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Thermo 2 Problem Set #1

Engr. Vince dela Cruz

Solve the following Thermo 2 excercises
1. Complete this table for H2O:
T , °C P , kPa h , kJ/kg x, % Phase description
200 70
140 1800
950 0
80 500
800 3162.2
2. A 1.8-m3 rigid tank contains steam at 220°C. One third of the volume is in the liquid phase and the rest is
in the vapor form. Determine (a) the pressure of the steam, (b) the quality of the saturated mixture, and
(c) the density of the mixture.
3. A piston–cylinder device contains 0.85 kg of refrigerant 134a at -10°C. The piston that is free to move has
a mass of 12 kg and a diameter of 25 cm. The local atmospheric pressure is 88 kPa. Now, heat is
transferred to refrigerant-134a until the temperature is 15°C. Determine (a) the final pressure, (b) the
change in the volume of the cylinder, and (c) the change in the enthalpy of the refrigerant-134a.
4. The atmospheric pressure at a location is usually specified at standard conditions, but it changes with the
weather conditions. As the weather forecasters frequently state, the atmospheric pressure drops during
stormy weather and it rises during clear and sunny days. If the pressure difference between the two
extreme conditions is given to be 0.3 in of mercury, determine how much the boiling temperatures of
water will vary as the weather changes from one extreme to the other, in C°.
5. A person cooks a meal in a 30-cm-diameter pot that is covered with a well-fitting lid and lets the food cool
to the room temperature of 20°C. The total mass of the food and the pot is 8 kg. Now the person tries to
open the pan by lifting the lid up. Assuming no air has leaked into the pan during cooling, determine if the
lid will open or the pan will move up together with the lid. How much force in Newton it can carry?

Assumptions (1) The local atmospheric pressure is 1 atm = 101.325 kPa. (2) The weight of the lid is small
and thus its effect on the boiling pressure and temperature is negligible. (3) No air has leaked into the pan
during cooling.

6. Water is boiled at sea level (1 atm pressure) in a pan placed on top of a 3-kW electric burner that transfers
60% of the heat generated to the water. The rate of evaporation of water is to be determined, in kg/hr.
7. Water is boiled at 1 atm pressure in a 25-cm-internal diameter stainless steel pan on an electric range. If it
is observed that the water level in the pan drops by 10 cm in 45 min, determine the rate of heat transfer
to the pan, in kW.
8. The average atmospheric pressure in Baguio City (elevation = 1472 m) is 85 kPa. Determine the
temperature at which water in an uncovered pan boils in Baguio, in °C.
9. Complete this table for refrigerant-134a:
T , °C P , kPa v, m /kg Phase description
-8 320
30 0.015
180 Saturated vapor
80 600

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