Iep 1

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Juliann Daw

Special Education

Natalie Raass

11 September, 2018

Individual Education Plan

There is over 6,000 student throughout the United State America, who are put onto a IEP or

Individual Education Plan. The IEP is an important document that clearly states what the student may

need. This document can get a student that help to much education successful.

In the IEP one of the major parts that makes up a big part, that explain that is going on in the with

the students. Students typically have several of these goals all depending on their disability and how it

affects them. Every single goal though has to be able to meet the criteria of “S.M.A.R.T.” Specific,

Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound, this makes sure that it is possible for the student to

reach the goal but they also have a clear understanding of what they were trying to reach. For example

Sarah goal is try to read better. Specific, this goal that we are using as an example doesn’t have anything,

it help understand what “better” reader mean. To help make this goal better. Sarah goal is to read at a

second grade, where she was before at a first grade level. Measurable, this goal has no way to see if the

student has made it to the goal. For example to make this work, Sarah goal is to read at a second grade

level 100 word per minute. It is also important that it state who is going to be measuring this, it will be

stated lower in the document that her reading or general education teacher will measure it. Achievable

this has be to a goal that has be able to be reach by the student, for example it is unreasonable to think the

a student to be prefect. So to change our goal, Sarah goal is to read at a second grade level 100 words per

minute at 0-2 mistakes. Relevant, it has to be on that is reasonable to the disability. So for example, if

Sarah was blind having a goal for her to reach this goal is not relevant at all. This would be a very

relevant, If Sarah though have like a learning disability like dyslexia.Time-bound, the goal has be have

end time that the time in which the goal will stop being measured. So using out example, Sarah goal is to

read at a second grade level at 100 words per minute with 0-2 mistakes by April 15.
Services is something that is also on every IEP. Every child has a different list of services

depending on their disability. It can mean everything for those are hard of hearing aids, interprets, to

better seating in classroom, speech teachers, counselling and everything else a student may needs. It is

stated in this legally required for them to provide them, just to make sure that the student is protected.

For those students that it is relevant for, there is also options for accommodations and

modification. Accommodations are in a some cases a lot like services, they are just something that is

something to help them to be on the same playing field as everyone else in the room. This can mean

everything from taking test in other rooms, books with large prints, recorder, addated writing unitsels or

anything else like that the student may need. Another option for some students is to have the modification

of the material. This can mean everything from easy material on tests, less problems for homework, or

anything else that may fine the students needs.

The Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), is a document that can or may not be attached to the IEP.

You do not have to have in IEP to have one, but you can. It is a document that is designs to teach and

reward positive. A student, who is causing problems in the class, showing a lot of anger, or very quiet in

class, refusing to do homework or using harassing or inappropriate language. This document is to state

how each teacher will respond, what will not be ok for students to do.

FAPE, Free and Appropriate Public Education, it is the law that states that every student has that

right. Every single student get all of the right to an education, this makes sure that every student gets a

shot at success.

Every IEP has a team of people, that is there to help make it work well. The parents of the

children, since 2004 it is required that parent be at least told about the meet. It is very much prefer if they

show up. There is also at least special education teacher typically also a general education teacher.

Eventually, even the student themself.

IEP is a document that give students a shoot, it gives then a chance to be successful and to learn

in an environment. This document give the students opportunity.

Work Cited

Latham, Patricia H., and J.D. “At a Glance: Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).”,

“The NCES Fast Facts Tool Provides Quick Answers to Many Education Questions (National
Center for Education Statistics).” Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and
Secondary Education: School Year 2001-2002, E.D. Tab, National Center for Education

The Short-and-Sweet IEP Overview.” Center for Parent Information and Resources,

Team, Understood. “Understanding IEPs.”,


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