Clay Farris Naff Nicotine and Tobacco

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Other books in the Compact Research series include:


Performance-Enhancing Drugs
Current Issues

Biomedical Ethics

The Death Penalty

Gun Control

Illegal Immigration

World Energy Crisis


by Clay Farris Naff


San Diego, CA

2007 ReferencePoint Press, Inc.

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Naff, Clay Farris.
Nicotine and tobacco / by Clay Farris Naff.
p. cm. (Compact research series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-60152-292-4 (e-book)
1. Nicotine addiction. 2. Nicotine. 3. SmokingHealth aspects. 4.
YouthTobacco use. I. Title.
HV5735.N32 2006

Nicotine and Tobacco at a Glance
How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?
Primary Source Quotes
Facts and Illustrations

How Dangerous Is Exposure to

Secondhand Smoke?
Primary Source Quotes
Facts and Illustrations

Why Do Many Young People Smoke or

Chew Tobacco?
Primary Source Quotes
Facts and Illustrations

How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use

Be Reduced?
Primary Source Quotes
Facts and Illustrations

Key People and Advocacy Groups

Related Organizations
For Further Research
Source Notes
List of Illustrations
About the Author



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The Rock, T.S. Eliot


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Nicotine and
at a Glance

Nicotine, which occurs naturally in tobacco, is one of the most widely

used drugs in the world. Globally, more than 1.1 billion people use tobacco.


Use of tobacco began among Native Americans at least 1,500 years ago.
It spread to the rest of the world after Christopher Columbuss 1492 voyage to the New World.

Nicotine and Tobacco at a Glance


Tobacco is smoked in various ways or chewed. By far the most common

use of tobacco is in cigarettes.

Consumption Rate

Around the world, more than 15 billion cigarettes are smoked each day.

Geographic Trends

Smoking is declining in most Western nations, but it is on the rise in the

developing world, especially Asia. One of every three cigarettes worldwide is smoked in China.

Addictive Effects

The nicotine in tobacco is highly addictive. Most people who start using tobacco find it difficult to quit, despite the health hazards tobacco use presents.

Nicotine and Tobacco at a Glance

Carcinogenic Effects

Tobacco is responsible for 87 percent of lung-cancer deaths and for most

cancers of the larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, and bladder.

Other Health Effects

Tobacco damages virtually every organ in the body, including the skin. It
contributes to heart disease and worsens diabetes.


Tobacco companies make up a major international industry, with estimated annual revenues of $200 billion worldwide.


Nicotine is unregulated in the United States. The sale of tobacco to

youths is illegal but commonplace.


Nicotine addiction is generally treated by nicotine replacement therapy

through gum or skin patches, which help the smoker break the tobacco

Cessation Success Rates

Smokers who try to quit unaided have a failure rate of about 80 percent. Replacement nicotine and cessation programs cut the failure rate
in about half.


In the United States, smoking rates have been falling since the 1960s.
Today, about 22 percent of Americans smoke.


Literally one-third of all human cancer could be prevented if we could just . . . solve the tobacco addiction

The Dangers of Nicotine

American Cancer Society president John Seffrin, July 2006.


Nicotine is a highly addictive drug that occurs naturally in the leaves of

tobacco plants. While nicotine can be a potent poison on its own, tiny
quantities found in cigarettes causes harm by addicting the smoker to the
other, even more harmful ingredients in tobacco. For example, the tar in
tobacco is especially cancer causing. Thus, nicotine addiction leads to
the deaths of some 435,000 American tobacco users each year, making it
by far the leading cause of drug-related premature death. The dangers of
alcohol and illegal intoxicants pale in comparison. Alcohol abuse causes
the deaths of approximately 85,000 Americans annually, and all other
addictive drugs trail far behind. Cocaine and heroin, for example, are
responsible for only about 16,000 deaths a year.
Tobacco leads other causes of early death as well. Driving accidents,
for example, claim just one-tenth the number of lives that tobacco does.
The only hazard that comes anywhere near the deadliness of tobacco is
obesity. Obesity raises the risk of cancer, diabetes, and coronary disease,
all of which contribute to, at most, some 365,000 deaths annually in the
United States.
The toll exacted by nicotine addiction is higher. Nicotine makes tobacco the leading cause of preventable death. This status is unlikely to



This tobacco farm in Kentucky has more than 2,000 acres of tobacco fields.
Nicotine, which occurs naturally in tobacco, is one of the most widely used
drugs in the world.
change in the near future, despite a rapid rise in the obesity rate and
a significant drop in the rate of tobacco use in the United States. The
prevalence of smoking among American adults remains above 20 percent, and the decline in U.S. tobacco use has been more than offset by a
rise in global consumption.

A Global Health Threat

Worldwide, health officials forecast that tobacco use will lead to a cancer
toll that exceeds any single cause of premature death in history. We are
looking at about 1 billion [cancer] deaths this century if present trends
continue, says Judith Mackay, lead author of The Tobacco Atlas.1 If


Nicotine and Tobacco

accurate, that would indeed be a colossal toll, amounting to one-sixth

of the present world population. To set this in perspective, consider that
since 1981 AIDS, the worst contemporary epidemic, has claimed about
25 million lives, less than 3 percent of the projected tobacco toll. Put
another way, 1 billion tobacco deaths is 5 times greater than the estimated 200 million people who died in all the wars and atrocities of the
twentieth century.
There is general agreement that the reason people continue to use
tobacco even after they become aware of the hazards and want to stop is
nicotine. All tobacco contains nicotine. When a person smokes or chews
tobacco, tiny quantities of the drug are carried into the bloodstream via
the particles of tar that also occur in tobacco.
The amount of nicotine in a cigarette, typically 3 to 9 milligrams, is
tiny. A milligram is a thousandth of a gram, which itself is only about the
weight of a standard paper clip. Fortunately for smokers, not all of the
nicotine in a cigarette makes it into the lungs. Some is destroyed by the
heat of the burning cigarette.
If nicotine were present in tobacco in greater quantities, it would kill
off tobacco users almost instantly. Nicotine is an extremely hazardous
drug. It acts rapidly on the nervous system.
It causes sudden jumps in blood pressure,
heart palpitations, and at higher doses paIf nicotine
ralysis. A lethal dose may be as little as 40
were present
milligrams. In fact, nicotine has long been
in tobacco in
a key ingredient in insecticide.
greater quantiFor tobacco users, however, the most
ties, it would
insidious feature of nicotine is its addickill off tobacco
tiveness. Most health experts do not conusers almost
sider the tiny quantity of nicotine in toinstantly.
bacco products a major health threat by
itself. To be sure, long-term use of nicotine does have negative consequences. It
contributes to wrinkling skin and hardening blood vessels. It destroys
valuable proteins in the circulatory system.
Still, whatever harm nicotine causes directly is dwarfed by the cancercausing properties of other tobacco ingredients. Scientists have identified
more than 40 carcinogens in tobacco. Combustion worsens the situation;



Peter Jennings, longtime ABC News anchor and smoker, died on August 7,
2005, after a short battle with lung cancer. Some researchers claim to have
identified more than 60 cancer-causing agents in cigarette smoke.
some researchers claim to have identified more than 60 cancer-causing
agents in cigarette smoke. Most of these threats have complex chemical
names, but they include solvents such as benzene and heavy metals such
as cadmium. The role nicotine plays is to make it excruciatingly difficult
to stop exposing oneself to this symphony of carcinogens.
Unlike many other addictive drugs, nicotine is not a narcotic. Since it
does not impair cognitive functions, it can be used by people while carrying out normal activities. This makes steady tobacco consumption legally


Nicotine and Tobacco

and socially acceptable in many cultures. Some people smoke almost constantly; even moderate smokers typically go through one pack a day. No
other recreational drug can be used with such frequency. This frequent
exposure amplifies the risks and makes quitting all the more difficult.

A Tough Habit to Break

The grip of nicotine addiction is extraordinarily powerful. Experts say

that for some people withdrawal symptoms rival those of heroin and cocaine. Among the common nicotine withdrawal symptoms are craving,
irritability, headaches, lack of concentration, sleeplessness, and increased
appetite. These symptoms may begin within a few hours after the last
cigarette, quickly driving people back to tobacco use. For some people,
the craving continues for months.
Social environment and daily habit make a big difference, researchers
say. For most tobacco users cigarettes or other tobacco products become
part of their daily routine. Smoking, especially, becomes strongly associated in the mind of the smoker with various other habits such as drinking
coffee, tea, or alcohol or with mealtimes. Additionally, a familiar setting
such as a bar or restaurant where the individual has been in the habit of
smoking and where others smoke can make it very difficult to resist falling back into the practice. A person who works in a setting where smoking is commonplace will typically find it much more difficult to quit
than someone who works in a nonsmoking workplace.
Even personal relationships play a role. The old saying that misery
loves company often comes into play; when someone attempts to quit,
his or her friends who are smokers may tease or cajole the person into
rejoining the fold of tobacco users. Conversely, a person who is encouraged to quit by others who are either also quitting or who are nonsmokers may find it easier to break the addiction. Whatever the circumstances,
most people find quitting very difficult. The failure rate is extraordinarily
high. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, smokers who
attempt to cease the habit frequently relapse: Up to 80 percent of those
who quit return to the habit within six months.

The Entrenched Status of Tobacco

You may wonder why a drug that nearly everyone, including the major
tobacco companies, agrees is addictive and dangerous remains legal. The



answer lies in history. When Christopher

Columbus first arrived in the New World
in 1492, Native Americans presented
You may wonder
him with a gift of tobacco. Various tribes
why a drug that
had been smoking the leafy plant for
. . . everyone . . .
thousands of years, and some considered
agrees is addicthe practice an important part of sacred
tive and dangerrituals. Columbus, however, thought so
ous remains
little of tobacco that he reportedly threw
the gift overboard along with the ships
trash. All the same, as other Europeans
voyaged to the Americas they began to
bring tobacco back in increasing quantities. Noblemen in various European courts took up the habit of inhaling
finely chopped tobacco leaves into their nostrils, a practice that came to
be known as dipping snuff.
Tobacco gained a huge boost in prestige in 1560, when an amateur
French naturalist, Jean Nicot, returned from Portugal with tales of the
plants miraculous medicinal propertiesfew of which turned out to be
true. Nevertheless, Nicot, for whom nicotine is named, persuaded one
of the most powerful monarchs of the time, Catherine de Mdici, the
queen of France, to give it a try. The queen had long suffered from migraine headaches. Nicot applied chopped tobacco leaves to her nose and
forehead, and to her amazement, she found relief.
Ironically, research now shows that nicotine is a trigger for migraines; however, migraines are still poorly understood, and it is plausible that as a first-time user the queen experienced positive effects from
nicotine. In any event, Catherine de Mdici was so favorably impressed
that she decreed that tobacco was henceforth to be called Herba Regina,
the Queens Herb. To this day, tobacco enjoys particular prestige and
popularity in France.
Yet nicotine did not remain in anyway the exclusive custom of the
French aristocracy. Tobacco use spread from North America throughout
Europe and Great Britain and later to the rest of the world. As colonists
gradually occupied North America, tobacco cultivation became a major industry, especially in the South. Although some commentators at
the time noted the association of smoking and lung disease, systematic


Nicotine and Tobacco

knowledge of the hazards of tobacco was lacking, and claims about its
healthful benefits persisted. Much romance surrounded tobacco. Mark
Twain, arguably the most famous American of the 19th century, celebrated smoking in his novels and his speeches. As far as Twain was concerned, the more, the better. On the occasion of his 70th birthday, he
remarked, It has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep and
never to refrain when awake.2

The Resistance to Scientific Findings

By the time medical science caught up with popular myths about tobacco, smoking was a well-established and widespread social custom. More
importantly, it was a major U.S. industry with considerable influence
among lawmakers.
Indeed, it was not until 1953 that scientists first demonstrated the
carcinogenic properties of tobacco. Researchers who painted the backs
of lab mice with tar from tobacco found
that those mice developed cancerous tumors in far greater numbers than mice not
By the time
exposed to tar.
medical science
The tobacco industry responded to
caught up with
and other experiments by trying to
popular myths
keep the public in doubt about the danabout tobacco,
gers of smoking and by trying to keep resmoking was a
strictions on tobacco and its contents to a
well established
minimum. Over the next several decades,
and widespread
consumer groups and health organizations
social custom.
battled to curb the sale of tobacco and to
make its hazards known. The American
Lung Association, which had formed decades earlier to fight the spread of tuberculosis, in 1960 declared that
smoking was a major cause of lung cancer.
The tobacco companies, however, fought back hard and spent billions to suppress or discredit scientific research that questioned the safety
of cigarettes, to limit regulation, and to stave off lawsuits. They largely
succeeded. Although warnings on cigarette packages were mandated and
tobacco advertising was limited, attempts to regulate nicotine as a drug
were defeated. Congress passed a special exemption for nicotine, and the


Supreme Court later ruled that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
had to abide by Congresss decision.
By the mid-1990s, however, tobacco companies began to lose credibility. In hearings before Congress, tobacco company executives were compelled to admit that their product was addictive and dangerous. In a 1998
settlement with state attorneys general, tobacco companies agreed to stop
advertising to youth and to give billions to antismoking campaigns.
In 2006 U.S. District Court Judge Gladys Kessler ruled that tobacco
companies had intentionally deceived the public: Cigarette smoking
causes disease, suffering, and death. Despite internal recognition of this
fact, defendants have publicly denied, distorted, and minimized the hazards of smoking for decades.3 Tobacco companies were generally relieved
that Judge Kessler did not subject them to monetary penalties, but at
least one, Altria, and its subsidiary Philip Morris disputed her findings.
Philip Morris USA and Altria Group Inc. believe much of todays decision and order are not supported by the law,4 said William Ohlemeyer,
an Altria vice president. The company intended to appeal, Ohlemeyer

Usage Trends

In the meantime, nicotine remains unregulated and tobacco remains

a widely available legal product in the United States. Nevertheless, its
popularity has been on the decline for several decades. U.S. cigarette
consumption has fallen from its high in 1963, when about half of all
men and one third of all women smoked, to the present, in which about
one-fifth of the population smokes.
Despite the overall decline in American tobacco usage, until quite
recently one group in the population remained enthusiastic about the
product: teenagers. From 1991 through 1997, while tobacco use among
the general U.S. population fell, the rate of youth smoking rose. Indeed,
during that period about 3,000 youths under 18 became regular cigarette
smokers each day, until well over a third of high school students were
smokers. Following the cessation of marketing to youth with the 1998
master settlement between tobacco companies and the states, however,
youth tobacco use has dropped steeply.
Smoking among high school students fell from about 35 percent
in 1997 to 22 percent in 2003. Most researchers attribute this decline


Nicotine and Tobacco

to several factors: the end of such advertising as the Joe Camel campaign
that targeted youth, the use of tobaccoNicotine remains
settlement funds to pay for antismoking
unregulated and
public education campaigns directed at
tobacco remains
young people, and the tightening of loa widely availcal laws against selling tobacco products
able legal prodto underage consumers.
uct in the United
The main reason for the overall deStates.
cline in smoking is a growing awareness
of the dangers of tobacco. Attempts
to create a safe cigarette have so far
failed. Low-tar, low-nicotine cigarettes
have the paradoxical effect of making smokers smoke more as they struggle to satisfy their craving for nicotine. Late in 2005 British American
Tobacco said it had developed a cigarette that would cut the disease risks
by 90 percent, but health experts remained deeply skeptical. Nottingham
University professor of epidemiology John Britton remarks, Anything
involving inhaling smoke is unsafe. These new cigarettes could be more
like jumping from the 15th floor instead of the 20ththeoretically the
risk is less but you still die.5
Such perceptions, along with the growing social stigma attached to
smoking, have had a profound effect on tobacco usage rates in the United States. Additionally, external pressures on smokers to rein in or give
up their habit have greatly increased. In particular, evidence of the hazard
presented by secondhand smoke to nonsmokers has led to restrictions on
smoking in the workplace, in public places such as schools and government offices, and in regulated places where people congregate, such as
restaurants, theaters, and museums. Additionally, new taxes on cigarettes
have raised the cost of smoking, and many insurance companies and
employers offer incentives to smokers to quit.
These developments have not gone unchallenged. Smokers rights
groups have formed to fight bans on smoking in public places. Some deny
outright the validity of the science that justifies restrictions on smoking.
Others argue that libertarian considerations should outweigh the concerns
of the government in regulating adult behavior. Despite their objections,
however, across the United States restrictions on smoking have increased


and the popularity of tobacco usage has fallen. Among the places a person
can no longer legally smoke are prisons, hospitals, and airports. Beyond
U.S. borders, however, a very different picture has taken shape.

The Global Rise

While Americans have curtailed their use of tobacco, worldwide consumption has been on the rise. Indeed, from 1970 to 1990 global cigarette sales
leaped by 74 percent. One reason is increased prosperity in much of the
world, especially Asia. Cigarettes, which used to be a luxury in countries
such as China and India, are now widely affordable in the region. Thus,
in 2004, Asia accounted for 56 percent of global cigarette sales.
An ironic contributor to the rise in tobacco consumption is the liberation of women. Smoking used to be an exclusively male privilege in
most cultures. That has begun to change nearly everywhere, starting with
the United States. Following the introduction of cigarettes marketed exclusively to women in the early 1970s, the rate of womens tobacco use in
the United States rose sharply and is now closer to parity with men than
anywhere else in the world. An unhappy consequence is that for American women born after 1960, early death from lung cancer is now on par
with that of American men.
The same may soon be true around the world, where one of every
five smokers is a woman. The World Health Organization has taken note
of the trend: Though fewer women than men are smokers, an increasing number of young women are taking up cigarettes. Recent reports
describe an alarming increase in smoking rates among women. Further,
data from different sources show the gap in smoking rates between men
and women is narrowing.6
Women who take up tobacco use may find it extremely difficult to
put down. Studies show that the addictiveness of nicotine affects women
more powerfully than it does men. All other things being equal, these
studies show, once hooked it is more difficult for a woman to quit than
a man. That may be one reason why the rate of smoking has fallen much
faster for American men than for women: Whereas U.S. male smoking
prevalence dropped by 24 percent between 1965 and 1993, the prevalence of female smoking dropped by less than half that rate (only 11
percent) during the same period, according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.


Nicotine and Tobacco

The global increase in smoking by both genders has led to an unprecedented health threat. Out of a world population of just over 6 billion,
nearly 1 billion men and about 250 million women use tobacco. More
people smoke today than at any other time in human history. One person
dies every ten seconds due to smoking-related diseases, 7 notes Gro Harlem Brundtland, director general of the World Health Organization.
Tobacco is currently responsible for an estimated 12 percent of human mortality. With females rapidly joining the ranks of the worlds
smokers, health experts fear that the tobacco death toll will be much
higher in generations to come. About one-third of the worlds adult population is now addicted to a drug that exposes them to a high risk of fatal
cancer and other ailments. If current smoking patterns persist, there will
be about 1 billion deaths from tobacco during the 21st century, 8 note
public health experts Richard Peto and Alan D. Lopez.

Hope for the Future


There are, however, some hopeful developments. Despite the addictive

qualities of nicotine, many people successfully quit. One reason for this
success is the rise of support programs to assist those who are quitting.
These range from the annual World Smokefree Day (May 31) to commercial smoking-cessation programs in nearly every locality in America.
Whereas in former times those who were ready to quit would usually
trying going cold turkey (an apt description for the skin of a person in
withdrawal), there are now sophisticated step-by-step programs that help
a tobacco addict gradually taper off use of the substance until a fairly
gentle permanent end can be attained.
Even more important has been the development of nicotine-replacement therThere is even
apies. These typically involve nicotinesome emerging
laced chewing gum or dermal patches.
evidence that
They give the addict a sufficient supnicotinethough
ply of the drug to stave off withdrawal
not the nicotine
symptoms while he or she works on bein tobaccomay
havioral changes to break the habits asprove to have
sociated with using tobacco.
medicinal appliThere is even some emerging evications.
dence that nicotinethough not the

nicotine in tobaccomay prove to have medicinal applications. Colleen
McBride, director of the cancer prevention, detection, and control program at Duke University Medical Center, has experimented with treating various ailments with nicotine delivered through the same patches
that are used to help smokers quit. McBride says that nicotine in controlled doses can be helpful. The benefits of nicotine, she claims, can be
compared with those of caffeine. Nicotine has a lot of therapeutic uses.
Theres growing evidence that it may be useful in treating Parkinsons
disease, Alzheimerstheir level of concentration, their ability to focus.
Those of us who are caffeine users understand that.9
Jean Nicot, who did so much to promote the belief that tobacco was
healthful, would no doubt be gratified to know that the drug that bears
his name may have some redeeming qualities after all.
All the same, for the vast majority of those who are regularly exposed
to nicotine, it represents a mortal threat. It binds them to the tobacco
habit, and that means an elevated risk of premature death from cancer,
emphysema, heart disease, and other tobacco-linked pathologies.
So far, only the United States and a few other developed countries
such as Britain have achieved significant reductions in tobacco use; yet,
there are signs that others will follow. The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan recently became the first country to entirely ban the sale of tobacco
products. Iran has banned smoking in public buildings. Other countries
are debating new restrictions on the use of tobacco as well. Many have
signed an international tobacco-control convention, which, if enforced,
could help curb smoking.
To be sure, not everyone believes that the global smoking rate will
go down. Indeed, David Betteridge, a spokesman for British American
Tobacco, the worlds second-largest tobacco company, expects the market to grow. Fewer people are smoking in percentage terms, he said in
September 2006, but because of huge population growth around the
world, we are looking at a market about the same size in ten years time,
and beyond that maybe even bigger.10
However, if the United States, which has made large reductions in tobacco use, decides to join the international effort, the outcome might be
different. An effective global treaty, health experts say, could pave the way
to a world in which fewer people are at risk of premature and preventable
death due to nicotine-driven addiction to tobacco.


How Harmful
Are Nicotine
and Tobacco?

Twenty percent of our nations annual deaths are the

result of side effects of nicotine dependence caused by
cigarette smoking and other forms of tobacco use.

Jack E. Henningfield, Pharmacology of Nicotine, Addicted to Nicotine: A National Research Forum. May 19, 2006.
National Institute on Drug Abuse.

How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?

icotine is a toxic, psychoactive compound that occurs naturally in

tobacco. Chemically, it is an alkaloid, or nitrogen-containing, substance. Pharmacologically, it is a fast-acting stimulant. Psychologically, it is a relaxant. Above all, however, nicotine is an addictive drug.
When smoked or ingested in minute quantities, nicotine rapidly
enters the bloodstream and then acts within seconds on the brain. Its
short-term effects vary. For most people, nicotine serves as a relaxant. In
others, it acts as a mild stimulant. For virtually every user, though, the
most notable fact about nicotine is its addictiveness. If it were not for the
nicotine in tobacco, those who try to quit smoking would be spared cold
sweats, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, appetite disruption, and intense
craving. These are just some of the characteristics of withdrawal.
First-time users of nicotine feel its effects almost immediately as their
heart pounds and skin tingles. These sensations are the result of nicotines
effects on the nervous system. It triggers a release of adrenaline, a hormone normally associated with the fight-or-flight reaction to a threat.
Some people find the response exciting, but for many the effect soon
turns to nausea and dizziness.
With continued tobacco use, the sensations change. The body becomes accustomed to the adrenaline jolt, and in many smokers it dimin-


How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?

ishes to the point where it is no longer noticeable. The effects of nicotine
on the brain become more noticeable, however. Though not intoxicating, the drug has an effect similar to opiates such as heroin. Specifically,
nicotine promotes the release of dopamine, a pleasure-inducing brain
chemical. This relaxation response comes on rapidly but is fairly shortlived. Within a few hours at most, it is gone.

The Need for Nicotine Grows

The brain soon develops a tolerance for nicotine, which means that more
is required to achieve the same satisfaction. Addiction quickly sets in.
Once it does, symptoms of withdrawal occur if the nicotine supply is not
frequently renewed. The time it takes to become addicted varies considerably. For some people it is a matter of a few days; for others, it is a few
months. A small portion of users are able to dabble in tobacco without
ever becoming addicted. This variation in response leads scientists to believe that there is a genetic predisposition to nicotine addiction that is
stronger in some people and weaker in others.
The trouble with addiction to nicotine is how it is satisfied. More
than 96 percent of nicotine addicts get their fix from cigarettes. Even
those who use tobacco in other forms, such as cigars, pipes, or chew, are
at risk, but cigarettes deliver tobacco smoke deep into the lungs, where
it can do the most damage. Nearly all smokers start when they are teens, a time of life
when caution is paid little heed. Moreover,
the damage done by tobacco is slow and cuThe onset of
mulative, so the risks are not apparent (even
addiction can
if they are known) at the time when addicbe especially
tion most commonly takes hold.
swift for
The onset of addiction can be espeyoung people.
cially swift for young people. Researchers at
the University of Massachusetts found that
12- to 13-year olds who smoked only a few
cigarettes experienced the same symptoms of
nicotine addiction as heavy-smoking adults. The researchers investigated
681 youngsters at schools in central Massachusetts over a four-year period. Some of the 12- and 13-year-olds became addicted within days of
their first cigarette, according to research reported in 2000 in the British


Nicotine and Tobacco

Medical Association journal Tobacco Control. Prolonged use, even at a
low level, had profound effects. Smoking only a few cigarettes a week
caused kids to become as strongly addicted as adults who had been smoking for years. Richard Hurt, director of the Nicotine Dependency Unit at
the Mayo Clinic, comments, Theres been a suspicion that many people
become addicted very quickly, but this is really the first hard evidence
that weve had that this occurs.11
How does a person know if he or she is addicted as opposed to
just habituated? Researchers say that the length of time before a person
has their first cigarette of the day after waking up is a pretty reliable indicator. Someone who typically feels the need to smoke within a half hour
of getting out of bed is likely to be truly addicted.

A Tough Habit to Kick

Once addiction gets a grip, it can be extremely difficult to break the

habit. An old smoking joke, attributed to Mark Twain, goes, I can quit
anytime I want. In fact, Ive done it dozens of times already. In recent
years, scientists have discovered that behind that joke is a stark truth:
Nicotine is not only addictive, it is one of the most addictive substances
known. In the brain, nicotine mimics the role of a natural neurotransmitter. That is, it docks at certain receptors in the brain that normally
bind the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. As it happens, few brain chemicals are more important than acetylcholine. It plays a key role in relaying signals from neurons to muscles, focusing attention, and regulating
memory. When nicotine enters the brain, it ramps up the effects of acetylcholine. Regular exposure to nicotine causes the brain to adjust to its
presence. Some of the brains acetylcholine receptors shut down. In other
parts, transmission of chemicals speeds up or slows down in response to
nicotines effects.
When deprived of nicotine, an addict feels restless, inattentive, and
has trouble concentrating, largely because the brain no longer functions
normally without a supply of the drug. Moreover, nicotine promotes the
release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine activates the reward centers
of the brain, giving rise to a pleasant, relaxed sensation.
Unfortunately, the body tends to become desensitized to the pleasurable effects of nicotine, meaning that it requires more of the drug
to achieve satisfaction. Worse, once addiction sets in, a nearly constant


How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?

supply of the drug is required to stave off unpleasant symptoms. Some
studies suggest that it is easier to overcome an addiction to heroin than
to nicotine.
When deprived of nicotine, an addicts nervous system flips into
stress mode, with many painful and annoying consequences. Sweating,
chills, and trembling are some of the common symptoms. Insomnia often follows.
Most agonizing for the addict, however, is the
Some studies
constant craving felt within the brain. It is
suggest that
hard to fight yourself. As a consequence, the
it is easier to
failure rate among would-be quitters is astroovercome an
nomical. One study shows that 80 percent readdiction to
lapse within 6 months. Longer-range studies
heroin than to
show that, at least among those who attempt
to go it alone, the failure rate is greater than
90 percent.

The Challenges of Quitting

Once a person decides to quit, the first step is to reduce the amount of
nicotine in the body. This takes time. The bodys nicotine reserves drop
by about half every 2 hours. At that rate, it can take up to 3 days for the
blood to become nicotine-free. It is no coincidence that 3 days is how
long a person who quits typically lasts before resuming smoking. Fortunately, there are now sophisticated cessation programs to help people
gradually wean themselves from nicotine dependency. These programs
help the brain resensitize itself and adjust to functioning normally in a
nicotine-free environment. Moreover, the individual needs to develop
new behavior patterns to break the conditioning that triggers tobacco
use in dozens of situations. For example, many smokers are habituated
to light up a cigarette when having a morning cup of coffee; such people
may need to eat a carrot stick or switch to drinking cola in order to break
the association of coffee and cigarettes.
The worst physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal may persist for
weeks. After that, the toughest challenges are psychological. The craving
for nicotine continues, often infiltrating dreams or intruding into waking thoughts. In some people, this knocking-on-the-door phenomenon goes on for decades after they quit. Nevertheless, with motivation,


Nicotine and Tobacco

determination, and support, it is possible to kick the habit. Millions of
ex-smokers now lead healthier lives.
Since the federal government first approved the nicotine patch in
1992, nicotine-replacement therapy has greatly enhanced the success
of cessation programs. Through the use of dermal patches or special
chewing gum, addicts can obtain nicotine without tobacco. This allows
them to begin making behavioral changes before they experience the
withdrawal symptoms that accompany nicotine deprivation. Eventually they can taper off the use of nicotine replacement until they are
entirely free of the drug. Although it remains painful to go through
withdrawal, the science of tobacco provides all the motivation that
many people need.

Chemical Assault

If nicotine is the engine of tobacco addiction, it pulls a long train of

chemicals into the users body. Tobacco is a complex plant, and cigarette
manufacturers add hundreds
of substances to it during the
manufacturing process. Some
Since the federal
are flavors, such as bay leaf and
government first
cinnamon, while others are
approved the nicobetter known as disinfectants,
tine patch in 1992,
such as ammonia. In all, a ciganicotine-replacement
rette may have as many as 599
therapy has greatly
additives. Once a cigarette is lit,
enhanced the
combustion causes the chemisuccess of cessation
cals to combine and recombine
in a swirl of molecular activity.
The smoke from cigarettes is
astonishingly complex. It contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Of these, at least 43 and perhaps as many as 65 are carcinogenic.
The health effects of these chemicals are equally varied, though nearly all are harmful. At one end of the spectrum of consequences is premature wrinkling. Smokers in their forties often have wrinkles similar
to nonsmokers a decade or more older. Scientists say this is the result of
tobacco smoke constricting the tiny blood vessels that nourish the under-


How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?

lying cells of the skin. (For similar reasons, smoking heightens the risk of
impotence in men.) Less blood results in a thinner layer of skin, which
is more easily wrinkled. A study of twins in which one smoked and the
other did not found that the smoker had skin that was on average 25
percent thinner than the nonsmokers.
Although wrinkles may be unattractive, other consequences of
smoking are far worse. Certain chemicals in tobacco promote hardening and narrowing of the arteries. This, combined with the bloodpressure increase that nicotine induces, can lead to heart disease and
When a person smokes, tar and other chemicals blanket the lungs.
Over time, the delicate air sacs known as alveoli struggle to stay alive.
Shortness of breath results. If enough of the alveoli are damaged, emphysema results. This disease has been compared to drowning on land. People with emphysema often have to take oxygen tanks with them wherever
they go just to get enough oxygen to remain alive.
The best-known consequence of smoking is lung cancer. The chemicals that pour into the lungs alter the DNA in the cells. Most often, such
damage simply kills the cell. Eventually, however, cells may be damaged
in such a way that they begin to reproduce wildly, forming tumors that
spread throughout the body. Once this happens, even with aggressive
treatment the survival rate is quite poor. Within two years 75 percent of
those diagnosed with lung cancer die.
Although the vast majority of lung cancer cases occur in smokers
up to 90 percent by some estimatesnot every smoker will develop lung
cancer. In fact, the disease claims only about one in five regular smokers,
with others succumbing to tobacco-related health effects and a fortunate
minority remaining unscathed.
About 40 percent of smokers will live past the age of 65. Yet,
for that lucky minority, another peril awaits. Seniors account for
about 40 percent of those who die in cigarette fires, according to the
National Fire Protection Association. The inescapable conclusion is
that the diminished mental capacities that accompany old age make
seniors who smoke far more likely to fall asleep while smoking in
bed. This horrific death claims the lives of 300 to 350 seniors each
year, a small number compared with lung cancer deaths but notable
all the same.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Tobacco addiction is the single greatest cause of premature death
in the modern world. In the United States it accounts for nearly half a
million fatalities a year; worldwide the annual toll is 5 million and climbing. By the same token, however, it is also the most preventable form of
premature death.


Primary Source Quotes*

How Harmful Are
Nicotine and Tobacco?

Almost single-handedly, smoking has transformed

lung cancer from a virtually unknown disease at the
turn of the twentieth century to the leading cause of
cancer death at its conclusion.

Kenneth E. Warner, quoted in Brian D. Smedley and S. Leonard Syme, eds., Promoting Health: Intervention Strategies from
Social and Behavioral Research. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000, pp. 41718.

Warner is director of the University of Michigans Tobacco Research Network.

Primary Source Quotes

Estimates of deaths from smoking are based mostly on

speculative mathematical projections and should be
treated with much more skepticism than is currently
the case.

Joe Jackson, The Smoking Issue, 2004.

Jackson has been a classical performer, punk rocker, and swing musician. He
also writes nonfiction essays on smoking and other subjects.

* Editors Note: While the definition of a primary source can be narrowly or broadly defined, for the purposes of Compact
Research, a primary source consists of: 1) results of original research presented by an organization or researcher; 2) eyewitness
accounts of events, personal experience, or work experience; 3) first-person editorials offering pundits opinions; 4) government officials presenting political plans and/or policies; 5) representatives of organizations presenting testimony or policy.


Nicotine and Tobacco

With tobacco there is terrible withdrawal; it is almost

impossible for a lot of people. I did; I went cold turkey,
. . . grass was not difficult, alcohol not difficult, but tobaccooh my god!

Larry Hagman, quoted in Dallas Interviews: Larry Hagman, 2003.

Hagman gained fame as the star of the television shows I Dream of Jeannie and
Dallas, then put his celebrity into antismoking advocacy with the 1987 film Larry
HagmanStop Smoking for Life, the proceeds of which benefited the American Cancer

Nicotine is an addictive drug. Thats why people


David Kessler, quoted in Online Newshour, Smoke Screening, August 23, 1996.

Kessler was the U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner during the
Clinton administration. He led the failed effort to regulate nicotine as a drug.

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and compromising smokers health
in general. Nicotine, a component of tobacco, is the
primary reason that tobacco is addictive.

Nora D. Volkow, quoted in NIDA Research ReportTobacco Addiction, NIH publication no. 06-4342, rev. ed., 2006.

Volkow is director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Volkow received her
medical degree in 1981 from the National University of Mexico at Mexico City
and performed her residency in psychiatry at New York University.


How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?

The cigarette should be conceived not as a product

but as a package. The product is nicotine. . . . Think of
the cigarette pack as a storage container for a days
supply of nicotine. . . .

William L. Dunn Jr., Motive and Incentive in Cigarette Smoking, Philip Morris memorandum, 1971. www.umich.

Dunn was a leading scientist and vice president of the Philip Morris tobacco

Just like smoking cigarettes, chewing smokeless tobacco can eventually rip apart your body and kill you.
Its that simple, really. Theres no such thing as a safe
tobacco product.

Steven Dowshen, "Smokeless Tobacco," KidsHealth, September 2004.

Dowshen is chief medical editor of the KidsHealth Web site. He serves as a pediatric endocrinologist at the Alfred I. DuPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware.

Many of the worlds oldest people have smoked. Jeanne

Calment smoked and rode her bicycle until the age of
100 and died at age 122.

Smokers United, We Are Americans, Too, 2001.

Smokers United is a smoking advocacy Web site that promotes a libertarian view
of tobacco use.


Nicotine and Tobacco

You cant smoke a cigarette in a safe way. Cigarettes

are the only thing that, if you follow the manufacturers instructions, are likely to kill you.

John Wyke, quoted in Kevin Mansi, Banning Cigarette Ads Can Save Lives, Claims Expert, Daily Record, December
6, 2000.

Wyke is director of the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, in Glasgow, Scotland.

Its never too late to eliminate the effects of tobacco on

your body for both heart disease and for lung cancer,
and for other cancers as well. But the most important
thing I can tell young people or anybody is dont start

Jay Brooks, quoted in Miranda Hitti, "Peter Jennings Loses Battle with Lung Cancer," WebMD Medical News, August 8,

Brooks is chief of hematology and oncology at the Ochsner Clinic in Baton Rouge,


Facts and Illustrations

How Harmful Are
Nicotine and Tobacco?
Each year an estimated 435,000 U.S. deaths are attributed to tobacco
use, making tobacco the primary cause of premature death.
Nicotine is a potent poison. As little as 40 milligrams of pure nicotine can result in total paralysis followed by death.
The nicotine inhaled in cigarettes acts directly on the nervous system
and brain within about ten seconds.
Addiction to nicotine typically sets in within weeks of regular exposure. Some people become addicted immediately.

Facts and Illustrations

Breaking addiction to nicotine is extremely difficult for most people. Experts say the substance is as strongly addictive as opiates such as heroin.
Some 87 percent of lung cancer casesroughly nine out of tenare
related to smoking.
An estimated 25 million Americans will die of smoking-related diseases in this century.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that
tobacco-caused illnesses and deaths cost the U.S. economy $157 billion a year in losses.


Nicotine and Tobacco

How Nicotine Affects the Brain

nerve cell


This illustration shows how nicotine affects the brain. After

smoking or chewing tobacco, nicotine enters the bloodstream, stimulating the brains production and release of
dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical produced by parts of the
brain that are involved in addictive behaviors. Although a user
does not get a high from nicotine that one might get from
drugs like cocaine and heroin, addiction to the drug can be
Source: NIDA Research and Report Series, 2005.


How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?

Smokers hands and feet often get cold because of damage to the
circulatory system caused by tobacco.

How Smoking Harms the Body


Diminished sense
of smell and taste
Premature wrinkles

Chronic Bronchitis
More frequent
colds and more
lung infections

Addiction to nicotine

Cancer of the mouth,

larynx, throat, esophagus,
lungs, pancreas, cervix,
uterus, and bladder

Heart disease

Stomach ulcers

(a chronic disease
in which the small
air sacs in the
lungs become
damaged causing
difficulty breathing)

Source: Journal of the American Medical Association.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Tobacco-Related Deaths in Developing Nations

to Outpace Industrialized Nations



Deaths in millions




















2025 to

This graph illustrates the growing impact of smoking and tobacco

in developing countries, where annual deaths caused by tobacco
are projected to more than triple by 2030. Tobacco-related deaths
in industrialized countries, like the United States, will continue to
increase but at a slower rate as long-running efforts to reduce
smoking make a bigger impact.
Source: World Health Organization, The Tobacco Atlas, 2002.


Long-term smokeless-tobacco users are 50 times more likely to develop oral cancer and gum disease, and to lose their teeth than nonusers.

How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?

Average Annual Smoking-Related Cancer Deaths

in the United States, 19951999

Attributable to
cigarette smoke


Other causes

Cancer Type

Myeloid Leukemia


Number of deaths (in thousands)



Among men 35 and older


Attributable to
cigarette smoke


Cancer Type


Other causes

Myeloid Leukemia


Number of deaths (in thousands)



Among women 35 and older

These graphs illustrate the significant impact smoking has on

cancer-related deaths. The majority of lung and esophageal cancer
deaths are attributable to smoking, while pancreatic cancer seems
to be more commonly influenced by causes other than smoking.
Also, men are more likely to have a smoking-related cancer death
than women are.
Source: American Cancer Society, Surveillance Research, 2005.


How Dangerous
Is Exposure to
Secondhand Smoke?

We . . . believe that the conclusions of public health officials concerning environmental tobacco smoke are
sufficient to warrant measures that regulate smoking
in public places.

Tobacco company Philip Morris USA, 2006.

How Dangerous Is Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

or nonsmokers, secondhand smoke used to be an annoyance, especially in restaurants, movie theaters, or other public places. Now,
however, secondhand smoke is widely considered a serious health
hazard. That recognition has not come easily, though, and it is still not
universally accepted.
In 1992 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a
report declaring environmental tobacco smoke (another term for secondhand smoke) to be a Class A carcinogenthat is, a substance that has been
shown to cause cancer in humans. The EPA concluded that annually 3,000
Americans die of exposure to secondhand smoke. That figure has become
widely disseminated but has also been hotly disputed.
In 1998 a federal judge found that the EPA had not followed proper
procedures in coming to its conclusions. In his ruling U.S. District Court
Judge William Osteen wrote, In this case, EPA publicly committed to a
conclusion before research had begun; excluded industry by violating the
Acts procedural requirements; [and] adjusted established procedure and
scientific norms to validate the Agencys public conclusion. . . .12
However, that was not by any means the last word on the subject. As
with all questions of science, ultimately the facts settle the issue. Since


How Dangerous Is Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

the 1990s, data have continued to accumulate. One of the facts that has
been ascertained is that secondhand smoke contains the same chemical
brew inhaled by smokers. The combustion of cigarette tobacco produces
more than 4,000 chemicals in the smoke. More than forty are on the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report of known human carcinogens. Among them are benzene, formaldehyde, and nickel.
Consequently, in 2000 the department formally listed secondhand smoke
as a known human carcinogen in The U.S. National Toxicology Programs
10th Report on Carcinogens.
In the meantime, other agencies, public and private, have weighed
in. The state of New York passed the Clean Indoor Air Act in 2003. According to the New York Department of Health, the measure was intended to eliminate nonsmokers exposure to secondhand smoke. It did this
by banning all smoking in public indoor
locations, including restaurants and bars.
The justification cited by the department
was acute and chronic harm that results
California . . .
from exposure to secondhand smoke. In
has taken ofdetermining how great that harm might
ficial action to
be, New York relied in part on developclassify secondments on the West Coast.
hand smoke as
California, often a trendsetter for
a toxic air conthe rest of the nation, has taken official
action to classify secondhand smoke as a
toxic air contaminant. The states Environmental Protection Agency made its
own estimate of the national mortality rate from secondhand smoke,
projecting an even higher toll than the national EPA: 3,400 deaths a
year from lung cancer and more than 60,000 fatalities a year from heart
Antismoking advocacy groups cite these and other figures in arguing for restrictions on exposure to secondhand smoke. According to the
American Lung Association, for example, While smokers themselves
face serious health risks from tobacco, it is now clear that even people
who dont smoke may be threatened. Exposure to secondhand smoke
may have certain harmfulpossibly even fatalhealth effects such as
lung cancer and heart disease.13


Nicotine and Tobacco

Health officials say that cancer and coronary disease are not the only
causes for concern when it comes to secondhand smoke. They also associate the following noncancerous conditions with exposure to environmental tobacco smoke: chronic cough, phlegm, wheezing, chest discomfort, reduced lung function, severe respiratory tract infections such as
bronchitis and pneumonia, asthma, eye and nose irritation, and perhaps
a worsening of cystic fibrosis for those who suffer from that disease.

Children at Risk

The exposure of children to secondhand smoke is especially harmful,

tobacco researchers claim. Concerns begin with pregnancy. Although
smoke itself does not reach the fetus, harmful ingredients in tobacco
smoke do. Babies born following fetal exposure to secondhand smoke
tend to have weaker lungs and are more susceptible to lung infection.
During infancy, babies exposed to tobacco smoke suffer a higher rate of
sudden infant death syndrome, according to the U.S. surgeon general.
Babies and young children are especially vulnerable to the effects of
smoke because their lungs are still developing. According to the American Lung Association, secondhand smoke
is responsible for up to 300,000 acute cases of pneumonia and bronchitis a year in
Babies and
children 18 months and younger. At least
young children
7,500 of such cases are severe enough to
are especially
result in hospitalizations.
vulnerable to
According to the American Academy
the effects of
of Otolaryngology, exposure to secondhand
smoke because
smoke decreases lung efficiency and impairs
their lungs are
lung function in children of all ages. It constill developing.
tributes to both the frequency and severity
of childhood asthma. Secondhand smoke
also aggravates a number of respiratory
problems in children, such as sinusitis, rhinitis, cough, and postnasal drip.
It also increases the number of childrens colds and sore throats.

Critics Dispute the Dangers

Some critics, however, are unsatisfied that any of these findings have
been established by rigorous science. The mere presence of carcinogens


How Dangerous Is Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

in smoke, they argue, does not mean that a person exposed to secondhand smoke will necessarily contract cancer or even be at significant risk.
To determine that requires additional study and classification. To date,
such critics say, studies have been sloppy and inconsistent.
Singer and writer Joe Jackson, an outspoken defender of smokers
rights, observes that:
147 studies have been done on Secondhand Smoke [SHS]
(also known as passive smoking or Environmental Tobacco Smoke, or ETS). Many of them are ridiculously
flawed, since exposure to, and the effects of, SHS are extremely hard to measure. . . . The vast majority of studies
(including the biggest and most credible ones) are inconclusive; i.e.; they show both positive and negative effects
from SHS, do not reveal any consistent pattern, and have
to be thrown out. Only 24 studies have managed to
show a statistically significant risk . . . but its important
to realize that the risks are still so small they would not be
taken seriously in any normal scientific context. Your backyard barbecue produces far more carcinogens.14
The methodology behind the estimates of secondhand smoke fatalities is even more dubious, critics say. Such claims rely on meta-analysis,
in which the results of various studies are combined into commondenominator terms and turned into a unified result. Among those who
dispute the EPA claim is the science-fiction novelist Michael Crichton.
Referring to studies on which the EPA relied, Crichton says, This was
openly fraudulent science, but it formed the basis for bans on smoking in
restaurants, offices, and airports. . . . Soon, no claim was too extreme. . . . The
American Cancer Society announced that 53,000 people died each year of
second-hand smoke. The evidence for this claim is nonexistent.15
Critics such as Crichton further accuse regulatory agencies and publicpolicy think tanks of seeking to promote an antismoking agenda by simply
ignoring studies that contradict the idea that secondhand smoke causes
harm. One such study, by a pair of university-based public health researchers, looked at more than 100,000 Californians exposure to secondhand
smoke and came to the following conclusions:


Nicotine and Tobacco

The results do not support a causal relation between
environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality, although they do not rule out a small effect. The
association between exposure to environmental tobacco
smoke and coronary heart disease and lung cancer may
be considerably weaker than generally believed.16
Critics charge that instead of taking such findings into account, antismoking groups and government agencies select only the data that support
the conclusion they want. Referring to an instance of such argumentation,
critic Martha Perske writes that the studys authors claim that:
There is robust epidemiologic evidence implicating environmental tobacco smoke as a cause of lung cancer in
nonsmokers. It appears, however, that in this case, robust evidence is little more than cherry-picked evidence.
Misleading and selective data are presented. Results that
are inconsistent with the desired position (banning smoking) are simply excluded.17
Such criticisms have not deterred the medical establishment or
policy makers from concluding that secondhand smoke is dangerous.
Perhaps the most definitive statement to date came in June 2006, when
the U.S. surgeon general, the chief public health official in the nation,
issued a report declaring unequivocally that secondhand smoke is a
health hazard:
Today massive and conclusive scientific evidence documents adverse effects of involuntary smoking on children
and adults, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases
in adults, and adverse respiratory effects in both children
and adults.18
This was not the first time a U.S. surgeon general had addressed
secondhand smoke, but it was one of the most forceful. The report states
that only a ban on smoking in indoor spaces fully protects nonsmokers
from exposure to secondhand smoke. Separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot eliminate exposures of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke, 19 the report says.


How Dangerous Is Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

In remarks accompanying the release of the report, Surgeon General
Richard H. Carmona pressed the point that no safe level of exposure to
secondhand smoke has been established:
We know that secondhand smoke harms peoples health,
but many people assume that exposure to secondhand
smoke in small doses does not do any significant damage
to ones health. However, science has proven that there is
no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Let
me say that again: there is no safe level of exposure to
secondhand smoke.20

Action to Curb Exposure

In any event, as far as policy makers are concerned, the debate seems to
be over. There is a broad and accelerating trend toward banning smoking
in places where the public may be exposed to what the surgeon general
terms involuntary smoking.
Twelve states and numerous localities have enacted bans on smoking in public places, including privately owned public accommodations,
such as bars and restaurants,
though most laws provide some
exceptions for adult-only estabThere is a broad and
lishments. Americans for Nonaccelerating trend
Smokers Rights estimates that
toward banning smok39 percent of Americans now
ing in places where
live in smoking-restricted lothe public may be
calities. The group reports that
exposed to what the
at least 159 communities have
surgeon general terms
enacted local restrictions on
involuntary smoking.
The federal government has
also intervened to protect nonsmokers. A 1997 executive order signed by President Bill Clinton banned
smoking at all federal facilities. Federal law now banned smoking on domestic flights, and most airports have eliminated all indoor smoking.
The private sector is rapidly moving to curb smoking as well. Many
employers have limited or banned tobacco use in workplaces. Their


Nicotine and Tobacco

motives range from concern for workdays lost due to smokers ill health
to concerns about liability for nonsmokers who are exposed to tobacco

The Global Picture

Internationally, the situation is rather different. Relatively few countries

have acted to protect the public against environmental tobacco smoke,
and no clear pattern, either geographic or economic, exists among those
that have. The countries that have acted most vigorously to curb public
smoking are Bhutan, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, and New Zealand.
Thailand has banned tobacco advertising and made moves to limit public exposure to smoke. Britain has a mixed response. Scotland has banned
smoking in public places; England has yet to do so, although legislation
is in place to restrict smoking starting in 2007. In the rest of Europe,
restrictive legislation has had little effectantismoking laws are widely
ignored, even by some public entities, such as airports. The most conspicuous laxity, however, is in China, where smoking is rampant. With
one-fifth of the worlds population, China accounts for nearly one-third
of all cigarette consumption. Unless Asian giants such as China and major
European nations such as France get serious about restricting exposure to
tobacco smoke, there will be no global momentum toward protecting the
public from secondhand smoke.
In the United States, however, the trend appears irreversible. Some
concerns about secondhand smoke may still be contestable in the scientific arena, but it appears that leaders in the medical and political establishments agree that it represents a genuine hazard. As the quotation
by Philip Morris at the beginning of this chapter indicates, even some
tobacco companies have thrown in the towel on secondhand smoke.
Moreover, American social attitudes toward smoking have become far
less tolerant than in the past. The current situation in America is best
summed up by a bumper sticker that is popular among harried smokers:
At least I can still smoke in my car! Even that, however, may not be true
if there is a child aboard.


Primary Source Quotes*

How Dangerous Is Exposure
to Secondhand Smoke?

There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure, with even brief exposure adversely affecting the
cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Richard H. Carmona, Remarks at Press Conference to Launch Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco
Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General, June 27, 2006.

Carmona became the 17th surgeon general of the U.S. Public Health Service on
August 5, 2002.

It is impossible for SHS [secondhand smoke] to be a

public health issue for the simple reason there is no
proof that SHS has hurt anyone.

Primary Source Quotes

Robert Hayes Halfpenny, The Ten Biggest Lies About Smoke & Smoking, The Smokers Club, Inc., 2005. www.

Halfpenny serves as vice president of Minnesotans Against Smoking Bans.

Dont even bring cigarettes into the house. . . . If theres

any smoking in the home, kids suffer.

Aviva Patz, Boost Your Childs Health, Parenting, December/January 2004, p. 100.

Patz is a contributing editor for Health magazine.

* Editors Note: While the definition of a primary source can be narrowly or broadly defined, for the purposes of Compact
Research, a primary source consists of: 1) results of original research presented by an organization or researcher; 2) eyewitness
accounts of events, personal experience, or work experience; 3) first-person editorials offering pundits opinions; 4) government officials presenting political plans and/or policies; 5) representatives of organizations presenting testimony or policy.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Compelling evidence indicates that secondhand smoke

is a health hazard. And its nearly as bad as smoking

Mayo Clinic, Secondhand Smoke: Avoid Dangers in the Air You Breathe, March 8, 2006.

The Mayo Clinic, based in Rochester, Minnesota, is a world-renowned medical

treatment and research facility.

Common sense should have put this into the garbage

pail. If secondhand smoke killed, wed all be dead.

Sidney Zion, Judge Smokes Out Tobacco Lie, New York Daily News, July 23, 1998.

Zion is an opinion columnist for the New York Daily News.

ETS [environmental tobacco smoke] has a number of

serious impacts on childrens health, including sudden
infant death syndrome (SIDS) . . . asthma, increased
respiratory tract infections, increased middle ear infections, and . . . developmental toxicity resulting in
low birth weight and impaired lung function.

California Air Resources Board, Proposed Identification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke as a Toxic Air Contaminant,
as Approved by the Scientific Review Panel, Appendix III, June 24, 2005, p. 10.

The California Air Resources Board is a government organization created by the

California Assembly in 1967 to maintain healthy air quality in the state.

Statistically, you are much more likely to die in a bicycle accident, or from being left-handed and using
right-handed things, than from exposure to smoke. (I
swear Im not making this up!)

Joe Jackson, The Smoking Issue, 2004.

Jackson has been a classical performer, punk rocker, and swing musician. He
also writes nonfiction essays on smoking and other subjects.


How Dangerous Is Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

The more we learn about the dangers of secondhand

smoke the more unacceptable it becomes for anyone
to be exposed to these hazards in order to earn a paycheck or go out to a restaurant or bar.

Matthew L. Myers, New Study Adds to Evidence Smoke-Free Laws Reduce Heart Attacks, Shows Need to Make All
Workplaces Smoke-Free, Tobacco-Free Kids, September 6, 2006.

Myers is president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. An attorney by training, he previously headed up the Federal Trade Commissions monitoring of tobacco advertising.

Surely, if we can agree that children and teenagers

should not smoke, we can also agree that they should
also not be exposed to secondhand smoke.

Carol M. Browner, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, Environmental Tobacco Smoke Issues
Relative to the June 20 Agreement, April 1, 1998.

Browner was administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency during the

Clinton administration.

The social norms are changing. Its no longer OK to

blow smoke in someones face.

Annie Tegen, quoted in Wendy Koch, 39% Live in Areas Limiting Smoking, USA Today, December 28, 2005. www.

Tegen is spokeswoman for the civic group Americans for Non-Smokers Rights.

The risk of secondary smoke to nonsmokers has been

twisted and exaggerated beyond all reason purely as
a tool of social engineering.

Michael McFadden, Authors Preface, Dissecting Antismokers Brains.

McFadden is the author of Dissecting Antismokers Brains. He lives in Philadelphia.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Nonsmoking spouses are exposed to the poisons and

carcinogens in smoke, and their chances for long-term
disease and death are, therefore, greatly increased.
Parents need to understand that smoking in the home
may lead young infants and children toward acute
and chronic respiratory problems.

American Nurses Association, Environmental Tobacco Smoke, December 12, 1997.

The American Nurses Association (ANA) represents the nations nearly 3 million
registered nurses. Among other activities, the ANA advances the nursing profession by lobbying on health-care issues affecting nurses and the public.

[The surgeon generals 2006] report [on secondhand

smoke] should be a wake-up call for lawmakers to enact comprehensive clean indoor air laws that prohibit
smoking in all indoor public places and workplaces.

Ron Davis, Statement on surgeon generals report on secondhand smoke, June 27, 2006.

Davis is president-elect of the American Medical Association. A doctor and epidemiologist, he is also director of the Center for Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention at the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit.

Americans know all too well how many young men

and women this country lost in the entire Vietnam
War. We lose almost that many every year to secondhand smoke! Fifty-three thousand nonsmokers die
each year from exposure to environmental tobacco

Carla Stovall, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, Environmental Tobacco Smoke Issues Relative
to the June 20 Agreement, April 1, 1998.

Stovall was the attorney general of Kansas at the time she gave the congressional testimony from which this quotation is drawn.


Facts and Illustrations

How Dangerous Is Exposure
to Secondhand Smoke?
Secondhand smoke contains more than 40 known carcinogens.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 3,000
thousand nonsmokers a year die from lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that exposure to secondhand smoke kills approximately 46,000 Americans a
year by aggravating coronary heart disease.

Facts and Illustrations

The effect of secondhand smoke on children is worst during a childs

first five years.
According to the U.S. surgeon general, there is credible scientific
evidence that secondhand smoke is a cause of sudden infant death
Secondhand smoke is responsible for up to 300,000 lung illnesses,
such as pneumonia and bronchitis, in infants and young children
each year.
Children living in households with smokers are more likely to have a
buildup of fluid in their middle ear, which is an indication of chronic
middle ear disease.


Nicotine and Tobacco

U.S. Surgeon General Concludes

Secondhand Smoke Is Harmful
Sudden infant
death syndrome

Coronary heart

Secondhand smoke
can cause:

Acute respiratory
and ear infections
in children

Severe asthma
and slow lung
growth in chlldren

Source: U.S. Surgeon General, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, June 27, 2006.


How Dangerous Is Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

The U.S. surgeon general has declared that scientific evidence indicates that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand

A nonsmokers risk of contracting lung cancer rises by 23 percent if he

or she is exposed over the long term to secondhand smoke from his or
her spouse, according to an international study published in 2004.

More Local Governments Passing

Indoor Smoking Laws
Municipalities with LOCAL CLEAN
Number Effective by Year: 19852006





1985 & Prior

Cumulative Number of Municipalities



*As of June 2006

Since 1985 more local governments across the United States

have been passing laws against indoor smoking. The number
of municipalities with such legislation has increased over
1,000 percent to 2,306 municipalities in 2006.
Source: American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation, July 1, 2006.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Exposure to Secondhand Smoke at

Home Has Decreased

Percent exposed to secondhand smoke













Exposed at
home as child
(men & women)

Exposed at
home as
an adult

Exposed at

This survey indicates that exposure to secondhand

smoke has been decreasing. Seventy-five percent of all
respondents said as children they were exposed to
secondhand smoke at home; however, only 13 percent
of women and 12 percent of men said they are currently
exposed to secondhand smoke at home.
Source: Archives of Internal Medicine, October 9, 2006.


Twelve states have enacted restrictions on exposure to secondhand

smoke in public places. The federal government has banned smoking
on commercial airline flights and in most federal facilities.

How Dangerous Is Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

As of late 2006, 168 countries had signed an international treaty

committing them to restrict smoking.

How Restaurants Feel About Secondhand Smoke

Percentage of restauranteurs who

believe that secondhand smoke
is a health and safety issue








State Restaurant

Restaurant operators opinion on the health impact of secondhand

smoke varies based on the type of operator. Ninety-two percent of
independent operators believe secondhand smoke is a health issue,
compared with 80 percent of chain operators and only 41 percent of
state restaurant associations.
Source: Kids Involuntary Inhaling Second-Hand Smoke (KIISS), 2002.


Why Do Many Young

People Smoke or
Chew Tobacco?

Every day in the U.S., 2,000 teens become newly addicted to smoking. Think about it: most will not be
able to quit for 17 years, and over 800 of those teens
will later die from cigarettes.

Patrick Reynolds, grandson of tobacco company founder R.J. Reynolds, undated.

ver since U.S. surgeon general Luther Terrys 1964 report linking
tobacco and cancer, the federal government has constantly warned
of the dangers of smoking. Today, even the tobacco companies concede that their product is dangerous. Yet tobacco use in America persists,
especially among young people.
Youths constitute the one segment of the population that is largely indifferent to risk. Though there are exceptions, on average adolescents are more
inclined to take risks and less likely to weigh long-term risks than are adults.
Another factor contributing to teen tobacco use is easy accessibility. In many
states, it continues to be relatively easy for underage persons to buy cigarettes
or other tobacco products. Even when such products are locked away, access
is possible if a parent, older sibling, or other adult smoker lives in the teens
household. Finally, and perhaps most fundamentally, the risks involved in
smoking actually add to its sex appeal, which for teenagers is a powerful incentive. Researchers call this the forbidden fruit syndrome.
With these facts in mind, it may come as no surprise that 80 percent
of smokers begin smoking by the age of 18. Surveys show that currently
half of all teenagers try tobacco by the end of high school and that about
a quarter become regular users.

Why Do Many Young People Smoke or Chew Tobacco?


Why Do Many Young People Smoke or Chew Tobacco?

The primary reason why adolescents try tobacco appears to be marketing. Yet, once they begin to experiment, the nicotine in tobacco becomes the principal reason why many stay with it.
The effect of marketing on youth is evident in the historical records
of smoking patterns. As with adults, the prevalence of smoking among
American teens peaked in 1976, when about 40 percent of all teens (and
roughly 50 percent of adults) smoked. Thereafter, smoking rates began
to fall for all age groups. However, beginning in 1990, a resurgence of
tobacco use began among American teens.
It topped out in 1997, by which time an
estimated 35 percent of 12th graders were
The primary
smokers, with boys and girls getting hooked
reason why
in equal proportions. Specialized marketing
aimed at youth by the tobacco companies is
try tobacco
widely seen as the cause.
appears to be
During that period, tobacco companies
spent vast amounts of money to market their
products to young people. By the end of the
decade, companies were collectively spending
approximately $10 billion a year on advertising and promotions, much
of it aimed squarely at youth through magazines with young subscribers, sponsorship of sporting events favored by the young, and product
placement in entertainment. That made tobacco one of the most heavily
advertised products in the marketplace.
The principal figure in the 1990s advertising efforts was the nowdefunct Joe Camel, focus of a campaign initiated by the R.J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company. The cartoon character became the icon of a young,
hip, and rebellious generation of smokers. A 1986 Reynolds company
memo shows that young males were the target of the campaign. In particular, it set the goal of repositioning Camel cigarettes to appeal to
males 18 to 24 years old. This was to be achieved by conveying the idea
that to smoke Camels was to appear masculine, self-confident, and nonconformist. Critics charge that the company was marketing to an even
younger audience.
That Joe Camel made a deep impression on young people is beyond
dispute. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that more than 90 percent of six-year-olds could identify Joe


Nicotine and Tobacco

Camel and connect him with cigarettes. Only Mickey Mouse was more
widely recognized.
Joe Camel was a runaway success, accounting for much of the rise
in youth smoking during the 1990s. There were other youth marketing
ploys, however. The tobacco industry, always in search of new customers, stepped up its advertising aimed at young women. Following the
initial success of Virginia Slims, the first cigarette marketed specifically
to women, other female-oriented tobacco products followed. According
to the American Heart Association:
One of the most egregious examples of the tobacco industrys targeting of women was the introduction of Dakota [cigarettes] by R.J. Reynolds in 1990. An internal
Reynolds marketing plan revealed that Dakota was to be
marketed to virile females between the ages of 18 and
24 who have no education beyond high school and who
watch soap operas and attend tractor pulls.21
Such targeted marketing paid off. During the 1990s, smoking among
girls and young women shot up.From 1991 to 1999 high-school girls
who smoked increased from 27 to 35 percent.
Things changed in 1998, when a landmark legal case resulted in the
Master Settlement Agreement (MSA), which forced tobacco companies
to drop advertising campaigns deemed to be aimed at youth. After the
demise of Joe Camel and other youth-oriented advertising gimmicks, a
counter-advertising campaign, funded by tobacco companies forced by
the MSA, took hold. The ads, many of them created by young people,
drove down youth smoking rates. So, too, did other measures, such as
increased penalties for selling tobacco to minors and higher taxes on the
product. From 1997 to 2001, a series of tax hikes pushed the price of
cigarettes up by about 70 percent. Smoking among teenagers fell fast,
by 30 percent according to various surveys. Nevertheless, a substantial
number of American teens continue to light up or chew tobacco. Current estimates of youthful smokers range from 22 to 25 percent, while
estimates of boys who use smokeless or chewing tobacco range from 6 to
10 percent, with girls hovering at about 1 percent. Whatever the exact
number, experts agree that the percentage of young people who smoke is
now greater than the percentage of adults.

Why Do Many Young People Smoke or Chew Tobacco?

Meanwhile, the marketing of tobacco to

youth continues in more subtle ways. Tobacco companies advertising spending has not
[Today] the
diminished. Product placement continues to
be a key strategy. A 2005 study found that
of tobacco to
actors seen smoking in movies has a strong
youth contineffect on teenage behavior. Since teens are the
ues in more
largest group of moviegoers, the influence is
subtle ways.
profound. Other marketing efforts involve retooling the product itself. Antismoking activists have blasted tobacco companies for introducing flavored cigarettes with names like Mocha Taboo. These sweet,
flavored products are an attempt to appeal to youths, critics charge.

Smokeless Tobacco

Smoking is not the only way that youngsters use tobacco. Since 1970,
according to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, smokeless tobacco
has gone from a product used primarily by older men to one used predominantly by young men and boys. The product, also known as snuff,
spit, or chewing tobacco, is consumed by placing a pinch or wad in the
mouth, between cheek and gums.
In 1970 males 65 and older were almost 6 times as likely as young
men to use smokeless tobacco regularly. By 1991, however, young males
were 50 percent more likely than older ones to be regular users. Despite
some recent declines in youth smokeless-tobacco use, as many as 10 percent of boys in U.S. high schools and just over 1 percent of high-school
girls currently use smokeless-tobacco products.
Although these products do not produce smoke, they are addictive and
hazardous. Smokeless tobacco causes oral lesions on the cheeks, gums, and
tongue and can lead to oral cancer. Studies have found that up to 78 percent of
smokeless-tobacco users have oral lesions. Other dangers lurk in its use as well.
Among these are rotting teeth, throat and stomach cancer, and heart disease.
The rise in smokeless-tobacco use among young people has been attributed to the same causes as the rise in youth smokingdirect and indirect marketing. The direct marketing involves ads and logos at sporting
events, such as car races. The indirect marketing involved celebrities, especially athletes, who are shown using the products.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Youth Suffer Various Harms

Some people mistakenly believe that the effects of smoking only show up
in late middle age. This is not true. Although sometimes subtly, tobacco
use nevertheless affects teenagers right from the start. It can impede the
rate of lung growth and the level of maximum lung function. Regular
smoking causes frequent coughing in young people and leads to increased
respiratory illnesses. It hampers young peoples physical fitness in terms
of both performance and enduranceeven among young people trained
in competitive running. Smoking also affects the heart early on. The resting heart rate of a young adult smoker averages 2 to 3 beats per minute
faster than that of a typical nonsmoker.In
sum, studies show that teens who smoke are
2.4 times more likely than their nonsmokSome people
ing peers to report poor overall health.
Among the many causes for concern
believe that
about youth smoking is that it is often a
the effects of
gateway to other risky behaviors. Accordsmoking only
ing to the U.S. Centers for Disease Conshow up in late
trol and Prevention, teens who smoke
middle age.
are 3 times more likely than nonsmokers
to use alcohol, 8 times more likely to use
marijuana, and 22 times more likely to use
cocaine. Smoking is also associated with a
host of other risky behaviors, such as fighting and engaging in unprotected sex. No one would argue that tobacco is a direct cause of
these risky behaviors, but the correlation is extremely important all the
same. The reason is that teens, even more than adults, are susceptible
to influence by their peers. Teenagers tend to segregate themselves into
cliques, and one of the important demarcation lines is between smokers
and nonsmokers. In other words, if young adults get in with a group
whose members are smokers, he or she is far more likely to be exposed
to the risky and often illegal behaviors listed above than if a group of
nonsmokers is chosen.

The Decline in Teen Smoking May Be Ending

The substantial decrease in smoking rates among teenagers since 1997

has encouraged many Americans to think that the epidemic of youth


Why Do Many Young People Smoke or Chew Tobacco?

smoking has been permanently extinguished, but that may not be so.
In late 2005 researchers at the University of Michigan sounded a warning: We are still seeing some residual declines in smoking in the upper
grades, as the lower-smoking birth cohorts make their way up the age
spectrum, said Lloyd Johnston, the studys principal investigator. But
even in the upper grades a slowdown is occurring, and we believe the
declines are likely to end very soon.22
A major reason for the slowdown in smoking reduction is a decline
in antitobacco advertising aimed at youth, the study found. Insofar as
these antismoking ad campaigns have had their intended effectsand
there is growing evidence that they havethe pullback that is now occurring in the funding of such campaigns at both the national and state
levels is not a favorable development, 23 Johnston concluded.
Critics of smoking charge that tobacco companies are once again
encouraging youth to smoke. This time, they say, it is not through direct
advertising (which remains banned under the 1998 Master Settlement
Agreement), but rather through more subtle means. One is the introduction of discount cigarettes, which have largely offset the tobacco tax
increases that many states implemented to discourage youth smoking.
Tobacco companies vigorously deny this. They point to their youthsmoking prevention programs as evidence that they have completely
ended any role in marketing to youth. However, some critics even charge
that the tobacco companies youth-smoking prevention programs actually promote smoking.
In a 2002 letter to the heads of three major tobacco companies, the
presidents of the International Union Against Cancer, the International
Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, and the World Heart
Federation characterized the youth tobacco prevention programs as a
deceit that should be halted without further delay.24
Whichever side is right, the fact remains that millions of American
youth smoke or use smokeless tobacco, and a reduction in prevalence of
tobacco use among youth has slowed and may be stalling. Once young
people start using tobacco, they rarely quit in less than a decade. Some
are never able to give it up. It is clear, therefore, that the challenge of
preventing young people from getting hooked on nicotine has not ended
and will likely continue well into the future.


Primary Source Quotes*

Why Do Many Young People
Smoke or Chew Tobacco?

[Advertising] will leverage the nonconformist, selfconfident mindset historically attributed to the CAMEL user to address smokers desire to project an image that elevates them in the eyes of their peers.

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company internal memo, Camel New Advertising Campaign, March 12, 1986. www.the

Primary Source Quotes

This extract is from a memo that laid out the strategy leading to the Joe Camel
advertising campaign. It is one of thousands of tobacco company documents that
became public in the course of litigation.

If youre really, really not going to sell to children,

theyre not going to have any customers in 25 or 30

Bennett S. LeBow, Frontline Online, Inside the Tobacco Deal: Interviews: Bennett LeBow, PBS, undated. www.

LeBow is the chief executive officer of the Brooke Group, which owns Liggett Tobacco, the smallest of the six major tobacco companies. He was the first to settle
with state attorneys general in their lawsuit over the harm caused by tobacco.

* Editors Note: While the definition of a primary source can be narrowly or broadly defined, for the purposes of Compact
Research, a primary source consists of: 1) results of original research presented by an organization or researcher; 2) eyewitness
accounts of events, personal experience, or work experience; 3) first-person editorials offering pundits opinions; 4) government officials presenting political plans and/or policies; 5) representatives of organizations presenting testimony or policy.


Why Do Many Young People Smoke or Chew Tobacco?

Defendants [the major tobacco companies] have consistently made false and misleading statements that
their expenditures on advertising and marketing were
directed exclusively at convincing current smokers to
switch brands, not at enticing children.

Gladys Kessler, Memorandum Opinion, United States v. Philip Morris et al. September 28, 2000.

Kessler is a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Smoking in movies is a risk factor for smoking initiation among US adolescents. Limiting exposure of
young adolescents to movie smoking could have important public health implications.

James D. Sargent et al., Exposure to Movie Smoking: Its Relation to Smoking Initiation Among US Adolescents, Pediatrics. vol. 116, no. 5, November 2005.

Sargent is a physician who serves as an associate professor of pediatrics in the

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire.

To maintain business growth, tobacco companies

need to initiate thousands of new smokers every day.
Hence, children frequently are exposed to tobacco ads
in stores, on billboards and in certain sports, entertainment and teen-oriented magazines.

Sarah M. Greene, Alcohol, Tobacco Campaigns Frequently Aimed at Women, Children and Minorities, IPRC Newsline, Spring 1992.

Greene holds a masters degree in public health and serves as a research associate at the Center for Health Studies in Seattle, Washington.


Nicotine and Tobacco

If you took 1,000 young adult smokers, one will be

murdered, six will die on the roads, but 500 will die
from tobacco.

Richard Peto, quoted in "The Burden of Tobacco Use," Absolute Advantage, 2006, p. 24.

Peto is a professor of medical statistics and epidemiology at Oxford University in

England. He is a leader in the field of meta-analysis on cancer studies, allowing
different studies to be combined for an overall result.

We know smoking tobacco is not good for kids, but a

lot of other things arent good. Drinkings not good.
Some would say milks not good.

Bob Dole, quoted in SCARC Action Alert, Presidential Nominee Dole Questions Smokings Addictiveness, Danger;
National Attention Turns to Tobacco Money in Politics, July 31, 1996.

Dole, a former U.S. senator from Kansas, was majority leader of the Senate from
1995 until 1996, when he became the Republican Partys candidate for president.

We overlook the fact that anti-tobacco doctors and activists, who advocate teenagers use nicotine through
Smoke Free delivery methods, are teaching our kids
in the classroom. Drug companies dont need to advertise near schools, their activists are discreetly promoting Tobacco Free nicotine patches, gums and inhalers face-to-face with kids in the classroom.

Norman E. Kjono, Targeting Kids for Drugs, FORCES, April 14, 1998.

Kjono is a member of the board of directors of FORCES, a smokers advocacy

group that disparages the motives of organizations against youth smoking.


Why Do Many Young People Smoke or Chew Tobacco?

Tobacco companies selling cigarettes like pineapple

and coconut-flavored Kauai Kolada and Midnight
Berry is an attempt to market to youth, in my opinion. Even for the tobacco industry, this marketing
gimmick is beyond the pale.

Tim Pawlenty, quoted in Office of Governor Tim Pawlenty, Governor Pawlenty Proposes Banning Specialty and Candy
Flavored Cigarettes in Minnesota, February 10, 2005.

Pawlenty, governor of Minnesota, in 2005 became the nations first state leader to
propose legislation to ban the sale of flavored cigarettes.

I would say that the most common reason though is

that kids who smoke often begin smoking to fit in
with a peer group who thinks that smoking is cool. Of
course, once kids get hooked, they smoke because they
crave smoking and find it very difficult to stop.

Michael H. Popkin, "Dr. Popkin Interviews," Keep Kids from, undated. www.keepkidsfromsmoking.

Popkin founded Active Parenting Publishers in 1983. His video-based parenting

education program, Active Parenting, has been used by millions of parents to improve their skills in raising their children.

We were getting new replacement smokers and we, in

our minds, were told to recruit 1314 year old boys.

David Goerlitz, cited in Quotations from Tobacco Wars, 1999.

Goerlitz is a professional actor, producer, and public speaker. Once best known
for his role as the Winston Man in cigarette commercials, he has become an
antismoking advocate.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Tobacco companies have been aggressively targeting Latinos, especially Latino youth, resulting in increased smoking and increasingly severe health damage to the Latino community.

Guillermo Brito, quoted in National Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention, Letter to Anbal Acevedo Vil,
Governor of Puerto Rico, August 23, 2005.

Brito is executive director of the National Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco

Although the recent decreases in smoking have more

than offset the substantial rise in teen smoking during
the early 1990s, the current rates are still far higher
than parents and the public health community would
like to see. And considerable evidence is accumulating that the downturn in teen smoking may stall at
about these still unacceptable levels.

Lloyd Johnston, quoted in Joe Serwach, Teen Smoking Rates and Illicit Drug Use Continue to Drop, University
Record Online, January 3, 2006.

Johnston is the principal investigator of the Monitoring the Future study of

youth behavior. He is a psychologist and research professor at the University of
Michigans Institute for Social Research.


Facts and Illustrations

Why Do Many Young People
Smoke or Chew Tobacco?
Each day in the United States, approximately 3,000 youngsters between the ages of 12 and 17 try their first cigarette.
More than 80 percent of people who smoke start smoking between
the ages of 12 and 18.
Fifty-four percent of high-school students in America have tried
smoking a cigarette at least once.

Facts and Illustrations

Young people who smoke generally experience more health problems in their teens than those who do not, especially respiratory
The younger the smoker, the swifter and stronger the addiction to
nicotine generally is.
After a rise from 1991 to 1997, cigarette smoking among youths has
fallen, showing a very large and statistically significant downward
trend since 1999.
In 2003 approximately 22 percent of all American teens were cigarette smokers, and another 6 percent used tobacco in some other
form, such as cigars or chewing tobacco.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Percentage of 1315-Year-Olds Using Tobacco

Tobacco Use of 13- to 15-Year-Olds

Worldwide (average of 19992005)

















Pa tern

As east



Me East
dit ern



This chart indicates that from 19992005, tobacco use by 13to 15-year-olds was highest in the Americas at 22 percent. In
all the world regions, use was higher among boys than girls.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, May 26, 2006.


The gender difference in cigarette smoking has greatly narrowed

among U.S. high-school students: 25 percent of boys and 21 percent
of girls smoke, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Why Do Many Young People Smoke or Chew Tobacco?

In 2003 cigarette companies spent $15.2 billion on advertising

and promotion of their products, equivalent to $340 for each adult
smoker in America.

Estimated Teen Exposure to Antitobacco TV Ads

per Month (37 States*)

Antitobacco ads viewed per month






0.1 0.04





*Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut,

Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas,
Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

This graph shows the average number of antitobacco television

advertisements that 12- to 17-year-olds viewed each month in 37
states from 1999 to 2003. As state funding for antitobacco advertising increased from 2000 to 2002, teens were exposed to nearly one
advertisement each month in 2002. The decline from 2002 to 2003
reflects the decrease in funding for antitobacco advertising.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, October 28, 2005.


Nicotine and Tobacco

How Youths Aged 12 to 17 Use Tobacco


Percent Using in Past Month




4.5 4.5



2.0 2.0



0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6





Teenage cigarette consumption decreased from 2002 to 2005, but

use of cigars, smokeless tobacco, and pipe tobacco remained
relatively unchanged. Some experts warn, however, that recent
decreases in funding for antitobacco advertising will cause teenage
tobacco usage to increase.
Source: Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, 2006.


The most heavily advertised cigarette brandsMarlboro, Newport,

and Camelare also the ones most popular with smokers aged 12 to

How Can Nicotine

and Tobacco Use
Be Reduced?

What we need to do is to prevent kids from ever becoming addicted to nicotine.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner David Kessler.

How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

xperts agree that the reduction of tobacco use can best be achieved
by preventing people from ever getting involved with the substance
in the first place. Above all else, that means stopping the marketing
of tobacco to youth; however, assisting and encouraging those who are
already addicted is important, too. The strategies for each goal are somewhat different, but each involves difficult questions of balancing individual freedoms and corporate rights with the common good. Attempts
to reduce tobacco use through prevention fall into several categories: restrictions on marketing, public education, school-based prevention programs, controlling access, and tax policies.

Battles over Marketing

Few people start using tobacco once they are out of their teens, so experts agree that youth must be protected from tobacco advertising and
promotion. Efforts to do so have a long and tangled history. In 1971 the
federal government banned all tobacco advertising from television. This
presented a huge marketing obstacle to the industry, but tobacco firms
proved ingenious at circumventing it.
Their chief strategy has been to sponsor events that appear on television. The year following the ban, Philip Morris, the largest of the tobacco
companies, became the sponsor of the newly formed Womens Tennis


Nicotine and Tobacco

Association, whose tournament circuit came to bear the name of the

companys recently introduced cigarette for women, Virginia Slims. Other sporting and cultural event sponsorships soon followed. The benefit to
the industry was enormous.
Medical researcher Michael Siegel of the Boston University School of
Public Health found that in the 1990s, when youth smoking shot up, tobacco companies increasingly used corporate sponsorship to market their wares.
Despite the ban on television advertising, they were able to get their logos
and slogans on the air, often for hours at a time. Siegel concludes that to report tobacco company television advertising expenditures as zero is grossly
inaccurate, and completely ignores the millions of dollars in television advertising value achieved through their sponsorship of motor sports events.25
Subsequently, tobacco companies, faced with a massive government
lawsuit, agreed to limit their use of cigarette brand names in sponsorships. In particular, they said they would no longer sponsor any event in
which people under the age of 18 were participants. Just as important, in the deal known
as the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA),
the industry agreed to halt all other forms of
advocates . . .
marketing to youth.
claim that the
Antitobacco advocates, however, claim
that the companies continue to find ways to
continue to
seduce youth into smoking. They note a 50
find ways to
percent rise in cigarette marketing budgets in
seduce youth
recent years. Aggregate spending on advertisinto smoking.
ing and promotions by tobacco companies
went from $10 billion in 2000 to a staggering
$15.4 billion in 2005. Some of that money
went into new media, such as subscription cable, satellite TV, and the
Internet. More than 500 Web sites sell tobacco products, accounting for
more than 10 percent of sales. Since young people are among the most
enthusiastic users of the Web, finding ways to restrict online tobacco
marketing will be crucial to reducing future nicotine addiction.


Not all the marketing is channeled through new media. Another key
tobacco marketing strategy, critics claim, is to have Hollywood actors


How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

smoke during movies. A 2001 study published in the prestigious medical
journal the Lancet claims that smoking scenes in movies jumped more
than tenfold in the decade after a 1988 agreement that was meant to halt
such product placements. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that after decades of decline, smoking in movies, which
has been linked to youth smoking, increased rapidly beginning in the
early 1990s and by 2002 was at levels observed in 1950.26
The depiction of smoking in movies is nearly always sensuous and
attractive, and the fact that stars such as John Travolta and Julia Roberts
are the ones doing the smoking makes a deep impression on many young
viewers. We have strong data [showing that] smoking in the movies encourages kids to smoke, 27 says Stanton Glantz, director of the University of California at San Francisco Center for Tobacco Control Research
and Education.
Acknowledging the role of the entertainment media in promoting tobacco use, some celebrities have volunteered their time to combat smoking. Some of Hollywoods most powerful voicesincluding actors Ted
Danson, Sean Penn, Rob Reiner, and model Christy Turlingtonhave
banded together to make documentaries about the responsibility of celebrities and the hazards of portraying smoking as cool.
Glantz proposes a more draconian solution. He wants the Motion
Picture Association of America to slap an R rating on any movie that
includes smoking. That way, no one under the age of 17 would be admitted without a parent. The World Health Organization has endorsed the
Some countries, such as Norway and Finland, have imposed complete prohibitions on tobacco advertising and sponsorships. If such a ban
were proposed in the United States, however, it would certainly face constitutional challenges based on the First Amendment right to free speech.
So long as tobacco remains a legal product, many experts say, the right to
advertise it is protected.

Public Education

Nearly as important as curbs on tobacco marketing are efforts to educate

the publicespecially young peopleabout the reasons to avoid or quit
using tobacco. Results of such efforts have been mixed. Ironically, the most
direct attempt at deterrence has been the least effective. Since 1965 U.S.


Nicotine and Tobacco

law has required that cigarette packages carry a now-famous health warning: Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health.
In 1984, after the Federal Trade Commission concluded that the original warning had had little effect, a new, more explicit set of warnings was
issued. Among them was this: SURGEON GENERALS WARNING:
Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May
Complicate Pregnancy. Two years later, a similar warning was applied to
smokeless tobacco, and eventually cigars came to bear surgeon generals
warnings as well. Nevertheless, all such warning labels have proven virtually useless in deterring youth from purchasing tobacco. A 1997 Stanford
University study concluded that sizable proportions of adolescent smokers are not seeing, reading, or remembering cigarette warning labels. . . .
The current warning labels are ineffective among adolescents.28
A very different approach grew out of the 1998 MSA. The tobacco
companies settlement with state attorneys general forced them to put up
approximately $200 billion for tobacco prevention. A small portion of
those funds went into creating and funding the American Legacy Foundation, dedicated to promoting the rejection of
tobacco. Using its allocation of $300 million
a year for 5 years, the foundation funded a
Norway and
number of aggressive new antismoking camFinland . . .
paigns aimed at youth. The most notable of
have imposed
these is the truth tobacco education advercomplete protising campaign. Created by and for young
hibitions on
people, the campaign aims to show the imtobacco adpact of tobacco in highly emotive ways. One
vertising and
of its most famous ads shows teenagers piling
up 1,200 body bags outside the New York
offices of a major tobacco company to dramatize the daily death toll of tobacco. Not
content to remain in one medium, the truth campaign also launched ads
on the Internet.
The impact has been dramatic. According to a study published in
June 2002 in the American Journal of Public Health, the percentage of
kids ages 12 to 17 who were aware of any antitobacco campaign doubled
during the first ten months of the truth campaign. More significant,
the percentage of young people using tobacco fell dramatically. From a


How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

peak of 36 percent in 1997, youth smoking plummeted to 22 percent in
2003. Most experts believe that the hard-hitting media campaign with its
edgy ads greatly contributed to that decline. One study attributes a third
of the reduction in youth smoking to the truth campaign. Not everyone
agrees on its effectiveness, though. Public health expert Joel M. Moskowitz notes that the campaigns impact did not sustain through high school
suggest[ing] that truth advertising was no more effective than schoolbased smoking prevention programs.29
In any event, after 2003 funding for the American Legacy Foundation
dropped by more than 80 percent, sapping much of its vitality. Coincidentally or not, the fall in teen smoking immediately stalled. The future of the
truth campaign has been further imperiled by a tobacco company lawsuit
that claims the ads went too far and vilified the tobacco industry.
Many tobacco control experts firmly assert, however, that a youth-led ad
campaign is crucial to future reductions in tobacco use. In 2004 they banded
together to form the Citizens Commission to Protect the Truth. Its members include all living former U.S. secretaries of health, U.S. surgeons general, and directors of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). If they are to be believed, dramatic advertising about the dangers of
tobacco will remain a crucial weapon in the battle to reduce smoking.

School-Based Prevention

The public school is the one place where tobacco marketing has little
chance to swamp the message that tobacco is highly addictive and dangerous. School-based tobacco prevention programs can be effective, according to various government and private studies. The typical effect of
a well-designed program seems to be about a 20 percent reduction in
tobacco use. The key, however, is to craft a multilayered message that
works. Experts say that it is important to focus on the immediate effects
of tobacco, not just on the long-term hazards. At least as important is
to focus on social norms. As children enter their teenage years, they are
strongly influenced by peer behavior. Knowing that about three-quarters
of young people do not smoke helps prevent others from taking up the
habit, experts say. Providing youth with specific training to resist both
marketing and peer pressure is also important, they say. Finally, involving
parents and having a credible and appealing spokesperson for the message are key to its effectiveness.


Nicotine and Tobacco

One example of a highly effective antitobacco spokesperson is Patrick
Reynolds. As the grandson of R.J. Reynolds, founder of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Patrick Reynolds occupies a unique place in the
field. After watching his father, elder brother, and other relatives die from
the product they were selling, in 1986 he became the first tobacco-industry
figure to publicly denounce the cigarette business. In 1989 Reynolds created the Foundation for a Smokefree America. He now spends much
of his time addressing school assemblies. There he delivers a powerful
message about how his father, a successful tobacco executive, fell ill with
cigarette-induced emphysema and died when Patrick was just 15. He
goes on to excoriate the marketing of tobacco to youth and to empower
young people to resist the temptation to use it. After his visit to Wausau
East High School in Wausau, Wisconsin, Principal Bradley J. Peck remarked, For one solid hour, you could have heard a pin drop in our

A Lack of Consistency

Most prevention programs are organized at the individual school level, and thus quality varies widely. Oregon is one state whose schoolbased tobacco prevention efforts have been singled out for excellence.
During the 1999 to 2000 school year, certain schools there adopted
a CDC-recommended tobacco prevention approach with multilayered strategies that included teaching near- and long-term health
consequences, social consequences (such as clinging offensive odors,
stained teeth, and stigma), and peer norms. A study of those schools
found that smoking among eighth graders dropped by 22 percent in
one year, compared with only an 8 percent decline in schools that
did not offer the CDC-endorsed program. Oregons voters funded
the program through a ballot initiative that raised the states tax on
cigarettes by 30 cents a pack.
Unfortunately, research suggests that most school-based programs
are substandard. A 2002 study by the American Legacy Foundation finds
that only 38 percent of middle-school students and 17 percent of highschool students receive at least 3 of the 4 recommended prevention strategies. Cheryl Healton, president and CEO of the foundation, cites a
distressing gap between what has been demonstrated to be effective and
what is practiced in schools.31


How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

In any event, not all schools have tobaccoprevention programs, and some do not offer the programs until too late. According
Research sugto the CDC, 90 percent of high schools
gests that most
offer some tobacco prevention, but only
86 percent of junior high and even fewer
elementary schools do the same. Critics
programs are
point out that smoking starts as early as
fifth grade in many cases, and the younger
the child, the swifter and deeper the addiction. Another step in reducing tobacco use,
therefore, would be to make high-quality tobacco prevention education
universal in public schools, starting in the early grades.

Cessation Programs

For the millions who are already tobacco users, the challenges of quitting
are steep. In recent years, however, it has become somewhat easier for a
motivated addict to kick the habit. There are 2 major reasons for this.
First, programs to help smokers or other tobacco users quit have become
more sophisticated. Gone are the days of cold turkeyattempting
to quit all at oncewhich frequently resulted in disheartening failure.
Historically, more than 4 in 5 smokers surveyed have said they want to
quit. According to the American Heart Association, up to 40 percent
of participants in modern cessation programs succeed in breaking their
addiction for good. That is about twice the success rate of traditional
tobacco-quitting programs.
The other big advance in cessation is nicotine-replacement therapy.
Transdermal patches deliver nicotine through the skin for those attempting to quit smoking. Similarly, nicotine gum gives the addict a dose of
nicotine to help him or her get through the process of breaking habits
associated with tobacco use. The American Heart Association says that
nicotine-replacement therapy doubles the chances of a successful break
with tobacco. In the future, additional medical aids to quitting are likely
to emerge. Researchers funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse
have found a compound called methoxsalen that significantly reduces a
smokers urge for nicotine. Other breakthroughs may follow as research
efforts continue.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Fewer Places to Smoke

Efforts to protect the nonsmoking public from secondhand smoke have

had the unintended consequence of inducing some smokers to quit.
Studies show that a complete smoking ban in the workplace reduces the
proportion of smoking employees by about 4 percent.
When combined with efforts to encourage smokers to quit, the results can be far more dramatic. In New York City, for example, smoking
prevalence among adults fell by 11 percent in the year following implementation of a comprehensive smoking ban, a cigarette excise tax increase,
a media campaign, and a cessation
initiative involving the distribution of
Studies show that
free nicotine-replacement therapy kits.
a complete smokThus, in 2002 some 140,000 New
ing ban in the
Yorkers kicked the habit.
workplace reducAcross the nation communities
es the proportion
are restricting the number of indoor
of smoking emplaces where people can smoke. Even
ployees by about
some outdoor facilities have become
4 percent.
nonsmoking venues. Many sports stadiums, for example, no longer allow
smoking. Whole university campuses
have gone tobacco-free. In August 2006 Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, became one of the first large urban universities to
ban the use or sale of all tobacco products.
Finally, many states have responded to public pressure to reduce
smoking by raising taxes on cigarettes. This has proven an effective deterrent to youth. According to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, every
10 percent increase in the price of cigarettes reduces youth smoking by
about 7 percent. Since 2002 42 of the 50 states have raised cigarette
taxes, often quite steeply. In the 4 years from 2002, average per-pack
taxes more than doubled to 96 cents; however, the tobacco industry has
countered with a new line of discount cigarettes, which some experts say
has contributed to a faltering decline of youth smoking prevalence. In
addition to all the steps noted above, then, price and accessibility may be
significant factors in reducing future tobacco use.


Primary Source Quotes*

How Can Nicotine and Tobacco
Use Be Reduced?

Just as we cannot separate the war against narcotics

and the war against organized crime, so too we cannot separate the war against tobacco from the war
against those who have fueled the pandemic tobaccorelated illness and death, tobacco transnationals, led
by US-based Philip Morris.

Alfred Munzer, quoted in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Meeting for Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control, March 15, 2000.

Munzer is director of pulmonary medicine at Washington Adventist Hospital and

past president of the American Lung Association.

Primary Source Quotes

Smokers have already been driven away from many

workplaces into the street for a furtive puff. But further legal harassment, to the point of what an industry
spokesman calls backdoor prohibition, seems unstoppable. Lost in this lynching frenzy: the fact that smoking might be, in some small ways, good for you.

Peter Brimelow, Thank You for Smoking, July 4, 1994.

Brimelow, a former senior editor of Forbes magazine, is a libertarian advocate who

opposes controls on adult smoking choices.
* Editors Note: While the definition of a primary source can be narrowly or broadly defined, for the purposes of Compact
Research, a primary source consists of: 1) results of original research presented by an organization or researcher; 2) eyewitness
accounts of events, personal experience, or work experience; 3) first-person editorials offering pundits opinions; 4) government officials presenting political plans and/or policies; 5) representatives of organizations presenting testimony or policy.


Nicotine and Tobacco

The reduction of illness, disability and death related to

smoking is a key public health objective for the United States. We are keenly aware that smoking presents
a real threat to public health. The imperative to act at
home and abroad is clear.

Tommy G. Thompson, Remarks of the United States Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on
the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control World Health Assembly, United States MissionGeneva, May 21, 2003.

Thompson, then secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, made the above remarks at the May 21, 2003, U.S. announcement of support
for the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, a treaty sponsored by the
World Health Organization.

President Bush committed [the United States] to preventing tobacco use and protecting public health, but
he has gone back on his word. The pocket veto of this
treaty is yet another wet kiss to Big Tobacco, and it is
a disgrace that this country will not be able to participate in global negotiations because of the presidents

Tom Harkin, Bush Pocket Veto of Global Treaty Another Wet Kiss to Big Tobacco, November 7, 2005. http://harkin.

Harkin, a Democrat, represents Iowa in the U.S. Senate.

Meat consumption is just as dangerous to public health

as tobacco use.

Neal Barnard, news release, September 23, 1999.

Barnard is a physician, president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible

Medicine, and a medical adviser to the animal rights group People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals.


How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

The . . . decline in cancer death rates among men is due

in large part to their substantial decrease in tobacco
use. We need to enhance efforts to reduce tobacco use
in women so that the rate of decline in cancer death
rates becomes comparable to that of men.

Betsy A. Kohler, quoted in National Cancer Institute, Annual Report to the Nation Finds Cancer Death Rates Continue to
Drop; Lower Cancer Rates Observed in U.S. Latino Populations, September 6, 2006.

Kohler is president of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, a professional organization that develops and promotes uniform data standards for tracking and reducing the incidence of cancer.

Truth was an early victim in the battle against tobacco. The big lie, repeated ad nauseam in anti-tobacco
circles, is that smoking causes more than 400,000 premature deaths each year in the United States. That
mantra is the principal justification for all manner of
tobacco regulations and legislation, not to mention
lawsuits by dozens of states.

Robert A. Levy and Rosalind B. Marimont, "Lies, Damned Lies, & 400,000 Smoking-Related Deaths," Regulation, vol.
21, no. 4, 1998.

Levy is a senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center. Marimont, a mathematician and scientist, retired after a career with the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (formerly the Bureau of Standards).

Levy and Marimonts arguments do not present a

scientifically sound and convincing case that the estimate of 400,000 annual smoking-related deaths is a
specious, statistical gimmick.

Elizabeth M. Whelan and Alicia M. Lukachko, A Critical Assessment of Lies, Damned Lies, & 400,000 SmokingRelated Deaths by Robert Levy and Rosalind Marimont, published in Regulation, Fall 1998, American Council on Science
and Health, October 1, 1999.

Whelan, president and founder of the American Council on Science and Health,
holds a doctorate in public health from Harvard University. Lukachko, who holds
a masters degree in public health, is the councils assistant director of public


Nicotine and Tobacco

Reading the FDCA [Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act] as

a whole, as well as in conjunction with Congress subsequent tobacco-specific legislation, it is plain that
Congress has not given the FDA the authority to regulate tobacco products as customarily marketed.

Sandra Day OConnor, FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. (98-1152).

U.S. Supreme Court Justice OConnor, the first woman to serve on the nations
highest judicial body, wrote the majority opinion in the above-cited case. She
retired in 2005.

Whenever anybody challenges the view that tobacco

kills, they are immediately confronted with the argument that they are tools of the giant tobacco companies.

Lauren A. Colby, In Defense of Smokers, self-published, 2004.

Colby is the author of a book titled In Defense of Smokers, which he claims debunks most of the scientific studies that underlie official pronouncements about
the dangers of smoking.

Cigarette tax increases and comprehensive tobacco

prevention programs are the equivalent of a vaccine
that can inoculate our kids against tobacco use and
the addiction, disease and death that result. Governors and legislators across the country should act now
to provide this vaccine to every child.

Matthew L. Myers, quoted in Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Landmark National Cancer Institute Report Concludes
Cigarette Tax Increases and Tobacco Prevention Programs Reduce Youth Smoking, April 2, 2002.

Myers, an attorney and former Federal Trade Commission staff member, is president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.


How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

We are encouraged by the continued decline in cigarette smoking among U.S. adults and want to congratulate those who have successfully quit. Quitting
smoking is the most important step smokers can take
to improve their overall health and reduce their risk
of disease.

Julie Gerberding, quoted in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Lower Adult Smoking Rates with More
Adults Quitting, November 10, 2005.

Gerberding was appointed director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in 2002. She also serves as an associate professor of medicine at Emory
University in Atlanta.

A smokefree U.S. is achievable. Going smokefree will

result in healthier people, reduced health care costs
and thousands of lives saved.

John L. Kirkwood, quoted in American Lung Association, American Lung Association Challenges States to Go Smokefree by 2010, American Lung Association, January 10, 2006.

Kirkwood is president and chief executive officer of the American Lung Association, which advocates tobacco control and healthy air quality.


Facts and Illustrations

How Can Nicotine and Tobacco
Use Be Reduced?
Nearly 1 billion men and about a quarter of a billion women around
the world smoke.
In 2000 an estimated 5.5 trillion cigarettes were smoked. That is
about 15 billion a day, in a world of just over 6 billion people.
Female smoking is most prevalent in developed countries of the West,
where about 22 percent of women smoke.
In the United States, smoking rates have been falling since 1976.

Facts and Illustrations

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

the health costs associated with smoking amount to more than $10
per cigarette pack sold.
Some 42 states and several U.S. territories have raised taxes on cigarettes since 2002. Of those, 20 states raised the taxes by at least a
Every state that has raised cigarette taxes has seen revenues go up and
smoking go down, according to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
Experts say that higher prices and new tobacco taxes have helped cut
tobacco use among eighth graders by more than 50 percent since the


How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

State Excise Taxes on Tobacco


































Equal to or above the national average
of 79 cents per pack

Below the national average (in the range

of 35 to 78 cents per pack)


Far below the national average up to

(34 cents (or less) per pack)

Some experts argue that smoking can be reduced through

increased taxes. This map shows how taxes on tobacco vary
by state. The western, midwestern, and northeastern states
have the highest tobacco tax while the southeast states have
the lowest.
Source: American Cancer Society, 2004.

Marketing to youth continues. New flavored cigarettes with youthoriented names like Twista Lime appeal to more than twice as many
teens as they do to smokers over age 19.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Kentucky is the state with the highest rate of smokingnearly 29

percentand the highest rate of cancer deaths228 per 100,000

Methoxsalen Shown to Reduce

Smokers Urge for Nicotine
Blood Nicotine
(milligrams (mg) per milliliter)

Desire to Smoke
(participant self-evaluation
scale from 0-100)


(Sugar Pill)






Experimental evidence shows that a medication called Methoxsalen

can help smokers quit by boosting and prolonging the effect of
nicotine on the body. The study shows that the more Methoxsalen
taken, the higher the blood nicotine concentration and the lower
the desire to smoke.
Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse.


How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

Medicaid Coverage of Smoking

Cessation Treatments

































Provides full coverage for smoking cessation to all Medicaid beneficiaries,

including some form of counseling and some type of drug therapy.
Provides partial coverage for smoking cessation to all Medicaid beneficiaries, including some form of counseling and some type of drug
No state requirements to cover Medicaid beneficiaries for smoking
cessation treatments.

This map shows state Medicaid (a government health insurance

program for low-income individuals and families) coverage for
smoking cessation treatments. Some experts argue that insurance
coverage of cessation programs should increase to help reduce
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004.


Nicotine and Tobacco

Projected Changes in Cigarette

Consumption Worldwide, 19982008

no change

Africa and
Middle East


Largest predicted
regional decrease
New Zealand
South Africa
Czech Republic


Europe and
former Soviet

and Far East

Largest predicted
regional increase


This illustration shows that from 1998 to 2008, smoking is

projected to increase by more than 16 percent in Africa and
the Middle East; however, the smoking level in the Americas
is expected to remain constant, while smoking in western
Europe will drop by 8 percent.

Source: The Christian Science Monitor, 2005.

How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

Between 1998, when the tobacco companies agreed to fund antismoking efforts, by 2005, cigarette smoking in the United States
dropped 20 percent.
Some 140 countries have ratified an international treaty to curtail
tobacco use. The United States initially signed the treaty but has not
ratified it.


Key People and Advocacy Groups

James Buchanan Duke: Duke built his familys North Carolina tobacco

business into the dominant tobacco company in America by the beginning

of the twentieth century. Following a 1906 antitrust trial, his American
Tobacco Company was broken up into several companies, which went on
to become leading U.S. tobacco companies in their own right.

Stanton Glantz: A medical professor, Glantz has been nicknamed the

Ralph Nader of antitobacco activists. His reputation apparently motivated a disaffected tobacco-industry insider to send him thousands of incriminating documents in 1994. The find helped show that the industry
had been covering up the dangers of its products.

David R. Hardy: Hardy earned a reputation as the top defense attorney

Key People and Advocacy Groups

for the tobacco industry. His Kansas City firm, Shook, Hardy & Bacon,
successfully defended tobacco companies against dozens of lawsuits by
employing a strategy Hardy outlined in 1970: to keep close wraps on all
industry doubts about the safety of their product.

David Kessler: While serving as commissioner of the Food and Drug

Administration during the Clinton administration, Kessler led a fight
to have nicotine regulated as a drug. Congress and the courts eventually
rejected that policy, but Kessler, who became dean of Yale Universitys
medical school, continued to speak out for restrictions on tobacco sales.
Bennett S. LeBow: As chief executive officer of the company that

owned Liggett Tobacco, Bennett S. LeBow stunned the industry when he

broke ranks with the other tobacco companies in 1996 to announce that
he would settle a lawsuit brought by state attorneys general. Although
Liggett was the smallest of the defendants, the others all followed suit.

Yumiko Mochizuki: Mochizuki was appointed director of the World

Health Organizations Tobacco Free Initiative in September 2005. In that


Key People and Advocacy Groups

position, she leads the UN-related bodys effort to actualize international
commitments to reduce global tobacco use. Mochizuki previously headed up the Japanese Ministry of Healths development of tobacco-control
policies and took part in the preparation of the World Health Organizations Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

Mike Moore: As attorney general for Mississippi, Moore filed a lawsuit

against tobacco companies that ended in the landmark Master Settlement Agreement of 1998. Tobacco companies admitted for the first time
that their product was dangerous and addictive and agreed to curtail
advertising and to fund smoking-prevention campaigns aimed at youth.
Philip Morris: The 19th-century tobacconist began a cigarette business

in London in 1854. It would eventually grow into the worlds largest

tobacco company, bearing his name.

Matthew L. Myers: Myers, an attorney who began his involvement

with tobacco as a staff member for the Federal Trade Commissionresponsible for regulating tobacco advertisingwent on to lead a coalition
of antismoking organizations. In that role he helped shape legislation
and court cases restricting tobacco. He is now president of the Campaign
for Tobacco-Free Kids.

Jean Nicot: Sent by France on a diplomatic mission to Portugal, Nicot

became fascinated by tobacco there. After experimenting with it, he took

some back to France in 1600, where he convinced the queen that it had
great medicinal properties. Nicotine is named for him.

Jeffrey Wigand: Wigand served as vice president for research and devel-

opment for Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation from December

1988 to March 1993. After leaving his employment with Brown & Williamson, he cooperated with government agencies investigating the tobacco industry and in 1995 gained fame as a whistle-blower on the tobacco
industry when he gave an interview to CBSs 60 Minutes.






Native Americans give

Columbus tobacco
leaves as a gift; he
throws them away.



Philip Morris, whose

name is now associated
with the worlds largest
tobacco company, opens
a London shop to sell
hand-rolled cigarettes.

The poisonous nature of

tobacco is revealed when a cat
dies shortly after being fed
a drop of oil distilled from
tobacco leaves.









French naturalist Jean

Nicot experiments with
tobacco as a medicine
and then writes to the
queen of France on
its supposed curative


French chemist
Louis Nicolas
Vanquelin isolates
nicotine from

Researcher Ernst Wynder

publishes a landmark
study showing that
painting cigarette tar on
the backs of mice creates


Swedish botanist Carolus

Linnaeus classifies tobacco in the plant genus
nicotiana, after Jean






The first major epidemiological study to definitively link smoking to lung

cancer is published in the
Journal of the American
Medical Association.

London physician
John Hill reports
cases in which snuff
appears to have
caused nasal cancers.


The R.J. Reynolds company

introduces Camel brand
The organization now
known as the American
Cancer Society is formed.

U.S. per-capita adult

smoking rates peak
at 4,336 annually, or
about 12 cigarettes
per day. About half of
all American men and
a third of American
women smoke.


The first surgeon generals

report on smoking is issued.
In it, Surgeon General Luther Terry reports that there
is an association between
smoking and cancer.



Cigarette sales in the

United States peak
at 624 billion.

Federal judge Gladys

Kessler rules that major
tobacco companies engaged
in a long campaign to deceive the public about the
dangers of smoking.


The Joe Camel cartoon

advertising campaign
debuts. A year later,
the rate of teenage
smoking begins to
climb for the first time
in 15 years.


Congress bans cigarette

advertising on television.









Congress authorizes a
buyout of tobacco farmers, bringing to an end
decades of federal subsidies
for the crop.





Aiming to encourage
women to smoke, Philip
Morris introduces the
Virginia Slims brand with
the slogan, Youve come
a long way, baby.

To settle a massive lawsuit

brought by states, tobacco
companies agree to halt
youth-oriented marketing
efforts and to fund antismoking campaigns.


The U.S. surgeon general

finds that smokeless tobacco
is also a health hazard.


The FDA approves nicotine gum

as a nicotine-replacement therapy.


A major study of students

finds that youth smoking
has fallen sharply since the
mid-1990s, led by a 56
percent drop in tobacco use
by eighth graders.


Related Organizations
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
2013 H St. NW
Washington, DC 20006
phone: (202) 659-4310
Web site:
ASH is a nonprofit antismoking organization based in the United States.
Its principal activity is to serve as the legal-action arm of the nonsmoking community, bringing or joining in legal actions concerning smoking
and ensuring that the voice of the nonsmoker is heard. It also serves as a
public advocate of the nonsmokers rights movement.

Altria Group
120 Park Ave., 16th Floor
New York, NY 10017
phone: (917) 663-4000
Web Site:

Key People
Advocacy Groups

Altria is the corporate parent of Philip Morris, the worlds largest tobacco
company in terms of revenue (The China National Tobacco Company
and Japan Tobacco move more product but for less income.) Philip Morriss lineup of cigarettes is led by Marlboro, the most popular worldwide
brand. Philip Morris was started in 1847 by a London tobacconist of the
same name.

American Cancer Society (ACS)

1599 Clifton Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
phone: (800) 227-2345
Web site:
The ACS is a nationwide voluntary health organization dedicated to
eliminating cancer as a major health problem through research, educa92

Related Organizations
tion, advocacy, and service. The ACS has been a leader in the effort to
promote smoking cessation and in legal and public policy efforts to restrict tobacco advertising. It was founded in 1913 by a group of doctors
in New York City.

American Heart Association

7272 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231
phone: (214) 706-1925
Web site:
The American Heart Association, which traces its origins back to 1913,
works to combat cardiovascular disease and its effects. In recent years the
association has taken increasing by strong stands on the dangers of tobacco use to public health. Its commitment to tobacco control includes
promoting smoke-free air policies, excise taxes on tobacco, and funding
for tobacco-prevention and treatment programs.

American Legacy Foundation

2030 M St. NW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
phone: (202) 454-5555
Web site:
The American Legacy Foundation was created in March 1999 as a result of the Master Settlement Agreement between state attorneys general and the tobacco industry to counter a sharp rise in tobacco use by
American youth. Funded primarily by tobacco industry payments from
the settlement, the foundation has created a variety of antitobacco public education campaigns, most notably the youth-designed and youthdirected Truth campaign. Its industry funding has mostly expired, but
it continues to seek funding to carry on its mission of deterring young
people from taking up tobacco and helping those who do gain access
to cessation programs.

American Lung Association

61 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10006

Nicotine and Tobacco

phone: (800) 586-4872
Web site:
The American Lung Association is the oldest voluntary health organization in the United States. Founded in 1904 to fight tuberculosis, the
association was one of the first health organizations to join the fight for
tobacco control in the early 1960s. It continues to be a major partner
in various lawsuits and lobbying efforts to restrict exposure to tobacco

Americans for Nonsmokers Rights (ANR)

2530 San Pablo Ave., Suite J
Berkeley, CA 94702
phone: (510) 841-3032
Web site:
ANR is a national organization that lobbies for nonsmokers rights.
Formerly known as the Group Against Smoking Pollution, it confronts
the tobacco industry at all levels of government, seeking to protect
nonsmokers from exposure to secondhand smoke and to prevent tobacco addiction among youth. ANR was formed in 1976 and remains
a member-supported organization.

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

1400 Eye St., Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20005
phone: (202) 296-5469
Web site:
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is a not-for-profit advocacy organization whose aim is to prevent young people from becoming addicted
to nicotine and being exposed to secondhand smoke. It was founded in
1995. Since then it has participated in multiple lawsuits against the tobacco industry and has lobbied at all levels of government.

Council for Tobacco ResearchUSA

122 E. 42nd St., Room 2518


Related Organizations
New York , NY 10168
Web site:
The Council for Tobacco ResearchUSA was created by a consortium of
tobacco companies with a mandate to research tobacco and health issues.
Critics charge that its true mission is to cast doubt on the link between
smoking and lung cancer. Following the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement the council became an online repository for various documents
related to smoking and health.

FORCES International
PO Box 533
Sutton, WV 26601
phone: (304) 765-5394
Web site:
FORCES International is a nonprofit organization representing the interests of smokers. The acronym stands for Fight Ordinances and Restrictions to Control and Eliminate Smoking. It was founded in 1995 to
fight what it claims is junk science regarding the hazards of secondhand
smoke. Standing on libertarian principles, it also opposes school-based
tobacco-prevention programs, which it regards as state indoctrination of

Foundation for a Smokefree America

PO Box 492028
Los Angeles, CA 90049-8028
phone: (310) 471-4270
Web site:
The Foundation for a Smokefree America was founded in 1989 by Patrick Reynolds, a grandson of the founder of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco
Company, after tobacco use killed some of his closest relatives. He quit
smoking, sold his R.J. Reynolds stock, and became an influential advocate for a smoke-free America. The foundation supports his efforts
to prevent youth from trying tobacco and to promote a tobacco-free


Nicotine and Tobacco

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
PO Box 2990
Winston-Salem, NC 27102-2990
phone: (336) 741-7693
Web site:
R.J. Reynolds is the worlds second-largest tobacco company in terms of
revenues. It was founded by Richard Joshua Reynolds in 1874 and grew
to become an international purveyor of many of the worlds leading cigarette brands, including Camel, Winston, and Kool. In 2003 it entered
an agreement to absorb Brown & Williamson, another major American
tobacco firm. The conglomerate is now known as ReynoldsAmerican.
(Note: the company has a policy of only responding to inquiries from
adults, and only if sent through its Web site.)

Smokers Club Inc.

PO Box 814
Center Conway, NH 03813
The Smokers Club is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization providing
information and arguments to smokers seeking to oppose bans on smoking. It also provides members with monthly newsletters and access to
online forums for smokers to socialize and exchange information.

Smokers Fighting Discrimination

PO Box 5472
Katy, TX 77491
e-mail: [email protected]
Smokers Fighting Discrimination is organized as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit,
meaning it can lobby elected officials, support legislation on behalf of the
interests of smokers, and rally grassroots support for nonpartisan issues.
It can also share endorsements of federal candidates for office with the
organizations membership. Contributions to the organization are not
tax deductible. The group was founded in 1996.

Tobacco Institute
Web site:


Related Organizations
The Tobacco Institute was created as the umbrella trade-advocacy organization for the U.S. tobacco industry. It lobbied and funded research
friendly to the tobacco industry. Following the 1998 settlement of the
state attorneys general lawsuit, it has limited its Internet presence to providing documents related to smoking and health.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Office

on Smoking and Health
1600 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30333
phone: (404) 639-3534
Web site:
The Office on Smoking and Health is a division within the National
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, which is
one of the centers within the CDC. The CDC is the federal governments
chief body of agencies devoted to preventing the spread of disease.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva 27
Web site:
WHO is a UN body whose special mission is to promote health. Established in 1948, WHOs objective, as set forth in its constitution, is
the attainment of the highest possible level of health by all peoples. Tobacco control has become a high priority for WHO, as embodied in the
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, an international treaty that
WHO proposed and is now overseeing.


For Further Research


Richard Craze, Stop Smoking, Stay Cool: A Dedicated Smokers Guide to

Not Smoking. Devon, UK: White Ladder, 2006.
Federal Trade Commission, Up in Smoke: The Truth About Tar and Nicotine
Ratings. Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of Consumer and Business Education, 2000.
Roberta Ferrence et al., eds., Nicotine and Public Health. Washington,
DC: American Public Health Association, 2000.
Hanan Frenk and Reuven Dar, A Critique of Nicotine Addiction. Boston:
Kluwer Academic, 2000.
Prabhat Jha and Frank J. Chaloupka, eds., Tobacco Control in Developing
Countries. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Kathleen Meister et al., eds., Cigarettes: What the Warning Label Doesnt
Tell You. 2nd ed. New York: American Council on Science and
Health, 2003.
David B. Moyer, The Tobacco Book. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone, 2005.

For Further Research

Don Oakley, Slow Burn: The Great American Antismoking Scam (and Why
It Will Fail). Gainsesville, VA: Eyrie, 1999.
Fred C. Pampel, Tobacco Industry and Smoking. New York : Facts On File,
Leah Ranney et al., Tobacco Use: Prevention, Cessation, and Control.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2006.
Robert G. Robinson et al., Pathways to Freedom: Winning the Fight
Against Tobacco. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006.
Diana K. Sergis, Cipollone v. Liggett Group: Suing Tobacco Companies.
Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2001.
U.S. Deptartment of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Risks


For Further Research

Associated with Smoking Cigarettes with Low Machine-Measured Yields
of Tar and Nicotine. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health,
U.S. Surgeon General, Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to
Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 2006.


Center for the Advancement of Health, Smoke-Filled Cars: New Fodder for the Next Clean Air Fight, ScienceDaily, October 4, 2006.
Charleston (WV) Daily Mail, editorial, Over-Regulation Is a Bad Habit,
Too: Consenting Adults Have the Right to Associate Freely in Smoky
Bars, October 4, 2006.
Krisha McCoy, Smokers May Be More Likely to Contract HIV, HealthDay, September 21, 2006.
Robert Preidt, Genes May Tie Smoking, Drinking, HealthDay, April
24, 2006.
William Reid, Tobacco Settlement Monies Went Up in Smoke for
Blacks, Black World Today, June 26, 2002.
Marisa Schultz, Amy Lee, and Eric Lacy, Workers Fume as Firms Ban
Smoking at Home, Detroit News, January 27, 2005.
Michael Siegel, On the Deafening Silence of the Tobacco Control
Movement: The Need for Some Moral Courage, Rest of the Story:
Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary, October 5, 2006.
P.D. Thacker, Pundit for Hire: Smoked Out, New Republic, February
2, 2006.
Michael J. Thun, editorial, More Misleading Science from the Tobacco
Industry, British Medical Journal, July 30, 2003.
Elizabeth M. Whelan, The Intolerance and Arrogance of the ModernDay Anti-Smoking Movement, American Council on Science and
Health, April 21, 2006.


Nicotine and Tobacco

V.M. White et al., Cigarette Promotional Offers: Who Takes Advantage? American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 2006.
Thomas Zeltner et al., Tobacco Company Strategies to Undermine Tobacco Control Activities at the World Health Organization, World
Health Organization Report, 2000.

Web Sites ( This youth-oriented Web

site is operated by the Foundation for a Smokefree America. It includes tips on quitting, resources for research on tobacco, and tips on
how to speak out against tobacco use.
FOREST ( This London-based group (the acronym stands for Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco) offers news and opinion on subjects related to smokers rights. It includes an online magazine and also offers advice for
smokers on subjects such as air-cleaning devices.
Philip Morris Tobacco Documents ( This Web site is
maintained by the Philip Morris USA tobacco company to provide
the public with access to documents produced during lawsuits by
state attorneys general. The documents will span the period from
October 23, 1998, through June 30, 2010.
Smoking and Minorities ( This site, based at the
University of Dayton in Ohio, contains a wealth of information
about the marketing of cigarettes to minorities, especially African
Americans. It includes documents from the tobacco industry that
were released in the course of litigation. ( is
an online forum for discussion of smokers rights. The organization
opposes heavy taxation of tobacco and most restrictions concerning
where and when people can smoke. It claims that smoking is not
nearly as harmful as popular opinion claims.
The Smoking Section ( The home of Smokers with Attitude, this site contains numerous essays inveighing
against antitobacco statutes. It also hosts a bookstore and forum for
The Truth Campaign ( This is the site of the American Legacy Foundations hard-edged antismoking campaign. It in100

For Further Research

cludes excerpts from its reality television ads, photos from the campaigns tour, and even ringtones.
Tobacco Documents Online ( This is a vast repository of documents produced during litigation. Although registration is required, there is no charge for searching the documents.
The site is run by the Smokefree Network, which collaborated with
the American Legacy Foundation in creating the online repository
following the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement. ( This site, run by the Smokefree Network, contains numerous news stories about tobacco-related issues.
It also has an extensive quotations page and links.
Tobacco Control Archives at UCSF ( The
University of California at San Francisco operates this vast online
archive of tobacco-related documents. It includes millions of documents concerning scientific research, manufacturing, marketing, advertising, and sales of cigarettes.
Tobacco Survivors United ( Tobacco
Survivors United is a network of survivors, families, and friends
of men and women who have overcome the damaging effects of
tobacco products. The site includes a large archive of articles on
tobacco-related issues.
Women and Smoking ( This site centers on the surgeon
generals report on women and smoking. It includes press releases,
fact sheets, and the 2001 report itself.


Source Notes

Source Notes

1. Quoted in Roseanne Skirble, Sixteen

Million New Cancer Cases Expected by
2020 Worldwide, Voice of America News,
July 20, 2006.
2. Mark Twain, Smoking. www.twain
3. Quoted in Mark H. Anderson, Brian
Blackstone, and Christina Cheddar
Berk, Tobacco Loses DOJ Case; Escapes Financial Penalties, Dow Jones
Newswires, August 17, 2006. www.
4. Quoted in Anderson, Blackstone, and
Berk, Tobacco Loses DOJ Case.
5. Quoted in Jonathan Leake, Safe Cigarette Claimed to Cut Cancer by 90%,
Sunday Times (London), November 6,
6. Quoted in Global Youth Tobacco
Survey Collaborating Group, Differences in Worldwide Tobacco Use
by Gender: Findings from the Global
Youth Tobacco Survey, February 22,
7. Gro Harlem Brundtland, foreword to
The Tobacco Atlas, by Judith Mackay
and Michael Eriksen, World Health
Organization, 2002, p. 9.
8. Richard Peto and Alan D. Lopez,
The Future Worldwide Health Effects of Current Smoking Patterns,
news release, Clinical Trial Service
Unit, Oxford University, August 2,
9. Quoted in Duke Medical News,
Medical Uses for Nicotine, August
10, 2001.
10. Quoted in Belinda Rhodes, Tobacco
Firms Wont Be Stubbed Out, BBC
World Service, September 27, 2006.


How Harmful Are Nicotine

and Tobacco?

11. Associated Press, Cigarette Addiction

Can Start Early, September 11, 2000.

How Dangerous Is Exposure to

Secondhand Smoke?

12. William Osteen, The United States

Federal Court Decision, FORCES
13. American Lung Association, Secondhand Smoke, March 2006. www.lung
14. Joe Jackson, The Smoking Issue,
Michael Crichton, Aliens Cause
Global Warming, January 17, 2003.
16. James E. Enstrom and Geoffrey C. Kabat,
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Tobacco Related Mortality in a Prospective
Study of Californians, 196098, British
Medical Journal. May 17, 2003, p. 1,057.
17. Martha Perske, Cherry-picked Science
on Secondhand Smoke, Junkscience.
com February 19, 2001. www.junksci
18. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A
Report of the Surgeon General, Executive
Summary. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2006, p. iii.
19. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Health Consequences
of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke,
p. 9.
20. Richard H. Carmona, Remarks at
Press Conference to Launch Health

Source Notes
Consequences of Involuntary Exposure
to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General, June 27, 2006. www.

Why Do Many Young People Smoke or

Chew Tobacco?

American Heart Association, Tobacco Industrys Targeting of Youth,
Minorities and Women, 2006. www.
22. University of Michigan News Service,
Decline in Teen Smoking Appears to
Be Nearing Its End, December 19,
23. University of Michigan News Service,
Decline in Teen Smoking Appears to
Be Nearing Its End.
24. Jim Lobe, Tobacco Companies Pressed
to Halt Youth Smoking Prevention
Campaigns, OneWorld U.S., October 25, 2005.

How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use

Be Reduced?

25. Michael Siegel, letter to the Federal

Trade Commission, May 17, 2001.

Office on Smoking and Health,
CDC, Cigarette Use Among High
School StudentsUnited States,
19912005, Morbidity and Mortality
Weekly Report, July 7, 2006. www.cdc.
27. Quoted in Smoking in Movies Gets
Kids Hooked, KRON, November
13, 2003.
28. Thomas N. Robinson and J.D. Killen,
Do Cigarette Warning Labels Reduce
Smoking? Paradoxical Effects Among
Adolescents, Archives of Pediatrics &
Adolescent Medicine, vol. 151, March
29. Joel M. Moskowitz, Impact of the
Truth Campaign on Cigarette Smoking, American Journal of Public Health,
March 31, 2005.
30. Quoted in What Past Clients Say,
31. Quoted in Mary Herdoiza, Study
Finds that Multi-Strategy, SchoolBased Tobacco Prevention Programs
Can Reduce Youth Smoking, American Legacy Foundation news release,
March 13, 2002. www.american


List of Illustrations
How Harmful Are Nicotine and Tobacco?

How Nicotine Affects the Brain

How Smoking Harms the Body
Tobacco-Related Deaths in Developing Nations to Outpace
Industrialized Nations
Average Annual Smoking-Related Cancer Deaths in the
United States, 19951999

How Dangerous Is Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

U.S. Surgeon General Concludes Secondhand Smoke Is Harmful

More Local Governments Passing Indoor Smoking Laws
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke at Home Has Decreased
How Restaraunts Feel About Secondhand Smoke


Why Do Many Young People Smoke or Chew Tobacco?

Tobacco Use of 13- to 15-Year-Olds Worldwide
(average of 19992005)
Estimated Teen Exposure to Antitobacco TV Ads
per Month (37 States)
How Youths Aged 12 to 17 Use Tobacco

How Can Nicotine and Tobacco Use Be Reduced?

List of Illustrations

State Excise Taxes on Tobacco

Methoxsalen Shown to Reduce Smokers Urge for Nicotine
Medicaid Coverage of Smoking Cessation Treatments
Projected Changes in Cigarette Consumption
Worldwide, 19982008




Barnard, Neal, 78
Betteridge, David, 21
Brimelow, Peter, 77
Brito, Guillermo, 64

Britton, John, 18
Brookes, Jay, 32
Browner, Carol M., 47
Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 20
California Air Resources Board, 46
Calment, Jeanne, 31
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, 57,
76, 82
smoking-related, deaths from, 9
by cite and gender, 37 (chart)
see also lung cancer
Carmona, Richard H., 43, 45
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), 66, 73
on deaths from heart disease aggravated by secondhand smoke, 49
on school-based prevention efforts,
on smoking as gateway to other
risky behavior, 58
on smoking-related health costs,
33, 82
on trends in female smoking, 19
challenges of, 2526
success rates in, 9
cessation programs, 75
Medicaid coverage of, by state, 85
children, effects of secondhand
smoke on, 40, 49
Christian Science Monitor (newspaper), 86


acetylcholine, 24
addiction, nicotine, 14, 30
difficulty in overcoming, 2425
opiate vs., 33
treatment of, 9
vulnerability of youth to, 2324,
ways of satisfying, 23
battles over, 6970
international bans on, 71
most popular cigarette brands
among youth and, 68
tobacco industry spending on, 67,
youth as target of, 18, 5556, 57,
American Academy of Otolaryngology, 83
American Cancer Society, 37 (chart)
American Heart Association, 75
American Journal of Public Health, 72
American Legacy Foundation, 72, 73
American Lung Association, 16
on secondhand smoke, 39, 40
American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation, 51
American Nurses Association, 48
Americans for Non-Smokers Rights,


Nicotine and Tobacco

additives in, 26
consumption of
in U.S., 17
world wide, 8, 19
projected trends in, 86 (map)
health warnings on packs of, 72
most heavily advertised brands of,
safe, development of, 18
taxes on
as deterrent to youth smoking,
76, 80
by state, 83 (map)
trends in, 82
circulatory system, manifestation of
tobacco effects on, 35
Citizens Commission to Protect the
Truth, 73
Clean Indoor Air Act (New York,
2003), 39
Clinton, Bill, 43
Colby, Lauren A., 80
Columbus, Christopher, 15
Crichton, Michael, 41
Davis, Ron, 48
from cigarette fires, 27
from secondhand smoke, 39
from smoking-related cancers, by
cite and gender, 37 (chart)
tobacco-related, 28, 33
in developing vs. industrialized
nations, 36
other causes vs., 1012
as percent of total, 20
Department of Health and Human
Services, U.S. (DHHS), 68
Dole, Bob, 62


dopamine, 24
Dowshen, Steven, 31
Dunn, William L., Jr., 29
emphysema, 27
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), 3839
on lung cancer deaths from secondhand smoke, 49
environmental tobacco smoke. See
secondhand smoke
Food and Drug Administration, U.S.
(FDA), 54, 69
lack of authority of, to regulate
tobacco, 80
Foundation for a Smokefree America,
Gerberding, Julie, 81
Glantz, Stanton, 71
Goerlitz, David, 63
Greene, Sarah M., 61
Hagman, Larry, 30
Harkin, Tom, 78
Hayes Halfpenny, Robert, 45
Healton, Cheryl, 74
illnesses, tobacco-related, 27
costs of, 33, 82
International Union Against Cancer,
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 59
Jackson, Joe, 31, 41, 46
Joe Camel campaign, 5556
Johnston, Lloyd, 59, 64
Journal of the American Medical

Association, 35, 55
Kessler, David, 29, 54, 69
Kessler, Gladys, 17, 61
Kirkwood, John L., 81
Kjono, Norman E., 62
Kohler, Betsy A., 79
Lancet (journal), 71
LeBow, Bennett S., 60
Levy, Robert A., 79
Lopez, Alan D., 20
Lukachko, Alicia M., 79
lung cancer, 9, 27, 30
nonsmokers risk for, from secondhand smoke exposure, 51
percent of cases as smoking-related,
Mackay, Judith, 11
Marimont, Rosalind B., 79
marketing. See advertising/marketing
Master Settlement Agreement, 56,
70, 72
Mayo Clinic, 46
McFadden, Michael, 47
Medicaid, coverage of smoking cessation programs under, 85 (map)
Mdici, Catherine de, 15
methoxsalen, 75
effectiveness of, 84 (chart)
Moskowitz, Joel M., 73
Munzer, Alfred, 77
Myers, Matthew L., 47, 80
National Institute on Drug Abuse
(NIDA), 14, 34, 75, 84
Nicot, Jean, 15, 21
nicotine, 8
benefits of, 21

effects of, on brain, 23, 24, 34 (illustration)

legal exemption as drug, 1617
properties of, 22
toxicity of, 12, 33
nicotine replacement therapy, 8, 20,
26, 75
OConnor, Sandra Day, 80
Ohlemeyer, William, 17
Osteen, William, 38
Patz, Aviva, 45
Pawlenty, Tim, 63
Peck, Bradley J., 74
Perske, Martha, 42
Peto, Richard, 20, 63
Philip Morris USA, 38
Popkin, Michael H., 62
pregnancy, effects on fetus of smoking during, 40
prevention efforts, 7172
school-based, 7374
variation in quality of, 7475
Reynolds, Patrick, 74
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, 55,
6064, 74
Sargent, James D., 61
secondhand smoke, 3839, 4548
carcinogens in, 49
dispute over dangers of, 4042
health effects of, 50 (illustration)
restrauranteurs opinions on, 53
U.S. Surgeon General on, 4243,
49, 51
Seffrin, John, 10
Siegel, Michael, 70
Smokers United, 31


Nicotine and Tobacco

bans on
in public places, 4344
international efforts at, 4344
by local governments, 51
in workplace, 76
geographic trends in, 8
health effects of, 2627, 35 (illustration)
in movies, 7071
prevalence of
in U.S., 11, 17
worldwide, 82
among youth, 1718
restrictions on, 1819, 21
trends in, in U.S., 9
among youth, 65
cigarette taxes as deterrent to,
76, 80
gender differences in, 66
risky behaviors and, 58
Stovall, Carla, 48
sudden infant death syndrome,
secondhand smoke exposure and,
40, 49
surveys, on health effects of secondhand smoke, of restrauranteurs, 53
Tegen, Annie, 47
Thompson, Tommy G., 78
carcinogenic properties of, 1213
first discovery of, 16
history of, 8, 1516
international restrictions on, 21, 87
smokeless, 57
health effects of, 57
use of, among youth, 56


use of, among teenagers

forms of, 68 (chart)
worldwide, 66 (chart)
tobacco industry
annual revenues of, 9
attempts of, to encourage teen
smoking, 5556, 57, 59, 70, 83
efforts of, to discredit scientific
research, 1617
Master Settlement Agreement with,
56, 70
spending of, on tobacco promotion, 67, 70
sponsorship of events by, 6970
Twain, Mark, 16, 24
U.S. National Toxicology Programs
10th Report on Carcinogens (Department of Health and Human
Services), 39
Volkow, Nora D., 30
Warner, Kenneth E., 30
Whelan, Elizabeth M., 79
withdrawal, nicotine, symptoms of,
22, 24, 25
smoking among, 17, 19, 82
worldwide, 20
smoking-related cancer deaths
among, 37 (chart)
tobacco advertising aimed at, 56
World Health Organization (WHO),
World Heart Federation, 59
World Smokefree Day, 20
Wyke, John, 32

anti-tobacco education aimed at,
indifference of, to risk, 54
smoking among
cigarette taxes as deterrent to,
76, 80
gender differences in, 66
risky behaviors and, 58, 66
tobacco industrys attempts to encourage, 5556, 57, 59, 70, 83

trends in, 1718, 55

effects of bans on advertising
on, 56
tobacco use among
forms of, 68 (chart)
reasons for, 6064
worldwide, 66 (chart)
vulnerability of, to nicotine addiction, 65
Zion, Sidney, 46


About the Author

About the Author

Clay Farris Naff is a journalist, writer, and nonprofit executive. He served

as a UPI correspondent in Tokyo in the 1980s and 1990s and later wrote
a book about social change in Japan, which won a fellowship award from
the National Endowment for the Humanities. Since returning to the
United States, he has written widely on science and religion and has edited numerous books on scientific topics. Naff serves as executive director of the Lincoln Literacy Council in Lincoln, Nebraska.


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