATr itirwaiil Trraml- 7%4 7* of.Tur tat
TNT* tft7rf OltletqlacicMiPsiti,tfaCTIl4ATER-qTrki lit.
atThTT47 iltaft 711714 114 7 'AFT ki11-11, HI, G105,415 ,
soils TIT4Mte 4_„ 7 W17-4 nisl TTF4M1' TO' 7 *Ur Wq-4-{ TrT4TA' *UT dui
nIcrKI1n~Cl trrtrriqa TrAELT Tut41*trr Triqrt 1:14 *13T 'kir) #411t4
*rot, frivmr, ttili-rwt4- *Err TrirrrEff dic.m tTP:M17.
Trgr* a 1TFM:r kir1111, *WV, NirEft Tritql tirTql:i HI, TrFTIT VIC11.1Y
1Trdit *Tr
qmoimic *rgrra TI 1. 7 drr( (111-1-1111c1 , Trratql 3111
c41-11 11ol1ti1 TIRT:r 31R .4**, 71-wit4 TriaTt 3T1'( 1-11,
7T47W' 1-11-4Tt I:0717 7 drR 44-11, .4117t4 7147t4
- 7.# TrT7T71'
tftql:i4dri( 1 lo01, 1:§-40, tifirt71t4 1Thqt-4. drR (111-11, ql44)05T
174T4'14R-, 3t*ii4K. cut-mit-110Alc- oTt TrrITT4R",14 31137t7 kkct) 1ET7It
31V• ki11-11.

fet- zER-1wr afttiktiq ctune-ii gqirquiRi EfroIR cbigimqm •=1-14v-fr 33-

14w1 aTriwr, at*NT-1-143-7-r, atitTNK
aTRITT, alt#TKK Aqi k*-11,131TRMTIT atThiNg.
Tr) 1:1-6 4-ciloct) 311tIqff1431T7T, 3TTF4K.
H6ffitp %WWI/C*9 qterr# antrvg

-4 1
zri tiltlq, TraiTtK VTR:19'
Urban Development Department,
Mantralaya Mumbai-32
Date :- 25 January, 2018.

The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966

No.TPS-3018/CR-15/2018/UD-30: Whereas, the Maharashtra Metropolitan Region Development
Authority Act,2016 (Mah. III of 2017) (hereinafter referred to as " the said Act"), is enacted to provide
for the establishment of the Metropolitan Region Development Authority for certain areas declared as the
Metropolitan areas under clause (c) of section 2 of the Maharashtra Metropolitan Planning Committees
(Constitution and Functions) (Continuance of Provisions) Act, 1999 (Mah. V of 2000),for the purpose of
co-ordinating and supervising the proper, orderly and rapid development of the said area in such region
and executing plans, projects and schemes for such development, and to provide for matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto;

And whereas, the Government of Maharashtra, has vide the Government Notification, Urban
Development Department No. MPC.3008/1375/CR-21/2008/UD-30, dated the 26th September, 2008
(hereinafter referred to as " the said Notification ") , issued in exercise of the powers conferred by clause
(c) of Article 243-P of the Constitution of India read with clause (c) of section 2 of the said Act, declared
a certain area in and around the City of Aurangabad, as specifically described in the Schedule appended to
the said Notification, as "the Aurangabad Metropolitan Area" (hereinafter referred to as " the said
Metropolitan Area") for the purposes of the Part IX-A of the Constitution of India ;

And whereas, in exercise of the powers of the conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said
Metropolitan Development Act, and of all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of
Maharashtra has, vide the Government Notification, Urban Development Department No.MRD-3316/CR-
101/UD-7, dated 1st March, 2017 has established Metropolitan Region Development Authority to be
called "the Aurangabad Metropolitan Region Development Authority" (hereinafter referred to as " the
said Development Authority") for the said Metropolitan Area and the more specifically described in the
Schedule appended thereto ;

And whereas, for proper and orderly as well as planned development of the area of the said
Development Authority, the Government of Maharashtra consider it expedient the said Metropolitan Area
as "Notified Area" the under sub-section (1) of section 40 of the Maharashtra Regional Town Planning
Act. 1966 (Mah.XXXVII of 1966) (hereinafter referred as "the said Town Planning Act.") Act, and
appoint the Special Planning Authority for such notified area ;

Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1G) of section 40 of the said
Town Planning Act, and of all other powers enabling it in this behalf the Government of Maharashtra
hereby ;

(a) specifies the area mentioned in the schedule (excluding area under Urban Local Body and
Special Planning Authority) appended hereto to be the "Notified Area"

(b) The said Development Authority is appointed as "Special Planning Authority" for Development
of the said Notified Area from the date of its commencement i.e. from 01.03.2017 .

The area Notified for the Aurangabad Metropolitan Region Development Authority
The Aurangabad Metropolitan Region Development Authority area shall comprise the whole of the
area of Aurangabad Municipal Corporation, the whole area of Khultabad Municipal Council, the whole
area of the Cantonment Board, Aurangabad Taluka (Part), Khultabad Taluka (Part), Paithan Taluka (Part),
Phulambri Taluka (part), Gangapur Taluka (Part), of the Aurangabad District within the following
boundaries, namely:-
East — In Aurarigabad Taluka northern and eastern boundary of Lamkana, eastern boundary of Georai
Khubari, Bangaon, Jaipur, Karmad, Mangrul, Mahamdpur, Ekhalahara, Pimpri Br. eastern and
southern boundary of Ambikapur, southern boundary of Shahapur, eastern boundary of
Pimpalgaon Pandhari.
West — In Gangapur Taluka Western boundary of Rajura, Malkapur, Boregaon, western and northern
boundary of Derda, western boundary of Govindpur, Ranjangaon Pol, Ekduradi Waghalgaon,
western and northern boundary of Shahanawajpur, western and northern boundary of Potul,
Takaliwadi, western and southern boundary of Pachpirwadi, western boundary of Deoli in
Khultabad Taluka western boundary of Kasabkheda, Verul.
South — In Aurangabad Taluka boundary of eastern and southern boundary of Pandhari, southern
boundary of Kadarabad, eastern boundary of Bembalwadi, Jodwadi, eastern and southern
boundary of Kachaner Tanda, southern boundary of Kachner, in Paithan Taluka, southern
boundary of Paregaon, Gazipur, eastern and southern boundary of Nandalgaon, southern
boundary of Kaudagaon, Sompuri, Gidhada, Shekata, Ranjani, Ranjangaon Khuri, In Gangapur
Taluka southern and western boundary of Dhamori Br., western boundary of Antapur,
Chandikpur, Tembhapuri southern boundary of Rahimpur, Sultanpur.

North — In Khultabad Taluka western and northern boundary of Mhaisamal, northern boundary of
Lamangaon, Mamanapur, western and northern boundary of Viramgaon, northern boundary of
Matargaon, Mahamdpur, Wadod Kh. Yesgaon in Phulambri Taluka, western and northern
boundary of Janephal, western and northern boundary of Wanegaon Bk., and Wanegaon Kh.,
northern boundary of Pimpalgaon Dev, Mhasala, Phulambri, Daregaon, Dhamangaon, eastern
boundary of Waghola, in Aurangabad Taluka eastern boundary of Donwada, Borwadi, northern
boundary of Adgaon Sarak.

Note — A copy of the Schedule Plan showing the Area and the Plan along with the boundaries of the
Notified Area is kept for inspection of public at the following offices, namely —
1) The Commissioner, Aurangabad Division, Aurangabad.
2) The Metropolitan Commissioner, Aurangabad Metropolitan Region development Authority,
3) The Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning, Aurangabad Division, Aurangabad.

This Notification shall also be available on the urban Development Department's web site
w ww. maharashtra . gov. in.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra.
, nt-N.ELV---P11/74.::\

Deputy Secretary to the Government

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