Gods Gift
Gods Gift
Gods Gift
Commonwealth of the Republic of California
Common Law Counter Claim
Common Law Counter Claim
TM Stephanie-Ann: Harvey
Petitioner (alleged Defendant)
Office of the Governor
If there is a victim, that gives Personal jurisdiction.
If there is a contract to perform, that gives Subject-matter jurisdiction
Its really just that simple. From now on, all correspondence and Motions are
to be submitted in WRITING. This SHOULD FORCE you to respond in writing,
on the record, with PROOF of their trickery. .
If you dont have a victim or a contract, you dont have a case. Leave all the
extra crap out of it with these criminals and STAY ON MESSAGE. start
prosecuting non-performance.
When you file a motion to dismiss with prejudice they are stuck. There is
literally nothing they can do except keep screwing up and digging a bigger
hole for any appeal to a higher court.
Large, for this was passed to remove the people of the united States of
Court and its officers are aware that all usage of the name derives from
legislation March 10, 1899: “An Act Providing General Corporate Law.”
Administrative and Corporate Law, and "NOT" Common Law, and all
complaints and suits against such a CORPORATION fall under the FSIA,
has FAILED to state a claim to which relief can be granted under Rule
12(b)( 6). Therefore, this matter must be dismissed for lack of political,
personam, and subject matter jurisdiction, Venue, and under the 11th
Amendment limitations.
7. The Fed. R. Civ. P. and the State Court Rules show only one cause of
guilty, guilty, or (with the court's consent) nolo contendere. In a civil action
13. Any action under the State of Emergency is governed by General Order
100, the LieberCode, and UCMJ Title 10, Section 333, and per Army
Regulation 840-10 Section 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3. again under Title 50 War &
National Defense.
14. Title 18 of the UNITED STATES CODE was never passed by the Senate.
Congressional records on May 12, 1947 show that Title 18 was never voted
into positive law by the Senate. Congressional Report shows that both the
House and Senate were out of Session. The State, again, lacks prosecutorial
15. The prosecution has failed to state a claim to which relief could be
granted as per Rule 12(b)(6) per the Rules of Court mandated by the "Rules
Enabling Act" created by Congress. (Ch. 651, Pub.L. 73-415, 48 Stat. 1064,
enacted June 19, 1934 28 U.S.C., § 2072)
f) The Prosecutor has failed to allege facts sufficient to show that they
have suffered any harm or are threatened with any harm as a result of the
matter alleged in their complaint or have a Corpus delicti that has been
g) The Petitioner (Defendant) holds standing under the 1st, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th Articles of the Bill of Rights to bring this issue before
the Court and to have it dismissed with prejudice as the prosecutor or police
officer has not come into compliance with any Acts of Congress or California
legislative Acts.
16. The State prosecution has, also, failed to pay the Filing Fee for this
action as required by its own Court procedures, and the Statutes of this
State, to bring such a claim against the Petitioner (alleged Defendant). This,
alone, is just cause to have this case dismissed for failure to pay Filing Fees
per court procedures. Furthermore, the State can not proceed "in forma
pauperis" without filing for it on the record. The State has failed to prove it
has made such a filing payment, or asked for “in forma pauperis” status, to
interest per Fed. R. Civ. P Rule 17. I did not consent, assent, or agree to a
incarceration without a lawful complaint placed on the record for the record.
cause under 12(b)(1), (2) and (6) with prejudice. As the Court is operating
under the Bankruptcy of 1933, et al., the State of Emergency Clause, and
has suspended the Constitution, and the Statutory Laws, the Court and its
officials are required to accept the position of Co- Trustee per an Act of
Court order the Department of Treasury to discharge this action and fill out
an IRS form 1099 C to cancel such charges and pay the taxes due on this
are defined as Officers of the Court, which includes Public Defenders, for
as a Trustee, then such a Trustee becomes liable for any and all offers and
Defendant, acting on their own behalf, holds immunity under the 11th
Amendment, and under FSIA ,Title 28 USC, sec 1602-1611 by Act of Congress
CAUSE 12(b)(1), (2), and (6) before the Clerk of Court of the Court IN THE
and month of __________ in the year of our Lord 2019 AD. Service will be
delivered by U.S.P.S. certified mail with green card return and (OPTIONS)via
Notary Presentment.
Office of the Governor
Notification of Administration Violation