05b5ad75b92540 - Ch-1 - Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry - SL Deore PDF
05b5ad75b92540 - Ch-1 - Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry - SL Deore PDF
05b5ad75b92540 - Ch-1 - Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry - SL Deore PDF
Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of
Crude Drug, Principles of Plant
Classification, Families
Crude drugs are the drugs, which are obtained from natural
sources like plant, insects, animals and minerals. They should
be used as such as they occur in nature without any processing
except, collection, drying and size reduction.
Crude drugs are also defined as drugs that have not been
advanced in value or improved in condition by shredding,
grinding, chipping, crushing, distilling, evaporating, extracting,
artificial mixing with other substances or any other process
beyond that which is essential to its proper packing and to
prevention of decay or deterioration during manufacturing.
Crude drugs and their constituents are commonly used as
therapeutic agents. Source of crude drugs are plant (senna,
opium, digitalis and Clove), Animal (Musk, Honey, Shark liver
Oil) and Mineral (Shilajit, Talc, Bentonite).
Plant Oldest source of drugs.
25% of the drugs prescribed worldwide come from
More than 200 drugs considered as basic and essential
by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
2 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook
Organised crude drugs Un-organised crude drugs
Parts of plants or animals Obtained from parts of plants
Well defined structure Not well defined structures
Solid in nature Semisolid, solid, liquid in nature
Microscopic studies are useful in Chemical tests are more useful in
quality control quality control
Examples Example
Parts Example Class Example
Leaves Senna, digitalis, Resins Balsam of tolu,
vasaka, eucalyptus myrrh, asafoetida,
Barks Cinchona, kurchi, Gums and Acacia, tragacanth,
cinnamom, quaillia mucilages guar gum
Woods Quassia, sandal Dried Opium
wood latices
Roots Rauwolfia, Dried Aloes, kino
ipecacuanha, aconite juices
Rhizomes Turmeric, ginger, Volatile Cinnamon oil
valerian, oils
Seeds Nux-vomica, Fixed oil Castor oil and lard
Flowers Clove, saffron Waxes Beeswax
Fruits Coriander, Extracts Catechu
colocynth, fennel,
Entire Vinca, belladonna Saccharine Honey
plant substances
4 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook
Alphabetical Classified in alphabetical Example: acacia, bael,
classification order using either their chinchona, dill, ergot, fennel,
Greek name or Latin ginger, henbane, ipecac, jalap,
name. kurchi, licorice, myrrh, nux-
Advantage: Easy and vomica, opium, podophyllum,
hence many pharmaco- quassia, rauwolfia, senna, tea,
poeias, formulary, urgenia, vasaka, wool fat,
encyclopedias of various yam, zedoary etc. Major
countries follow this Advantage of this method is
classification. that it provides quick
Disadvantage: This reference.
classification lacks
scientific value and hence
now-a-days it is not
Morpholo- Crude drugs are grouped Part Example
gical into organized drug (parts Leaves Senna,
classification of plant like root, digitalis,
rhizome, flower, leaf, vasaka,
fruit, bark, seed, wood
etc) and unorganized drug
(dried lattices, dried juice, Barks Cinchona,
gum, wax, oil etc). kurchi,
Advantage: It is most cinnamon,
simple classification. quaillia
Disadvantage: Woods Quassia,
Morphologically similar sandal-wood
drugs are difficult to Roots Rauwolfia, aconite
distinguish and it is not Rhizo- Turmeric, ginger,
suitable and acceptable mes podophyllum
for powder form of crude
Seeds Nux-vomica,
Flowers Clove, saffron
Fruits Coriander,
fennel, bael
Entire Vinca, belladonna
Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug... 5
Expectorant Vasaka,
Bitter tonic Gentian,
Chemical It is purely based on Chemical
chemistry of major active Drugs
classification: class
constituents. Cinchona
Advantage: It is most Alkaloid rauwolfia,
acceptable and datura.
informative classification Clove, fennel
Disadvantage: It is very Volatile oil
oil, coriander
complex. Senna,
Glycoside digitalis,
Jalap, ginger,
tolu balsam
honey, starch,
Castor oil,
Lipid peanut oil,
Proteins Casein,
Enzymes gelatine
Chemo- This classification Example: In case of
taxonomic establishes relation eucalyptus, feather-veined
classification between chemistry and leaves have high Pinene
taxonomy by exact choice content in their essential oil,
of group, sound sampling, while intermediate veined
analysis of chemical leaves contain both pinene
content, interpretation and and cineole.
Advantage: Taxanomic
characters directly links
to chemistry of plants.
Disadvantage: It is also
very complex
Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug... 7
The red These are one of the oldest groups of eukaryotic algae.
algae, or The Rhodophyta also comprises one of the largest phyla
Rhodophyta of algae, containing over 7,000 currently recognized
species. The red algae form a distinct group
characterized by having eukaryotic cells without flagella
and centrioles, chloroplasts that lack external
endoplasmic reticulum and contain unstacked (stoma)
thylakoids, and use phycobiliproteins as accessory
pigments, which give them their red color. Red algae
store sugars as floridean starch, which is a type of starch
that consists of highly branched amylopectin without
amylose, as food reserves outside their plastids. Most red
algae are also multicellular, macroscopic, marine, and
reproduce sexually.
Diatoms These are a major group of microalgae, and are among
the most common types of phytoplankton. Diatoms are
unicellular, although they can form colonies in the shape
of filaments or ribbons (e.g. Fragilaria), fans (e.g.
Meridion), zigzags (e.g. Tabellaria), or stars (e.g.
Asterionella). A unique feature of diatom cells is that
they are enclosed within a cell wall made of silica
(hydrated silicon dioxide) called a frustule.
Fungi A fungus is any member of the group of eukaryotic
organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts
and molds, as well as the more familiar mushrooms.
These organisms are classified as a kingdom, Fungi,
which is separate from the other eukaryotic life
kingdoms of plants and animals. Fungi do not
photosynthesise. imilar to animals, fungi are
heterotrophs; they acquire their food by absorbing
dissolved molecules, typically by secreting digestive
enzymes into their environment.
Mushroom A mushroom, or toadstool, is the fleshy, spore-bearing
fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above
ground on soil or on its food source. The word
"mushroom" is most often applied to those fungi
(Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) that have a stem
(stipe), a cap (pileus), and gills (lamellae, sing. lamella)
on the underside of the cap. Mushrooms may be edible,
poisonous, or unpalatable.
8 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook
Calyx = K, Corolla = C, Androecium= A, Gynoecium = G, Male = ♂,
Zygomorphic = %
Acanthaceae Dicot family
Floral formula: X, K 5 , C 2+3 , A 2+2 or 2, G 2
Chemical constituents: It contains almost 250 genera
and about 2500 species. The leaves may contain
cystoliths, calcium carbonate concretions, seen as
streaks on the surface. It contains glycosides,
flavonoids, benzonoids, phenolic compounds,
naphthoquinone and triterpenoids. Acanthaceae
possess wound healing, anti-tussive, antifungal,
cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic,
antioxidant, insecticidal, hepatoprotective,
immunomodulatory, anti-platelet aggregation and
anti-viral potential.
Important Medicinal Plants of the family are as
Adhatoda vasica: Anti-tussive
Andrographis paniculata: Bitter tonic,
hepatoprotective, anti-viral
Blepharis edulis: Wound healing
12 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Companion Handbook