Philippine Star, Dec. 5, 2019, 16 M Pinoys Still Smoke Despite Tobacco Crackdown PDF

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16 M Pinoys still smoke despite tobacco crackdown
By EDU PUNAY measuies seeking rrgulation of cent of the 1.1billion smokers ular tobacco. This is supported
e-cigarettes and vaping prod- in the world live in low- and
by data from the Edrbpean
At least 16 million Filipinos ucts, also showed that 1.2 mil-middle-income countries like
iommission which found that
have continued smoking ciga- lion or 75 percent of smokersin .the Philippines," Gatchalian. 61 percent of those who start
rettes despite the crackdown the counry are planning to quitsaid yest6rday. usiirg e-cigarettes do it to stop
on tobecco products amid tobacco smoking. He saidtheywould consult smo[ine,the stressed.
concern over their harmful valenzuela city Rep. weslie with experts ii1 the next hear- Gatcfiatan bared that there
effects on health, governrnent Gatchalian, chair of, the com- ing on proposed regulation are about 800,000 users of
data showed. mittee on trade and industry ' on electronic nicotine delivery ENDS in the countrv and the
Records of the Philippine has expressed concern over system (ENDS) products set number continualiv erows
Statistics AuthoriW and Deoart- cigarette smoking that report- next Juesday, Dec. 10, to de- since the introduction"of the
ment of Health ievealed'that edly kills eight rnitlion peopte te'rmiie wh6ther e-cigarettei products to the local market
14.7 percent of the country's daily among the 1.1 billion and vapes could help iddress i0years ago.
108 milhon population or 15.9 smokers worldwide. or reduce tobacco hirm. i{e poi-nted out that the
million Filipino smokers have
"Acco_rding to theW.orld "This is where ENDS or ENDS'global market had
maintained their habit desnite Health Organization, sirok- FfTPs (heated tobacco prod- qrown b"v 1.200 oercent over
the campaign agairut smoking. ing cigaretles is the single ucts) can play an impdrtant ihe last.iio.v".i to over $26
The same data, submitted to greatest preventable cause role. It allegedly provides a billion this year, but remains a
the House of Representatives of death in the world today. Iess harmfuI ch6ic'e for those small markl,tpompared to the
for dpliberations'on proposed unJortunately, around 80 per- who wish to quit smoking reg, $683.4billion lgarirtte industry.

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