EF3e Elem Endtest B

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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test
Listening and Speaking B

1 Underline the correct form.

Example: My brother’s dentist / a dentist.
1 This was an exciting football match / a football match exciting.
Este fue un emocionante partido de fútbol

2 She’s hoping study / to study journalism at university.

Ella espera estudiar periodismo en la Universidad.

3 My father works / work in an office.

Mi padre trabaja en una oficina.

4 The weather’s bad. Please drive carefully / careful.

El clima es malo. Por favor maneje con cuidado.

5 We have always / always have lunch at a café.

Nosotros siempre almorzamos en la cafetería.

6 He doesn’t have some / any money.

El no tiene nada de dinero.

7 Can we meet in / on Friday morning?

Podemos encontrarnos el viernes por la mañana.

8 I don’t like getting up / get up late.

No me gusta levantarme temprano.

9 It’s a beautiful day. We go / Let’s go to the beach.

Es un hermoso dia. Vamos a la playa.

10 I have a lot / a lot of uncles and aunts.

Tenga muchos tios y tias.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: Reggie wasn’t (be) at work on Thursday.
1 I __didn’t_ask_____ (not ask) for a latte – I asked for an espresso.
2 Vincent ___wrote_____ (write) me an email four days ago.
3 We ____’re going to start____ (start) dance lessons next month.
4 I _____bought___ (buy) a new book last weekend.
5 Who ___were_____ (be) the three greatest artists of the twentieth century?
6 He has an exam on Thursday so he ____is studying____ (study) now.
7 I ____haven’t been____ (not be) to Spain. Is it nice?
8 They ___have_____ (have) a house near the sea. It’s beautiful.
9 __Have______ you ever ___broken_____ (break) your arm?
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test
Listening and Speaking B
10 ___Is_____ Joshua ____ going to work ____ (work) in his parents’ shop next summer?
11 ‘How often __ do___ you __travel__ (travel) by train?’ ‘Every day.’
12 Where __was___ (be) he last Wednesday afternoon?
13 Karen ___doesn’t like_____ (not like) going to the theatre.
14 My brother __isn’t listening ______ (listen) to his new CD at the moment.

3 Complete the sentences.

Example: I can sing, but I can’t play the piano.
1 The museum is closed ___on_____ Sundays.
2 ___Does_____ Toby have a girlfriend?
3 They are__the__ noisiest neighbours in the street.
4 ‘How did your laptop break?’ ‘_It______ fell on the floor.’
5 ‘Would you like to fly a plane?’ ‘No, I __ wouldn’t __.’
6 I spoke to him on the phone 20 minutes ___ ago_____.
7 There isn’t __ any ____ butter on the table.
8 I’m taller ___than____ my father.
9 Are your sunglasses new?
10 ‘What’s the time?’ ‘It’s half __past______ five.’
11 ‘What’s that?’ ‘It’s ___an_____ identity card.’
12 They ___didn’t_____ like the film – they left after 20 minutes.
13 I hardly ___ever_____ watch TV in the evening.
14 __There______ aren’t many houses in the village.
15 We ___ aren’t _____ Spanish – we’re Brazilian.
16 ‘How much tea do you drink?’ ‘Quite a ___lot_____.’
Grammar total 40


4 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: Do you want to call a taxi?
1 Sergio’s a cook_______. He works in an Italian restaurant.
2 A chemist’s________ is a place where you can buy medicine.
3 She often travels__ by train.
4 The opposite of tall is short_______.
5 He didn’t turn________ off his phone and it rang in the film!
6 I don’t read books but I like reading magazines___ and newspapers.
7 Can I see your identity card, please?
8 Your daughter’s daughter is your granddaughter.
9 I need to cut some paper. Do you have any scissors?
10 I drive ________ a Honda.
11 I usually make__ dinner at 8.00.
12 She walks ________ to school every day.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test
Listening and Speaking B
13 If you break your leg you have to go to hospital________.
14 I always wake________ up early.

5 What is the next word?

Example: ten, eleven, twelve
1 summer, autumn, __ winter______
2 eight hundred, nine hundred, __ one thousand ______
3 third, fourth, __ fifth______
4 July, August, ___ September _____
5 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
6 twenty, thirty, ___ forty _____

6 Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: You can buy food at a ________.
A bank  B market  C post office 
1 I need some ________ for this letter.
A keys  B stamps  C coins 
2 He works with sick animals. He’s a ________.
A vet  B politician  C lawyer 
3 We eat in the ________.
A bathroom  B bedroom  C dining room 
4 My sister works in an office. She’s a ________.
A builder  B musician  C receptionist 
5 I don’t see Nick very much but we often ________ at weekends.
A skype  B download  C search 
6 My mother’s brother is my ________.
A uncle  B nephew  C grandfather 
7 Can I pay by credit ________, please?
A ticket  B card  C money 
8 I got your email but I couldn’t open the ________.
A wifi  B attachment  C Internet 
9 My father’s a ________. He flies all over the world.
A builder  B pilot  C nurse 
10 My brother’s daughter is my ________.
A niece  B sister  C granddaughter 

7 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: The cinema is between the station and the supermarket.
1 I read two books__ when I was on holiday last summer.
2 I need to clean my bike. It’s very dirty________.
3 I usually have a sandwich______ for lunch. I love bread.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test
Listening and Speaking B
4 I want to write something – can I borrow your pen____, please?
5 I read the newspaper__ every day.
6 I gave my father a wallet________ – he often loses his money.
7 I thinks it’s going to rain. Let’s take an umbrella________.
8 The cinema’s usually full but last night it was quite empty_.
9 She’s listening to the news on the radio___.
10 I was late for work because the bus________ was late.
Vocabulary total 40

1 Read the text and tick ( ) A, B, or C.

The best place in the world to live

Vancouver is the third biggest city in Canada. It’s in the south west of the country and it has
a population of 2.6 million. A recent study showed that it’s the best city in the world to live.
The study looked at areas like weather, transport, education, healthcare, and safety. This
study happens every year and Vancouver is usually number one.

We asked Vancouver resident Jacob Meyers if he agrees.

I’ve lived in Vancouver all my life. I work for an engineering company and I’ve travelled on
business to many Canadian cities. Two years ago another company offered me a very good
job in Montreal but I didn’t take it because I never want to leave my city. Let me tell you why

Vancouver is situated between the mountains and the Pacific Ocean. That means the
summers aren’t too hot and the winters aren’t too cold. It also rains a lot, in summer and
winter. Some people don’t like that but I do because our gardens and parks are always green
and fresh. Every day I cycle or walk for an hour in a park and in Vancouver you’re never
more than a few minutes from one.

I don’t feel frightened when I walk in Vancouver’s streets at night. Of course, Vancouver has
a high population and there’s crime in every big city, but compared to the USA, for example,
it’s quite safe.

But my favourite thing about Vancouver is its incredible mix of nationalities. I’ve got friends
here from all over the world. And there’s an enormous variety of foreign food in the
restaurants and markets. I’ve eaten wonderful dishes from China, India, Italy, Greece, and
Japan and I haven’t been to any of these places.

Example: Vancouver is bigger than all the other Canadian cities.

A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
1 Two million, six hundred thousand people live in Vancouver.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test
Listening and Speaking B
2 Jacob moved to Vancouver when he was a young boy.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
3 He lived in Montreal for two years but didn’t like it.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
4 The temperatures in Vancouver are comfortable.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
5 There are a lot of parks in Vancouver.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
6 Jacob walks to work.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
7 He has a bike.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
8 He says that Vancouver is safer now than before.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
9 Jacob can speak a lot of foreign languages.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
10 You can eat food from many different countries in Vancouver.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 

2 Now read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What does Jacob do?
______He’s an engineer.
2 What are the summers like in Vancouver?
____________They aren’t too hot and it rains a lot.

3 Why does Jacob like the rain in Vancouver?

__Because the gardens and parks are always green and fresh.

4 How often does Jacob go to a park?

___Every day.
5 What does Jacob like best about Vancouver?
___The incredible mix of nationalities.
Reading total 15


Answer the questions. Write 25–35 words for each question.

1 Describe a good friend of yours.

Katty is my best friend, I met her playing volleyball and she was my classmate at school. We
spend little time together because she studies at the university and I work besides that she lives
in Cajamarca and I live in Celendin
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test
Listening and Speaking B
Katty es mi mejor amiga, la conocí jugando voleibol y ella era mi compañera de clase en la
escuela. Pasamos poco tiempo juntas porque ella estudia en la universidad y yo trabajo
además de que ella vive en Cajamarca y yo vivo en Celendín

2 What did you do last weekend?

I traveled to Sucre with my parents and my niece to visit my grandmother. Besides, I met
interesting places, I went to the zoo, I went to the museum. It was a very fun and happy day.

Viajé a sucre con mis padres y mi sobrina para visitar a mi abuelita. Además, Conocí lugares
interesantes, fui al zoológico, fui al museo. Fue un día muy divertido y feliz.

3 What is there for tourists to do in your town or city?

In my city of Celendin you can visit the viewpoint of Christ, go to the zoo of Sucre, go to the
baths of Jerez, to the hot springs of Llanguat that are at the temperature of 44 ° C.

En mi ciudad de Celendin pueden visitar el mirador de Cristo,ir al zoologico de sucre, ir a los

baños de Jerez,a las aguas termales de Llanguat que se encuentran a la temperatura de 44ºC.

Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25

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