Kerala Land Reforms Exemption

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Revenue - Exemption uls.81(3) of the Kerala Land Reforms Act-Constitution of

District Level Committee for the scrutiny of applications and fonnulation of
guidelines for processing of applications- Orders issued.

G.O.(RT).No. 254412012lRD. Thiruvananthapuram, Dated:03/05/2012

Read:- I ) Government Letter No. 35 17/N2/20 1 IIRD dated. 2 1.01.201;!

2) ~ e t t eNO.L.B.B~
r 1-10112 dated. 17.02.2012 of the hSecretary, State Land -

-1. L

Government are in receipt of many applications seeking exemption from land

ceiling limit, under Section 81(3) of the Kerala Land Reforms Act. Governinent felt
that for processing the applications , specific guidelines are to be formulated, so that
only eligible cases will get the exemption as envisaged in the Act. A meeting was
convened for discussing the matter in detail. In the meeting, it was decided to
formulate specific guidelines and to prepare a checklist of documents, which the
applicant shall hrnish alongwith the application. It was also decided to constitute
district level committees for scrutinizing the applications, in the light of existing
n~lesand orders in force, and recommending eligible cases, for the consideratioi~of
governii~ent.The Secretary, Land Board was entrusted with the task of form1.1lating
the draft guidelines and the checklist of documents and to give suggestions on the
coinposition of the ad-hoc committee.

2. Accordingly, the Secretary, Land Board, submitted drafts of the

guidelines,check list and compositioll of the District Level Conimittees as per the
letter read as 2""aper above.

3. Government, having examined the matter in detail, are pleased to constitute

District Level Comittees for scrutinizing the applications, with the following
compostion :
District Collector - Chairman

Deputy Collector (L.R) - Member

Tahsildar of the Taluk

concerned - Member

District Level Officer

of the department
concerned - Member
(according to the nature of
the land )

4. On receipt of applications for exemption, the District Collector concerned,

who is the Chairman of the Committe, shall convene meeting of the committee and
the Committe shall scrutinize the applications with reference to the relevant rules,
guidelines,checklist and other relevant aspects.

5. The guidelines, which. shall be followed while scrutinizing thd applications

and the checklist of documents, which the applicant shall furnish alongwith the.
application, are given at Annexure - I and Annexure -11 , respectively.

(By Order of the Governor)

The Commissioner Land Revenue,Thiruvananthapuram.
The Secretary, Land Board, Thiruvananthapuram.
District Collectors of all the 14 Districts ( k o r r ~ , ~ i u )
Stock File/ Office Copy.


1) It should be ensured that the land, which may be given

exemption, will be used for activities in public interest for
econoinic development, and the area required is justified.

2) The period for which exemption inay be given shall be fixed

based on the purpose for which the land is proposed to be used.

3) Exemption granted will be conditional, depending on the nature

of the land, purpose for which it is proposed to be used and other
relevant aspects.

4) The land should be used for the allowed purpose within the
stipulated period and no part of it should be Left unused or
unprotected. \

5) If the project, for which the land will be utilised, requires

clearance from any departmentlministry/agency, it shall be
ensured that the same is obtained from the
department/ministry/agency concerned.

6) The period within which the project will come up.

7) The exemption shall not be for the purpose of land hoarding and ,

to earn illegal profits. ,


i) Whether purpose for which the land would be used is. Yes/No
specified in the application?
. Whether detailed project report submitted?
. I , . YesMo
iii) whether it is stated as to how the project would satisfy YesMo.
I public interest?

liv) Whether details of the land in question (District, Taluk, YesINo

Village, Survey No., Re-Sutvey No., Area. Nature of the
land) are specified in the application?
V) ,whether documents,which prove that the applicant is the Yes/No
owner of the land in question,are furnished alongwith the
vi) Whether details of the total extent of land possessed by the YesINo
. -
applicant (~istrict,Taluk, Village, Survey No, Re-Survey
No., Area) are furnished? \

vii) Whether ceiling returns, in respect of land in excess of Yes/No

" ceiling
,- .
; r
limits, are filed before the Taluk Land Board
- kf- so, whether details fi~mished?
viii) Whether the laid forwhich exemption is sought had been Yes/No
included in any ceiling cases? $,

(ix) (whether the land in question had been given exemption in ~ e s / ~ o I
any ceiling cases? ..
x) Whether caselcases, connected to the land in question, is YesINo
pending before any court of law? If so, whether details
xi) ;Whether the land is included in any forest land disputes? If Yes/No
]w, whether details furnished?
xii) If the applicant is s Trdst, Educational Institution, Yes/No
Charit* Organisation,ek,, whether, documents of
I Iregistration, trust dead, etc. are Furnsihed? I 1

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