Kerala Land Reforms Exemption
Kerala Land Reforms Exemption
Kerala Land Reforms Exemption
2) ~ e t t eNO.L.B.B~
r 1-10112 dated. 17.02.2012 of the hSecretary, State Land -
-1. L
The Commissioner Land Revenue,Thiruvananthapuram.
The Secretary, Land Board, Thiruvananthapuram.
District Collectors of all the 14 Districts ( k o r r ~ , ~ i u )
Stock File/ Office Copy.
4) The land should be used for the allowed purpose within the
stipulated period and no part of it should be Left unused or
unprotected. \
7) The exemption shall not be for the purpose of land hoarding and ,
i) Whether purpose for which the land would be used is. Yes/No
specified in the application?
. Whether detailed project report submitted?
. I , . YesMo
iii) whether it is stated as to how the project would satisfy YesMo.
I public interest?
(ix) (whether the land in question had been given exemption in ~ e s / ~ o I
any ceiling cases? ..
x) Whether caselcases, connected to the land in question, is YesINo
pending before any court of law? If so, whether details
xi) ;Whether the land is included in any forest land disputes? If Yes/No
]w, whether details furnished?
xii) If the applicant is s Trdst, Educational Institution, Yes/No
Charit* Organisation,ek,, whether, documents of
I Iregistration, trust dead, etc. are Furnsihed? I 1