DepED Order No

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DepED Order No. 31, s.



I. Rationale

1. The continuing threat of COVID-19 in the

country and the world brings about
unprecedented challenges to basic education.
As schools prepare for SY 2020– 2021,
teachers and parents must adapt to alternative
learning modalities to ensure that learners
achieve essential curricular goals. This will
require creative and innovative ways of
designing optimal learning experiences and
assessing learning progress effectively under
adverse circumstances.
2. As stated in DepEd Order (DO) No. 8, s. 2015,
the Policy Guidelines in Classroom Assessment for
the K to 12 Basic Education Program, assessment
should be used to inform and improve classroom
practices and promote learning outcomes.

However, in distance or blended learning

environments, it is necessary to utilize alternative
tools and strategies for assessing and supporting
learning, while avoiding creating undue pressure
on the teachers, learners and their families.
II. Scope
3. This DepEd Order provides for the
Interim Policy Guidelines for Assessment
and Grading in light of the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan (BE- LCP) that
will be implemented by public elementary
and secondary schools nationwide this SY
4. Private schools, technical and vocational
institutions, and higher education institutions
including state and local universities and
colleges offering the K to 12 Basic Education
Program are encouraged to implement these
interim policy guidelines as well.
Private schools and institutions are permitted
to modify these policy guidelines according to
their Philosophy, Vision, and Mission, with
the approval of their respective DepEd
Regional Office.
III. Definition of Terms
A. Classroom Assessment is an ongoing process of
identifying, gathering, organizing, and interpreting
quantitative and qualitative information about what
learners know and can do.

B. Formative Assessment is a process that involves

teachers using evidence about what learners know
and can do to inform and improve their teaching. This
process, through the teacher’s immediate feedback,
enables students to take responsibility for their own
learning and identify areas where they do well and
where they need help.
Summative Assessment is an assessment that
is usually administered toward the end of a
learning period to measure the extent to which
the learners have mastered the essential
learning competencies, the results of which
are recorded and are used to report the
learner’s achievement
c. Grading is the way of reporting assessment
data by assigning a value to the results as a
record of students' ability, achievement, or
progress (Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, 2020).
IV. Policy Statement
6. The DepEd is committed to ensure
educational continuity in this time of crisis
while looking after the health, safety, and
well-being of all its learners, teachers, and
personnel. Schools must adopt assessment
and grading practices that can most
meaningfully support student development
and respond to varied contexts at this time.
7. This policy is grounded on the following

◦ Assessment should be holistic and authentic in capturing

the attainment of most essential learning competencies;
◦ Assessment is integral for understanding student learning
and development;
◦ A variety of assessment strategies is necessary, with
formative assessment taking priority to inform teaching
and promote growth and mastery;
◦ Assessment and feedback should be a shared responsibility
among teachers, learners, and their families; and
◦ Assessment and grading should have a positive impact on
8. Teachers, school leaders, learners, and parents
must commit to uphold the integrity of learning
and instruction in the context of distance
education. The main desired outcomes of this
policy are:

◦ To ensure that all learners are fairly assessed and

graded in the continuation of education during
this health crisis; and
◦ To emphasize that learning standards shall be
attained, with the provision of reasonable
leniency and considerations for possible
difficulties met by the learner.
V. Procedures
9. Distance learning poses challenges for
teachers and learners in the conduct of
assessment, including limitations on giving
immediate feedback, and the need to account
for different contexts in designing,
implementing, and grading assessment tasks.
10. To address these challenges,
learners, teachers, and parents/guardians
each have significant roles and

a. Teachers.
b. Learners.
c. Parents and guardians.
A. Planning the Assessment
11. Teachers need to be creative and
flexible in assessing student learning,
while still adhering to the principles of
quality assessment practice. With safety,
health, and well-being foremost in mind,
assessment decisions must be made in
the best interest of all learners, ensuring
that all assessment activities:
16. To evaluate student learning at particular
points in each quarter, summative assessments
shall continue in the form of written works and
performance tasks.

a. Written works shall be administered to assess

essential knowledge and understandings
through quizzes and long/unit tests.
b. Performance tasks refer to assessment tasks
that “allow learners to show what they know
and are able to do in diverse ways.
B. Conducting Assessment Remotely

19. Communicating the assessment task.

20. Record of progress.

C. Feedback and Remediation

21. To benefit student learning, both

formative and summative assessment must
be accompanied with timely, constructive,
and meaningful feedback based on the
learner’s record of progress.
D. Grading and Promotion
23. The challenges brought to light by the
coronavirus pandemic, specifically the
implementation of different distance
learning delivery modalities, have sparked a
larger conversation about the role grades
play in student learning, prompting
education sectors to rethink traditional
grading schemes.
24. Written works and performance
tasks shall be administered to assess
the content and performance standards
that describe the knowledge, abilities
and skills that learners are expected to
demonstrate. These tasks could be
designed to include the following:
a. Student's Learning Portfolio
-that documents all the evidence of learning within
the grading period including self-reflections, self-
evaluations of performance tasks guided by rubrics,
and self-selected best outputs in learning modules.

b. Minimum of four (4) written works and four (4)

performance tasks within the quarter, preferably one
in two weeks integrating two or more competencies.

c. All competencies should be covered by the

performance tasks
Table 1:
Weight Distribution of the
Summative Assessment
Components per Learning Area
for Grade 1 to Grade 10
Table 2:
Weight Distribution of the
Summative Assessment
Components for Senior High
Table 3:
Sample Computation of Written
Works and Performance Tasks in
Languages/AP/EsP for Grade 1 to
Grade 10 and SHS Core Subjects
Table 4:
Sample Computation of Written Works
and Performance Tasks in
Math/Science for Grade 1 to Grade 10
Table 5:
Sample Computation of Written
Works and Performance Tasks in
MAPEH/EPP/TLE for Grade 1 to
Grade 10

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