Personal Lifelong Learning Plan
Personal Lifelong Learning Plan
Personal Lifelong Learning Plan
Name & School: RAMIL F. ADUBAL/ HINAPLANAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Specialization/Subjects Handled: TLE/ English 7 & AP 9
Ask assistance from a All year round Technical support / Availability of the Make a timetable
colleague who is tutorial person involve
knowledgeable in the field
ECOLITERACY Good Environmental Attend seminars, Semestral break Personal funds Time constraint Ask permission from
awareness symposiums, gatherings, and School funds the authorities to
the like that advocate attend seminars,
environmental protection and symposiums, and
preservation conferences
Financial constraint Take the opportunity
of attending seminars,
conferences and the
like sponsored by any
agencies for free
Participate activities that All year round Availability of time Time constraint Ask permission form
promote environmental authorities
Help in the implementation of All year round Implementing rules Lack of support Ask help/ assistance
solid waste management and from the persons from stakeholders
clean and green program in involved
school and in the community
Integrate in class discussions All year round References/ flyers/ Non-availability of Make use of available
environmental protection and instructional materials technology
preservation, issues on materials
climate change and climate
change adaptation
CYBERLITERACY Good Use of ICT in the Attend seminars and Semestral break Personal funds Time constraint Effective time
(COMPUTER classroom trainings with regards to School funds management/ priority
AND electronic management first
ICT KNOWLEDGE) systems and communications Financial constraint Take the opportunity
of attending
seminars and trainings
Make use of the computers All year round Computers Technical know Ask assistance from
and other technologies which how the experts (ICT in-
are available in the school charge)
Keep membership in All year round Laptop/ computers/ Time constraint Prioritization (find time
professional internet connection to keep updated
groups/organizations that online)
advocates cyber literacy
Integrate ICT in the learning All year round Laptop/ computers/ Technical know Ask assistance from
process internet connection how the experts
Poor internet Ask assistance from
connectivity school authorities and
other stakeholders for
a possible strong
internet access
FINANCIAL Developing Handling Take or attend financial Semestral break Personal funds Time constraint Ask permission form
LITERACY personal literacy courses School funds authorities
finances Financial constraint Take the opportunity
of attending
seminars and trainings
Read magazines and online All year round Magazines/ laptop/ Non-availability of Make use of available
publications about financial internet connection materials technology
management Poor internet Find time to visit
access internet cafes and
other places in which
internet connection is
MEDIA LITERACY Good Social skills and Make use of the different All year round Laptop/ internet Poor internet Ask assistance from
values media in accessing, connection connection school authorities and
analyzing, evaluating and other stakeholders for
producing information and a possible strong
communication, as well internet access
Find time to visit
internet cafes and
other places in which
internet connection is
Participate in any activities Semestral break Personal funds Time constraint Ask permission from
that promote media literacy School funds authorities
Lack of funds Take the opportunity
of attending
seminars and trainings
Ask technical assistance from All year round Technical Availability of the Make a timetable
an expert to mentor on media expertise person involve
SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL Good Social and Attend seminars/ Semestral break Personal funds Time constraint Ask permission form
LITERACY interpersonal / conferences and School funds the authorities
Stress symposiums relative to Lack of funds Take the opportunity
management social/emotional of attending
competencies sponsored/free
seminars and trainings
Read scholarly articles on All year round Laptop Poor internet Find time to visit
stress management access internet cafes and
other places in which
internet connection is
Integrate social/emotional All year round Instructional Willingness and Make the process
learnings in the classroom materials active participation interactive
of the participants
Taken during the signing of PLLP by the School Principal -
Mr. Jose L. Ambonglay
Taken during the signing of PLLP by the School Principal -
Mr. Jose L. Ambonglay