Control The Court

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The key takeaways are about controlling the court through the use of demands instead of motions and operating as a 'flesh and blood human being' instead of 'pro se'.

A motion is a formal request submitted for consideration, while a demand holds the judge accountable and requires them to order specific actions. Motions can be ignored but demands create commercial liability.

The text discusses natural rights, civil rights, political rights, and personal rights.

Control the Court

Posted on June 25, 2013 by arnierosner

Control the Court


Certain judicial processes evoke more authority and power over others. Like a set of
tools, in the hands of a knowledgeable craftsman, qualified individuals can assume
control of the courts and the judicial processes to meter out true justice.

Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Ed Definitions:

MOTION: Parliamentary law. The formal mode in which a member submits a proposed
measure or resolve for the consideration and action of the meeting.

PETITION: A written address, embodying an application or prayer from the person or

persons preferring it, to the power, body, or person to whom it is presented, for the
exercise of his or their authority in the redress of some wrong, or the grant of some
favor, privilege, or license.

PETITION OF RIGHTS: A Parliamentary declaration of the liberties of the people,

assented to by King Charles I, in 1629. It is to be distinguished from the Bill of Rights,
(1689), which has passed into a permanent constitutional statute.

RIGHT: Defined generally as “powers of free action.” And the primal rights pertaining
to men are undoubtedly enjoyed by human beings purely as such, being grounded in
personality, and existing antecedently to their recognition by positive law.

Rights are also classified in Constitutional Law as natural, civil, and political to which
there is sometimes added the class of “personal rights.”
Natural Rights are those which grow out of the nature of man and depend upon
personality, as distinguished from such as are created by law and depend upon civilized
society: or they are those which are plainly assured by natural law or those which, by fair
deduction from the present physical, moral, social, and religious characteristics of man,
he must have realized for him in a jural society, in order to fulfill the ends to which his
nature calls him. Such are the rights of Life, Liberty, Privacy, and good reputation.

Civil Rights are such as being to every citizen of the state or country, or, in a wider
sense, to all its inhabitants, and are not connected with the organization or
administration of the government. They include the rights of property, marriage,
protection by the laws, freedom of contract, trial by jury, etc. Or, as otherwise defined,
civil rights are rights appertaining to in virtue of his citizenship in a state or community.
Rights capable of being enforced or redressed in a civil action. Also a term applied to
certain rights secured to citizens of the United States by the thirteenth and fourteenth
amendments to the Constitution, and by various acts of congress made in pursuant

Political Rights consist in the power to participate, directly or indirectly, in the

establishment or administration of government, such as the right of citizenship, that of
suffrage, the right to hold public office, and the right of petition.

Personal Rights is a term of rather vague import, but generally it may be said to mean
the right of personal security, comprising those of life, limb, body, health, reputation,
and the right of personal liberty.

Contract: A promissory agreement between two or more persons that creates,

modifies, or destroys a legal relation.

An agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not do a particular thing.

A deliberate engagement between competent parties, upon a legal consideration, to do,

or to abstain from doing, some act.
It is agreement creating obligations, in which there must be competent parties, subject
matter, legal consideration, mutuality of agreement, and mutuality of obligation, and
agreement must not be so vague or uncertain that terms are not ascertainable.

A contract or agreement is either where a promise is made on one side and assented to
on the other; or where two or more persons enter into engagement with each other by a
promise on either side.

The writing which contains the agreement of parties, with the terms and conditions, and
which serves as a proof of the obligation.

Consensual and Real Contracts: Consensual Contracts are such as are founded
upon and completed by the mere agreement of the contracting parties, without any
external formality or symbolic act to fix the obligation.

Real Contracts are those in which it is necessary that there should be something more
than mere consent, such as loan of money, deposit or pledge, which, from their nature,
require a delivery of the thing.

COERCION: Compulsion; constraint; compelling by force or arms.

It may be actual, direct, or positive, as where physical force is used to compel act against
one’s will, or implied, legal or constructive, as where one borty is constrained by
subjugation to other to do what his free will would refuse.

DURESS: Unlawful constraint exercised upon a man whereby he is forced to do some

act that he otherwise would not have done. It may be either “duress of imprisonment”,
where the person is deprived of his liberty in order to force him to compliance, or by
violence, beating, or other actual injury, or duress per minas, consisting in threats of
imprisonment or great physical injury or death, duress may also include the same
injuries, threats, or restraints exercised upon the man’s wife, child, or parent.

VITIATE, To impair; to make void or voidable; to cause to fail of force and effect; to
destroy or annul, either entirely or in part, the legal efficacy and binding force of an act
or instrument; as when it is said that fraud vitiates a contract.
DEMAND: v. In practice, To claim as one’s due; to require; to ask relief. To summon;
to call in court. “Although solemnly demanded, comes not, but makes default,”

DEMAND: n. A peremptory claim to thing of right, differing from claim, in that it

presupposes that there is no defense of doubt upon question of right.

The assertion of a legal right; a legal obligation asserted in the courts; a word of art of an
extent greater in its signification than any other word except “claim.”

Legal Demand: A demand properly made, as to form, time, and place, by which a person
lawfully authorized.

CLAIM: n. A broad comprehensive word.

CLAIM: v. To demand as one’s own; to assert. To state; to urge; to insist.

BOND: A certificate or evidence of a debt.

Motions and Petitions are Parliamentary Procedure

The Judge said that if I put in Motions he will take them, because he has no Commercial
Liability with a Motion, because a motion is Parliamentary Procedure, not Law.

This is what the Judge told Donna, then smiled, knowing full well the crime he was
engaged in.

A Petition will cause the Judge to have Commercial Liability, but the Supreme Court
Ruling was made that Judges do not have to respond to Petitions.

What the hell is the purpose of putting in a Petition, if the Judge does not have to
respond? So make Demands instead and hold them accountable with a Distress against
their Judicial Bond.

It is up to the Judge to “order” the attorney to answer all Affidavits, but the Judge will
not do so unless Demanded to do so by the Private party.
We must learn to operate as a “Flesh and Blood human being acting in our own
proper person”.

If we are tricked into acting “Pro Se”, this means we are “Representing” our Private
person as an “attorney” therefore we have to obey all of their Court Rules and

By acting as a “Flesh and Blood human being acting in our own proper
person”, we have removed our-self from having to obey their rules and regulations in
their system.

As a Private person we have the Right to Demand the Judge (our Trustee and Servant)
to “Order” the attorney to answer our Affidavits and provide Discovery of Facts
essential to our case, which we must have to be Fully Informed so that we can properly
defend our-self.

The Judge has the power to order all parties to answer Affidavits.

But, if we do not Demand the Judge to “Order” the prosecuting attorney to answer our
Affidavits of Truth, we will not get any Remedy from the Judge.

If we fall for the deception and enter “Motions” for discovery etc, the Judge can just
ignore “Motions” and throw them into the wastebasket, because “Motions” are just
Parliamentary Procedure, which means they carry absolutely no “Commercial
Liability” with them for the Judge if he decides to ignore them.

This is part of why the Judge will set up for Pretrial Motions between the Defendants
and the Prosecuting Attorneys, so that the Judge doesn’t have any Commercial Liability.

This way when the Prosecuting Attorneys refuse to answer our “Motions” for discovery
and essential facts about the “Probable Cause” pertaining to the required supporting
Affidavits for a lawful Arrest, the Judge doesn’t do anything to correct the problem.

We must Demand the Judge to “ORDER” the Prosecuting Attorney to produce

Affidavits sworn to be true, correct, and complete of Findings of Facts and Conclusions
of Laws showing specific “Just Cause” point-for-point of the “Probable Cause” to
support the arrest warrant and/or Indictment Information against us.

This Demand now causes the Judge to have Commercial Liability, which means we can
go after his Judicial Bond for failure to do his job.

The Distress Right is our 1st Basis to hold the Judge accountable.

Because the Judge failed to Honor his Oath and do his job, his judgment must be
declared Null and Void.

1st ID the Authority and the Insurance and/or the Bonding.

Judge has failed to provide ID, thus he must strike his Orders and

After we buy our cash bond for our Distress Process against the Judge’s
Judicial Bond, we become the Judge (Executive officer) and we can issue

This gives us the right to be the Judge on the Street

Legislative part –Affidavit of Distress Right

Adjudicative part –Distress Instrument

Executive part –Statement that the distress will not be released until all
conditions are Satisfied by the Judge whose Bond has been put under
“Distress”, Impoundment.

Randall David Due aka Randy Due, Public Minister; Ex. Military (Civil Rights
Advocate) acting as a Non-union Lawyer (not a member of the bar association) pursuant
to 42 USC § 1986 (acting with Reasonable Diligence) & 18 USC § 4 (Mandate to act), 18
USC §§ 241 & 242 (Protection of the Nation, its Constitution and Civil Rights)
Public Minister pursuant to and protected by Public Law 94-583, Oct. 21, 1976 Stat.
2891 [Codified in Title 28 U.S.C § 1602 et esq.]; and Public Law 1790, 1 Stat. At L. 117,
Ch 9 [Codified in 22 U.S.C. § 252]; Public Law 1948, Ch 645, 62 Stat. 688 [Codified in
Title 18 U.S.C § 112] and Public Law 1871, Ch 22, § 6, 17 Stat. 15; [Codified in 42 U.S.C. §

179 Green St. E.

Pelham, Georgia 31779

Phone: (229) 294-6112 [email protected]

Fax: (229) 294-4594

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