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Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of 
Crude Drug, Principles of Plant 
Classification, Families  

Crude drugs are the drugs, which are obtained from natural
sources like plant, insects, animals and minerals. They should
be used as such as they occur in nature without any processing
except, collection, drying and size reduction.
Crude drugs are also defined as drugs that have not been
advanced in value or improved in condition by shredding,
grinding, chipping, crushing, distilling, evaporating, extracting,
artificial mixing with other substances or any other process
beyond that which is essential to its proper packing and to
prevention of decay or deterioration during manufacturing.
Crude drugs and their constituents are commonly used as
therapeutic agents. Source of crude drugs are plant (senna,
opium, digitalis and Clove), Animal (Musk, Honey, Shark liver
Oil) and Mineral (Shilajit, Talc, Bentonite).

Plant  Oldest source of drugs.
 25% of the drugs prescribed worldwide come from
 More than 200 drugs considered as basic and essential
by the World Health Organisation (WHO)

2  Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook 

 Significant number of synthetic drugs obtained from

natural precursors.
 Example: Digoxin from Digitalis species, quinine and
quinidine from Cinchona species, vincristrine and
vinblastine from Catharanthus roseus, atropine from
Atropa belladonna and morphine and codeine from
Papaver somniferum.
Animal  Second largest source of crude drugs.
 Example: Honey from honeybee, beeswax from bees,
cod liver oil from shark, bufalin from toad, animal
pancreas is a source of Insulin, musk oil from musk,
spermaceti wax from sperm whale, woolfat from sheep,
carminic acid from colchineal, venoms from snake
Mineral  Highly purified form of naturally occurring mineral
substances is used in medicine
 Example: Sulphur is a key ingredient in certain
bacteriostatic drugs, shilajit is used as tonic, calamine is
used as anti-itching agent
Marine  Major part of earth is covered with water bodies and hence
bioactive compounds from marine flora and fauna
(microorganisms, algae, fungi, invertebrates, and
vertebrates) have extensive past and present use in the
treatment of many diseases
Marine  Serve as compounds of interest both in their natural
form and as templates for synthetic modification.
Several molecules isolated from various marine
organisms are currently under study.
 Number of anticancer, anti-inflammatory, cardio tonic
chemical moieties are isolated from marine plants and
 Example: Agar-agar, a popular pharmaceutical
excipient, from red algae, Carrageenans or carrageenins
(linear sulfated polysaccharides) from red seaweeds
Plant tissue  It involves in-vitro multiplication of cells, tissues and
culture organs on defined solid or liquid media under aseptic
and controlled environment
 Multiplication of cells, tissues and organs on defined
solid or liquid media under aseptic and controlled
  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug...  3 

 Controlled production of useful desired secondary

 Example: Antihypertensive ajmalicine from callus
culture of Catharanthus roseus, anti-inflammatory
berberine from suspension culture of Thalictrum minus,
antiparkinson L-DOPA from callus culture of
Stizolobium hassjo, immunomodulatory ginsenoside
from callus culture of ginseng etc.

Organised crude drugs Un-organised crude drugs
Parts of plants or animals Obtained from parts of plants
Well defined structure Not well defined structures
Solid in nature Semisolid, solid, liquid in nature
Microscopic studies are useful in Chemical tests are more useful in
quality control quality control
Examples Example
Parts Example Class Example
Leaves Senna, digitalis, Resins Balsam of tolu,
vasaka, eucalyptus myrrh, asafoetida,
Barks Cinchona, kurchi, Gums and Acacia, tragacanth,
cinnamom, quaillia mucilages guar gum
Woods Quassia, sandal Dried Opium
wood latices
Roots Rauwolfia, Dried Aloes, kino
ipecacuanha, aconite juices
Rhizomes Turmeric, ginger, Volatile Cinnamon oil
valerian, oils
Seeds Nux-vomica, Fixed oil Castor oil and lard
Flowers Clove, saffron Waxes Beeswax
Fruits Coriander, Extracts Catechu
colocynth, fennel,
Entire Vinca, belladonna Saccharine Honey
plant substances
4  Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook 

Alphabetical Classified in alphabetical Example: acacia, bael,
classification order using either their chinchona, dill, ergot, fennel,
Greek name or Latin ginger, henbane, ipecac, jalap,
name. kurchi, licorice, myrrh, nux-
Advantage: Easy and vomica, opium, podophyllum,
hence many pharmaco- quassia, rauwolfia, senna, tea,
poeias, formulary, urgenia, vasaka, wool fat,
encyclopedias of various yam, zedoary etc. Major
countries follow this Advantage of this method is
classification. that it provides quick
Disadvantage: This reference.
classification lacks
scientific value and hence
now-a-days it is not
Morpholo- Crude drugs are grouped Part Example
gical into organized drug (parts Leaves Senna,
classification of plant like root, digitalis,
rhizome, flower, leaf, vasaka,
fruit, bark, seed, wood
etc) and unorganized drug
(dried lattices, dried juice, Barks Cinchona,
gum, wax, oil etc). kurchi,
Advantage: It is most cinnamon,
simple classification. quaillia
Disadvantage: Woods Quassia,
Morphologically similar sandal-wood
drugs are difficult to Roots Rauwolfia, aconite
distinguish and it is not Rhizo- Turmeric, ginger,
suitable and acceptable mes podophyllum
for powder form of crude
Seeds Nux-vomica,
Flowers Clove, saffron
Fruits Coriander,
fennel, bael
Entire Vinca, belladonna

  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug...  5 

Resins Balsam of tolu,

Gums Acacia, guar gum
and tragacanth,
Dried Opium
Dried Aloes, kino
Taxonomic Crude drugs are arranged Phylum - Spermatophyta
classification according to taxonomic Division - Angiospermae
order i.e., phylum,
Class - Dicotyledons
division, class, sub-class,
Sub-class - Sympetalae
orders, families, genus
and species. Order - Tubiflorae
Advantage: Precise and Family - Solanaceae
orderly arrangement of Genus - Atropa
drugs Species – belladonna
Disadvantage: Lacks
scientific value and
unorganized crude drugs
are difficult to classify.
Biological or Crude drugs having Pharmacolo
Crude Drugs
pharmacologi similar therapeutic effects gical Action
cal or pharmacological Carminatives Fennel, dill,
classification activity are grouped coriander,
together and clove
Advantage: It provides Purgatives Cascara, aloe,
quick review of senna,
pharmacological actions and rhubarb
of any crude drug Cardio tonics Digitalis,
Disadvantage: Drugs squill,
having more than one strophan-thus
therapeutic effect are Anti- cancer Taxaol, vinca,
difficult to classify. podo phyllum
CNS Nuxvomica
6  Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook 

Expectorant Vasaka,
Bitter tonic Gentian,
Chemical It is purely based on Chemical
chemistry of major active Drugs
classification: class
constituents. Cinchona
Advantage: It is most Alkaloid rauwolfia,
acceptable and datura.
informative classification Clove, fennel
Disadvantage: It is very Volatile oil
oil, coriander
complex. Senna,
Glycoside digitalis,
Jalap, ginger,
tolu balsam
honey, starch,
Castor oil,
Lipid peanut oil,
Proteins Casein,
Enzymes gelatine
Chemo- This classification Example: In case of
taxonomic establishes relation eucalyptus, feather-veined
classification between chemistry and leaves have high Pinene
taxonomy by exact choice content in their essential oil,
of group, sound sampling, while intermediate veined
analysis of chemical leaves contain both pinene
content, interpretation and and cineole.
Advantage: Taxanomic
characters directly links
to chemistry of plants.
Disadvantage: It is also
very complex
  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug...  7 

The red These are one of the oldest groups of eukaryotic algae.
algae, or The Rhodophyta also comprises one of the largest phyla
Rhodophyta of algae, containing over 7,000 currently recognized
species. The red algae form a distinct group
characterized by having eukaryotic cells without flagella
and centrioles, chloroplasts that lack external
endoplasmic reticulum and contain unstacked (stoma)
thylakoids, and use phycobiliproteins as accessory
pigments, which give them their red color. Red algae
store sugars as floridean starch, which is a type of starch
that consists of highly branched amylopectin without
amylose, as food reserves outside their plastids. Most red
algae are also multicellular, macroscopic, marine, and
reproduce sexually.
Diatoms These are a major group of microalgae, and are among
the most common types of phytoplankton. Diatoms are
unicellular, although they can form colonies in the shape
of filaments or ribbons (e.g. Fragilaria), fans (e.g.
Meridion), zigzags (e.g. Tabellaria), or stars (e.g.
Asterionella). A unique feature of diatom cells is that
they are enclosed within a cell wall made of silica
(hydrated silicon dioxide) called a frustule.
Fungi A fungus is any member of the group of eukaryotic
organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts
and molds, as well as the more familiar mushrooms.
These organisms are classified as a kingdom, Fungi,
which is separate from the other eukaryotic life
kingdoms of plants and animals. Fungi do not
photosynthesise. imilar to animals, fungi are
heterotrophs; they acquire their food by absorbing
dissolved molecules, typically by secreting digestive
enzymes into their environment.
Mushroom A mushroom, or toadstool, is the fleshy, spore-bearing
fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above
ground on soil or on its food source. The word
"mushroom" is most often applied to those fungi
(Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) that have a stem
(stipe), a cap (pileus), and gills (lamellae, sing. lamella)
on the underside of the cap. Mushrooms may be edible,
poisonous, or unpalatable.
8  Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook 

Mycotoxins Many fungi produce biologically active compounds,

several of which are toxic to animals or plants and are
therefore called mycotoxins. Of particular relevance to
humans are mycotoxins produced by molds causing food
spoilage, and poisonous mushrooms (see above).
Particularly infamous are the lethal amatoxins in some
Amanita mushrooms, and ergot alkaloids, which have a
long history of causing serious epidemics of ergotism (St
Anthony's Fire) in people consuming rye or related
cereals contaminated with sclerotia of the ergot fungus,
Claviceps purpurea. Other notable mycotoxins include
the aflatoxins, which are insidious liver toxins and highly
carcinogenic metabolites produced by certain
Aspergillus species often growing in or on grains and
nuts consumed by humans, ochratoxins, patulin, and
trichothecenes (e.g., T-2 mycotoxin) and fumonisins,
which have significant impact on human food supplies or
animal livestock.
Yeast Yeasts are eukaryotic, single-celled microorganisms
classified as members of the fungus kingdom. They are
estimated to constitute 1% of all described fungal
species. Yeasts, with their single-celled growth habit,
can be contrasted with molds, which grow hyphae. Yeast
is useful in alcohol generation and as probiotic too.
Penicillium Penicillium is ascomycetous fungi are of major
importance in the natural environment as well as food
and drug production. Some members of the genus
produce penicillin, a molecule that is used as an
antibiotic, which kills or stops the growth of certain
kinds of bacteria. Other species are used in
cheesemaking, mycoremediation and production of a
number of biotechnologically produced enzymes and
other macromolecules.
Gymnosperm The gymnosperms are a group of seed-producing plants
that includes conifers, cycads, Ginkgo, and gnetophytes.
The non-encased condition of their seeds stands in
contrast to the seeds and ovules of flowering plants
(angiosperms), which are enclosed within an ovary.
Gymnosperm seeds develop either on the surface of
scales or leaves, which are often modified to form cones,
or solitary as in Yew, Torreya, Ginkgo. By far the largest
  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug...  9 

group of living gymnosperms are the conifers (pines,

cypresses, and relatives), followed by cycads,
gnetophytes (Gnetum, Ephedra and Welwitschia), and
Ginkgo biloba (a single living species).
Pinaceae The Pinaceae (pine family) are trees or shrubs, including
many of the well-known conifers of commercial
importance such as cedars, firs, hemlocks, larches, pines
and spruces. The family is included in the order Pinales,
formerly known as Coniferales. They are the largest
extant conifer family in species diversity, with between
220 and 250 species (depending on taxonomic opinion)
in 11 genera.
Turpentine Turpentine (also called spirit of turpentine, oil of
turpentine, wood turpentine and colloquially turps) is a
fluid obtained by the distillation of resin obtained from
live trees, mainly pines. It is mainly used as a solvent
and as a source of materials for organic synthesis.
Turpentine is composed of terpenes, mainly the
monoterpenes alpha-pinene and beta-pinene with lesser
amounts of carene, camphene, dipentene, and
terpinolene. As a solvent, turpentine is used for thinning
oil-based paints, for producing varnishes, and as a raw
material for the chemical industry. Turpentine has long
been used as a solvent, mixed with beeswax or with
carnauba wax, to make fine furniture wax for use as a
protective coating over oiled wood finishes.
Commercially used camphor, linalool, alpha-terpineol,
and geraniol are all usually produced from alpha-pinene
and beta-pinene, which are two of the chief chemical
components of turpentine. These pinenes are separated
and purified by distillation. The mixture of diterpenes
and triterpenes that is left as residue after turpentine
distillation is sold as rosin. Turpentine is also added to
many cleaning and sanitary products due to its antiseptic
properties. As an organic solvent, its vapour can irritate
the skin and eyes, damage the lungs and respiratory
system, as well as the central nervous system when
inhaled, and cause damage to the renal system when
ingested, among other things.
10  Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook 

Colophony Colophony, also called Rosin or Greek pitch, is a solid

form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants,
mostly conifers, produced by heating fresh liquid resin to
vaporize the volatile liquid terpene components. It is
semi-transparent and varies in color from yellow to
black. Rosin is the resinous constituent of the oleo-resin
exuded by various species of pine, known in commerce
as crude turpentine. The separation of the oleo-resin into
the essential oil (spirit of turpentine) and common rosin
is accomplished by distillation in large copper stills.
Rosin is an ingredient in printing inks, photocopying and
laser printing paper, varnishes, adhesives (glues), soap,
paper sizing, soda, soldering fluxes, and sealing wax.
Rosin can be used as a glazing agent (E915) in
medicines and chewing gum. In pharmaceuticals, rosin
forms an ingredient in several plasters and ointments.
Glycerol (E445), sorbitol, and mannitol esters of rosin
are used as chewing gum bases and as an emulsifier in
soft drinks for medicinal applications.
Copal Copal is a name given to tree resin, particularly the
aromatic resins from the copal tree Protium copal
(Burseraceae) and Hymenaea verrucosa (Fabaceae). It is
resinous substances in an intermediate stage of
polymerization and hardening between "gummier" resins
and amber. Copal can be easily distinguished from
genuine amber by its lighter citrine colour and its surface
getting tacky with a drop of acetone or chloroform.
Gnetaceae Gnetum is a genus of gymnosperms, the sole genus in
the family Gnetaceae and order Gnetales. They are
tropical evergreen trees, shrubs and lianas. Unlike other
gymnosperms, they possess vessel elements in the
xylem. Many Gnetum species are edible, with the seeds
being roasted, and the foliage used as a leaf vegetable.
Angiosperm The flowering plants, also known as angiosperms,
Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta, are the most diverse
group of land plants, with 416 families, approximately
13,164 known genera and c. 295,383 known species. Like
gymnosperms, angiosperms are seed-producing plants.
However, they are distinguished from gymnosperms by
characteristics including flowers, endosperm within the
seeds, and the production of fruits that contain the seeds.
  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug...  11 

Pteridophytes A pteridophyte is a vascular plant (with xylem and

phloem) that reproduces via spores, and therefore was a
member of the former and now invalid taxon
Pteridophyta. The term is now used only informally to
denominate a fern (monilophyte) or lycophyte. Because
pteridophytes produce neither flowers nor seeds, they are
also referred to as "cryptogams". The pteridophytes
include the ferns, horsetails, and the lycophytes
(clubmosses, spikemosses, and quillworts).
Male fern Dryopteris filix-mas, the male fern, is a common fern of
the temperate Northern Hemisphere, native to much of
Europe, Asia, and North America. It is garden plant. The
root was used, until recent times, as an anthelmintic to
expel tapeworms, but has been replaced by less toxic and
more effective drugs. The anthelmintic activity has been
claimed to be due to flavaspidic acid, a phloroglucinol

Calyx = K, Corolla = C, Androecium= A, Gynoecium = G, Male = ♂,
Zygomorphic = %
Acanthaceae Dicot family
Floral formula: X, K 5 , C 2+3 , A 2+2 or 2, G 2
Chemical constituents: It contains almost 250 genera
and about 2500 species. The leaves may contain
cystoliths, calcium carbonate concretions, seen as
streaks on the surface. It contains glycosides,
flavonoids, benzonoids, phenolic compounds,
naphthoquinone and triterpenoids. Acanthaceae
possess wound healing, anti-tussive, antifungal,
cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic,
antioxidant, insecticidal, hepatoprotective,
immunomodulatory, anti-platelet aggregation and
anti-viral potential.
Important Medicinal Plants of the family are as
 Adhatoda vasica: Anti-tussive
 Andrographis paniculata: Bitter tonic,
hepatoprotective, anti-viral
 Blepharis edulis: Wound healing
12  Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook 

Apocynaceae Dicot family

Floral formula: ♂K(5) C(5) A(5) G 2 Or (2)
Chemical constituents:The family is a rich source of
indole and steroidal alkaloids as well as cardioactive
glycosides. The other constituents are cyanogenetic
glycosides, saponins, tannins, coumarins, phenolic acids
and triterpenoids.
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Catharanthus roseus: anticancer
 Holarrhena antidysenterica: bitter and
 Rauwolfia serpentina: management of essential
 Strophanthus kombe: diuretic
 Thevetia nererifolia (yellow oleander):
Compositae Dicot family
Asteraceae or Floral Formula: ♂ K pappus or OC (5)G (2)
Daisy family Chemical constituents: A characteristic feature of
the family is the storage of carbohydrate in the form
of inulin; sesquiterpene lactones; polyacetylenic
compounds and essential oils; alkaloids of pyridine,
quinoline, diterpenoid and pyrrolizidine group in
small amounts; diterpene glycoside. It includes plants
having antitumour or antibacterial activity. Some
members are also commercial sources of rubber latex.
Important medicinal plants of the Family
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Artemisia annua: Antimalarial
 Calendula officinalis: Topical use for skin
 Arnica montana: Externally in hair preparations
and for bruises
 Stevia rebaudiana: Stevioside; sweetener for soft
Convol- Dicot family
vulaceae Floral Formula: ♂K (5) C(5) A (5) G(2)
Chemical constituents: It includes indole,
isoquinoline, pyrrolidine and tropane and pyrro-
  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug...  13 

lizidine alkaloids. Purgative resins, phenolic acids

and triterpenoid saponins are also reported in some
species. Important medicinal plants of the Family
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Ipomoea hederacea: Purgative
 Cuscata reflexa: As hypotensive and have
bradycardiac effects
 Ipomoea purga: Strong purgative
 Argyreia speciosa: Roots in rheumatic
afflications and leaves in skin diseases and
Leguminoceae Dicot family
(legume, pea, Floral Formula: ♂K(5)C(5) A(9) + 1G1
or bean family) It is divided into three sub families:
Many fabaceae host bacteria in their roots within
structures called root nodules. These bacteria, known
as rhizobia, called nitrogen fixation.
Important medicinal plants of the Familyare as
Papilionaceae (Fabaceae)
Psoralea corylifolia: Various skin infections
Mucuna pruriens: Parkin-sonism
Astragalus gummifer: Demulcent, suspending and
emulsifying agent
Trigonella foengraceum: Source of steroids
Glycyrrhiza glabra: Expectorant
Tolu balsam: Cough mixtures and antiseptic
Peru balsam: Antiseptic and expectorant
Cassia acutifolia: Laxative
Cassia angustifolia: Laxative
Caesalpinia sappan: Red dye
Cassia tora: Laxative
Cassia occidentalis: Laxative
Cassia fistula: Laxative
Acacia senegal: Gums
Acacia catechu: Astringent, tanning and dyeing
Acacia farnesiana: Perfumery
Albizzia lebbek: Timber tree
14  Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook 

Labiatae Dicot family

Lamiaceae or Floral Formula: ♂K(5)C(5)A4G(2)
Mint family Chemical constituents: Volatile oils; menthol and
thymol; other constituents include: Diterpenoids and
triterpenoids, saponins, polyphenols, tannins, iridoids
and their glycosides and coumarins. Pyridine and
pyrrolidine alkaloids are also present.
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Ocmium sanctum: Antipyretic, respiratory
 Mentha piperita: Source of menthol; Flavouring,
 Thymus vulgaris: Antispasmodic
 Rosemarinus officinalis: Carminative and
Lavendula angustifolia: Carminative and spasmolytic
Rubiaceae Dicot family
Floral Formula: ♂K(4-5)C(4-) A (4-5)G(2)
Chemical constituents: A large diversity in
constituents; alkaloids indole, oxindole, quinoline and
purine type are common; catechins; anthraquinones,
di and triterpenoids; irridoid glycosides.
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Cinchona ledregiana: Antimalarial, bitter tonic
 Cephaelis ipecacuanha: Rxpectorant and emetic
 Uncaria gambier: Astringent, tanning and
dyeing industry
 Coffea arabica: Stimulant
 Morinda citrifolia: Traditional drug, Anthra-
Rutaceae Dicot family
Floral Formula: ♂K4-5C4-5A8, 10 G (4, 5)
Chemical constituents: Essential oil, Vitamin-C and
citric acid are the common constituent of this family.
Essential oil is found in lysigenous secretory cavities
in the parenchyma and pericarp. Furano and
pyranocoumarins are the typical constituents of this
family. Imidazole, acridone and benzyltetra hydro
isoquinoline type of alkaloids have been also
  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug...  15 

Important medicinal plants of the family are as

 Citrus aurantium: As food, flavouring agent
 Citrus limonia: Vitamin C
 Aegle marmelos: Immunomodulatory activity
 Ruta graveolens: Formerly used as
emmenagogue and spasmolytic
 Pilocarpus jaborandi: Pilocarpine, used in
glaucoma treatment
Scrophula- Dicot family
riaceae Floral Formula: ♂K(5)C(5)A4or 2G(2)
Figwort family Chemical constituents: Cardiac glycosides, bitter
irridoid glycosides, other constituents include:
steroidal and triteroenoid saponins, cyanogenetic
glycosides and anthraquinones.
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
Digitalis purpurea : Cardioactive
Digitalis lanata : Cardioactive
Picrorhiza kurroa : Liver ailments
Baccopa monnieri : Brain and nerve tonic
Solanaccae Dicot family
Floral Formula: ♂K(5)C(5)A(5)G(2)
Chemical constituents: Tropane and steroidal type
of alkaloids.
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Atropa belladonna: Pain relief, inflammatory
conditions, anti-emetic
 Datura stramonium: Spasmodic affections of the
respiratory organs
 Hyoscyamus niger: Spasmolytic and an-
ticholinergic properties; atropine is used in
 Withania somniferum: Antioxidant, immune-
 Solanum nigrum: Source of steroids,
 Capsicum annum: Counter irritant
 Nicotiana tabacum: Source of nicotine;
16  Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook 

Umbelliferae Dicot family

Presently called Floral Formula: %♂K5C5A5G(2)
as Apiaceae Chemical constituents: Rich source of essential oils;
some species accumulate alkaloids and
furanocoumarins, coumarins, terpenes and
sesquiterpenes and triterpenoid saponins.
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
Carum carvi: Carminative and spice
Coriandrum sativum: Carminative and spice
Cuminum cyminum: Carminative and spice
Anethum graveolens: Carminative and spice
Foeniculum vulgare: Mild carminative and an
excellent eye wash
Liliaceae Monocot family
(Lily family) Floral Formula: P3+3A3+3G(3)
Chemical constituents: sulphur containing
compounds, anthraquinone and saponin glycosides,
rarely alkaloids
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Aloe (Aloe vera): Anthraquionone glycosides
 Colchicum (Colchicum autumnale): alkaloids
 Safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum):
 Shatavari (Aspargus recemosus): Saponins
Gramineae or Monocot family
Poaceae (Grass Floral Formula: P2+4 a4 or 6 G2( 3)
family) Chemical constituents:Polysachharides, sugar
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum)
 Corn (Zea mays): Edible
Papaveraceae Dicot family
(Poppy family) Floral Formula: Ca 2Co2+2A∞G(2-25)
Woody shrubs or small tropical trees.
Chemical constituents: Latex, alkaloids
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Chelidonium majus : alkaloid chelidonine
 Papaver somniferum L.(opium): narcotic
  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug...  17 

Cruciferae or Dicot family

Brassicaceae Floral Formula: Ca2+2Co4A2+4G(2) or (4) 
(Mustard Herbs/shrubs
family) Chemical constituents: Glucosinolates
Important medicinal plants of the family are as
 Brassica oleracea : edible
 Brassica nigra: seed oil is useful in cosmetics
 Sysimbrium officinale: leaves and stem used in
curing scurvy.
 Lepidium sativum: seeds are used for treating
liver disorders.

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