Script Analysis Worksheet

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NAME:_John Smith__________

Script Analysis Worksheet


a). Title and Playwright:
b). Year 1st produced/written:
First produced June 2, 2008 (off-broadway)
c). Time (in which play is set):
Not long ago, (early 2000s, late 1990s)
d). Location/s (where playwright has it set):
Outlying suburbs
e). Exposition/Preliminary Situation: (What has happened before the play begins)
Greg and Kent were talking about Steph, Carly overheard and told Steph
that Greg called her “average looking”
2). PLOT (20%)
a). Inciting incident (an event is struck upon the protagonist(s) where their life changes from the
norm to adapt to the story's plot):
Steph confronts Greg in a huge argument that leads to the end of their
b). Rising Action (list major events in plot that lead to climax):
c). Climax (Highest or most intense moment of the plot):
Greg and Kent tussle in the locker room over Kents misogyny, and Gregs
inability to keep his relationship intact
e). Falling Action (List of major events in plot that lead from Climax to Conclusion):
Greg and Steph decide that they weren’t meant to be when they see each
other at a restaurant.
f). Conclusion (Final outcome of plot of every major character):
Greg’s last monologue sums everything up, everyone is pretty much
satisfied with the outcome. Carly has her baby, Steph moves on, etc.

3). CHARACTERS (20%)

a). Protagonist (List name/s and brief description that might be relevant to Costume and Set design
as well as their relationship to other characters):
Greg, a kind young man, who happens to be a little nerdy. He loves Steph
and is friends with Kent.
b). Antagonist (List name/s and brief description that might be relevant to Costume and Set design
as well as their relationship to other characters):
Kent, young, taller than Greg, he treats women like objects and has no clue
what decency is.
c). Supporting (List name/s and brief description that might be relevant to Costume and Set design
as well as their relationship to other characters):
Steph, Gregs girlfriend (ex). She gets offended easily, she cares a lot about
what she looks like, and looks pretty “normal”
d). Minor (List name/s and any affiliations they have to above characters)
Carly, she is Kents girlfriend, and is pregnant throughout the show,
progressively getting bigger as the story goes on.

4). THEME (Stated in 1 to 2 sentences): (10%)

NAME:_John Smith__________
Looks aren’t everything, what matters is how you treat the people you love,
and that you’re kind to them. Show them that you love them for who they are, not what you think they
should be.
5). OPINION (State in one paragraph your personal and honest feelings about the play. Please include
at least one negative and one positive): (10%)
I think that the play has a great theme, but it’s not one that I would choose to stage or
audition for, I don’t think that it’s a riveting piece of theatre. I think that it is rather simplistic, and it


a). Are there any special design demands (Costumes, Sets or Lights) in the play? If so, what are they?
Yes, there are a few costume demands, uniforms as mentioned in the play,
baseball outfits as mentioned, a pregnancy belly, and a coat to cover whatever Steph is wearing at the end
of the play.
b). Does they play employ realistic or non-realistic conventions?
No the play is mostly realistic,
c). What type of play is it (Comedy, Tragedy, Farce etc…)?
I would classify it as a Comedic Drama
d). Are there any historical period considerations of this play? If it is set in a period does it have to be?
It’s a modern play, but it does make some reference to the 90s/00s. So, I
think that should definitely be considered, but it doesn’t nessisarily matter if everything is accurate because
it is so close to our present time.


a). Times of day (List dates and times of the play as you see them):
The play takes place during the day and once during the night, but it
doesn’t explicitly say a time of year, nor are there outside scenes so I don’t think that weather will have a
large impact on the design.
b). Costume Research (List costume research that you will need to do for 2-3 main characters):
Well, I will need to know about baseball outfits so I can outfit the boys in
time period attire for those scenes, I will need to get a security guard uniform that will fit over a pregnancy
belly, and I will need to know how a pregnancy belly effects the actors movement and what they can wear.
c). Scenery research (List scenery research that you will need to do for 1-2 locations.):
I need to do research on the restaurant and the Warehouse they work in.
d). Sound and light Cues (List any sound or light cues that are necessary or listed in the script):
The buzzer will be a really important sound cue, so I will have to choose
one that jolts the audience
e). Props List (List at least 5 props):
- Cell phone
-Ashtray, destroyable
-lunches, consumable

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